The use of the nocturnal. Written by W.P.
W. P.
Wing P138H; ESTC R220321
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Purpura anglicana being a discovery of a shell=fish found on the shores of the Severn in which there is a vein containing a juice giving the delicate and durable tincture of the antient, rich, Tyrian purple, of which it is an undoubted species, the knowledge of which hath been lost for many ages : with experimental observations upon it and figures of the shells / by W.C.
Cole, William, 1635-1716.
Wing C5044; ESTC R34825
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A new prognostication for the year of our blessed Lord 1681. Being the first after leap-year. Containing the moveable feasts, the eclipses, the four quarters of the year: the changes of the moon, with the disposition of the weather. The dismal dayes. And the whole known fairs of Scotland. With other observations. Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole is elevated 55 deg. 55 min. / At Aberdene, by an expert mathematician.
Wing A1984J; ESTC R172469
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A supplement to the treatise of watch & clock-work called The artificial clock-maker ... by W.D., M.A.
Derham, W. (William), 1657-1735.
Wing D1101; ESTC R24890
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A sermon preached at the funeral of Alexander Fraiser of Doores, Knight and baronet, principal physician to the King of Great Britain &c. who died at Whitehall, April 28, 1681, in the seventieth and fifth year of his age, and was solemnly interr'd amongst his ancestors at Doores the 28 of July following / by John Menzies.
Menzeis, John, 1624-1684.
Wing M1728; ESTC R28826
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The longitude found, or, A treatise shewing an easie and speedy way, as well by night as by day, to find the longitude, having but the latitude of the place and the inclination of the magnetical inclinatorie needle by Henry Bond ...
Bond, Henry.
Wing B3564; ESTC R4991
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A perfect and easie treatise of the vse of the cœlestiall globe written aswell for an introduction of such as bee yet vnskilfull in the studie of astronomie: as the practise of our countriemen, which bee exercised in the art of nauigaiton. Compiled by Charles Turnbull: and set out with as much plainnes as the author could: to the end it might of euery man be vnderstood.
Turnbull, Charles.
STC 24337; ESTC S118700
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Anno Domini. 1592. A briefe treatise for the ready vse of the sphere lately made and finished in most ample large manner. By Robert Tanner gentleman, practitioner in astronomie and physicke. In which globe or sphere, there is added many strange conclusions, as wel cœlestiall as terrestiall, the like heeretofore neuer deuised by any. Necessary not onely to those that follwe the arte of nauigation: but also to the furtherance of such as bee desirous to haue skill in the mathematicall disciplines.
R. T. (Robert Tanner)
STC 23671; ESTC S113520
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A light to the longitude, or, The use of an instrument called the seaman's director speedily resolving all astronomical cases and questions concerning the sun, moon, and stars : with several propositions whereby sea-men may find at what meridian and longitude they are at in all parts of the world : published for the advance of navigation / by Robert Theaker.
Theaker, Robert.
Wing T844; ESTC R1274
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Speculum nauticum a looking glasse for sea-men : wherein they may behold a small instrument called the plain scale whereby all questions nautical and propositions astronomical are very easily and demonstratively wrought ... / by Iohn Aspley.
Aspley, John.
Wing A4011; ESTC R27669
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The mariner's everlasting almanack wherein is set down diverse motions of the moon, with rules and tables for finding her age every day, and when she cometh to the meridian, also the time of her true rising and setting, fully examplified and proved, together with everlasting tyde-tables, containing the true ebbings and flowings throughout the most part of the sea-ports and towns in Europe ... / by Iohn Forbes.
Forbes, John.
Wing A1704; ESTC R27677
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The newe attractiue Containyng a short discourse of the magnes or lodestone, and amongest other his vertues, of a newe discouered secret and subtill propertie, concerning the declinyng of the needle, touched therewith under the plaine of the horizon. Now first founde out by Robert Norman hydrographer. Heerevnto are annexed certaine necessarie rules for the art of nauigation by the same R.N.
Norman, Robert, fl. 1590.; Borough, William, 1536-1599.
STC 18647; ESTC S112416
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A prognostication of right good effect fructfully augmented, contayninge playne, briefe, pleasant, chosen rules, to iudge the wether for euer, by the sunne, moone, sterres, cometes, raynbowe, thunder, cloudes, with other extraordinarie tokens, not omitting the aspectes of planetes, with a brefe iudgemente for euer, of plentie, lacke, sickenes, death, vvarres &c. Openinge also many naturall causes, woorthy to be knowe[n]. To these and others, now at the last are adioyned, diuers general pleasaunte tables: for euer manyfolde wayes profitable, to al maner men of vnderstanding: therfore agayne publisshed by Leonard Dygges Gentylman, in the yeare of oure Lorde. 1555.; Prognostication of right good effect
Digges, Leonard, d. 1571?
STC 435.35; ESTC S122158
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A discourse concerning time with application of the natural day and lunar month and solar year as natural, and of such as are derived from them, as artificial parts of time, for measures in civil and common use : by William Holder.
Holder, William, 1616-1698.
