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A10675 The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languges. VVith moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader; Bible. English. Geneva. Whittingham, William, d. 1579.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585.; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1561 (1561) STC 2095; ESTC S121352 3,423,415 1,153

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his sword he hathe bent his bowe and made it readie 13 He hathe also prepared hym deadly weapons he wil ordeine his arrowes for them that 〈◊〉 me 14 * Beholde he shal 〈◊〉 with wickednes for he hathe conceiued mischief but he shal bring forthe a lye 15 He 〈◊〉 made a pit and diggedit and is fallen into the pit that he made 16 His mischief shal returne vpon hys owne head and his crueltie shal fall vpon his owne pate 17 I will praise the Lorde accordyng to hys righteousnes and wil sing praise to the Name of the Lord moste high PSAL. VIII 1 The Prophete consideryng the exc 〈◊〉 liberalitie and fatherlie prouidence of GOD towards man whome he made as it were a god ouer all his workes doeth not one ly giue great thankes but is astonished with the admiration of the same as one nothyng able to compasse suche great mercies ¶ To him that excelleth on Gittith A Psalme of Dauid 1 O Lord our Lorde howe excellent is thy Name in all the worlde whiche hast set thy glorie aboue the heauens 2 Out of the mouthe of babes and suckelings hast thou ordeined strength because of thine enemies that thou my ghtest still the enemie and the auenger 3 When I beholde thine heauens euen the workes of thy fingers the moone and the starres which thou hast ordeined 4 What is man say I that thou art mindfull of him and the sonne of man that thou 〈◊〉 him 5 For thou hast made hym a litle lower then GOD and crowned him with glorie and worship 6 Thou hast made hym to haue dominion in the wordes of thine hands thou hast put all things vnder his fete 7 All shepe and oxen yea and the beastes of the field 8 The foules of the aire and the fishe of the sea and that whiche passeth through the paths of the seas 9 O Lord our Lord how excellent is thy Name in all the worlde PSAL. IX 1 After he had giuen thankes to God for the sundrie victo ries that he had sent him agaynst hys enemies and also proued by manifolde 〈◊〉 how readie God was at hand in all his troubles 14 He being now likewise in dan ger of 〈◊〉 enemies desireth God to helpe hym according to his wonte 17 And to destroye the malicious arrogancie of his aduersaries ¶ To him that excelleth vpon Muth Labbén A Psalme of Dauid 1 I Wil praise the LORDE with my whole hearte I will speake of all thy meruelous workes 2 I wil be glad and reioyce in thee I wil sing praise to thy Name ô moste high 3 For that myne enemies are turned backe they shal fall and perish at thy presence 4 For thou hast mainteined my right and my cause thou art set in the throne and iudgest right 5 Thou hast rebuked the heathen thou haste destroied the wicked thou hast put out their name for euer and euer 6 O enemie destructions are come to a perpetual end ād thou hast destroied the cities their memorial is perished with them 7 But the Lord shall sit for euer he hathe prepared his throne for iudgement 8 For he shal iudge the world in rightcousnes and shal iudge the people with equitie 9 The Lord also will be a refuge for the poore a refuge in due time euen in affliction 10 And they that knowethy Name wil trust in thee for thou Lorde hast not failed them that seke thee 11 Sing praises to the Lorde which dwelleth in Zion shewethe people his workes 12 For whē he maketh inquisition for blood he remembreth it and forgetteth not the complaint of the poore 13 Haue mercie vpon me ô Lorde consider my trouble whiche I 〈◊〉 of them that hate me thou that liftest me vp from the gates of death 14 That I maye shewe all thy prayses within the gates of the daughter of Zion and reioyce in thy saluacion 15 The heathen are sunkē downe in the pit that they made in the net that they hid is their 〈◊〉 taken 16 The Lorde is knowē by executing iudgement the wicked is snared in the worke of his owne hands Higgaión Sélah 17 The wicked shal turne into hel and all nations that forget God 18 For the poore shal not be alwaie forgotten the hope of the afflicted shal not perish for euer 19 Vp Lord let not man preuaile let the heathen be iudged in thy sight 20 Put them in feare ô Lord that the heathen maie know that they are but men Sélah PSAL. X. 1 He complaineth of the fraude rapine tyrannie and all kindes of wrong which worldelie men vse assigning the cause thereof that 〈◊〉 men beyng as it were drunken with worldelie prosperitie and therefore settyng a parte all feare and reuerence towardes God thinke they may do all thyngs without countrowling 15 Therefore he calleth vpon God to send some remedie agaynst these desperate euils 16 And at length comforteth him selfe with hope of deliuerance 1 WHy standest thou farre of ô LORD and hidest thee in due time euē in affliction 2 The wicked with pride doeth persecute the poore let them be taken in the craftes that they haue imagined 3 For the wicked hathe made boast of hys owne heartes desire and the couetous blesseth him selfe he contemneth the Lord. 4 The 〈◊〉 is so proude that he seketh not for God he thinketh alwaies There is no God 5 His wayes alwaye prosper thy Iudgements are 〈◊〉 aboue hys sight therefore defieth he all his enemies 6 He saieth in his heart I shall neuer be moued nor be in danger 7 Hys 〈◊〉 is full of cursing and disceite and fraude vnder his tongue is mischief and iniquitie 8 He lieth in waite in the villages in the secret places doeth he murther the innocent his eies are bent against the poore 9 He lieth in wait secretly euen as a lyon in hys denne he lieth in waite to spoyle the poore he doeth spoyle the poore when he draweth him into his net 10 He crowcheth and boweth therfore heapes of the poore do fall by his might 11 He hathe said in his heart GOD hathe forgotten he hideth awaye his face and will neuerse 12 Arise o Lord God lift vp thine hand forget not the poore 13 Wherefore doeth the wycked contemne God he saieth in hys hearte Thou wilt not regarde 14 Yet thou hast sene it for thou beholdest mischief and wrong that thou maiest take it into thine hands the poore committeth him selfe vnto thee for thou art the helper of the fatherles 15 Breake thou the arme of the wicked and malicious searche his wickednes and thou shalt finde none 16 The Lord is King for euer and euer the heathen are destroyed forthe of his land 17 Lord thou hast heard the desire of the poore thou preparest their heart thou bendest thine eare to them 18 To iuge the
labours nor cease from their offices 28 None of them hindreth another nether was anie of them disobedient vnto his wordes 29 After this the Lord loked vpon the earth and filled it with his goods things 30 With all maner of liuing beasts hathe he couered the face thereof and they returne into it againe CHAP. XVII 1 The creation of man and the goodnes that God hathe done vnto him 〈◊〉 Of almes 26 And repentance 1 THe * Lord hathe created mā of the earth and turneth him vnto it againe 2 He gaue him the nomber of dayes and cer teine times and gaue him power of the things that are vpon earth 3 He clothed them with strength as they had nede and made them according to his image 4 He made all flesh to feare him so that he had the dominion ouer the beasts and foules 5 * He created out of him an helper like vn to him self and gaue them discrecion and tongue and eyes eares and an heart to vn derstand and sixtly he gaue them a spirit and seuently he gaue them speache to declare his workes 6 And he filled them with knowledge of vn derstanding and shewed them good and euil 7 He set his eye vpon their hearts declaring vnto them his noble workes 8 And gaue thē occasion to reioyce perpetually in his miracles that they shulde pru dently declare his workes that the elect shulde praise his holie Name together 9 Beside this he gaue them knowledge and gaue them the Law of life for an heritage that thei might now knowe that thei were mortal 10 He made an euerlasting couenant with them and shewed them his iudgements 11 Their eyes sawe the maiestie of his glorie and their eares heard his glorious voyce 12 And he said vnto thē Beware of all vnrighteous things * He gaue euerie man also a cōmandement concerning his neighbour 13 Their wayes are euer before him and are not hid from his eyes 4 Euerie man from his youth is giuē to euil their stonie hearts can not become flesh 15 He appointed a ruler vpon euerie people when he deuided the nacions of the whole earth 16 * And he did chuse Israél as a peculiar people to him self whome