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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B08180 Christian purposes and resolutions. D. T. (Daniel Tuvill), d. 1660. 1611 (1611) STC 24393.3; ESTC S95608 48,765 294

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that eateth Bread in the Kingdom Reuel 19 9 of God and sitteth at Supper with the holy Lambe XIIII IN this World there is a threefold roade The one is that of Christ frō ill to good from sinne to Grace which beginneth at the Valley of Hinnon reaches to the Mount of Oliues and thorough this haue al the holy Patriarches Prophets and Apostles iournyed from time to time to theyr eternall happinesse The other is that of ADAM from good to ill from life to death and goeth downe from Hierusalem to Ierico Luke 10.30 It is a way that is exceeding dangerous and beset on euery side with Theeues and Murderers that wil rob vs of those vertues wherwith wee are arayed and hauing wounded vs wil go their way leauing vs there alone to languish in our misery The third and last is that of sathan which is round and Circular He compasseth the earth and like a roaring Lyon he walketh about Iob. 1.7 seeking whom hee may deuour 1. Pet. 5.8 To go right forward is no pace for him he must continually bee turning and the reason hereof is this he would not rest himselfe when time did serue in the lord his God who as he is to all Creatures the first efficient of their beeing so is he the last final cause of their working as it were the breathing stop and period of their operations But his motion hath no center therefore must bee alwayes wheeling Frō amongest them all then I wil select the first It is straight and ready and will quickly bring a man to his expected harbour Luke 10.4 Being entred once into it whomsoeuer I meete I will let him passe according to the precept of my blessed Sauiour 1 King 4.29 and not salute him If hee salute mee I will not aunswere him He treads a path directly contrary to mine and I will not seeme by complementing to affect his company XV. THE wicked man is a great Linguist Euery desire in him hath his peculiar speech and euery passion his proper dialect His bosome is the very Babell of al confusion Wisedom may notwithstanding cry till she bee hoarse there is not one that vnderstands her accent The toongs they speake withal are forked but not fiery Actes 2.3 and cannot therfore serue for vnion but diuision They are such as will sooner bring a punnishment vpon the speaker then cause astonishment in the hearer I will leaue them therefore to him that liketh them and not suffer a Thought within my breast Esay 19.18 that speaketh any language but that of Canaan XVI THe Lord is liberall Iames 1.5 and reproacheth no man There is not the least meanest of those benefites which euery moment wee receiue frō him but is farre more then wee could deserue farre more then we durst desire Hee neuer values that which he giues yet giues hee alwayes that which is pure and perfect He will not flatter our hopes with verball Complements Ioh. 16.24 nor torture them with vaine delaies Aske and you shall receiue saith our Sauiour Christ that your ioy may bee fulfilled Luk. 12.19 The world doth otherwise Faire promises but slowe performance in the end Insteade of bread it offereth vs a stone instead of fish it feedes vs with a Serpent we looked for a substance and beholde a shadow My Soule said the rich man in the Gospell thou hast much goods laid vppe for many yeares liue at ease eate drinke take thy pastime when loe that very night it was taken from him and the goods which he had gathered were he knew not whose Iere. 4.23 The earth is desolate and void saith the GOD of Israell by the mouth of his holy Prophet it can afforde no pleasure which is not counterfaite and Adulterate the best things in it are sophisticated The Wine therof is mingled with water Esay 1.22 and the Siluer of it is turned into drosse I will take no thought therfore for my life Psal 55 22. what I shall eate nor for my body what I shall put on but cast my burden on the Lord 1 Tim. 6 19 and hee shall nourish mee I will labour to bee rich in good workes laying vp in store for my self a sure foundation against the time to come that I may obtaine a blessed and euerlasting life still crauing somewhat at the handes of God that hee may still haue occasion to giue XVII BEtter it is saith Salomon to bee of humble mind with the lowly Prou. 19 9. then to deuide the spoyles with the proud Wrath confusion shal follow these but grace and glory shall be giuen vnto those Ephraim shall be preferred before Manasses Ishais little one before the rest of his brethren Adonijah may pretend his eldershippe Gen 48 20 1. Sam. 16 11. 1 King 1.30 but Salomon shall enioy the Kingdome It is Humilitie that maketh vs acceptable to God and Man whereas the contrarie maketh vs hated and abhorred of both While Saul was little in his own sight GOD made him head ouer the tribes of Israell 1. Sam. 15.16.17 Let vs but looke vppon the life of our blessed Sauiour and wee shall see that hee drew more people vnto him in his Eclipsed and obscure estate then hee did in the transcendent of his glory Only three were present at his transfiguration in the Mount Mat. 17.12 but lying in a Manger ther came kings to worshippe him Luke 9.28 and Sheepheardes to adore him Math. 2.2 And when he humbled himselfe so farre as to become obedient vnto death Ioh. 12.32 yea to the death of the Crosse then was his exaltation for then he drew all thinges vnto him Learne therefore of me saith he for I am meek and lowly of heart Mat. 11 29. And indeed where shall we find a more glorious precedent then is the Patron of all glory Phil. 2.67 who beeing in the forme of God did clean annihilate himself took on him the shape of a Seruant The pride of Heauen became the scorn of Earth The son of God the slaue of man He left his fathers court such was the loue hee bare vs to come and cure the Vlcerous Inflamations of our infected Soules Phil. 2.5 Hee did abase himselfe that hee might honor vs and was carelesse of his owne dignity to purchase ours I will labour therfore that the same mind which was in him towardes mee may likewise bee in mee towards others I will not boast my selfe against the Publican nor as one that had tasted of the Leauen Luk. 18.11 of the Pharises thinke better of my selfe then I am or worse of others then they are but desire God that he would deck mee inwardly with lowlinesse of Spirite 1. Pet. 5 5 6 that I may be exalted of him in due time XVIII OVR Sauiour is not of that outward appearance that worldly Princes are his traine is small himself not chargable He