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death_n adam_n cause_n sin_n 5,393 5 5.7654 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14285 A dyalogue defensyue for women, agaynst malycyous detractoures Burdet, Robert.; Vaughan, Robert, fl. 1542. 1542 (1542) STC 24601; ESTC S111468 19,831 38

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experte the Latyne and the Greke In Rethorycke and Poetrye excellent they be And with pen to endyte they be nat to seke If women in youth had suche educacyon In knowledge and lernynge as men vse to haue Theyr workes of theyr wyttes wolde make full probacyon And that of men counceyll they nede nat to craue ¶ The Pye ¶ These Examples excell yf they be vnfayned Sayde the Pye for women to the starres they extoll In naturall knowledge nowe am I constrayned To graunt that woman hath moche in her noll ¶ The Fawcon ¶ I shall proue sayde the Fawcon that supernaturall Knowledge in woman may well take place Prophecye I meane the gyfte celestyall In to the soule infused by especyall grace Cassandra doughter to Pryamus the kynge A lady moste fayre dyd shewe the destruction Of noble Troye whan it was moste florysshynge That by Parys actes it shulde come to confusyon The .x. Maydens gentylles that Varro doth call The Sybylles this gyfte of Prophecye receyued Of meruayles they dyd speake before they dyd fall Suche as trusted theyr sayinges were nat deceyued Sybylla Tyburtyna dyd wryte in her boke That Messyas in Betheleem of a mayde shulde be borne And that in Nazareth mānes nature he toke Man to redeme that by synne was forlorne Sybylla Erythrca as Lactancyus doth recorde The processe of the Passyon moste playnly doth expresse Howe the Iewes vniustly theyr soueraygne Lorde Oppressed with paynes and deadly dystresse His buffyttes his scourgynge with whyppes that dyd cut His crowne of throne with pryckes sharpe and longe The eysell and gall that to his mouth were put These thynges she descrybed and all his other wronge The Eclypse of the Sōne that made men to quake with workes that were wonderfull sene at that season His dolorous death that amendeds dyd make For mānes mysdede and for his hyghe treason All these she descrybed by dyuyne reuelacyon Longe tyme before they came to effect And as saynt Austayne maketh recytacyon Of domes day the fearfull sygnes she dyd detect In the actes of the Apostles Luke doth recyte Howe Phylyp the Euangelyst had dowghters foure All virgyns cleane with whom was the spryte Of Prophecye as they Sybylles had before wherfore sens women suche knowledge haue had Both naturall pure and nature excedynge who doubteth in this except he be mad whyther they haue reason with y e power of vnderstandynge But these two powers set man in perfection And from brute beastes they do hym exclude women haue the same as I haue made induction Ergo they be perfyt I may well conclude ¶ The Pye ¶ Althoughe I must graunt that they of nature be Perfyt sayde the Pye made by Goddes creacyon So is the Deuyll yet in Hell lyeth he By dyuyne sentence in endles dampnacyon ¶ The Fawcon ¶ What meanest thou that murderer to mynde Sayde the Fawcon that man dyd take in his snare Our dysputacyon is of woman kynde whiche vnto the Deuyll thou mayst nat compare ¶ The Pye ¶ Betwene two extremes that in qualytyes agre Comparyson may be made than sayde the Pye The Deuyll and woman be lyke in degre Theyr ende is to haue an euyll destenye ¶ The Fawcon ¶ why women sayde the Fawcon make me relacyon More than men suche fortune shulde haue Sens man and woman be of Goddes creacyon He denyeth no mercye to them that do it craue ¶ The Pye ¶ where vyce is raygnynge than sayde the Pye Punysshement must folowe thou knowest ryght well All vyce raygneth in women this is no lye Therfore in paynes they must nedes dwell ¶ The Fawcon ¶ The Fawcon than answered mylde in his mode Sayinge Pye from thy raylynge thy selfe remoue Chryste that suffered death racked on a rode Forbyd that euer thou shulde this proue ¶ The Pye ¶ Proue sayde the Pye what maystry is this who put man I pray the in his fyrste creacyon From Paradyse that place of pleasure and blys But woman throughe the Deuylles temptacyon And therfore doubtles I may her well call The fontayne and welsprynge of all calamytie For throughe her pryde synne orygynall Dyd ysshewe with death to all her posterytie And lyke as the fyrste woman Eue I do meane Dyd sowe the sede of all iniquytie So syth her tyme women maynteyne All synne and vyce in moste enormytie wauerynge they be and lyght as the wynde Crewellas Tygres than Lucyfer more prowde And trust in them no man can fynde She is no woman that can lye lowde Of carnall pleasures they be insacyable In battyll bluddy bolde Barones for them dye woman to man was neuer profyttable But full of cost who can this denye ¶ The Fawcon ¶ A prouerbe proued sayde the Fawcon I fynde The barkynge of a Curre no Kynge can restrayne So no man can cause the malycyous mynde Of the pratynge Pye from raylynge to refrayne ¶ The Pye ¶ A prater I am called because I hyt the nayle Euen vpon the heade than sayde the Pye whan I say the trouth thou sayst I rayle Yet my trewe sayinges thou cānest nat denye ¶ The Fawcon ¶ Nothynge sayde the Fawcon is more repugnant Vnto the trouth than thy sayinges all And that may be proued by reasones abundant Deduced of pryncyples Theologycall From Parydyse pleasaunt as thou dost say Adam was expulsed with his posterytie That Eue was full cause I do say nay whom thou dost call the mother of myserie As Eue Goddes cōmaundement there dyd transgresse So dyd Adam as the storye doth tell The Sone of a mayde theyr offence dyd redresse whose death dyd breake the brasones durres of hell Nowe for as moche as dysobedyence Of both our fyrste parentes Goddes rat dyd prouoke It was nat all onely the womans offence wherby mankynde dyd suffer Goddes stroke And as Dyuynes make declaracyon If Adam had neuer consented to synne In Paradyse mankynde shulde haue had habytacyon Althoughe Eue before to offende dyd begynne wherfore thou Ianglar nowe mayst thou well se Agaynst our fyrste mother thy vniust accusacyon Seynge that man is proued cause for to be As well as the woman of all trybulacyon ¶ The Pye ¶ Than chattered the Pye and sayde with hyghe voyce Thoughe it be so as thou tellest to me Beware yet in women lest thou reioyce They wyll deceyue the by mutabylytye ¶ The Fawcon ¶ who is sayde the Fawcon all tymes at one stay Throughe this worlde wyde and neuer mutable Man is subiecte to passyons alway His lyfe in this worlde must nedes be varyable ¶ The Pye ¶ I graunt sayde the Pye but this is my mynde All women of promysse be euer vnstable Theyr fantasyes chaunge and tourne as the wynde And dowble be theyr dedes this is no fable ¶ The Fawcon ¶ In reuoluynge of storyes sayde the Fawcon then Of women stedfastnes moche mayst thou rede On the contrary parte thou shaft fynde of men That they haue ben false in worde and in dede what kyngdomes noble what Cyties of