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A10995 Twelue prophetical legacies. Or Twelue sermons vpon Iacobs last will and testament recorded by Moses, in the 49. chapt. of Genesis: containing his bequests and blessings, bestowed vpon his twelue sonnes. ... Preached by Francis Rollenson, Bach: of Diuinitie, and sometimes fellow of S. Iohn the Euang: Colledge in Cambridge. Rollenson, Francis, ca. 1565-1630. 1612 (1612) STC 21265; ESTC S116140 213,059 329

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their liues and herewith hee taketh away the good name and fame of the innocent This Arrowe is so hatefull in the eyes of GOD that by an expresse commandement he forbiddeth the shooting of it (q] Leu. 19.11 saying Yee shall not steale neither deale falsely neither lie (r) Coloss 3.9 And the Apostle saith Lie not one vnto another seeing that yee haue put off the olde man with his workes Furthermore GOD doth not onely forbid lying but also threatens all such as vse this hellish Shaft (s] Psal 5.6 Thou shalt destroy them saith Dauid that speake Lies the Lorde will abhorre the bloodie and deceitefull Man And the Wiseman saith [t) Pro. 6.19 12. That the LORDE GOD abhorreth a lying tongue and a false witnesse that speaketh lies The very heathen Philosophers and Poets haue in their writings condemned the shooting of this arrowe for Plato saith it is (u) Plat. politic cap. 2. odious both to God and men And Menander affirmeth that euery wiseman hates a lie And yet there be some amongst vs Christians that call this arrowe (x) Mart. Nauar. Azpil in d.c. humanae pag. 352. 349 good wisedome (y) Greg. de Val. Iesuit Tom. 3. disput 5. quaest 13. a profitable art and a wise defence these are those croaking frogges that come out of the mouth of the Beast and the false Prophet the frye of Sathan Rommish vncleane spirits I meane the Iesuites which teach equiuocation and mentall reseruation thereby to deceiue peruerting the way of truth concerning such Impostors and deceiuers euen Homer the heathen Poet saith That man to me is as vniust as the gates of hell which reserueth or concealeth one thing in his breast and speaketh another seeing then that these foure arrowes shot against Ioseph by his vnnaturall brethren and his lasciuious mistresse are so hellish and so hatefull it concerneth all men that feare the Bowe and arrowe of Gods vengeance to abstaine from shooting them against their Brethren to be an Enuious person to be a hater to be a mocker and to be a lyar is to be the diuels Archer and he that shooteth in his Bowe shall be sure of his paie which is torment euerlasting But his Bowe abode strong and the hands of his armes were strengthened by the hands of the mightie God of Iacob of whom was the feeder appointed by the stone of Israel In the words going before wee sawe Iosephs miserie in these wee may behold his Deliuerance which conteineth two parts first his resistance secondly his Aduancement The Archers shot at him and grieued him for with their shooting they did driue him into bondage and into Prison yet for all that they could not vtterly foile or ouerthrow him for like a valiant Boweman hee resisted and withstood them with his strong Bowe this Bowe was his Confidence and Sure trust in God that he would deliuer him out of all distresse we here reade of his Bowe but not of his arrowes whereby it may be collected that he vsed a Defensiue but no offensiue weapon this Bowe was vnto him as a shield or a Buckler whereby he did retort and beate backe the fierie darts or shaftes of his enemies that hated him being a weapon of such a temper that it will neuer breake but alwaies abide strong Dauid protesteth that hee will trust in the Lord and vpon this Confidence hee growes couragious for hee saith (z) Psal 56. I will not feare what man can doe vnto me though a man be neuer so strong and mightie yet if he want this Bowe his greatest strength is weakenesse and let a man be neuer so weake and feeble yet if hee haue this Bowe the gates of hell shall not preuaile against him Ioseph was neuer without a Bowe when his brethren shot against him the arrowes of Enuie and mocking his confidence in God armed him with charitie and patience wherefore hee did not Recompence euill with euill when his mistresse shot against him the arrowes of hatred and lying the Bowe of his confidence euen in the dungeon abode strong making him free from discontent and fearelesse of death They that trust in the Lord shall be like vnto the mount Zion saith the Psalmist which shall not be remoued but standeth fast for euer like vnto this Mount was Ioseph for because he trusted in God neither Bondage nor Imprisonment had power to daunt him (a) Pro. 20.26 The Conies saith Salomon are a people not mightie yet make they their houses in the rocke these creatures are weake by nature and yet it is hard to ouercome them because of their strong fortresses wherein they dwell a man is like vnto a Conie impotent and feeble in himselfe yet if he haue the Conies