Selected quad for the lemma: day_n

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day_n fair_a weather_n windy_a 5,064 5 13.5724 5 false
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Showing 1 to 43 of 43
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68961 The divels legend. or: a learned cachephochysme containing the confession of the leaguers fayth : wherein doctour Pantaloun, and Zanie his pupill, doo teach that all hope ought to be grounded on the puissant King Phillip of Spaine, and vpon all the happie apostles of the holy league, and that they ought not to doo as the Brytans, English-men, and Protestants doo; which beleeue in God onely, harkening rather to the voyce of Iesus Christ, than vnto their holy Father the Pope. Composed in Rome by the reuerend Father Iuuenall Borget, and sent vnto the gentlemen of England by Charles Cyprian. Translated according to the French coppie. Borget, Juvenall. 1595 (1595) STC 3388; ESTC S109380 5,598 21 View Text
A23836 A new prognostication for the year of Christ, 1670 Being the second after bissextile or leap-year. By J.A. mathematician. J. A., mathematician. 1670 (1670) Wing A1231C; ESTC R213269 5,971 13 View Text
A74927 Merlinus Anglicus: or, England's Merlin. Prophetically fore-telling, the admirable events, and wonderful effects, that shall befall the king of Scots, the states of Holland, and the Parliament of England, in all their consultations, warlike actions, and naval designes, both by sea and land, for the year of our Lord, 1653. With the most exact predictions, and monthly observations, touching the great rising of the European nations against England; and the success that will attend them in all their motions, enterprises, and attempts; as also, the causes of these strange revolutions, mutations, inclinations, and eversions of empires, kingdoms, and common-wealths. Likewise the astronomical calculations of the eclipses, lunations, and conjunctions; portending a great change of government, religion, and law, in England, Scotland, and Ireland; together with the taking off all taxes, assesments, burdens, and oppressions; and calling to a severe account all committees and treasurers; with the executing of many great ones. / Collected out of the most elaborate works of Captain George Wharton, Esquire, Mr. William Lillie, Mr. John Booker, Mr. Vincent Wing, and Mr. Nicholas Culpeper ... Wharton, George, Sir, 1617-1681.; Lilly, William, 1602-1681.; Booker, John, 1603-1667.; Wing, Vincent, 1619-1668.; Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654.; G. H. 1653 (1653) Wing H32A; Thomason E799_21 6,409 8 View Text
A69432 A new prognostication for the year of our Lord God, 1668 Being bissextile or leap-year. By J.A. mathematician. J. A., mathematician. 1668 (1668) Wing A1231B; ESTC R28948 7,661 17 View Text
A24205 A new prognostication for the year of our Lord God, 1674 Being the second after leap-year. Wherein is contained the whole estate of the year in general, together with the eclipses of the sun and moon; as also some predictions of the four seasons of the year: and by what planets the year is governed; with the changes of the moon, and daily disposition of the weather. As also, the whole fairs of Scotland; with a ready table shewing the age of the moon every day throughout this year; serving most fitly for our ancient kingdom, but more properly for the honorable city of Edinburgh. Whose longitude is 21 d. 50 m. latitude 56 d. 4 m. By A. F. philomathet. A. F. 1674 (1674) Wing A1656A; ESTC R213302 8,219 14 View Text
A17928 [A prognostication made for the yeare of our Lorde God, 1572 wherein at large is set forth the description of the fovver quarters of the yeare, with the prediction of the weather for euery day, exactly calculated for Oxenforde. By Thomas Hill, of London student.] Hill, Thomas, b. ca. 1528. 1572 (1572) STC 459.5; ESTC S118792 8,377 18 View Text
A24423 A new prognostication for the year of our Lord God, 1664 being bissextile or leap-year : wherein are contained the ... movable feasts, with the change of the moon ... with the description of the weather in every quarter of the moon, and a true description of the eclipses this year : together with dates of husbandry and gardening ... / set forth at Aberdene by Philomathes. Philomathes. 1664 (1664) Wing A1984B; ESTC R29078 8,422 17 View Text
A75159 A new prognostication for the year of our blessed Lord 1681. Being the first after leap-year. Containing the moveable feasts, the eclipses, the four quarters of the year: the changes of the moon, with the disposition of the weather. The dismal dayes. And the whole known fairs of Scotland. With other observations. Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole is elevated 55 deg. 55 min. / At Aberdene, by an expert mathematician. 1681 (1681) Wing A1984J; ESTC R172469 9,569 18 View Text
B01337 Edinburgh's true almanack, or A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1683 Paterson, James, mathematician, fl. 1685-1692. 1683 (1683) Wing A2068; ESTC R170158 9,959 14 View Text
B01341 A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1691. Being the third year after bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world, 5640. Exactly calculated according to art, for the meridian of the most famous city of Edinburgh, whose latitude is 55 d. 54 m.¹/₂. and longitude is 11 d. 37 m. / By G. S. Philomath. G. S., philomath, fl. 1691. 1691 (1691) Wing A2309A; ESTC R172219 10,362 28 View Text
B01339 A new prognostication, for the year of our redemption, 1678, being the second after bissextile, or leap year. Most curiously and artificially calculated, for all north-Brittain, but more especially (and even according to every typographer's very bound duty) for the latitude and meridian of our most famous city of Bon-Accord. Which stands upon a pleasant lone, whose gallant dykes, are Dee and Done. / by A. R. A.M. an expert mathematician. A. R., mathematician, fl. 1678. 1678 (1678) Wing A2240A; ESTC R176506 10,556 17 View Text
