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A06966 Newes out of heauen both pleasaunt [and] ioyfull, lately set forth to the great co[n]solacion [and] co[m]forte of all christen me[n]. By Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1541 (1541) STC 1739; ESTC S109665 42,752 126

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this seed of a woman which shal trede downe the head of this serpent y ● is to say destroy his power delyuer you out of captiuite set you agayne at lyberte reconcyle you to God y ● father purchase remission of youre synnes obtayne the holy Ghost for you make you fellow heyres w t hym of eternall glory Satan synne death hell with all theyr armye shall nowe no more agaynste you preuayle For by this seed of a woman Iesus Christ your LORDE hath God gyuē you the victory So that nowe with tryumphant hertes and reioysynge spirytes ye may say O deth wher is thy styng O hell where is thy victory For nowe is he borne whyche shall ●●aye death delyuer you from the power of deathe yea from deathe it selfe shall he redeme you And hell shall he swallowe vp so that Satā shall haue no more domynion ouer you Moreouer in this seed alone Iesus Christ shall all nacions be blessed In Adā ye all were cursed but in Christe ye be all blessed Adam brought to you wrath and displeasure but Christ bryngeth loue and ●auour Adā is the author of synne death and dampnacion but Christ is the author of goodnesse lyfe and saluaciō Adam casteth you downe into hell but Christ lyfteth you vp to heuen Adā maketh you fyre brādes of hell but Christe maketh you inheritours of eternall glorye By the synne of Adā many were dead but by the goodnes of Christ grace hath come vpon many By the wickednesse of Adam synne came vpon all men vnto dampnacion but by the righteousnes of Christ saluaciō is come vpon al men vnto the iustificacion of lyfe By the disobediēce of Adā many were made synners but by the obedience of Christe many are made rygtheous Thus se you y ● in Christe ye are blessed that is pardoned of your synnes receiued īto fauour Furthermore this is he of whome Iacob dyd prophecy that he should come beyng loked for desyred of all naciōs This is that Prophet whome God promised to Moses that he woulde rayse vp amonge his brothers put hys wordes in his mouth so that whoso euer wyll not heare hym shall perysshe vtterly be destroyed This is he whyche was fygured in the olde lawe by so many tipes ceremonies and shadowes This is that kynge whose kyngdome God promysed vnto Dauid to corroborate establysshe for euermore This is that euerlastynge preeste after the order of Melchisedech This is he whome so manye kynges and Prophetes haue desyred to se. And now is he cōe which so lōg hath ben desyred How much blessed fortunate are ye therfore vnto whom it hath chaūsed to se this day ye maye wel reioyse clappe youre handes for ioye For he is not borne to be vnto you a tyrant a fearce LORDE a cruell iudge an extreme reuenger but a swete sauyour a gentle LORDE a bountyous fauourer a mercyfull forgyuer Whyche thynge ye maye well perceyue by his name for hys name is IESVS gyuen vnto hym of God hys father by the Aungell which by true interpretacion is a SAVIOVR For he it is that shal saue his people frō theyr sinnes Marke he shal saue them and not condēne thē If he had had a rigorous name ye myghte well haue ben afearde of hym but his name is full of swetenes pleasare delectacion cōforte And because ye shoulde not feare to come vnto hym beholde he is not borne royallye after y e maner of the wordly Prynces set out w t gallant pompe but humbly mekely lowely For he lyeth symply in a maunger wrapped in vyle cloutes whan not withstandynge he is LORDE ouer all thinges both in heauen and in earth But his kyngdome is not of this worlde For he hathe not so much as a place wher he may lay his head Thus is he become poore that by his pouertye ye shoulde become rytche O howe muche are ye bounde to this poure newe kynge sauiour which when he was in the forme of God ye very God himselfe toke vpō him y ● shape of a seruaūte and became very mā for your sake Yf she had not done thus certes ye had ben damned for euer and euer For youre synne was so haynous great that it coulde not otherwyse be taken awaye but only by hym By him yea by hym alone are all youre synnes put awaye He it is yea he it is alone which putteth awaye your iniquities for his owne sake wyll remember thē no more A righteous God suche a one as saueth is there none but he alone He is that lambe of God which taketh awaye the synne of the world He is that sauyour which is come into the world for to saue synners He it is in whose name and in none others vnder heauen men must be saued Moreouer dyuers graue weightye serious causes are there why it was conuenient that this youre sauiour should be borne Fyrst that in asmuch as ye all are greuous sinners haue broken all the cōmaundementes of God he shoulde fulfyll the lawe for you delyuerynge you from the curse of the lawe wherun to ye are bounde or els saued could ye be by no meanes And this shall this chylde whiche is nowe borne do for you I meane satis●y the law before he ascende agayne vnto his father set you free from the malediccion and curse of the lawe For Christ is the perfecte fulfyllynge of the lawe vnto iustificacion for euery one that beleueth Christ shall redeme you from the curse of y ● lawe whyle he is made accursed for your sake For it is writtē cursed be euery one y t hāgeth vpō a tree O what ioyfull trdinges are these vnto you for to heare y ● Christe shall delyuer you from the curse of the lawe and restore you vnto lyfe whiche before were dead Secondly seyng that the world is without all knowlege of god corrupte with