wisedome as Ioseph had to make his house in the rocke which is to Trust in God who is a fortresse and a Bulwarke then is hee sure that neither the world nor the diuell are able to endamage or doe him harme As Ioseph was so ought we to be all of vs Bowemen but not Archers he is an Archer that vseth both Bowe and arrowes and he is a Boweman that hath a Bowe but neuer shooteth arrowe out of it the Bowe with an arrowe in it is an Instrument of offence but the Bowe without an arrowe is an Instrument of defence Christians must be Bowemen in defending themselues but not Archers to offend others so saies Saint Paul [b] Rom. 12.17.19 Recompence to no man euill for euill auenge not your selues but giue place vnto wrath for it is written vengeance is mine and I will repaie saith the Lord and Tertullian saith It is the propertie of a christian Tertulan a pologet Plato in hipp minor rather to be killed then to kill and Socrates as Plato reporteth held it farre better for a man to suffer then offer an Iniurie There be two Bowes which neuer ought to be out of the Eie and the hand of a Christian the one is for contemplation the other for action the one is an excellent weapon to resist the temptations of the diuell the other to withstand the assaults of the world The first is the Bowe of the Couenant [e] Gen. 9.15 which is seene in a cloud commonly called the Rainebowe [d] Apoc. 4.3 Greg. hom 8 in Ezech. with which the throne of God was as Saint Iohn saith compassed when he sawe his maiestie in a vision herein as Saint Gregorie hath very wittily obserued there be two principall colours Blewe and Red the one is Colour of water the other of fire that of water is a Remembrancer of the Deluge or Vniuersall flood wherewith for sinne God ouerwhelmed and drowned the whole world the other of fire foresheweth the destruction by fire at the generall and last iudgement This Bowe ought to be the obiect of euery Christians eie for there is no cōsideration that is a more forcible restraint of sin then the remembrance of Gods Iudgements whether past or to come Iosephs
called Vibilia whom they vsed to pray vnto in their iourneying that shee might keepe them from erring out of their way their Goddesse was but a shadowe for an Idol is nothing saies the Apostle and such like Idols be ceremonies traditions councels decrees for he that trusteth to their direction is like him that in the night runnes after Ignis fatuus or the fierie Exhalation that fooles them that followe it but the Word of God is a Right vibilia indeed it neuer deludeth it neuer deceiueth vs if we make it our Marke it wil like the (u) Math. 2.9 Starre of the wisemen conduct vs to Christ Running was one of the Games of Olympus to stirre men vp to this exercise there were Prizes appointed for such as ran best so it is in our Spirituall race for the reward of them that Run well is the prise of the high calling of God as Paul saith in Christ Iesus this high calling is euerlasting life eternall glory ioy in the holy Ghost and the whole kingdome of heauen who then would not like a Hinde run swiftly to attaine vnto this infinite felicitie as then the (x) Gen. 28.12 Angels which Iacob sawe in his vision were not Idle but either ascending or d●scending the heauenly Ladder so let vs be euer in Motion euer going forward frō grace to grace frō goodnesse to goodnesse from vertue to vertue til we come to perfectiō (y) Eph. 4.13 euē the measure of the fulnes of Christs age as he was like the Hart or the Hinde vpō the mountaines of Bether so let our feete in the imitation of him be like vnto Hinds f●ete swift not to shed blood but to Run a good race euen the race of Righteousnesse this if we do we shal be sure not to loose our labour for Christ will meete vs at the end of the Race say vnto vs well run good faithfull seruant enter into the Ioies of thy Lord and take the price of the high calling of God for thy reward Naphtali shall be a Hind let goe giuing goodly words Iacob proceedeth in his Comparison and saies that Naphtali shall not be onely a hind but also a Hind let loose not imp●rkt not impaled not impent but liuing at Libertie and enioying freedome when hee prophecied of I h●char hee said that hee should be an asse Couching betweene the burthens beeing liable to exaction and oppression but Naphtali is let loose and his posteritie must be free Bondage is a great miserie but freedome is a wonderfull Blessing the felicitie of the one may be discouered in the misery of the other for first Bondage is a thing against Nature (z) Gen. 1.26 for Adam was created to beare rule ouer the fish of the sea and ouer the foule of the heauen and ouer the beastes and ouer all the earth and ouer euery thing that crept or moued on the earth by creation therefore all the children of Adam are freemen but Bond-slaues by sinne secondly Bondage is one of those meanes wherby Sinne is punished for when the Kings of Israel Iudah together with their people did forsake God which had brought them out of the land of Aegypt and