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day_n saturday_n tuesday_n wednesday_n 5,753 5 12.7972 5 false
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A09810 A relation or iournall of the beginning and proceedings of the English plantation setled at Plimoth in New England, by certaine English aduenturers both merchants and others With their difficult passage, their safe ariuall, their ioyfull building of, and comfortable planting themselues in the now well defended towne of New Plimoth. As also a relation of foure seuerall discoueries since made by some of the same English planters there resident. I. In a iourney to Puckanokick ... II. In a voyage made by ten of them to the kingdome of Nawset ... III. In their iourney to the kingdome of Namaschet ... IIII. Their voyage to the Massachusets, and their entertainment there. With an answer to all such obiections as are in any way made against the lawfulnesse of English plantations in those parts. Bradford, William, 1588-1657.; Morton, George, d. 1624.; Winslow, Edward, 1595-1655. aut; Cushman, Robert, 1579?-1625. aut 1622 (1622) STC 20074; ESTC S110454 57,053 87

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in_o this_o brook_n much_o good_a fish_n in_o their_o season_n on_o the_o further_a side_n of_o the_o river_n also_o much_o corn_n ground_n clear_v in_o one_o field_n be_v a_o great_a hill_n on_o which_o we_o point_v to_o make_v a_o platform_n and_o plant_v our_o ordinance_n which_o will_v command_v all_o round_o about_o from_o thence_o we_o may_v see_v into_o the_o bay_n and_o far_o into_o the_o sea_n and_o we_o may_v see_v thence_o cape_n cod_n our_o great_a labour_n will_v be_v fetch_v of_o our_o wood_n which_o be_v half_a a_o quarter_n of_o a_o english_a mile_n but_o there_o be_v enough_o so_o far_o off_o what_o people_n inhabit_v here_o we_o yet_o know_v not_o for_o as_o yet_o we_o have_v see_v none_o so_o there_o we_o make_v our_o rendezvous_n and_o a_o place_n for_o some_o of_o our_o people_n about_o twenty_o resolve_v in_o the_o morning_n to_o come_v all_o ashore_o and_o to_o build_v house_n but_o the_o next_o morning_n be_v thursday_n the_o 21._o of_o december_n it_o be_v stormy_a and_o wet_a that_o we_o can_v not_o go_v ashore_o and_o those_o that_o remain_v there_o all_o night_n can_v do_v nothing_o but_o be_v wet_a not_o have_v daylight_n enough_o to_o make_v they_o a_o sufficient_a court_n of_o guard_n to_o keep_v they_o dry_a all_o that_o night_n it_o blow_v and_o rain_v extreme_o it_o be_v so_o tempestuous_a that_o the_o shallop_z can_v not_o go_v on_o land_n so_o soon_o as_o be_v meet_v for_o they_o have_v no_o victual_n on_o land_n about_o ●●_o a_o clock_n the_o shallop_z go_v off_o with_o much_o ado_n with_o provision_n but_o can_v not_o return_v it_o blow_v so_o strong_a and_o be_v such_o foul_a weather_n that_o we_o be_v force_v to_o let_v fall_v our_o anchor_n and_o ride_v with_o three_o anchor_n a_o head_n friday_n the_o 22._o the_o storm_n still_o continue_v that_o we_o can_v not_o get_v aland_o nor_o they_o come_v to_o we_o aboard_o this_o morning_n good_a wife_n alderton_n be_v deliver_v of_o a_o son_n but_o dead_a bear_v saturday_n the_o 23._o so_o many_o of_o we_o as_o can_v go_v on_o shore_n fell_v and_o carry_v timber_n to_o provide_v themselves_o stuff_n for_o building_n sunday_n the_o 24._o our_o people_n on_o shore_n hear_v a_o cry_n of_o some_o savage_n as_o they_o think_v which_o cause_v a_o alarm_n and_o to_o stand_v on_o their_o guard_n expect_v a_o assault_n but_o all_o be_v quiet_a monday_n the_o 25._o day_n we_o go_v on_o shore_n some_o to_o fell_a timber_n some_o to_o see_v some_o to_o ri●e_v and_o some_o to_o carry_v so_o no_o man_n rest_v all_o that_o day_n but_o towards_o night_n some_o as_o they_o be_v at_o work_n hear_v a_o noise_n of_o some_o indian_n which_o cause_v we_o all_o to_o go_v to_o our_o musket_n but_o we_o hear_v no_o further_o so_o we_o come_v aboard_o again_o and_o leave_v some_o twenty_o to_o keep_v the_o court_n of_o guard_n that_o night_n we_o have_v a_o sore_a storm_n of_o wind_n and_o rain_n monday_n the_o 25._o being_n christmas_n day_n we_o begin_v to_o drink_v water_n aboard_o but_o at_o night_n the_o master_n cause_v we_o to_o have_v some_o beer_n and_o so_o on_o board_n we_o have_v diverse_a time_n now_o and_o then_o some_o beer_n but_o on_o shore_n none_o at_o all_o tuesday_n the_o 26._o it_o be_v foul_a weather_n that_o we_o can_v not_o go_v ashore_o wednesday_n the_o 27._o we_o go_v to_o work_v again_o thursday_n the_o 28._o of_o december_n so_o many_o as_o can_v go_v to_o work_v on_o the_o hill_n where_o we_o purpose_v to_o build_v our_o platform_n for_o our_o ordinance_n and_o which_o do_v command_v all_o the_o plain_a and_o the_o b●y_v and_o from_o whence_o we_o may_v see_v far_o into_o the_o sea_n and_o may_v he_o easy_o impayl_v have_v two_o row_n of_o house_n and_o a_o fair_a street_n so_o in_o the_o afternoon_n we_o go_v to_o measure_v out_o the_o ground_n and_o first_o we_o take_v notice_n how_o many_o family_n they_o be_v will_v all_o single_a man_n that_o have_v no_o wife_n to_o join_v with_o some_o family_n as_o they_o think_v fit_a that_o so_o we_o may_v build_v few_o house_n which_o be_v do_v and_o we_o reduce_v they_o to_o 19_o family_n to_o great_a family_n we_o allot_v large_a plot_n to_o every_o person_n half_o a_o pole_n in_o breadth_n and_o three_o in_o length_n and_o so_o lot_n be_v cast_v where_o every_o man_n shall_v lie_v which_o be_v do_v and_o stake_v out_o we_o think_v this_o proportion_n be_v large_a enough_o at_o the_o first_o for_o house_n and_o garden_n to_o impale_v they_o round_o consider_v the_o weakness_n of_o our_o people_n many_o of_o they_o grow_v ill_o with_o cold_n for_o our_o former_a discovery_n in_o frost_n and_o storm_n and_o the_o wade_v at_o cape_n cod_n have_v bring_v much_o weakness_n among_o we_o which_o increase_v so_o every_o day_n more_o and_o more_o and_o after_o be_v the_o cause_n of_o many_o of_o their_o death_n friday_n and_o saturday_n we_o fit_v ourselves_o for_o our_o labour_n but_o our_o people_n on_o shore_n be_v much_o trouble_v and_o discourage_v with_o rain_n and_o wet_v that_o day_n be_v very_o stormy_a and_o cold_a we_o see_v great_a smoke_n of_o fire_n make_v by_o the_o indian_n about_o six_o or_o seven_o mile_n from_o we_o as_o we_o conjecture_v monday_n the_o first_o of_o january_n we_o go_v betimes_o to_o work_v we_o be_v much_o hundred_o in_o lie_v so_o far_o off_o from_o the_o land_n and_o fain_o to_o go_v as_o the_o tide_n serve_v that_o we_o lose_v much_o time_n for_o our_o ship_n