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A04702 The subuersio[n] of Moris false foundacion where upon he sweteth to set faste and shove under his shameles shoris, to vnderproppe the popis churche: made by George Ioye.; Subversion of Moris false foundacion. Joye, George, d. 1553. 1534 (1534) STC 14829; ESTC S103803 58,702 128

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The Subuersiō of Moris false foundacion where vpon he sweteth to set faste and shoue vnder his shameles shoris to vnderproppe the popis chirche Made by George Ioye More to become a vayn lyer in his owne resoning and arguments and his folyssh harte is blynded Where he beleued to haue done moste wysely there hath he shewed him selfe a starke foole Rom. i. Moros in Greke is stultus in Latyn a fool in Englysshe Diuit Dominus cuins inuicta veritas manet ineternum ▪ AFtir that it had plesed our most mercifull father in heuē of his inestimable goodnes to restore vs his gospel and to brynge agene his holy worde into this realme of englōde by a fewe pore persecuted and banesshed men for the trwthe of goddis worde trāslatinge the scripture and makinge certayn other englysshe bokis in the nether over partyes of Germanye whiche bokis inagry Mous tethe all his papisticall Synagoge resistinge yet were thei brought yn distributed in this londe Then begane the Sinagoge of Satan to rore resiste with fyer water with presonment persecucion so grevousely so cruely as neuer before was sene in the londe al maner cruel kynde of tormētinge obtayned of the secular powr cōtiniving now this x. yere but most mercylesly subtyly those two yere more whyle More was chaunceler whiche god for his mercy ceasse when his wyl is Then I saye in the dayes of that gloriouse Cardinal Thomas wolsaye begane these wyked pharisays to suborne set thez for the M. More their pro●-toure patrone to wryte wrestle for thez agenst the trouthe agenst the lorde his anoynted to defende their anticristen finago ge More then beinge a ful fer kouer for fiche a cuppe to furnessh it with lyes to clook kouer their wyked mischeif with subtyle falsehed to mayntayn their gloriouse ●n godlynes with his autorite for the Cardinal deed he succeded him in the chaunceler ship Whiche foxisshe ypocryte when he sa we the almyghty worde of god so openly la yd forth in englysshe y t euery laye mā might se the verite the waye to his saluaciō tho row Cristis blode \ wolde he haue suffred thez to haue red it And agē whē this cruel pharisaye consydered that this vehemēt myghty breathe of the mouthe of god was lyke to blowe downe anticristis kyngdome now in reeling redy to fall whiche he had ether for money or for the honour of his lor de the Cardinal then taken vpon himselfe properly to vnderproppe begane firste lyke one of those blynde bylders his p̄discessours remembred in the psalme whiche reproued reiected y t hed kornerd stone Criste whic●e closed vp made perfit al y e hole worke of the lawe prophetis euē y e perfayt ende and fulnes of all in whom our sufficit̄ saluacipn consisteth Where he sawe that the scripture wolde not frame withe his deuelysshe deuyce he began I saye to shove vn der this his shamelesse shore That y ● apostels left many thingis vnwrytē whiche ar of necessite to be beleued Whiche vnwritē verites as he calleth thez thapostles dely uered by mouthe to their successours and these so from hande to hande vntil thei came to Moris chirche that is to saye vnto More himself y ● popes cardinallis bishopes preistis monkis fiyers c̄ and euē at laste vnto the holy mayde of kent Moris miracle maker which now hauinge the ho ly goste as More saith assistent cannot er re For criste so promysed it thez vnto the worldis ende saith he Now is Moris chir che bylded thus vnderpropped lo that it cannot erre re●le nor neuer fall If More therfore teche vs as he dothe in dede that our sufficient saviour Criste one a lone for vsall ynoughe is but a quarter saviour or a saviour to halues for that we muste brin ge w t vs the popis faith some of our merits satisfaccions sayntismeritis popis pardōs pilgrimagis burying in an obseruātis lowly gra●e cote withe syche infinite pollin ge pyl●t●e to deserue vs heuen yet must we be leue it And why because More his chir che so teche vs and Moris chirche cannot erre If he teche vs That to praye to to cal vpon god onely in al our affliccion tri vulatiō for helth saluaciō is not sufficiēt but that we must runto calvpon deed toten postis or rather as thei colour this idolatrye praye thorow thez to the sayutis in heuē represented by fiche idolls as their selues euer aborted which saintis also now nether know vs nor here vs ▪ but if thei knewe vnder what ungodly maner we abuse thez into the iniury of Crystis glorye thei wolde aborte vs if