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A16087 The Epistles and Gospelles with a brief postil vpon the same from after Easter tyll Aduent, which is the somer parte set forth for the singuler co[m]moditie of all good Christen men and namely of prestes and curates.; Bible. N.T. Epistles. English. Taverner. Selections. 1540. Taverner, Richard, 1505?-1575. 1540 (1540) STC 2968; ESTC S718 99,411 186

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hym in euerlastynge lyfe Yf ye refuse so great grace wherto ye be called what other thynge do ye then heape your damnation more and more and so prouoke God to caste hys displeasure vnto you and to reuenge thys mockage of hys holy sacramentes in so great abusyng of them Applye your selfe good frēdes to lyue in Christ that Christ may styl lyue in you whose fauour and assistēce yf ye haue thā haue ye euerlastynge lyfe alredy wythin you than can no thynge hurte you What soeuer is hytherto done and cōmytted Christe ye se hath offered you pardon and clerly receyued you to hys fauoure agayne in full suertye wherof ye haue hym nowe uihabytynge and dwellynge wythin you Only shewe you youre selfe thankeful in your lyues cōpounde wyth youre selfe to refuse and auoyde al such thynges in youre conuersations that shuld offende hys eyes of mercy Endeuoure your selfe that waye to ryse vp agayne whych waye ye fell into the well pyt of synne Yf by your tonge ye haue offended now therby ryse agayne and glorifye God therwyth Accustome it to laude and prayse the name of God as ye haue therwyth dishonoured it and as ye haue hurte the name of your neghboure or otherwyse hyndered him now entende to restore hym agayne for wythout restituci on God accepteth not your shryft nor yet your repētaunce It is not ynough to forsake euell except ye set your corage to do good By what occasiō so euer ye haue offended tourne now the occasion to the honourynge of God profytynge of your neyghbour Truth it is that synne is stronge and affections vnruly harde to subdue resyst our nature so corrupte leuened w t the soure bitternes of the poyson which we receyued by the inheritan̄ce of our olde father Adam but yet take good corage sayeth our Sauiour Christ for I haue ouercommed the world al other enemyes for you Synne shall not haue power ouer you for ye be now vnder grace sayeth saynt Paule Though your power be weake yet Christ is rysen a gayne to strength you in your batel hys holy spirite shall helpe your infirmities In trust of hys confidence take you in hande to purge thys olde leuen of synne that corrupteth soureth the swetnes of your lyfe before God that ye maye be as newe and freshe dowe voyde of all soure leuen of wyckednes so shall ye shew your self to be swete bred to god to haue his delyte in you I say kyl offer you vp the worldly erthly affectiōs of your bodyes for Christ our Ester lambe is offred vp for vs to flee the power of synne to delyuer vs from the daunger therof and to gyue vs exemple to dye to synne in our lyfe As the Iues dyd eate theyr Ester lābe kept theyr fest in remembraūce of theyr deliueraūce out of Egypt Euē so let vs kepe our Ester feast in y t thankfull remēbraunce of Christes benefytes whych he hath purchased for vs by hys resurrectiō passyng to hys father wher by we be deliuered from y e captiuitie thraldome of al our enemyes Let vs in like maner passe ouer the affections of our olde conuersacion to be delyuered from y e bondage therof to tyse w t Christ. The Iues kept theyr feast in absteynynge from leuened breade by the space of vij dayes let vs christen folke kepe our holy day in a spiritual maner y t is in absteining not from material leuened bread but from the olde leuen of synne the leuen of maliciousnes wyckednes Let vs cast frō vs y t leuen of corrupt doctrine y t wyl iufect our soules Let vs kepe oure feast y t hole terme of our lyfe w t eatynge the bred of purenes of godly lyfe truth of Christes doctrine Thus shall we declare y t Christes gyftes graces haue theyr ef fect in vs. that we haue y t right beleue knowlege of his holy resurrection whervnto yf we applye our fayth to y t vertue therof in our lyfe cōforme vs to the exemple signification ment therby we shalbe suer to ryse hereafter to euerlastynge glorye by the goodnes and mercy of our Lorde Iesus Christe to whome wyth the father and the holy goost c. The Epistle on the fyrste sondaye after Ester daye called lowe sondaye The fyrst Epistle of Iohn and the. v. Chapter Thargument of thys Epistle ☞ Of the excellency of fayth and how it ouercōmeth the worlde MOst dere beloued brethren al that is borne of God ouercōmeth the worlde And this is the victory that ouercōmeth the world euē our faith Who is it that ouercommeth the worlde but he whyche beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God Thys Iesus Christe is he that came by water and bloud not by water onely but by water bloud And it is the spirite that beareth wytnesse because the spirite is trueth for there are thre whiche beare recorde in heauen the father the worde and holy goste And these thre are one And there are thre whyche beare record in erth the spirite water and bloud and these thre are one Yf we receaue the wytnes of men the wytnes of God is greater For thys is the wytnes of God that is greater whyche he testifyed of hys sonne He that beleueth on the sonne of god hath the wytnes in hymselfe An exhortation vpon thys Epistel OUre Epistle taken out of the first epistle catholyke of saint Iohn good christen brethern doth shewe vnto vs that we haue a generation from god which is that which procedeth of faith this ouercommyth the worlde that is to saie the concupiscences of syn̄es which be pryde couetous and lecherye Assuredly my frendes ther is I trust noman amonges vs but knoweth that of nature we be al born in synnes in vnrightuousnes in vtter ignorance of al ghostly and spiritual thinges And therfore Sainct Austine wryteth on this wise Beholde my brethern beholde the generacion of mankynde from the firste death of that first man For synne from the first man hath entred into this world and by syn̄e hath death entred and so hath passed thorough all men as witnesseth thapostle But marke sayth saynte Austine this worde passed through Synne is rūne through vpon all the ofsprynge of Adam and for this cause is the new borne chylde gylty of eternal damnation he hath not yet done syn but he hath caught synne For surely that fyrst synne of oure foreparentes dyd not styll remayne in the headsprynge but it passed through into the ofsprynge not into hym and hym but into al men The fyrst synner the fyrst trāsgressour begat synners subiecte to death Than came the Sauiour of a virgine to heale saue them he came to the but not the waye that thou cāmest For he proceded not of the concupiscēce of the male and female he came not of that bonde of concupiscence Bycause therfore he came to the not by y t waye that
