A theater of the planetary houres for all dayes of the yeare VVherein may be gathered from the earth, vnder the cœlestiall influences, divers sorts of hearbs, rootes, leaves, barkes, flowers, fruits, seedes, stones, animals, &c. for the vse of physick: whereby both suddenly, and happily infirmities may be cured. The evils too are set downe, that happen, and are caused by the seuen plannets: the friendship and hatred betwixt them: the sunne rising; and to finde the determinate houre of it. A worke not onely curious and delightfull, but likewise necessary for physitians, and all curious spirits. Composed by George Simotta a Grecian, of Constantinople, spagirick physitian, to Monsieur, brother to his Majestie of France. Translated out of Greeke, into French, and now into English, fitted to our calculation.
Simotta, George.
STC 22561; ESTC S117413