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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07143 The rosarie of our Ladie. Otherwise called our Ladies psalter With other godlie exercises mentioned in the preface. De Vos, M., artist.; Collaert, Jan, ca. 1540-1628, engraver.; Worthington, Thomas, 1549-1627. 1600 (1600) STC 17546; ESTC S120319 41,059 148

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glorification of her bodie in heauē where she enioying the perfect vision of God in the highest degree after her sonne of al creatures is established Quene of heauen and of al blessed Saincts and Angels adorned with so excellent à crowne as no earthly thing can expresse though often prefigured by diuers excellent things and persons but al infinitly inferior to the thing it self 1. Aue Maria. She is crowned Quene of al holie Cōfessors and holie Angels for that fhe in this life keeping in Matrimonial state Angelical puritie was blessed with fruite wherby mankind is redeemed 2. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of holie widowes and of Archangels who being saluted by an Archangel conceiued the sonne of God And afterward became an exāple and consolation of al faithful widows 3. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of virgins and Angelical Principalities vvho so farre excelled al others in virginal puritie as a Quene excelleth her subiects in princelie dignitie 4. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of al Religious Orders and of Angelical Potestats because she renouncing the vvorld and by vowe of virginitie excluding the ordinarie maner of conceiuing conceiued by the Holie Ghost our Redemer 5. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of Euangelists and of Angelical Powres for that she instructed euen the Euangelists in diuine Mysteries and conceiued and bare him vvho only is the author and vvorker of al miracles 6. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of al holie Bisshops and Postors and of Angelical Dominations because she by geuing her special assent to that the B. Trinitie had decreed brought into the vvorld the bread of life the true foode of soules 7. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of Patriarches and of the Angelical Thrones for that she by an ineffable meanes conceiued and nine moneths bare in her wombe the Sonne of God her owne also proper sonne 8. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of al holie Prophets and of the holie Cherubims for that she more perfectly knew al diuine Mysteries being the mother of God then any other mere creature vvhosoeuer 9. Aue Maria. She is crovvned Q. of al Christs Martyrs and Apostles and of the burning Seraphims for that she farre excelled them vvherin they excel the rest of Gods seruants in feruent charitie 10. Aue Maria. She therfore vvho excelled in grace al orders of men and Angels doth also excel the same in most high degree of glorie and is placed and crowned by her owne most excellent sonne the Quene of al creatures Omne iudic●●m dedit Filio quia Filius Hominis est CREDO IN DEVM BE thankful ô my soul to the most B. Trinitie one aeternal God who created thee after his owne Image to the end thou shouldest serue him and therby inherite his heauenly kingdome who also to redeme thee being through sinne become the bond slaue of the Diuel and guiltie of aeternal death and damnation sent his owne only Sonne the second Person of the same Holie Trinitie to take flesh of man and to be borne of à virgin to liue in pouertie labours tribulatiōs and worldlie miseries and finally to suffer the most ignominious and painful death of the Crosse who the third day rose againe for thy iustification the fourtith day folowing ascended into heauen for thy glorificatiō And after tenne dayes more sent the Holie Ghost the third Person of the same most B. Trinitie in visible signes to his Church thē beginning in Ierusalem to continue with the same Church to the end of the world that by his grace and operation thou and euerie soule shouldest be made partaker of these so great benefites so dearly purchased by our sweete Sauiour And in particular be thou most thankful for that by this grace of the Holie Ghost which thou by no meanes couldest deserue thou art now a mēber of the Catholike Church and therby partaker of diuers Sacramēts and other most holie Mysteries and of al the prayers and merites of the faithful in this world yea and of al the court of heauen By which graces also thou hast bene washed from thy sinnes iustified and sāctified and that not once only but often thy Redemer not hitherto suffering thee to die in thy sinnes as manie others haue done but stil offereth thee his grace and sweete pardon readie to receiue thee whē and how often soeuer thou doest truly conuert and sincerely wilt accept thereof euē at this instant except thou thy selfe repel the same from thee And finally so thou perseuere in his seruice to the end he wil geue vnto thee my soule shortly after death and to my bodie for thy sake in the general iudgement day when al flesh shal rise againe an inaestimable crowne of glorie and life euerlasting AMEN The Corone of our B. Ladie