clxxxv POSTILLES OR HOMILIES VPON THE EPISTLES AND GOSPELS FROM ESTER vntyll TRINITIE sondaye wyth certayne other frutefull and godly SERMONS drawen forth by dyuerse lerned men for the syngular edificacion and commoditie of al good CHRISTEN parsons and in especiall of prestes and CVRATES ❧ Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ANNO. M. D. XL. THE COPY OF THE KYNGES graciouse priuilege HENRY the eight by the grace of god kynge of Englande and of Fraūce defensour of the fayth Lorde of Ireland and in earth supreme head immediatly vnder Christe of the church of Englād To all prynters of bokes wythin thys oure Realme and to all other our officers ministers and subiectes these our letters hearyng or seynge Gretynge We let you wit that of our grace especial we haue gyuen priuilege vnto our welbeloued subiecte Richarde Bankes that no maner person wythin thys our Realme shal prynte any maner of bokes what so euer our sayd subiecte shall prynte fyrste wythin the space of seuen yeares next ensuyng the printynge of euery suche boke so by hym prynted vpon payne of forfetynge the same Wherefore we woll and cōmaunde you that ye nor none of you do presume to prynte any of the sayde bokes durynge the tyme aforesayd as ye tender oure pleasure and woll auoyde the contrarye A SERMON OF THE RESVRRECTION CHRISTVS traditꝰ fuit ꝓpter peccata nostra resurrexit propter iustificationem nostri Roma iiij ☞ Christ was delyuered for our synnes and rose agayne for the iustification of vs. Rom. iiij YF euer the greatnes or excellency of any matter hath styred vp youre myndes to gyue diligent eare at any tyme good chri sten people welbeloued in our Lorde and Sauiour Christe I doubt not but that I shall haue you now moost diligent and redy hearers of that matter whyche I haue at thys tyme to open vnto you For I am come to declare that great and moost comfortable article of our fayth the resurrection of our Lorde Iesus So great is thys article and of so great weyght and importaunce that it was thought worthy to kepe our said Sauiour styl on earth after he was rysen from death to lyfe to the confirmation therof in the hartes of hys disciples So that as Luke testifyeth in the fyrste chapter of the actes he was conuersant wyth hys disciples by the space of fourty dayes continually together to enstructe them the truth therof before he wold ascende vp to hys father in heauen to receyue the glorye of hys conquest and victory So comfortable is thys article to our cōsciences that it is the locke and keye of all our fayth Yf it were not true saye●h S. paule that Christe arose agayne oure preachynge were in vayne your fayth were but voyde ye were yet in the daunger of your synnes Yf Christe be not rysen agayne sayeth the Apostle than are they vtterly pery shed that be entred theey slepe in Christ than are we moost myserable of al mē yf we haue our hope fixed in Christ yf he were vnder the power of death not re stored to blesse agayne But now is he rysen agayne frō death sayth he to be y e fyrst frutes of them that be aslepe to rayse them to euerlastynge lyfe agayne Yea yf it were not true that Christe is rysē again than were it neyther true that he is ascended vp to heauen nor y t he sent downe the holy goost nor that he sytteth on the ryght hande of the father hauynge the rule of heauen and earth reygnynge as the prophete sayeth from see to see nor that he shulde after thys worlde be a iudge of lyuynge deade to gyue rewarde to the good and iudgement to the euell That these lynkes therfore of oure fayth shulde all hange together in stedfaste confirmation it pleased our sauiour not strayght way to wythdraw hymself from the corporall syght of hys disciples but chose out fourty daies wherin he wold declare vnto them by manyfolde and moost stronge argumentes and tokens that he had conquered death and was truly rysen agayne to lyfe He began sayeth Luke at Mo ses and all the prophetes and dyd expoune them the prophecies that were wrytten in al the scriptures of hym to confirme the truth of his resurrection longe before spoken of whych he verefyed in dede as it is declared manyfestly by hys ofte appearaunce to son dry persons at sondry tymes Fyrst he sente hys angels to y t sepulchre whych dyd shewe to certayne wo men that the stone of the graue was remoued from the dore therof and shewed them the emptygraue sa uynge that the buriall lynnen remayned therin and of these sygnes were these women fully instructed y t he was rysen agayne and so dyd they testifye it opēlye After thys Iesus hymselfe appeared to Mary Magdalene and after that to other certayne women strayght afterwarde he appeared to Peter than to the two disciples whych were goynge to Emaus He appered to the disciples also as they were gathered together for feare of the Iues the dores shut At an other tyme he was sene at the see of Tyberias of Peter and Thomas and other disciples whan they were fyshynge He was sene of more thā fyue hundred brethren in the mount of galile where Iesus appoynted them by hys angel whan he said beholde he shal go before you into Galile there shal ye se hym as he hath said vnto you After thys he ap peared vnto Iames and last of all he was vysiblye sene of al the Apostles at such tyme as he was takē vp into heauen Thus at sondrye tymes he shewed hymselfe after he was rysen agayne to cōfirme this artycle and in these reuelations somtyme he shewed them hys handes hys feete and hys syde and bad them touch hym that they shulde not take hym for a goost or a spirite Somtyme he also dyd eate wyth them but euer he was talkynge wyth them of the kyngdome of God to confirme the truth of hys resurrection For then he opened theyr vnderstandyng to perceyue the scriptures sayd vnto them Thus it is wrytten and thus it behoued Christ to suffer to ryse from death the thyrde daye and to haue prea ched openly in hys name penaunce and remission of synnes to all the nations of the worlde Ye see good christen people howe necessarie thys artycle of oure fayth is seynge it was proued of Christ hymselfe by such euident reasons and tokens by so longe tyme space Now therfore as our sauiour was diligēt for oure cōforte and instruction to testifie it so let vs be as ready in oure beleue to receyue it to our comforte and instruction As he dyed not for himselfe nomore dyd he ryse agayne for hymselfe He was dead sayth saint Paule ●or out synnes and rose agayne for our iustification O moost comfortable worde euermore to be borne in remembraunce He dyed sayeth he to put away synne he rose agayne to endewe vs