he nourisheth with discipline as his first borne giueth him moste louing light and doeth not forsake him 17 All their workes are as the sunne before him his eyes are continually vpon their wayes 18 None of their vnrighteousnes is hid from him but all their sinnes are before the Lord 19 And as he is merciful and knoweth his worke he doeth not leaue them nor forsake them but spareth them 20 * The almes of a man is as a thing sealed vp before him and he kepeth the good dedes of man as the apple of the eye and giueth repentance to their sonnes daughters 21 * At the last shal he arise rewarde them and shal repay their rewarde vpon their heads 22 * But vnto them that wil repent he giueth them grace to returne exhorteth suche as faile with pacience and sendeth them the porcion of the veritie 23 * Returne thē vnto the Lord and forsake thy sinnes make thy prayer before his face and take away the offence 24 Turne againe vnto the most High for he wil bring thee from darkenes to wholsome light for sake thine vnrighteousnes and 〈◊〉 greatly all abominacion 25 Knowe the righteousnes iudgements of God stand in the porcion that is set forthe for thee and in the prayer of the most high God and go in the partes of the holie worlde with suche as be liuing and confesse God 26 * Who cā praise the moste High in the hell as do all they that liue and confesse him 27 Abide not thou in the errour of the vngodlie but praise the Lord before death 28 Thankefulnes perisheth from the dead as thogh he were not but the liuing and he that is sounde of heart praiseth the Lord and reioyceth in his mercie 29 How great is the louing kindenes of the Lord our God and his compassion vnto suche as turne vnto him in holines 30 For all things can not be in men because the sonne of man is not immortal and they take pleasure in the vanitie of wickednes 31 What is more cleare then the sunne yet shal it faile 32 So flesh and blood that thinketh euil shal be reproued 33 He seeth the power of the high heauen all men are but earth and ashes CHAP. XVIII 1 The maruelous workes of God 6. 7 The miserie wretchednes of man 9 Against God ought we not to complaine 21 The performing of vowes 1 HE that liueth foreuer * made all things to gether the Lord who onelie is iust and there is none other but he and he remaineth a victorious King for euer 2 He ordereth the worlde with the power of his hand and all things obey his wil for he gouerneth all things by his power and deuideth the holie things from the prophane 3 To whome hathe he giuen power to expres se his workes who wilseke out the grounde of his noble actes 4 Who shal declare the power of his greatnes or who wil take vpō him to tell out his mercie 5 As for the wonderous workes of the Lord there may nothing be taken from them nether can anie thing be put vnto them ne ther may the grounde of them be founde out 6 But when a man hathe done his best he must beginne againe and when he thinketh to come to an end he must go againe to his labour 7 ¶ What is man where to serueth he what good or euil can he do 8 * If the nomber of a mans daies be an hun dreth yere it is muche and no man hathe certeine knowledge of his death 9 As droppes of raine are vnto the sea and as a grauel stone is in comparison of the sand so are a thousand yeres to the dayes euerlasting 10 Therefore is God pacient with them and powreth out his mercie vpon them 11 He sawe and perceiued that the arrogancie of their heart and their ruine was euil therefore heaped he vp his mercie vpon them and shewed them the way of righteousnes 12 The mercie that a man hathe reacheth to his neighbour but the mercie of the Lord is vpon all flesh he chasteneth and nurtureth and teacheth and bringeth backe as a shebherd his flocke 13 He hathe mercie of them that receiue disci pline and that diligently seke after his iud gements 14 ¶ My sonne when thou doest good repro ue not and what soeuer thou giuest vse no discomfortable wordes 15 Shal not the dewe aswage the heat so is a worde better then a gife 16 Lo is not a worde better then a good gift but a gracious man giueth them bothe 17 A foole wil reproche churlishly and a gift of the enuious putteth out the eyes 18 Get thee righteousnes before thou come to iudgement learne before
of God as a grieuous bur den c Because this wordwas broght to contempt and derision he wil teache them another maner of speache and wil cause this worde Burden to cease and teache them to aske with reuetence VVhat saith the Lord d The thing which they mocke and contemne shal come vpon them ” Or take you away Chap. 20. 11. a The good siggs signified 〈◊〉 that were gone into captiuitie and so saued their life as chap. 21. 8. and the noghty siggs them 〈◊〉 remained which were yet subiect to the sworde famine and 〈◊〉 b whereby he approueth the yelding of 〈◊〉 and his companie because thei obeied the Prophet who ex 〈◊〉 thē thereunto c hich declareth that man of himselfe can kno we nothing 〈◊〉 God giue the heart and vnderstanding Chap. 31. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 8. 10. 17. Chap. 29 17. d Which fled the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 succour a That is in 〈◊〉 third 〈◊〉 accomplished and in the beginning 〈◊〉 the fourth 〈◊〉 thogh Nebuchad nezzár began to reigne in the end of the thirde yere of 〈◊〉 kins reigne yet that yere is not here counted because it was almost expired Dan 1. 〈◊〉 b Which was the 〈◊〉 yere and the ninth moneth of 〈◊〉 reigne c That is I haue spared no diligen ce or labour Chap. 7. 13. d He sheweth that the Prophets wholly with 〈◊〉 consent did labour to pul the people 〈◊〉 those vices which then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wit from 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ce of men for vnder these two all other were 〈◊〉 2 King 17. 〈◊〉 Chap. 18. 11. and 35. 15 Iouáh 3. 8. e The Caldeans and all their power f So the wicked and 〈◊〉 him selfe are Gods ser uants 〈◊〉 he maketh them to serue him by constreint 〈◊〉 that which thei do of malice to his honour and glorie g As the Philistims 〈◊〉 Egyptians others Chap 16 9. h Meaning that bread all thigs that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vnto their feastes shulde be taken away Or destroy i This reuelacion was for the 〈◊〉 of his prophecie because he tolde thē of the time that thei shulde entre and remaine in 〈◊〉 k For seing the iudgement began at his owne nouse the enemies must nedes be pu nished most 〈◊〉 uously 2 Chron. 36. 22. l That is of the Babylonians as Chap. 27. 7. Ezra 1. 1. Chap 29. 10. Dan. 9. 2. m Signifying the 〈◊〉 that God had appointed for euerie one as Psal. 75 a Isa. 51. 17. this cup which the wicked 〈◊〉 is more bitter thē 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 to his children for he 〈◊〉 the one by mercie and the other by iustice Ezek 9 6. 1. Pet. 4 17. n For now it beginneth and shal 〈◊〉 continue til it be accomplished o 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. 1. p 〈◊〉 were cities of the Philistuns q Edom is here taken for the who e countrey 〈◊〉 Vz for a part thereof r 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ita lie and the rest of those 〈◊〉 s These were peo ple of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 came of 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of Abrahám and 〈◊〉 t For there were two 〈◊〉 so named the one called plentiful the other baren or desert u That is of Babylon as Chap. 51. 〈◊〉 Or Persia x That is Ierusa 〈◊〉 read verl 12. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 16. Amos 1. 2. Chap. 30. 23. y Thei which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 at the Lords appointement z Ye that are chief 〈◊〉 and goueinours a which are moste easily broken b It shal not helpe them to 〈◊〉 to flee ” Ebr. peaceables a That is in that place of the Temple whereunto the 〈◊〉 resort out of all Iudáh to sacrifice b To the intent that they shulde pretend 〈◊〉 ignorance as Act. 20. 27. c Read Chap. 18. 8. d Read Chap. 7. 〈◊〉 e So that when they wolde cursse any thei shal say God do to thee as to Ierusalém f Because of Gods promes to the Tēple Psal. 132. 14 that he wolde for euer remayne there the hypocri 〈◊〉 thoght this Tē ple colde neuer pe rish and therfore thoght it blasphemie to speake against it Mar 26. 〈◊〉 act 6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cōsidering that this was ment of the Churche where God wil remaine for euer g So called because it was repaired by Ioathā 2 Kings 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ” Ebr. 