Word A | Word B | Word C | Word D | Occurrence | Frequency Band | MI | MI Band | Prominent |
day_n | saturday_n | tuesday_n | wednesday_n | 5,753 | 5 | 12.7972 | 5 | false |
ID | Title | Author | Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) | STC | Words | Pages |
A44402 | Vocabularium parvum Anglo-Latinum, in usum puerulorum, qui prima Latinæ linguæ tyrocinia faciunt. = A little vocabulary English and Latine, for the use of little children, that begin to learn the Latine tongue. By Ch: Hoole Mr. of Arts, and teacher of a private grammar school in Goldsmiths-Alley, London | Hoole, Charles, 1610-1667. | 1657 (1657) | Wing H2695; ESTC R215337 | 26,323 | 72 |
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