With certaine particular points to be meditated in saying the same In nomine Patris Filij ✚ Spiritus Sancti Amen BE mindful ô my soul of the Passiō of our Lord and of the Compassion of our Ladie his mother Suffer thou with them in this world that thou maist reigne with them in glorie In sudore vultus tui vesceris pane 〈◊〉 1. PATER NOSTER Certaine singular Priuilegies of the B. virgin Marie before her Natiuitie THE aeternal vvisdom of God ordayning before al vvorldes that Christ our Lord should be borne of a virgin die vpō a crosse and therby redeme mākind from the captiuitie of sinne and damnation into which we fel by the trāsgression of A dāordayned withal that there should be extant in the world at the time designed a certaine virgin excelling al other creatures euen the pure Angels in grace and sanctitie who should be the mother of this our Redemer And by cooperating with him to our saluation as old Eue had done with Adam to our fal and destructiō should do more then recompence the hurt of the former For as Adam was the proper and principal cause and Eue the next occasion of sinne and death so Christ is the only proper cause ād his mother the next occasion of grace and life Wherupon saieth sweete S. Bernard Albeit by one man in deede and one woman we were excedingly damaged yet God be thanked by one man and one woman al losses are repared And that not without great increase of graces For the benefite doth farre excede the losse Our merciful Father geuing vs for à terrestrial Adam Christ our Redemer and for old Eue Gods owne mother 1. Aue Maria. Our merciful Lord promiseth this singular virgin straight after the fal of man saying to the serpent I vvil put enmitie betvven thée and the vvomā betvven thy seede and her seede but she shal bruyse thy head in peeces 2. Aue Maria. The first woman being by sinne the mother of death yet is called EVA that is the mother of the liuing in figure of this blessed virgin ordayned to be the Mother of life 3. Aue Maria. Likwise Sara Rachael Anne Elizabeth and others being long barraine but afterwards
of frailrie the mind be caried away the fruit of that prayer is not therfore lost or frustrat but hath his effect by vertue of the former intention and purpose And the same is to be said of the second attention if one that vnderstandeth the language in which he prayeth doth purpose to marke the sense of the wordes and yet afterwards faileth to performe it But betvvene this second and the first attention this is the difference that albeit this second is profitable yet it is not so necessarie as the first neither in the beginning nor in the rest of the prayer For those that pray in a tongue they vnderstand not can not haue this attention and yet their prayer is profitable and fruitful by the vniuersal iudgement of al Doctors The third attention by which the mind is lifted vp to God and good spiritual desires and cogitations is not only necessarie in the beginning like as the first attention is but also most necessarie of al the three to be kept stil without interruption in respect of the third effect And this the vulerned may also haue praying in an vnknowne tongue And it sometimes so aboundeth that the mind forgetteth al other things as S. Thomas and before him S. Hugo de Victore and others do teach And in this case it supplieth also the defects which often happen in the other two attentions as wel in those vocal prayers which we are bound vnto by precept of the Church or other obligation so there be no notable defect in reciting the wordes as in other prayers which we are not bound to say And finally this attention perfecteth so much as can be in this transitorie life the spiritual repast of the faithful soule which attention ceassing necessarily the refection of the mind therwith also vanisheth but yet the other two effects do not therfore ceasse but remaine stil For not with standing the mind be caried by humane frailtie without voluntarie consent to thinke vpon base and terrestrial things yet the prayer may both merite increase of grace and obtayne the things that be asked And much lesse is euery euagation of mind in prayer to be reputed a sinne but that only which we either volunrarily admitte or willingly desire of some vaine or hurtful thing And so you see the maner of praying proposed in this booke doth not hinder due attention as the obiection presupposeth but greatly helpeth the same and bringeth also other spiritual commodities Of which some may be here briefly noted For first besides that the mind is hereby directed to the best and most necessarie attention required in prayer such also as be not so wel instructed already may by this forme of saying the Rosaries and Corones here ensuing learne many particular and most necessary points of Christian doctrine which being once knovven can not but moue a true Christian hart to some more or lesse cogitation and meditation of so great and singular benefites bestovved vpon vs by Almightie God And the more one shal meditate vpon the same the more also shal his knovvlege be stil increased So knovvlege and meditation do mutually helpe and increase ech other but one vvithout the other auaileth little For