draw_v so_o much_o water_n that_o she_o lie_v a_o mile_n and_o almost_o a_o half_a off_o though_o a_o ship_n of_o seaventie_n or_o eighty_o tun_n as_o high_a water_n may_v come_v to_o the_o shore_n wednesday_n the_o three_o of_o january_n some_o of_o our_o people_n be_v abroad_o to_o get_v and_o gather_v thatch_n they_o see_v great_a fire_n of_o the_o indian_n and_o be_v at_o then_o corn_n field_n yet_o see_v none_o of_o the_o savage_n nor_o have_v see_v any_o of_o they_o since_o we_o come_v to_o th●s_n bay_n thursday_n the_o four_o of_o january_n captain_n miles_n standish_n with_o four_o or_o five_o more_o go_v to_o see_v if_o they_o can_v meet_v with_o any_o of_o the_o savage_n in_o that_o place_n where_o the_o fire_n be_v make_v they_o go_v to_o some_o of_o their_o house_n but_o not_o late_o inhabit_v yet_o can_v they_o not_o meet_v with_o any_o as_o they_o come_v home_o they_o shoot_v at_o a_o eagle_n and_o kill_v she_o which_o be_v excellent_a meat_n it_o be_v hardly_o to_o be_v discern_v from_o mutton_n friday_n the_o five_o of_o january_n one_o of_o the_o sailor_n find_v alive_a upon_o the_o shore_n a_o hear_a which_o the_o master_n have_v to_o his_o supper_n which_o put_v we_o in_o hope_n of_o fish_n but_o as_o yet_o we_o have_v get_v but_o 〈◊〉_d cod_n we_o want_v small_a hook_n saturday_n the_o sixth_o of_o january_n master_n marten_n be_v very_o sick_a and_o to_o our_o judgement_n no_o hope_n of_o life_n so_o master_n carver_n be_v send_v for_o to_o come_v aboard_o to_o speak_v with_o he_o about_o his_o account_n who_o come_v the_o next_o morning_n monday_n the_o eight_o day_n of_o january_n be_v a_o very_a fair_a day_n and_o we_o go_v betimes_o to_o work_v master_n jones_n send_v the_o shallop_z as_o he_o have_v former_o do_v to_o see_v where_o fish_n can_v be_v get_v they_o have_v a_o great_a storm_n at_o sea_n and_o be_v in_o some_o danger_n at_o night_n they_o return_v with_o three_o great_a seal_n and_o a_o excellent_a good_a cod_n which_o do_v assure_v we_o that_o we_o shall_v have_v plenty_n of_o fish_n short_o this_o day_n francis_n billington_n have_v the_o week_n before_o see_v from_o the_o top_n of_o a_o tree_n on_o a_o high_a hill_n a_o great_a sea_n as_o he_o think_v go_v with_o one_o of_o the_o master_n mate_n to_o see_v it_o they_o go_v three_o mile_n and_o then_o come_v to_o a_o great_a water_n divide_v into_o two_o great_a lake_n the_o big_a of_o they_o five_o or_o six_o mile_n in_o circuit_n and_o in_o it_o a_o i_o will_v of_o a_o cable_n length_n square_a the_o other_o three_o mile_n in_o compass_n in_o their_o estimation_n they_o be_v fine_a fresh_a water_n full_a of_o fish_n and_o foul_a a_o brook_n issue_v from_o it_o it_o will_v be_v a_o excellent_a help_n for_o we_o in_o time_n they_o find_v seven_o or_o eight_o indian_a house_n but_o not_o late_o inhabit_v when_o they_o see_v the_o house_n they_o be_v in_o some_o fear_n for_o they_o be_v but_o two_o person_n and_o one_o piece_n tuesday_n the_o 9_o january_n be_v a_o reasonable_a fair_a day_n and_o we_o go_v to_o labour_v that_o day_n in_o the_o build_n of_o our_o town_n in_o
two_o row_n of_o house_n for_o more_o safety_n we_o divide_v by_o lot_n the_o plot_n of_o ground_n whereon_o to_o build_v our_o town_n after_o the_o proportion_n former_o allot_v we_o agree_v that_o every_o man_n shall_v build_v his_o own_o house_n think_v by_o that_o course_n man_n will_v make_v more_o haste_n than_o work_v in_o common_a the_o common_a house_n in_o which_o for_o the_o first_o we_o make_v our_o rendezvous_n be_v near_o finish_v want_v only_o cover_v it_o be_v about_o 20._o foot_n square_a some_o shall_v make_v mortar_n and_o some_o gather_v thatch_n so_o that_o in_o four_o day_n half_a of_o it_o be_v thatch_v frost_n and_o foul_a weather_n hinder_v we_o much_o this_o time_n of_o the_o year_n seldom_o can_v we_o work_v half_o the_o week_n thursday_n the_o eleven_o william_n bradford_n be_v at_o work_n for_o it_o be_v a_o fair_a day_n be_v vehement_o take_v with_o a_o grief_n and_o pain_n and_o so_o shoot_v to_o his_o hucklebone_n it_o be_v doubt_v that_o he_o will_v have_v instant_o dye_v he_o get_v cold_a in_o the_o former_a discovery_n especial_o the_o last_o and_o feel_v some_o pain_n in_o his_o ankle_n by_o time_n but_o he_o grow_v a_o little_a better_o towards_o night_n and_o in_o time_n through_o god_n mercy_n in_o the_o use_n of_o mean_n recover_v friday_n the_o 12._o we_o go_v to_o work_v but_o about_o noon_n it_o begin_v to_o rain_v that_o it_o force_v we_o to_o give_v over_o work_n this_o day_n two_o of_o our_o people_n put_v we_o in_o great_a sorrow_n and_o care_n there_o be_v 4._o send_v to_o gather_v and_o cut_v thatch_n in_o the_o morning_n and_o two_o of_o they_o john_n goodman_n and_o peter_n browne_n have_v cut_v thatch_v all_o the_o before_o noon_n go_v to_o a_o further_a place_n and_o will_v the_o other_o two_o to_o bind_v up_o that_o which_o be_v cut_v and_o to_o follow_v they_o so_o they_o do_v be_v about_o a_o mile_n and_o a_o half_a from_o our_o plantation_n but_o when_o the_o two_o come_v after_o they_o can_v not_o find_v they_o nor_o hear_v any_o thing_n of_o they_o at_o all_o though_o they_o hallow_v and_o shout_v as_o loud_o as_o they_o can_v so_o they_o return_v to_o the_o company_n and_o tell_v they_o of_o it_o whereupon_o master_n leaver_n &_o three_o or_o four_o more_o go_v to_o seek_v they_o but_o can_v hear_v nothing_o of_o they_o so_o they_o return_v send_v more_o but_o that_o night_n they_o can_v hear_v nothing_o at_o all_o of_o they_o the_o next_o day_n they_o arm_v 10._o or_o 12._o man_n out_o very_o think_v the_o indian_n have_v surprise_v they_o they_o go_v seek_v 7._o or_o 8_o mile_n but_o can_v neither_o see_v nor_o hear_v any_o thing_n at_o all_o so_o they_o return_v with_o much_o discomfort_n to_o we_o all_o these_o two_o that_o be_v miss_v at_o dinner_n time_n take_v their_o mea●e_n in_o their_o hand_n and_o will_v go_v walk_n and_o refresh_v themselves_o so_o go_v a_o little_a off_o they_o find_v a_o lake_n of_o water_n and_o have_a a_o great_a mastiff_n bitch_n with_o they_o and_o a_o spaniel_n by_o the_o water_n side_n they_o find_v a_o great_a deer_n the_o dog_n chase_v he_o and_o they_o follow_v so_o far_o as_o they_o lose_v themselves_o and_o can_v not_o find_v the●_n way_n back_o they_o wander_v all_o that_o after_o noon_n be_v wet_a and_o at_o night_n it_o do_v freeze_v and_o snow_n they_o be_v slender_o apparel_v and_o have_v no_o weapon_n but_o each_o one_o his_o cycle_n nor_o any_o victual_n they_o range_v up_o and_o down_o and_o can_v find_v none_o of_o the_o savage_n