went a whoring after strange Gods God suffered their enemies (a) 2. Reg. 17. to conquer them (b) 2. Reg. 25. carie thē into captiuitie binding their Kings in chaines their nobles in linckes of yron thirdly Bondage is so irkesome so grieuous a yoke that many haue rather chosen present death then to endure it (c) Iud. 16.30 Sampson preferred death before imprisonment (d) 2. Maccab 14.42 Razis was willing rather to fall vpon his owne sword to die manfully then to giue himselfe into the hands of Nicanor and Cato the Romane slew himselfe because he would not become Caesars slaue fourthly Seruitude and bondage is a Curse and this appeareth out of the words of Noah saying (e) Gen. 9.25 Cursed be Canaan a seruant of seruants shall he be vnto his brethren seeing then that Bondage is so miserable we must needes conclude that to be let loose and to haue freedome is a singular happines for thereby a Man is deliuered from Feare and Care which two like euill Angels bee the daily Attendants of Seruitude First a Seruant is euer affraide to displease his Maister whose supercilious looke like the Gorgons-Head in Perseus his shielde astonisheth the beholder For ordinarily Maisters be like vnto (f) 1. Reg. 12 11. Rehoboam great threatners oppressors of their bondmen and therefore S. Paul chargeth them (g) Eph. 6.9 to put away threatning knowing that they haue a Maister also in Heauen with whom there is no respect of persons Secondly a seruant is continually carefull to please his Maister be hee neuer so vile and wicked a man hee is compelled to say as hee sayes be his words neuer so vnsauorie to flatter and praise him be his actions neuer so ignoble dishonest to bow the knee vnto him is the seruāts of (h] Hest 3.2 Ahashuerosh did to Hamā though hee be but an Agagite and of base condition And therefore they may well be likened vnto the Indians who are accustomed to offer sacrifices vnto the diuell and this worship they giue him not for loue but out of feare As then the Poet spake of Husbandmen so may I say of Naphtali and his tribe O happie Naphtalites if yee knewe the worth of your owne happinesse Reuben lost his prerogatiues Simeon and Leui were cursed scattered in Israel and Isachar had his backe ouerloaden with burthens but yee are as a Hinde let loose free from the Chaine of bondage the yoke of oppression If it were a Blessing for Naphtali to bee like a Hinde let loose and to enioy freedom and libertie which was but onely in regard of his bodie and his temporall state oh how happie are all spirituall Naphtalies (i) Eph. 6.12 that wr●stle against powers Principalities I meane true Christians who being by the first birth Bond-mē to sin death Sathan are in their second birth through the Passion Merites of Christ made freemen heires of Saluation So saith our ●auiour to his disciples k) Ioh 15.15 Hēceforth I call you not seruants but frends (l) Mat. 5. not cursed Goats but blessed sheep m) Gen. 8. not black Rauens forsaking the Arke but white Doues making your Nests in the holes of the Rocke (n) Apoc. 20. not chained Serpents in the bottomles pit but Hindes let loose in the greene Pastures While wee were Gentiles wee liued like the Israelites vnder the bondage of that spirituall Pharaoh the diuell but since Christ came into the worlde and wrought his miracles Of which place Aegypt as S. Augustine saith is a type figure He by opening the Red-Sea with his Crosse hath set vs free and deliuered vs out of that land of darknes where no order but euerlasting horrour abideth and our enemies
the Diuell Hell and Death are fallen into the same pitte that they digged for vs and fettered in the same chaines wherein wee by them were bound First by the Passion of Christ the Tyrannicall dominion of Sathan ouer man was dissolued For the Apostle saith that by his Death hee did not onely ouercome death but him also which had the power of death the diuel And therefore S. Origen saith that there were two crucified vpon the crosse of Christ Namely CHRIST himselfe visibly and with his will The Diuell inuisibly and against his will (o) Iudg. 16. As the Philistims thought themselues sure of Triumph when Samsons eyes were out Nay they called him out of prison to make a laughing stock of him set him betweene the Pillars but yet he was auenged on them by pulling downe the house vpon their heads So the Diuell thought himselfe a glorious conquerour when the Eyes of Christ being nayled to the Crosse were closed vp with dim death Nay the Iewes being the Diuels iesters made mowes at him and ceased not saying (p) Matth. 