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How Gods people are not to take the names of the heathen gods in their mouths, nor follow their customs nor learn their waies, &c.
Fox, George, 1624-1691.
Wing F1844; ESTC R229086
how_o god_n people_z be_v not_o to_o take_v the_o name_n of_o the_o heathen_a god_n in_o their_o mouth_n nor_o follow_v their_o custom_n nor_o learn_v their_o way_n etc._n etc._n thus_o say_v the_o lord_n to_o the_o house_n of_o israel_n learn_v not_o the_o way_n of_o the_o heathen_a and_o be_v not_o dismay_v at_o the_o sign_n of_o heaven_n for_o the_o heathen_a be_v dismay_v at_o they_o for_o the_o custom_n of_o the_o people_n be_v vain_a etc._n etc._n for_o they_o be_v altogether_o brutish_a and_o foolish_a their_o stock_n be_v a_o doctrine_n of_o vanity_n thus_o shall_v you_o say_v unto_o they_o the_o god_n that_o have_v not_o make_v the_o heaven_n and_o the_o earth_n even_o they_o shall_v perish_v from_o the_o earth_n and_o from_o under_o these_o heaven_n jer._n 10._o pour_v out_o thy_o fury_n upon_o the_o heathen_a that_o know_v thou_o not_o and_o upon_o the_o family_n that_o call_v not_o upon_o thy_o name_n etc._n etc._n for_o they_o have_v eat_v up_o jacob_n and_o devour_v he_o and_o consume_v he_o and_o have_v make_v his_o habitation_n desolate_a but_o the_o lord_n be_v the_o true_a god_n he_o be_v the_o live_a god_n and_o a_o everlasting_a king_n at_o his_o wrath_n the_o earth_n shall_v tremble_v and_o the_o nation_n shall_v not_o be_v able_a to_o abide_v his_o indignation_n jer._n 10._o 25._o here_o you_o may_v see_v they_o that_o follow_v the_o vain_a custom_n of_o the_o heathen_a and_o learn_v their_o way_n and_o follow_v the_o doctrine_n of_o their_o vanity_n be_v foolish_a and_o brutish_a and_o such_o worship_n the_o god_n that_o be_v make_v with_o hand_n which_o make_v not_o the_o heaven_n and_o the_o earth_n and_o all_o such_o god_n the_o lord_n say_v shall_v perish_v from_o the_o earth_n and_o from_o under_o these_o heaven_n as_o you_o may_v see_v these_o that_o learn_v the_o way_n of_o the_o heathen_a and_o follow_v their_o vain_a custom_n and_o doctrine_n of_o vanity_n and_o be_v foolish_a and_o brutish_a and_o be_v dismay_v at_o the_o sign_n of_o heaven_n and_o these_o be_v such_o that_o eat_v up_o jacob_n the_o second_o birth_n and_o seek_v to_o devour_v he_o and_o consume_v he_o and_o to_o make_v his_o habitation_n desolate_a so_o the_o jew_n the_o child_n of_o israel_n be_v not_o to_o learn_v the_o way_n of_o the_o heathen_a nor_o their_o vain_a custom_n nor_o to_o follow_v their_o doctrine_n of_o vanity_n for_o they_o be_v foolish_a and_o brutish_a that_o do_v so_o and_o the_o portion_n of_o jacob_n the_o second_o birth_n be_v not_o like_o they_o for_o the_o lord_n be_v his_o portion_n the_o lord_n say_v to_o the_o child_n of_o israel_n in_o the_o old_a testament_n and_o old_a covenant_n in_o all_o thing_n that_o i_o have_v say_v unto_o you_o be_v circumspect_a and_o make_v no_o mention_n of_o the_o name_n of_o other_o god_n neither_o let_v it_o be_v hear_v out_o of_o thy_o mouth_n exod._n 23._o 13._o now_o here_o you_o may_v see_v god_n people_n be_v to_o make_v no_o mention_n of_o the_o name_n of_o other_o god_n namely_o the_o god_n of_o the_o heathen_a that_o be_v make_v with_o hand_n neither_o be_v they_o to_o be_v hear_v out_o of_o their_o mouth_n for_o he_o say_v the_o god_n that_o make_v not_o the_o heaven_n and_o the_o earth_n even_o they_o shall_v perish_v from_o off_o the_o earth_n and_o from_o under_o these_o heaven_n jer._n 10._o 11._o and_o god_n people_n be_v not_o to_o learn_v the_o way_n of_o the_o heathen_a nor_o follow_v the_o vain_a custom_n of_o the_o people_n for_o they_o be_v altogether_o brutish_a and_o foolish_a and_o their_o stock_n be_v a_o doctrine_n of_o vanity_n and_o therefore_o god_n people_n in_o the_o old_a testament_n be_v whole_o forbid_v such_o thing_n but_o they_o be_v to_o serve_v and_o to_o fear_v the_o lord_n god._n the_o old_a pagan_a saxon_n in_o their_o idolatry_n bring_v in_o the_o name_n of_o the_o day_n after_o their_o god_n and_o these_o call_a christian_n have_v retain_v they_o to_o this_o day_n and_o yet_o they_o say_v the_o scripture_n be_v their_o rule_n for_o their_o faith_n and_o practice_n and_o yet_o their_o practice_n be_v quite_o contrary_a to_o the_o scripture_n and_o the_o command_n of_o god._n the_o first_o day_n of_o the_o week_n the_o idolatrous_a saxon_n worship_v the_o idol_n of_o the_o sun_n from_o whence_o