habitation●_n when_o it_o draw_v to_o night_n they_o be_v much_o perplex_v for_o they_o can_v find_v neither_o harbour_n nor_o meat_n but_o in_o frost_n and_o snow_n be_v force_v to_o make_v the_o earth_n their_o bed_n and_o the_o element_n their_o cover_n and_o another_o thing_n do_v very_o much_o terrify_v they_o they_o hear_v as_o they_o think_v two_o lion_n roar_v exceed_o for_o a_o long_a time_n together_o and_o a_o three_o that_o they_o think_v be_v very_o near_o they_o so_o not_o know_v what_o to_o do_v they_o resolve_v to_o climb_v up_o into_o a_o tree_n as_o their_o safe_a refuge_n though_o that_o will_v prone_a a_o intolerable_a cold_a lodging_n so_o they_o stand_v at_o the_o tree_n root_n that_o when_o the_o lion_n come_v they_o may_v take_v their_o opportunity_n of_o climb_v up_o the_o bitch_n they_o be_v fain_o to_o hold_v by_o the_o neck_n for_o she_o will_v have_v be_v go_v to_o the_o lion_n but_o it_o please_v god_n so_o to_o dispose_v that_o the_o wild_a beast_n come_v not_o so_o they_o walk_v up_o and_o down_o under_o the_o tree_n all_o night_n it_o be_v a_o extreme_a cold_a night_n so_o soon_o as_o it_o be_v light_a they_o travail_v again_o pass_v by_o many_o lake_n and_o brook_n and_o wood_n and_o in_o one_o place_n where_o the_o savage_n have_v burn_v the_o space_n of_o 5._o mile_n in_o length_n which_o be_v a_o fine_a champion_n country_n and_o even_o in_o the_o afternoon_n it_o please_v god_n from_o a_o high_a hill_n they_o discover_v the_o two_o isle_n in_o the_o bay_n and_o so_o that_o night_n get_v to_o the_o plantation_n be_v ready_a to_o faint_v with_o travail_n and_o want_v of_o victual_n and_o almost_o famis●●ed_v with_o cold_a john_n goodman_n be_v fain_o to_o have_v his_o shoe_n cut_v off_o his_o foot_n they_o be_v so_o swell_v with_o cold_a and_o it_o be_v a_o long_a while_n after_o ere_o he_o be_v able_a to_o go_v those_o on_o the_o shore_n be_v much_o comfort_v at_o their_o return_n but_o they_o on_o shipboard_n be_v grieve_v as_o deem_v they_o lose_v but_o the_o next_o day_n be_v the_o 14._o of_o january_n in_o the_o morning_n about_o six_o of_o the_o clock_n the_o wind_n be_v very_o great_a they_o on_o shipboard_n spy_v their_o great_a new_a r●ndevous_n on_o fire_n which_o be_v to_o they_o a_o new_a discomfort_n fear_v because_o of_o the_o suppose_a loss_n of_o the_o man_n that_o the_o savage_n have_v fire_v they_o neither_o can_v they_o present_o go_v to_o they_o for_o want_v of_o water_n but_o after_o 3._o quarter_n of_o a_o hour_n they_o go_v as_o they_o have_v purpose_v the_o day_n before_o to_o keep_v the_o sabbath_n on_o shore_n because_o now_o there_o be_v the_o great_a number_n of_o people_n at_o their_o land_n they_o hear_v good_a tiding_n of_o the_o return_n of_o the_o 2._o man_n and_o that_o the_o house_n be_v fire_v occasional_o by_o a_o spark_n that_o fly_v into_o the_o thatch_n which_o instant_o burn_v it_o all_o up_o but_o the_o roof_n stand_v and_o little_a hurt_n the_o most_o loss_n be_v master_n carver_n and_o william_n bradford_n who_o then_o lie_v sick_a in_o bed_n and_o if_o they_o have_v not_o rise_v with_o good_a speed_n have_v be_v blow_v up_o with_o powder_n but_o through_o god_n mercy_n they_o have_v no_o harm_n the_o house_n be_v as_o full_a of_o bed_n as_o they_o can_v lie_v one_o by_o another_o and_o their_o musket_n charge_v but_o bless_v be_v god_n there_o be_v no_o harm_n do_v monday_n the_o 15._o day_n it_o rain_v much_o all_o day_n that_o they_o on_o shipboard_n can_v not_o go_v on_o shore_n nor_o they_o on_o shore_n do_v any_o labour_n but_o be_v all_o wet_a tuesday_n wednesday_n thursday_n be_v very_o fair_a sun-shinie_a day_n as_o if_o it_o have_v be_v in_o april_n and_o our_o people_n so_o many_o as_o be_v in_o health_n ought_v cheerful_o the_o 19_o day_n we_o resolve_v to_o make_v a_o shed_n to_o put_v our_o common_a provision_n in_o of_o which_o some_o be_v already_o set_v on_o shore_n but_o at_o noon_n it_o rain_v that_o we_o can_v not_o work_v this_o day_n in_o the_o evening_n john_n goodman_n go_v abroad_o to_o use_v his_o lame_a foot_n that_o be_v pitiful_o ill_a with_o the_o cold_a he_o have_v get_v have_v a_o little_a spaniel_n with_o he_o a_o little_a way_n from_o the_o plantation_n two_o great_a wolf_n run_v after_o the_o dog_n the_o dog_n run_v to_o he_o and_o betwixt_o his_o leg_n for_o succour_n he_o have_v nothing_o in_o his_o hand_n but_o take_v up_o a_o stick_n and_o throw_v at_o one_o of_o they_o and_o hit_v he_o and_o they_o present_o run_v both_o away_o but_o come_v again_o he_o get_v a_o pai●e_a board_n in_o his_o hand_n and_o they_o sit_v both_o on_o their_o tail_n grin_v at_o he_o a_o good_a while_n and_o go_v their_o way_n and_o leave_v he_o saturday_n 20._o we_o make_v up_o our_o shed_n for_o our_o common_a good_n sunday_n the_o 21._o we_o keep_v our_o meeting_n on_o land_n monday_n the_o 22._o be_v a_o fair_a day_n we_o wrought_v on_o our_o house_n and_o in_o the_o afternoon_n carry_v up_o our_o hogshead_n of_o meal_n to_o our_o common_a store_n
house_n the_o rest_n of_o the_o week_n we_o follow_v our_o business_n likewise_o monday_n the_o 29._o in_o the_o morning_n cold_a frost_n and_o sleet_n but_o after_o reasonable_a fair_a both_o the_o long_a boat_n and_o the_o shallop_z bring_v our_o common_a good_n on_o shore_n tuesday_n and_o wednesday_n 30._o and_o 31._o of_o january_n cold_a frosty_a weather_n and_o sleet_n that_o we_o can_v not_o work_v in_o the_o morning_n the_o master_n and_o other_o see_v two_o savage_n that_o have_v be_v on_o the_o island_n near_o our_o ship_n what_o they_o come_v for_o we_o can_v not_o tell_v they_o be_v go_v so_o far_o back_o again_o before_o they_o be_v descry_v that_o we_o can_v not_o speak_v with_o they_o sunday_n the_o 4._o of_o february_n be_v very_o wet_a and_o rainy_a with_o the_o great_a gust_n of_o wind_n that_o ever_o we_o have_v since_o we_o come_v forth_o that_o though_o we_o rid_v in_o a_o very_a good_a harbour_n yet_o we_o be_v in_o danger_n because_o our_o ship_n be_v light_a the_o good_n take_v out_o and_o she_o unballase_v and_o it_o cause_v much_o daub_v of_o our_o house_n to_o fall_v down_o friday_n the_o 9_o still_o the_o cold_a weather_n continue_v that_o we_o can_v do_v little_o work_v that_o afternoon_n our_o little_a house_n for_o our_o sick_a people_n be_v set_v on_o fire_n by_o a_o spark_n that_o kindle_v in_o the_o roof_n but_o no_o great_a harm_n be_v do_v that_o evening_n the_o master_n go_v ashore_o kill_v five_o goose_n which_o he_o friendly_o distribute_v among_o the_o sick_a people_n he_o find_v also_o a_o good_a deer_n kill_v the_o