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day_n fair_n market_n monday_n 3,778 5 14.0292 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14916 Ancient funerall monuments within the vnited monarchie of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the islands adiacent with the dissolued monasteries therein contained: their founders, and what eminent persons haue beene in the same interred. As also the death and buriall of certaine of the bloud royall; the nobilitie and gentrie of these kingdomes entombed in forraine nations. A worke reuiuing the dead memory of the royall progenie, the nobilitie, gentrie, and communaltie, of these his Maiesties dominions. Intermixed and illustrated with variety of historicall obseruations, annotations, and briefe notes, extracted out of approued authors ... Whereunto is prefixed a discourse of funerall monuments ... Composed by the studie and trauels of Iohn Weeuer. Weever, John, 1576-1632.; Cecil, Thomas, fl. 1630, engraver. 1631 (1631) STC 25223; ESTC S118104 831,351 907

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revenue_n richard_n cordelion_n his_o son_n confirm_v the_o gift_n and_o exchange_n of_o the_o canon_n make_v by_o his_o father_n by_o his_o charter_n to_o be_v read_v in_o the_o tower_n in_o these_o word_n richardus_fw-la dei_fw-la gratia_fw-la etc._n etc._n ind_n est_fw-la quod_fw-la sicut_fw-la pater_fw-la noster_fw-la mutationem_fw-la canonicorum_fw-la secularium_fw-la r.r._n &_o institutionem_fw-la canonicorum_fw-la regularium_fw-la fecit_fw-la in_o ecclesia_fw-la de_fw-fr waltham_n &_o eye_v quasdam_fw-la non_fw-la as_o possessiones_fw-la et_fw-la veteres_fw-la concessit_fw-la &_o confirmavit_fw-la sic_fw-la nos_fw-la laudabiliter_fw-la virorum_fw-la commutationem_fw-la in_o prefata_n ecclesia_fw-la factam_fw-la nostra_fw-la autem_fw-la approbamus_fw-la et_fw-la pro_fw-la salute_n predicti_fw-la patris_fw-la nostri_fw-la et_fw-la matris_fw-la nostre_fw-fr et_fw-fr fratrum_fw-la nostrorum_fw-la et_fw-la pro_fw-la salute_n omnium_fw-la fidelium_fw-la constitutionem_fw-la canonicorum_fw-la regularium_fw-la in_o eadem_fw-la ecclesia_fw-la factam_fw-la &_o donationes_fw-la &_o possessiones_fw-la novas_fw-la que_fw-la a_o patre_fw-la nostro_fw-la eye_v fact_n sunt_fw-la presenti_fw-la carta_fw-la nostra_fw-la confirmamus_fw-la dat._n etc._n etc._n henry_n the_o three_o increase_v much_o their_o revenue_n with_o fair_n and_o market_n a_o fair_a here_o for_o seven_o day_n and_o at_o epping_n a_o market_n every_o monday_n and_o a_o fair_a for_o three_o day_n so_o by_o the_o munificence_n of_o these_o king_n their_o successor_n and_o subject_n this_o abbey_n at_o the_o general_a survey_n and_o surrender_v be_v value_v at_o robin_n hood_n pennieworth_n to_o dispend_v yearly_a 900._o pound_n four_o shilling_n and_o four_o penny_n speed_n the_o catalogue_n of_o religious_a house_n say_v 1079._o l._n 12._o s._n and_o a_o penny_n harold_n the_o church_n of_o this_o monastery_n have_v escape_v the_o hammer_n of_o destruction_n and_o with_o a_o venerable_a aspect_n show_v unto_o we_o the_o magnitude_n of_o the_o rest_n of_o this_o religious_a structure_n herein_o harold_n make_v his_o vow_n and_o prayer_n for_o victory_n when_o he_o march_v against_o the_o norman_a conqueror_n in_o which_o battle_n by_o the_o shot_n of_o a_o arrow_n through_o the_o left_a eye_n into_o his_o brain_n he_o be_v slay_v the_o 14._o of_o