The order of the installation of Prince George of Denmark, Charles Duke of Somerset, and George Duke of Northvmberland, knights and companions of the most noble Order of the Garter in the royal chappel of St. George at Windsor, April the 8th, 1684.
King, Gregory, 1648-1712.
Wing K495; ESTC R16301
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The order of the installation of Henry Duke of Norfolk, Henry Earl of Peterborow, and Laurence Earl of Rochester Knights and Companions of the most noble Order of the Garter, in the royal chappel of St. George at Windsor, July 22, 1685
King, Gregory, 1648-1712.
Wing K494; ESTC R6593
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Some considerations upon the question, whether the Parliament is dissolved by it's prorogation for 15 months?
Carey, Nicholas.; Holles, Denzil Holles, Baron, 1599-1680.
Wing H2467; ESTC R3362
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Historia de donne famose. Or The Romaine iubile which happened in the yeare 855. Disputed lately, that there vvas a woman pope named Ione the eight, against all the Iesuites, by a Germaine, but especially against Rob. Bellarmine father of all controuersies, his treatise De Romano pontifico. lib. 3. cap. 24. Newly translated into English
German.; T. B., fl. 1599.; Witekind, Hermann, d. 1603, attributed name.
STC 1070; ESTC S104453
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The English chronology being a brief chronological account of the most considerable publick occurrences that have happen'd in these kingdoms, and other adjacent parts, since King William the Third's accession to the crown. From 1688, to 1696.
Smithurst, Benjamine.
Wing S4357; ESTC R221530
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A looking-glasse for papists to see their owne deformities in matters of faith, and religion: and for formall protestants; to make them more carefull of the true profession of Iesus Christ: lest at any time they fall away from the sinceritie of the Gospell of Christ. With a briefe history of the Popes liues, from the first three hundred yeeres after Christ, vntill Paul the fift.
R. W., minister in Norfolk.; Woods, Richard, minister of Frettenham, attributed name.; Wrathall, Richard, attributed name.; Burges, John, 1561?-1635.
STC 24912; ESTC S119311
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A modest enquiry, whether St. Peter were ever at Rome, and bishop of that church? wherein, I. the arguments of Cardinall Bellarmine and others, for the affirmative are considered, II. some considerations taken notice of that render the negative highly probable.
Care, Henry, 1646-1688.
Wing C529; ESTC R7012
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A little view of this old vvorld in two books ... a work fitted to the press five years agone, and now published, by Tho. Palmer.
Palmer, Thomas, b. ca. 1620.
Wing P253; ESTC R17862
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An Exact book of entries, of the most select judiciall vvrits used in the common-law. Translated from the originall manuscript, which was collected by the hands of that eminent clerk, Robert Moyle Esq; late one of the prothonotaries of the Court of Common-Bench. A work of much industry, as may appeare by the authors great paines in quoting of book-cases, opinions of judges, number rolls, and many other requisites, for the confirmation of every entry, whereof none have been ever published before. Printed now for the use and benefit of all, but aimed most especially for such as are most conversant in the common-law. By J.H. Gent. With a perfect table in which may be found the principall matters therein contained.
J. H.; Moyle, Robert.
Wing M3029; Thomason E757_11; ESTC R207263
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The history of the Church of Englande. Compiled by Venerable Bede, Englishman. Translated out of Latin in to English by Thomas Stapleton student in diuinite; Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum. English
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735.; Stapleton, Thomas, 1535-1598.
STC 1778; ESTC S101386
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A briefe chronicle, of the successe of times, from the creation of the world, to this instant· Containing, the originall & liues of our ancient fore-fathers, before and after the Floude, as also, of all the monarchs, emperours, kinges, popes, kingdomes, common-weales, estates and gouernments, in most nations of this worlde: and how in alteration, or succession, they haue continued to this day.
Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633.
STC 18263; ESTC S112963
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The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English.
Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613.
STC 6036; ESTC S109073
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The lives of the popes from the time of our saviour Jesus Christ, to the reign of Sixtus IV / written originally in Latine by Baptista Platina ... and translated into English, and the same history continued from the year 1471 to this present time, wherein the most remarkable passages of Christendom, both in church and state are treated of and described, by Paul Rycaut ...; Vitae pontificum. English
Platina, 1421-1481.; Rycaut, Paul, Sir, 1628-1700.
Wing P2403; ESTC R9221
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The general history of Spain from the first peopling of it by Tubal, till the death of King Ferdinand, who united the crowns of Castile and Aragon : with a continuation to the death of King Philip III / written in Spanish by the R.F.F. John de Mariana ; to which are added, two supplements, the first by F. Ferdinand Camargo y Salcedo, the other by F. Basil Varen de Soto, bringing it down to the present reign ; the whole translated from the Spanish by Capt. John Stevens.; Historiae de rebus Hispaniae. English
Mariana, Juan de, 1535-1624.; Camargo y Salgado, Hernando, 1572-1652.; Varen de Soto, Basilio, d. 1673.; Stevens, John, d. 1726.