savage_n have_v cut_v off_o the_o horn_n and_o a_o wolf_n be_v eat_v of_o he_o how_o he_o come_v there_o we_o can_v not_o conceive_v friday_n the_o 16._o day_n be_v a_o fair_a day_n but_o the_o northerly_a wind_n continue_v which_o continue_v the_o frost_n this_o day_n afternoon_n one_o of_o our_o people_n be_v a_o foul_n and_o have_v take_v a_o stand_n by_o a_o creek_n side_n in_o the_o reed_n about_o a_o mile_n and_o a_o half_a from_o our_o plantation_n there_o come_v by_o he_o twelve_o indian_n march_v towards_o our_o plantation_n &_o in_o the_o wood_n he_o hear_v the_o noise_n of_o many_o more_o he_o lay_v close_a till_o they_o be_v pass_v and_o then_o with_o what_o speed_n he_o can_v he_o go_v home_o &_o give_v the_o alarm_n so_o the_o people_n abroad_o in_o the_o wood_n return_v &_o arm_v themselves_o but_o say_v none_o of_o they_o only_o towards_o the_o evening_n they_o make_v a_o great_a fire_n about_o the_o place_n where_o they_o be_v first_o discover_v captain_n miles_n standish_n and_o francis_n cook_n be_v at_o work_n in_o the_o wood_n come_v home_n leave_v their_o tool_n behind_o they_o but_o before_o they_o return_v their_o tool_n be_v take_v away_o by_o the_o savage_n this_o come_n of_o the_o savage_n give_v we_o occasion_n to_o keep_v more_o strict_a watch_n and_o to_o make_v our_o piece_n and_o furniture_n ready_a which_o by_o the_o moisture_n and_o rain_n be_v out_o of_o temper_n saturday_n the_o 17_o day_n in_o the_o morning_n we_o call_v a_o meeting_n for_o the_o establish_n of_o military_a order_n among_o ourselves_o and_o we_o choose_v miles_n standish_n our_o captain_n and_o give_v he_o authority_n of_o command_n in_o affair_n and_o as_o we_o be_v in_o consultation_n here_o about_o two_o savage_n present_v themselves_o upon_o the_o top_n of_o a_o hill_n over_o against_o our_o plantation_n about_o a_o quarter_n of_o a_o mile_n and_o less_o and_o make_v sign_n unto_o we_o to_o come_v unto_o they_o we_o likewise_o make_v sign_n unto_o they_o to_o come_v to_o we_o whereupon_o we_o arm_v ourselves_o and_o stand_v ready_a and_o send_v two_o over_o the_o brook_n towards_o they_o to_o wit_n captain_n standish_n and_o steven_n hopkins_n who_o go_v towards_o they_o only_o one_o of_o they_o have_v a_o musket_n which_o they_o lay_v down_o on_o the_o ground_n in_o their_o sight_n in_o sign_n of_o peace_n and_o to_o parley_v with_o they_o but_o the_o savage_n will_v not_o tarry_v their_o come_n a_o noise_n of_o a_o great_a many_o more_o be_v hear_v behind_o the_o hill_n but_o no_o more_o come_v in_o sight_n this_o cause_v we_o to_o plant_v our_o great_a ordinance_n in_o place_n most_o convenient_a wednesday_n the_o 21._o of_o february_n the_o master_n come_v on_o shore_n with_o many_o of_o his_o sailor_n and_o bring_v with_o he_o one_o of_o the_o great_a piece_n call_v a_o minion_n and_o help_v we_o to_o draw_v it_o up_o the_o hill_n with_o another_o piece_n that_o lie_v on_o shore_n and_o mount_v they_o and_o a_o sall_a and_o two_o base_n he_o bring_v with_o he_o a_o very_a fat_a goose_n to_o eat_v with_o we_o and_o we_o have_v a_o fat_a crane_n and_o a_o mallerd_v and_o a_o dry_a neats-tongue_n and_o so_o we_o be_v kind_o and_o friendly_a together_o saturday_n the_o three_o of_o march_n the_o wind_n be_v south_n the_o morning_n misty_a but_o towards_o noon_n warm_a and_o fair_a weather_n the_o bird_n sing_v in_o the_o wood_n most_o pleasant_o at_o one_o of_o the_o clock_n it_o thunder_v which_o be_v the_o first_o we_o hear_v in_o that_o country_n it_o be_v strong_a and_o great_a clap_n but_o short_a but_o after_o a_o hour_n it_o rain_v very_o sad_o till_o midnight_n wednesday_n the_o seven_o of_o march_n the_o wind_n be_v full_a east_n cold_a but_o fair_a that_o day_n master_n carver_n with_o five_o other_o go_v to_o the_o great_a pond_n which_o seem_v to_o be_v excellent_a fish_v place_n all_o the_o way_n they_o go_v they_o find_v it_o exceed_o beat_v and_o haunt_v with_o deer_n but_o they_o see_v none_o among_o other_o foul_a they_o see_v one_o a_o milk_n white_a foul_a with_o a_o very_a black_a ●●ad_n this_o day_n some_o garden_n seed_n be_v sow_v friday_n the_o 16._o a_o fair_a warm_a day_n towards_o this_o morning_n we_o determine_v to_o conclude_v of_o the_o military_a order_n which_o we_o have_v begin_v to_o consider_v of_o before_o but_o be_v interrupt_v by_o the_o savage_n as_o we_o mention_v former_o and_o whilst_o we_o be_v bu●●ed_v here_o about_o we_o be_v interrupt_v again_o for_o there_o present_v himself_o a_o savage_a which_o cause_v a_o alarm_n he_o very_o bold_o come_v all_o alone_a and_o along_o the_o house_n straight_o to_o the_o rendezvous_n where_o we_o intercept_v he_o not_o suffering_n he_o to_o go_v in_o as_o undoubted_o he_o will_v out_o of_o his_o boldness_n he_o salute_v we_o in_o english_a and_o bid_v we_o welcome_a for_o he_o have_v learn_v some_o break_a english_a among_o the_o english_a man_n that_o come_v to_o fish_n at_o monchiggon_n and_o know_v by_o name_n the_o most_o of_o the_o captain_n commander_n &_o master_n that_o usual_o come_v he_o be_v a_o man_n free_a in_o speech_n so_o far_o as_o he_o can_v express_v his_o mind_n and_o of_o a_o seemly_a carriage_n we_o question_v he_o of_o many_o thing_n he_o be_v the_o first_o savage_a we_o can_v meet_v withal_o he_o say_v he_o be_v not_o of_o these_o part_n but_o of_o morattiggon_n and_o one_o of_o the_o sagamore_n or_o lord_n thereof_o and_o have_v be_v 8._o month_n in_o these_o part_n it_o lie_v hence_o a_o day_n sail_n with_o a_o great_a wind_n and_o five_o day_n by_o land_n he_o discourse_v of_o the_o whole_a country_n and_o of_o every_o province_n and_o of_o their_o sagamore_n and_o their_o number_n of_o man_n and_o strength_n the_o wind_n beginning_n to_o rise_v a_o little_a we_o cast_v a_o horsemans_n coat_n about_o he_o for_o he_o be_v stark_o naked_a only_o a_o leather_n about_o his_o waist_n with_o a_o fringe_n about_o a_o span_n long_o or_o little_o more_o he_o have_v a_o bow_n &_o 2_o arrow_n the_o one_o ●eaded_a and_o the_o other_o unheaded_a he_o be_v a_o tall_a straight_a man_n the_o hair_n of_o his_o head_n black_a long_o behind_o only_o short_a before_o none_o on_o his_o face_n at_o all_o he_o ask_v some_o beer_n but_o we_o give_v he_o strong_a water_n and_o biscuit_n and_o butter_n and_o cheese_n &_o pudding_n and_o a_o piece_n of_o a_o mallerd_v all_o which_o he_o like_v well_o and_o have_v be_v acquaint_v with_o such_o among_o the_o english_a he_o tell_v we_o the_o place_n where_o we_o now_o live_v be_v call_v patuxe●_n and_o that_o abou●_n four_o year_n ago_o all_o the_o inhabitant_n die_v of_o a_o extraordinary_a plague_n and_o there_o be_v neither_o man_n woman_n nor_o child_n remain_v as_o indeed_o we_o have_v find_v none_o so_o as_o there_o be_v none_o to_o hinder_v our_o possession_n or_o to_o lay_v claim_n unto_o it_o all_o the_o afternoon_n we_o spend_v in_o communication_n with_o he_o we_o will_v glad_o have_v be_v rid_v of_o he_o at_o night_n but_o he_o be_v not_o willing_a to_o go_v this_o