〈◊〉 of death belōgeth to this man h He both sheweth the cause of his doings plainely also threateneth thē that they shulde nothing 〈◊〉 thogh they shulde put him to death but heape greater vengeāce vpon their heads Michah 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 12. i That is of the house of the Lord to wit zion and these examples the godlie alledged to 〈◊〉 Ieremiah out of the Priestes 〈◊〉 whose rage 〈◊〉 wolde not haue bene satisfied but by his death k So that the citie was not 〈◊〉 but by miracle was deliuered out of the handes of 〈◊〉 l Here is 〈◊〉 the furie of tyrāts who cā not abide to 〈◊〉 Gods worde declared but 〈◊〉 the ministers thereof and yet in the end they 〈◊〉 nothing but prouoke Gods iudgements so muche the more m As in the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 exāple is to be followed so in his other 〈◊〉 act is to be abhoired for Gods pligue did light on him and his 〈◊〉 n VVhiche 〈◊〉 that nothing colde haue appeased 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 if God had not moued this noble mā to stand valian ly in his defence a As touching the dispositiō of these prophecies they that gathered thē into a booke 〈◊〉 not altogether ob 〈◊〉 the order of times but did set some 〈◊〉 which shulde be after 〈◊〉 wises which if the reader marke wel 〈◊〉 shal auoide many doutes and make the eading much more easy Chap. XXVII b By suche signes the Prophetes 〈◊〉 sometimes to cōfirme their prophecies 〈◊〉 not withstanding they colde nor do of them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but in asmuche as thei had a reuelation for the same 〈◊〉 Isa. 20. 2. and therfore the false propheres to get more credi did vse also suche visible signes but they had no reuelatiō 1. King 22. 11. c Read Chap. 25. 〈◊〉 d Meaning Euilmerodach and his sonne Belshazar e They shal bring him and his kingdome in 〈◊〉 as Chap 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chap. 14 〈◊〉 33 21 29 8 Chap. 28. 3. f VVhiche were taken when Ieconiah was led captiue into Batél g For it was not onely the Prophetes office to shewe the word of God but also to praye for the sinnes of the people Genes 20. 7. VVhich these colde not do because they had no expresse wordes for God had 〈◊〉 the contrarie 2. King 25. 13. 2. King 24. 12. h That is for the space of seuentie yeres till I haue caused the Medes and Persians to ouercome the Caldeans a VVhē Ieremiah began to 〈◊〉 these bondes and yokes b After that the land had rested as Leu 25. 1. Deut. 15. 1. c This was a 〈◊〉 in Beniamin belō ging to the sonnes of Aarō iosh. 21. 17 ” Ebr. two yeres of dayes d He was so 〈◊〉 med thogh 〈◊〉 was a false Prophet e
his refuge whither he was fled and he shal abide there vnto the death of the hie Priest which is anoin ted with the holy oyle 26 But if the slayer come without the borders of the citie of his refuge whither he wasfled 27 And the reuenger of blood find him with out the borders of the citie of his refuge and the reuenger of blood slay the murtherer he shal be giltles 28 Because he shulde haue remained in the ci tie of his refuge vntil the death of the hye Priest and after the death of the hye Priest the slayer shal returne vnto the lād of his possession 29 So these things shal be a lawe of iudgemēt vnto you through your generacions in all your dwellings 30 Whosoeuer killeth anie persone the iud ge shal slay the murtherer through * wit nesses but * one witnes shal not testifie a gainst a persone to cause him to die 31 Moreouer ye shal take no recompēse for the life of the murtherer which is worthie to die but he shal be put to death 32 Also ye shal take no recompense for him that is fled to the citie of his refuge that he shuld come againe and dwel in the land before the death of the hie Priest 33 So ye shal not pollute the land where in ye shal dwel for blood defileth the land and the land can not be clensed of the blood that is shed therin but by the blood of him that shed it 34 Defile not therefore the land which ye shal in habite for I dwel in the middes thereôf for I the Lord dwel amōg the childrē of Israél CHAP. XXXVI 6 An ordre for the mariage of the daughters of zelophe had 7. The inheritance colde not be giuen from one tribe to another 1 THen the chief fathers of the familie of the sonnes of Gilead the sonne of Machir the sonne of Manasséh of the families of the sonnes of Ioséph came and spake before Mosés and before the princes the chief fathers of the children of Is raél 2 And said * The Lord commanded my lord to giue the land to inherite by lot to the children of Israél and my lord was commanded by the Lord to giue the inheritāce of Zelophehad our brother vnto his daughters 3 If they be maried to anie of the sonnes of the other tribes of the children of Israél then shal their inheritāce be taken away from the inheritance of our fathers shal be put vnto the inheritance of the tribe where of they shal be so shal it be taken a way from the lot of our inheritance 4 Also when the Iubile of the children of Israél commeth then shal their inheritance be put vnto the inheritance of the tribe whereof they shal be so shal their inheri tance be taken away from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers 5 Then Mosés commanded the children of Israél according to the worde of the lord saying The tribe of the sonnes of Ioséph haue sayd dwel 6 This is the thing that the Lord hathe commanded concerning the daughters of Zelophehad saying They shal be wiues to whome they thinke best onely to the familie of the tribe of their father shal they mary 7 So shal not the inheritance of the childrē of Israél remoue from tribe to tribe for euerie one of the children of Israél shal ioy ne him selfe to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers 8 And euerie daughter that possesseth anie inheritance of the tribes of the children of Israel shal be wife vnto one of the fami lie of the tribe of her father that the children of Israél may enioye euerie man the inheritance of their fathers 9 Nether shal the inheritance go about frō tribe to tribe but euerie one of the tribes of the children of Israél shal sticke to his owne inheritance 10 As the Lord commanded Mosés sodid the daughters of Zelophehad 11 For * Mahlàh Tirzah and Hoglah Milcah and Noàh the daughters of Zelophehàd were maried vnto their fathers brothers sonnes 12 They were wyues to certeine of the fami lies of the sonnes of Manasséh the sonne of Ioséph so their inheritance remained in the tribe of the familie of their father 13 These are the commandemēts and lawes which the Lord commanded by the hand of Mosés vnto the children of Israél in the plaine of Moab by Iordén toward Iericho THE FIFTH BOKE OF MOSES called Deuteronomie THE ARGVMENT THe wonderful loue of God toward his Churche is liuely set forthe in this boke For albeit through their ingratitude and sundry rebellions against God for the space of forty yeres Deut. 9. 7. they had deserueth to haue bene cut of from the nomber of his people and for euer to haue bene depriued of the vse of his holy worde and sacramēts yet he did euer preserue his Church euen for his owne mercies sake and wolde stil haue his Name called vpon among them wherefo re he bringeth them into the land of Cánaan destroyeth their enemies giueth them their countrey townes and goodes and exborteth them by the example of their fathers whose infidelitie idolatrie adulteries murmurings and rebellion he had moste sharpely punished to feare and obey the Lord to embrace and kepe his lawe without adding ther vnto or dimi nishing there from For by his worde be wolde he knowento be their God and they his people by his worde he wolde gouerne his Churche by the same they shulde learne to obey him by his worde he wolde discerne the false Prophet from the true light from darknes error from knollage and his owne people from all other natiōs and infideles teaching them thereby to refuse detest destroy and abolish what soeuer is not agreable to his holy wil seme it other wise neuer so good or precious in the eyes of man And for this cause God promised to raise vp Kings and gouuernours for the setting for the of this worde and preseruacion of his Churche giuing vnto them an especial charge for the executing thereof whome the refore be willeth to exercise thē selues diligently in the continual studie and meditation of the same that they might learne to feare the Lord loue their subiects abhorre couetousnes and vice and whatsoeuer offendeth the maiestie of God And as he had to fore instructed their fathers in all things apperte 〈◊〉 bothe to his spiritual seruice also for the maintenant of that societie which is betwene men so he prescribeth here anewe all suche lawes ordināces which ether cōcerne his di uine seruice or els are necessarie for a comon weale appointing vnto euerie estate and degre their charge and 〈◊〉 aswel how to rule and liue in the feare of God as to nourish friendeship towarde their neighbours and to preserue that or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God hathe established among men threatening with all moste horrible plagues to them that transgresse his commandements and