wyth ryghtuousnes Hys death toke awaye synne malediction hys death was the raunsome of them both Hys death destroyed death and ouercame the deuyll whych had the power of death in his subiectiō Hys death destroyed hell wyth all the damnation therof Thus is death swalowed vp by Christes vic torye thus is hel spoyled for euer Yf any mā doubt of thys victorye let Christes glorious resurrection declare hym the thynge Yf death coulde not kepe Christ vnder his dominion but that he arose again it is manyfest that hys power was ouercome Yf death be cōquered than must it folowe y t sinne wher fore death was appoynted as the wages must be al so destroyed Yf death and synne be vanished away then is the deuels tyrannye resysted whyche had the power of death and was the author of sinne and the rulet of hell Yf Christe had the victory of them all by the power of hys death and openly proued it by hys valiaūt resurrection as it was not possible for hys great myght to be subdued of them than thys true that Christe dyed for oure synnes and rose agayne for our iustification why may not we that be hys members by true fayth reioyce and boldly saye wyth the prophete Osee the Apostle Paule where is thy darte O death where is thy victory O hell Thankes be vnto God saye they whyche hath gyuen vs the victory by our Lord Christ Iesus Thys myghtye conquest of hys resurrection was not only sygnifyed afore by dyuerse fygures of the olde testa ment as by Sampson whan he slewe the Lyon out of whose mouth came out swetnes and hony and as Dauid bare his fygure whan he delyuered y e lambe out of the Lyons mouth and whan he ouercame slewe the great gyant Goliath and as whan Ionas was swalowed vp of the whales mouth and cast vp agayne on londe to lyue but was also moost clerely prophecied by the prophetes of the olde testament in the newe also confirmed by the Apostles He hath spoyled sayeth saynt Paule rule and power and all the dominion of our spirituall enemyes He hath made a shewe of them openlye and hath triumphed ouer them in hys owne person Thys is the myghty power of the Lorde whome we beleue on By hys death hath he wrought thys victorye for vs and by hys resurrection hathe he purchased euerlastynge lyfe ryghtuousnes for vs. It had not ben ynough to be delyuered by hys death from synne excepte by hys resurrection we had ben endowed wyth ryghtu ousnes And it shulde not auayle vs to be delyueted from death except he had rysen agayne to open for vs the gates of heuen to enter into lyfe euerlastinge And therfore saynte Peter thanketh God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ for hys abundaunt mercy bycause he hath begottē vs ●ayeth he vnto a lyuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christe from death to enioye an inheritaunce immortal that shal neuer perysh whych is reserued in heauen for them that be kepte by the power of God thorowe fayth Thus hath hys resurrection wrought for vs lyfe ryghtuousnes He passed thorowe death and hell to put vs in good hope that by hys strength we shall do the same He payde the raunsome of synne that it shulde not be layde to our charge He destroyed the deuell and all hys tyranny and openlye triumphed ouer hym and toke awaye from hym all hys captiues hath raysed set them wyth hymselfe amonges the heauenly cytesins aboue He dyed to destroy the rule of the deuell in vs and rose agayne to sende downe his holy spirite to rule in our hart● to endow vs wyth perfyte ryghtuousnes Thus is it true that Dauid songe Veritas de terra orta est iustitia de coelo ꝑspexit The truth of goddes promyse is in erth to man declared or from the earth is the euerla stynge veritie goddes sonne rysen to lyfe the true ryghtuousnes of the holy goost lokynge out of heauen is in moost lyberall larges dealt vpon all the worlde Thus is glorye and prayse reboundinge vp warde to god aboue for hys mercy and truth thus is peace come downe frō heuē to mē of good faithfull hartes ▪ Thus is mercye and veritie as Dauid wryteth met together thus is peace and ryghtuousnes embrasynge and kyssynge themselfe together Yf thou doutest of so great felicitie that is wrought for the O man cal to thy mynde that therfore haste thou receyued into thyne owne possession the euerla stynge veritie our Sauiour Iesus Christe in forme of breade to confirme to thy conscience the truthe of all thys matter Thou hast receyued hym yf in true fayth and repentaunce of harte thou haste receyued hym yf in purpose of amendement thou haste receyued hym for an euerlastinge gage and pledge of thy saluation Thou hast receyued hys body which was o●es broken and hys bloud shed for the remission of thy synne thou hast receyued hys body to haue with in the the father the sonne the holy goost to dwell wyth the to endowe the wyth grace to strength the agaynst thy enemyes and to comforte the with theyr presence Thou hast receyued hys bodye to endowe the wyth euerlastyng ryghtuousnes to assure the of euerlastynge blysse and lyfe of thy soule For wyth Christe by true fayth arte thou quyckened agayne sayeth saynt Paule from death of synne to lyfe of grace and in hope translated frō corporall and euer lastynge death to the euerlastynge lyfe of glorye in heauen where nowe thy conuersation shulde be and thy harte and desyre set Doubte not of the truth of thys matter how great excellent so euer these thyn ges be It becommeth god to do no lytle dedes how impossible so euer they seme to the praye to god that thou mayest haue fayth to perceyue thys greate power of Christes resurrection y t by fayth thou mayest certaynly beleue nothing to be impossible with god Only bringe thou fayth to Christes holy worde and sacrament let thy repentan̄ce shewe thy faith let thy purpose of amendement and obedience of thy harte to gods lawe herafter declare thy true beleue Endeuoure thy selfe to saye wyth saynte Paule from henseforth our conuersation is in heuen frō whence we loke for a sauioure euen the Lorde Iesus Christ whych shall chan̄ge our vyle bodyes that they may be fashioned lyke to hys glorious bodye whyche he shal do by the same power wherby he rose frō death and wherby he shal be able to subdue al thynges vn to hymselfe Thus good christen people for as muche as ye haue herde these so great and excellent benefy tes of Christes myghtye and glorious resurrection howe that he hath raunsomed synne ouercome the deuyll death and hell and hath victoriously obteyned the better hande of them all to make vs fre and saufe from them and knowynge that we be by thys benefyte of hys
resurrection rysen wyth hym by our fayth to lyfe euerlastynge beynge in full suretie of oure hope that we shall haue oure bodyes lykewyse reysed agayn from death to haue them glorifyed in immortalitie and ioyned to hys gloryouse body hauynge in the meane whyle hys holye spirite wythin out hartes as a fea●e and pledge of our euerlasting inheritaunce by whose assistence we be replenyshed wyth all ryghteousnes by whose power we shall be able to subdue al our euel affections y t ryse againste the pleasure of God These thynges I saye well cōsydered let vs nowe in the reste of oure lyfe declare our fayth y t we haue to thys moost furtefull article by conformyng vs therunto in rysynge dayly from synne to ryghtousnes and holynes of lyfe For what shall it auayle vs sayeth S. Peter to be escaped and delyuered from y e fylthynes of the worlde thorough the knolege of the Lorde Sauiour Iesus Christe yf we be en●augled agayne therwyth be ouercome agayne it had bene better sayeth he neuer to haue knowen the waye of ryghteousnes than after it is knowen and receyued to torne backewarde agayne from the holy cōmaundemente of God gyuen vnto vs. For so shall the prouerbe haue place in vs wher it is sayd y e dogge is retorned to hys vomyte agayn and the sowe that was