night_n than_o we_o think_v to_o carry_v he_o on_o shipboard_n wherewith_o he_o be_v well_o content_a and_o go_v into_o the_o shallop_z but_o the_o wind_n be_v high_a and_o water_n scant_o that_o it_o can_v not_o return_v back_o we_o lodge_v he_o that_o night_n at_o steven_n hopkins_n house_n and_o watch_v he_o the_o next_o day_n he_o go_v away_o back_o to_o the_o masasoit_n from_o whence_o he_o say_v he_o come_v who_o be_v our_o next_o border_v neighbour_n they_o be_v sixty_o strong_a as_o he_o say_v the_o nausite_n be_v as_o near_o southeast_n of_o they_o and_o be_v a_o hundred_o strong_a and_o those_o be_v they_o of_o who_o our_o people_n be_v encounter_v as_o we_o before_o relate_v they_o be_v much_o incense_v and_o provoke_v against_o the_o english_a and_o about_o eight_o month_n ago_o slay_v three_o english_a man_n and_o two_o more_o hardly_o escape_v by_o flight_n to_o monhiggon_n they_o be_v sir_n ferdinando_n gorge_n his_o man_n as_o this_o savage_a tell_v we_o as_o he_o do_v likewise_o of_o the_o huggerie_n that_o be_v fight_z that_o our_o discoverer_n have_v with_o the_o nausite_n &_o of_o our_o tool_n that_o be_v take_v out_o of_o the_o wood_n which_o we_o will_v he_o shall_v be_v bring_v again_o otherwise_o we_o will_v right_v ourselves_o these_o people_n be_v ill_o affect_v towards_o the_o english_a by_o reason_n of_o one_o hunt_v a_o master_n of_o a_o ship_n who_o deceive_v the_o people_n and_o get_v they_o under_o colour_n of_o ●ruking_v with_o they_o twenty_o out_o of_o this_o very_a place_n where_o we_o inhabit_v and_o seven_o man_n from_o the_o nausite_n and_o carry_v they_o away_o and_o sell_v they_o for_o slave_n like_o a_o wretched_a man_n for_o 20._o pound_n a_o man_n that_o care_v not_o what_o mischief_n he_o do_v for_o hi●_n profit_n saturday_n in_o the_o morning_n we_o dismiss_v the_o savage_a and_o give_v he_o a_o knife_n a_o bracelet_n and_o a_o ring_n he_o promise_v within_o a_o night_n or_o two_o to_o come_v again_o and_o to_o bring_v with_o he_o some_o of_o the_o massasoyt_n our_o neighbour_n with_o such_o bever_n skin_n as_o they_o have_v to_o truck_v with_o us._n saturday_n and_o sunday_n reasonable_a fair_a day_n on_o this_o day_n come_v again_o the_o savage_a and_o bring_v with_o he_o five_o other_o tall_a proper_a man_n they_o have_v every_o man_n a_o deer_n skin_n on_o he_o and_o the_o principal_a of_o they_o have_v a_o wild_a cat_n skin_n or_o such_o like_a on_o the_o one_o arm_n they_o have_v most_o of_o they_o long_o hose_n up_o to_o their_o groyne_n close_o make_v and_o above_o their_o groyne_n to_o their_o waist_n another_o leather_n they_o be_v altogether_o like_o the_o irish-trouse_n they_o be_v of_o complexion_n like_o our_o english_a gipsy_n no_o hair_n or_o very_o little_a on_o their_o face_n on_o their_o head_n long_a hair_n to_o their_o shoulder_n only_o cut_v before_o some_o truss_v up_o before_o with_o a_o feather_n broad_a wise_a like_o a_o fan_n another_o a_o fox_n tail_n hang_v out_o these_o leave_v according_a to_o our_o charge_n give_v he_o before_o their_o bow_n and_o arrow_n a_o quarter_n of_o a_o mile_n from_o our_o town_n we_o give_v they_o entertainment_n as_o we_o think_v be_v sit_v they_o they_o do_v eat_v liberal_o of_o our_o english_a victual_n they_o make_v semblance_n unto_o we_o of_o friendship_n and_o amity_n they_o song_n &_o dance_v after_o their_o manner_n like_o antic_n they_o bring_v with_o they_o in_o a_o thing_n like_o a_o bow-case_n which_o the_o principal_a of_o they_o have_v about_o his_o waist_n a_o little_a of_o their_o corn_n pownd_v to_o powder_n which_o put_v to_o a_o little_a water_n they_o eat_v he_o have_v a_o little_a tobacco_n in_o a_o bag_n but_o none_o of_o they_o drink_v but_o when_o he_o list_v some_o of_o they_o have_v their_o face_n paint_v black_a from_o the_o forehead_n to_o the_o chin_n four_o or_o five_o finger_n broad_a other_o after_o other_o fashion_n as_o they_o like_v they_o bring_v three_o or_o four_o skin_n but_o we_o will_v not_o truck_v with_o they_o at_o all_o that_o day_n but_o wish_v they_o to_o bring_v more_o and_o we_o will_v truck_v for_o all_o which_o they_o promise_v within_o a_o night_n or_o two_o and_o will_v leave_v these_o behind_o they_o though_o we_o be_v not_o willing_a they_o shall_v and_o they_o bring_v we_o all_o our_o tool_n again_o which_o be_v take_v in_o the_o wood_n in_o our_o man_n absence_n so_o because_o of_o the_o day_n we_o dismiss_v they_o so_o soon_o as_o we_o can_v but_o samoset_n our_o first_o acquaintance_n either_o be_v sick_a or_o feign_v himself_o so_o and_o will_v not_o go_v with_o they_o and_o stay_v with_o we_o till_o wednesday_n morning_n then_o we_o send_v he_o to_o they_o to_o know_v the_o reason_n they_o come_v not_o according_a to_o their_o word_n and_o we_o give_v he_o a_o hat_n a_o pair_n of_o stocking_n and_o shoe_n a_o shirt_n and_o a_o piece_n of_o cloth_n to_o tie_v about_o his_o waist_n the_o sabbath_n day_n when_o we_o send_v they_o from_o we_o we_o give_v every_o one_o of_o they_o some_o trifle_n especial_o the_o principal_a of_o they_o we_o carry_v they_o along_o with_o our_o arm_n to_o the_o place_n where_o they_o leave_v their_o bow_n and_o arrow_n whereat_o they_o be_v amaze_v and_o two_o of_o they_o begin_v to_o slink_v away_o but_o that_o the_o other_o call_v they_o when_o they_o take_v their_o arrow_n we_o bid_v they_o farewell_o and_o they_o be_v glad_a and_o so_o with_o many_o thanks_n give_v we_o they_o depart_v with_o promise_n they_o will_v come_v again_o monday_n and_o tuesday_n prove_v fair_a day_n we_o dig_v on●_n ground_n and_o sow_v our_o garden_n seed_n wednesday_n a_o fine_a warm_a day_n we_o send_v away_o samose●_n that_o day_n we_o have_v again_o a_o meeting_n to_o conclude_v of_o law_n and_o order_n for_o ourselves_o and_o to_o confirm_v those_o military_a order_n that_o be_v former_o propound_v and_o twice_o break_v off_o by_o the_o savage_n come_v but_o so_o we_o be_v again_o the_o three_o time_n for_o after_o we_o have_v be_v a_o hour_n together_o on_o the_o top_n of_o the_o hill_n over_o against_o we_o two_o or_o three_o savage_n present_v themselves_o that_o make_v semblance_n of_o dare_v we_o as_o