Idolatrye poysoned w t theyr owne ymaginacions drowened with Ipocrisy and altogyther s●t on wickednes the head Prestes Bisshops lawers Scribes Pharisees corruptyng the holy scriptures on such maner with theyr pestilent gloses it is necessary that this Christe the wisdomme of the father come downe redresse theise great absurdities reducyng bringynge the deuyne Scriptures agayne to theyr true sence that men maye for sake all Idolatrye all vngodly doctryne all wycked customes lerne to knowe the true God And surelye as he is come from God to be a mayster teacher so wyll he vndoutedly teache godly thynges For he that cōmeth from heauen is aboue al men And that he hathe sene and hearde that wyll he testify For he whome God hath sent speaketh the wordes of God For God gyuethe not hym the spyrite to a measure But the spyryte of God is plenteously vpon hym because he hath an
honest wyues Oh the fearce wrathe of God that hangethe ouer our heades yf this hygh abhominacion be not shortly exiled frō amōg vs. Howe greatlye this vncleanes was punisshed in y ● old law at gods cōmaundement it is not vnknowē to thē that w t attent myndes read the holy scryytures Yea God hym selfe oftentymes toke vengeaunce of y e fornicatours adulterers for theyr vncleanes What caused all the world sauynge eyght persones to be drowned but vnclenes what made Sodome Gomorme w t certayne other cytyes to be burnte w t fyre brīstone frō heauē but vnclenes What moued god to sley ī one day .xxiiij. M. of y ● Israelytes but vncleanes Yf God at y t tyme dyd so cruelly punyssh this vncleanes let vs not thynke that we shall escape vnpunysshed nowe For he is styll that God that reioyseth not in wickednes Neyther can any vngodly person dwell w t hym nor the vnryghteous before his eies for he hatethe al y t worke iniquite More ouer this word abydeth euer true Neyther fornicatours nor adulterers nor weakelynges nor abusers of them selues w t mankynd shal in heryte y ● kyngdom of God Agayne wedlocke is honorable amonge all mē the bed vndefyled But fornicators adulterers God shal iuge Therfore can not we escape except we repent leaue this great abhomynacion of fylthye vncleane lyuynge Thus se we euydentlye that the loue of oure neyghbour is colde in y ● hertes of many euē as we hearde before of the loue of God For who can loue his neyghbour dissemble with him be vnmercyful vnto him couyt his goodes abuse his wife doughter or mayd These be manyfeste tokens not of loue but of hatred So y t we maye perceyue y ● prophecye of Christe to be true whiche sayth that in the last dayes iniquite shal abound or be plenteous and the loue of many shall waxe colde Some men wyll meruayle peraduenture howe it cōmeth to passe y t the loue both towarde God our neyghboure shoulde thus decaye in these last dayes seyng that God is nowe no lesse beneficial gentle boūteous and mercyfull to vs than he hath ben in tymes paste to our predecessors And lyke gentlenes they saye deserueth lyke loue Certes so ofte as I consyther with my selfe y e great decaye of christen religion y e better subuerciō almoost of al godly lyuīg me thīke y t two thīges are the chiefe principall causes The fyrst is the want of y t knowledge of our selues The second the want of the knowledge of God For the first poynte of wisdom by the cōmon cōsent of all learned men is y e knowledge of our selues Nowe yf we do not knowe what we are of our selues verely we can neuer know god arighte nor yette haue anye delectacion or pleasure in hym And yf we do not delyght in hym how can we loue hym For who loueth that thyng wherin he hath no pleasure Therfore y e next moost redy way to make vs for to loue GOD is to lerne to knowe our selues Who felyng hymselfe sycke sette in great daunger of his helth desyrethe not the helpe of a Phisicion Yf we dyd knowe y ● so many of vs as be borne of the seed of Adam be borne verye flesshe of flesshe vnpure vnhalowed abominable before GOD the sonnes of wrath wrapped in infynite errours set round about with corrupt affecciōs not able to thīke a good thought of our selues moch les of power to worke any goodnes breathing nothing but the fruytes of synne vnable eyther to thynke lust or employe oure selues to any good thynge but that is vngodly croked vnequall vnpure so that we se nothyng but y e fearce wrath the greuous iudgement y e extreme vēgeaūce of God sinne deth hel desperaciō laid out prepared for vs accordīg to our desertes yf we had this knowledge I saye of oure selues thā would we moost hūbly fal downe before our LORDE God comfessyng how beggerly miserable we are of our selues sekynge at his goodnes grace fauoure peace remission of synne tranquilite of conscience all confortable thynges y t shoulde make vnto oure saluacion yea than would we cōfesse that our destruccion commeth of our selues and that all our helpe commethe of God only Nowe in asmuch as the moost parte of mē wāt this knowledge of them selues therfore stand they well in theyr owne conceyte please them selues well make much of theyr owne actes be they neuer so vnpure These Iusticiaries thīk themselues ryghteous as y ● proude arrogant Pharise dyd in the gospell of Luke therfore haue they no part of christes deth For Chryst sayeth I came not to call the ryghteous that is such as iustify them selues thīke y t they be made sufficientlye ryghteous by theyr owne good dedes merytes and desertes but synners to repentaunce And this want of the knowledge of thē selues makethe that they can not feale the goodnes of God nor perceaue wherfore christ serueth wherfore he was borne why he dyed for what cause he rose agayne And therfore is the loue of God colde in thē For yf they dyd knowe thē selues perfectely were perswaded y t theyr whole