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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02881 An exposition of the whole eight chapiter to the Romaines, expounded by Ihon Hedlambe, preacher and minister to the congregation at Braughin, and student of Diuinitie in Peterhouse at Cambridge, before Maister Doctour Squire, and the whole ministerie assembled at the laste synode, holden at Ware in Lent laste past 1579. Wherein is perfectly proued our iustification to bee by faithe onely, to the beatyng doune and ouerthrowyng of all erronious and false opinions to the contrarie. Seen and allowed Hedlambe, John. 1579 (1579) STC 13020; ESTC S112579 16,960 48

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perswaded that all the synnes of the faithfull are remitted not because thei doe not deserue death but because by the mercie of God there is no condemnation to them that are in Christe Iesus so that their synnes are blotted out by pardon and shall not bee imputed vnto them neither dooeth this place argue equalitie of synnes as thei dreamed though it make all synnes worthy of condemnation or as thei tearme it Mortall For in deede thei them selues saie that the synnes of Ezechias Dauid the Niniuites Peter and those that were conuerted at Peters sermon were all mortall and yet some of them lesse then others but wee see those synnes not to haue been taken awaie by mans power or pollicie but by the grace of God who called them to repentaunce For Ezechias beyng afraied of the message of death that he receiued praied weepyng but looked into the mercies of God and trusted Dauid confessed his greate sinne in numbryng the people but he saied Lorde take awaie the iniquitie of thy seruaunt He did acknowledge the synne of adulterie and manslaughter at the reprehension of Nathan and caste hym self doune before the Lorde but in sure hope and stedfast faithe The Niniuites troubled with the fearfull threatenynges of destruction put on Sackeclothe sprinkled their heades with ashes and praied hopyng that the lorde would haue mercie and turne his sharpe wrath from them Yea Peter hym self wept bitterly but ceased not to hope And those whiche were striken at the sermon of Peter onely trusted in the goodnesse of God and therefore saied to the Apostles men and brethren what shall we doe Now let vs come to the laste parte of this conclusion whiche is the regeneration of the spirite wherein there are twoo daungerouse opinions to bee taken heede of the one of those sailyng abrode in the sea of all vngodlinesse with the shippe of their owne filthie desiers without safe-conducte of Gods worde promise vnto themselues all maner of licentiousnesse because the mercy of God is freely giuen and his righteousnesse bountifully bestowed vpon his elect The other is of them who mounting aloft with the waxed winges of their owne inuention aboue the comon vse and custome of the life of gods Children chalenge to themselues phantasticall Spirites of sinceritie But as both these are most horrible so they which doe either of them wrest the Scripture are most vngodly and damnable vnlesse they repent For the Apostle in the sixt Chapiter of this Epistle seing the vngodly to chalenge vnto themselues that liberty saieth that it is proper onely to those whiche put one the righteousnesse of Christe and that they are regenerate in spirite and haue a pledge of this regeneration in their baptisme But for other whiche cleaue not to Christe he promiseth the rigour of the Lawe whiche ouerwhelmyng them with his cursse dooeth easely destroye them Now as for those whiche would mount alofte in their fained sinceritie because thei studie all that in them lieth to make God a lyer we are thus to perswade our selues that to walke after the fleshe is not to seeke to putte of all the senses of the fleshe and to flie vp into the middle heauen or altogether to separate our selues from the companie of the wicked for that is impossible for man and therefore S. Paule willyng vs not to haue any companie with euill doers straite waie expoundeth hym self saiyng I meane not that you should not at all companie with them for then you should goe out of the worlde And as I thinke this is the true sense of this Scripture to walke in the Spirite is to be conuersant in beatyng doune fleshely lustes and to giue tokens of our hatered of sinne And therefore not yeldyng to the former opinions to saie thus vnto our consciences I haue often fallen and synned greeuously but the Lorde hath receiued me to grace he hath graffed me into the cōmunion of Christ he hath brought me into the fellowship of the Churche by Baptisme Therefore as long as I go on forward in faithe