The last newes from the North. Shewing our brethrens farewell and fidelity in delivering up of Newcastle, Carlile, Durham, Hartlepool, and other northern garrisons into the hands of the Parliament. As also their full intentions to march speedily against Montrosse, Kilketto, Antrim, with the rest of that barbarous crew. With some speciall observations thereupon, vindicating our brethren of those many jealousies cast upon them by the adverse party, which should bee a strong motive to stir up our English hearts to blesse God for their brotherly assistance and faithfulues [sic] in this cause. Also some objections against Independency. / Written by J.H. a well-willer to the common-wealth.
J. H.; Anderson, James, fl. 1647.
Wing H74; Thomason E377_14; ESTC R201363