saluacion dependeth altogither of the goodnes of God the father thorowe Iesus Christe oure LORDE sauiour thā woulde they with all theyr herte loue God plese God delyte ī God seke y e glory of god aboue al thing Yea thā should this theyr loue towarde God be so feruent mighty in operaciō that euen of very loue agayne with a wyllynge spirite they shoulde loue theyr neyghbour euen as them selues employe al theyr diligence to accōplysshe Gods moost holy wyll that not of feare but of loue For perfecte loue casteth out feare And would God that al prechers woulde vse this trade maner in theyr sermons that is to saye fyrst teach men to know thēselues that they maye perceyue theyr owne misery wretchednes and damnacion Secondly declare vnto them that ther is no way to escape this great daunger but only to flye to Gods mercye there to seke remedy thorow Iesus christ Yf they dyd thus surely it would kyndle in mens hertes a meruaylous feruente loue towarde God an vnspekable redynes to walke in the LORDES pathe wayes and so hertely to loue theyr neyghbour that they would wyshe no lesse kyndenesse to theyr neyghbours thā to thē selues in al thinges do for them what soeuer lyeth in theyr power They woulde vndoutedly do all thynges for loue For whan they consithered y ● great boūty of God toward vs perceyued that whan we were in a dampnable state he freelye of hys owne mere goodnes saued vs made vs heyres of eternall glory they could none otherwyse do but loue hym agayne employ them selues to accomplysshe that thinges that he cōmaundeth
afterward gaue of it to her husband whiche dyd eate in lyke maner so y t streyght wayes both theyr eies were opened they saw that they were naked that is perceyued ryghte well y t they were nowe become miserable wretched synfull redacte to extreme calamite and vtterlye fallen from the fauour of God for the transgressiō of his mooste blessed precepte whiche thyng made them to be very much ashamed and to hyde thē selues frō the face of God O miserable pitefull chaūge O chaunse more perryllous than it can be expressed Nowe is a man become of immortall mortall of good euel of righteous wycked of wyse folysh of holy prophane of vertuous yll desposed of fre bōd of mercyful cruel of godly deuilysh of faythful vnfaythfull of spirituall carnal of true false of a vessel of mercy the vessell of wrath of y e sōne of God the sōne of the dyuell of the heyre of glory the heyre of damnacion Alas whan man was in honour he perceyued it not and therfore is he nowe becomme euen lyke vnto a brute beast He is altogyther wythout the spiryte of God he is all carnall and fleshelye therfore can not gods spiryte abyde in hym neyther can he perceyue those thynges that pertayne to the spirite of God yea that is more to be lamented not Adam alone is fallen into this dāpnable state but also al his posterite For thorowe this his faulte wycked synne all the earth with the inhabitātes therof are accursed So that so many as come of thys olde Adā are dāpned cursed throwen from the fauour of God This one transgression of Gods cōmaundement hath made you al subiecte to the yoke tyranny of Satan and bonde to euerlastynge damnacion Adam is youre father and you are his childrē Loke therfore in what case he is in the very same are you Adā is carnall therefore are ye carnall Adam is wicked therefore are ye wycked Adam is the sonne of wrathe therfore are ye the sōnes of wrath Adā is a lyer nothing but vanite therfore are ye liers and no thyng but vanite Adā is captyue bonde prisoner to Satan synne deth hell therfore are ye captiues and bond prisoners to Satan syn death and hell Howe can it otherwyse be That whiche is borne of flesshe is flesshe Do mē gather grapes of thornes or fygges of briers So lykewyse euery good tree bryngethe for the good fruyte but a corrupt tree bringeth forth yll fruyte A good tree can not bryng forth yil fruyte nother a corrupte tree good fruyte Euen as it is impossible for a sower crabbe tree to brynge forth sauery and swete apples so is it impossible for a synfull man drowned and buryed all in synne I meane Adā to beget any other thē synnefull vngodly and wicked chyldren A good tree oute of the good treasure of his herte brīgeth forth that which is good And an yll man out of the yll treasure of his herte bryngeth forth that which is yll Nowe was Adam euell therfore whatsoeuer he brought forth mu●te nedes be euell Yea verely by the synne of this one mā Adā euel was brought forth vpon all men vnto dāpnaciō By the dysobedyence of hym were ye all made synners and by nature the sonnes of wrathe For this one mānes faulte dyd synne enter into the worlde thorowe synne death and so came death vpon all men in so muche as all ye haue synned Ye were therfore begotten in synne cōceyued in synne brought forth in synne None of you al are pure but euery one is polluted wyth vngodlynes Ther is no differēce all haue synned and want the glory of god Ye are corrupte and become abhominable in youre studies there is not one that doth good no not one for the LORDE hath loked from heuen vpon the children of men for to se yf there were anye that hathe vnderstandynge or seakethe after God But all are fallē from y ● true waye they are become all togyther vnprofitable there is not one that doth good no not one Their throte is lyke a wide mouthed graue they worke deceyte wyth theyr tonges the poysō of adders is vnder theyr lyppes Theyr mouth is ful of cursynge bytternes theyr feete are swyfte to shed bloud Destruction wretchednes are ī theyr wayes they knowe not the waye of peace neyther is there anye feare of God before theyr eyes Theyse are y e synful wycked and dāpnable fruytes which you full of synne wyckednes and dāpnacion brynge forth