although synne seeke to deale violently with me yet shall I bee free from all giltinesse and damnation because I beyng in the fleshe walke not after the fleshe yea I abhorre all the lustes and concupiscence of the fleshe To the confirmation of the Grace before concluded might be proued by good reasons as if a man will alledge workes we maie thus reply If Saluation or iustification be by workes then either by perfect workes or vnperfect but not by vnperfect workes for euery vnperfect worke is sinne and therefore if it be by woorkes it must needes be by perfect workes whiche no man is able to worke but only the sonne of God and therefore our workes be accompted vyle and of none effect I might reasō against the blindnes of the enemies of Gods truthe but it needeth not because it is here set doune that only the Spirite of God giueth all thinges setteth free and maketh bonde giueth healthe and scourgeth with sicknesse For by these woordes the lawe of the Spirite of lyfe is vnderstood the bountifulnesse and power of Gods Spirite the power whiche bringes vs to a castyng awaie of the relikes of the olde Adam and putting on of the righteousnesse of the newe man Christe the bountifulnesse whiche as it graunteth pardon and abolisheth the law of sinne in vs setting vs free from the giltinesse of death So it graunteth vnto vs the holinesse of Christe whiche once imputed doeth perfectly and absolutly finish the sanctification begon in vs. This which is heare called the law of the Spirite of life is that Spirite whiche is promised to bee poured on the seede of man because man without the moister of this spirit is as a drie and barren lande Whiche Spirite also is promised to bee powred vpon all fleshe and is called the cleane water whiche shall so reforme and regenerate the electe that thei shal be cleane from all filthinesse this is that spirite whiche was sent vpon the Apostles and Churche of God. Now that this freedome is confirmed to bee doen by the woorkyng of the Spirite and not by woorkes let vs see from what slauerie it hath freed vs truely not as some thinke who because of this freedome saie that we are not bound to kepe the Lawe of God sett doune in the tenne Commaundementes No my brethren that is a perilous doctrine wherefore I praie you beware of it for to be free from the lawe of Synne and Death is not to liue as wee liste or to shake of the Commaundementes together with the Ceremoniall lawe but it is thus to bee taken that we by the grace of Gods Spirit are so confirmed that the Lawe of concupiscence is ouercome by vs that we be deliuered from vnder the yoke of our affections so that wee hauyng rule ouer our owne will doe seeke now nothyng in all our dooynges but to set forthe the glorie of God
fleshe marke also how the Apostle propoundeth and proueth the second For where in the ninth verse he setteth doune the Propositions I toulde you before whiche weare They whiche are in Christe haue the Spirite You are in hym The conclusion is in the twelfth verse the coniunction of the Trinitie is suche that no reasonable man can denie the one to bee so anexed to the other that wheare mercy is shewed in the one there grace aboundeth by the other The assumption he proueth by the effects of our graftinge into Christe by whome although he acknowledgeth all thinges to come Yet in this principally he comforteth them that beside the benefite thei receiue and enioye in this life euen then when their fleshe lieth in the Grounde For so I expounde Corpus for the one parte of the body onely their Spirite shall liue in peace and the Bodie whiche as yet is not purified from corruption shall receiue life by the grace giuen by him in whome they are ingrafted An other proofe of the assumption is in the 11. verse and it is of the effectes and working of the holy Ghoste as if a man would saie truly it is an hard thing to fleshe and bloud to thinke a bodie burned eaten with the foules of the Ayer or consumed with the same to meete againe and to bee ioyned together parte to parte and then the whole to the soule yet if suche an one whosoeuer looke too the power of the Spirite and acknowledge Iesus Christe to haue risen by the same Spirite and then acknowledge him selfe to be a member of Christes bodie he shall easely discerne this and se that the power of the Spirite is not diminished but that it is the same whiche it was from the beginning and too whome euery creature shall giue in accompte and before whome euen the Sea shall bringe all the bodies it hath swallowed the Beastes and foules all that they haue deuoured and eaten and the Sonne shall restore those Bodies it hath consumed But as this power is not denyed to Christe