washed to her wallowynge in the myre agayne What a shame were it for vs beynge thus so clerely and frelye washed from oure synne to retorne to the fylthynes therof agayne What a foly were it thus endowed wyth ryghtousnes to lo●e it agayne What madnes were it to lose the enherytaunce that we be nowe set in for the vyle and transytory pleasure of synne And what an vnkyndnes shulde it be where our Sauiour Christ of hys mercy is come to vs to dwell wythin vs as our geste to dryue hym from vs and to expell hym violentlye out of our soules in stede of hym in whom is all grace and vertue to receyue the vngracyouse spirite of the deuyl the autor of al naughtynes and myschefe How can we fynde in our hartes to shewe such extreme vnkyndnes to Christ which hath now so gently called vs to mercy offered hymselfe vnto vs and he now entered wythin vs. Yea howe dare we be so bolde to renounce the presence of y e father the sonne and the holy goost nowe receyued in thys holy sacrament for where one is there is God al hole in maiestie together w e al his power wyldō goodnes feare not I saye the daūger peryl of so traytorous a defiance Good christē brethrē systers aduyse your selfe cōsyder y e dignitie y t ye be now set in Let not foly lose the thynge y t grace hath so preci ously offered and purchased Let not wylfulnes and blyndnes put out so great lyght that is now shewed vnto you Only take good hartes vnto you and put vpon you all the armoure of God that ye may stāde agaynst your enemyes whych wolde agayne subdue you and brynge you into theyr thraldome Remēber ye be bought from your bayne conuersation your fredome purchased neyther wyth golde nor syluer but wyth the price of y e precious bloud of that moost innocent lambe Iesus Christ whych was ordeyned to thys same purpose before the worlde was made but was so declared in the later tyme of grace for your sakes whych by hym haue your fayth in God who hath raysed hym from death hath gyuen hym glorye that you shulde haue your fayth and hope to ward god Therfore as ye haue hytherto folowed y e vayne lustes of your myndes and so displeased god to the daūger of your soules now lyke obediēt chyldren thus purifyed by faythe gyue youre selues to walke that waye whych god moueth you to that ye maye receyue the ende of your faith the saluation of your soules And as ye haue gyuen your bodyes to vnryghtuousnes to synne after synne nowe gyue youre selfe to ryghtuousnes to be sanctifyed therin Yf ye delyte in thys artycle of youre faythe that Christ is rysen agayne from death to lyfe So folow you the exemple of hys resurrection as S. Paul exhorteth vs sayng As we be buryed with Christ by our baptisme into death so let vs dayly dye to sinne mortifynge and kyllynge the euell desyres and motions therof And as Christ was raised vp frō death by the glory of the father so let vs ryse to a new lyfe walke cōtinually therin that we may lykewyse as natural chyldren lyue a cōuersacion to moue men to glorifie our father whych is in heuen Yf we then be rysen w t Christe by oure fayth to the hope of euerlastynge lyfe so let vs ryse also wyth Christ after hys exemple to a new lyfe leue our olde We shal then be truly rysen yf we seke for thynges that be heuenly yf we haue our affection vpō thynges y t be aboue and not on thynges that be on erth Yf ye desyre to know what these erthly thynges be whych ye shuld put of and what be the heuenly thynges aboue that ye shulde seke and ensue S. Paule in y e epistle to the Collossians declareth whan he exhorteth vs thus Mortifie your erthly mēbers and olde affections of synne as fornication vnclennes vnnaturall lust euell concupiscence and couetousnes whyche is worshippynge of ydols for whych thynges the wrath of God is wont to fal on the chyldren of vnbeleue In whyche thynges ones ye walked whan ye lyued in them but nowe put ye also awaye from you wrathe tearsenes maliciousnes cursed speakynge fylthye speakynge out of your mouthes Lye not one to an other that the olde man wyth hys workes be put of and the newe put on These be the earthly thynges whych saynt Paule moueth you to caste from you to plucke your hartes from For in folowynge these ye declare your selues earthly and worldly These be the frutes of the earthly Adam These shulde ye dayly kyll by good diligence in wythstandynge the desyres of them that ye myghte ryse to ryghtuousnes Let your affection from henceforth be set on heuenly thynges Sue and serch for mercy kyndnes mekenes paciens forbearynge one another and for gyuynge one another Yf any man haue quarell to another euen as Christ forgaue you euen so do ye Yf these and such other heuenly vertues ye ensue in the residue of your lyfe ye shall shewe playnly that ye be rysen wyth Christ and that ye be the heauenly chyldren of youre father in heauen frō whom as frō the gyuer commeth these graces gyftes Ye shall proue by thys maner that your cōuersacion is in heuen where your hope is and not on earth folowing the beastly appetites of the flesh Ye must consyder that ye be therfore clensed renewed that ye shulde from henceforth serue God in holynes ryghtuous nes all the dayes of your lyues that ye may targue wyth
thou cammest therfore he delyuered the. But where dyd he fynde the He founde the solde vnder synne lyenge in the death of the fyrste man drawynge vp the synne of the fyrst mā beynge gylty and hauynge condemnation yet thou couldest discerne good and euell asunder Hetherto I haue rehersed vnto you the wordes of saynt Austyne Wherfore to retourne to my purpose forasmuch as we be borne in synne whych bryngeth wyth it ignoraunce blyndnes and infidelitie therfore we can not chalenge thys to our owne power and vertue that we beleue Iesus to be Christ but for the beleuynge herof we haue nede to be borne agayne and to be renewed through the holy goost and by y e worde of God to thintent we may purely vnderstande the thynges that be of God and that we maye by faythe take holde of the promyses of Christ and so finally wyth sure confidence determine wyth ourselues that Iesus is Christe that is to saye the annoynted kynge and Sauioure of the worlde For no doubte before we be thus borne agayne we be all but Nicodemes that is to saye we maye well beleue that Christ came as a greate mayster from God and that nomā coulde do the sygnes and myracles that he dyd But thys is but an historial fayth and they that haue it do as yet walke out of the kyngdom of heuen wyth Nicodemus to whō Christ answereth Uerely verely I saye vnto the onles a mā be borne agayne from about he can not se the kyngdome of God whych selfe thynge the holy apostle saynte Ihon doth in thys place declare in other termes saynge he can not beleue Iesus to be Christe For he that beleueth not thys can not se the kyngdome of god To beleue y t Iesus is Christe is surely to determine and conclude wyth thy self that Iesus is fyrste to the a Sauiour and secōdly that he is a kynge anoynted w t the oyle of gladnes perpetually to rule to preserue to defend the so saued by hym And here saynt Ihons entent and purpose is to declare vnto vs a difference