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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11949 A catechisme briefly opening the misterie of our redemption by Christ hauing the proues of euery point so annexed, and ioined vnder euery answer, that the ruder sort of people may be much furthered thereby, if they would vse a little diligence and endeuor to commit it to memory, or be much conuersant in reading thereof, or if they cannot read in hearing it read by others, vnto knowledge, and godlinesse. Settle, Thomas. 1587 (1587) STC 22267; ESTC S114769 38,264 95

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was free from any such purpose But as they in studie and care I do not doubt to further religion and godlinesse did take libertie vnto themselues in forme as they be extant to frame and set foorth theirs so haue I done They haue written some largely some briefly and some haue kept a meane betweene long and short and I haue laboured if not to bee the briefest yet to come as neere it as I might They some haue quoted for confirmation in their margent some haue omitted quotations and some haue prooues set forth at large by directions alphabeticall as euery one of them thought best so haue they proceeded I haue made proofe of euerie answere immediately vpon the answere and almost made the wordes of the text the answere hoping thereby the more to allure the reader and hearer God make me partaker of my hope and my godlie brethren of theirs And thou good Reader remember in the bowels of Christ I beseech thee that the more paines I my brethren bestow for thine instruction by preaching writing the more and greeuous shal be thy condemnation if thou profit not by it which thing would be our griefe Consider what I say the Lord giue thee vnderstanding Thine in Christ Th. Settle ¶ A CATECHISME briefly vnfoulding the mysterie of our redemption by Christ with other necessary points of Diuinitie thereunto annexed Question WHO made you and to what end were you made Answere God for his glory as saith the Prophet Esay chapiter 43. I created him for my glorie Esay 43. ℣ se 7.21 formed him and made him Quest What is God Ans Euen as proclaiming his owne name in Exodus 34. be describeth himselfe Exod. 34. ℣ s 5.6 saying The Lord the Lord strong mercifull and gratious slowe to anger and abundant in goodnes and truth reseruing mercie for thousands forgiuing iniquitie transgression and sinne and not making the wicked innocent In the fourth of the gospell after Iohn he is said to be a spirit Iohn 4.24 Exod. 6.3 Iehoua what it doth signifie In Exodus the sixt he calleth his owne name Iehouah which is as much to say as one that hath his béeing of himselfe which name importeth his euerlastingnes Qu. What can you say further concerning God An. Verily that he is thrée distinct persons that is Father Sonne and holie ghost and yet in substance one God onelie As Iohn the Apostle euidently teacheth in the fift chap. of his first Epistle saying 1. Iohn 5. v. 7. For there are three which beare record in heauen the Father the worde and the holy Ghost and these three are one Qu. How doe you proue that the holy Ghost is God An. In 28. of Mathew Math. 8.19 Christ cōmandeth to baptize in the name of the holie Ghost Now this is certaine the baptisme is to be ministred in no name 1. Cor. 1. vers 14.15 but in the name of God But it béeing cōmanded to bee ministred in the name of the holy ghost doth manifestly proue that the holy Ghost is God In the 5. of the Actes Peter saith vnto Ananias Act. 5. vers 3.4.5 Why hath Sathan filled thine hart that thou shouldest lye to the Holy Ghost c. How is it thou hast conceiued this thing in thine hart Thou hast not lyed vnto men but vnto God This place also proueth in plaine words that the Holie ghost is God Qu. You said euen now that God made you and you shewed to what end shew now in what state he made you An. According to his owne image that is to say in righteousnes and true holines as Paule expoundeth it in the 4. to the Ephesians Ephes 4.24 calling it béeing repaired in Gods electe by the spirite in other words the new man Qu. Doe you continue in that state of righteousnes and true holinesse wherein you were at the first by God created An. No verily For Paule witnesseth in the 3. to the Romaines Rom. 3.25 that all haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God And in the second to the Ephesians the same Apostle saith