Wing H2385; ESTC R30776
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Speculum nauticum A looking-glasse for sea-men. Wherein they may behold, how by a small instrument, called the plain-scale, all nautical questions, and astronomical propositions, are very easily and demonstratively performed. First set down by John Aspley, student in physick, and practitioner of the mathematicks in London. The sixth edition. Whereunto are added, many new propositions in navigation and astronomy, and also a third book, shewing a new way of dialling. By H.P. and W.L.
Aspley, John.; H. P.; W. L., 17th cent.
Wing A4013; ESTC R229501
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Horological dialogves in three parts shewing the nature, use, and right managing of clocks and watches : with an appendix containing Mr. Ovghtred's method for calculating of numbers : the whole being a work very necessary for all that make use of these kind of movements / by J. S. ...
Smith, John, fl. 1673-1680.; Oughtred, William, 1575-1660. Appendix wherein is contained a method of calculating all numbers for watches.
Wing S4105; ESTC R10982
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The rules and righte ample documentes, touchinge the vse and practise of the common almanackes, which are named ephemerides A briefe and shorte introduction vpon the iudiciall astrologie, for to prognosticate of thinges to come, by the helpe of the sayde ephemerides. With a treatise added hereunto, touchinge the coniunction of the planets, in euery one of the. 12. signes, and of their prognostications and reuolutions of yeres. The hole faithfully, and clerely translated into Englyshe by Humfrey Baker.; Canons & documents tresamples, touchant l'usage & practique des communs almanachz, que l'on nomme ephemerides. English
Fine, Oronce, 1494-1555.; Baker, Humfrey, fl. 1557-1587.
STC 10878.7; ESTC S107419
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An astrological and theologigal [sic] discourse upon this great conjunction (the like whereof hath not (likely) been in some ages) ushered in by a great comet and so far upon the heavens, the planets and fixed stars as is a necessary introduction into a distinct and full knowledg of the principal subject herein handled.
Ness, Christopher, 1621-1705.
Wing N441A; ESTC R28721
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Arithmetick vulgar, decimal, & algebraical. In a most plain and facile method for common capacities. Together with a treatise of simple and compound interest and rebate; with two tables for the calculation of the value of leases and annuities, payable quarterly; the one for simple, the other for compound interest, at 6. per cent. per annum; with rules for making the like for any other rate. To which is added a new, and most practical way of gauging of tunns. As also the art of cask-gauging, for the use of His Majesties Officers of the Excise.
Mayne, John, fl. 1673-1675.
Wing M1482; ESTC R217772
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A strange and wonderful trinity, or, A triplicity of stupendious prodigies consisting of a wonderful eclipse, as well as of a wonderful comet, and of a wonderful conjunction, now in its second return, seeing all these three prodigious wonders do joyntly portend wonderful events, all meeting together in a strange harmonious triangle : and all are the three royal heralds, successively sent from the King of Heaven, to sound succeeding alarms, for awakening a slumbering world : beware the third time ...
Ness, Christopher, 1621-1705.
Wing N465; ESTC R42196
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An astrological discourse with mathematical demonstrations proving the powerful and harmonical influence of the planets and fixed stars upon elementary bodies in justification of the validity of astrology : together with an astrological judgment upon the great conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter, 1603 / written by that worthy, learned gentleman, Sir Christopher Heydon, Knight ; and now published by Nicholas Fiske ...
Heydon, Christopher, Sir, d. 1623.; Fiske, Nicholas.
Wing H1663; ESTC R16056
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Socius mercatoris: or The merchant's companion: in three parts. The first, being a plain and easie introduction to arithmetick, vulgur and decimal, the extraction of the square and cube roots, with a table of 200 square roots, and their use in the resolution of square equations. The second, a treatise of simple and compound interest and rebate, with two tables for the calculation of the value of leases or annuities, payable quarterly, the one for simple, the other compound interest, at 6 per cent. per annum, with rules for making the like for any other rate. The third, a new and exact way of measuring solids in the form of a prismoid and cylindroid, with the frustums of pyramids and of a cone: whereunto is added, some practical rules and examples for cask-gauging. By John Mayne, philo-accomptant.
Mayne, John, fl. 1673-1675.
Wing M1484; ESTC R214155
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A new systeme of geography, designed in a most plain and easy method for the better understanding of that science accommodated with new mapps of all the countreys, regions, empires, monarchis, kingdoms, principalities, dukedoms, marquesates, dominions, estates, republiques, Soveraignties, governments seignories, provinces, and countreys in the whole world with geographical tables, explaining the divisions in each mapp / John Seller ...
Seller, John, fl. 1658-1698.
Wing S2477; ESTC R3904
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Vox stellarum: or, the voyce of the stars being a brief and easie introduction to the knowledge of the number, names and characters of the planets and signs, aspects and anticions: the division of heaven, and how to erect a figure thereof, either by a table of houses or by a table of right and oblique ascentions: an exact and true description of the planets and signs, with the countries, cities or towns under them. Likewise, how to judge of the affairs of the world, by revolutions, eclipses, great conjunctions and blazing stars. Also, something touching the Popish Plot, and other remarkable affairs of the year, 1678. By William Knight, student in astrology and physick.