Iob because he ascribeth wisdome and putenes to him self 16 He describeth the curse that falleth on 〈◊〉 wicked rekoning Iob to be one of the nomber 1 THen answered Elipház the Temanite and said 2 Shal a wise mā speake wordes of the winde and fil his belly with the East winde 3 Shal he dispute with wordes not comely or with talke that is not profitable 4 Surely thou hast cast of feare and restrainest prayer before God 5 For thy mouth declareth thine iniquitie seing thou hast chosen the tongue of the crafty 6 Thine one mouth condemneth thee not I and thy lippes testifie against thee 7 Art thou the first man that was borne and wast thou made before the hils 8 Hast thou heard the secret counsel of God and doest thou restraine wisdome to thee 9 What knowest thou that we knowe not and vnderstanded that is not in vs 10 With vs are bothe ancient and very aged men farre older then thy father 11 Seme the consolations of God smale vnto thee is this thing strange vnto thee 12 Why doeth thine heart take thee away what do thine eyes meane 13 That thou answerest to God at thy pleasure and bringest suche wordes out of thy mouth 14 What is man that he shulde be cleane and he that is borne of woman that he shulde be iust 15 Beholde he founde no sted fastnes in his Sain tes yea the heauens are not cleane in his sight 16 How muche more is man abominable and filthie which drinketh iniquitie like water 17 I wil tel thee heare me I wil declare that which I haue sene 18 Which wisemen haue tolde as they haue heard of their fathers and haue not kept it secret 19 To whome alone the land was giuen and no stranger passed through them 20 The wicked man is continually as one that trauelleth of childe and the nomber of ye res is hid from the tyrant 21 A soūd of feare is in his eares in his pro speritie the destroyer shal come vpon him 22 He beleueth not to returne out of darkenes for he seeth the sworde before him 23 He wandreth to and fro for bread where he may he knoweth that the day of darke nes is prepared at hand 24 Affliction and anguish shall make him afraid they shal preuaile against him as a King ready to the battel 25 For he hathe stretched out his hand against God and made him self strong against the Almightie 26 Therefore God shal runne vpō him euen vpō his necke and against the moste thicke part of his shield 27 Because he hathe couered his face with his fatnes and hathe collopes in his flācke 28 Thogh he dwel in desolate cities and in houses which no man inhabiteth but are become heapes 29 He shal not be riche nether shal his substan ce continue nether shal he prolong the per fection thereof in the earth 30 He shal neuer departe out of darkenes the flame shal drye vp his branches and he shal 〈◊〉 away with the breath of his mouth 31 He beleueth not that he erreth in vanitie therefore vanitie shal be his change 32 His branche shal not be grene but shal be cut of before his day 33 God shal destroy him as the vine her sower grape shal cast him of as the oliue doeth her floure 34 For the cōgregacion of the hypocrite shal be desolate and fyre shal deuoure the houses of bribes 35 For thei cōceiue mischief bring forthe 〈◊〉 their beilie hathe prepared deceite CHAP. XVI 1 Iob moued by the importunacie of his friends 7 Counteth in what extremitie he is 19 And taketh God 〈◊〉 of his innocencie 1 BVt Iob answered and said 2 I haue oft times heard suche things miserable comforters are ye all 3 Shal there be none end of wordes of winde or what maketh thee bolde so to answer 4 I colde also speake as ye do but wolde God your soule were in my soules stead I colde kepe you companie in speaking and colde shake mine head at you 5 But I wolde strengthen you with my mouth the comfort of my lips shulde aswage your sorowe 6 Thogh I speake my soro we can not be aswaged thogh I cease what release haue I 7 But now he maketh me weary ô God thou hast made all my congregacion desolate 8 And hast made me ful of wrinkles which is a witnes thereof and my leannes riseth vp in me testifying the same in my face 9 His wrath hathe torne me and he 〈◊〉 me and gnasheth vpon me with his teeth mine enemie hathe sharpened his eies against me 10 They haue opened their mouthes vpon me and smitten me on the cheke in reproche thei gather thē selues together against me 11 God hathe deliuered me to the vniust and hathe made me to turne out of the way by the hands of the wicked 12 I was in welth but he hathe broght me to noght he hathe taken me by the necke and beaten me and set in me as a marke for him self 13 His archers compasse me round about he cutteth my reines and doeth not spare and powreth my gall vpon the grounde 14 He hathe broken me with one breaking vpon another and runneth vpon me like a gyant 15 I haue sowed a sackecloth vpō my skin and haue abased mine horne vnto the dust 16 My face is withered with weping and the shadow of death is vpon mine eyes 17 Thogh there be no wickednes in 〈◊〉 hands and my prayer be pure 18 O earth couer not thou my blood and let my crying finde no place 19 For lo now my witnes is in the 〈◊〉 and my record is on hie 20 My friends speake eloquently againste me but mine eye powreth out teares vnto God 21 Oh that a man might pleade with God as man with his neighbour 22 For the yeres accounted come and I shal go the way whence I shal not returne CHAP. XVII 1 Iob sayth that he consumeth away and yet doeth paciētly abide it 10 He exhorteth his friends to repentance 13 Shewing that he 〈◊〉 but for death 1 MY breath is corrupt my dayes are cut of and the graue is ready for me 2 There are none but mockers with me and mine eye continueth in their bitternes 3 Laye downe now and put me in suretie for thee who is he that wil touche mine hand 4 For thou hast hid their heart from vnderstanding therefore shalt thou not set them vpon hie 5 For the eyes of his children shal faile that speaketh flaterie to his friends 6 He hathe also made me a by worde of the people and I am as a tabret before them 7 Mine eye therefore is dim for grief and all my strength is like a shadowe 8
shoke at the noyce of the woman 27 And I loked and beholde the woman appeared vnto me nomore but there was a citie buylded and a place was shewed from the grounde and fundacion Then was I afrayed and cryed with a loude voyce and said 28 Where is Vrielthe Angel * which came to me at the first for he hathe caused me to co me into manie and depe consideracions and mine end is turned into corruption and my pray to rebuke 29 And as I was speaking these wordes beholde he came vnto me and loked vpon me 30 And lo I laye as one dead and mine vnderstanding was altered and he toke me by the right hand and comforted me and set me vpon my feete and said vnto me 31 What aileth thee and why is thine vnderstanding vexed and the vnderstanding of of thine heart and wherefore art thousorie 32 And I said Because thou hast forsaken me and I haue done * according vnto thy wordes I went into the field and there haue I sene things and se that I am not able to expresse 33 Then said he vnto me Stand vp manly and I wil giue thee exhortacion 34 Then said I Speake vnto me my lord and forsake me not lest I dye through rashnes 35 For I haue sene that I knewe not and heare that I do not knowe 36 Or is minevnderstāding disceiued or doeth my minde being hautie erre 37 Now therefore I beseche thee that thou wilt shewe thy seruant of this wondre 38 Then he answered me and said Heare me and I wil informe thee and tel thee wherefore thou art afrayed for the moste High ha the reueiled manie secret things vnto thee 39 He hath sene thy good purpose that thou art sorie continually for thy people and ma kest great lamentacion for Sion 40 This therefore is the vnderstanding of the vision which appeared vnto thee a litle while ago 41 Thou sawest a woman mourning and thou begannest to comfort her 42 But now seest thou the lickenes of the woman no more but there appeared vnto thee a citie buylded 43 And where as she tolde thee of the death of her sonne this is the solution 44 This womā which thou sawest she is Sion where as she tolde thee euē she which thou seest now as a citie buylded 45 And as touching that she said vnto thee that she was baren thirtie yeres this was cōcerning that there was euen thirtie yeres wherein there was no offring offred in her 46 But after thirtie yeres Salomon buylt the citie and offred offrings thē bare the baren a sonne 47 And where as she tolde thee that she nourished him with labour that was the inhabiting of Ierusalém 48 But where as she tolde thee that her sonne as his chance was dyed when she came into her chamber that is the fall