Ephes 2 3. that they as wel as others were by nature the childrē of wrath And as Dauid in the 51. psalme confesseth so may all others ●sal 51 5. that they were conceiued and borne in sinne Qu. You said euen nowe that you were made after the Image of God righteous and holy and nowe yee confesse that ye were borne a sinner how can this be Ans Adam the first man was created after the Image of God righteous holie and so I and al other in him our first parent were created righteous and holie But when he by his sinne in eating the forbidden fruite made himselfe vnrighteous and vnholy then I and all the world béeing then in his loines for who saith Iob in the 14. chapiter of his booke can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse were made vnrighteous and vnholy Iob. 14.4 And to proue that man was made righteous at the beginning the Preacher saith in the 7. of his booke Onely loe this haue I found Eccles 7.27 that God hath made man righteous But they haue sought many inuentions Qu. Do you then affirme that the sinne which Adam committed is also your sin An. Yea verily for so affirmeth holie Scripture in the 5. to the Romaines By one mans disobedience many that is all became sinners Rom. 5.19 And againe in the same chapiter By the offence of one the fault came on all men Rom. 5.18 Yea a little before in the same chapter the apostle saith that Death raigned from Adam to Moses euen ouer them also that sinned not Rom. 5.14 after the like manner of the transgression of Adam he meaneth euen the very babes and young sucking children to bee by Adams sinne subiecte vnto death and damnation Qu. Doe you thinke that if your sinne in Adam in eating the forbidden fruite were not laid vnto your charge that you should bee righteous and holie and free from sinne An. No verily for the scripture crieth out euerie where to the contrarie Our nature was so poisoned thorow Adams sinne that we can do nothing but sinne As it is written in Genesis the sixt The Lorde sawe that the wickednesse of man was great in the earth Genes 6.5 and all the imaginations of the thoughts of his heart were onely euill continually And Paule confesseth saying in the 7. to the Romaines Rom. 7.12 I knowe that in mee that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with mee but I find no meanes to performe that is good And againe in the 8. to the Romaines it is saide Rom. 8.3 that The Lawe is weake thorowe the flesh that is to say that the flesh by reason of the corruption thereof No free will in man since Adams fal or abilitie to do good and weaknesse is not of abilitie to performe the Lawe
which Law was ingrauen in Adams hart Finally we may all that are descended of Adams race cry out as it is in the 130. psalme Psal 130.3 If thou O Lorde straitlye markest iniquities O Lorde who shall stand Qu. What then is the state and condition of you and all other through your sinne in Adam and your owne daily sins by reason of your corruption of nature drawne from Adam An. Most woofull truly miserable is mine and the state of all men else in themselues because of sin for it is written in the 5. to the Romaines Rom. 5.18 By the offence of one the fault came on all men to condemnatiō And againe in the 2. to the Romaines Tribulation anguish shal be vpon the soule of euery man that doth euill Rom. 2.9 Qu. Set forth yet more fully the punishment of sinne and the state of condemnation Qu. In the 30. chapter of Esai it is said Tophet which by a borowed speach is Hell is prepared of old Esai 30.33 it is euen prepared for the king he hath made it deepe and large the burning thereof is fire and much wood the breath of the Lord like a riuer of brimstone dooth kindle it In the 66. of the same Prophet Esai 66.24 it is also said And they that is the godly shall go forth and looke vpō the carcasses of the men that haue transgressed against me for their worme shall not die neyther shall their fire be quenched and they shal be an abhorring to all flesh In the 8. of Mathew it is saide Math 8 12. The children of the kingdome that is the Iewes shal be cast out into vtter darkenesse where shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth In the 21. of the Reuelation it is written that The fearefull vnbeleeuing Reuel 21 8. and abhominable shal haue their portion in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death In consideration of which extreme punishment the wicked at the comming of Christ shal