Knight, William, fl. 1680-1699.
Wing K696; ESTC R216118
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The description and vse of the sphaere· Deuided into three principall parts. Whereof the first intreateth especially of the circles of the vppermost moueable sphære, and of the manifold vses of euery one of them seuerally. The second sheweth the plentifull vse of the vppermost sphære, and of the circles thereof joyntly. The third contayneth the description of the orbes whereof the sphæres of the sunne and moone haue been supposed to bee made, with their motions and vses. By Edvvard Wright. The contents of each part are more particularly set downe in the table.
Wright, Edward, 1558?-1615.
STC 26022; ESTC S120334
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The description and use of a joynt-rule fitted with lines for the finding the hour of the day and azimuth of the sun, to any particular latitude, or, to apply the same generally to any latitude : together with all the uses of Gunters quadrant applyed thereunto ... / contriv'd & written by J. Brown, philomath.
Brown, John, philomath.
Wing B5038; ESTC R33265
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The compleat book of knowledge: treating of the wisdom of the antients and shewing the various and wonderful operations of the signs and planets, and other celestial constellations, on the bodies of men, women and children; and the mighty influences they have upon those that are born under them. Compiled by the learned Albubetes, Benesaphan, Erra Pater, and other of the antients. To which is added, the country man's kalendar; with his daily practice, and perpetual prognostication for weather, according to Albumazar, Ptolomy, and others. Together with a catalogue of all the market-towns, fairs, and roads in England and Wales. All those who peruse this book, must own, that it the knowledge gives of things unknown.
Wing C5629; ESTC R232040
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Horologiographia The art of dialling: teaching an easie and perfect way to make all kinds of dials vpon any plaine plat howsoeuer placed: vvith the drawing of the twelue signes, and houres vnequall in them all. Whereunto is annexed the making and vse of other dials and instruments, whereby the houre of the day and night is knowne. Of speciall vse and delight not onely for students of the arts mathematicall, but also for diuers artificers, architects, surueyours of buildings, free-Masons and others. By T. Fale.
Fale, Thomas, fl. 1604.; Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, ill.
STC 10678; ESTC S101825
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The seamans secrets deuided into 2. partes, wherein is taught the three kindes of sayling, horizontall, peradoxall [sic], and sayling vpon a great circle : also an horizontall tyde table for the easie finding of the ebbing and flowing of the tydes, with a regiment newly calculated for the finding of the declination of the sunne, and many other most necessary rules and instruments, not heeretofore set foorth by any / newly published by Iohn Dauis of Sandrudge ...
Davis, John, 1550?-1605.
STC 6368.4; ESTC S319
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The description and use of an instrument called the dovble scale of proportion by which instrument, all questions in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation, fortification, gunnery, gaging vessels, dialling may be most accurately and speedily performed without the assistance of either pen or compasses / by Seth Partridge.
Partridge, Seth, 1603-1686.
Wing P630A; ESTC R40063
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A short treatise of magneticall bodies and motions. By Marke Ridley Dr in phisicke and philosophie latly physition to the Emperour of Russia, and one of ye eight principals of elects of the Colledge of Physitions in London
Ridley, Mark, 1560-1624.
STC 21045; ESTC S101594
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The compleat arithmetician, or, The whole art of arithmetick, vulgar and decimal in a plain and easie method, suitable to the meanest capacity : in which the multiplication and division of numbers of several denominations, and the rule of alligation are more fully explained than in any treatise of this nature, yet extant / by J.N., Philomath.
Newton, John, 1622-1678.
Wing N1054; ESTC R4290
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Englands heroicall epistles. By Michaell Drayton; England's heroical epistles
Drayton, Michael, 1563-1631.
STC 7193; ESTC S111950
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A regiment for the sea conteyning most profitable rules, mathematical experiences, and perfect knovvledge of nauigation, for all coastes and countreys: most needefull and necessarie for all seafaring men and trauellers, as pilotes, mariners, marchants. [et] c. Exactly deuised and made by VVilliam Bourne.
Bourne, William, d. 1583.
STC 3422; ESTC S104662
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Christ under the law with the times of the Gospel, and fullness thereof.
Sadler, John, 1615-1674.
Wing S274; ESTC R227055
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Horologiographia, or, The art of dyalling being the second book of the use of the trianguler-quadrant : shewing the natural, artificial, and instrumental way, of making of sun-dials, on any flat superficies, with plain and easie directions, to discover their nature and affections, by the horizontal projection : with the way of drawing the usual ornaments on any plain : also, a familiar easie way to draw those lines on the ceiling of a room, by the trianguler quadrant : also, the use of the same instrument in navigation, both for observation, and operation : performing the use of several sea-instruments still in use / by John Brown, philomath.
Brown, John, philomath.