Wing M599; ESTC R18800
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Synodicon in Gallia reformata, or, The acts, decisions, decrees, and canons of those famous national councils of the reformed churches in France being I. a most faithful and impartial history of the rise, growth, perfection and decay of the reformation in that kingdom, with its fatal catastrophe upon the revocation of the Edict of Nants in the year 1685 : II. the confession of faith and discipline of those churches : III. a collection of speeches, letters, sacred politicks, cases of conscience, and controversies in divinity, determined and resolved by those grave assemblies : IV. many excellent expedients for preventing and healing schisms in the churches and for re-uniting the dismembred body of divided Protestants : V. the laws, government, and maintenance of their colleges, universities and ministers, together with their exercise of discipline upon delinquent ministers and church-members : VI. a record of very many illustrious events of divine providence relating to those churches : the whole collected and composed out of original manuscript acts of those renowned synods : a work never be extant in any language.
Quick, John, 1636-1706.; Eglises réformées de France.
Wing Q209; ESTC R10251
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The generall historie of the magnificent state of Venice From the first foundation thereof vntill this present. Collected by Thomas de Fougasses, gentleman of Auignon, out of all authors, both ancient and moderne, that haue written of that subiect. Englished by VV. Shute. Gent.; Histoire générale de Venise. English
Fougasses, Thomas de.; Shute, W.
STC 11207; ESTC S121332
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A general chronological history of France beginning before the reign of King Pharamond, and ending with the reign of King Henry the Fourth, containing both the civil and the ecclesiastical transactions of that kingdom / by the sieur De Mezeray ... ; translated by John Bulteel ...; Abrégé chronologique de l'histoire de France. English.
Mézeray, François Eudes de, 1610-1683.; Bulteel, John, fl. 1683.
Wing M1958; ESTC R18708
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Mikrokosmographia a description of the body of man. Together vvith the controuersies thereto belonging. Collected and translated out of all the best authors of anatomy, especially out of Gasper Bauhinus and Andreas Laurentius. By Helkiah Crooke Doctor of Physicke, physitian to His Maiestie, and his Highnesse professor in anatomy and chyrurgerie. Published by the Kings Maiesties especiall direction and warrant according to the first integrity, as it was originally written by the author.
Crooke, Helkiah, 1576-1635.; Bauhin, Caspar, 1560-1624. De corporis humani fabrica.; Du Laurens, André, 1558-1609. Historia anatomica humani corporis.
STC 6062; ESTC S107278
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Balletts and madrigals to fiue voyces with one to 6. voyces: newly published by Thomas Weelkes.
Weelkes, Thomas, 1575 (ca.)-1623.
STC 25204; ESTC S103041
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Hexapla in Genesin & Exodum: that is, a sixfold commentary upon the two first bookes of Moses, being Genesis and Exodus Wherein these translations are compared together: 1. The Chalde. 2. The Septuagint. 3. The vulgar Latine. 4. Pagnine. 5. Montanus. 6. Iunius. 7. Vatablus. 8. The great English Bible. 9. The Geneva edition. And 10. The Hebrew originall. Together with a sixfold vse of every chapter, shewing 1. The method or argument: 2. The divers readings: 3. The explanation of difficult questions and doubtfull places: 4. The places of doctrine: 5. Places of confutation: 6. Morall observations. In which worke, about three thousand theologicall questions are discussed: above forty authors old and new abridged: and together comprised whatsoever worthy of note, either Mercerus out of the Rabbines, Pererius out of the fathers, or Marloran out of the new writers, have in their learned commentaries collected. By Andrew Willet, minister of the gospell of Iesus Christ.
Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.; Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. Hexapla in Genesin. aut; Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. Hexapla in Exodum. aut
STC 25685; ESTC S114193
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The philosophie, commonlie called, the morals vvritten by the learned philosopher Plutarch of Chæronea. Translated out of Greeke into English, and conferred with the Latine translations and the French, by Philemon Holland of Coventrie, Doctor in Physicke. VVhereunto are annexed the summaries necessary to be read before every treatise; Moralia. English
Plutarch.; Holland, Philemon, 1552-1637.
STC 20063; ESTC S115981
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The history of the church from our Lords incarnation, to the twelth year of the Emperour Maricius Tiberius, or the Year of Christ 594 / as it was written in Greek, by Eusebius Pamphilius ..., Socrates Scholasticus, and Evagrius Scholasticus ... ; made English from that edition of these historians, which Valesius published at Paris in the years 1659, 1668, and 1673 ; also, The life of Constantine in four books, written by Eusibius Pamphilus, with Constantine's Oration to the convention of the saints, and Eusebius's Speech in praise of Constantine, spoken at his tricennalia ; Valesius's annotations on these authors, are done into English, and set at their proper places in the margin, as likewise a translation of his account of their lives and writings ; with two index's, the one, of the principal matters that occur in the text, the other, of those contained in the notes.; Ecclesiastical history. English
Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, ca. 260-ca. 340.; Socrates, Scholasticus, ca. 379-ca. 440. Ecclesiastical history. English.; Evagrius, Scholasticus, b. 536? Ecclesiastical history. English.; Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, ca. 260-ca. 340. Life of Constantine. English.
Wing E3423; ESTC R6591
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A new history of ecclesiastical writers containing an account of the authors of the several books of the Old and New Testament, of the lives and writings of the primitive fathers, an abridgement and catalogue of their works ... also a compendious history of the councils, with chronological tables of the whole / written in French by Lewis Ellies du Pin.; Nouvelle bibliothèque des auteurs ecclésiastiques. English. 1693
Du Pin, Louis Ellies, 1657-1719.; Wotton, William, 1666-1727.
Wing D2644; ESTC R30987
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