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A02914 A short and plaine proofe by the word, and workes off God, that Gods decree is not the cause off anye mans sinne or condemnation And that all men are redeamed by Christ. As also. That no infants are condemned. Helwys, Thomas, 1550?-1616? 1611 (1611) STC 13055; ESTC S118308 16,962 30

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33.11 The Counsels of the Lord shal stand for ever and the thoughts off his hart throughout all ages The Lord cannot bee prevented by men or Angels but what in his Eternal decree before al beginings hee hath decreed it must off necessitie come to passe Now therefore it could not bee the decree off God that man should sinne seing that God gave him Fre-wil power not to have sinned iff man had not sinned as it was in his owne free choyce then Gods decree had bene prevented which cānot bee Therefore off necessitie it must neede bee yeilded that God did not decree that man should sinne except anie wil deny that mā had not free wil that were to speake directly plainely against the Holines off God which though men doe in maintayning this opinion that God hath appointed off his owne wil some to condemnation yet they do it vnder a cullor Is it not then plaine that every one that hath an eye may see That to give Adam a Free wil not to sinne an Eternal decree off God that man should sinne can never stand together in the Almightie that is one and the same with whome there is no variablenes neither shadowe of turning jam 2.17 Can men make Freedome bondage in one the same action all in one man al at one time how shall men bee able with any good conscience to make thinges so contrary hang together Moreover wee see the Lord by his commaundement commaunded Adam that he should not sinne will anie notwithstanding this say that it was God Eternall purpose will that Adam should sinne doth God commaund anie thinge against his Eternal wil. In the feare off God let men take heed how they go about by subtil arguments to prove God contrary to himselff which they Plainely do when they say it was the eternal wil off God that man should sinne yet God commaunds he should not sinne Thus doth it appeare by the excellent perfect holy worke off God in mans Creation that God hath freed himselff From decreing that Adam should sinne as also by his holy word in that he cōmaunds him not to sinne layes death before his eyes for a judgmēt iff he sinned What could the Lord do more for Adam then he hath done He made him a perfect mā in righteousnes true holines he blessed him gave him his commaundemēt with power abilitie in himself to kepe it And wil mē for all this say that God decreed he should sinne bee condemned or that God was any actor author or moveing cause in or to his sinne And iff men will deny say they do not hold that God hath decreed or was the author actor or moveing cause in Adams sinne then let them also deny that their opinion that God hath decreed anie man especially to condemnation For iff God decreed not man to sinne then God decreed not man to condemnation in that sinne is the cause off condemnation For iff sinne had not bene there had bene no condemnation This then is the decree off God concerning condemnation that God decreed that iff man sinned he should dye the death but God in no wise decreed that man should sinne as wee have shewed both by the word off God by the works off God which we wish mē to hold them vnto iff they wil stil contradict not runne after vaine inventions Wee wil now set downe the fairest deceaving shewe that al the contrary mynded have for their opiniō that God hath decreed appointed some to condemnatiō they must be condemned making Gods decree the cause off their condemnation But let it alwaies be remēbred that it is proved by the word off God that sinne is the cause off condemnation not Gods decree This is thē the whole substāce off that they say That God hath decreed to forsake leave those that he hath appointed to condemnation to themselves with holdeth his grace from them leaving them to sinne so to perish for their sinne we wil not put thē to prove this because we knowe they cānot but we wil shewe by the mercy off God that it is an old conceived ymagination hath no ground off truth In this their fained ground wee must vnderstand thē that they hold that God leaues forsakes man first And this wee haue vtterly disproved already in that we have shewed proved that God did not leave Adam first who was the first that fell vnder condemnation By whose Offence the fault came on all men to condemnation This will seeme straing but let God have the glorie that God hath decreed no mans condemnation no otherwise then hee decreed Adams For both Gods mercie his justice in all things perticulerly concerning salvation condemnation is one the same to all man-kind as it was to Adam after his fall For Gods decree was before the World was To make this plaine so by the grace off God to make an end off all Lett vs consider with holie vpright harts with willingnes to bee enformed From the Word off God by the meanest earthen vessell that God shall strr vp For the witnessing off anie parte off his truth Lett vs I say consider the estate off Adam affter his Fall First hee was Fallen by him all man-kind Roman 5.12 18. Vnder the condemnation which God