Wing B5042; ESTC R17803
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The seaman's companion being a plain guide to the understanding of arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, navigation, and astronomy. Applied chiefly to navigation: and furnished with a table of meridional parts, to every third minute: with excellent and easie ways of keeping a reckoning at sea, never in print before. Also, a catalogue of the longitude and latitude of the principal places in the world with other useful things. The third edition corrected and amended. By Matthew Norwood, mariner.
Norwood, Matthew.
Wing N1345A; ESTC R218969
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The safegarde of saylers, or great rutter Contayning the courses, distances, soundings, flouds and ebbes, with the marks for the entring of sundry harboroughs both of England, Fraunce, Spaine, Ireland, Flaunders, and the soundes of Denmarke, with other necessarie rules of common nauigation. Translated out of Dutch into English by Robert Norman hydrographer. And newly corrected and augmented by E.W.; Leeskaartboek van Wisbuy. English
Antoniszoon, Cornelis, b. ca. 1499.; Norman, Robert, fl. 1590.; Wright, Edward, 1558?-1615.
STC 21549; ESTC S110544
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Natures secrets. Or, The admirable and wonderfull history of the generation of meteors. Particularly describing, the temperatures and qualities of the four elements, the heights, magnitudes, and influences of the fixt and wandring stars: the efficient and finall causes of comets, earthquakes, deluges, epidemicall diseases, and prodigies of precedent times; registred by the students of nature. Their conjecturall presages of the weather, from the planets mutuall aspects, and sublunary bodies: with the proportions and observations on the weather-glass, with philosophicall paraphrases rendred explicitely, usefull at sea and land. / By the industry and observations of Thomas Willsford, Gent.
Willsford, Thomas.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver.
Wing W2875; Thomason E1775_2; ESTC R204119
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An account of two voyages to New-England wherein you have the setting out of a ship, with the charges, the prices of all necessaries for furnishing a planter and his family at his first coming, a description of the countrey, natives, and creatures, with their merchantil and physical use, the government of the countrey as it is now possessed by the English, &c., a large chronological table of the most remarkable passages, from the first dicovering of the continent of America, to the year 1673 / by John Josselyn, Gent.
Josselyn, John, fl. 1630-1675.
Wing J1091; ESTC R20234
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Memorialls for the government of the royal-burghs in Scotland with some overtures laid before the nobility and gentry of several shyres in this kingdom : as also, a survey of the city of Aberdeen with the epigrams of Arthur Iohnstoun, Doctor of Medicine, upon some of our chief burghs translated into English by I.B. / by Philopoliteious (or,) a lover of the publick well-fare.
Skene, Alexander.; Johnstoun, Arthur, 1587-1641.; Barclay, John, 1582-1621.
Wing S3935; ESTC R38926
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The arte of nauigation conteyning a compendious description of the sphere, with the making of certayne instruments and rules for nauigations, and exemplifyed by many demonstrations. Written by Martin Cortes Spanyarde. Englished out of Spanishe by Richard Eden, and now newly corrected and amended in diuers places.; Breve compendio de la sphera y de la arte de navegar. English
Cortés, Martín, 1532-1589.; Eden, Richard, 1521?-1576.
STC 5802; ESTC S111167
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The mariners mirrour wherin may playnly be seen the courses, heights, distances, depths, soundings, flouds and ebs, risings of lands, rocks, sands and shoalds, with the marks for th'entrings of the harbouroughs, havens and ports of the greatest part of Europe: their seueral traficks and commodities: together wth. the rules and instrume[n]ts of navigation. First made & set fourth in diuers exact sea-charts, by that famous nauigator Luke Wagenar of Enchuisen and now fitted with necessarie additions for the use of Englishmen by Anthony Ashley. Heerin also may be understood the exploits lately atchiued by the right Honorable the L. Admiral of Engla[n]d with her Maties. nauie and some former seruices don by that worthy knight Sr. Fra: Drake.; Spieghel der zeevaerdt. English
Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon, 1534 or 5-1606.; Ashley, Anthony, Sir, 1551-1628.; Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598, engraver.; Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, engraver.; Ryther, Augustine, engraver.
STC 24931; ESTC S122236
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The cosmographical glasse conteinyng the pleasant principles of cosmographie, geographie, hydrographie, or nauigation. Compiled by VVilliam Cuningham Doctor in Physicke.
Cuningham, William, b. 1531.
STC 6119; ESTC S106671
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The Revelation of God & his glory sounded forth for the opening of the mystery of the seven seals on the book of the wonders of God in the hand of the angel : being a true and faithful testimony of the Enochian prophecie of the rise and fall of Antichrist and of the restauration of Zion to its primitive glory.
R. B.
Wing B170; ESTC R18377
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A very useful manual, or, The young mans companion containing plain and easy directions for spelling, reading, and uniting English, with easy rules, for their attaining to writing, and arithmetick, and the Englishing of the Latin Bible without a tutor, likewise the plotting and measuring of land, globes, steeples, walls, barrels, timber, stone, boards, glass, &c. ... : and several other considerable and necessary matters, intended for the good of all, and for promoting love to one another : as by the table annexed particularly appears / collected by William Mather.
Mather, W. (William), fl. 1695.
