Selected quad for the lemma: day_n

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day_n fair_n friday_n market_n 3,751 5 12.9179 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72509 A perambulation of Kent conteining the description, hystorie, and customes of that shyre. Collected and written (for the most part) in the yeare. 1570. by William Lambard of Lincolnes Inne Gent. and nowe increased by the addition of some things which the authour him selfe hath obserued since that time. Lambarde, William, 1536-1601. 1576 (1576) STC 15175.5; ESTC S124785 236,811 471

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fraunchiles_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o the_o archebishop_n of_o the_o bishop_n of_o rochester_n of_o the_o dean_n of_o canterbury_n of_o otforde_n of_o wye_n of_o asheford_n of_o wrotham_n of_o elfham_n of_o osprenge_n knight_n fee_n in_o old_a time_n 254._o and_o di._n whereof_o .27_o belong_v to_o the_o archebishop_n eight_o to_o the_o bishop_n of_o rochester_n and_o the_o rest_n to_o the_o king._n forest_n and_o park_n south_n frith_n for_o north_o frith_n .3_o park_n otforde_n two_o knoll_n gromebridge_n panthyrst_n dispark_v penshirst_n brasted_n dis_fw-fr henden_fw-ge dis_fw-ge hever_n dis_fw-fr bropam_fw-la this_fw-mi wrotham_n dis_fw-fr ightam_fw-mi this_fw-mi cage_n this_fw-mi postern_n this_fw-mi sutton_n dis_fw-fr langley_n dis_fw-fr cool_n byrl_a cobham_n alington_n dis_fw-fr merewood_n this_fw-mi grenewiche_n eltham_n 3._o ashowre_n southparke_n lullingstone_n calehyl_n léede_v s._n augustine_n bedgebury_n westenhanger_n halden_n haniswell_n hungershall_n lie_v this_fw-mi folkston_n dis_fw-fr shorland_n stonehyrst_n this_fw-mi stowting_n saltwood_n post_v at_o ashford_n sissingherst_n glassenbury_n oxenhoth_o .2_o this_fw-mi hill_n of_o name_n shooter_n hill_n red_a hill_n gad_n hill_n cockshoot_v hill_n shorne_z hill_n northdowne_v boxley_n hill_n boughton_n hill_n byrl_a hill_n river_n hill_n raynam_n down_o mill_n hill_n baram_n down_o south_n down_n river_n thamis_n ravenshorne_a cray_n darent_fw-la medwey_n rother_n lymen_n bewl_n genlade_n wantsume_v stowre_n bridge_n at_o depeford_n upon_o raven_n lewsham_n upon_o raven_n crayforde_n upon_o cray_n eton_n bridge_n upon_o medwey_n tumbridge_n 5_o upon_o medwey_n brantbridge_n upon_o medwey_n twyford_n upon_o medwey_n yalding_n upon_o medwey_n teston_n upon_o medwey_n farley_n upon_o medwey_n maydstone_n upon_o medwey_n ailesford_n upon_o medwey_n rochester_n upon_o medwey_n shorham_n upon_o darent_fw-la ainsford_n upon_o darent_fw-la farninghan_n upon_o darent_fw-la dartford_n upon_o darent_fw-la chaford_n lamberhirst_n bewl_n hetcorne_n newendene_n ashford_n canterbury_n city_n canterbury_n rochester_n market_n upon_o tuesday_n at_o wrotham_n wednisday_n at_o dovor_n sandwiche_n canterbury_n gravesend_n s._n marry_o cray_n thursday_n at_o maydstone_n friday_n at_o sandwyche_n canterbury_n rochester_n tunbridge_n saturday_n at_o rumney_n hythe_n dover_n sandwyche_n feversham_n mylton_n asheford_n cranebrooke_n lenham_n mall_a sennock_n dartford_n fair_n at_o ashford_n 27._o july_n be_v s._n ruffian_n day_n bromley_n 1._o february_n be_v s._n bridget_n day_n and_o the_o .25_o of_o july_n be_v saint_n james_n day_n brastede_n