although it be here by wordes giuen to the Father but is made common with them bothe so is this action of the holie Ghost not all togeather to be referred to the last rising whiche shal be doune in the twinkling of an eye but euen to the daiely helpes that this spirite ministereth to vs whereby he prepareth vs to bee fitte members of his Soonne Christe and to bee made meete heires of his kyngdome by the bloud of his sonne Now then the conclusion is in the 12. verse whiche sheweth that wee renounce the fleshe when we suffer Gods Spirite to rule our actions and wholie depende vppon his prouidence and if wee doe so then we are in Christ that is we liue accordyng to his will and walke in his cōmaundementes as it is saied to the Ephesians if wee liue in the Spirite then wee walke in the Spirite And although we see that this conclusion thus gathered doeth shewe a truthe yet the Apostle proueth it by certaine disagreyng argumentes whiche I will touche in a woorde or twoo because the effect of them was sett doune before The first therefore containeth a sharpe threatenyng againste the wicked and a comfort to the godlie this threatenyng he placeth here to bee as a pricke in their bodies to stirre them vp to call for grace and not to put their trust in them selues or to thinke that thei may be saued without the righteousnesse therof for if thei dooe so thei shall surely dye And why truely because thei transgresse the Commaundement and no maruell For if a mortall Prince appoint a Lawe to bee kepte and decree that the breache thereof shal be punished with Death if he apprehende any transgressor he shall dye without mercie And shall a man deale so with his brother and shall not the Lorde deale more seuerely with his owne handie woorke if it rebell and saie why hast thou doen thus and thus to me The cōfort he promiseth to all those whiche giue their indeuour to woorke the will of God and to deny the will of the flesh although thei cannot doe it as thei should The seconde proofe of his conclusion is that thei are the soonnes of God if soonnes Then fellowe heires and alwaie so directed by the Spirite whiche thynges he proueth in the 15. verse by the effectes of the spirite and in the 16. by the testimonies of the same spirite the effectes are the suretie of truste in whiche all the faithfull beleeue and the takyng awaie of feare and waueryng acknowledgyng our selues not to come to mounte Sinai where all thyng were terrible and the people as striken with death fell doune and cried that the Lorde should not speake vnto them where Moises hymself was afraid but we are come to Sion to the heauenly Hierusalem where wee haue the Mediatour of the newe Testamente And where the Spirite of God assuryng vs of his clemencie causeth our spirite to cal vppon hym and to take hym as our heauenly Father whiche we durst not to doe without suche assuraunce and this is that Spirite whose vniuersall actions sustain all Creatures whose particular actions giue all other blessinges whiche are vnto vs seales and pledges of euerlastyng life and heauenly inheritaunce ¶ The seconde part THus I haue spoken of the first parte of of this Chapiter which was a conclusion and as God hath giuen me knowledge and vtterance I haue in sinceritie of the worde shewed the true meanyng and order of the Apostle whiche I meane to doe God willyng in this laste parte whiche is a consolation drawen of sixe argumentes inferryng a godlie and comfortable conclusion of this firste parte of the doctrine of this Epistle The first argumente is drawen of the fellowshippe wee haue with Christe 17. verse we are the sonnes of God as he is and beyng sonnes we are made free partakers of our Fathers treasures and are appointed to haue our inheritaunce with hym with the condition followyng that we walke not accordyng to our owne appetite but prepare our selues to bear his crosse whiche if we doe not then is there no hope for vs. And here wee haue a double comforte that euen in the beginnyng of this Crosse and in the sufferyng of afflictions we haue Christe to be an equall sufferer with vs Secondly that as wee now suffer with him so shall we liue with hym euerlastyngly Neither is this doctrine to be kepte close because that some hereby would affirme the abilitie of workes for we knowe that woorkes doe not sette doune any cause of saluation but the meanes and waies by whiche we are appointed to come thereunto The seconde argumente is a comparatis that is as the learned knowe twoo simple argumentes compared together to the settyng forthe of the one 18. verse He compareth thinges present with thinges to come and setteth doune the vanitie of thynges present in respect of