that is come to Ierusalém 49 And when thousawest her like one that mourned for her sonne thou begannest to cōfort her of these things which haue chan ced these are to be opened vnto thee 50 For now the moste High seeth that thou art sorie in thy mind and because thou suffrest with all thine heart for her he shewed thee the clerenes of her glorie and the faire nes of her beautie 51 And therefore I bad thee remaine in the field where no house was buylt 52 For I knewe that the moste High wolde shewe these things vnto thee 53 Therefore I commanded thee to go into the field where no fundacion nor buylding is 54 For the worke of mans buylding can not stand in that place where the citie of the mo ste High shulde be shewed 55 And therefore feare not nether let thine heart be afrayed but go in and se the beautie and greatnes of the buylding as muche as thou art able to se with thine eyes 56 Aud after this shalt thou heare as muche as thine eares may comprehende 57 For thou art blessed aboue manie and art called with the moste High among the few 58 But to morow at night thou shalt remaine here 59 And the moste High shal shewe thee visiōs of high things which the moste High will do vnto them that dwell vpō earth in the last dayes So I slept the same night and another as he had commanded me CHAP. XI 1 The visiō of an egle coming forthe of the sea and of her feathers 37 Of alyon coming out of the forest 1 THen saw I a dreame and beholde there came vp from the sea an egle whiche had twelue feathered wings thre heads 2 And I sawe beholde she spred her wings ouer all the earth and all the windes of the ayre blewe on her and gathered them selues 3 And I behelde out of her feathers grew out other contrarie feathers and they became litle feathers and smale 4 But her heads remayne still and the head in the middes was greater then the other heads yet rested it with them 5 Moreouer I sawe that the egle flewe with his feathers and reigned vpō earth ouer them that dwelt therein 6 And I sawe that all thinges vnder heauen were subiect vnto her and noman spake against her no not one creature vpō earth 7 I sawe also that the egle stode vp vpō her clawes and spake to her feathers saying 8 Watche not all together slepe euerie one in his owne place and watch by course 9 But let the heads be preserued for the last 10 Neuertheles I sawe that the voyce went not out of her heads but from the myddes of her bodie 11 Then I nombred her contrarie feathers and beholde there were eight of them 12 And I loked and behòlde vpon the ryght side there arose one feather and reygne ouer all the earth 13 And when it had reigned the end of it came the place therof appeared no more So the next stode vp and reigned it continued a long time 14 And when it had reigned the end of it came also and as the firste so it appeared no more 15 Then there came a voyce vnto it and said 16 Heare thou that hast kept the earthe so long this I say vnto thee before thou beginnest to appeare no more 17 There shal none after thee atteyne vnto thy time nether to the halfe thereof 18 Then arose the thirde and reygned as the other afore and it appeared no more also 19 So came it to all the others one after ano ther so that euerie one reigned and then appeared no more 20 Then I loked and beholde in processe of time the feathers that followed stode vp on the right side that they might rule also and some of them ruled but within a while they appeared no more 21 For some of thē were set vp but ruled not 22 After this I loked and beholde the twelue feathers appeared no more northe two wings 23 And there was no more vppon the egles bodie but two heades that rested and six wings 24 Then sawe I also that thou winges deuided them selues from the
into the plaine field because he had so manie hor semen and put his trust in them 78 So Ionathan followed vpon him to Azotus and the armie skirmished with his arriere bande 79 For Apollonius had left a thousand horsemen behinde them in ambush 80 And Ionathan knewe that there was an am bushment behinde him and thogh they had compassed in his hoste and shot dartes at the people from the morning to the euening 81 Yet the people stode stil as Ionathan had cō manded them til their horses were wearie 82 Then broght Simon forthe his hoste and set thē against the bāde but the horses were wearie aud he 〈◊〉 them and they fled so the horsemen were scattered in the field 83 And they fled to Azotus and came into the temple of Dagon their Idole that thei might there saue them 〈◊〉 84 But Ionathan set fyre vpon Azotus and all the cities rounde about it toke their spoiles and burnt with fyre the temple of Dagon with all them that were fled into it 85 Thus were slayne burnt about eight thou sand men 86 So Ionathan remoued the hoste from thence and camped by Ascalon where the men of the citie came forthe and met him with great honour 87 After this went Ionath an and his hoste agai ne to Ierusalem with great spoiles 88 And whē King Alexāder heard these things he began to do Ionathan more honour 89 And sent him a colar of golde as the vse is to be giuen vnto suche as are of the Kings blood he gaue him also Accaron with the borders thereof in possession CHAP. XI 3 The dissension betwene Ptolemeus and Alexander his sō ne in law 17 〈◊〉 death of Alexander 19 Demetrius reigneth alter the death of Ptolemeus 22 Sion is 〈◊〉 ed of Ionathan 42 Demetrius seing that no man resisted him sendeth his armie againe 54 〈◊〉 moueth Antiochus against Demetrius 1 ANd the King of Egypt gathered a great hoste like the 〈◊〉 that lyeth vpon the sea shote and manie ships and went about through deceit to obteine the kingdome of Alexander and to ioyne it vnto his owne realme 2 Vpon this he went into Syria with friendlie wordes and was let into the cities and men came forthe to mete him for King Alexander had commanded them to mete him be cause he was his father in Law 3 Now when he entred into the citie of Ptolemais he lefte bands and garisons in euerie citie 4 And when he came nere to Azotus they shewed him the temple of Dagon that was burnt and Azotus and the suburbes there of that were destroyed and the bodies cast abroad them that he had burnt in the bat tel for they had made heapes of them by the way where he shulde passe 5 And thei tolde the King what Ionathan had done to the intent they might get him euil wil but the King helde his peace 6 And Ionathan met the King with great honour at Ioppe where they saluted one another and laye there 7 So when Ionathan had gone with the King vnto the water that was called Eleutherus he turned againe to Ierusalem 8 So King Ptolemeus gate the dominion of the cities by the sea vnto Seleucia vpon the sea coast imagining wicked counsels against Alexander 9 ¶ And sent ambassadours vnto King Demetrius saying Come let vs make a league betwene vs and I wil giue thee my daughter which Alexander hathe and thou shalt reigne in thy fathers kingdome 10 For I repēt that I gaue Alexander my daugh ter for he goeth about to slaye me 11 Thus he sclandered Alexander as one that shulde desire his realme 12 And he toke his daughter from him gaue her vnto Demetrius and forsoke Alexander so that their hatred was openly knowen 13 Then Ptolemeus came to Autiochia where he set two crownes vpon his owne head of Asia and of Egypt 14 In the meane season was King Alexander in Cilicia for they that dwelt in those places had rebelled against him 15 But when Alexāder heard it he came to war re against him and Ptolemeus broght for the his hoste and met him with a mightie power and put him to flight 16 Then fled Alexander into Arabia there to be defended so Ptolemeus was exalted 17 And Zabdiel the Arabian smote of Alexanders head sent it vnto Ptolemeus 18 But the third dáy after King Ptolemeus dyed and thei that were in the holdes were slayne one of another 19 And Demetrius reigned in the hūdreth thre score and seuenth yere 20 ¶ At the same time gathered Ionathan them that were in Iudea to laye siege vnto the castle which was at Ierusalem and they made manie instruments of warre against it 21 Thē went there certeine vn godlie persones which hated their owne people vnto King Demetrius and tolde him that Ionathan besieged the castle 22 So when he heard it he was angrie and immediatly came vnto Ptolemais and wrote vn to Ionathan that he shulde laye nomore siege vnto it but that he shulde mete him speake with him at Ptolemais in all haste 23 Neuertheles when Ionathan heard this he commanded to besiege it he chose also certeine of the Elders of Israel and the Priest put him self in danger 24 And toke with him siluer and golde and ap parel and diuerse presents and went to Ptole mais vnto the King and founde fauour in his sight 25 And thogh certeine vngodlie men of his owne nacion