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death_n adam_n moses_n reign_v 4,387 5 9.3174 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B08023 A notable discourse of the happinesse of this our age, and of the ingratitude of men to God for his benefites: written in Latine by that godly learned man Iohn Riuius, and now Englished for the comfort, and commoditie of the vnlearned, by W.W. student..; De seculi nostri felicitate, et hominum erga Dei beneficia ingratitudine, liber. English Rivius, Johann, 1500-1553. 1578 (1578) STC 21064.5; ESTC S94909 108,359 160

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to minde these other superstitions almost innumerable we should now the more easily measure after a sort in our minde the magnitude greatnesse of Gods benefite especially if wee did remember that as yet there are euerie where verie many countries which are ouerwhelmed in most thicke darknesse of errours ignorance not differing at all from those nations which in times past were wholy giuen ouer to the worshipping of idols as well nigh all those people be at this day which with so great clamours outcries call for that state of religiō againe which they vaunt to haue profited so long the Christian common weale who desire that the ceremonies of their fathers may be worshipped which woulde haue the Emperour bring this to passe that looke what religion they receiued when they were children the same being old men they should leaue to their posteritie to be briefe who had rather embrace obserue the institutions traditions of their Elders old customes mens prescriptes than the rites of the Apostles than the veritie of the Gospell than the cōmandements of God amongst whom the Lombardicall historie is of more authoritie than the sacred scripture the Decretals than the Gospels the Bishop of Rome than the sonne of God Christ Iesus Therfore how greatly are we bound to God for instauring the doctrine of the Gospell in this our age What thanks ought we to giue render vnto him How greatly ought we to take heede bew are that we doe not by chaunce any thing vnwittingly which might offend the authour of this benefite What great care ought we to haue alwayes to labour trauell about those things which are gratefull and acceptable to God who loueth vs so entirely But how thankfull to God the common people are for this benefite alas it appeareth too plainly euidently at this day For the greater part of those men who would be accounted Christians without enuie be it spoken is giuen to gluttonie to surfeting to all kind of wickednes the maior part I say liueth nicely delicately riotously the greater number is carried headlong into all kind of pleasure intemperancie they loue they drinke apace they runne a whore hunting they snatch catch they filch steale they sweare forsweare they cogge and lie they defraude and deceiue in summe whatsoeuer ought not to be done that they doe Now amongst the Noble men vices preuaile beare too great a sway and to be briefe these especially Otia vina Venus venatus balnea lusus that is Idlenes wine Venus way with hūting bathes diceplay In Kinges courtes dronkennesse ruleth and reigneth and now to liue there is naught else but to vie drinking there In Noble mens gorgious buildings and goodlie houses nothing else almost by their leaues is done but daily diceplaying iollie tossing of beere potts daunsing to the sound of the Citterne or Lute I doe omitte let passe how that some of these Noble mē haue turned those possessions whiche by the liberalitie of their auncestours were left to the Church into their owne vse and suffer the miserable Pastours of the Church to dy almost for hunger so farre are they off from helping and releeuing them as much as in them lieth This verely is our gratitude and thankfulnesse towardes that singular and notable benefite of God which he bestowed vpon vs in taking away from among vs superstitions and in instauring holie and sacred doctrine No man truely can either declare in woorde or shadowe out in thought how excellent and how great this benefite of God is For now at the length we haue learned whiche is the holie Catholike Apostolicall orthodox and true Christian Church and what that communion of Saints is whereunto they must ioyne them selues in faith in will in opinion in prayer and in confession whosoeuer will be members of the people of God and of that mysticall bodie whereof Christ is the head in what parte of the world soeuer they liue in Nowe we haue learned that thing whiche almost no man heeretofore knew namely that all mē are saued by Christ alone no man by his owne merites that all men obteine saluation and eternall felicitie through the Mediatour the sonne of God not for the dignitie of their woorkes by whiche meanes verely both the Patriarches and also the Prophetes the people of Israel and finally all the godlie which haue bene from the creation of the world vnto this day haue bene saued For Christ as he that should come to bee the deliuerer of mankinde was promised from the beginning Wherevppon in the Reuelation there is that mention of the Lambe whiche was slaine from the originall of the worlde Therefore the Gospell or Euangell that is to say that forgiuenesse of sinnes reuealed and promised from heauen by the free goodnesse of GOD for the deliuerer to come hath bene alwayes euen from the verie beginning of mankinde though not yet in name and in woord yet in deed and in truth For this redeemer Christ is that seede of the woman promised vnto Adam which shoulde breake the serpentes heade that is which shoulde destroy the woorkes of the Diuell to witte sinne and death Hee is the seede of Abraham in which seede all the nations of the earth shoulde bee blessed Hee is that Prophete promised by Moses Hee is the sonne of Dauid who shoulde reigne ouer the house of Iacob foreuer This is hee whiche was shadowed by the Leuiticall sacrifices and foretolde by the oracles of the Prophetes Therefore wee haue all the godlie which haue bene euen from the beginning of the worlde ioyned with vs in the profession of the same faith For looke in whome the Patriarches the Prophetes and the people of Israel placed all their confidence in the Messias promised to them in the very same Christ nowe exhibited vnto vs both Apostles Martyres Confessours and finally wee all put our hope of saluation And this is the true Churche whiche wee haue learned out of this doctrine renewed this is that communion of Saintes which being as I saide before euen from the beginning of the worlde after the promise concerning the deliuerer to come was first propagated and continued in the Patriarches and Prophetes afterwardes in the Apostles Martyrs so on continueth perseuereth vnto this day by diuerse degrees orders of Christians professing the same faith perfourming shewing obedience to the Ministers of the Church The sonne of God our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ doeth by his woord and Gospell gouerne and by his holy Spirit helpe and assist this Church and this communion of Saintes O thrice happie and foure times blessed are they whiche ioyne them selues vnto the societie of this Church whiche hath the sonne of GOD for her President the Angels for her protectours the holy Ghost for her sanctifier finally all the godlie and electe of all ages as many as