had pronounced against him Genes 2.17 And can anie man device or ymagine that anie off his posterity who were yet all in his loynes and had not yet sinned affter the same manner off transgression were fallen Further vnder the Condemnation off God then hee It could not bee that anie should Although it may be that some may ymagine that they did fal further But it could not bee that anie should fal further vnder the decree off condemnation then he in that he fel vnder the depest judgment off Gods decree off condemnacion which God had or hath declared by his word For wee knowe no deeper decree off judgment then the decree off condemnation vnder this was Adam fallen And this went over him over al by his transgression When Adam was thus fallē had off his owne Freewil first forsaken God did God yet leave him No such was the mercie off God everlasting glorie praise bee given to his name as he would not yet leave Adam but gives him Freely off his owne grace deliverance by the promissed seed Gen. 3.15 And as the Apostle hath shewed Rom. 5.12 21. That by Adams sinne the fault came on al to condemnation so doth he in the same Chapter verses equally shewe with equal like words reasons yea with the selff same words reasons that as by the offence off one that was Adam the Fault came on al to condemnation Even so by the justifying off one that is Christ Iesus the benifit abounded towards al men to the justification off life That as sinne reigned vnto death
their thoughts his wayes by their wayes they wil find out a cause off sin before the World was finding that the Almightie hath decreed al thinges that come to passe that off him through him al thinges are they wil do conclude most blasphemously that God hath foredecreed that sin should come to passe not content to stay thēselves here they runne on with an high hand because they see sin enters by actiō that God is the moveing cause off al thinges For in him wee live and move ād have our being Act. 17.28 These men by their natural art from their harts that are carnal must do necessarily conclude that God is the moving cause in the action off sinne But yet by the craste subtiltye off Sathā who lieth in wait hereby to deceive vnder a culler they say that God is not the author off sinne nor actor off sin But he is the author actor off every action they Wil have Gods providence in everie action although the action bee sinfull but not Gods providence in the sin off the action as in Adams eating off the forbidden 〈…〉 moveing cause in the action off eating but not in the sinne not seeing that that action was the sinne Thus do they walke by their owne ymaginations and intents deceaving being deceaved pretending not to lay sin vpon God when indeed in truth they directly make God the author off sin Our best thoughts off them is that they do it ignorantly the Lord give them harts to repent all whose conversions should bee the ioy off our soules To deale in this high point mistery off godlines who more vnfit then we to deale with these men off al wee are most vnfit but yet to shew our selves Faithfull with that talent that God hath given vs we have through the grace off God taken in hand to do our best service vnto the Lord herein hopeing off his assistance acceptāce And first thus much to these their reasons conclusions to shew wherein we differ from them they digresse From the truth Wee confesse that God hath decreed al the good that cometh to passe that off him through him are all good thinghs that the Lord is the author actor moveing cause in to every good action that his providence is in every good action But God hath not decreed that any evil should come to passe neither is he the author actor or moveing cause to or in anie evil action neither is his providence over or in anie action wherein is evil Iam. 1.13 18. Al these forealleged reasons collectiōs how many mo we knowe not are brought to mainteine that Faire glorious deceaving opinion off perticuler Election perticuler reprobation so off perticuler Redemption which to speake to the vnderstanding off the simplest is that God hath out off his eternal decre wil especially chosen appointed some perticuler mē to be saved they off necessity must be saved out off his owne Fore purpose wil he hath cast away some to be daned which he would not should be saved they of necessity must be damned so hath perticulerly redeamed some left others to perish To conclude vtterly destroy vnder one ground off truth a these al other distinctions conclusions devices produced to mainteyne this opinion we wil by the grace off God take the most plaine easie and short way that by the direction off his Spirit our harts can device which is a way most fitting our owne capacities wee hope wil be most profitable for the vprigt harted reader And to proceed to this we wil first set downe what is the cause off condemnation that is shewed in these words off th'Appostle Rom 5.12 Death entred by sin vers 18. by Offence the fault came on all men to condemnation Whereby it is proved that Syn is the cause off cōdemnation which al wil graunt that knowe God And all that feare God might graunt here seeke no Further that iff sin be the cause off condemnation then Gods decree is not the cause this wee knowe will not give satisfaction But to give ful satisfaction we must seeke to find