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Divers crabtree lectures Expressing the severall languages that shrews read to their husbands, either at morning, noone, or night. With a pleasant relation of a shrewes Munday, and shrewes Tuesday, and why they were so called. Also a lecture betweene a pedler and his wife in the canting language. With a new tricke to tame a shrew.
Taylor, John, 1580-1653.
STC 23747; ESTC S113015
present_o show_v he_o a_o new_a trick_n for_o his_o learning_n the_o simple_a novice_n desirous_a of_o novelty_n begin_v more_o calm_o to_o listen_v to_o she_o and_o ask_v she_o what_o it_o be_v who_o ready_o answer_v again_o sweet_a husband_n you_o see_v this_o pancake_n i_o be_o now_o turn_v mark_v it_o well_o now_o take_v this_o platter_n in_o your_o hand_n and_o go_v into_o the_o yard_n bend_v with_o your_o back_n against_o the_o door_n look_v straight_o forward_o not_o stir_v from_o where_o i_o shall_v place_v you_o and_o when_o it_o be_v ready_a i_o will_v toss_v it_o from_o the_o fire_n out_o of_o the_o top_n of_o the_o chimney_n &_o it_o shall_v fall_v direct_o into_o your_o dish_n and_o be_v ready_a at_o the_o watchword_n when_o i_o shall_v say_v now._n the_o silly_a man_n think_v she_o have_v speak_v serious_o be_v soon_o persuade_v and_o keep_v his_o place_n with_o his_o face_n from_o the_o door_n stilâ_n look_v upward_o towards_o the_o top_n of_o the_o chimney_n when_o it_o will_v first_o fly_v out_o and_o after_o fall_v when_o she_o have_v give_v the_o watchword_n come_v sudden_o behind_o he_o &_o with_o the_o pan_n and_o all_o clap_v the_o pancake_n upon_o his_o head_n with_o a_o blow_n which_o have_v almost_o strike_v he_o down_o and_o to_o excuse_v herself_o say_v thus_o o_o husband_n if_o your_o block_n head_n have_v not_o be_v in_o the_o way_n the_o pan-cake_n that_o light_n upon_o your_o pate_n have_v fall_v into_o the_o dish_n and_o i_o fear_v what_o be_v now_o fall_v out_o think_v to_o have_v catch_v it_o in_o the_o pan_n if_o you_o have_v fail_v in_o the_o platter_n at_o which_o word_n the_o husband_n rub_v his_o brow_n well_o baste_v with_o the_o fat_a of_o the_o pan_n say_v unto_o she_o now_o a_o mischief_n take_v thou_o for_o a_o arrant_a shrew_n this_o will_v make_v i_o think_v on_o this_o shrew_n monday_n for_o thy_o sake_n whilst_o i_o live_v and_o from_o thence_o it_o be_v think_v the_o day_n have_v its_o first_o denomination_n and_o without_o question_n upon_o the_o like_a accident_n do_v by_o some_o curse_a shrew_n or_o other_o come_v the_o next_o day_n follow_v to_o be_v call_v shrew_n tuesday_n &_o so_o weep_v wednesday_n terrible_a thursday_n frown_v friday_n and_o sullen_a saturday_n especial_o when_o her_o husband_n deny_v she_o to_o go_v among_o her_o gossip_n on_o sunday_n hence_o come_v it_o also_o that_o if_o any_o one_o have_v cross_v another_o in_o a_o business_n or_o do_v he_o a_o bad_a office_n which_o mny_n prove_v to_o his_o damage_n or_o hindrance_n the_o phrase_n that_o be_v still_o most_o in_o custom_n be_v to_o say_v that_o such_o or_o such_o a_o man_n do_v purpose_n or_o have_v do_v i_o a_o shrewd_a turn_n and_o now_o follow_v several_a shrew_n lecture_n to_o their_o husband_n and_o in_o their_o several_a profession_n first_o of_o a_o apothecary_n wife_n to_o her_o husband_n because_o he_o deal_v in_o simple_n and_o have_v take_v upon_o he_o the_o office_n of_o a_o scavenger_n a_o lecture_n of_o a_o apothecacaries_n wife_n to_o her_o husband_n who_o be_v choose_v a_o scavenger_n in_o his_o parish_n now_o goodman_n simpleton_n we_o shall_v have_v you_o grow_v so_o proud_a now_o you_o have_v get_v a_o office_n that_o you_o think_v none_o be_v good_a enough_o to_o be_v your_o fellow_n i_o have_v think_v your_o own_o employment_n in_o your_o profession_n have_v be_v trouble_n enough_o to_o you_o and_o not_o to_o have_v seek_v for_o a_o office_n and_o make_v friend_n for_o it_o likewise_o now_o i_o see_v you_o be_v trouble_v with_o the_o simple_n you_o have_v not_o need_v to_o go_v a_o simple_a every_o year_n as_o you_o do_v god_n know_v you_o have_v so_o little_a wit_n already_o i_o will_v you_o will_v go_v the_o next_o time_n &_o get_v some_o compound_n to_o furnish_v your_o seife_n with_o &_o to_o concoct_v your_o brain_n for_o you_o have_v now_o but_o a_o shallow_a wit_n and_o be_v glad_a to_o wear_v a_o satin_n cappe_n to_o keep_v that_o in_o too_o you_o have_v need_n keep_v home_o and_o learn_v to_o know_v something_o more_o in_o your_o profession_n