october_n be_v saturday_n 1066._o have_v reign_v nine_o month_n and_o odd_a day_n who_o body_n by_o the_o mediation_n of_o his_o mother_n githa_n and_o two_o religious_a man_n of_o this_o abbey_n be_v obtain_v of_o the_o conqueror_n howsoever_o at_o the_o first_o by_o he_o deny_v affirm_v that_o burial_n be_v not_o fit_a for_o he_o who_o ambition_n have_v be_v the_o cause_n of_o so_o many_o funeral_n be_v convey_v with_o great_a lamentation_n by_o his_o say_a mother_n githa_n harold_n and_o a_o small_a deject_a remainder_n of_o the_o english_a nobility_n to_o this_o his_o own_o church_n and_o herein_o solemn_o inter_v upon_o who_o monument_n this_o epitaph_n be_v engrave_v heu_fw-la cadis_fw-la hosle_n sero_fw-la rex_fw-la a_o deuce_n rege_fw-la sutaro_fw-la par_fw-fr paris_n gladio_fw-la milite_fw-la &_o valido_fw-la firmini_fw-la iusti_fw-la lux_fw-la est_fw-la tibi_fw-la luce_fw-fr calixti_fw-la pronior_fw-la hinc_fw-la superas_fw-la hinc_fw-la superatus_fw-la eras_fw-la ergo_fw-la tibi_fw-la requiem_n deposcat_fw-la utrumque_fw-la perennem_fw-la sicque_fw-la precetur_fw-la eum_fw-la quod_fw-la colit_fw-la omne_fw-la deum_fw-la a_o fierce_a foe_n thou_o slay_v thou_o a_o king_n he_o king_n in_o view_n both_o peer_n both_o peerless_a both_o fear_v and_o both_o fearless_a that_o sad_a day_n be_v mix_v by_o firmin_n and_o calixt_n the_o one_o help_v thou_o to_o vanquish_v other_o make_v thou_o languish_v both_o now_o for_o thou_o pray_v and_o thy_o requiem_n say_v so_o let_v good_a man_n all_o to_o god_n for_o the_o call_n girth_n and_o leofwin_n his_o two_o brethren_n lose_v their_o life_n likewise_o under_o harold_n banner_n which_o be_v brondet_fw-la say_v robert_n of_o gloucester_n with_o sygur_n of_o a_o man_n fight_a biset_n all_o about_o with_o gold_n and_o preciosse_a stone_n brethren_n which_o banner_n aftur_v the_o bataile_n duc_n william_n send_v to_o the_o pope_n in_o tokne_v of_o the_o victory_n who_o body_n be_v in_o like_a manner_n bring_v to_o this_o church_n and_o here_o entomb_v it_o be_v say_v that_o girthe_n not_o hold_v it_o best_o to_o hazard_v the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n at_o one_o cast_n remain_v signify_v to_o the_o king_n that_o the_o success_n of_o war_n be_v doubtful_a that_o victory_n be_v rather_o sway_v by_o fortune_n then_o by_o valour_n that_o advise_v delay_n be_v most_o important_a in_o martial_a affair_n 1._o and_o if_o so_o be_v brother_n say_v he_o you_o have_v plight_v your_o faith_n to_o the_o duke_n retire_v yourself_o for_o no_o force_n can_v serve_v against_o a_o man_n own_o conscience_n god_n will_v revenge_v the_o violation_n of_o a_o oath_n you_o may_v reserve_v yourself_o to_o give_v they_o a_o new_a encounter_n which_o will_v be_v more_o to_o their_o terror_n as_o for_o i_o if_o you_o will_v commit_v the_o charge_n to_o i_o i_o will_v perform_v both_o the_o part_n of_o a_o kind_a brother_n and_o a_o courageous_a leader_n for_o be_v clear_a in_o conscience_n i_o shall_v sell_v my_o life_n or_o discomfit_v your_o enemy_n with_o more_o felicity_n but_o the_o king_n not_o like_v his_o speech_n answer_v i_o will_v never_o turn_v my_o back_n with_o dishonour_n to_o the_o norman_a neither_o can_v i_o in_o any_o sort_n digest_v the_o reproach_n of_o a_o base_a mind_n well_o then_o be_v it_o so_o say_v some_o discontent_v of_o the_o company_n let_v he_o bear_v the_o brunt_n that_o have_v give_v the_o occasion_n