Your mindes thoughtes also are prone to euel at al tymes Ye are not able once to thynke a good thought of youre selues Who beyng borne of a woman can appeare pure and cleane in the syghte of God before whome the starres are not pure What is thā to be thoughte of mā which is nothynge but duste and a very worme Who is able to sai my herte is cleane and I am pure frō synne Ye haue al synned ye are all become vncleane all youre ryghteousnes are lyke a cloth polluted w t menstrue Ye are fallen as a leafe and youre iniquityes haue caryed you awaye as the wynd Yf ye say that ye haue no synne ye deceyue youre selues the trueth is not in you For your herte is wycked and inserutable Ye are vnprofytable seruasites Yea ye are Hypocrites and wycked and the mouthes of you al haue spoken folyshnes Al y ● sorte of you haue gone astraye as shepe euerye one haue walked after his owne fantasye Ye all are of stuburne harte ye loue vanities seke after lyes To be shorte ye are folysh people vnwyse chyldren and madde To do myschefe ye are wyse ynough but to do good ye are very fooles Here may ye se as in a clere mirroure youre deformyte youre botches youre sores youre greuous woundes Nowe maye ye learne what ye are of youreselues certes very fleshe that is to saye al that euer noughte is enemyes to God louers of your selues captyues to Satan and fyrye brondes of hell What remedy What shyfte wyl ye fynd Whyther wyl ye go to what coast wyl ye turne you Howe wyll ye escape the fearce wrath of God Whyther wyll ye go from hys spyrite Whyther wyll ye flye from his face Yf ye go vp into heauen he is there yf ye go downe to hel ther is he redy also Yf ye take your flyght in the mornynge dwel in the furthest parte of y ● see verely his hand wyll retche you there yea and hys ryght hand shall catch you What wyll ye do nowe to flye profyteth nothynge to abyde also bryngethe dampnacion Thus se you that y● can not escape by no meanes To demulse mitigate swage y ● deuyne yre Gods wrath ye are not able Your syn hath made God angry w you What
accepted and youre sacrifyces haue not pleased me Agayne put youre burnte offringes to your sacrifices eate y ● flesh for I dyd not speake with youre fathers neither dyd I commaūd thē on y ● daye whā I broughte thē oute of the lande of Egypte any thyng at all of burn●e offringes and sacrifices but I commaūd thē this word sayeng Heare you my voyce I shalbe your god and ye shall be my people walke in euerye waye that I haue cōmaunded you that ye may prosper But they would not once heare me nor geue attendaunce to me but they followed their owne pleasures and walked in the lewdnes of theyr malicious hertes so that they fel clene frō me To what purpose do ye offer vnto me the multitude of your sacrifices sayeth the LORDE I am full of them The burnte offringes of youre wethers and the fatte of youre fatlynges and the bloude of youre calues of your lambes gotes woulde not I haue Whan ye come before my syghte who requyreth these thynges of your hādes Offer I praye you no more Sacrifyce to me thus in vayne Your ensence is abhominacion to me Your Sabbothes and holye dayes by no meanes can I away with He that offereth an oxe is lyke to hym that kylleth a man He y t sleyeth a beast is lyke vnto hym that braynethe a dogge He that offereth an oblaciō is lyke vnto hym that offereth swynes bloude Here le ye y t God hathe no pleasure in these externall sacrifices but rather abhorreth them Then perceyue you full well that this is no waye to delyuer your selues out of captyuitie to obtayne the fauoure of God What wyll ye now do Wyl ye inuent new thiges of your owne fātasy offer thē to God of a good intent that by this meanes he maye be the more mercyfull to you This also is yet mooste vayne For yf thynges prescribed commaunded of God himselfe can not ●btaynē for you remyssyon of your synnes what shall than your dreames youre fantasies your inuencions your good intētes your godly zeles do in this behalfe Uerely ye are in a miserable case For ye maye not put any thynge to the word of God nor yet plucke ought from it Ye muste walke in the way that God hath appoynted you neyther maye ye declyne on the ryghte hande nor on the lyfte hand Yea ye maye not do to your LORDE god y ● which ye thynke best in your owne eyes but that only whiche he commaundeth you Here therfore is no euasion nor way to escape y ● fearce plages of God Certes the longer ye wrastle and entāgle your selues in this behalfe the worsse ye are so farre as I can perceyue so vnable are ye of your selues in any poynte to satisfy Goddes wrath to make hym your frende What refuge then can ye nowe inuente yet is there nothynge before your eyes set but only desperacion eternall death for ye haue deserued no other y e rewarde of syn is death Certes the hooke is layde at the roote of the tree that euery tree that bryngeth forthe not good fruyte shalbe hewen downe caste into the fyre Howe nowe wyll ye escape from the wrathe that is to come Wo be vnto them that synne and kepeth not my cōmaundementes sayeth y e LORDE surely I wyll not spare thē Sinners shalbe turned into hell yee and all those people that forget God For God shall raygne snares vpon synners fyre brymestone storme and tēpest shall be parte of theyr cuppe As smoke decayeth so shall the wycked decay and as waxe meltethe before y ● face of the fyre so shal synners perysh before the face of God The moost hyest hateth synners he wyll be reuenged of the wycked The soule y ● hath synned shal dye The countenaunce of the LORDE is vpon them that do euell that he may roote the remembraūce of thē out of y ● erth He that cōmytteth synne is of the dyuell For the dyuell synneth from the begynnynge God is a consumyng fyre It is a