we_o think_v so_o captain_n standish_n with_o another_o with_o their_o musket_n go_v over_o to_o they_o with_o two_o of_o the_o master_n mate_n that_o follow_v they_o without_o arm_n have_v two_o musket_n with_o they_o they_o whert_v and_o rub_v their_o arrow_n and_o string_n and_o make_v show_v of_o defiance_n but_o when_o our_o man_n draw_v never_o they_o they_o run_v away_o thus_o we_o be_v again_o interrupt_v by_o they_o this_o day_n with_o much_o ado_n we_o get_v our_o carpenter_n that_o have_v be_v long_o sick_a of_o the_o scurvy_a to_o fit_v our_o shallop_z to_o fetch_v all_o from_o aboard_o thursday_n the_o 22._o of_o march_n be_v a_o very_a fair_a warm_a day_n about_o noon_n we_o meet_v again_o about_o our_o public_a business_n but_o we_o have_v scarc●_n be_v a_o hour_n together_o but_o samoset_n come_v again_o and_o squanto_fw-es the_o only_a native_a of_o patuxat_fw-la where_o we_o now_o inhabit_v who_o be_v one_o of_o the_o twenty_o captive_n that_o by_o hunt_n be_v carry_v away_o and_o have_v be_v in_o england_n &_o dwell_v in_o cornhill_n with_o master_n john_n sla●ie_v a_o merchant_n and_o can_v speak_v a_o little_a english_a with_o three_z other_o and_o they_o bring_v with_o they_o some_o few_o skin_n to_o truck_v and_o some_o red_a herring_n new_o take_v and_o dry_v but_o not_o salt_v and_o signify_v unto_o we_o that_o their_o great_a sagamore_n masasoyt_n be_v hard_o by_o with_o quadequina_n his_o brother_n and_o all_o their_o man_n they_o can_v not_o well_o express_v in_o english_a what_o they_o will_v but_o after_o a_o hour_n the_o king_n come_v to_o the_o top_n of_o a_o hill_n over_o against_o we_o and_o have_v in_o his_o train_n sixty_o man_n that_o we_o can_v well_o behold_v they_o and_o they_o we_o we_o be_v not_o willing_a to_o send_v our_o governor_n to_o they_o and_o they_o unwilling_a to_o come_v to_o we_o so_o squanto_fw-es go_v again_o unto_o he_o who_o bring_v word_n that_o we_o shall_v send_v one_o to_o parley_v with_o he_o which_o we_o do_v which_o be_v edward_n winsloe_n to_o know_v his_o mind_n and_o to_o signify_v the_o mind_n and_o will_n of_o our_o governor_n which_o be_v to_o have_v trade_v and_o peace_n with_o he_o we_o send_v to_o the_o king_n a_o pair_n of_o knife_n and_o a_o copper_n chain_n with_o a_o jewel_n at_o it_o to_o quadequina_n we_o send_v likewise_o a_o knife_n and_o a_o jewel_n to_o hang_v in_o his_o ear_n and_o withal_o a_o pot_n of_o strong_a water_n a_o
both_o more_o narrow_a search_n and_o careful_a reformation_n of_o our_o way_n in_o his_o sight_n lest_o he_o call_n to_o remembrance_n our_o sin_n forget_v by_o we_o or_o unrepented_a of_o take_v advantage_n against_o we_o and_o in_o judgement_n leave_v we_o for_o the_o same_o to_o be_v swallow_v up_o in_o one_o danger_n or_o other_o whereas_o on_o the_o contrary_a sin_n be_v take_v away_o by_o earnest_a repentance_n and_o the_o pardon_n thereof_o from_o the_o lord_n seal_v up_o unto_o a_o man_n conscience_n by_o his_o spirit_n great_a shall_v be_v his_o security_n and_o peace_n in_o all_o danger_n sweet_a his_o comfort_n in_o all_o distress_n with_o happy_a deliverance_n from_o all_o evil_a whether_o in_o life_n or_o in_o death_n now_o next_o after_o this_o heavenly_a peace_n with_o god_n and_o our_o own_o conscience_n we_o be_v careful_o to_o provide_v for_o peace_n with_o all_o man_n what_o in_o we_o lie_v especial_o with_o our_o associate_n and_o for_o that_o end_n watchfulness_n must_v be_v have_v that_o we_o neither_o at_o all_o in_o ourselves_o do_v give_v no_o nor_o easy_o take_v offence_n be_v give_v by_o other_o woe_n be_v unto_o the_o world_n for_o offence_n for_o though_o it_o be_v necessary_a consider_v the_o malice_n of_o satan_n and_o man_n corruption_n that_o offence_n come_v yet_o woe_n unto_o the_o man_n or_o woman_n either_o by_o who_o the_o offence_n come_v say_v christ_n math._n 18.7_o and_o if_o offence_n in_o the_o unseasonable_a use_n of_o thing_n in_o themselves_o indifferent_a be_v more_o to_o be_v fear_v then_o death_n itself_o as_o the_o apostle_n teach_v 1._o cor._n 9.15_o how_o much_o more_o in_o thing_n simple_o evil_a in_o which_o neither_o honour_n of_o god_n nor_o love_n of_o man_n be_v think_v worthy_a to_o be_v regard_v neither_o yet_o be_v it_o sufficient_a that_o we_o keep_v ourselves_o by_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n from_o give_v offence_n except_o withal_o we_o be_v arm_v against_o the_o take_n of_o they_o when_o they_o be_v give_v by_o other_o for_o how_o unperfect_a and_o lame_a be_v the_o work_n of_o grace_n in_o that_o person_n who_o want_v charity_n to_o cover_v a_o multitude_n of_o offence_n as_o the_o scripture_n speak_v neither_o be_v you_o to_o be_v exhort_v to_o this_o grace_n only_o upon_o the_o common_a ground_n of_o christianity_n which_o be_v that_o person_n ready_a to_o take_v offence_n either_o want_n charity_n to_o cover_v offence_n or_o wisdom_n due_o to_o weigh_v humane_a frailty_n or_o last_o be_v gross_a though_o close_a hypocrite_n as_o christ_n our_o lord_n teach_v math._n 7.1_o 2_o 3._o as_o indeed_o in_o my_o own_o experience_n few_o or_o none_o have_v be_v find_v which_o soon_o give_v offence_n than_o such_o as_o easy_o take_v it_o neither_o have_v they_o ever_o prove_v sound_a and_o profitable_a member_n in_o society_n which_o have_v nourish_v in_o themselves_o that_o touchey_n humour_n but_o beside_o these_o there_o be_v diverse_a spe●iall_a motive_n provoke_v you_o above_o other_o to_o great_a care_n and_o conscience_n this_o way_n as_o first_o you_o be_v many_o of_o you_o stranger_n as_o to_o the_o person_n so_o to_o the_o infirmity_n one_o of_o another_o and_o so_o stand_v in_o need_n of_o more_o watchfulness_n this_o way_n lest_o when_o such_o thing_n fall_v out_o in_o man_n and_o woman_n as_o you_o suspect_v not_o you_o be_v inordinate_o affect_v with_o they_o which_o do_v require_v at_o your_o hand_n much_o wisdom_n and_o charity_n for_o the_o cover_n and_o prevent_v of_o incident_a offence_n that_o way_n and_o last●y_o your_o intend_a course_n of_o civil_a community_n will_v minister_v continual_a occasion_n of_o offence_n and_o will_v be_v as_o fuel_n for_o that_o fire_n except_o you_o diligent_o quench_v it_o with_o brotherly_a forbearance_n and_o if_o take_v of_o offence_n causeless_o or_o easy_o at_o man_n do_n be_v so_o careful_o to_o be_v avoid_v how_o much_o more_o heed_n be_v to_o be_v take_v that_o we_o take_v not_o offence_n at_o god_n himself_o which_o yet_o we_o certain_o do_v so_o oft_o as_o we_o do_v murmur_n at_o his_o providence_n in_o our_o cross_n or_o bear_v impatient_o