on_o thursday_n in_o rogation_n week_n chart_fw-la the_o great_a 25._o march_n be_v the_o anunciation_n of_o the_o bless_a virgin_n marie_n charing_n 23._o april_n be_v s._n george_n day_n 13._o october_n be_v saint_n edward_n day_n 18._o octob._n be_v s._n luke_n day_n caunterbury_n the_o tuesday_n in_o whitsou_n week_n 27._o july_n be_v the_o seven_o fléeper_n day_n 29._o sept._n be_v s._n michael_n day_n and._n 29._o decem._n be_v s._n thomas_n beckets_n day_n cranbrook_n 29._o may_v be_v s._n corones_n day_n and._n 24._o june_n be_v midsummer_n day_n chilham_n 25._o july_n be_v s._n james_n day_n charlton_n 18._o octob._n be_v s._n luke_n day_n clyffe_n 17._o september_n be_v s._n lambert_n day_n dover_n 25._o july_n be_v s._n james_n day_n 24._o august_n be_v s._n bartilmews_n day_n and._n 11._o novemb._n be_v s._n martin_n day_n feversham_n 14._o february_n be_v s._n valentine_n day_n and._n 1._o august_n be_v lammas_n day_n folkstone_n 27._o june_n be_v s._n crescent_n day_n gravesend_n 25._o january_n be_v s._n paul_n day_n and_o 13._o october_n be_v s._n edward_n day_n hertesham_n 24._o june_n be_v midsummer_n day_n hedcorne_n 28._o june_n be_v s._n leos_n day_n hide_n 17._o novemb._n be_v s._n hugh_n day_n lenham_n 27._o may_v be_v s._n béedes_o day_n and._n 21._o september_n be_v s._n mathews_n day_n lid_n 11._o july_n be_v s._n benet_n day_n maidstone_n 1._o may_v be_v philip_n and_o jacob_n day_n 9_o june_n be_v s._n edmund_n day_n 6._o october_n be_v s._n faith_n day_n &_o 2._o fe●_n be_v the_o purification_n or_o candlemas_n day_n meteworth_n 10._o august_n be_v s._n laurence_n day_n malling_n 21._o september_n be_v s._n mathews_n day_n 1._o august_n be_v lammas_n day_n 6._o november_n be_v s._n lennard_n day_n s._n margaret_n near_a dartford_n 20._o jul._n be_v s._n margaret_n day_n northfleete_n the_o tuesday_n in_o easter_n week_n otford_n 24._o august_n be_v s._n bartilmews_n day_n pluckley_n 5._o decemb._n be_v s._n nycholas_n even_o rochester_n 19_o may_v be_v s._n dunstanes_n day_n and._n 30._o november_n be_v s._n andrews_n day_n romney_n 1._o august_n be_v lammas_n day_n reculuer_n 7._o septemb_n be_v the_o nativity_n of_o the_o bless_a virgin_n marie_n s●ttingborne_n 21._o sept._n be_v s._n mathews_n day_n strowde_n 10._o august_n be_v s._n laurence_n day_n sandwiche_n 23._o novam_fw-la be_v s._n clement_n day_n sandhyrst_n 7._o decem._n be_v the_o even_o of_o the_o conception_n sennock_n 6._o decemb._n be_v s._n nycholas_n day_n and_o 29._o june_n be_v s._n peter_n day_n tunbridge_n ash-wednesday_n 24._o june_n be_v midsummer_n day_n &_o 18._o octob._n be_v s._n luke_n day_n tenterdene_n 26._o april_n be_v s._n cletes_n day_n wye_n 13._o march_n be_v s._n theodore_v day_n wrotham_n 23._o april_n be_v s._n george_n day_n borough_n canterbury_n rochester_n maydstone_n and_o the_o port_n town_n castle_n at_o canterbury_n rochester_n dover_n and_o the_o castle_n at_o the_o key_n léede_v tunbridge_n mylton_n gravesend_n 2._o quynborow_n cool_n sandowne_n dele_n walmer_n saltwood_n alington_n shorham_n ainsford_n tong._n layborne_n vpnore_n honourable_a house_n belong_v to_o the_o prince_n at_o grenewiche_n eltham_n dartford_n otford_n knoll_n s._n augustine_n dover_n castle_n deal_v castle_n to_o the_o archbishop_n canterbury_n