I saye More teche vs this idolatry yet must we beleue it for Mo ris chirche cānot erre If he teche vs That god onely thorow the merits of crystisdeth by his holy gost is not the geuer of all grace saluacion goodnes but that we must receyue theis giftis and grace of other creatu res of their owne charminge yet must we beleue thez for Moris chirche cannot erre If More teche vs that the testamēt wrytē incrystis blode confirmed with his deth miracles is not yet so perfit ratifyed as sufficiēt for our saluacion but y t it wanteth certayn vnwritē verites of More his owne fayning with out which we cānot be saued yet must we beleue him for Moris chirche cannot erre c. O myserable religion and wretched churche that cannot be defended but with fiche lyes false miracles fayned re uelacions so pestelent doctryne O Satanical synago ge whiche cannest not be mayn tayned supported but by tyrānye persecu ciō impresonmēt murther cruel burning sheding of innocent bloode O wiked wry ter whiche canst not cōfirme fortifye thy false faith falser doctryne onlesse the wr ytē worde of god forsakē orels perniciously peruerted thou beist cōstrayned to fle vnto they nowne unwrytē deed dremes haithē rytes iewisshe ceremonyes euen anticristis owne tradicions ¶ But crysten reder be y ● assuered certifyed by y ● ferme euerlasting wryten worde of god t by thy faith onely in crystis blode thorow his deth onely y u art saued And y ● there is no saluacion nor parte of saluacion in any other thinge thē in him onely For there is no nother name or power vnder y ● cope of heuen geuen emonge men wheryn we might be saued This thinge do all the prophetis bere wytnes y t who so beleve in C●yste ▪ he hath forgeuenes of his synnes thorow his name Where in I praye the was Adam lyke cryste aftir Paulis cōparison Ro. v. verely in no nother thinge then lyke as Adam onely did brynge yn synne deth hell euen so did cryste a lone bryng vs grace lyfe heuen Paule thus setting forthe these similttudes saynge That lyke as by
the synne of onely one man al mē became mortall euen so miche more plentu ously by onely one man Iesus cryste the fauour of god remission of synnes is graun ted vs. And lyke as by the synne of one alone deth raigned thorow one man Adā euē so much more shal thei which receiue tha boūdāt fauou● w t y e g●ft which is rightwy● nes raigne in lyfe by onely one mā which is Iesus Cryste ¶ Agayne lykewyse as by the synne of one man onely condēnacion came ouer al men euen so by the iustifynge of onely one man that rightwysnes which bringeth lyse is br ought forthe vpon al men For as by onely one mannis disobediēce many became syn ners euē so by y t obediēce of one mā onely many be made ryghtwyse So the hitherto tendethe Paulis similitude That as Adā was that one a lone by whom synne deth entred into almen cuē so was Cryste that one alone by whom fauour forgeuenes ● lyfe came vnto al men For the wyne presse saith cryste I tell you haue I trodē al alone of al the peple was ther not one with me It was I that trode downe my enymes in my feruent wrathe That is to say It was I that ouercame syn deth the deuel by my nown strength This was he al alone that came frome Edom w t his blody clothes \ as one alone for all\ which had so labored troden the wyne presse Let vs therfore geue him al the glory prayse alone let vs not ascrybe any parte of our salua cion to our dedis ofwhiche euē the best be to bad ether to satisfye for our synnes or to de●ue heuen It is I saith he that am the rightwyse god sauiour besydis whō there is no nother He pourged our synnesin his owne persone or by himselfe alone Hebr. i. Paule beginneth in the ▪ vii cap. to the Ebrews to proue the dethe of cryste to be one ly a sufficient perfait full oblacion for our synnes whiche once done neuer more it neded not to be iterated nor repeted for by onely that one oblacion of his bodye he brought to passe fynesshed for euer his electe And proue the that the priesthed of Aaron with al theire ●ytis sacrifyces for syn were insufficiēt vnperfit for because it behoued them euery daye to be repeted done agene But Cryste because he abydethe for euer his priesthede cannot be trāslated into any successour for he alone is sufficiēt because he alone is able perfitly withe oute breache or lak to saue who so come to God the father by him ¶ And if the highe bishop alone saith Paul did once in the yere enter into y ● holy place of the tabernacle made with mannis hande with the blode of bestis for his owne synnes for the synnes of the people miche more sufficient must Cryste alone be for our synnes he beyng him self fautelesse entering that heuenly tabernacle with his owne bloude offeringvp his owne blessyd body vpon the altare of the crosse for our re dempcion The bisshop offred