out who or what is the first cause off sin and this must be found out by the first sin in the first sinner In the which passage by the grace off God wee will labor withal our poore endeavours to shew that the Almightie hath cleared himself by his word works That he did not decre nor was the author actor nor moveing cause in or to the first sin then off no sin which being proved we hope it wil appeare vnto al that do not either willingly or necligētly shut their eies that no man is condemned because God hath decreed him to condemnation mans sin being the cause off condemnation as is proved the Holie one being no cause off mans sin To prove that God did not decre nor was the author actor nor moveing cause in or off the action off sin let vs be guided by the holy word workes off God both wch wil prove this so evidently as it shal never be gain said with anie cullor or shew off truth First then to come to a due consideration off Gods worke in the Creation off Adam which though al men knowe yet it should appeare few do throughly consider off God Created him a perfect man according to his owne ymage and likenes Gen. 1.26.27 in righteousnes and true Holines Ephes 4.24 Giveing him free power over his owne wil as is proved when he saieth Thou shalt eate freely of every tree of the gardē Gen. 2.16 But of the tree of knowledg of good and evill thou shalt not eat of it For whensoever thou eatest thereof thou shalt dye the death Thus giveing him free power over his owne wil bodie to eate or not to eate yet the Lord restraning him off the forbiddē Fruit by his commaundement threatning judgment but not by his omnipotent power This perfect Holy worke off God this perfect Holy word off God doth shewe not to bee gaine-said that God did not decree Adam should sin then was God no author actor nor moveing cause in or off the action off sin In that wee purpose not because wee think wee have no need to stand vpon anie otherground for the whole tryal off this great waighty cause wee will strive to make it as plaine as possibly wee can by Gods assistance that in these few words it is proved that God decreed not that Adam should sin thus then wee proceed It is proved heere that God gave Adam free-wil power to eat or not to eate this al men doe confesse how then can it bee said with anie Spiritual vnderstanding that God decreed he should sin For Gods fore coūsel decree must off necessitie come to passe as the Propheth David sheweth Psal
A SHORT AND PLAINE proofe by the Word and workes off God that Gods decree is not the cause off anye Mans sinne or Condemnation AND That all Men are redeamed by Christ As also That no Infants are Condemned Collos 2.8 Beware least there be anie man that spople you through Philosophie and vaine deceipt Psal 119 113. I hate vaine inventions but thy Law doe I love Printed 1611. To the ladie Bovves Grace and vvisedome from aboue WOrthy Ladie when I began to consider to whome I might best commend the care of this so great a cause my hart could conceiue of none so fitt as you that for two causes the third may not be wanting The first is because I knowe your faithful vnfained loue to God his truth that in manie thinges according to knowledg The second because I knowe there is none in that Land that hath better meanes to procure a cause of religion to be handled according to the judgmēt of the best The third is the faithful reverēd loueing respect I beare to you that from your owne worthie deserts in the best things in all good vnto me I pray beseech you by that loue of God that hath bene in you of long time the which I wish may abound in you more more that you faile not my hopes herein which are That you wil either plainely see an upright consionable sound answere from the word of truth to this groūd here propounded or els giue glorie to God receiue it for the blessed truth of God The ground is easilie plainelie set downe which is that God giueing Adam freewil and power in himself not to eate of the forbidden fruit and live or to eate and dye could not in his eternal decree ordeyne or appoint him to life or death for then had his Freewil bene overthrowne if Adam had not eaten sinned which was to his owne power then had not death entred Therefore God did not decree that death should enter then Gods decree is not the cause of anie mans condemnation I now pray you Ladie with all the loue off my soule ' entertaine this great cause off God into your thoughts lett it take vp your best meditations that good thereby being produced you may stil be an instruement to advance the gospell off Iesus Christ you shal be sure off an high recompence off reward at the hands off the most high in heauen your remembrance shal be blessed amonge the Saints upon earth Thus praieing the Lord to blesse you and to giue you his holie Spirit with a gracious wise vnderstanding hart to descorne a right the thinges that differ I take leaue withal the grace faithfull honestie off my hart as I haue cause desiering your best good Tho Helvvys Iune 2. 