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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68449 A catholike and ecclesiasticall exposition of the holy Gospell after S. Iohn. Gathered out of all the singuler and approued deuines (which the Lorde hath giuen vnto his Church) by Augustine Marlorate. And translated out of Latin into Englishe by Thomas Timme minister. Seene and allovved according to the order appoynted; Novi Testamenti catholica expositio ecclesiastica. English. Selections Marlorat, Augustin, 1506-1562.; Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1575 (1575) STC 17406; ESTC S114256 780,235 632

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of Abraham And this faulte hath béene to common and generall in all Ages to referre to the oryginall of the fleshe the extraordinarye giftes of God and to ascribe vnto nature those remedies which God appointeth to correct the same 34. Iesus answered them Verilye verily I say vnto you that whosoeuer commytteth sinne is the seruaunt of sinne C. Here he vseth an argument of the contraries They boasted themselues to be frée but he proueth them to be the seruauntes of sinne because they being subiecte to the desyres of the fleshe dooe sinne daylye Bv. Ye thinke your selues sayth hée to bee verye frée but in déede ye are seruauntes For this is most certaine that hée is a seruaunt to that thing wherevnto hée is become obedient ye shewe your selues obedient to sinne therefore ye are the seruauntes of sinne and so by consequent the Deuell is your Lorde and Maister for hée ruleth here ouer suche as are subiect to sinne And it is maruaile that men are not conuinced and constrained by their owne experience to laye aside all Pride and to learne to humble them selues Also it is too common a thing at this day that the more a man is ouerwhelmed with sinne the more stoutly he braggeth and boasteth of frée wyll It is not true Captiuitye nor true seruitude if so be a man be borne a seruant of a Handmayde or be taken in the warre or doeth by Lawe sell him selfe into anothers power or if he bée shut into close prison but hée is a Captyue whiche is vnder the power of sinne and the Deuyll R. And such Captiues and seruaunts are all men by theyr owne nature Rom. 5.12 Because by one man sinne entered into the whole worlde and so by synne death came vppon all For by Adam all his posteritie became subiect to sinne to affliction death hell and to the cruell tyrannye of the Diuell And the Lawe and right of Sinne is to kill for the wages of sinne is death the Lawe of death is to condemne the Lawe of afflictions is to bring trouble and misery and the power and aucthoritye of Sathan is to destroye To these powers Adam hath made vs and all our strength subiect by hys obedience And this is so greate captiuitye and seruitude as greater cannot be deuised For whosoeuer is in this seruitude and bondage hée can doe nothing with a frée will hée hath no peace of conscience hée hath no rest howe frée soeuer he bée in bodye Out of this Captiuitye no Captiue coulde euer deliuer another Man captiued to sinne Wherefore Christ the Sonne of GOD descended from Heauen and was made man and by his Crosse Death and Resurrection hath deliuered vs from the Lawe and power of sinne leaste the same shoulde kyll vs from the power of death least the same shoulde condemne vs from the power of afflictions least they shoulde trouble vs and bring vs to miserye and from the power of Sathan least he should destroy vs. And hee hath restored vs to righteousnesse Christ hath made vs free to ioye to lyfe and into the fauour of the most mightye GOD and hath made vs the Sonnes of GOD whiche were before the bondeslaues of Sathan Also this true libertye must not bée drawne to carnall and to humaine desires but to faith and loue which are twoo workes of the holye Ghost setting vs at libertye Wherefore Faith is the Rular and Mistres in Sinnes in afflictions in death and in hell Faith ouercommeth sinne For it teacheth that we are so deliuered from them that they haue no power at all in vs neyther can destroy or condemne vs. Moreouer the reliques of sinne are purged awaye by faith and in stéede of sinnes the righteousnesse of GOD which is Christ is set In so muche that whatsoeuer true fayth commaundeth being dyrected to the worde which is Christ it cannot chose but bee righteousnesse howe muche so euer it séeme outwardlye to bée sinne Faith is the mistres in the libertye of spirituall thinges Nowe as Fayth is the Mistres in the liberiye of spirituall thinges so charitye is the Ladye in the libertye of corporall thinges as of Foode Apparell Moneye and suche kinde of earthlye benefites In these thinges wée must be so frée as charitye wyll suffer For although by the Lawe and libertye of Faith all externall thinges are frée yet notwithstanding the vse of this libertye is left vnto the dispensation of Charity as all meates by the Lawe of Fayth are frée For all thinges are cleane and that which entereth into the mouth of a man doeth not the defile the man notwithstanding charitye dispenseth the vse of this libertye T it i.xv. Mat xv xi i. Cor 8 13. Charity is the mistres of corporal thinges Wherevppon the