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1598 Speculi Britan[n]iƦ pars the description of Hartfordshire by Iohn Norden.; Speculum Britanniae. Part 2
Norden, John, 1548-1625?; Kip, William, engraver.
STC 18637; ESTC S113233
especial_o with_o corn_n edwinestre_fw-fr hundred_o border_v upon_o essex_n brawgh_v hundred_o take_v name_n of_o a_o parish_n of_o that_o hartford_n name_n and_o bound_v upon_o edwinestree_n hartford_n hundred_o be_v name_v of_o hartford_n the_o provincial_a town_n of_o the_o shire_n broadwater_n hundred_o so_o term_v of_o a_o little_a hamlet_n broadwater_n of_o 2._o or_o 3._o house_n near_o steven_n edge_n coishoo_n hundred_o or_o caegshoo_n be_v name_v of_o cassij_n a_o anncient_a berye_n call_v caishoo-berye_a de_fw-fr cassiis_fw-la of_o a_o people_n mention_v by_o caesar_n resident_a in_o this_o hundred_o as_o m._n camden_n affirm_v see_v more_o of_o this_o under_o that_o name_n in_o the_o table_n of_o parish_n dacorum_n hundred_o as_o i_o be_o out_o of_o doubt_n the_o dacis_n of_o the_o dacorum_n dane_n who_o in_o this_o hundred_o after_o many_o spoil_v commit_v by_o they_o be_v overthrow_v by_o adelnulph_n and_o adelbalde_a his_o son_n about_o the_o year_n of_o christ_n 8_o 29._o and_o in_o memorial_n of_o their_o overthrow_n and_o stop_v of_o their_o further_a passage_n that_o way_n at_o that_o time_n the_o place_n where_o the_o fight_n be_v be_v to_o this_o day_n call_v dane_n end_n dacorum_n clades_fw-la and_o near_o it_o in_o the_o highway_n towards_o steven_n edge_n be_v hitch_n many_o burial_n great_a heap_n of_o earth_n under_o which_o be_v inter_v such_o as_o be_v slay_v at_o that_o conflict_n as_o may_v be_v suppose_v hitch_n half_a hundred_o so_o call_v of_o a_o wood_n call_v hitch-wood_n and_o not_o of_o hitchin_n town_n which_o indeed_o be_v hitchende_v terminus_fw-la de_fw-fr hitch_n and_o not_o hitch-ing_a as_o it_o be_v corrupt_o term_v and_o the_o hundred_o be_v hitch-haulfe_a hundred_o not_o hitchnie_n nor_o hitch_v half_a hundred_o this_o shire_n be_v well_o furnish_v with_o market_n town_n the_o most_o of_o they_o plentiful_a of_o all_o thing_n necessary_a for_o the_o people_n relief_n namely_o saint_n albon_n which_o have_v market_n on_o the_o town_n saturday_n barnet_n on_o the_o monday_n barkhamsted_n on_o the_o monday_n baldock_n a_o little_a market_n on_o the_o thursday_n buntingford_n on_o the_o monday_n barkway_n on_o the_o friday_n hemsted_n on_o the_o thursday_n hartford_n on_o the_o saturday_n hoddesdon_n on_o the_o thursday_n hitch-end_n on_o the_o ãâ¦ã_o ryckmansworth_n on_o the_o saturday_n royston_n on_o the_o wednesday_n stortford_n a_o very_a good_a market_n on_o the_o thursday_n sabridgworth_n on_o the_o wednesday_n tringe_n a_o little_a market_n on_o the_o friday_n wayre_a on_o the_o tuesday_n watforde_n on_o the_o in_o number_n 18._o the_o fair_n for_o the_o most_o fair_n part_n in_o this_o shire_n viz._n 2_o at_o rickmansworth_n on_o lady_n day_n in_o harvest_n and_o on_o watford_n the_o second_o of_o july_n 2_o