1611. Psal 111.2 The works of the Lord are great ought to be sought out off all them that love them To all that waite for salvation by Iesus Christ Grace and peace from God WHereas we formerly in a little treatise intituled a Declaration off Faith of English people remayning at Amsterdam have in the fifth Article in short set downe our faith of Election and Reprobation concerning salvation and condemnation there haveing bene som eprivate opposition since wee writt it the love of God and vnto his truth constraineth vs to speake thus much more as we are able for the mainteynance of this cleere light of truth that God hath not in his eternal decre apointed some perticuler men to be saved and some perticuler men to be condemned and so hath redeamed but some But that Christ is given a ransome for all men yea even for the wicked that bring swift damnation vpon themselves denying the Lord that hath bought them 2. Pet. 2.1 It may and wil seeme straing that we of all others should take in hand to denie in a cause of so great controversie and so deepe a misterie to which we aunswere that it concernes vs asmuch as anie and therefore though we be not so able as we desire we were yet because we ought we are readie to shew our selves willing with the best abilitie we have and in that it is a deepe misterie as the whole truth of God is the more need had wee to search into i● that by the grace of God we might find the depth of it so far as God hath revealed in his word as al men ought to doe And we pray the Godly Reader not to bee deceaved by that old deceipt of the misterie of iniquitie the man of sinne which is to perswade that it is to high a point and to deepe a misterie for thee to enter into for by this deceipt hath the misterie of iniquitie prevailed ād doth to this day prevaile with thousands and ten-thousands not to search into anie part off the Scriptures at all But to rest vpon the faith of the Church ād though manie blessed be God be broken out from that depth of darknes yet they are not come to that cleare fountaine of light to knowe professe and practice that the Lord doth require at their hands to search into ād knowe his whole truth revealed in the scriptures And for this misterie in had let it be plaine vnto the that if thou oughest to knowe that a Saviour is sent then thou oughest also to knowe to whome he is sent ād if thou thinke to satisfie thy self in that thou knowest he is sent a saviour to thee therein dost thou not seeke the glorie of God nor the good of thy brother and then the love of God is not in thee Therefore cast away all excuse and applie thy hart withall care full diligence and faithful vprightnes to search and find out the depth of this high point ād misterie that thou maist give glorie to God for sending his sonne a Saviour for all Men. And so praying the God of light to make this truth also to breake furth and increase amongst you as blessed be his name it hath done and doth daylie breake furth and increase in these partes and that amongst them which your selves accomt best reformed Churches Wee require thy loveing patience to beare with our wants and thy conscionable consideration of that which is spoken to the from the word of God whose Spirit bee vpon thee Amen AMonge the rest of the fearefull works of the misterie of iniquitie this is not the least if not the greatest that men seduced by Sathan sinne through ignorance are growne to that hight off evil as they do call the Creator who is a Spirit to accōpt they wil have a natural reason off al his works And to come to one particuler they will have a reason how sinne came who or what was the first cause thereoff the word off God cannot restraine these men they will not be kept within the bounds thereoff But they will enter into the secret counsels off God by their vanie Philosophy measuring Gods thoughts by
salvation for him by Christ that Christ hath shedd his blood for him that beleeving in him he may bee saved and that God would not the death off him but that he should repent live Thus is al dispaire taken away For the grace off God that bringeth salvation vnto al men hath appeared Tit. 2.11 And al careles presumption cut off For hee that wil not beleeve shal be damned Mark 16 16. Revel 2.25 That which ye have already hold fast til I come for he that overcometh and keepeth my works to the end to him wil I give power over nations and Heb. 3.14 We are made pertakers of Christ if we keepe sure vnto the end that begining wherewith we are vpholden What gratious hart can ever disaprove off this vnderstāding That Christ hath redeamed al. It is most straing that men fearing God shoule be so full off indignation against it why should men thinke much that Christ should be a Saviour for al men aswel as for them especially it being agreable to the whole word off God being a doctrine that doth so magnifie sett furth the mercie off God to al man kind in giveing a Saviour that al beleeving in him might be saved as also advācing the justice off God in condemning vnbeleevers seing he hath left them without excuse in that he hath given them a Saviour in whome because they beleeve not they are justly condemned Much more might be said for the advancement of the great mysterie off Godlines in this point off Christs general redeaming off al men but we especially desire that the true ground of the cause may prevaile with you we doubt not the cōfort wil folow aboundātly Iff we have in any thinge led you from the first ground wee have vttetly gone besids our purpose for the some off al we purposed to speake is this That Adam haveing free-will which no man that knowes God