Apostle Paule sayth If so bee meate offende my brother I wyll neuer eate fleshe Also hée sayth I maye doe all thinges but all thinges are not expedient For wée muste haue respecte vnto charitye So also the whole earth all heauen and the whole Sea and all thinges in them are frée by Faith For the earth is the Lordes and the fulnesse of the same and wée are the Lordes Wherefore the whole earth is frée for vs and oures also but charitye dispenseth the vse of this libertye which wyll not suffer mée to benefite my selfe to the iniurye and hurte of my neighboure For charitye stealeth not deceiueth not playeth not the Tyraunt neyther offendeth our neighbour in worde but if so bée it standeth in néede of any thing that is our neyghbours it séeketh to winne the same by intreatye and for money taking nothing without the good wyll of our neighbour Brieflye by Faith we are called into the most excellent libertye of the Children of GOD and by charitye wée are called into the seruice of our neigboure as the Apostle sayeth Owe nothing to any man but this that yée loue one another C. This therefore is the purpose of Christ Rom. xiij 8 to shewe that all are subiecte to sinne whome he deliuereth not insomuche that they are seruauntes euen from their birth taking the contagion and infection of Sinne of the corrupt nature Wée must also noate the comparison betwéene nature and grace vpon the which Christ here standeth whereby it shall easilye appeare that men are spoyled of libertie except they recouer the same from some other Bv. To this effect partayneth the whoale sixt Chapter almost of the Epistle of Saint Paule to the Romaynes where hée speaketh of this seruitude of sinne C. Moreouer this seruitude is so voluntarye that they which necessarily synne are notwithstanding not constrained to synne M. To synne here noateth and sygnifyeth not the symple acte but the verye purpose indeauoure and meditation of a corrupt minde and the wickednesse of depraued and defiled nature although the worke of syn follow not and is not as yet come into action insomuch that the Reprobates maye be sayde to synne euen as euell trées are sayde to bring foorth euyll
Sathan had a wicked desier to hurt him insomuch that he went about with all his might to destroye hym Bv. and working error and rebellion in our parents Adam and Eue he slue all mankinde The same also within a while after armed Caine to destroye his brother Abell And dayly throughout the whoale world he stirreth vp wicked and vngodly men to murther For he reioyceth in bloud in warres in theft and in the destruction of men and only because hee enuieth the felicitie and happinesse of others But Christ meaneth not here the beginning of the creation as though God had endewed the Deuell with a desier to hurte but he condemneth the wickednesse of Sathans nature whiche he hath taken to him selfe M. Neyther ought it to séeme absurd to any man that the Deuell is sayde to be the autor of death when as notwithstanding the Apostle séemeth to attribute the same to our firste parent saying As by one man sinne entereth into the worlde and by sinne Death c. For these two went together namely the Temptor and the Obayer of Temptacion Sathan was the Temptor and perswador to transgression and sinne by enuie mixing with the same a lye yet notwithstanding hée had fayled of his purpose if so be Adam had not harckned to his perswasion and transgressed Gods commaundement Therefore as touching that enuie of the Deuell the roote of euell temtation and also as touching the lye of perniciouse perswasyon it is truely attributed to the Deuell that hée is the firste author of death againe as touching the assent of Adam and the transgression of Gods commaundement it is rightly by the Apostle ascribed to Adam that he was the author of synne and death to all his posteritie insomuch that there is no disagréement at all here betwene Christ and the Apostle As for example if so bee amonge the enemies besieging a Cittie one of them doe with sertaine false perswasyons perswade and intice one of the principall Cittizens to betraye the Cittie vnto them insomuche that he harkeneth therevnto whereby be boath betrayeth his Countrey and also maketh the Cittie to be sacked and destroyed boath the perswading enemie and also the betraying Cittizen which contemning the false perswasions of the enemie might haue kepte his fayth whiche he did owe vnto his countrey are rightly sayd to be the aucthours of this destruction Euenso the mortalitie of mankinde is aptly referred to the mallice and enuie of the Deuell but yet not without the falt of our parentes And aboade not in the trueth C. These wordes playnly expresse a chaung and alteration to the worse and therefore Sathan is a lyer not from the creation but because he fell from the trueth Therefore in that he is a lyer it is not because he hath bene alwayes by nature an ennemy to the truth but because he fell voluntarily from the same Bv. God made the Deuell good in the beginning for all his workes are good He did set him in the trueth from the which hée coulde neuer haue fallen except he had sometyme stoode in the same Of hym was required by the moste Iust God Fayth or fidilitie