27.42 If hee be the King of Israel let him nowe come downe from the Crosse But yet euen at that very time all the spirituall Powers Principalities receiued their Bane and were stript of that vsurped Empire which they helde ouer mankinde and by the Preaching of the Gospell which is (q) Apo. 20 1● the keye of the bottomles pitte whereby Hell is shut vp to the Faithfull and opened to Infidels the Dragon that olde Serpent which is the Diuell and Sathan was vtterly put to silence and bound as it were in a Chaine for a thousand yeares And thus was he that led man into captiuitie made a captiue and a bond-slaue himselfe Secondly his Death was Deaths destruction and therein hee was as good as his word For before hee was incarnate by the mouth of his Heralde the prophet Hoseah hee challenged Death saying (r) Hos 13.14 O Death I will bee thy Death O Graue I will bee thy destruction And in his Death hee subdued Death by taking his sting from him And therefore the Apostle in the person of Christ insulteth ouer Death and derideth him saying (ſ) 1. Cor. 15 55. O Death where is thy sting Sinne was the cause that (t) Gen. 2.17 man was made captiue to Death (u] Rom. 6.23 For the wages of Sinne is Death but Christ being Righteousnes it selfe by laying downe his Life and taking it vp againe (x] Acts. 2.24 loosed the bondes and the sorrowes of it So that to all true Belieuers Death is no longer bitter but sweete (y) And. Casar in Apoc. cap. Not a thiefe that surprizeth suddenly but the Harbenger of Ioye Thereupon in the olde Testament the Death of the righteous which belieued in Christ to come is called Geuigah that is to say without pain or griefe because that though (z) Numb 21.6 like the Israelites that spake against God they were stung with this fierie Serpent yet by looking vnto the Brasen Serpēt their M●ssi●h the wound of death was healed in them Though like (a) Dan 6.16 Daniell they were cast into the greedy Lyons denne which is the Graue and like (b) Ionah 1.12 Ionah into this Whales bellie which is vnsatiable yet for all that neither had this Lyon power to deuoure them nor this Whale abilitie to digest them The reason is because Christ the head hath tasted Death for all his members to set them free and loose them from their bondes Thirdly as by his Passion vpon the Crosse he hath Redeemed vs from the tyrannie of Sathan and by his Death freed vs from the bondage of the Graue So likewise by his descension into Hell hee hath deliuered vs from the Thraldome of the bottomlesse Pitte Had not hee broken the Serpentes Head by the droppes of his Blood the Serpent would continually haue bruised our heeles Had he not takē away the sting of death death would neuer haue ceased from stinging vs and had hee not descended into hell there to manifest his glorie by leading Captiuitie Captiue Hell would neuer haue beene satisfied nor euer haue saide It is enough but the Teeth of the Mouth thereof would haue beene as swordes and the Chawes as kniues to eate vp mankinde out of the earth Therefore as (c] Iud 16.1.2 ● Samson in spight of the Philistims who laid waite to entrap him all night in the gate of the Citie went forth of Gazzah carrying vpon his shoulders along with him the Dores the Postes and the Barres of the Gates of the Citie So CHRIST maugre all the Spirites of darknesse Descended into the neathermost parts of the Earth that is the Depth or Hell And there hauing bound the strong-man of that Infernall house returned with victorie and Triumph And therefore the Apostle mocketh Hell saying (d) 1. Cor. 1● 55 O Hell where is thy victorie Though all true Christians be Hindes let loose and deliuered from the bondage of Hell Death and Sathan yet are they still Seruants and so ought to be to him that loosed and Redeemed them By the Ciuill law (e) Code de captiuis postliminio reuersis Honorius if any Captiue be deliuered at the costes and charges of another hee when he shall be returned home ought to repay the charges to him that redeemed him and if perhaps hee shall not bee able to repay him then hee should satisfie his redeemer by labour and seruice This is the case of all Christians and this is a plaine Lawe that ought to binde our Consciences Wee were Ca●tiues and CHRIST hath redeemed vs not with corruptible things as Golde and Siluer but with his owne Blood Now then because wee are otherwayes vnable to repaye him his Charges wee are bounde to satisfie him for his Cost with our Labour and our Seruice (f) Rom. 6.17.18 This Seruice is A Sweete yoke and is to bee esteemed aboue all carnall libertie (g) Euseb tract de prepa euang it was said of Democritus Chrysippus that The one of them made men slaues altogether and The other halfe slaues so it may be said of Christ and the Diuell the Diuell by sinne made man a seruant wholly but Christ hath made him halfe a Seruant for he is both a freeman and a seruant first he is a freeman because he is made free from sinne secondly hee is a seruant because he is made the (h) Rom. 6.18 seruant of Righteousnesse this then is the dutie of euery one of vs which be spirituall Naphtalites seeing that Christ hath bought vs and loosed vs from the bondage of hell death and Sathan first we must be willing to serue him truely and to labour in his vineyard as vnder the lawe of Moses (i) Exod. 21.6 such as were content out of their loue to their maisters to be seruants for euer did willingly lay their Eare to a post and their maisters did bore it through with a