to be Holy may deny then God could not decree any man perticulerly to be saved nor anie man perticulerly to be condemned for life death salvation condemnation were in the Freechoyce off Adam depended not vpon Gods decree but vpon Adams owne wil in that God gave Adam power in over himselff to chuse life or death not decreing him either to life or death For iff God had decreed him either to life or death then had his Freewil bene taken away For Gods decree must needs come to passe therefore this most easie plaine to bee vnderstood that Adam haveing Free-wil power not to have eaten off the Forbidden Fruyt so to have lived for ever God did not decree he should dye And Adam haveing Free-will power in over himselff to eate off the Forbidden Fruit dye God did not decre that Adam should lyve This then is the decree off God as he hath declared in his word to Adā Obey and live Disobey and dye This is the Law off workes which Adam had Freewil power in him selff From God perfectly to kepe God not decreeing as wee have shewed that hee should obey or disobey live or dye And let it bee wel observed that all the decrees off God concerning life or death to man man-kind were made with Adam therefore we produce him for al. And we have shewed that as Christ the promissed seed was given sent to Adam to be his Saviour for the same end he was givē sēt to al the world as also vnder the same cōditiō which was that he should beleeve in him for iff Adam had not beleeved he must have bene condemned iff all the world had not beleeved al the world must have bene condemned as Adā beleeving in the promissed seed was though the Grace mercie off God in Christ to bee saved even so all the world beleeving in the promissed seed was through the grace mercie off God in Christ to be saved And whereas the Holy Ghost Roman 5.14.15 Speaking off Infants saith That death reigned also over them that sinned not after the like manner of thee transgression of Adam the Grace off God and gift by grace which is by one man Christ Iesus hath abounded much more to thē Hereby also is further confirmed that al infāts are freed by the vniversall redemption off Christ From that condemnation which you by your opinion off perticuler redemption would cast vpon the most off them as is also before shewed What els hath bene spoken hath the Word of God for warrant thereoff wee earnestly beseech all that feare God love his truth with the Holiest thoughts of their harts to consider off and the Lord give you all vnderstanding harts And our harts desire and praier to God for you all is that you might bee saved come to the acknowledging off the Truth It is a custome amongst men to conclude that free wil must needs followe this vnderstanding of vniversal redemption and if there meaning were freewill in Christ ād that we have free power ād ability through Christ to worke out our salvation and that through Christ we are made able to every good worke such a freewil we hold But that man hath any freewil or power in himself to worke his owne salvation or to chuse life we vtterly deny haveing learned of Thappostli Ephes 2.8.9 That by grace mē are saved through Faith that not off themselves but off the gift off God not off workes least any man should boast himselff But this grace of God which is his mercie by Christ hath God given to al but all receive it not as appeareth joh 1.10.11 He was in the World the World knewe him not He came to his owne his owne receaved him not And Act. 13.46 Paule and Barnabas pake boldly and said it was necessary that the word of God should first have bene spokē vnto you but seeing you put it from you ād judg your selves vnworthy of everlasting life loe we turne to the Gentiles And Stephen saith Act. 7.51 Yee stifenetked and of vncircumcised harts and earesryee have always resissed the holy Ghost Thus Christ offering himself man hath power and doth reject Christ Put the Word off God from him Resist the Holy Ghost and freely off his owne will worke his owne condēnation But he hath no power at all to worke his owne salvation And so much onely to cleare our selves from that grosse and fearefull error of freewil from the which the Lord in great mercie hath freed vs. The End
even so might grace also reigne by righteousnes vnto Eternal life by Iesus Christ How hath the Lord by the vnspeakeable evidence off his truth proved to mens consciences that wil beleeve his word that he did not leave forsake Adam nor for his sinne any mankind vnder that condemnation which by Adams offence went over al. But by grace in Christ hath Freed Adam in him al man-kind From that sinne off Adam To make it yet more plaine that as Adam was Freed From that sinne so al man-kind was Freed And as the promise off Christ the promised seed was made sent to Adam evē so was he promised sent to al the world for the same end which was to save him as the Lord sheweth by his owne words iff hee may bee beleeved the Lord give men harts to beleeve him Ioh. 12.47 I came not to judg the World but to save the world And Ioh. 3.17 God sent not his Sonne into the World that hee should condemne the World but that the World through him might bee saved Now let the Godly harted Reader judg whether the promissed seed Christ was not promissed sent to al the world For the same end for the which he was promissed and sent to Adam