dreadfull thyng to fall into the hādes of the lyuyng god Wo be to you therfore O ye vngodly men which haue forsakē the lawe of the LORDE that moost high god If that ye be borne in cursing shall ye be borne yf ye dye in cursīg also shalbe your part what wil ye now do Here ye se nothyng but malediction cursynge wrath vengeaunce destruction perdicion dānacion Here perceyue ye no waye to escape the greate displeasure of god but only to precipitate caste your selfe headlong into hell pytte to be burnte w t the continuall flames of that moost terrible and greuous fyre Remedye is there none all conforte is gone besydes sorowe and mournyng nothing here doth appeare o the miserable case wherin ye stonde Me thynk I se you nowe agayn very sory much lamentyng wryngyng your handes tearyng youre heere cursynge the tyme of youre byrth hauyng pleasure in nothing walkyng as persons īdistresse void of al consolacion and conforte verely I haue broughte you into thys case y ● your ioy afterward should be the greater and that you shoulde haue the more pleasaunte and ioyefull newes whiche I nowe bringe to you oute of heauen For no man knoweth what a precious thyng a Phisicion is excepte fyrste of all he sealeth hymselfe diseased perceyueth that he hath nede of a Phisicion yf he intende to enioye the benefyte of health They that are strōge haue no neade of a Phisicion but they that are sycke Nowe therfore heare agayne your moost pleasaūt newes that youre sadnes maye be turned into ioye that youre ioye maye be ful and perfecte God perceyuynge in what myserable case Adam and all his posterite was set thorowe the brekynge of his moost blessed and holye commaundement agayne that by the enuy of Satan death was come ouer all the worlde wyllynge of his owne free mercye withoute ony of your merites or desertes to shewe hym selfe of no lesse puissaunce to saue man that the dyuell was to condēpne hym sayd at that present to Satan whan Adam had offended I wyll set emnite betwene the and an woman betwene thy seede and her seed and that selfe seed shall treade downe thy heade O mooste swete and confortable promyse O moost heauēly word of grace Here is y e begynnyng of your ioy gladnes In Adam were ye all lost but ī this seed of a womā are ye al saued But who is thys seede Not Abell ●●oche Abrahā Isaac Iacob nor Dauid Who then Uerely euē the sonne of God euen Iesus Chryste which w tout y ● seed of mā by y e wonderful operaciō of y e holy ghost dyd take very flesh of y ● moost pure virgyn Mary is this day borne īto y ● world He is
clypper shal he hold his peace nether shal he once opē his mouth Thus because it is his pleasure shall he offer hym selfe vpon the altare of the crosse by hys moost precious bloude paye our raūsome By this his glorious passion shal he take vpon hym your infyrmities beare awaye youre synnes By his moost blessed woundes shal al your iniquities be putte awaye Al your synnes shalbe layd on his backe His bloud shall make you cleane from al your synne By his bloude shal ye haue remission of your synnes By y e precious bloude of this Christ as of an immaculate and pure lambe shal ye be redemed from the tyrany of Satan By y ● oblacion of Christe shall ye be made free from al wyckednes delyuered from the power of darkenes caried into the gloryous kyngedome of God For he is the lambe of GOD whiche taketh awaye the synne of the worlde This is that sonne of man which is come to saue that which was lost not to destroy the soules of mē but to saue thē And al this shall come to passe by the oblacion offryng of his owne moost precious blessed body For he shal by your Bysshop not suche one as also shall haue nede to offer for hys owne synnes but for youres onely nether shal he be like y ● bishoppes of y ● old law which offer dayly for y ● sinnes of y ● people suche sacrifyces as can neuer take away sinne nor yet make men perfecte But this your Bysshop shalbe godly innocēt fautles segregated from synners and made higher then y e heauēs whiche shal not nede as the other Bisshoppes do dayly to offer sacrifices first for hys owne synnes afterwarde for the synnes of the people For he beynge without al synne shall once for all offer hymselfe And this one sacrifyce or oblacion of hys mooste blessed bodye shal be able to saue so many as beleue in him euen to the vttermoost Christ beynge the Bysshop of good thynges to come shall enter into y ● holy place by hys own bloud fynd euerlastyng redēpciō He thorow the holy Ghoste shall offer hymselfe immaculate to God pourge your conscience from deade workes to serue the lyuynge God Hē once for al offeryng vp him selfe shall take awaye the synnes of many By the oblacion of the bodye of Iesus Christ done once for all shall you be sanctifyed With one oblaciō shall he make perfecte for euermore thē that are sanctifyed Here se you of what īestimable pryce the sacrifyce of Christ your bysshop is The vertue of it neuer ceaseth but endurethe in perfecte strengthe for euer euer y ● the sinnes of y ● faythful repentant maye be forgyuen at all tymes by it Christes bloud shall not crye for vengeaūce as y ● bloude of Abell dyd but for mercy grace fauour Yea by Christes bloud shall all thynges both in heauen e●the be pacifyed apeased set at a stay reconcyled to God the father aboūdātly So that nowe ye shalbe purged of al your synnes by this one omnisufficiente oblacion of Iesus Christe your Bisshop For he alone shal treade downe the wynepresse take vpon his backe the great importible burden of your synnes all He by his death shall slaye death ouercome Satā synne hel desperacion all y ● euer maye be agaynste you So y ● nowe ye shal be made so cleare as though ye had neuer offēded Ye shall now be so set at liberty as though