say as it is in the 6. of the Reuelation to the mountains to the rockes Fall vpon vs Reuel 6 ℣ se 16 17. hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lambe for the great day of his wrath is come and who canne stand Qu. O most wofull depth of miserie and cruell calamitie because of sinne but is there no meane to auoyde this woe Ans One onely meanes to escape is prouided by God Acts 4 12. Qu. Shew what it is Ans God straightway after Adams fall raised him and all other his elect vp againe vnto hope by the promise of a sauiour to vanquish the power of Sathan to set the enthralled frée as appeareth in Genesis 3. where it is denoūced against Sathan Gen 3 15. that The seede of the woman should bruse his head Qu. Did any deserte of Adam mooue God hereunto An. None at all It was onely Gods loue pitie and compassion that procured this saluation As it is written in the 3 of Iohns gospel Iohn 3 16. God so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne that euery one that beleeueth in him might not perishe but haue eternall life And againe in Romans 5. Rom 5. ver 8 But God setteth out his loue towards vs seeing that while we were yet sinners yea and a little after Enemies Christ dyed for vs. Qu. What natures were in Christ An. Two The nature of man and the nature of God in one person As it is proued by these words in Romanes 9. Rom. 9 4. 1 Iohn 5 20. Of whome that is of the Isralites concerning the flesh Christ came who is God ouer all blessed for euer Qu. Why was it needfull that our Redeemer should be man An. That God might satisfie his Iustice in punishing man as he threatned if his commandement should be broken when he gaue it first to Adam for that which man had offended Which thing the Apostle séemeth to say in Hebrews 2. where he saith Heb 2 verse 14 15 16 17 Forasmuch as the children were partakers of flesh and bloud he also him selfe tooke part with them that he might destroy through death him that had the power of death that is the diuell and that he might deliuer all them which for feare of death were all their l●fe time subiect vnto bondage And Peter sayth in the third chapiter of his first Epistle 1. Pet. 3 18. Christ hath once suffered for sinnes the iust for the vniust to bring vs to good Qu. Why was it necessary that our redeemer should be God An. To the intent that the infirmitie of his manhood might be sustained by his Godhead that so he might ouercome death the sorrows of death And therefore it is saide in Romans ● that He was declared mightily to be the sonne of God Rom 1 4. touching the spirit of sanctification by his resurrection from the dead And againe the same Apostle saith in 2. 1 Cor 13 4. Corinthians chapiter 13. For although hee was crucified according to his infirmitie that is his Manhoode yet doth he lyue by the power of God If hee had béene but onely man he could not haue ouercome death and therefore Peter in the third chapiter of his first epistle ascribeth the quickning of Christ that is the raising of his body frō death to the spirit 1. Pet. 3.18 that is to the diuine power Q. Was Christ himselfe who was borne of a sinfull woman free from the contagion and infection of sinne You alleadged out of Iob the 14. chapiter That none could bryng that is pure out of filthynesse An. If Christ had not béene frée from the infection of sin be had béene vnméete to haue ransomed and deliuered other there from And therefore it is saide in the 7. to the Hebrewes that Such an high Priest it becomes vs to haue Heb. 7.26 as is holy harmlesse vndefiled seperate from sinners made higher then the heauens And in the fift of the 2. to the Corinthians Paule saith He was made sinne for vs which knew no sinne 2. Cor 5 21. And therefore to the intent he might bée frée from sinne he was conceiued in the wombe of the virgine Luke 1 35. as appeareth in the first of Luke by the holy ghost Q. Doe you thinke that the bodilye death which Christ did suffer was sufficient to deliuer all mankinde from the punishment due both to their bodies and soules A. Notwithstanding that the Scripture oftentimes ascribeth for giuenes of sinnes our redemption to the shedding of his bloud as in the first to the Ephesians By whom we haue redemption through his bloud euen the forgiuenes of sins Ephes 1.7 And in the first chap. of the first epistle of Peter Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as siluer and gold 1. Pet. 1. ℣ se 18 19. frō your vaine