euery yere on ce which argued imperfeccion and insuffici en●y but Crystis offeraunce was onely once for all euer which argueth perfeccion sufficiency For thorow y t onely one offerā ce of him self he obtayned before God the father a perpetual purgacion euermore to endure and remission for the sinnes of as many as beleue in him ▪ wherfor at the obla cion of his body all other sacrifices offerā ces for syn thorowt all the worlde ceassed for his oblacion alone was sufficient ●ede the scriptures iuge good reder whether he be an heretyke that saith Cryste is an ho le ful sufficient saviour so geueth him al the glory prayse of our saluacion or rather More his chirche which make hym but half a saviour deuiding his glory some to sayntis merits some to our satisfacciōs some to our dedis some to popis pardons pylgrimagis and I canot tell how miche to his owne vnwryten verites But had this arrogant pharisay vnderstode that breif couenant gloriouse name of god wherby he reueled him selfe to Abram his posterite in the. xvij ca. of Genesis where he calleth him self God almighty one alone for al suf ficient commanding vs to be pure walke before him that is to saye to be faithfull directe our lyuing according to his plesure preceptis geuen to Moses then wolde he neuer haue thus blasphemed his almyghty for al so sufficient holy name nether ha ue put sich lak in him his writen wyll which he declared sufficiently to Moses to the peple of Israel But who is more bolde then blynde bayerd to embusye ād smatter himself in that thinge which he vnderstōde not who is more fyerce braggisshe to sheweforth a litel vayn coning then those puftup papistis with pryde and vaynglory which ar without al godly knowlege destitute al good lerninge ¶ Then obiecteth More raging rayling vpon vs for attributing so myche to god so lytel to our selues sayng lo these heretikis destroye and dampne all good workis But we answere siche godlesse barkers agenst god which ar become abominable cruel enimes of his worde disobedient and reprobated of god neuer to do good workis y t we preche and exhorte almen to as many good workꝭ as euer be contayned in holy scripture And yet tel we More agayn y t good workis thoughe thei iustifie vs not for crystis bloude is sufficiēt for this poynte our faith reching the mercy of God for crystis sake yet ought we not payne of dānacion to leue them vndone Nomore than thoughe our leggis handis serue vs not to se with all yet ought we not therfore to kut them of cast them awaye but to noresshe holde them in their propyr placis ād vse we tell him to y t we be iustified by faith onely not for because we shulde not do no good workis but because we shulde neuer ceasse doing good workis And we set faith in the first place betwene vs god good workis betwene vs and our neighbours to punesshe our rebell flesshe to profit oother to be testimonies of our faith into y ● lyght ensample of all men Unto thissame obieccion answerth Paule in the begining of the .vi. cap. Rom. shewing by those two interrogaciōs theffecte of baptisme that a Crysten man by faith hath his carnall af fectis so mortified deed y ● it is impossibile for him to lyue dwell in synne sayng we that ardeed as towching synne howe shal we lyue theryn c. where it is playne that sich a faithful crysten thoughe he fal syn ne yet shal he not continue theryn so that synne shal not raigne nor haue dominion ouer him Rede forthe the chapiter And we affirme with Paule That Cryste by
thingis mo to tel you which ye cannot now bere c. rebuked them saynge O foles and dull harted to bele ue al those thingis meaninge y ● verites ād trouthes which he wolde haue then taught them before whiche the prophetes haue spoken of me Here apereth it playnly y t those trouthes that cryste there mente into whiche the spirit shulde lede them and More maketh them vnwryten verites shulde be siche as were wryten in the prophetis So that this texte The holy goste shal lede you into al trouthes is as miche to saye as into al trouthes wryten of Cryst before in the lawe prophetis and Psalmis This is the vndouted trouth of the texte For Cryst the same daye aperinge vnto his disciples and beginning at the same lesson where he lefte with them before his dethe sayd These are the wordes whiche I spake vnto you whan I was yet with you that it shulde be necessarye al thinges wryten in the lawe of Moses prophetis and psalmes to be fulfulled of me of me saithe he and not of any other And here as Ioā saith he breathinge vpon them saynge take the holygoste thei receyued the first frutes and foretaste of the spirit with y e truthes by a lytel lytel to be led into thē as he once had promysed them but aftyr their capacite and weakenes he here lyke a wyse master toke them euer forth from vnder