than_o what_o be_v already_o print_v in_o book_n when_o any_o one_o of_o your_o acquaintance_n be_v not_o well_o and_o desire_v your_o advice_n than_o you_o can_v prescribe_v they_o nothing_o but_o a_o little_a stybium_n then_o when_o another_o come_v stybium_n this_o be_v all_o you_o can_v do_v only_o a_o little_a stybium_n go_v thou_o be_v a_o stupefy_v ass_n and_o know_v better_o how_o to_o purge_v thy_o patient_n money_n out_o of_o his_o pocket_n than_o to_o remove_v any_o disease_n from_o his_o body_n you_o will_v come_v to_o they_o and_o ask_v they_o how_o they_o do_v this_o be_v all_o and_o bid_v they_o be_v of_o comfort_n when_o there_o be_v a_o great_a deal_n of_o danger_n and_o pretend_v to_o feel_v their_o pulse_n when_o your_o mind_n be_v to_o filch_v their_o purse_n i_o will_v there_o be_v a_o mean_n how_o to_o have_v your_o brain_n take_v out_o and_o braid_v in_o a_o mortar_n that_o they_o may_v be_v a_o little_a better_o compound_v for_o as_o they_o be_v thou_o will_v never_o be_v able_a to_o discharge_v thy_o brave_a office_n ass_n thou_o call_v it_o of_o a_o scavenger_n for_o thou_o can_v not_o cast_v up_o any_o account_n nor_o reckon_v up_o any_o sum_n above_o twenty_o shilling_n i_o hope_v thou_o will_v lose_v by_o it_o and_o ever_o after_o be_v jeer_v for_o thy_o folly_n you_o imagine_v yourself_o a_o brave_a fellow_n do_v you_o not_o because_o you_o be_v meet_v by_o some_o who_o know_v you_o with_o a_o money_n bag_n in_o the_o one_o hand_n and_o a_o roll_n of_o the_o parishioner_n name_n in_o the_o other_o you_o think_v yourself_o not_o a_o little_a grace_v to_o be_v call_v to_o this_o preferment_n because_o you_o will_v be_v take_v notice_n of_o in_o the_o parish_n and_o now_o you_o have_v get_v a_o great_a many_o of_o title_n by_o your_o office_n the_o better_a to_o honour_v your_o person_n withal_o and_o these_o be_v some_o of_o they_o which_o your_o memory_n can_v bear_v first_o you_o be_v duke_n of_o the_o dung-cart_n than_o earl_n of_o the_o channel_n lord_n of_o the_o soil_n viscount_n rubbish_n commander_n of_o the_o sea-coal_n ash_n and_o master_n of_o the_o dunghill_n a_o goodly_a company_n be_v they_o not_o it_o be_v no_o marvel_n indeed_o you_o must_v make_v you_o a_o new_a suit_n of_o apparel_n to_o perform_v this_o office_n in_o and_o to_o go_v up_o and_o down_o the_o street_n and_o from_o door_n to_o door_n to_o gather_v your_o money_n in_o as_o if_o you_o be_v to_o beg_v a_o alm_n and_o go_v twice_o or_o thrice_o before_o you_o can_v be_v pay_v your_o due_n you_o have_v better_o never_o have_v serve_v this_o base_a stink_a office_n and_o have_v give_v so_o much_o money_n out_o of_o your_o purse_n because_o you_o lose_v so_o much_o time_n and_o likewise_o be_v in_o danger_n of_o every_o rascally_a knave_n or_o promouter_n complaint_n to_o one_o justice_n or_o other_o if_o a_o little_a dirt_n be_v leave_v unless_o you_o give_v they_o a_o fee_n as_o you_o often_o have_v do_v to_o hold_v their_o tongue_n or_o else_o you_o will_v be_v clap_v by_o the_o heel_n a_o day_n and_o a_o night_n and_o this_o be_v all_o the_o good_a you_o will_v get_v by_o your_o great_a office_n husb._n i_o prithee_o good_a wife_n have_v patience_n it_o be_v but_o a_o little_a while_n long_o i_o have_v serve_v it_o hitherto_o with_o commendation_n &_o i_o hope_v i_o shall_v come_v off_o with_o credit_n though_o it_o be_v a_o little_a time_n lose_v and_o money_n spend_v i_o will_v get_v it_o up_o again_o for_o that_o be_v the_o first_o office_n that_o every_o man_n must_v serve_v and_o so_o by_o degree_n come_v high_a and_o high_o and_o at_o length_n to_o be_v churchwarden_n and_o then_o let_v i_o alone_o to_o help_v myself_o for_o all_o my_o loss_n of_o time_n and_o expense_n of_o money_n i_o will_v then_o beg_v hard_a for_o the_o poor_a but_o charity_n begin_v at_o home_n it_o be_v but_o when_o i_o receive_v money_n from_o the_o other_o that_o collect_v it_o be_v a_o little_a close_o fist_v or_o hold_v it_o between_o my_o finger_n with_o the_o palm_n of_o my_o hand_n downward_o and_o make_v as_o though_o i_o have_v a_o louse_n in_o my_o neck_n and_o shrug_v a_o little_a of_o one_o side_n and_o then_o of_o the_o other_o and_o so_o thrust_v it_o down_o into_o my_o neck_n where_o i_o have_v a_o list_n of_o cloth_n about_o my_o waste_n that_o it_o can_v fall_v down_o or_o drop_v out_o let_v i_o alone_o i_o will_v be_v cunning_a enough_o for_o they_o i_o will_v warrant_v you_o and_o though_o thou_o count_v i_o but_o a_o shallow_a