before ye had neuer ben in captiuite And all this shall come to passe by the deathe alone of thys yonge chylde nowe borne whose body shall be the alone sacrifyce of all your synnes vnto the which as vnto an holy ancker ye muste alwaye ronne for ayde refuge succoure trustynge assuredly that his death ●s youre whole hope youre meryte youre refuge helth lyfe resurreccion For youre meryte is the compassion excedyng mercy of Christ your LODRE ye are not w toute meryte so longe as y ● LORD of mercyes doth not fayle And yf the merytes of the LORDE be many than are ye plenteous in merites The more able y ● he is to saue the more safe and w toute daūger are ye Thus se you what a great occasiō ye haue to reioy se in the deathe of the LORDE Christ your alone sauyour wherby so many synguler great commodities shall chaunse vnto you God forbydde therfore that ye should reioyse in ony thynge at all saue only in the crosse death of your LORDE Iesus Christ. Syrtely but in asmuch as it is not sufficient that this youre newe hynge Iesus Christ do dye for your synnes except he also ryseth againe for youre iustificacion therfore do I also declare vnto you these moost ioyful cōfortable newes y t after he be once dead buried he by y ● power of his deite shall gloriouslye ryse again y ● thyrd day frō deth to life for your iustificaciō accordīg to y ● holy scriptures For God his father shal make him alyue after two dayes vpon the thyrde daye he shall rayse hym vp he shal lyue in his syght As Ionas was ī y e belly of a whale thre dayes thre nightes so shall y e sonne of man be in the herte of the earth thre dayes and thre nightes And as Ionas by y ● power of God came out of y ● whalles belly y e thyrd daye so in semblable wyse shall this Christ by y e puissaūce of God his father ryse agayne y ● thyrd daye from deathe to lyfe By this glorious resurreccion of Iesus Christ shall ye gette the victory of Satan synne death hell desperacion c. By this glorious resurrecciō of Iesus christ shall ye be made ryghteous in God the fathers sight By this glorious resurrecciō of Iesus Christ shal heauen gates be opened for you which so longe haue ben sparred By this glorious resurrecciō of Iesus christ shall ye also ryse agayne enter īto euerlastyng lyfe By this glorious resurrecciō of Iesus christ shal god of his excedynge mercy beget you a new into euerlastyng hope an immortall heritage which is kepte for you in heauē For Christ is y ● resurrecciō lyfe he y ● beleueth in him al though he be dead yet shall he lyue euery one that lyueth beleuethe in hym shall neuer dye Here se you in howe ioyfull and mery a state ye shall be set by Christes moost glorious resurreccion What is here but that moueth styreth vs to ioye gladnesse To muche brutall is he which at the heryng of these moost swete delectable newes dothe not seriously reioyse Furthermore after that thys LORDE Iesus Christ is risen agayn from death to lyfe hath continued here vpō the earth certayne dayes
sauioure shoulde not helpe you it could none oth●rwyse be but that you must nedes haue ben damned cast into hel fyre ther to burne to wepe to lamente ▪ for euer euer remediles But frō this moost greuous destruccion shal this chyld Iesus Christ delyuer you make you heyres of euerlastynge glory What a cause haue ye nowe to reioyse Your ioy can not be expressed your gladnes is vnmeasurable Therfore seynge ye shall receyue of this youre newe kynge so many so greate so inestimable benefytes loke that ye be not vnthanckefull Receyue this your sauioure w t enbrasyng armes Runne vnto hym yf not w t the feete of your body yet w t the feete of your mynde Knowledge hym to be your alone omnisufficient sauioure that there is none other name gyuen vnto men vnder heauen wherin they must be saued but only this name of Iesus Christ. Confesse hym to be the true sonne of the lyuynge God whiche hath nowe taken flesshe of y ● mooste pure and cleane virgin Marye for your sake Confesse him alone to be your peace lyfe helth defence goodnes wisdom righteousnes sanctyficacion redēpcion pastoure shepehearde Bisshoppe and heade In al youre trouble resorte to hym as vnto a strong Bulwarke y ● you maye ease you of your miserable burdens Poure out your hertes before this LORD Knowe him to be your alone mediatour aduocate Aske al thinges in his name Dout nothyng of his greate goodnes exceadynge mercy towarde you Can a woman forget the chyld of her wombe and y ● sonne whom she hath borne And thoughe she doth forgette hym yet wyll not he forget you For beholde he hath wrytten you vp vpō his hādes so y ● euer ye are in his syght He wyll vndoubtedly ease you of your burdens be they neuer so great If ye thurst he wyll gyue you of y ● wel of y ● water of lyfe frely If ye hūger he is that bread of lyfe which came downe from heauē If any mā eate of that bread he shall lyue for euer If ye be sycke he is a Phisicion redy to cure heale all your diseases If ye be bonde and in seruitude he wyll make you free set you at lyberite If ye be dead in sinne he is the resurrecciō lyfe If ye walke in darkenesse he is the lyghte of the worlde He that foloweth him walketh not in darkenes but shal haue the light of life If ye be poore he is rytch vnto all thē y ● cal vpon hym If ye be wicked prophhane folysh he is righteous holye wyse If ye be oppressed wyth syn●e deathe of hell he hath subdued them al. If ye feare the wrath of God the father he is youre mediatour aduocate attonement maker If ye haue condemned youre selfe thorowe synne he is a sauiour wyll saue his people from theyr synnes What wyl ye haue more Ye wante nothynge but he wyll supplye it for you aboūdantlye to the vttermoste Feare not therfore to come to thys youre newe kynge Iesus Christe For