thankefulnesse and the acknowledging of God the Creatour who had geuen him strength to perseuer yf he had woulde for he might haue stande yf he had woulde But through his owne falte and wickednesse he aboade not in the trueth that is to say in the puritie in the which he was made For by Infedilitie he fell C. This discription of Sathan is very profitable for vs that euery man maye learne to béeware of his subtill snares 1. Pet. 5.8 and to resist him For he goeth about continually like a roaring Lyon séeking whome he may deuoure and he hath a thousand wayes to deceiue AVG. We haue not red that the Deuell hath at any time vsed any externall armoure to kill a man neyther that hée hath playde the murderer with his hand but he hath vsed lying and pernicious perswasion M. This is the worse and moste Deuelishe kinde of murther when the body is not only killed with the sworde but also when both soule and body with a blasphemouse lye against the worde of God is made subiect not only to Temporal but also to euerlasting death C. So much the more therefore it behooueth the Faithfull to be armed with spirituall armoure to fighte and to be sober and watche M. Therefore the Apostle when he feared this kinde of murther sayde I feare leste by any meanes that as the serpent beguiled Eue through his subteltie 2. Cor. 11.3 euenso your mindes shoulde be corrupted from the singlenesse that is toward Christ For the serpent had the false Apostles Ministers of this murder by whose dilligence he sought to bryng to passe that thing whiche he had begon in the beginning to the destruction of mankind such false Aposteles he hath alwayes had among the Gentiles among the Iewes and amonge the Christians C. Therefore yf Sathan cannot put of this affection there is no cause why we shoulde he troubled as at some newe or straunge thing when we sée diuers errors to spring vp for Sathan sendeth forth his Instrumentes to trouble and to deceiue the worlde And it is noe marueile yf so be Sathan séeke so dilligently to ouerwhelme the light of the trueth for it is the onely lyfe of the soul Therefore he vseth lying as a mortall darte to destroye the soule Because there is no truth in him C. This is a confirmation taken of the effecte For because Sathan hateth the trueth and cannot abide the same but fauoreth altogether of lyes Christe gathereth therevpon that he was taken and quight tourned awaye from the trueth R. Neither is it repugnaunt to this sentence of Christ Iob. 1.10 Math. 4.6 when we reade that Sathan hath sometime spoken the truth as when he sayde Thou haste blessed the worke of his hands and his substance is increased in the Land Also it is writen he shall geue his aungeles charge ouer thee Again Thou art Christ the Sonne of God Luk. 4.41 Act. 16.17 Moreouer These men are the seruauntes of the moste high God whiche shewe vnto vs the waye of saluation These I saye and such like sentences are nothing repugnaunt with these wordes of Christ For it is one thinge sometime to speake the trueth and another thing to haue the truth within one Euenas it is one thing sometime to tell a lye and another thing to bée a continuall lyar The trueth is in them which do not onely sometime speake that whiche is true but do loue the trueth and doe speake those thinges which they speake for the loue which they owe vnto the truth A man shall finde some whiche speake the trueth not for the Loue they beare to the trueth but for the loue either of glory or of gayn or else for the hatred which they beare to some man Of those it cannot bee sayde that the trueth is in them Although therefore Sathan sometime speaketh
them selues and think that they shall escape vnpunished for abusing Christe he addeth heare a horrible threatening that although he rest and suffer yet his only doctrine shall suffice to condem them euen as in an other place he sayde that there shoulde neede no other iudge but Moises in whom they dyd glory Therfore the sence is this Iohn 5.45 I earnestlye desiring your saluation doo not vse my auctorytie in condemninge you but doo wholely séeke to saue that whiche was loste yet thinke not ye that you are therfore escaped the hand of God Bv. For they shall not escape vnpunished and go away without iudgement which contemne and reiecte the sonne of God C. For to speake of the least the onely worde which ye haue despised shall be a sufficient and meete Iudge And receyueth not my wordes C. This latter part is an exposition of that which wente before M. For in these wordes it is declared ●hat it is to obiect the Sonne of God and what they are which reiected him C. For because men haue hypocrisy ingraffed in them by nature there is nothing more easy for them than in words to boste that they are ready to receiue Christe and we sée how common this vaine boasting is euen amonge the most wicked Wherefore we muste remember this definition namelye that Christe is reiected when we imbrace not the pure doctrine of the Gospoll M. euen as to receiue Christe is nothing else but to receyue his worde by a liuely faithe C. The Papistes bragge with openne mouthe of the worde of God but so soone as the same is preached ther is nothing more hatfull vnto them These kisse Christ as