as meditation vvithout knovvlege is erroneous so knovvlege vvithout meditation is drie and fruitles But both together vvil easely inkindle the soul vvith the loue of God and feede it with a spititual refection and sturre vp and inflame the desire to al possible endeuour for the increase of Gods glorie and health of their ovvne and other mens soules Likevvise out of this varietie and copie of diuine Mysteries and benefites the vvel disposed may at al times and occasions choose sufficient and fit pointes to meditate vpon in al their prayers vocal or mental And finally by diligent vewing and beholding the pictures here placed euerie one may better conceiue and consider the Mysteries by them represented and be perhaps more moued to deuotion by sight therof then by only reading If any therfore wil vse this exercise no doubt but for revvard of their paines they shal reape hereby no smal fruite and increase of pietie You at least my deerely beloued in our Lord Iesus Christ vvho haue not better meanes to further your deuotions vvithal vse this helpe And vouchsafe of your charitie to commend al vs vvho to do you good haue bestovved labour and cost in setting forth this little vvorke amongst your other deere frendes vnto our B. Lord and to his B. mother our Ladie to our propre Angels and special Patrons and the vvhole Court of heauen in your svveete deuotions Amen 25. of March 1590. Your ovvne al and euer in Christ T. VV. P. THE FIRST ROSARIE OF OVR LADIES PSALTER resembled to a white Rose containing fiue ioyful Mysteries In nomine Patris Filij ✚ Spiritus Sancti Amen WHat soeuer thou doest ô my soul in word or in worke do al in the name of our Lord IESVS CHRIST and to the glorie of God For God forbid I should glorie sauing in the CROSSE of our Lord IESVS CHRIST 1. Mysterium gaudiosum 1. PATER NOSTER The Annunciation and Incarnation of Christ THe most Blessed Trinitie one God Almightie most iust most merciful forseeing al makind fallen from most happie estate wherin he was created into infinite miserie and calamitie As to haue lost original iustice grace vertues and most excellent gifts and qualities by transgressing Gods cōmandement And contrariwise to haue incurred sinne death and eternal damnation And that he could not be restored to his former estate by the worke or vertue of anie man or Angel or anie other pure creature of his infinite loue which is most agreable to his Diuine goodnes decreed defore al worldes that the Sonne of God the second Person of the same most Holie Trinitie should take mans nature and being made man should pay our ransome by his death on the Crosse And so not only in general take away the sinne of the world but also in particular iustifie sanctifie and bring al those to whom this most souereigne meanes is rightly applied to euerlasting life for which we were first created 1. Aue Maria. Our merciful Lord promised this MEDIATOR immediatly after the fal of Adā saying that the seede of a womā should crusse in peeces the serpentes head 2. Aue Maria. Our heauenlie Father renewed the same promise to the holie Patriarch Abraham saying In thy seede al nations shal be blessed 3. Aue Maria. Almightie God eftsones iterated the same promise to king Dauid saying of the fruit of thy Ioynes I wil set vpon thy seat And establish his kingdom for euermore 4. Aue Maria. About 4000. yeares from the creation of the world the Archangel Gabriel being sent from God to the most pure virgin Marie saluteth her HAYLE FVL OF GRACE OVR LORD IS WITH THEE BLESSED ART THOV AMONG VVOMEN 5. Aue Maria. The most humble virgin is trubled with this speach thinking with her self what maner of
might be expected but al faire and in it the most comfortable image of his owne sweete visage expressed 10. Aue Maria. Our Sauiour cometh to Caluarie à place execrable ful of carkases and dead mens bones in vvhich none but notorious malefactors vsed to be crucified Here manie thinke that Adam vvas buried 5. Mysterium dolorosum 5. PATER NOSTER Our Sauiours crucifying and death vpon the Crosse COming to the toppe of mount Caluarie in steede of such confortable good wine as vsually was geuen to refresh and strengthen the hartes of them that were to die they geue vnto our swete Sauiour al vvearied and afflicted vinegre mingled vvith myrrhe and gal vvhich vvhen he had tasted he vvould not drinke Then againe rhey pul of al his clothes with such furie and fiercenes as bringeth more bloud out of the innumerable vvoundes of his sacred bodie and so racking his armes and legges vvith great violence to the length of the Crosse vvith manie knockes of hammers they naile him fast therunto pearcing through the most tender vaines sinevves flesh and bones of both his handes and both his feete vvith great and rugh nailes And for more reproch and ignominie they place our B. Sauiour betwen two theenes as though he were the wickedest of them al and put a title ouer his heade containing his name his countrie and the cause of his death vvritten in Hebrew Greeke and Latin IESVS OF NAZARETH KING OF THE IEWES And so they set vp the Crosse the foote falling into à hole made for that purpose 1. Aue Maria. Cōsider now my soul and thinke with thy