at_o watford_n on_o trinity_n monday_n et_fw-la per_fw-la dvas_fw-la dies_fw-la proximè_fw-la sequentes_fw-la and_o on_o the_o decolation_n of_o john_n baptist._n 2_o at_o barkhamsted_n on_o sainte_fw-fr peter_n day_n and_o sainte_fw-fr barkhamsted_n james_n day_n 1_o at_o tring_n s._n peter_n day_n tring_n 1_o at_o hemsted_n at_o the_o day_n of_o holie-crosse_a 3_o at_o saint_n alban_n on_o michaelmas_n day_n on_o annunciation_n of_o alban_n mary_n and_o upon_o saint_n alban_n day_n which_o be_v 3._o day_n after_o midsummer_n 1_o at_o the_o prithee_o call_v sancta_fw-la maria_fw-la de_fw-la pratis_fw-la on_o it_o prithee_o be_v hold_v sometime_o in_o the_o town_n of_o s._n alban_n or_o in_o keyfeild_n near_o sop_n well_o 3_o at_o hitch-end_n on_o the_o wednesday_n in_o easter_n week_n on_o hitch-end_n michael_n day_n and_o on_o s._n edw._n day_n 1_o at_o bennington_n on_o s._n peter_n day_n hartford_n 1_o at_o hatfeyld_n on_o s._n george_n day_n 4_o at_o hartford_n on_o s._n john_n baptist_n day_n on_o simon_n and_o judes_n day_n on_o the_o friday_n before_o passion_n sunday_n and_o our_o lady_n day_n 4._o september_n 3_o at_o baldock_n on_o s._n matthyas_n day_n saint_n androwe_v day_n baldock_n and_o on_o saint_n matthewes_n day_n 2_o at_o sabridgworth_n on_o s._n george_n day_n and_o on_o saint_n stortforde_n dionise_v day_n 3_o at_o stortford_n on_o michael_n day_n on_o ascention_n day_n and_o on_o corpus_fw-la christi_fw-la day_n 1_o at_o wayre_n on_o the_o nativity_n of_o marie_n royston_n 1_o at_o hoddesdon_n s._n peter_n day_n 3_o at_o royston_n on_o ash-wednesday_n on_o the_o wednesday_n in_o whitsun_n week_n and_o at_o thomas_n beckets_n day_n at_o chipping_n bernet_n on_o at_o s._n giles_n on_o bernet_n the_o division_n of_o the_o shire_n the_o justice_n of_o the_o shire_n for_o the_o more_o ease_n of_o themselves_o and_o part_n the_o common_a people_n have_v by_o consent_n divide_v the_o whole_a shire_n into_o 3._o part_n or_o devision_n for_o the_o determination_n of_o matter_n of_o mean_a moment_n 1_o the_o first_o division_n be_v of_o caishoo_n and_o dacorum_n hundred_o and_o for_o this_o the_o justice_n of_o that_o limit_v meet_v sometime_o at_o welwine_n and_o sometime_o at_o steven-edge_n 2_o broadwater_n and_o hitch_n half_a hundred_o meet_a at_o s._n alban_n 3_o hartford_n brawgh_v oddesy_n and_o edwinestree_n meet_v at_o hartford_n or_o hoddesdon_n but_o for_o matter_n of_o great_a importance_n the_o justice_n meet_v all_o at_o hartford_n where_o be_v also_o the_o common_a gaol_n for_o the_o shire_n and_o in_o the_o meeting_n castle_n the_o gaol_n delivery_n except_o only_o for_o the_o liberty_n of_o s._n alban_n which_o both_o for_o ecclesiastical_a &_o evil_a government_n have_v peculiar_a power_n within_o itself_o who_o jurisdiction_n reach_v into_o these_o parish_n namely_o s._n alban_n wherein_o be_v parish_n s._n michael_n s._n stevons_a s._n peter_n watford_n ricmansworth_n norton_n near_o baldock_n newnham_n liberty_n ridge_n hexton_n walden_n abbotte_n sarret_n