The Kings Maiesties letter intercepted by the commissioners attending his Majesty. (A copie whereof was sent to the Parliament.) and Mr. Mungo Murrey apprehended, who was appointed by the King to deliver it to Montrel; the French embassador, who is going over to the Queen to France. And a list of the jests of all the severall places where His Majestie hath lain, and is to lie everie day between Newcastle and Holmby House. Also the maner of the Scots marching home into Scotland, with other newes from the court, and Newcastle. Perused, and (being examined) is appointed to be printed and published, according to order of Parliament, Feb. 9. 1646.
Sammel, L.; England and Wales. Parliament.
Wing S534; Thomason E375_5; ESTC R18908