self hovv al his holie bodie is miserarably shaken and vvhat fluddes of most pretious bloud do runne forth of those foure great vvoundes 2. Aue Maria. What sorovv also it is to our Sauiour to heare the Priestes Elders Scribes and others both of the greatest and vilest sorte to blaspheme him novv hanging on the Crosse for their sakes and for al mankind 3. Aue Maria. Meditate also his most perfect charitie vvho not only prayeth for al the vvorld but also particularly for those that novv crucifie him and blaspheme him saying FATHER FORGEVE THEM FOR THEY KNOVV NOT VVHAT THEY DOE 4. Aue Maria. Likevvise consider and admire his exceeding mercie tovvardes paenitents so graciously graūting to the poenitēt theefe more then he asketh saying THIS DAY THOV SHALT BE WITH ME IN PARADISE 5. Aue Maria. And much more maist thou admire the depth of his loue tovvards al iust persons and namely towards his deere mother and beloued disciple vvhom he cōmendeth ech to other saying to her BEHOLD THY SONNE and to him BEHOLD THY MOTHER 6. Aue Maria. Great darknes continuing three houres together al are astonished Christ as man offereth him self in Sacrifice to God and that in extreme paines vvhich at last he expresseth saying My GOD MY GOD VVHY HAST THOV FOR SAKEN ME 7. Aue Maria. Our Lord afflicted with bodelie drynes and most sollicitous to saue mankind saith I THIRST his flesh in dede desiring to be refreshed vvith drinke and his spirite to be recreated vvith the saluation of soules 8. Aue Maria. They vvrappe a sponge ful of vinegre in hyssope offer it to his mouth which out svveete Lord mekely taking saith IT IS CONSVMMATE 9. Aue Maria. Hauing therfore accōplished al according to Gods ordinance for mankind vvith strong and loud voice he sayeth FATHER INTO THY HANDES I COMMEND MY SPIRITE 10. Aue Maria. And so preuenting death though he could haue liued longer bowing his heade he geueth vp the ghost fulfilling that himself had said before No man taketh my life avvay from me but I yelde it of my selfe Erit sepulchrum eius gloriosum CREDO IN DEVM AT what time the Sonne of God dyed vpon the Crosse for the redemption of mankind it pleaseth also the same Diuine power intestimonie and confirmation of so vvnderful a Mysterie to shewe sundrie miraculous and strange euents apparent to the whole world First the Creator of heauen and earth by the iniurie of his creatures hanging on the Crosse the earth is al darkened at midday so continuing three whole houres together by ecclips of the sune aboue al course of nature ouer al the earth at once and that in the fulmoone After vvhich the author of life before nature cōpelleth yeldeth vp the ghost at his owne wil vvhich no other liuing creature can do Then the veile of the Temple is rent in two peeces from the toppe euen to the bottome The earth doth quake The rockes are torne in peeces The graues are opened and after our Lords resurrection manie bodies of the Saincts that had slept do rise and appeare to manie The Capitaine and souldiars vvhose hartes vvere euē novv hardened vvith malice going avvay confesse openly that in deede this man is the Sonne of God And manie of the most obstinate Iewes goe also avvay repēting and striking them selues on the brest A souldiar vvith a speare pearcing his side incontinent there cometh forth bloud and water Ioseph of Aramathia a noble Senatour who before durst not professe him self a disciple of Christ now goeth boldly to Pilate and beggeth his bodie and so taketh it frō the crosse In which holie worke an other principal mā of the Ievves called Nicodem ' vvho vvas vvōt to resort to Christ by night not daring so do in the day ioyning him self brought a mixture of myrrhe and aloes about an hundreth pounds To al vvhich miraculous accidēts happening at the death of out Sauiour thou maist iustly adde in thy meditation the singular modestie in uincible courage most heroical fortitude and vnspeakeable pietie of the sacred virgin his mother Who seeing vvith her eyes ād feeling in her ovvne hart al that passed and vvas done and suffered by her only svveete sōne yet admitteth nor committeth no act vnsemely to her person and most high perfectiō in al vertues but taking into her ovvne armes the dead bodie of her former ioy and life bevvaileth the same deliuering it again assisteth in burying therof And so the precious bodie enbalmed vvith spices and vvrapped in fine linnen is buried in à nevv monumēt made in à rocke wherin none hath bene laid before and agreat stone is rolled to the doore vvhich also the Ievves by permission of Pilate seale vp and set a gard of vvatch men to kepe the sepulchre lest his disciples steale him avvay say he is risen from death The third Rosaire of our Ladies Psalter resembled to a damaske rose containing fiue glorious Mysteries In nomine Patris Filij ✚ Spiritus Sancti Amen OVR Lord IESVS Christ was obedient vnto death euē the death of the Crosse For the which God hath exalted ●im and hath geuen him à name which ●s aboue al names 1. Myst̄erium gloriosum 1. PATER NOSTER The Resurrection of our Lord. THE most holie and euer glorious soule of our Lord and Sauiour leauing his bodie dead on the Crosse goeth incontinent into the