betwene the historiall faythe concernynge Christe whyche the deuyll also hath and so all hypocrites and betwene y t true and sauynge fayth whych beleueth that Christ doth both saue vs and also taketh a continuall charge regard of our saluation To thys fayth we be bor●e agayne when through the holy goost we be casted by the worde to the knowlege of Gods wyll to thu● tent we maye vnderstande that Iesus is Christe I meane that he is such one in whome is reposed all grace helth defense and sauegarde agaynste synne death Satan the worlde and so forth This he that beleueth is sayd to be borne of god as though saint Ihon shulde say To beleue y t Iesus is Christ is not a worke of humane power strength but it is suche a worke whervnto is requyred the power of God an heauenly renewyng or regeneration wherby the holy goost transformeth vs into newe creatures And what is this faith whiche is so myghty It is as I haue sayde the fame that maketh vs beleue that Iesus is the sonne of god that was baptysed which thinge is to be comen by water that suffered death and passion for the redemption of men which is to be comen by bloude That Iesus Christ is verite for the holy ghost doth witnesse it that is to say both trew god and trewe man And that he is trewe god thre thinges doth witnesse it in heuē the father the sonne which is him selfe and the holy ghost and these thre be one selfe witnesse And that he is trewe man thre thinges doth witnesse it in erth the spirite which he hath bequethed into the handes of his father at his death the water with which he was baptised and the bloude which he hath shed with water when his syde was percyd after that he was deade And these thre thinges be one selfe witnesse And if we receyue the witnesse of menne why shuld we not take the witnesse of god which is infinitely greater than mās that he is the sonne of god This witnesse was made by god the father in his baptisme And also he hath testified yt in the mountaine he hath testified it by the lawe by the prophetes Who so euer then beleueth that he is the sone of god he hath the witnesse of god in him he receyueth the recorde and testimonye of god he is borne of god and in the spirite of his faith he is farre stronger ouer y e world and victorious of the worlde Folowe we then good brethren and systers this generation of God of fayth and of baptisme and lo we haue ouercome all thynges that is to wytte the worlde the fleshe and the concupiscences Nowe yf we be rydde and not combred wyth these thynges surely the yuel spirite can haue nothynge in vs but than the spirite of god only may all and doth all in vs. Unto god then be all thankes honour and glory accordingly Amen The Gospell on the fyrst sondaye after Ester daye called lowe sondaye the. xx chapter of Ihon. Thargument of thys Gospell ☞ How Christ appeareth to hys disciples which were assembled togyther and of theyr cōmission that was gyuen them to preache THe same daye at nyght whyche was the fyrst daye of the Sabbothes whan the dores were shut where the disciples were assembled together for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stode in the mydde and sayeth vnto them Peace be vnto you And whan he had so sayd he shewed vnto them hys handes and hys syde Then were the disciples glad whā they sawe the Lorde Than sayd Iesus to them agayn Peace be vnto you As my father sent me euen so sende I you also And wha he had sayd those wordes he brethed on them and sayeth vnto them Receyue the holy goost Whosoeuers synnes ye remytte they are remytted vnto them And whosoeuers synnes ye retayne they are retayned But Thomas one of the twelue whych is called Di dimus was not wyth them whan Iesus came The other disciples therfore sayde vnto hym we haue sene the Lorde But he sayde vnto them excepte I se in hys handes the prynte of the nayles and put my fnnger into the prynt of the nayles and thurst my hande into hys syde I wil not beleue And after eyghte dayes agayne hys disciples were wyth in and Thomas wyth them Then came Iesus when the dores were shut and stode in the myddes and sayde peace be vnto youe After that sayde he to Thomas brynge thy fynger hyther and se my han des and reache hyther thy hande and thurste into my syde and be not faythlesse but beleuyng Tho mas answered and sayd vnto hym my Lorde and my Cod Iesus sayth vnto hym Thomas because thou haste sene me thou haste beleued blessed are they that haue not sene and yet haue beleued And many other sygnes truly dyd Iesus in the presence
alredy spoken by Christ. This do not the papistes for they expoūde not Christes worde but they bring another word besides Christes word Thys spirite of trouth shall also shewe of thynges to come that is to wit of the spreading abrode of Christes gospel throughout the hole world euen vnto the Gentilles or hethē persons aswell as to the Iewes whom yet the Iues despysed and toke for refuse and abiecte persōs and counted them selues onely for Gods electe and chosen This holy ghoste shall glorifie Christe that is he shall expoune him he shall make him clearer and shall auaunce and set him forthe But the byshop of Rome doth cleane contrary for he obscureth darkeneth Christe and his doctryne This holy ghost sayeth Christ shall receyue of myne and shall shewe vn to you And al that the father of heuē hath are myn This is to saye good people that the holy spirite of god wherwyth euery christen man must be renewed according to Christes communication wyth Nicodemus shall breath or inspire nothing into the mindes of christian folke but that whych Christes gospell and worde wylleth He teacheth no newe thing Wherfore my frendes if we woll be true christians not only in name but also in dede let vs put of oure carnall and olde man and let vs be ledde wyth the spirite of god which is here called y e spirite of trouth Whych spirite by the instrument of godes word as here is declared shall open and disclose vnto vs all trouth necessarye to oure saluation and soule helth Which thyng also the aūcient doctour Ihon Chrysostome witnesseth sayeng What so euer is sought to the soule helth the same is al togither conteyned and accomplished in holy scripture He that is ignoraunt shal fynde there ynoughe to lerne He that is stubborne and a synner shall fynde there the skourgies of the iudgemente to come that he maye feare He that laboureth shall fynde there the gloryes and promises of lief euerlasting by chawyng wherof he may be more more kyndled to do good workes as becommeth a christian man to do Let vs praye then to god with pure hartes that he woll vouche saue to send vs this holy ghost this cōforter vnto our myndes which may open vnto vs al trouth To whome be glory and prayse immortally .c. The Epistle on the. v. sondaye after Ester The fyrste chapter of saynt Iames. Thargument ☞ Saynt Iames exhorteth christen men to declare their feyth wyth good workes And he sheweth what thyng true Religion or deuotion is MOst deare beloued brethren euery good gifte and euery perfyte gyfte is from aboue and cometh downe from the father of lyghtes wyth whō is no variablenes