had made complaintes vpon him 26 Yet the King intreated him as his predecessers had done and promoted him in the sight of all his friends 27 And confirmed him in the hie priesthode with all the honorable things that he had afore and made him his chief friend 28 Ionathā also desired the King that he wold make Iudea fre with the thre gouernements and the countrey of Samaria and Ionathan promised him thre hundreth talents 29 Where unto the King consented gaue Ionathan writing of the same conteining these wordes 30 KING DEMETRIVS vnto his brother Ionathan and to the naciō of the Iewes sendeth greting 31 We sēd you here a copie of the letter which we did write vnto our cousin Lasthenes concerning you that ye shulde se it 32 King Demetrius vnto Lasthenes his father sendeth greting 33 For the faithfulnes that our friends the nacion of the Iewes kepe vnto vs and for their good wil towardes vs we are ditermined to do them good 34 Wherefore we assigne to thē the coasts of Iudea with the thre gouernements Apherema and Lydda and Ramathe which are added vnto Iudea from the countrey of Samaria and all that apperteineth to all them that sacrifice in Ierusalem bothe concerning the paiments which the King toke yerely afore time bothe for the frutes of the earth for the frutes of the trees 35 As for the other things apperteining vnto vs of the tenths tributes which were due vnto vs and the customes of salte crowne taxes which were payed vnto vs we
from death and that for the olde friendship that was among them be wolde receiue this fauour 23 But he began to consider discretely and as became his age and the excellencie of his ancient yeres and the honour of his gray heere 's whereunto he was come his moste honest conuersation from his childeho de but chiefly the holie Law made and giuen by God therefore he answered consequently and willed them straight waies to send him to the graue 24 For it becometh not our age said he to dissemble whereby manie yong persones might thinke that Eleazar being foure score yere olde and ten were now gone to another religion 25 And so through mine hypocrisie for a litle time of a transitorie life they might be deceiued by me and I shulde procure male diction and reproche to mine olde age 26 For thogh I were now deliuered from the torments of men yet cold I not escape the hand of the Almightie nether aliue nor dead 27 Wherefore I wil now change this life mā fully and wil shewe my self suche as mine age requireth 28 And so wil leaue a notable example for suche as be yong to dye willingly and coura geously for the honorable holie Lawes And whē he had said these wordes immediatly he went to torment 29 Now they that led him changed the loue which they bare him before into hatred because of the wordes that he hast spoken for they thoght it had bene a rage 30 And as he was readie to giue the gost because of the strokes be sighed and said The Lord that hathe the holy knowledge knoweth manifestly that whereas I might haue bene deliuered from death I am scourged and suffer these sore paines of my bodie but in my minde I suffer thē gladly for his religion 31 Euē now after this maner ended he his life leauing his death for an exāple of a noble courage and a memorial of vertue not one ly vnto yong men but vnto all his nacion CHAP. VII The punishment of the seuen brethren of their mother 1 IT came to passe also that seuen brethren with their mother were taken to be cōpelled by the King against the Law to taste swines flesh and were tormented with scourges and whippes 2 But one of thē which spake first said thus What sekest thou 〈◊〉 what woldest thou knowe of vs we are readie to dye rather thē to trāsgresse the Lawes of our fathers 3 Then was the King angrie and commanded to heat pannes and cauldrons which were in continently made hote 4 And he cōmanded the tongue of him that spake first to be cut out and to flay him to cut of the vtmost partes of his bodie in the sight of his other brethrē his mother 5 Now when he was thus mangled in all his membres he commāded him to be broght aliue to the fyre to frye him in the panne while the smoke for a long time smoked out of the pāne the other brethren with their mother exhorted one another to dye courageously saying in this maner 6 The Lord God doeth regarde vs in dede taketh pleasure in vs as Moyses* decla red in the song wherein he restified openly saying That God wil take pleasure in his seruāts 7 ¶ So when the first was dead after this ma ner they broght the seconde to make him a mocking stocke and when they had pulled the skinne with the heere ouer his head they asked him if he wolde eat or he were punished in all the members of the bodie 8 But he answered in his owne langage and said No. Wherefore he was tormented forthe with like the first 9 And when he was at the last breth he said Thou murtherer takest this present life frō vs but the King of the worlde wil raise vs vp which dye for his Lawes in the resurrection of euerlasting life 10 ¶ After him was the thirde had in derisiō and when they demanded his tongue he put it out incontinently and stretched forthe his hands boldely 11 And spake manfully These haue I had frō the heauen but now for the Law of God I despise them and trust that I shal receiue them of him againe 12 In so muche that the King they which were with him marueiled at the yong mās courage as at one that nothing regarded the paines 13 ¶ Now when he was dead also they vexed and tormented the fourth in like maner 14 And when he was now readie to dye he said thus It is better that we shulde chāge this which we might hope for of men and wait for our hope from God that we may be raised vp againe by him as for thee thou shalt haue no resurrection to life 15 ¶ Afterwarde they broght the fift also and tormented him 16 Who loked vpon the King said Thou hast power among men and thogh thou be a mortalman thou doest what thou wilt but thinke not that God hathe forsaken our nacion 17 But abide a while and thou shalt se his greatpower how he wiltorment thee and thy sede 18 After him also they broght the sixt who being at the point of death said Deceiue not thy self foolishly for we suffer these things whiche are worthie to be wondred at for our owne sakes because we haue offended our God 19 But thinke not thou which vndertakest to fight against God that thou shalt be vnpunished 20 But the mother was marueilous about all other and worthie of honorable memorie for when she sawe her seuen sonnes slaine within the space of one day she suffred it with a good wil because of the hope that she had in the Lord. 21 Yea she exhorted euerie one of them in her owne langage and being ful of courage and wisdome stirred vp her womanlie affections with a málie stomacke and said vnto them 22 I can not tel how ye came into my wombe for I nether gaue you breth nor life it is not I that set in order the members of your bodie 23 But douteles the Creator of the worlde which formed the 〈◊〉 of man founde out the beginning of all things wil also of his owne mercie giue you breth and life againe as ye now regarde not your owne sel ues for his Lawes sake 24 Now Antiochus thinking him self despised 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 iniurious wordes while the yongest was yet aliue he did exhorte him not onely with wordes but swore also vnto him by an othe that he wolde make him riche and welthie if he wolde forsake the Lawes of his fathers and that he wolde take him as a friend giue him offices 25 But when the yong man wolde in no case hearken vnto him the King called his mother and exhorted that she wolde counsel the yong man to saue his life 26 And when he had exhorted her with manie wordes she promised him that she wolde counsel her sonne 27 So she turned her vnto him laughing the cruel tyrāt to scorne spake in her owne langage O