langley_n abbotte_n elstre_n or_o eglestre_n bushie_n cudycot_n or_o casticot_n of_o some_o caudecot_n shepehale_n sandridge_n redburne_n barnet_n s._n androwe_v in_o s._n alban_n brawgh_v these_o have_v gaol_n and_o gaol_n delivery_n at_o s_o alban_n 4._o time_n in_o the_o year_n namely_o the_o thursday_n after_o the_o quarter_n session_n at_o hartford_n which_o be_v always_o on_o the_o monday_n for_o ecclesiastical_a government_n these_o former_a belong_v to_o the_o diocese_n of_o london_n and_o be_v call_v the_o deanerie_n of_o s._n alban_n together_o also_o with_o the_o deanerye_n of_o brawgh_v the_o rest_n of_o the_o shire_n belong_v to_o the_o sea_n of_o lincoln_n and_o contain_v the_o deanery_n of_o barkhamsted_n stort_v hitch-end_n hartford_n baldock_n to_o speak_v something_o of_o the_o river_n that_o water_n this_o country_n the_o stort_v may_v be_v first_o mention_v because_o it_o lie_v far_a in_o the_o east_n and_o be_v the_o bind_v between_o this_o shire_n and_o essex_n but_o that_o this_o shire_n step_v over_o the_o river_n both_o at_o stortford_n and_o near_o sabridgworth_n and_o fetch_v within_o her_o limit_n about_o stortford_n the_o castle_n of_o waymore_n hockerell_n the_o parsonage_n of_o stortford_n with_o other_o thing_n in_o essex_n side_n and_o at_o sabsworth_n or_o sabridgeforde_n it_o deprive_v essex_n of_o a_o house_n call_v hyde-hall_n some_o as_o i_o take_v it_o in_o term_v this_o stort_v the_o stour_n be_v not_o stour_n mere_o mistake_v for_o though_o the_o stowren_n part_v suffolk_n and_o essex_n and_o rise_v at_o stour-m_a the_o stort_v rise_v in_o essex_n also_o near_o wendon_n lowghe_v and_o signify_v wendod_n water_n and_o begin_v to_o divide_v the_o two_o shire_n between_o stortford_n and_o fernham_n about_o a_o mile_n above_o stortford_n and_o may_v in_o deed_n not_o amiss_o be_v call_v stowret_a the_o lesser_a or_o little_a stowr_n stowret_n and_o the_o passage_n over_o the_o river_n near_o waymore_n castle_n be_v call_v stowretford_n brief_o stortford_n whereof_o the_o town_n take_v name_n and_o be_v call_v stortford_n for_o stowretsord_n and_o under_o the_o name_n of_o the_o stowret_a or_o stort_v it_o maintain_v stowretford_n that_o division_n till_o it_o come_v beneath_o a_o ancient_a house_n call_v the_o ree_n where_o it_o meet_v with_o the_o lea_n or_o lave_v who_o as_o the_o ree_n more_o worthy_a bereave_v the_o little_a stort_v of_o her_o title_n and_o glory_n and_o under_o the_o name_n of_o the_o lea_n they_o both_o in_o one_o hasten_v to_o waltham_n abbey_n and_o there_o bid_v hartfordshire_n vale_n continue_v her_o most_o mild_a course_n as_o stickler_n between_o essex_n and_o middlesex_n until_o she_o present_v herself_o to_o famous_a thames_n the_o lea_n be_v the_o most_o famous_a river_n within_o this_o shire_n and_o lea._n bring_v as_o it_o be_v a_o testimonial_a of_o she_o worh_fw-mi from_o the_o saxon_n who_o entitle_v her_o ligean_a or_o ligeam_n lea_n water_n and_o it_o may_v ligean_a be_v suppose_v &_o probable_o gather_v that_o she_o yield_v in_o those_o pristine_a age_n some_o praiseworthy_a fruit_n unto_o that_o antique_a nation_n as_o her_o free_a entertainment_n of_o boat_n