Wing M1286; ESTC R36919
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The English globe being a stabil and immobil one, performing what the ordinary globes do, and much more / invented and described by the Right Honorable, the Earl of Castlemaine ; and now publish't by Joseph Moxon ...
Castlemaine, Roger Palmer, Earl of, 1634-1705.; Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691.
Wing C1242; ESTC R3787
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Arithmetick: vulgar, decimal, instrumental, algebraical. In four parts: conteining I Vulgar arithmetick, both in whole numbers and fractions, in a most plain and easie method. II Decimal arithmetick, with the ground and reason thereof, illustrated by divers examples. III Instrumental arithmetick, exactly performing all questions of what nature soever in a decimal way, by scales, with much more ease and facility then can be effected, either by vulgar or decimal arithmetick, the work of reduction being wholly avoided. Nothing in this kind having been hitherto published by any. IV Algebraical arithmetick, conteining an abridgement of the precepts of that art, and the use thereof, illustrated by examples and questions of divers kinds. Whereunto is added the construction and use of several tables of interest and annuities, weights and measures, both of our own and other countries. / By William Leybourn.
Leybourn, William, 1626-1716.; Billy, Jacques de, 1602-1679.
Wing L1893; Thomason E1755_1; ESTC R209688
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A concordancy of yeares Containing a new, easie, and most exact computation of time, according to the English account. Also the vse of the English and Roman kalender, with briefe notes ... Newly composed and digested, by Arthur Hopton, Gentleman. The contents follow after the epistles.
Hopton, Arthur, 1587 or 8-1614.
STC 13778; ESTC S104205
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Mathematicall recreations. Or, A collection of many problemes, extracted out of the ancient and modern philosophers as secrets and experiments in arithmetick, geometry, cosmographie, horologiographie, astronomie, navigation, musick, opticks, architecture, statick, mechanicks, chemistry, water-works, fire-works, &c. Not vulgarly manifest till now. Written first in Greeke and Latin, lately compi'ld in French, by Henry Van Etten, and now in English, with the examinations and augmentations of divers modern mathematicians whereunto is added the description and use of the generall horologicall ring: and the double horizontall diall. Invented and written by William Oughtred.; Récréation mathématique. English.
Oughtred, William, 1575-1660. aut
Wing L1790; ESTC R217635
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The Shepheards kalender newly augmented and corrected.; Compost et kalendrier des bergiers.
Barclay, Alexander, 1475?-1552.; Copland, Robert, fl. 1508-1547.
Wing B713; ESTC R16875
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The shepardes kalender Here beginneth the kalender of shepardes newly augmented and corrected.; Compost et kalendrier des bergiers. English.
Copland, Robert, fl. 1508-1547, attributed name.
STC 22415; ESTC S107779
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The schoole of skil containing two bookes: the first, of the sphere, of heauen, of the starres, of their orbes, and of the earth, &c. The second, of the sphericall elements, of the celestiall circles, and of their vses, &c. Orderly set forth according to art, with apt figures and proportions in their proper places, by Tho. Hill.
Hill, Thomas, b. ca. 1528.; Jaggard, William, 1569-1623.
STC 13502; ESTC S104125
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The catholique planisphaer which Mr. Blagrave calleth the mathematical jewel briefly and plainly discribed in five books : the first shewing the making of the instrument, the rest shewing the manifold vse of it, 1. for representing several projections of the sphere, 2. for resolving all problemes of the sphere, astronomical, astrological, and geographical, 4. for making all sorts of dials both without doors and within upon any walls, cielings, or floores, be they never so irregular, where-so-ever the direct or reflected beams of the sun may come : all which are to be done by this instrument with wonderous ease and delight : a treatise very usefull for marriners and for all ingenious men who love the arts mathematical / by John Palmer ... ; hereunto is added a brief description of the cros-staf and a catalogue of eclipses observed by the same I.P.
Palmer, John, 1612-1679.
Wing P248; ESTC R11098
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Travels and voyages into Africa, Asia, and America, the East and West-Indies, Syria, Jerusalem, and the Holy-land performed by Mr. John Mocquet ... : divided into six books, and enriched with sculptures / translated from the French by Nathaniel Pullen, Gent.; Voyages en Afrique, Asie, Indes Orientales & Occidentales. English
Mocquet, Jean, b. 1575.; Pullen, Nathaniel.
Wing M2310; ESTC R787
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Astronomia Britannica exhibiting the doctrine of the sphere, and theory of the planets decimally by trigonometry, and by tables : fitted for the meridian of London ... / by John Newton ...
Newton, John, 1622-1678.
Wing N1053; ESTC R20418
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A booke called the treasure for traueilers deuided into fiue bookes or partes, contayning very necessary matters, for all sortes of trauailers, eyther by sea or by lande, written by William Bourne.
Bourne, William, d. 1583.
STC 3432; ESTC S104686
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The barrons vvars in the raigne of Edward the second. VVith Englands heroicall epistles. By Michael Drayton
Drayton, Michael, 1563-1631.; Drayton, Michael, 1563-1631. England's heroical epistles. aut; Drayton, Michael, 1563-1631. Idea. aut; Drayton, Michael, 1563-1631. Mortimeriados.