such_o affliction_n as_o wherewith_o he_o please_v to_o visit_v us._n store_n we_o up_o therefore_o patience_n against_o the_o evil_a day_n without_o which_o we_o take_v offence_n at_o the_o lord_n himself_o in_o his_o holy_a and_o just_a work_n a_o four_o thing_n there_o be_v careful_o to_o be_v provide_v for_o to_o wit_n that_o with_o your_o common_a employment_n you_o join_v common_a affection_n true_o bend_v upon_o the_o general_a good_a avoid_v as_o a_o deadly_a plague_n of_o your_o both_o common_a and_o special_a comfort_n all_o retiredness_n of_o mind_n for_o proper_a advantage_n and_o all_o singular_o affect_v any_o manner_n of_o way_n let_v every_o man_n repress_v in_o himself_o and_o the_o whole_a body_n in_o each_o person_n as_o so_o many_o rebel_n against_o the_o common_a good_a all_o private_a respect_n of_o man_n self_n not_o sort_v with_o the_o general_a conveniency_n and_o as_o man_n be_v careful_a not_o to_o have_v a_o new_a house_n shake_v with_o any_o violence_n before_o it_o be_v well_o settle_v and_o the_o part_n firm_o knit_v so_o be_v you_o i_o beseech_v you_o brethren_n much_o more_o careful_a that_o the_o house_n of_o god_n which_o you_o be_v and_o be_v to_o be_v be_v not_o shake_v with_o unnecessary_a novelty_n or_o other_o opposition_n at_o the_o first_o settle_v thereof_o last_o whereas_o you_o be_v to_o become_v a_o body_n politik_a use_v among_o yourselves_o civil_a government_n and_o be_v not_o furnish_v with_o any_o person_n of_o special_a eminency_n above_o the_o rest_n to_o be_v choose_v by_o you_o into_o office_n of_o government_n let_v your_o wisdom_n and_o godliness_n appear_v not_o only_o in_o choose_v such_o person_n as_o do_v entire_o love_v and_o will_v diligent_o promote_v the_o common_a good_a but_o also_o in_o yield_v unto_o they_o all_o due_a honour_n and_o obedience_n in_o their_o lawful_a administration_n not_o behold_v in_o they_o the_o ordinarinesse_n of_o their_o person_n but_o god_n ordinance_n for_o your_o good_a nor_o be_v like_a unto_o the_o foolish_a multitude_n who_o more_o honour_v the_o gay_a coat_n then_o either_o the_o virtuous_a mind_n of_o the_o man_n or_o glorious_a ordinance_n of_o the_o lord_n but_o you_o know_v better_a thing_n and_o that_o the_o image_n of_o the_o lord_n power_n and_o authority_n which_o the_o magistrate_n bear_v be_v honourable_a in_o how_o mean_a person_n soever_o and_o this_o duty_n you_o both_o may_v the_o more_o willing_o and_o aught_o the_o more_o conscionable_o to_o perform_v because_o you_o be_v at_o least_o for_o the_o present_a to_o have_v only_o they_o for_o your_o ordinary_a governor_n which_o yourselves_o shall_v make_v choice_n of_o for_o that_o work_n sundry_a other_o thing_n of_o importance_n i_o can_v put_v you_o in_o mind_n of_o and_o of_o those_o before_o mention_v in_o more_o word_n but_o i_o will_v not_o so_o far_o wrong_v your_o godly_a mind_n as_o to_o think_v you_o heedless_a of_o these_o thing_n there_o be_v also_o diverse_a among_o you_o so_o well_o able_a to_o admonish_v both_o themselves_o and_o other_o of_o what_o concern_v they_o these_o few_o thing_n therefore_o and_o the_o same_o in_o few_o word_n i_o do_v earnest_o commend_v unto_o your_o care_n and_o conscience_n join_v therewith_o my_o daily_a incessant_a prayer_n unto_o the_o lord_n that_o he_o who_o have_v make_v the_o heaven_n and_o the_o earth_n the_o sea_n and_o all_o river_n of_o water_n and_o who_o providence_n be_v over_o all_o his_o work_n especial_o over_o all_o his_o dear_a childre●_n for_o good_a will_v so_o guide_v and_o guard_v you_o in_o your_o way_n as_o inward_o by_o his_o spirit_n so_o outward_o by_o the_o hand_n of_o his_o power_n as_o that_o both_o you_o and_o we_o also_o for_o and_o with_o you_o may_v have_v after_o matter_n of_o praise_v his_o name_n all_o the_o day_n of_o your_o and_o our_o life_n fare_v you_o well_o in_o he_o in_o who_o you_o trust_v and_o in_o who_o i_o rest_v a_o unfeigned_a well-willer_n of_o your_o happy_a success_n in_o this_o hopeful_a voyage_n i._n r._n a_o relation_n or_o journall_n of_o the_o proceed_n of_o the_o plantation_n settle_v at_o plymouth_n in_o new_a england_n wednesday_n the_o sixth_o of_o september_n the_o wind_n come_v east_n north_n east_n a_o sine_fw-la small_a gale_n we_o loose_v from_o plymouth_n have_v be_v kind_o entertain_v and_o courteous_o use_v by_o diver●_n friend_n there_o dwell_v and_o after_o many_o difficulty_n in_o boisterous_a storm_n at_o length_n by_o god_n providence_n upon_o the_o nine_o of_o november_n follow_v by_o break_n of_o the_o day_n we_o espy_v land_n which_o we_o deem_v to_o be_v cape_n cod_n and_o so_o afterward_o it_o prove_v and_o the_o
from_o hence_o we_o intend_v to_o have_v sail_v to_o the_o aforesaid_a thievish_a harbour_n if_o we_o find_v no_o convenient_a harbour_n by_o the_o way_n have_v the_o wind_n good_a we_o sail_v all_o that_o day_n along_o the_o coast_n about_o 15._o league_n but_o see_v neither_o river_n nor_o creek_n to_o put_v into_o after_o we_o have_v sail_v a_o hour_n or_o two_o it_o begin_v to_o snow_n and_o rain_n and_o to_o be_v bad_a weather_n about_o the_o midst_n of_o the_o afternoon_n the_o wind_n increase_v and_o the_o sea_n begin_v to_o be_v very_o rough_a and_o the_o hinge_n of_o the_o rudder_n break_v so_o that_o we_o can_v steer_v no_o long_o with_o it_o but_o two_o man_n with_o much_o ado_n be_v same_o to_o serve_v with_o a_o couple_n of_o oar_n the_o sea_n be_v grow_v so_o great_a that_o we_o be_v much_o trouble_v and_o in_o great_a danger_n and_o night_n grow_v on_o anon_o master_n coppin_n bid_v we_o be_v of_o good_a cheer_n he_o see_v the_o harbour_n as_o we_o draw_v near_o the_o gale_n be_v stiff_o and_o we_o bear_v great_a sail_n to_o get_v in_o split_v our_o mast_n in_o 3._o piece_n and_o be_v like_a to_o have_v cast_v away_o our_o shallop_z yet_o by_o god_n mercy_n recover_v ourselves_o we_o have_v the_o flood_n with_o we_o and_o strike_v into_o the_o harbour_n now_o he_o that_o think_v that_o have_v be_v the_o place_n be_v deceive_v it_o be_v a_o place_n where_o not_o any_o of_o we_o have_v be_v before_o and_o come_v into_o the_o harbour_n he_o that_o be_v our_o pilot_n do_v bear_v up_o northward_o which_o if_o we_o have_v continue_v we_o have_v be_v cast_v away_o yet_o still_o the_o lord_n keep_v we_o and_o we_o bear_v up_o for_o a_o island_n before_o we_o and_o recover_v of_o that_o island_n be_v compass_v about_o with_o many_o rock_n and_o dark_a night_n grow_v upon_o we_o it_o please_v the_o divine_a providence_n that_o we_o fall_v upon_o a_o place_n of_o sandy_a ground_n where_o our_o shallop_z