this_o harold_n be_v much_o commend_v for_o his_o courteous_a affability_n harold_n gentle_a deportment_n justice_n and_o warlike_a prowess_n in_o nothing_o blame_v worthy_a save_o that_o in_o the_o opinion_n of_o his_o own_o valour_n he_o addict_v himself_o whole_o to_o his_o own_o resolution_n neglect_v the_o wise_a deliberation_n of_o his_o best_a friend_n and_o councillor_n and_o that_o his_o courage_n can_v never_o stoop_v to_o be_v low_a than_o a_o king_n for_o which_o he_o be_v tax_v to_o be_v a_o impious_a man_n false_o aspire_v to_o the_o crown_n by_o usurpation_n of_o which_o my_o old_a author_n with_o who_o i_o will_v conclude_v have_v these_o rhyme_n harold_n the_o fall_v erle_n though_o send_v edward_n ded_fw-we ley_fw-fr glocest._n he_o selue_fw-mi let_v corone_a king_n thulk_n self_n day_n falsliche_n richard_n the_o first_o king_n of_o england_n for_o his_o matchless_a valour_n surname_v cordelion_n or_o lions-heart_n be_v by_o some_o of_o our_o old_a english_a writer_n say_v to_o have_v slay_v a_o lion_n and_o by_o the_o pull_n out_o of_o his_o heart_n to_o have_v gain_v that_o attribute_n or_o denomination_n 12●0_n the_o truth_n be_v that_o hugh_n nevil_n a_o gentleman_n of_o noble_a lineage_n one_o of_o king_n richard_n special_a familiar_n be_v record_v to_o have_v slay_v a_o lion_n in_o the_o holy_a land_n drive_v first_o a_o arrow_n into_o his_o breast_n and_o then_o run_v he_o through_o with_o his_o sword_n whereupon_o this_o hexameter_n be_v make_v viribus_fw-la hugonis_fw-la vires_fw-la periere_fw-la leonis_fw-la the_o strength_n of_o hugh_n a_o lion_n slay_v which_o atchivement_n belike_o be_v transfer_v from_o the_o man_n to_o the_o master_n and_o the_o story_n apply_v to_o the_o byname_n of_o k._n richard_n 〈…〉_z this_o hugh_n be_v high_a justice_n guardian_n or_o prothoforester_n of_o england_n he_o die_v about_o the_o six_o of_o king_n henry_n the_o three_o be_v full_a of_o year_n &_o corpus_fw-la eius_fw-la say_v paris_n in_o ecclesia_fw-la de_fw-fr waltam_n nobili_fw-la sarchophago_n marmoreo_fw-la et_fw-la in_o sculpto_fw-la traditur_fw-la sepulturae_fw-la and_o his_o body_n be_v bury_v in_o this_o church_n of_o waltham_n under_o a_o noble_a engraven_a marble_n sepulchre_n 1145._o john_n nevil_n his_o son_n non_fw-la vltimus_fw-la inter_fw-la angliae_fw-la nobiles_fw-la patris_fw-la svi_fw-la pedetentim_fw-la sequens_fw-la vestigia_fw-la and_o the_o son_n and_o heir_n as_o well_o of_o his_o virtue_n as_o revenue_n and_o office_n nevil_n be_v accuse_v by_o one_o robert_n passelew_n a_o man_n of_o eminent_a authority_n under_o king_n henry_n the_o three_o of_o diverse_a transgression_n or_o omission_n in_o the_o forest_n law_n commit_v by_o he_o by_o his_o connivencie_n or_o sufferance_n in_o this_o forest_n of_o waltham_n and_o other_o the_o king_n forest_n park_n and_o chase_n be_v adjudge_v to_o pay_v a_o fine_a of_o two_o thousand_o mark_n and_o ignominious_o to_o be_v cast_v out_o of_o his_o office_n which_o he_o take_v so_o to_o heart_n that_o not_o long_o after_o languish_v away_o with_o sorrow_n he_o breathe_v out_o his_o afflict_a spirit_n in_o july_n 1245._o at_o his_o manor_n of_o whelperfield_n from_o whence_o he_o be_v convey_v to_o this_o abbey_n and_o here_o honourable_o entomb_v by_o his_o father_n i_o find_v in_o registro_fw-la cartarum_fw-la abbatie_fw-mi de_fw-fr waltam_n that_o these_o two_o nevil_n be_v great_a benefactor_n to_o