STC 7189; ESTC S109887
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A tutor to astronomie and geographie, or, An easie and speedy way to know the use of both the globes, coelestial and terrestrial in six books : the first teaching the rudiments of astronomy and geography, the 2. shewing by the globes the solution of astronomical & geographical probl., the 3. shewing by the globes the solution of problems in navigation, the 4. shewing by the globes the solution of astrological problemes, the 5. shewing by the globes the solution of gnomonical problemes, the 6. shewing by the globes the solution of of [sic] spherical triangles : more fully and amply then hath ever been set forth either by Gemma Frisius, Metius, Hues, Wright, Blaew, or any others that have taught the use of the globes : and that so plainly and methodically that the meanest capacity may at first reading apprehend it, and with a little practise grow expert in these divine sciences / by Joseph Moxon ; whereunto is added Antient poetical stories of the stars, shewing reasons why the several shapes and forms are pictured on the coelestial globe, collected from Dr. Hood ; as also a Discourse of the antiquity, progress and augmentation of astronomie.
Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691.; Hood, Thomas, fl. 1582-1598.
Wing M3021; ESTC R23159
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Cosmographia, or, A view of the terrestrial and cœlestial globes in a brief explanation of the principles of plain and solid geometry applied to surveying and gauging of cask : the doctrine of primum mobile : with an account of the Juilan & Gregorian calendars, and the computation of the places of the sun, moon, and fixed stars ... : to which is added an introduction unto geography / by John Newton ...
Newton, John, 1622-1678.
Wing N1055; ESTC R17177
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De sectore & radio. The description and vse of the sector in three bookes. The description and vse of the cross-staffe in other three bookes. For such as are studious of mathematicall practise.
Gunter, Edmund, 1581-1626.
STC 12521.5; ESTC S92789
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Poems: by Michaell Draiton Esquire; Poems. Selected poems
Drayton, Michael, 1563-1631.
STC 7216; ESTC S109891
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North-vvest Fox, or, Fox from the North-west passage Beginning vvith King Arthur, Malga, Octhur, the two Zeni's of Iseland, Estotiland, and Dorgia; following with briefe abstracts of the voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Waymouth, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge ... Mr. Iames Hall's three voyages to Groynland, with a topographicall description of the countries, the salvages lives and treacheries, how our men have beene slayne by them there, with the commodities of all those parts ... demonstrated in a polar card, wherein are all the maines, seas, and ilands, herein mentioned. With the author his owne voyage, being the XVIth. with the opinions and collections of the most famous mathematicians, and cosmographers ... By Captaine Luke Foxe of Kingstone vpon Hull, capt. and pylot for the voyage, in his Majesties Pinnace the Charles. Printed by his Majesties command.
Foxe, Luke, 1586-1635.
STC 11221; ESTC S105645
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Gregorii posthuma, or, Certain learned tracts written by John Gregorie. Together with a short account of the author's life and elegies on his much-lamented death published by J.G.
Gregory, John, 1607-1646.; Gurgany, John, 1606 or 7-1675.
Wing G1926; ESTC R2328
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Part of Du Bartas English and French, and in his owne kinde of verse, so neare the French Englished, as may teach an English-man French, or a French-man English. With the commentary of S.G. S. By William L'Isle of Wilburgham, Esquier for the Kings body.; Seconde sepmaine. Day 2. English
Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste, seigneur, 1544-1590.; Lisle, William, 1579?-1637.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628.
STC 21663; ESTC S116493
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Breviarium chronologicum being a treatise describing the terms and most celebrated characters, periods and epocha's us'd in chronology, by which that useful science may easily be attained to / writ in Latin by Gyles Strauchius ... ; and now done into English from the third edition, with additions.
Strauch, Aegidius, 1632-1682.; Sault, Richard, d. 1702.
Wing S5941; ESTC R39107
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A new theory of the earth, from its original to the consummation of all things wherein the creation of the world in six days, the universal deluge, and the general conflagration, as laid down in the Holy Scriptures, are shewn to be perfectly agreeable to reason and philosophy : with a large introductory discourse concerning the genuine nature, stile, and extent of the Mosaick history of the creation / by William Whiston ...
Whiston, William, 1667-1752.
Wing W1696; ESTC R20397
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Certain errors in navigation detected and corrected by Edw. Wright ; with many additions that were not in the former editions.
Wright, Edward, 1558?-1615.
Wing W3689; ESTC R16243
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The thre bokes of cronicles, whyche Iohn Carion (a man syngularly well sene in the mathematycall sciences) gathered wyth great diligence of the beste authours that haue written in Hebrue, Greke or Latine Whervnto is added an appendix, conteynyng all such notable thynges as be mentyoned in cronicles to haue chaunced in sundry partes of the worlde from the yeare of Christ. 1532. to thys present yeare of. 1550. Gathered by Iohn Funcke of Nurenborough. Whyche was neuer afore prynted in Englysh. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.; Cronica. English
Carion, Johannes, 1499-1537 or 8.; Funck, Johann, 1518-1566.; Lynne, Walter.