the very cause of his cōminge is not to destroye but to saue the soules of men Receaue hym therfore with ioyfull hertes Forsake all ydolatrye vayne supersticiō Beleue in hym alone Put your affiaunce truste in none other but in him only And let not this your fayth be dead but agile quicke lyuysshe myghty in operaciō Let it be such a fayth as worketh by loue Fyrst lette youre fayth brynge forth an earnest loue toward God and oute of this loue toward god let such a loue procede toward your neyghbour that out of that loue ther maye sprynge plētie of good workes Be lyke vnto a good tree which bringeth forth her fruyte in due tyme. Be no baren vnfruytful fygge tree vnles y ● malediccion curse of God fal on you While ye haue tyme worke good to al mē For God hath not delyuered you from the power of your enemies of all suche as hate you y t you should styll cōtinue euel or returne to your old wickednes but that ye set at libertie and voyd of all feare should serue him in holynes righteousnesse before hym all the dayes of our lyfe The lawe of the spiryte of lyfe throwe Christ Iesus hathe made you free from the lawe of syn death Notwithstandyng though ye be cal●ed into libertie yet let not youre libertie be an occasion to the flesshe but by loue serue ye one another Be as free not hauyng y ● liberte for a cloke of wickednes but euē as the seruaūtes of god For Christ hath not of his owne mere bountie delyuered you from the myserable seruitude of Satan that ye should runne agayne to that your enemy but that ye should serue him which hath shewed you such great kyndenes Ye are nowe Christes all togyther therfore must ye loke what he wyll haue you do For yf he be punished whiche disdaynethe to fulfyll the cōmaundement of a terrestiall earthly Prynce in what case thā are ye yf ye do eyther cast awaye or despyse the cōmaūdement of an heuenly gouernour Certes ye ought so to institute order youre lyfe y t it should serue Christ your captain on such maner that Satan should haue nothinge to do with you nor ye w t hym For he that doth synne is the seruaunt of synne Therfore ought you to caste awaye all synne from you gyue your mynd to purite holynes of lyfe euer studye to mayntayne mutuall loue For not euery one that sayeth LORDE LORDE shall enter into the kyngedome of heauen but he that doth y ● wyll of God whiche is in heauen He that pertayneth to Christe is a newe creature And they that belonge vnto hym haue crucified the flesshe with the lustes therof Therfore yf ye be souldiers of Christe declare it in outwarde workes For it is a poynte of notable vnshamefastnes to bost your selues that ye pertayne to Christes army yet do nothynge at all that he commaūdeth He that sayeth that he dwelleth in him ought to walke as he hath walked If ye saye that ye haue fel●owshyp with Christ and yet walke in darkenes ye ly do not the trueth But yf ye walke in lyghte as he is lyghte than haue ye fellowshyp togyther the bloud of this your sauiour Iesus Christe Goddes owne sonne makethe you cleane from all synne Wherfore yf ye wyll enioy these moost confortable pleasaunte newes whiche I haue broughte from heauen and haue now declared vnto you forsake all wickednesse and enhaulse al godlynes reiecte al ydolatrye and practyse the true worshyppynge of God caste awaye the workes of the flesshe and put on the fruytes of the spirite mortifye olde Adam and become
newe men to be shorte let your lyght so shyne before men that they maye se youre good workes glorify your father which is in heauen to whome wyth thys your newe kynge and omnisufficient sauyour Iesus Christ Goddes owne sonne and the holy ghost that mooste swete confortoure be all honour and glorye worldes withoute ende AMEN ¶ Gyue the glorye to God alone Loue is the cognisaunc● ●age where by christꝭ seruauntes a●● knowen Iohan. xiii i. Timoth. i. ● Cor. xiii w tout charite nothīg pleasethe God Mat. xxiiii Ioan. xiiii Titum i. ●●ll● v. 〈◊〉 ii Roma xv i. Timo. i. Psal. i. i. Ioh. ii 〈…〉 Ioh. xliii Ioh. xv He louethe Christ that kepeth hys worde Exod xx Deut. vi Mat. xxii Philip. iii. Deut. v. Of swerīg ●ote Esai vi Eze. xxxvi Roma ii Would god ● it myghte once come to passe Psal. vii Deut. v. What it is to sunctify y ● sabbothe daye The holy bible frely permitted to be ●eade in the Englyshe tonge Iob. vii Deut. viii Math. iiii Ephe. vi Prouer. iii. psal ●xviii Psal. xviii Iacob i. Ioan. iii. be ware therfore betimes Psa. lcviii Math. xx● Num. xxi Psal. cv Math. vi Mat. xxv I●cob i ▪ O vnthākeful ꝑsons Ephe. iiii Col●● iiii Mat. xxiii Philip. i● Ioan. xii Titum i. Note i. Ioh. v ▪ Luke x. To lo●e y ● we haue toward god maketh vs to loue our neyghbour Mat. xxliii Of dissimulacion Psa. xi Iere. 〈◊〉 Iere. 〈◊〉 Math. x. Mat. xxvi Iere. ix Miche vii Of vnmer●●fulnes Ia●ob ii Math. v. Math. xxv Of couetousnes Esai v Ieremy vi viii Esai lvi Eze. xxii Sopho. iii Aba●uck ii Marke x. Psal. xxxviii Iacob v. i. Timo. vi Amos. vi Luke vi Math. xix Marke x. Luke xviii Of whore● vnclean● lyuynge Ephe. v. O abhominacion Prouer. i. It. v. ● ix Eze. xxii Beware betymes Deut. xxii Ge. vi vii ii Pet. ii Gen. xix Num. xxv i. Cor. x. Psal. v. i. Cor. vi Ephe. v. Heb. xiii Mat. xxii● The 〈◊〉 why y ● christen 〈◊〉 decayeth Nosce te ipsum 〈◊〉 Math ix Ioh. iii. Ephe. ii ii Cor. iii. Roma vii The knowlege of our selues maketh vs to fly to god ▪ ●z● xi Luk. xviii Mat. ix marke what y ● knowledge of our selues doth i. Ioh. i●●● The goodnes of god depely pōdred maketh vs to loue him agayn and freelye to worke hys wyll The occasion of makynge thys treatyse Newes ou● of heauen Luk. i. The profite of this boke The tresure house of christen knoweledge Math. i. Luk. ii Mat. xvi What this word gospel signifyeth The prech●● of christis