henry_n 6._o such_o be_v the_o plenty_n of_o corn_n that_o in_o this_o quarter_n place_n the_o best_a where_o be_v sell_v for_o twelve_o penny_n the_o quarter_n three_o half_a penny_n the_o bushel_n the_o price_n be_v not_o then_o so_o low_o as_o it_o be_v now_o aloft_o for_o it_o be_v at_o this_o present_a in_o the_o same_o place_n at_o eight_o shilling_n the_o bushel_n ridge_n m_o 22._o de_fw-fr iugo_fw-la of_o the_o hill_n or_o ridge_n whereon_o it_o stand_v reed_n b_o 26._o de_fw-fr loco_fw-la arundinoso_fw-la rushden_n c_o 24._o vallis_fw-la scirpina_n a_o low_a rushy_a ground_n s._n sarret_n n_z 14._o it_o be_v grant_v by_o ethelred_n to_o s._n alban_n by_o the_o name_n of_o syret_n sandon_n c_o 24._o mons_fw-la arenosus_fw-la it_o belong_v to_o paul_n sandrige_fw-la k_n 18._o it_o differ_v not_o in_o signification_n from_o sandon_n sawcombe_n f_o 26._o sabsworth_n f_o 34._o or_o sabridgeforde_a a_o market_n town_n stand_v near_o the_o stort_v slepe_n hide_v k_o 20._o a_o little_a hamlet_n shenley_n m_o 20._o sheep_n hale_v f_o 22._o ager_n ovibus_fw-la salutaris_fw-la spelbrooke_n e_o 34._o stephen_n l_o 16._o call_v s._n stephen_n near_o s._n alban_n steven-edge_n e_o 20._o or_o stephen-edge_n de_fw-fr acclivitate_fw-la of_o the_o steep_a stand_n of_o it_o on_o the_o edge_n of_o a_o hill_n of_o some_o steven-haut_a or_o stepen-haut_a the_o principal_a part_n of_o this_o town_n be_v from_o the_o church_n ½_n mile_n and_o be_v a_o pretty_a thorrow_n fare_n there_o have_v be_v in_o time_n past_o a_o market_n it_o be_v a_o liberty_n and_o belong_v to_o the_o bishop_n of_o london_n have_v liberty_n pillory_n and_o gallows_n within_o itself_o but_o how_o far_o the_o power_n for_o execution_n extend_v mihi_fw-la latet_fw-la stapleford_n g_o 24._o or_o stableford_n standon_n e._n 28._o or_o stenedon_n mons_fw-la saxosus_fw-la there_o be_v a_o free_a school_n for_o the_o town_n the_o stipend_n yet_o in_o suspense_n the_o fishmonger_n freeschole_n of_o london_n contribute_v twenty_o pound_n ut_fw-la ferunt_fw-la stansted_n h_z 32._o or_o stenstedt_n locus_fw-la glariatus_fw-la of_o the_o grave_o soil_n call_v abbot_n stansted_n stansted_n h_z 32._o in_o time_n pass_v call_v le_fw-fr veil_n now_o old_a veil_n stansted_n and_o corrupt_o stansted_n theele_n stortford_n e_o 34._o so_o call_v of_o the_o passage_n or_o ford_n over_o the_o river_n stort_v there_o be_v near_o this_o town_n on_o the_o east_n side_n of_o the_o river_n a_o little_a ruynous_a castle_n castle_n call_v the_o castle_n of_o waymour_n stand_v in_o a_o island_n upon_o a_o little_a firm_a artificial_a mount_n very_o steep_a and_o though_o of_o small_a circuit_n yet_o in_o former_a day_n strong_a within_o it_o be_v a_o dungeon_n deep_a and_o dark_a call_v the_o conuicte_n prison_n argue_v some_o great_a privilege_n in_o conqueror_n time_n past_a to_o belong_v thereunto_o william_n