STC 4626; ESTC S107499
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The works of that late most excellent philosopher and astronomer, Sir George Wharton, bar. collected into one volume / by John Gadbvry ...
Wharton, George, Sir, 1617-1681.; Gadbury, John, 1627-1704.; Rothmann, Johann. Chiromancia. English.
Wing W1538; ESTC R15152
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An history of the wonderful things of nature set forth in ten severall classes wherein are contained I. The wonders of the heavens, II. Of the elements, III. Of meteors, IV. Of minerals, V. Of plants, VI. Of birds, VII. Of four-footed beasts, VIII. Of insects, and things wanting blood, IX. Of fishes, X. Of man / written by Johannes Jonstonus, and now rendred into English by a person of quality.; Thaumatographia naturalis. English
Jonstonus, Joannes, 1603-1675.; Libavius, Andreas, d. 1616.; Rowland, John, M.D.
Wing J1017; ESTC R1444
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The light of navigation Wherein are declared and lively pourtrayed, all the coasts and havens, of the VVest, North and East seas. Collected partly out of the books of the principall authors which have written of navigation, (as Lucas Iohnson VVaghenaer and divers others) partly also out of manie other expert seafaring mens writings and verball declarations: corrected from manie faults, and inlarged with manie newe descriptions and cardes. Divided into tvvo bookes. Heerunto are added (beside an institution in the art of navigation) nevve tables of the declination of the sonne, according to Tycho Brahes observations, applied to the meridian of Amsterdam. Together with newe tables and instructions to teach men the right use of the North-starre, and other firme starres, profitable for all seafaring men. By William Iohnson.; Licht der Zee-vaert. English
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638.
STC 3110; ESTC S117230
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Gregorii Opuscula, or, Notes & observations upon some passages of Scripture with other learned tracts / written by John Gregory ...; Works. 1650
Gregory, John, 1607-1646.; Gurgany, John, 1606 or 7-1675.
Wing G1921_PARTIAL; Wing G1925_PARTIAL; Wing G1927_PARTIAL; ESTC R14029
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Some yeares travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique Describing especially the two famous empires, the Persian, and the great Mogull: weaved with the history of these later times as also, many rich and spatious kingdomes in the orientall India, and other parts of Asia; together with the adjacent iles. Severally relating the religion, language, qualities, customes, habit, descent, fashions, and other observations touching them. With a revivall of the first discoverer of America. Revised and enlarged by the author.; Relation of some yeares travaile
Herbert, Thomas, Sir, 1606-1682.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver.
STC 13191; ESTC S119691
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Pseudodoxia epidemica, or, Enquiries into very many received tenents and commonly presumed truths by Thomas Browne.
Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682.
Wing B5159; ESTC R1093
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Speculum mundi· Or A glasse representing the face of the world shewing both that it did begin, and must also end: the manner how, and time when, being largely examined. Whereunto is joyned an hexameron, or a serious discourse of the causes, continuance, and qualities of things in nature; occasioned as matter pertinent to the work done in the six dayes of the worlds creation.
Swan, John, d. 1671.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver.
STC 23516; ESTC S118043
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Geography rectified, or, A description of the world in all its kingdoms, provinces, countries, islands, cities, towns, seas, rivers, bayes, capes, ports : their ancient and present names, inhabitants, situations, histories, customs, governments, &c. : as also their commodities, coins, weights, and measures, compared with those at London : illustrated with seventy six maps : the whole work performed according to the more accurate observations and discoveries of modern authors / by Robert Morden.
Morden, Robert, d. 1703.
Wing M2620; ESTC R39765
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The sphere of Marcus Manilius made an English poem with annotations and an astronomical appendix / by Edward Sherburne, Esquire.; Astronomicon. Liber 1. English
Manilius, Marcus.; Sherburne, Edward, Sir, 1618-1702.
Wing M432; ESTC R8811
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Glossographia, or, A dictionary interpreting all such hard words of whatsoever language now used in our refined English tongue with etymologies, definitions and historical observations on the same : also the terms of divinity, law, physick, mathematicks and other arts and sciences explicated / by T.B.
Blount, Thomas, 1618-1679.
Wing B3335; ESTC R25635
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The lighting colomne or sea-mirrour containing the sea-coasts of the northern, eastern and western navigation: setting forth in divers necessarie sea-cards all the ports, rivers, bayes, roads, depths and sands ... With the discoveries of the chief countries, and on what cours and distance they lay one from another ... As also the situation of the northernly countries, as islands, the strate Davids, the isle of Ian-Mayen, Bear-Island, Old-Greenland, Spitsbergen and Nova Zembla ... Gathered out of the experience and practice of divers pilots and lovers of the famous art of navigation. By Jan van Loon. Whereunto is added a brief instruction of the art of navigation, together vvith nevv tables of the suns declination, also an almanack extending untill the yeare 1661.