wingham_n ford_n to_o the_o bishop_n of_o rocchester_n broomley_n rochester_n halling_n to_o man_n of_o honour_n berling_n cobham_n cool_n penshyrst_n shorland_n house_n of_o poor_a people_n with_o provision_n of_o live_v at_o grenewiche_n orpington_n lullingstone_n shorhant_n senuock_n rochester_n great_a chart._n canterbury_n sandwiche_n dover_n house_n of_o poor_a people_n without_o provision_n dartford_n whitdiche_n chestnut_n wood_n religious_a house_n that_o sometime_o be_v and_o their_o yearly_a value_n wingham_n 84_o li._n by_o year_n minster_n wye_n college_n 93._o li._n horton_n priory_n 95._o li._n bilsington_n priory_n 81._o li._n newendene_n folkstone_n 41._o li._n dovor_fw-la pryor_n 170._o li._n meason_n dieu_fw-fr hospital_n there_o 59_o li._n bradsoll_n abbay_n of_o s._n radigundes_o 98._o li._n westlangdon_n 56._o li._n boxley_n 204._o li._n léede_v priory_n 362._o li._n combwell_n 80._o li._n feversham_n 200._o li._n aninton_n priory_n there_o maydstone_n col_fw-fr 159._o li._n shepey_n 129._o li._n motenden_n 60._o li._n christ_n church_n in_o canterbury_n s._n augustine_n in_o canterbury_n s_o sepulcher_n 29._o li._n in_o canterbury_n s._n gregory_n in_o canterbury_n s._n tho._n hos_fw-la 23._o li._n in_o canterbury_n s._n james_n hos_fw-la 32._o li._n in_o canterbury_n s._n nicholas_n hosp_n 109._o li._n in_o canterbury_n s._n maries_n without_o cant._n rochester_n priory_n 486._o li._n cobham_n col_fw-fr 28._o li._n strood_n 52._o li._n malling_n abbay_n 218._o li._n higham_n priory_n tunbridge_n priory_n ailcfford_n dartford_n 380._o grenewiche_n meason_n dieu_fw-fr at_o osprenge_n lesnes_n ab._n school_n at_o canterbury_n rochester_n sandwiche_n cranbrooke_n great_a chart_fw-la bydendene_n tunbridge_n maydstone_n sennock_n ¶_o the_o name_n of_o such_o of_o the_o nobility_n and_o gentry_n as_o the_o herald_n record_v in_o their_o visitation_n 1574._o to_o the_o which_o i_o have_v add_v such_o as_o i_o call_v to_o mind_n and_o have_v set_v a_o star_n before_o each_o of_o they_o that_o they_o may_v be_v know_v from_o the_o rest_n a._n *_o sir_n christopher_n allen._n *_o asheley_n *_o richard_n agall_n william_n acher_n christopher_n abdy_n richard_n austyn_n *_o robart_n alcock_n james_n austyn_n b._n sir_n richard_n baker_n nicholas_n barham_n sergeant_n at_o the_o law_n *_o edward_n boy_n *_o boughton_n *_o john_n barnes_n *_o humphrey_n bridge_n *_o bonham_n ralph_n bossevile_n robert_n bing_n danyell_n bettenham_n thomas_n brent_n john_n boy_n francis_n bourne_n henry_n brochull_n john_n barham_n *_o james_n barham_n william_n browne_n john_n barrow_n nicholas_n beer_n thomas_n blechenden_n william_n bedingfeld_n michael_n berifford_n *_o jerome_n bret._n *_o bam._n *_o nicholas_n ballard_n c._n *_o sir_n william_n cobham_n lord_n cobhan_n and_o warden_n of_o the_o five_o port_n sir_n henry_n crispe_n sir_n thomas_n cotton_n *_o sir_n rowland_n clarke_n *_o sir_n alexander_n colpeper_n sir_n henry_n cobham_n george_n catlyn_n *_o barthram_n calthrop_n *_o chowne_n william_n cromer_z george_n clifford_n humphrey_n clarke_n william_n clarke_n robert_n colwell_n william_n cheyney_n william_n claybrook_n william_n crispe_n william_n cayser_n *_o justinian_n champneys_n *_o giles_n crowe_n *_o thomas_n colpeper_n *_o