neither is he chaunged vnto darckenes Of hys owne wyll begat he vs wyth the worde of trouth that we shuld be the fyrste frutes of hys creatures Wherfore deare brethrē let euery man be swyft to heare slowe to speake slowe to wrath For the wrath of mā worketh not that why ●he is ryghtouse before god Wherfore laye aparte all fylthynes and superfluitie of maliciousnes and receaue wythe mekenes the worde that is grasted in you whych is hable to saue your soules THe holy Apostle of God saynte Iames good christen people in the epistle of this day dothe discerne the true hearers of gods worde from the false hearers And ye shal vnderstande that the true heaters of gods worde be they whiche take it with fayth whiche vnderstande it in theyr harte whiche do garnishe it outwardely with suche workes as be prescribed and appoynted them to do and as the pa rable of Christe declareth whiche do heare the word of god and vnderstande it whiche also bryng forthe frute some an hundred folde some sixty folde some thyrty folde And it is he according to the wordes of the prophete Dauid whiche is lyke a tre planted by the ryuer syde bearyng his frute in due tyme. But the false hearers of the worde be they whiche heare it but they receiue it nat with fayth they vnderstande it nat in theyr harte neyther do they furnyshe and declare it to the worlde with good workes and as the parable of y e sower sayeth they suffre the deuyll to take the worde out of theyr harte These be only temporall hearers and but for a season they be but starters they stycke nat by it They be also suche as when they haue perceyued taken the true word of god they choke it with the care of this world and with the disceitfulnes of ryches so make the worde vnfruteful for they receiue it nat with ful mynd but by snatches and myndyng other thynges euen as he whiche beholdeth his bodely face in a glasse and forthwith goeth hys waye and forgetteth by and by what maner thyng it was Be ye then doers of the worde that is to were declare w t good workes that ye truly vnderstande it and be ●at hearers onely as who shulde say Ye that heare the worde of god with your eares and do boste and glory in the knowledge therof and neuertheles be occupyed and intaugled in other maters ye do nothyng els but deceiue your selues whych thyng he declareth with a wonderful goodly and apte similitude For lyke as it nothinge helpeth a man to stāde before a glasse and to se hym selfe faire whan he goeth away forthwyth and forgetteth strayte hys beawtie So it helpeth a man no thynge at all to heare gods worde onles he receyue it in hys harte and take holde of it by fayth depely printyng in hys mynde the beautie therof and be de lyted therin and fynally declare wyth good workes that he doth truly vnderstande it Furthermore he that standeth before a glasse maye well glorie and bragge of hys beautye for a tyme So he that heareth the worde may well reioyse and glorie of it But whan the glasse is taken away anone the beau tie is out of the mynde So in tyme of necessitie and tribulation yf the true glasse of gods wyll that is to wyt the worde of God be taken awaye and not cō sydered anone the promyses and gospell that is to saye the glad tydynges concernynge our redemption is out of mynde the beautie of gods goodnes is forgotten and finally the wyll and pleasure of the Lorde is neglected But on the contrary parte who so loketh in the perfyte lawe of lybertie and continu eth therin yf he be not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the worke the same shalbe happy in hys dede As who shulde saye He that rightly heareth and vnder standeth the worde and doeth expresse the same with worthy workes in such wyse as he sheweth hymselfe to haue a firme sure vnderstandynge of the same whereby he may vaynquish and chase away death Satan and synne he shalbe happye in hys dede or worke he shalbe declared by hys dedes to be a iustifyed person and saued For dedes workes in christē men be testimonies and wytnesses
lord than expresseth and declareth to hys apostles where in they beleued not and what they wanted whyche doubtles was that they perfytly beleued not his resurrection For albeit they beleued all the rest yet in thys behalfe they remayned infideles For happely they beleued also thys that God wolde be mercyfull vnto them but yet this was not ynough For it was necessary also that they shulde beleue Christes resur rection Wherfore he vpbraydeth them of theyr infidelitie sayenge that albeit they had sene altogether yet they beleued it not and that they yet wāted thys article of resurrection What is it than to beleue the resurrection of Christ whych beareth so great a stro ke and is of such importaunce that y e disciples were called infideles and mysbeleuynge persones for the defaute of it Certes to beleue the resurrection of Christ is nothynge els than to beleue we haue a reconciler before God whych is Christ whych maketh vs at one wyth God the father and iustifyeth vs in hys syght For what so euer is in man of hys owne nature and byrth wythout regeneratiō is but synne and death whereby he heapeth vpon hymselfe gods vengeaunce Agayne God is the eternal iustice and clerenes whych of hys nature hateth synne Hereof it commeth that betwene God and man is perpetuall enmitie neyther can they be frendes or agre together Christe therfore beynge incarnate dyd bothe translate our synnes vpon hymselfe and drowned y e wrath of the father in himselfe to reconcile vs to his father Wythout thys fayth we be y e chyldren of vēgeaunce we can do no good worke that maye be acceptable to God neyther wyll God heare our prayers For thus in the. xviij psalme it is wryttē They cryed and ther was no helper to the Lorde and he answered them not Yea the moost excellente worke wherby we thought to obtayne grace helpe comforte of God was imputed vnto vs for synne as the prophete in the. cix psalme sayth Oratio eius in pec catum fiat Be hys prayer counted for synne for surely we can not wyth al our powers of our owne na ture pacifie god We neded therfore Christ to be me diatour for vs to the father and to make vs at one wyth hym and finally to obtayne what so euer is ne cessary for vs. By the same Christ it behoueth vs to aske of God what so euer thynge we nede as Christ hymselfe enstructeth vs sayenge What so euer ye aske the father in my name it shalbe done vnto you What soeuer we demaunde of God surely by thys Christ which hath satisfied for our synnes we must obteyne and get it For Christ is he whych layeth a garison about vs he is the defēce and bukler vnder whome we be hydden euen as the chekens be nouryshed and hydde vnder the wynges of the henne By him only our prayer is allowed before God By hym onely we be herde and get the fauoure grace of the father Thys is now to beleue vpon Christes resurrection yf as it is recited we beleue that Christ hath borne vpon hym aswell our synnes as the syn nes of the hole worlde hath drowned in hymselfe the one and the other and also the yre of the father wherby we be reconciled to God and made ryghtuouse before hym Now ye se your