the_o conqueror_n give_v both_o the_o town_n and_o the_o castle_n to_o the_o bishop_n of_o london_n and_o to_o this_o day_n it_o belong_v to_o that_o sea_n and_o thereof_o be_v call_v bishop_n stortforde_n the_o town_n stand_v on_o the_o side_n of_o a_o hill_n decline_v towards_o the_o river_n and_o some_o fruitful_a ground_n be_v about_o the_o same_o it_o have_v market_n on_o the_o thursday_n and_o three_o fair_n in_o the_o year_n sulloniaca_n n_z 22._o the_o ruin_n of_o a_o old_a city_n or_o famous_a place_n mention_v by_o antoninus_fw-la in_o his_o itenerary_n which_o he_o place_v twelve_o mile_n a_o longidinio_n from_o london_n and_o nine_o mile_n a_o verolamio_fw-la a_o city_n sometime_o near_o s._n alban_n and_o where_o other_o have_v heretofore_o place_v this_o sulloniacae_n at_o chipping_n barnet_n regard_v only_o the_o foresay_a distance_n m._n camden_n by_o diligent_a observation_n have_v find_v that_o it_o shall_v stand_v upon_o brokeley_n hill_n west_n of_o bernet_n whereby_o i_o be_v occasion_v make_v inquisition_n thereof_o in_o my_o travail_n and_o be_v inform_v of_o the_o place_n where_o these_o snpposed_a ruin_n appear_v namely_o some_o fragmente_n of_o the_o situation_n of_o some_o decay_a building_n where_o sundry_a piece_n of_o romish_a coin_n have_v be_v take_v up_o as_o be_v inform_v i_o this_o place_n indeed_o near_o agree_v with_o the_o former_a distance_n of_o antoninus_n and_o stand_v east_n of_o a_o regal_a ancient_a highway_n call_v watling-streete_n or_o via_fw-la consularis_fw-la t._n thomas_n chapel_n c_o 14._o call_v s._n thomas_n chapel_n tew_v h_o 22._o or_o twey-ing_a de_fw-fr binis_fw-la pratis_fw-la tringe_n k._n 6._o a_o little_a market_n town_n on_o the_o friday_n throcking_n c_o 24._o thundredge_n f_o 28._o thorley_n f_o 34._o or_o thornley_n terra_fw-la spinosa_fw-la totter-edge_n f_o 28._o parcel_n of_o the_o hundred_o of_o broadwater_n yet_o eight_o mile_n from_o the_o near_a part_n of_o that_o hundred_o londoner_n have_v much_o beautify_v this_o place_n with_o their_o neat_a building_n two-water_n ay_o 13._o a_o little_a hamlet_n so_o call_v de_fw-la binis_fw-la aquarum_fw-la fluctibus_fw-la of_o the_o two_o river_n that_o meet_v there_o v._o verolamium_fw-la k_n 18._o the_o ruin_n of_o a_o most_o ancient_a city_n call_v of_o the_o briton_n cair_n maricipit_fw-la cair_a municip_n cair_a watteline_n of_o ptolomey_n verolanium_fw-la of_o the_o saxon_n Æ¿erlamcester_n ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d ãâã_d a_o city_n upon_o the_o river_n werlame_n or_o verlame_v this_o ancient_a decay_a city_n seem_v at_o this_o day_n to_o publish_v her_o pristine_a state_n and_o strength_n on_o the_o west_n side_n of_o s_o alban_n by_o the_o relic_n of_o her_o defensive_a wall_n and_o at_o this_o day_n although_o sedge_n sit_v ubi_fw-la erat_fw-la werlamcester_n yet_o the_o sundry_a roman_a coin_v tumble_v out_o of_o their_o coin_n obscure_a denn_n by_o the_o painful_a plough_n do_v as_o it_o be_v proclaim_v unto_o we_o so_o many_o hundred_o