come_v sunsday_n or_o sunday_n the_o second_o day_n of_o the_o week_n they_o worship_v the_o moon_n from_o whence_o come_v monday_n or_o moonsday_n the_o three_o day_n they_o worship_v the_o idol_n of_o the_o planet_n which_o they_o call_v tuisco_n from_o whence_o come_v tuesday_n and_o from_o their_o idol_n woden_n come_v wodensday_n call_v wednesday_n and_o from_o their_o idol_n thor_n come_v thursday_n and_o from_o their_o idol_n friga_n come_v friday_n and_o from_o their_o idol_n satur_n come_v saturday_n and_o the_o heathen_a call_v mars_n the_o god_n of_o battle_n and_o from_o thence_o they_o call_v the_o first_o month_n march._n and_o venus_n they_o call_v the_o goddess_n of_o love_n and_o beauty_n and_o from_o thence_o they_o call_v the_o second_o month_n april_n and_o maja_n a_o heathen_a goddess_n call_v flora_n and_o chloris_n be_v call_v the_o goddess_n of_o flower_n unto_o maja_n the_o heathen_a idolater_n use_v a_o sacrifice_n from_o thence_o be_v the_o three_o month_n call_v may_n and_o upon_o the_o first_o day_n of_o may_v they_o use_v to_o keep_v flora_n feast_n to_o the_o two_o goddess_n of_o flower_n to_o wit_n flora_n and_o chloris_n flora_n be_v a_o strumpet_n in_o rome_n that_o use_v on_o the_o first_o day_n of_o may_n to_o set_v up_o a_o maypole_n at_o the_o door_n to_o entice_v her_o lover_n from_o whence_o come_v maypole_n to_o be_v first_o observe_v and_o from_o the_o heathen_a goddess_n juno_n be_v the_o four_o month_n call_v âââe_a and_o in_o honour_n to_o julius_n caesar_n a_o roman_a emperor_n they_o call_v the_o five_o month_n july_n and_o the_o six_o take_v its_o name_n august_n in_o honour_n to_o augustus_n caesar_n and_o september_n october_n november_n and_o december_n be_v call_v from_o the_o latin_n and_o one_o janus_n a_o king_n of_o italy_n be_v for_o his_o wisdom_n picture_v with_o two_o face_n and_o who_o they_o honour_v as_o a_o god_n and_o from_o this_o name_n janus_n be_v the_o eleven_o month_n call_v january_n and_o saturnus_n pluto_n febeus_n be_v call_v the_o god_n of_o hell_n who_o the_o heathen_a say_v have_v the_o rule_n of_o the_o evil_a spirit_n there_o and_o from_o pluto_n febeus_n be_v the_o twelve_o month_n call_v february_n now_o here_o you_o may_v see_v how_o the_o christian_n call_v the_o day_n and_o many_o of_o the_o month_n after_o the_o heathen_a god_n and_o goddess_n and_o not_o after_o the_o scripture_n which_o in_o the_o beginning_n call_v they_o the_o first_o second_o third_z four_o etc._n etc._n and_o call_v the_o month_n first_o second_o etc._n etc._n to_o the_o twelve_o and_o the_o lord_n command_v the_o jew_n his_o people_n as_o be_v say_v before_o in_o all_o thing_n i_o have_v say_v unto_o you_o be_v you_o circumspect_a and_o make_v no_o mention_n of_o the_o name_n of_o the_o other_o god_n neither_o let_v it_o be_v hear_v out_o of_o thy_o mouth_n now_o all_o you_o that_o profess_v christianity_n how_o do_v you_o obey_v the_o lord_n and_o be_v circumspect_a who_o make_v mention_v of_o the_o name_n of_o other_o god_n &_o goddess_n &_o be_v so_o often_o hear_v out_o of_o the_o mouth_n of_o you_o and_o your_o child_n and_o to_o keep_v they_o up_o in_o the_o memory_n both_o in_o your_o mouth_n and_o child_n you_o put_v they_o in_o your_o almanac_n lest_o you_o shall_v forget_v they_o and_o yet_o you_o say_v the_o scripture_n be_v your_o rule_n and_o yet_o disobey_v both_o the_o command_n of_o god_n and_o the_o holy_a scripture_n of_o truth_n and_o be_v often_o angry_a with_o and_o deride_v the_o people_n of_o god_n in_o scorn_n you_o call_v quaker_n because_o they_o do_v not_o call_v the_o month_n and_o day_n after_o the_o heathen_n god_n and_o goddess_n but_o do_v call_v they_o according_a as_o the_o holy_a man_n of_o god_n in_o the_o scripture_n of_o truth_n have_v first_o call_v they_o and_o can_v call_v they_o after_o the_o idolatrous_a heathen_n god_n and_o goddess_n nor_o mention_v their_o god_n and_o goddess_n name_n as_o you_o do_v without_o the_o breach_n of_o the_o command_n of_o god_n as_o in_o exod._n 23._o 13._o and_o the_o scripture_n of_o truth_n the_o lord_n say_v i_o will_v cut_v off_o the_o name_n of_o the_o idol_n out_o of_o the_o land_n and_o they_o shall_v no_o more_o be_v remember_v zach._n 13._o 2._o and_o the_o lord_n say_v i_o will_v take_v away_o the_o name_n of_o baalim_fw-la out_o of_o her_o mouth_n and_o they_o shall_v no_o more_o be_v remember_v by_o their_o name_n hos_fw-la 2._o 17._o g._n f._n london_n print_v in_o the_o year_n 1687._o