selues howe fewe christian men and wemen there be whych haue thys fayth wherby all men be delyuered from theyr synnes and be made ryghtuouse For they beleue not in the resurrection of Christe that theyr synnes be taken awaye also by Christe but go about to be iustifyed by theyr owne workes Thys man entreth into the cloyster is made a monke or freer she a nonne some one thynge some another that they may be de lyuered from theyr synnes and yet they saye they be leue in the resurrection of Christe where theyr workes do shew cleane contrary Wherfore thys article haue the holy fathers preached and inculked specially before other For thus saynt Paule in the. xv chapter of hys fyrste epistle to the Corinthi sayeth Yf Christ hath not rysen frō death to lyfe thā vayne is our preachynge vayne also is your fayth And a lytle after Yf Christ haue not rysen vayne is youre fayth ye be yet in your sines What maner cōsequēs is thys how do thys folowe Thus truly yf Christe rose not from death to lyfe it foloweth that synne death dyd swalowe hym vp and kylled hym After that we could not ryd our selues out of our synnes Iesus Christ toke them vpon hym to treade vnder hys fete death and hell and to be made Lorde ouer them Now yf he rose not agayne than surely he ouercame not synne but was ouercome of synne And yf he rose not agayne he redemed vs not and so we be yet in our synnes Furthermore in the tēth to the Romaynes he sayeth thus Yf thou confessest wyth thy mouth Iesus to be the Lorde and beleuest in thy harte that God hath raysed hym from death thou shalt be saued Here vnto agreeth all scripture both olde and newe But it is not yet suffi cient to beleue the resurrection of Christ. For al wic ked persones beleue thys yea Satan doubteth not but that God suffered rose agayne But we must also beleue the summe of the resurrection and also what frute and profyte we haue taken therby that is to saye pardon of our gylt and as it were a gayle delyuerey of all our synnes that Christe passed thorough death and by it ouercame synne death yea and what so euer coulde hurt vs he trode vnder his fote and is constitute and made at the ryght hande of the father in heauen the myghty Lorde ouer syn Satan death hell and what soeuer hurteth vs and that all these thynges be done for our sake whyche thynge the wycked persons beleue not Ye se than my frēdes how much is layde in thys artycle of resurrection so that we may better wante all the reste than thys one article For what were it to beleue all the artycles as that God was borne of the virgine Mary that he dyed and was buryed yf thou doest not also beleue that he rose agayne And thys God meaneth in Abacuc where he sayeth I shall worke a worke in you whych no man shall beleue whan it shalbe tolde And thys is the cause why Paule in al hys epistles handleth no worke or myracle of Christ so diligently as he doth the resurrection of Christ. Yea he letteth passe all the workes and myracles of Christ and chefly teacheth vs the frute of it so that none of thapostles hath so paynted Christ vnto vs as Paule Wherfore not wythout cause Christ sayd to Ananias Thys is my vessell of election to beare my name before the Hethen people and kinges and the chyldren of Israell It foloweth in the texte Go ye into the hole worlde and preach the Gospell to euery creature What shall they preach
▪ none other thynge but that Christe is rysen from death and that he hathe vaynquished and takē awaye synne and all mysery he that beleueth thys is saued For y e gospel which in the Greke soundeth a glad tydynges is nothyng els but a preachynge or shewynge of Christes resur rectiō he that gyueth fayth vnto it is saufe he that doth not is lost And here consyder me the nature of fayth Fayth constrayneth none to the gospell but leaueth euery man to hys owne lybertie and choise He that beleueth maye frely beleue he that cōmeth let hym come he that wyl not chose hym And here agayne ye shall marke that the Romysh byshop erreth and doth nought in that he goeth about by violence to drawe men to the christen fayth For besydes the preachynge of the Gospel Christe gaue nothynge in commission vnto hys disciples So they preached it accordyngly to theyr commission lefte it in mens free lybertie to come to it or not They sayd not eyther beleue it or I wyl kyll the. So ye se y t infidels as turkes sarasēs Ieus ought not vio lently to be drawē to our fayth but louyngly rather inuited and allured But here is a doubte how thys texte ought to be vnderstande go into al the world syth the Apostles neuer passed through out all the worlde For none of the apostles came so farre as to vs. Further more there be many Ilandes foūde out now in our tyme whych be inhabited with people to whome gods worde was neuer preached where as yet the scripture confirmeth sayenge In omnem terram exiuit sonus eorum that is theyr soūde wēt forth into all the worlde I saye theyr preachynge wente out into al lādes although it be not yet come into the hole worlde And thys commynge out is be gonne albeit it be not yet fynished and ended but it spredeth continually more and more and shal do ty● the last daye And it is wyth thys commyssion or am bassadie of preachynge as it is wyth a stone whan it is cast into the water for it maketh waues about it one waue dryueth forth another tyll they come to the shoore albeit there be in the myddes a great caulme yet the waues cease not but go continually forth Euen so it is wyth the preachynge of the gospell it began by thapostles and it styll goeth forth and by preachers it spreadeth further and further it suffreth in the worlde persecution and chasynge awaye yet it is alwayes opened more more to suche as herde not of it before though in the mydde iourney it be dryuen downe and be made starke herisie Or it may be lykened to an ambassage that one sen deth out as yf oure soueraygne lorde the kynge of Englande shulde sende hys ambassadours into Fraunce or Spayne we saye that an ambassadie is gone forth from our kynge thyther all be it the am bassadours be not in dede as yet come thyther It foloweth in the text He that beleueth and is baptised shalbe saued Here ye shal note that god doth hange an outward sygne to hys worde whych signe maketh hys worde to be the strōger vnto vs so that it confirmeth our hartes maketh vs not to doubt therof Thus God dyd set y e rayne bowe for a signe to Noye to assure hym he wolde nomore destroy the worlde wyth ●loudes So that thys rayne bow is as it were a seale or suretye both to Noye and to al vs none otherwyse than a seale is put to wrytynges to make them sure And lyke as princes and noble mē he knowen by theyr colours badges and armes euen so dealeth god wyth vs and hath stablished his wordes as wyth a seale y t we shuld nothynge doubt He gaue to Abrahā circumcision for a signe of Chri stes cōmynge that shulde blesse the worlde Lykewyse hath he done here by puttynge to this promise of saluation an outwarde sygne I meane baptisme For baptisme is as it were a watchword to put god in remembraunce of hys promyse which yf it can be had ought in any