benefites is a prouacacion to lyue well for y ● faythefull Psal. l. To whom Christ is a Sauiour Romn vi psal lxxxiii Luke i. Ephe. ii The great loue of god toward vs Ioh. iii. Miche v. Math. ii Luke ii Math. i. Luke i. ii Cor. x. Phil. iiii Collos. iiii i. Thes. ii The knowldge of our selues maketh vs to fle vnto christ for socoure The ereacion on of man Gene. i. Sop. ii i. Cor. xi ii Cor. iii. ●ol iii. Ephe. iiii Psal. viii Gen. i. The death ● Adam and what it is Rom. ii Ephe. vi Esay xiiii ii Pet. ii i. Pet. iii. Ioan. vii i. Tim. ii Gen. iii. The crafty assautes of Satan All is not gold that shinethe behold what syn●e doth The miserable ●al of mā Psal. xlviii Gene vi i. Cor. ii Rom. v. Gene. iii. All we are dāpned in Adam ii Cor. v. Ioh. iii. Ephe. ii Psal. xv Iohn iii. Math vii Luke vi Math. xii Rom. v. Ephe. ii Rom. v. Psal. l. Rom. iii. Psal. xiii Rom. iii. The frutes whych we bryng forth by Adam Gen. ix ii Cor. iii. Iob. xxv 〈◊〉 xx Esai xlvi i. Ioan. i. Iere. xvii Luk. xvii Esa. ix and. liii Psa. iiii Iere. iiii What we are of ourselues Ps. cxxxviii Ephe. ii Psal. l. Ioan. iii. Iere. xvii Esai xxxiiii● Iacob iii. O dolor●us calamitie ● myserable wretched●nesse Math. xxii Act. xxv Psal. xxxvi Of y ● lawe Iohan. iii. Gene. vi i. Cor. xv Rom. viii Gene. 〈◊〉 Gala. v The law is spirituall Rom● vii i. Ioh. iii● Rom. vii i. Timo. i Iere. xiii ii Cor. iii. Rom. iiii Deu. xxvii Gal. iiii Iacob ii Ioan. vii Act. xv Gal. v● Rom. ● Why y ● law was gyuen 〈…〉 Romo ii 〈◊〉 xx Deut. v. Gala. iii. Rom. iii. Rom. iii● Gala. v. The 〈◊〉 of the olde law 〈◊〉 vii 〈◊〉 x. 〈◊〉 vi 〈◊〉 vii Esai i. A●mos v. Mala. i. ●sal lxvi Thīges of a good in●ent Deut. iiii Prouer. xx● Apoca. xxii Deut. xii ● xiii Our deseruīg is euerlastyng dānacion Rom. vi Math. iii. ●ii● Es. xv Psal. ix Psal. xi Psa. lxvii Eccl. xii Ecc. xviii psa xxxiii i. Pet. iii. i. Ioan. iiii Deut. iiii Heb. xiii Eccl. xli The miserable captiui●● of mā The knowledge of our selues ledeth vs to christ Mat. i● Ioan. xv and. ●vi Gen. iii. ●ap ii ●it iii. ●en iii. The begynning of our saluaciō is Christ here●●● Promy●●● Esay vii Mat. i. Luke i Gene. iii Christ ●uercōmeth Satan for vs. i. Cor. x● Dse● xiii In christ we are blessed Gene. xi i. Gala. iii. Mark what we are by Adā what by Christ. Rom● v. Gen. xiix Deut. xvii 〈◊〉 xvii Exo. xii Nu. xxi Ex. xvi vii i. Pa. xvii Psal. xxx Psal. cix Esa. lxiiii Psa. cxliiii Luk. x. Psa. xlvi Io. iii. xii Mat. i. Iesus by enterpretacion is 〈…〉 Christe became poore for to make vs rytche Luke i. Psal. viii Heb. ii Ioan. xvii Mat. viii ii Cor. viii Philip. ii Christ alone sauethe and makethe vs cleane from all synne Esaie xliii Esaie xlv Iohan. i. Tim● li Actum iiii The vrgent cause of christes byrth Christ delyuerethe vs frō the curse of the lawe Rome x. Gala. iii. Deut xxi Christ teacheth truely the wyll of his Father ●●an iii. Esay lxi Luke iiii Esa. xi Esa. ii Esa. ix Mat. iiii Esa. xi Math xv Ioan. iii. Tit. i. Ioan. xvi● Sap. xv Christ confirmeth his doctrine w t myracles mat vii i. mat ●x ●u xi mat xii Luk. xii Ioan. xi mat ix Luk. v. Christ is oures al christes good dedes are oure good dedes Luke ix Math. iiii i. Cor. i. Esai ix Christe is oure newe yeres gyft Ioh. iii. Esai ●iii Rom. viii Of y ● deth of Christe Iohan. vii Mat. xxii Math. xi Iohn viii Iohn xii Math xi Math. xii Iohn vii● Iohn ● Iho● vii Iohn ii Luke xxiii Mat. xxvi Luke xxiii Iohn xix Marke xv Beholde the payn●s that Christ suffered for vs. 〈…〉 〈…〉 Esay l●iii Colo. i ▪ Mat. vi●● Esay lii i. Ioan. i. Col● i. i. Pet. i. Tit. ii Col. i. Ioan. i. Mat. xviii Luke xix Heb. x. Heb. vii The one ●●cri●ice of christes deth serueth for euer to put away sines ▪ Heb. ix Hob. x● The vertue of christes sacrifice neuer ceaseth but endureth in perfect strēgthe for euer and ●uer Gen. iiii Colos. i. Heb. x. Esa. lxiii Ozee xii Augustinus in Manual Cap. xxii Mark 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vi Of the resurreccion of Christ. Roma iiii Ozee vi Ionas ii iii Math. xii i. Cor. xv Roma iiii Ioan. ● Ioan. v. i. Petre. i. Ioan. ii Of Chrystes ascencion mat xxviii ▪ mat xvi Luke xxiiii Ioan. xx Act. i. Heb. i. Ioan. xiiii ▪ Ioan. xii Ephe. iiii Psa. ixvii Ion. xiiii and .xvi. mat xxiiii Ios●e i. Heb. xiii math i. Esa. vi Ioan. xiiii 〈◊〉 xxvi ●● Cor. vi Christ alone is oure mediatoure and aduocate Rom. ix He. vii ix i. Tim. ii i. Ioan. ii Ioan. xiiii and .xvi. Esa. ix Of christes cōminge to y ● iudgement ▪ Mat. xxv i. Cor. xv i. Thes. iiii Esa. xxvi Ioan. v. Rom. xiiii ii Cor. v. Rom. ii i. Cor. xv 〈◊〉 iii. i. Ioan. iii. Sop●● 〈◊〉 Ioel. ●i Amos. v. Mat. xxv Mat. xxv i. Thes. iiii Esai xliiii Esai ●xv Apo. v●● x●i Esaie li. Apo. xxi Esaie ix Dani. xii Mat. xii Apoc. iii. Apo●● ii Iacob i. i. Pet. v. i. Tim. iiii i. Ioh. ii i. Tim● i ▪ Roma v Ephe. ii ▪ ii Cor. iii. Rom. ii● Heb. x ▪ Dent. iii● ▪ xii xiii Tit. iii. ●uk ii mat iii. Den. xxvi● Gel. iii. Ephe. v. math i. Rom. ● Eze. xxxvi Iere. xxxi Heb. viii Ioan. viii Esay ix Mat. iiii Esay iv Dan. ix Rom. viii i. Cor. i. Ephe. v. Ephe. v. Rom. iiii Hebre. ii i. Cor. xv Ozee xiii Mat. xvi Actum i. Hebre. i. Ioan. xvi i. Timo. ii i. Ioan. ii Roma ▪ vii ▪ Hebre. vii i. Iohn ii Math. xxv Esai lxiiii i. Cor. ii Math. ● ●uke ii Psal. ii Act. iiii Mat. xvi Esa. vii Ephe. ii Ioan. xiiii i. Cor. i. Eze. xxxiiii Colos. i. i. Tim. ii i. Ioan. i. Ioan. xvi Esay xlix math xi Esa. xliiii Apo. xii Ioan. vi mat ix Ioan. viii Ioan. xi Ioan. viii Rom. x. i. Cor. i. Ose● xiii i. Cor. xv i. Tim. ii i. Ioan. ii Mat. i. Rom. x. Luke 〈◊〉 An exortacion to the diligente doyng of good workes Gala. v. Psal. i. Mat. xxi Gala. vi Luke i. Rom. viii Gala. v. i. Pet ii Make●well Iohan. viii Math. vii ii Cor. v. Gala. v. i. Ioh. ii i. Ioh. i● ▪ Gala. v. Math. v.