year_n after_o her_o fall_n that_o it_o be_v no_o fable_n that_o be_v write_v of_o her_o antiquity_n the_o brass_n money_n whereof_o i_o have_v much_o but_o seem_v far_o more_o import_n the_o antique_a name_n and_o picture_n not_o only_o of_o sundry_a emperor_n but_o of_o some_o of_o their_o empress_n also_o which_o in_o those_o age_n sway_v the_o roman_a monarchy_n which_o argue_v it_o to_o be_v quondam_a cair_a municip_n or_o municipium_fw-la a_o city_n enfranchise_v and_o endow_v quid_fw-la not_o only_o with_o the_o aid_n of_o the_o roman_n by_o money_n but_o with_o their_o romishe_a privilege_n also_o the_o inhabitant_n for_o the_o most_o part_n be_v of_o the_o ancient_a britishe_a line_n who_o deserve_v well_o at_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o roman_n be_v make_v municipes_fw-la as_o it_o be_v free_a denizen_n of_o rome_n have_v their_o law_n order_n and_o officer_n free_a among_o they_o permit_v to_o live_v under_o their_o aid_n and_o protection_n until_o through_o the_o fury_n verlame_n of_o the_o saxon_n and_o dane_n it_o be_v sack_v and_o subvert_v and_o of_o a_o haughty_a city_n make_v a_o heap_n of_o stone_n which_o as_o a_o chaos_n lay_v afterward_o long_o smother_v in_o the_o ash_n of_o her_o own_o rubble_n and_o ruin_n without_o regard_n what_o it_o be_v or_o have_v be_v at_o length_n one_o eldred_n abbot_n of_o the_o verlame_n new_a monastery_n of_o s._n alban_n covet_v to_o advance_v the_o state_n of_o his_o monastical_a sea_n begin_v to_o embowel_v this_o ruynate_a heap_n to_o search_v what_o curious_a conceit_n he_o may_v find_v to_o beautify_v s._n alban_n sell._n and_o find_v in_o short_a time_n great_a variety_n of_o stone_n work_n of_o sundry_a kind_n and_o pillar_n of_o mettle_n as_o of_o brass_n and_o latton_n towch_v and_o alabaster_n all_o which_o lay_v in_o heap_n eldred_n behold_v to_o his_o no_o small_a joy_n but_o employ_v they_o not_o according_a to_o his_o purpose_n intend_v for_o death_n prevent_v he_o but_o as_o curious_a a_o searcher_n as_o he_o succeed_v he_o one_o eadmere_n who_o have_v both_o a_o will_n and_o workman_n to_o sound_v further_o paganism_n into_o the_o bottom_n of_o this_o unknown_a gulf_n not_o cease_v till_o he_o see_v the_o very_a entrails_n of_o this_o confuse_a chaos_n in_o who_o most_o hiddenvaute_n he_o find_v sundry_a idol_n and_o altar_n not_o a_o few_o superstitious_o adorn_v for_o the_o honour_n of_o these_o unknown_a god_n of_o the_o pagan_n some_o of_o these_o idol_n be_v of_o pure_a gold_n some_o of_o other_o metal_n and_o withal_o he_o find_v great_a store_n of_o household_n stuff_n and_o other_o thing_n witness_v the_o glory_n both_o of_o the_o city_n and_o the_o citizen_n of_o the_o same_o beside_o sundry_a pot_n of_o gold_n brass_n earth_n glass_n and_o other_o mettle_n dead_a some_o frawght_fw-mi with_o the_o ash_n of_o the_o dead_a some_o with_o the_o coin_n of_o the_o ancient_a briton_n and_o roman_a emperor_n and_o in_o a_o stone_n be_v find_v certain_a british_a book_n whereof_o one_o import_v