wyse to be takē as saynt Austine sayeth and not to be despysed But yf it can not be had or yf it be denyed a man yet he shall not be dam ned so that he beleueth the Gospell For where the Gospel is there is baptisme and al that pertayneth to christianitie And therfore the Lorde sayeth He that beleueth not shalbe damned He sayeth not he that is not baptised For baptisme wythout fayth is nothynge worth but it is lyke to a paper that hathe a seale hangynge to it and hath no wrytynge in it Wherfore they that haue sygnes whych we call sacramētes wythout fayth they haue seales without wrytynges Furthermore ye se here good people what is thoffice of such as wolbe called Christes apostles that is to wyte to go into the world preach Christes Gospel And so here ye may iudge whether the byshop of Rome with his galant prelates which ryde lyke princes vpō theyr moyles neuer preach one worde but rather stoppe the mouthes of true preachers ought to be called Apostolyke persons or no. It foloweth in the texte And these tokēs shall folowe them that beleue In my name they shal cast out deuels they shal speke wyth newe tonges they shal dryue awaye serpentes And yf they drynke any deadly thynge it shall not hurte them They shall laye theyr handes on the sycke and they shall recoues My frendes how shal we ver●fy thys texte that he that beleueth shal haue power to worke all these sygnes for the Lorde sayth that these tokens shal ●olowe the beleuers Moreouer it is certayuly knowen vnto vs that not all y e Apostles wrought them For it is recorded of none to haue dronken poyson but of Ihon the Euangelist Furthermore yf thys sayenge of Christ must nedes stande few shalbe saued for very fewe of the sayntes haue done al these Some therfore to auoyde thys inconuenience do ex pounde these sygnes mystically sayenge that they do speake wyth new tonges whych where as before they taught deuelysh doctrines nowe they confesse Christ and so they be new men By takynge awaye of serpentes they vnderstande the destroyenge of pe stiferouse doctrines heresies and sectes By drynkynge of poyson wythout hurte they vnderstande that the readyng or hearyng of false doctrines shal not hurte them By healynge and curynge of sycke persons they vnderstande the healynge of the soule Albeit thys interpretation is honest and a mater of trouth that such as beleue shall worke these feates yet it is not the ryght sense and meanynge of thys text This than is the meanynge Where a christian man hath fayth he shall haue power to worke these sygnes and they shal folow hym as Christ hymselfe sayeth in an other place Uerely verely I saye vnto you he that beleueth in me the workes that I do he shal do yea and he shal do greater then they
Captiuā duxit captiuitatem Luce. ii Psalm lxxxiiij Misericordia et veritas obui auerunt sibi c. Eph. iiij Lu. xviij Phil. iij. ●●●● ●l ●● ij pet ij ☜ Ephe. vi i. pet i. i. pet i. Rom. vi Rom. vi Math. v Col. iij Iaco. i. phil iii Luc. i. Ioh. v Col. iii. Psasm xxxvi Mar. vi Rom. vi Ro. viij i. cor v Exo. xij i. cor x. ☞ The wordes of S. Austine Pertransijt ☞ Ioh. iij. Before we be newe borne a gayn by spirite we beal Nicode mes Ioh. iij. i. Ioh. v. What it is to be leue that Iesus is Christ. A difference of faythes ☞ Borne of God Mat. iij. Esa. lxi Mat. xi Ioh. xvii Ioh. xxi Luke xxiiij S. Cypri an S Ambrose Didimus i. Gemellus a twynne Pax vobis The vse of miracles Rom. i. Mat. viij Esa. liij Esa. lij Rom. ij ☞ Ephe. ij Esa. liij mat xiij The wor des of S Hierom Ioh. i. itim ij Mat. xi Luke x. Mat. xi Ier. xxiij Episcopatus quid sit Saynt Hierom Gala. v. Ro .xiij. Mat. v. Ro .xiij. Tit .iij. Ro .xij. The occasion of thys epistle ☜ i. pet v. militant Note thys exemple of saynt Hierom ij cor ● ☜ what be carnall desyres In the daye of visitatiō Mat. v● Ro. xiij Rom. i. Fraternitie ☜ phe vi mat x●ij Math. xxv Ioh. vij Ioh. xx Mat. xij Christes raigne Ephe. i. and. iiij Psal. iiij Psa. cix i. tim ii ▪ An exēple of our ignorauce ▪ What it is to go to the fa ther. Ps. lxvij Ier. xiij Crosse ꝑsecutiō Psa. cxx ●rou iij Sorowe turned to heuy ●es The parable ▪ of the trauelyng● woman Luc. vi Rom i. Nolite errate Voluntarie Rom. vi Ephe. ij Col. iij. Slow to speake In mansuetudine Rom. x. why ●holy goost was pro mysed ☜ But now I go c. Expedit vobis The pro fyte of Christes death Actu ● Paracletus quid it Thre iet tes Of sinne ☞ Iugemēt Adhuc multa habeo Chrysostom ☜ Ioh. iij. Chrysostome in cap. mat xxij homi xli who be the true hearers of gods worde ●at xiij Psal. i. the false hearers Estote factores verbi ☜ Augus Ro. iiij Chrysostome de fide et Lege True religion ☞ ●● The vertu of prayers ●u xviij we must pray on ly in the name of Christe ●● Pet. ij Chrisostome Theophilactus in Io han ca. xv Math. v. ij cor i. Ro. viij Phi. iiij From whence the peace of cō science springeth ij pe iij. Luce. ij Psa. xiij Ioh. iij. ☞ litanies The abuse of these dayes ☞ What is to be de maūded in supplications i. Tim● iiij ☜ No man regardeth the spirituall pestilence The abuse of goddes gyftes Rom. i. Ioh. xx lu xxiiij Ioh. iiij Ioh. i. math iij Math. xxiij lu xxiiij Ioh. xv Mar. xvi Math. xxiiij mar xiij Apoc. i. ☞ Theophilus Mat. iij. Mat. iiij Rom. i. Math. v Math. v Origene who be scribes Ro. vij Austine Ioh. iij. The papistes be scribes what origene calleth pharisee The we kenes of the apo stles The office of a postles or preachers ☜ The fru te of the ascēsion Incredu litie ☜ Gal. vi ☞ Euell ought to be pu nyshed Christ vpbraydeth his apostles of theyr infidelitie What it is to beleue the resurrec tion of Christ. Ioh. xvi lindx All out warde christen men beloue not in the re surrection ☞ ☞ Abac. i. Actu ix what is gospel Fayth constray neth no man ☞ Ps. viij Sygnes ioyned to the worde Ge. xvij Austine A mystical inter pretacion Io. xiiij The occasion of thys epistle ☜ Sobrenes and modestie Charite Math. ● Vehemēt cha ritie ☜ ☞ Ro. xij Good stewardes ☞ Ex virtute Howe god is glorified by our gyftes and workes Ps. lxvij Paracletus Ro. viij Act. v. The spi rite of truth ☜ The pro phecie of Ieremye ☞ Psalm lxxxviij Esa. lv math iij ij tim ij Gala. ij ▪ Ro. viij Io. xiiij The cau ses why the holy goost is sent Ephe. i. 1. cor i. A descri ption of the holy goost Pentecost Actu ij ▪ ☞ Dyuerse tonges ☞ Ro. xij ● cor xi Magnalia Dei The ori ginal be gynning of Pētecost ij co iij and iiij The law spritual The office of the holy goost ☜ Charite is the frute of fayth A question ☜ docebit The peace of Christ. ☞ Math. xxviij Ioh. x. Priceps mundi Gen. iij. The sūme of S. Peters prechig Esa. liij Origene in epist. ad Ro. li. iij. ca. iij. Ambrose of the callynge of the gentyls Ierome Austine Actu x. ☜ what is baptisme Ierome sup Esa. ☜ Rom. v. Math. ● Ioh. v. Ioh. i. Math. xxiii Ro. xv ☞ Math. x Austine Questiō mar xvi The solution ☞ Io. xiiij Act. xx ☞ Prouer. xxvij i. tim iij Tit. ij ☜ Mat xvi Ioh. i. Ioh. viij Ioh. xi Erasmꝰ in paraphrasi The or● tion of Peter Iohel ij Erit in nouissimis die bus Math. xxvij lu xxiij Nemo potest venite ad me ☜ Esa. liiij Austine Augu. de ciuitate dei li. xxi cap. xxv Austine Bernard