do_v ride_v safe_a and_o secure_a all_o that_o night_n and_o come_v upon_o a_o strange_a island_n keep_v our_o watch_n all_o night_n in_o the_o rain_n upon_o that_o island_n and_o in_o the_o morning_n we_o march_v about_o it_o &_o find_v no_o inhabitant_n at_o all_o and_o here_o we_o make_v our_o rendezvous_n all_o that_o day_n be_v saturday_n 10._o of_o december_n on_o the_o sabbath_n day_n we_o rest_v and_o on_o monday_n we_o sound_v the_o harbour_n and_o find_v it_o a_o very_a good_a harbour_n for_o our_o ship_n we_o march_v also_o into_o the_o land_n and_o find_v divers_a corn_n field_n and_o little_a run_a brook_n a_o place_n very_o good_a for_o situation_n so_o we_o return_v to_o our_o ship_n again_o with_o good_a news_n to_o the_o rest_n of_o our_o people_n which_o do_v much_o comfort_n their_o heart_n on_o the_o fifteen_o day_n we_o weigh_v anchor_n to_o go_v to_o the_o place_n we_o have_v discover_v and_o come_v within_o two_o league_n of_o the_o land_n we_o can_v not_o fetch_v the_o harbour_n but_o be_v fain_o to_o put_v room_n again_o towards_o cape_n cod_n our_o course_n lie_v west_n and_o the_o wind_n be_v at_o north_n west_n but_o it_o please_v god_n that_o the_o next_o day_n be_v saturday_n the_o 16._o day_n the_o wind_n come_v fair_a and_o we_o put_v to_o sea_n again_o and_o come_v safe_o into_o a_o safe_a harbour_n and_o within_o half_a a_o hour_n the_o wind_n change_v so_o as_o if_o we_o have_v be_v let_v but_o a_o little_a we_o have_v go_v back_o to_o cape_n cod._n this_o harbour_n be_v a_o bay_n great_a than_o cape_n cod_n compass_v with_o a_o goodly_a land_n and_o in_o the_o bay_n 2._o fine_a land_n uninhabited_a wherein_o be_v nothing_o but_o wood_n okes_n pine_n wal-nut_n beech_n sasifras_n vine_n and_o other_o tree_n which_o we_o know_v not_o this_o bay_n be_v a_o most_o hopeful_a place_n innumerable_a store_n of_o foul_a and_o excellent_a good_a and_o can_v but_o be_v of_o fish_n in_o their_o season_n skote_o cod_n turbot_n and_o herring_n we_o have_v taste_v of_o abundance_n of_o musles_a the_o great_a &_o best_a that_o ever_o we_o see_v crab_n and_o lobster_n in_o their_o time_n infinite_a it_o be_v in_o fashion_n like_o a_o cikle_n or_o fish-hooke_n monday_n the_o 13._o day_n we_o go_v a_o land_n man_v with_o the_o master_n of_o the_o ship_n and_o 3._o or_o 4._o of_o the_o sailor_n we_o march_v along_o the_o coast_n in_o the_o wood_n some_o 7._o or_o 8._o mile_n but_o see_v not_o a_o indian_a nor_o a_o indian_a house_n only_o we_o find_v where_o former_o have_v be_v some_o inhabitant_n and_o where_o they_o have_v plant_v their_o corn_n we_o find_v not_o any_o navigable_a river_n but_o 4._o or_o 5._o small_a ●unning_a brook_n of_o very_o sweet_a fresh_a water_n that_o all_o run_v into_o the_o sea_n the_o land_n for_o the_o crust_n of_o the_o earth_n be_v a_o spit_v depth_n excellent_a black_a mould_n and_o fat_a in_o some_o place_n 2._o or_o 3._o great_a oak_n but_o not_o very_o thick_a pine_n wal-nut_n beech_n ash_n birch_n hasell_n holley_n asp_n sasifras_n in_o abundance_n &_o vine_n every_o where_o cherry_n tree_n plum_n tree_n and_o many_o other_o which_o we_o know_v not_o many_o kind_n of_o herb_n we_o find_v here_o in_o winter_n as_o strawberry_n leave_v innumerable_a sorrell_n yarow_n carvel_n brook-lime_n liver-wort_n water-cress_n great_a store_n of_o leek_n and_o onion_n and_o a_o excellent_a strong_a kind_n of_o flax_n and_o hemp_n here_o be_v sand_n gravel_n and_o excellent_a clay_n no_o better_o in_o the_o world_n excellent_a for_o pot_n and_o will_v wash_v like_o soap_n and_o great_a store_n of_o stone_n though_o somewhat_o soft_a and_o the_o best_a water_n that_o ever_o we_o drink_v and_o the_o brook_n now_o begin_v to_o be_v full_a of_o fish_n that_o night_n many_o be_v weary_a with_o march_v we_o go_v aboard_o again_o the_o next_o morning_n be_v tuesday_n the_o 19_o of_o december_n we_o go_v again_o to_o discover_v further_o some_o go_v on_o land_n and_o some_o in_o the_o shallop_z the_o land_n we_o find_v as_o the_o former_a day_n we_o do_v and_o we_o find_v a_o creek_n and_o go_v up_o three_o english_a mile_n a_o very_a pleasant_a river_n at_o full_a sea_n a_o bark_n of_o thirty_o ton_n may_v go_v up_o but_o at_o low_a water_n scarce_o our_o shallop_z can_v pass_v this_o place_n we_o have_v a_o great_a like_n to_o plant_v in_o but_o that_o it_o be_v so_o far_o from_o our_o fish_n our_o principal_a profit_n and_o so_o encompass_v with_o wood_n that_o we_o shall_v be_v in_o much_o danger_n of_o the_o savage_n and_o our_o number_n be_v so_o little_a and_o so_o much_o ground_n to_o clear_v so_o as_o we_o think_v good_a to_o quit_v and_o clear_v that_o place_n till_o we_o be_v of_o more_o strength_n some_o of_o we_o have_v a_o good_a mind_n for_o safety_n to_o plant_v in_o the_o great_a isle_n we_o cross_v the_o bay_n which_o there_o be_v five_o or_o six_o mile_n over_o and_o find_v the_o i_o will_v about_o a_o mile_n and_o a_o half_a or_o two_o mile_n about_o all_o wooded_a and_o no_o fresh_a water_n but_o 2._o or_o 3._o pit_n that_o we_o doubt_v of_o fresh_a water_n in_o summer_n and_o so_o full_a of_o wood_n as_o we_o can_v hardly_o clear_v so_o much_o as_o to_o serve_v we_o for_o corn_n beside_o we_o judge_v it_o cold_a for_o our_o corn_n and_o some_o part_n very_o rocky_a yet_o diverse_a thought_n of_o it_o as_o a_o place_n defensible_a and_o of_o great_a security_n that_o night_n we_o return_v again_o a_o ship_n board_n with_o resolution_n the_o next_o morning_n to_o settle_v on_o some_o of_o those_o place_n so_o in_o the_o morning_n after_o we_o have_v call_v on_o god_n for_o direction_n we_o come_v to_o this_o resolution_n to_o go_v present_o ashore_o again_o and_o to_o take_v a_o better_a view_n of_o two_o place_n which_o we_o think_v most_o fit_v for_o we_o for_o we_o can_v not_o now_o take_v time_n for_o further_a search_n or_o consideration_n our_o victual_n be_v much_o spend_v especial_o our_o beer_n and_o it_o be_v now_o the_o 19_o of_o december_n after_o our_o land_n and_o view_v of_o the_o place_n so_o well_o as_o we_o can_v we_o come_v to_o a_o conclusion_n by_o most_o voice_n to_o set_v on_o the_o main_a land_n on_o the_o first_o place_n on_o a_o high_a ground_n where_o there_o be_v a_o great_a deal_n of_o land_n clear_v and_o have_v be_v plant_v with_o corn_n three_o or_o four_o year_n ago_o and_o there_o be_v a_o very_a sweet_a brook_n run_v under_o the_o hill_n side_n and_o many_o delicate_a spring_n of_o as_o good_a water_n as_o can_v be_v drink_v and_o where_o we_o may_v harbour_v our_o shallop_n and_o boat_n exceed_v well_o and_o