which was to save the World as he was promissed sent for the same end to al the World as to Adam So was hee promissed sent vnder the same condition to all the World as hee was promissed and sent to Adam The Condition was that Adam should beleeve and vnder this same Condition was Christ promissed and sent to al the World as is shewed by Christs owne words joh 12.46 I am come a light into the World that whosoever beleeveth in mee should not abide in darkenes And joh 3.16 God so loved the world that hee hath given his onely begotten Sonne that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Where is now this conceived device that God should decree to leave forsake some that they might perish Who hath told men off such a decree that God hath or doth with hold his grace from anie so leave them to sinne and to perish for their sinne Where have they found it out learned it so perfectly The word off God hath not taught it them And the works off God hath not shewed it vnto them thus to teach men That the Lords decrees and waies are vnequal either in his justice or in his mercie as they doe judg and teach which judg and teach that God hath decreed for Adams sinne to forsake and leave some to with-hold his grace from them that they might perish hath decreed to save other some by giveing thē Grace Whereby they would make the Lord more just to some then to other some in condemning And more merciful to some then to other some in saveing and all For one the same Synne The Lord complaynes off Israel because they say his waies are vnequal Ezech. 18. The whole Chapter throwe shewing them how vnjustly they accused him in vseing that Proverbe The Fathers have eaten sower grapes and the Childrens feeth are set on edge Charging the Lord herein to punish the Child For the Fathers Fault And the Lord in that whole part off his word even strives to prove his wayes equall in punishing the soule that sinneth And that the sonne not shall beare the iniquitie off the Father Saying Furthermore That hee hath no desire that the wicked should dye but that they should returne and live And iff the Lord had great cause to complayne off Israell For this so vnjust accusation which they laid vpon him how greater cause hath he to complayne off all you that charge him to have cōdemned al the soules that are condemned From the beginning off the World vnto the end thereoff For Adams sinne Sayinge that God decreed to leave them vnder Adams sinne And not to give them a Saviour And to with-hold his grace that they might perish makeing Adams sinne the cause off all their condemnation For it being the cause that the Lord doth leave forsake them it is then the cause off their condemnation And vnder this condemnation to bring so manie thousands off millions off poore infāts that dye before they have done good or evill Rom. 9.11 As he Holy Ghost testifyeth to be bee their condition And our Saviour Christ Luke 18.16 in commendation off the condition qualitie off Babes saith Suffer the Babes to come vnto me for of such is the kingdome of Heaven And Matt. 18 3. Except ye bee converted and become as little Children ye shal not enter into the kingdome of heaven vers 4. Whosoever therefore shal humble himself as this little Child the same is the greatest in the Kingdome of heaven In all this shewing that the Children off Christs Kingdome must be off such humble qualitie condition as infants I hope none wil deny but al infants are off one qualitie condition even the infants off the Turks Our Saviour Christ speakes off al infants generally wil men yet judg some infants condemned And of such infāts the Lord sheweth his great cōpassion when he saith to the Prophet Ionah Ionah 4.11 Should I not spare Nyneueh that great cittie where are six score thousand persons that cannot descerne betwene their right hand and their left and also much Cattel Whereby the Lord sheweth that they had not sinned neither were giltie off their Fathers sinnes And wil you yet charge the Lord to condemne so manie infants al for Adams sinne are not your waies vnequall thus to say teach mē to hold thinke off God Doth the Lord say that that soule that sinneth shall dye And dare men say that the soules off infants shal dye who have neither done good nor evil Vpon these rocks and manie moe doth your opinion off perticuler redemptiō cast you And little doe you knowe the misterie off iniquitie in this point And who doth knowe the depth off the misterie off iniquitie herein Yet give vs leave to shewe you some high degrees off the misterie off iniquitie in this your opinion First it makes Gods decree the cause off sinne cōdēnation so makes God the author cause off condemnation sinne which is high blasphemy against the Holy one And hereby is all the sinne in the World that ever hath bene is shal be committed laid vpon God which is high iniquity the sinne off sinnes Secondly it restraineth the love off God to the world in giveing his Sonne for a Saviour and whereas our Saviour Christ saith Ioh. 3.16 God so loved the World that he hath given his onely begottē sonne that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have eternal life This opinion off perticuler redemptiō saith That God did not so love the World but he loved some few perticuler persons as he gave his sonne for them they onely shal beleve shal