Iudas did Therefore let vs learne to include him in his worde and geue vnto him that worshipe of obedience onely which he requireth The worde that I haue spoken C. He could not by a more gloriousse tytle extoll the authority of the Gospell than when he geueth the power of Iudgeing vnto the same For accordinge to these wordes the laste Iudgement shall be nothing else than an approuinge of the doctrine of the Gospell For Christ shall site vpon his tribunall seate but he affirmeth that he will pronounce that sentence out of his worde which he nowe preacheth This threatninge ought to make the wicked much afearde when they cannot escape the Iudgement of his doctrine which they nowe so prowdly contemne Againe hereby commeth a wonderfull consolation to the godly that howsoeuer they are now condemned of the worlde they are notwithstandinge already Iustefied in heauen because whersoeuer the faith of the Gospell hath this feate the tribunall seate of God is errected to saue We bearing our selues bould vpon this aucthoritye there is no cause why wée should care for the Papistes with theire preposterous Iudgementes because our faith reacheth aboue the Angels Bv. Therefore let vs well remember this and let vs take hede that we despise not the Lorde speaking to vs in his Gospell 49 For I haue not spoken of my selfe but the father which sente me he gaue mee commaundement what I should saye and what I shoulde speake C. Leste the externall shewe of man should deminish any thinge of the maiesty of God Christ calleth vs from the fame vnto his Father And for this cause he maketh mention so often times of his Father And verely seing it is greate wickednes to transfer vnto any other any parte of the deuine glory it is necessary that the same worde come from God to which Iudgment is geuen Bv. Christ therefore in these wordes doth very strongly maintaine the whole doctrine of his Gospell and proueth the same not to be humane but deuine vndoubted and authenticall C. Also here hée putteth a difference betwéene him and his Father not according to the deuine person simplye but rather according to the fleshe least the Doctrine being iudged to be of man shoulde haue the lesse waight and auctoritye Moreouer if so be the conciences of men shoulde be subiect vnto humaine lawes this reason of Christ shoulde not serue that his word shall be a Iudge because the same hath not come from man according to the saying of Saincte Iames There is one Lawe geuer which is able to saue and to destroye Moreouer hereby we maye gather what wicked and cruel sacriledge that is that the Pope dare presume to binde mens consciences vnto his immaginations for by this meanes he arrogateth more vnto him selfe then doth the sonne of God who denyeth that he speaketh any thing but according to the commaundement and prescript of hys Father A. The which he doth not only here affirme but very often also for the commendation of his doctrine as in the seuenth and eyghte Chapters goinge before 50 And I knowe that his commaundemente is lyfe euerlastinge whatsoeuer I speake therefore euen as the father badde mee so I speake C. Againe he commendeth the fruicte of his doctrine to the ende al men might the more willingly submit them selues vnto the same M. For hee sayeth not simply And his commaundement is euerlasting life but he sayeth I knowe that hys commaundemente is euerlastinge lyfe This is the testimony of the trueth and of the will of God towardes mankind He knewe what to teache and wherefore he was sent namely to preach the doctrine of eternall lyfe and for this cause was he sent of the Father that hee might be to the faithfull the author of euerlasting life This certainly also beecommeth the Ministers of Christ who ought to teach no other thing then that which they haue receiued in commaundement The which if they doo they also maye saye VVe speake not of our selues but hee which hath sent vs hath giuen vs a commaundement what wee shoulde teache and we know that his commaundement is eternall lyfe An excellent tytle verylye of the doctrine of Christ For the Gospell of Christe is the commaundement of God to euerlasting life that is to saye it is the doctrine or preaching of grace committed by the Father to Christ the sonne of God to eternall lyfe which he promiseth to them that beléeue in him R. For this commaundement the Father hath giuen to the sonne that hee shoulde descende into this worlde and saue all those that beeléeue For so God loued the whrlde that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne that euery one which beléeueth in him should not perishe but haue lyfe euerlasting M. The Lawe also was commaunded to Moyses but it was giuen vppon Mount Sina with feare trembling and leading to death but the Gospell is the commaundement of God giuen to Christ the sonne of God preached in Sion and spreade from thence throughout the whoale worlde being peaceable and swéete and wrighten by the spirite of God in the tables of their heartes which beleeue offering remission of sinnes and euerlasting lyfe to all that beléeue C. It is meete therefore that they féele the vengeaunce of God which are so wickedly bent that they now refuse him to be the Aucthor of lyfe