you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are iustified in the Name of the Lord Iesus by the Spirit of our God 12 ¶ * All things are lawful vnto me but all things are not profitable I may do all things but I wil not be broght vnder the power of anie thing 13 Meates are ordeined for the bellie and the bellie for the meates but God shal destroie bothe it ād them Now the bodie is not for fornication but for the Lord ād the Lord for the bodie 14 And God hathe also raised vp the Lord and * shal raise vs vp by his power 15 Knowe ye not that your bodies are the mēbres of Christ shal I then take the members of Christ and make them the members of an harlot God forbid 16 Do ye not knowe that he which coupleth him self with an harlot is one bodie for two saith he shal be one flesh 17 But he that is ioyned vnto the Lord is one spirit 18 Flee fornicatiō euerie sinne that a mā doeth is without the bodie but he that cōmitteth fornicatiō sinneth against his owne bodie 19 Know ye not that * your bodie is the tēple of the holie Gost which is in you whome ye haue of God and ye are not your owne 20 * For ye are bought for a price therefore glo rifie God in your bodie and in your spirit for they are Gods CHAP. VII 1 The Apostle answereth to certeine questions which the Corinthians desired to knowe 2 As of single life 3 Of the duetie of mariage 11 Of discordes and dissension in mariage 13 Of mariage betwene 〈◊〉 faithful vnfaithful 18 Of vncircumcising the 〈◊〉 21 Of seruitude 25 Of virginitie 39 And seconde mariage 1 NOw concerning the things whereof ye wrote vnto me It were good foramā not to touche a woman 2 Neuertheles to auoide fornication let eue rie man haue his wife and let euerie woman haue her owne housband 3 * Let the honsband giue vnto the wife due beneuolence and like wise also the wife vnto the housband 4 The wife hathe not the power of her owne bodie but the housband and like wise also the housbād hath not the power of his owne bodie but the wife 5 Defraude not one another except it be with consent for a time that ye may giue your selues to fasting and prayer and againe come together that Satan tempt you not for your incontinencie 6 But I speake this by permission not by commandement 7 For I wolde that all men were euen as I my self am but euerie man hathe his proper gift of God one after this maner ād another after that 8 Therefore I say vnto the vnmaried and vnto the widowes it is good for them if they abide euen as I do 9 But if they can not absteine let them marie for it is better to marie then to 10 And vnto the maried I commāde not I but the Lord Let not the wife * departe from her housband 11 But and if she departe let her remaine vnmaried or be reconciled vnto her housband and let not the housband put away his wife 12 But to the remnant I speake and not the Lord If anie brother haue a wife that beleneth not if she be content to dwell with him let him not forsake her 13 And the woman which hathe an housband that beleueth not if he be content to dwel with her let her not forsake him 14 For the vnbeleuing housband is sanctified by the wife and the vnbeleuing wife is sanctified by the housband els were your children vncleane but now are they holie 15 But if the vnbeleuing departe let him departe a brother or a sister is not in subiection in suche things but God hathe called vs in peace 16 For what knowest thou ô wife whither thou shalt saue thine housband Or what knowest thou ô mā whither thou shalt saue thy wife 17 But as God hathe distribute to euerie man as the Lord hathe called euerie one so let him walke and so ordeine I in all Churches 18 Is anie man called being circūcised let him not gather his vncircumcision is anie called vncircumcised let him not be circūcised 19 Circumcision is nothing and vncircumcision is nothing but the keping of the commaundements of God 20 * Let euerie man abide in the same vocatiō wherein he was called 21 Art thou called being a seruant care not for it but if yet thou maist be fre vse it rather 22 For he that is called in the Lord being a seruant is the Lords freman likewise also he that is called being fre is Christs seruant 23 * Ye are boght with a price be not the seruants of men 24 Brethren let euerie man wherein he was called therein abide with God 25 Now concerning virgines I haue no cōmaundement of the Lord but I giue mine aduise as one that hathe obteined mercie of the Lord to be faithful 26 I suppose then this to be good for the pre sent necessitie I meane that it is good for a man so to be 27 Art thou bounde vnto a wife seke not to be losed art thou losed from a wife seke not a wife 28 But if thou takest a wife thou sinnest not and if a virgine marie she sinneth not neuer theles suche shal haue trouble in the flesh but spare you 29 And this I say brethren because the time is short here after that bothe they which haue wiues be as thogh they had none 30 And they that wepe as thogh they wept not and they that reioyce as thogh thei reioyced not thei that bie as thogh they possessed not 31 And they that vse this worlde as thogh they vsed it not for the facion of this worlde goeth away 32 And I wolde haue you without care The vnmaried careth for the things of the Lord how he may please the Lord. 33 But he that is maried careth for the things of the worlde how he maye please his wife 34 There is difference also betwene a virgine a wife the vnmaried womā careth for the things of the Lord that she may be holie bothe in bodie and in spirit but she that is maried careth for the things of the worlde how she may please her housband 35 And this I speake for your owne commoditie not to tangle you in a snare but that ye followe that which is honest and that ye may cleaue fast vnto the Lord without separation 36 But if anie man thinke that it is vncomelye for his virgine if she passe the flowre of her age and nede so require let him do what he wil he sinneth not let them be maried 37 Neuertheles he that standeth firme in his heart
remaineth in him nether can he sinne because he is borne of God 10 In this are the children of God knowen the children of the deuil whosoeuer doeth not righteousnes is not of God nether he that loueth not his brother 11 For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning that * we shulde loue one another 12 Not as * Cain whiche was of the wicked and slewe his brother and wherefore slewe he him because his owne workes were euil and his brothers good 13 Marueile not my brethren thogh the worlde hate you 14 We knowe that we are translated frome death vnto life because we loue the brethren * he that loueth not his brother abideth in death 15 Whosoeuer hateth his brother is a manslayer and yc knowe that no manslayer hathe eternall life abidyng in hym 16 * Hereby haue we perceiued loue that he laid downe his life for vs therfore we ought also to lay downe our liues for the brethrē 17 * And whosoeuer hathe this worldesgood and seeth his brother haue nede shutteth vp his compassion from hym how dwelleth the loue of God in hym 18 My litle children let vs not loue in worde nether in tongue onely but in dede and in trueth 19 For there by we knowe that we are of the trueth and shal before him assure our hearts 20 For if our heart condemne vs GOD is greater then our heart knoweth althings 21 Beloued if our heart condemne vs not thē haue we boldenes towarde God 22 * And whatsoeuer we aske we receiue of him because we kepe his cōmādemēts do those things whiche are pleasing in his sight 23 * This is then his commandement That we beleue in the Name of his Sonne Iesus Christ and loue one another as he gaue cōmandement 24 * For he that kepeth his commandements dwelleth in him and he in him and hereby we knowe that he abydeth in vs euen by the Spirit which he hathe giuen vs. CHAP IIII. 1 Difference of spirits 2 How the Spirit of God may be knowen from the spirit of errour 7 Of the loue of God and of our neighbours 1 DErely beloued beleue not euerie spirit but trye the spirits whether they are of God for many false Prophetes are gone out into the worlde 2 Hereby shall ye knowe the Spirit of God Euerie spirit that cōfesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God 3 And euerie spirit whiche confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God but this is the spirit of Antichrist of whome ye haue heard how that he shulde come and now already he is in the worlde 4 Litle children ye are of God and haue ouercome them for greater is he that is in you then he that is in the worlde 5 They are of the worlde therefore speake they of the worlde and the worlde heareth them 6 We are of God * he that knoweth God heareth vs he that is not of God heareth vs not Here by knowe we the Spirit of trueth and the spirit of errour 7 Beloued let vs loue one another for loue cometh of God and euerie one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God 8 He that loueth not knoweth not God for God is loue 9 In this appeared the loue of God towarde vs because God sent his onely begotten Sonne into the worlde that we might liue through him 10 Herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes 11 Beloued if God so loued vs we ought also loue one another 12 * No man hathe sene God at any time If we loue one another God dwelleth in vs and his loue is persite in vs. 13 Hereby knowe we that we dwell in hym and he in vs because he hath giuen vs of his Spirit 14 And we haue sene and do testifie that the Father sent the Sonne to be the Sauiour of the worlde 15 Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the Sonne of God in him dwelleth God and he in God 16 And we haue knowen and beleued the loue that God hathe in vs. God is loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God God in hym 17 Herein is the loue perfite in vs that we shuld haue boldenes in the day of iudgemēt for as he is euen so are we in this worlde 18 There is no feare in loue but perfect loue casteth out feare for feare hathe painfulnes and he that feareth is not perfect in loue 19 We loue him because he loued vs first 20 If anie man say I loue God and hate his brother he is a lyer for how can he that loueth not his brother whom he hathe sene loue God whome he hathe not sene 21 * And this commandement haue we of him that he whiche loueth God shulde loue hys brother also CHAP. V. 1. 