Colom, Jacob Aertsz, 1599-1673.
Wing C5401A; ESTC R230954
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The commentaries of C. Julius Cæsar of his warres in Gallia, and the civil warres betwixt him and Pompey / translated into English with many excellent and judicious observations thereupon ; as also The art of our modern training, or, Tactick practise, by Clement Edmonds Esquire, ... ; where unto is adjoyned the eighth commentary of the warres in Gallia, with some short observations upon it ; together with the life of Cæsar, and an account of his medalls ; revised, corrected, and enlarged.; De bello civili. English
Caesar, Julius.; Edmondes, Clement, Sir, 1566 or 7-1622. Observations upon Caesars commentaries of the civil warres.; Hirtius, Aulus. De bello Gallico. Liber 8. English.; Edmondes, Clement, Sir, 1566 or 7-1622. Manner of our modern training or tactick practise.; Caesar, Julius. De bello Gallico. English.
Wing C199; ESTC R17666
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Cosmography and geography in two parts, the first, containing the general and absolute part of cosmography and geography, being a translation from that eminent and much esteemed geographer Varenius : wherein are at large handled all such arts as are necessary to be understand for the true knowledge thereof : the second part, being a geographical description of all the world, taken from the notes and works of the famous Monsieur Sanson, late geographer to the French King : to which are added about an hundred cosmographical, geographical and hydrographical tables of several kingdoms and isles of the world, with their chief cities, seaports, bays, &c. drawn from the maps of the said Sanson : illustrated with maps.
Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667.; Blome, Richard, d. 1705.; Varenius, Bernhardus, 1622-1650. Geographia generalis. English.
Wing V103; ESTC R2087
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The works of our ancient, learned, & excellent English poet, Jeffrey Chaucer as they have lately been compar'd with the best manuscripts, and several things added, never before in print : to which is adjoyn'd The story of the siege of Thebes, by John Lidgate ... : together with The life of Chaucer, shewing his countrey, parentage, education, marriage, children, revenues, service, reward, friends, books, death : also a table, wherein the old and obscure words in Chaucer are explained, and such words ... that either are, by nature or derivation, Arabick, Greek, Latine, Italian, French, Dutch, or Saxon, mark'd with particular notes for the better understanding of their original.; Works. 1687
Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400.; Speght, Thomas, fl. 1600.; Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451? Siege of Thebes.
Wing C3736; ESTC R3920
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Purchas his pilgrimage. Or Relations of the vvorld and the religions obserued in all ages and places discouered, from the Creation vnto this present Contayning a theologicall and geographicall historie of Asia, Africa, and America, with the ilands adiacent. Declaring the ancient religions before the Floud ... The fourth edition, much enlarged with additions, and illustrated with mappes through the whole worke; and three whole treatises annexed, one of Russia and other northeasterne regions by Sr. Ierome Horsey; the second of the Gulfe of Bengala by Master William Methold; the third of the Saracenicall empire, translated out of Arabike by T. Erpenius. By Samuel Purchas, parson of St. Martins by Ludgate, London.
Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626.; Makīn, Jirjis ibn al-ʻAmīd, 1205-1273. Taŕikh al-Muslimin. English.; Methold, William, 1590-1653.; Horsey, Jerome, Sir, d. 1626.
STC 20508.5; ESTC S111832
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Balletts and madrigals to fiue voyces with one to 6. voyces: newly published by Thomas Weelkes.
Weelkes, Thomas, 1575 (ca.)-1623.
STC 25204; ESTC S103041
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Hexapla in Genesin & Exodum: that is, a sixfold commentary upon the two first bookes of Moses, being Genesis and Exodus Wherein these translations are compared together: 1. The Chalde. 2. The Septuagint. 3. The vulgar Latine. 4. Pagnine. 5. Montanus. 6. Iunius. 7. Vatablus. 8. The great English Bible. 9. The Geneva edition. And 10. The Hebrew originall. Together with a sixfold vse of every chapter, shewing 1. The method or argument: 2. The divers readings: 3. The explanation of difficult questions and doubtfull places: 4. The places of doctrine: 5. Places of confutation: 6. Morall observations. In which worke, about three thousand theologicall questions are discussed: above forty authors old and new abridged: and together comprised whatsoever worthy of note, either Mercerus out of the Rabbines, Pererius out of the fathers, or Marloran out of the new writers, have in their learned commentaries collected. By Andrew Willet, minister of the gospell of Iesus Christ.
Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.; Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. Hexapla in Genesin. aut; Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. Hexapla in Exodum. aut
STC 25685; ESTC S114193
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The principal nauigations, voyages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation. [vols. 1-3] made by sea or ouer-land, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1600. yeres: deuided into three seuerall volumes, according to the positions of the regions, whereunto they were directed. The first volume containeth the worthy discoueries, &c. of the English ... The second volume comprehendeth the principall nauigations ... to the south and south-east parts of the world ... By Richard Hakluyt preacher, and sometime student of Christ-Church in Oxford.; Principall navigations, voiages, and discoveries of the English nation.
STC 12626A; ESTC S106753
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