y e ceremones and letter of Moses preparing them to y e spirit trouth of the gospel thā saith Luke opened he their hartis myndis y t thei might vnderstande the scriptures y e scriptures saith Luke not Moris vnwryten verites said to thē Thus thus is it wrytē not thus sayd I w tout wryting Now marke wel crysten reder y t at folouth y u shalt se al y e truthes y t y e holygost lede thē into It behoued cryst saith he to suffer to ryse frō deth y e third day repētāce remissiō of sinnes to be preched vnder his name into among al y e gētils Now cōfer thes wordis to those so breifely knyt vp Iohan. xvi aftyr which he sayd as cōcerning these yet haue I many thīges to tel you c. for albeit \ it was harde for their weaknes to bere y e forme of our redēpciō by his deth resurrecciō y e calling in of y e gētils into his chirch yet was this point thā so strāge y t yet for al this lesson to \ it coude not synke into their hartis this preching sayd he shal be gyn at Ierusalē Your selues shalbe y e witnesses of these wordis y t is your selues shal prech thē If al this wil not yet satisfy Mo resvnsanery mouth we wil go farther euē to Wytsonday wher y e holygost y t promise was fully performed y ● verites lyk as here expressed wherinto thei wer led ▪ where as sone as thei were enspyred set a fyer w t y ● spirit and led into these trouthes thei co● de not longe hold their tonges but prech●● them by by euen as the spirit led them into them all And now are we in the sueres● waye to trye oute this matter and in a nother maner dedu●cion than More deduceth vs. And first note y ● Cryste hauinge respecte vnto their imbe●ilite and weaknes to bere these trouthes and to professe them openly and also puttinge them in remembe tance of their owne infirmite sayd ye shall receyue strengthe aftir y ● y ● holy gost come into you and ye shal preche me not only in Ierusalem but also in all Iudea Samaria ye and euen vnto y e vttermoste coostes of y ● ●●the by whiche he mente amonge y e gentyles Nowe turne we ouer y ● leif to y e. n. ca. of y ● Actis of y ● Apostlis and there shal we seplainly howe all this sayd before w t their sermons to thorow y e actis and y e pistles of Paule agre togither one place euermo●e confirminge and declaringe another For there did Peter w t y ● xi as sone as y e spirite had led them into these trouthes \ stand vp in Ierusalem for it was prophecyed and tol de them before y t there thei shulde begynne to preche these verites and firste y ● false opinion of the I●●● beleuinge y ● disciples to haue ben droncken taken awaye he tolde them constantly prechinge euen as Cryste had taught them before immediately after ●is resurreccion whan thei were yet ful w●ke Luke xxiiij That this same man whō thei had put to dethe was Iesus Cryste se●ite from god y e father and geuen them to wyn them w t doctrine and myracles whom by y e ferme decre and fore knowlege of y e father so betrayd and delyuerde vp when ye had receyued at y e handis of y e vngodlye ye ●●ucyfyed and slewe whom god y e father losed fro y ● bondis of dethe and stered vp agene c. Now good Crysten reder rede al y e processe and communicacion y t Cryste had w t these his disciples before he sand yet haue I many thingis as touching these poyntes c. Into which y e holy gost shal lede you when he come and compare them vnto the verites y ● Cryst opened them as sone as he was rysen and proued it them by scriptures and especially in y e Psalmes And then loke here now in this sermone folowinge whose substance Luke reciteth and consyder whither these be not y ● same trouthes ye and y t sufficient trouthes whome whoso receyue and beleue as y e ende and conclusiō of the sermone testifieth playnly ar saued Loke and if al these trouthes be not plent● ously and constantly confirmed w t the scrip tures Thei here affirmed his ascension b● scriptures and also to sit on his fathers ●● ghthande ye and euen here sayd thei in the firste h●ete of the spirit That this promyse of cryste was made both to the Iwes to their childerne and to al that are a farre to by which wordis taken of the prophete I ▪ say ▪ Paule descrybed the gentyls Thei preched now constantly that this same was that sead and frute of Dauid so ofte prom ysed in the lawe and prophetis and that now he thus exalted by the righthande of the father the promyse of the holy gost ob tayned of him he hath powered forth euē this that you now se and here Note these laste wordis wel se and here what sawe thei what harde thei els but the verites in to whiche he promysed the spirit to lede th em of whiche the firste is That this man Iesus of Nazareth was geuen them of the father this verite was wryten in the prophetis and Cryste tolde them to that he was come from the father secondarily Peter and the. xi