10. 13 Of the frutes of faith 14. 20 The office autoritie and diuinitie of Christ. 21 Against images 1 WHosoeuer beleueth that Iesus is the Christ is borne of God and euerie one that loueth him whiche begate loueth him also whiche is begotten of him 2 In this we knowe that we loue the children of God when we loue God and kepe his commandements 3 For this is the loue of God that we kepe his commandements and his * commandements are not grieuous 4 For all that is borne of God ouercometh the worlde and this is the victorie that ouercometh the worlde euen our faith 5 * Who is it that ouer cometh the worlde but he whiche beleueth that Iesus is the Sonne of God 6 This is that Iesus Christ that came by water and blood not by water onelye but by water and blood and it is the spirit that be a reth witnes for the Spirit is trueth 7 For there are thre whiche beare recorde in heauen the Father the Worde and the holie Gost and these thre are one 8 And there are thre whiche beare recorde in the earth the Spirit and the water and the blood and these thre agre in one 9 If we receiue the witnes of men the witnes of GOD is greater for this is the witnes of God whiche he testified of his Sonne 10 * He that beleueth in the Sonne of GOD hathe the witnes in him self he that belieueth not God hathe made him alyer because he beleued not the recorde that God witnessed of his Sonne 11 And thys is the recorde that GOD hathe giuen vnto vs eternallyfe and this lyfe is in hys Sonne 12 He that hathe the Sonne hathe lyfe and he that hathe not the Sonne of GOD hathe not lyfe 13 These thyngs haue I written vnto you that beleue in the Name of the Sonne of GOD that ye may knowe that ye
at all times to approue their reli gion if the Kings autoritie were al ledged for the esta blishemēt thereof not cōsidering in the meane season what Godsworde did permit d These are the two dangerous weapons where with Satā 〈◊〉 fight against the children of God the consent of the multitude and that 〈◊〉 of the punishment for thogh some feared God yet the multitude which consented to the wickednes astonied them and here he King 〈◊〉 not an inward consent but an outward gesture that the Iewes might by litle and 〈◊〉 learne to forget their true religion e It semeth 〈◊〉 thei named not Daniél because he was greatly in the Kings fauou thin king if these thre had bene destroyed they might ha ue had better occasion to accuse Daniél this declareth that this policie of erecting this image was in uented by the ma licious flatteters which soght nothing but the destruction of the Iewes Whome they accused of rebelliō and ingratitude f Signifying that he wolde receiue them to grace If they wolde now at the length obey his decre g For they shulde haue done 〈◊〉 to God if they shul de haue douted in 〈◊〉 is holie cause therefore they say that they areresol ued to dye for Gods cause h They groūde on two pointes first in the power and prouidēce of God ouer them secon dly on their cause whiche was Gods glorie and the testi fying of his truete ligion with their blood so make open confession that they Wil not so muche as outwardly consene to 〈◊〉 i This declareth that themore that tyranes rage and the more Witty the shewethē selurs in inuenting strange and cruel punishements the more is glorified God glorified by his sernāts to Who me he giueth pacience and constau cie to abide the 〈◊〉 of their punishement forether he deliue reth thē frō death or els for this life giueth thē a better k For the Angels were called the sō nes of God becau se of their 〈◊〉 therefore the King called this Angel whome God sent to comfort his in these great 〈◊〉 the sonne of God l This cōmendeth their obediēce vn to God that they wolde not for any feare departe out of this fornace til the time was appointed as Noáh remained in the Arke 〈◊〉 the Lord called him forthe m He was moued by the greatnes of the miracle to prai se God but his heart was not tou 〈◊〉 And here we se that miracles are not sufficient to 〈◊〉 men to God but that doctrine must chiefly be adioyned without the whiche there can be no faith n If this heathen King moued by Gods 〈◊〉 woldenorse blasphemie vnpunished but made a Law and set a punishemēt to such e trāsgresser 〈◊〉 te ought all they that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 take order that suche impietie 〈◊〉 not lest according as their knowledge and charge is greater so they suffer double punishment o Meaning so farre as his dominiō extended p Read Chap. 2. 44 a There was no trouble that might cause me to dreame therefore it came onely of God b This was another dreame besides that which he sawe of the foure empires for Daniél bothe declared what that drea me was what it ment and here 〈◊〉 onely expoundeth the dreame c In that that 〈◊〉 sent abroad to others whose igno rance in times past he had experimen ted 〈◊〉 Daniél which was euer readie at hand 〈◊〉 declareth the 〈◊〉 re of the vngodie which neuer 〈◊〉 to the seruantes of God but for very 〈◊〉 and thē they spare no flat terings d This no doute was a great grief to Daniél not one ly to haue his name chāged but to be called by the na me of a vile idole which thing 〈◊〉 chad-nezzar did to make him forget the true religion of God e VVich also was a great grief to the Prophet to be nōbred among the 〈◊〉 and men whose practises were wicked and contraty to Gods worde f By the tre is signified the dignitie of a King who me God 〈◊〉 to be a defence for all kinde of men and whose state is profitable forman kinde g Meaning the Angel of God which nether eateth not slepeth but is euer ready to do Gods wil is not infect with mans corruption but is euer holy in that that he cōmandeth to 〈◊〉 downeth is tre he knewe that it shul de not 〈◊〉 cut downe by mā but by God h Hereby he meaneth that Nehuchad-nezzàr shul de not onely for a timeloose his kīgdome but be like a beast i God hathe 〈◊〉 this iudgement the whole armie of heauē ha ue as it were sub scribe dvnto it like as also thei desire the execution of his decre against all them that life vp them selues against God k He was troubled for the 〈◊〉 ment of God whiche he sawe 〈◊〉 ned against the King and so the Prophetes vsed on the one parte to de nounce Gods iudgements for the zeale they bare to his glorie on the other parte to haue 〈◊〉 vpon man also to 〈◊〉 that they shulde be subiect to Gods 〈◊〉 if he did not regarde thē with pitie l VVhereby he meaneth a long space as seuen 〈◊〉 Some interpre teseuen moneths and others seuen wekes but it semeth he ment of yeres m Not that his shape or forme was changed into a beast but that he was ether striken mad and so auoided mans cōpanie or was cast out for his tyrannie and so wandred among the beasts and are herbes and grasse o Daniel sheweth the cause why God thus punished him o Cease from 〈◊〉 God to angre any longer by thy sinnes that he may mitigate his punishment if thou shewe 〈◊〉 thine vpright life that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 faith and repentance p Suffre the errours of thy former life to be redressed q After that Daniel had declared this vision and this his 〈◊〉 declared 〈◊〉 it is not in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to God 〈◊〉 his Spirit moue him seing that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 threatnings colde not moue him to repent r VVhen the terme of these seuen yeres was ac complished Chap. 7. 14. mich 4. 11. luk 〈◊〉 33. s He confesseth 〈◊〉 wil to be the rule of all iusti ce and a moste per 〈◊〉 Law where by he gouerneth bothe man 〈◊〉 gels and 〈◊〉 so that 〈◊〉 ought to 〈◊〉 or aske a 〈◊〉 of his 〈◊〉 but onely to stand 〈◊〉 there with giue him the glorie t By whome it semeth that he had bene put from his kingdome before u He doeth not onely praise God for his deliuerance but also confesseth his faute that God may onely haue the glorie man the 〈◊〉 that be may be 〈◊〉 and man castdowne a Daniel 〈◊〉 this historie of King 〈◊〉 hazzar euil 〈◊〉 son ne to shewe Gods 〈◊〉 against the wicked for the deliuerance of his Church and how the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 was true that they shuld be deliuered after seuentie yeres b The Kings of the 〈◊〉