A75124 A New almanack, or prognostication, for the year of Christ 1671. Being the third after bissextile, or leap year. Wherein are contained the moveable feasts, the eclipses, a description of the four quarters of the year, the changes of the moon, her full and quarters, with the dayly disposition of the weather. : Together with notes of husbandry & gardening, and physical observations: the dismal dayes, with the whole fairs of Scotland. : Calculated for the meridian of the honorable city of Glasgow, where the pole is elevated 55 deg. 55 min. / Set forth in Aberdene by M.D.L. professor of mathematicks. M. D. L. 1671 (1671) Wing A1857bA; ESTC R172455 10,981 16 View Text
B01335 Edinburgh's true almanack, or A new prognostication for the year of our Lord, 1690. Being the second year after bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world, 5639. Exactly calculated according to art, for the meridian of the most famous city of Edinburgh, whose latitude is 55 d. 54 m.¹/₂. and longitude is 11 d. 37 m. from Pico Taniriff, according to the newest tables. / By James Paterson mathematician. Paterson, James, mathematician, fl. 1685-1692. 1690 (1690) Wing A2063A; ESTC R172205 13,468 16 View Text
A18199 An almanacke and prognosticacion for the yere of our Lord God D.CCCCC.LV. [sic] Made by Master Antonius de Mortulind, an Italian, doctoure of phisicke and astronymy. Montulmo, Antonius de. 1555 (1555) STC 483.14; ESTC S120234 18,379 52 View Text
A68562 Gods power and providence: shewed, in the miraculous preservation and deliverance of eight Englishmen, left by mischance in Green-land anno 1630. nine moneths and twelve dayes With a true relation of all their miseries, their shifts and hardship they were put to, their food, &c. such as neither heathen nor Christian men ever before endured. With a description of the chiefe places and rarities of that barren and cold countrey. Faithfully reported by Edvvard Pellham, one of eight men aforesaid. As also with a map of Green-land. Pellham, Edward, fl. 1630. 1631 (1631) STC 19566; ESTC S114323 22,160 49 View Text
A07663 A ryghte excellente treatise of astronomie made in the Thuscane or Italian tongue, by maister Antonius de Montulmo, called in latin Facies cœli, the face of the Heues wherin a man may see tofore hand the mutations of the ayre that shall happen for this present yeare of our lorde 1554, [and] 1555, next folowyng, declaryng also what diseases, warres, pestilence, dearth of victuals shal happen to them that dwelle in the eyght climate vnder the eleuation of the pole artike 52. degrees as the inhabitantes of the most part of England do dwelle. Translated into English by Frederike van Brunswike. Montulmo, Antonius de.; Frederick van Brunswick. 1554 (1554) STC 18054; ESTC S120084 25,286 82 View Text
A09431 Foure great lyers, striuing who shall win the siluer whetstone Also, a resolution to the countri-man, prouing is vtterly vnlawfull to buye or vse our yeerly prognostications. Written by W.P. Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1585 (1585) STC 19721.7; ESTC S113859 31,826 108 View Text
A88290 The starry messenger; or an interpretation of that strange apparition of three suns seene in London, 19. Novemb. 1644. being the birth day of King Charles. The effects of the eclips of the sun, which will be visible in England, 11. August 1645. whose influence continues in force, from January, 1646 to Decemb. 1647. almost two whole yeares; and cannot but be the fore-runner of some extraordinary mutation in most common-wealths of Europe, but principally in England. With an answer to An astrologicall judgement. Printed at Oxford, upon his Majesties present martch. / By William Lilly student in astrologie. Lilly, William, 1602-1681.; Wharton, George, 1617-1681. Astrologicall judgement upon His Majesties present martch. 1645 (1645) Wing L2245; Thomason E288_17; ESTC R200103 40,051 61 View Text
A90748 The second part of the Garden of Eden. Or An accurate description of all flowers and fruits growing in England; with partuicular [sic] rules how to advance their nature and growth, as well in seeds and herbs, as the secret ordering of trees and plants. / By that learned and great observer, Sir Hugh Plat Knight. Never before printed.; Garden of Eden. Part 2 Plat, Hugh, Sir, 1552-1611? 1659 (1659) Wing P2392; Thomason E1804_2; ESTC R203175 42,070 161 View Text
A04887 Loues load-starre Liuely deciphered in a historie no lesse commendable than comfortable, for all those that in their louely affections, haue by the enmitie of their friends, bene molested with the menacing meteors of crossing misfortunes. Leading also all kinde and true louers, that in their choyces are frownd at by froward parents, vnto the portfull paradise of pleasurde patience, and patient pleasures. By Robert Kittowe, student. Kittowe, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 15026; ESTC S119664 47,205 78 View Text
A14500 Virgil's Georgicks Englished. by Tho: May Esqr; Georgica. English Virgil.; May, Thomas, 1595-1650.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver. 1628 (1628) STC 24823; ESTC S119392 50,687 160 View Text
A24084 An ephemeris for the year 1654, being the second after leap-year by Nich. Culpeper. Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. 1654 (1654) Wing A1524; ESTC R24175 53,030 96 View Text
A87567 The stil-destroyer or, Self-seeking discovered. Together with the curse it brings, and the cure it requires. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen of the city of London, upon occasion of a solemne anniversary meeting, April 9th 1645. / By William Ienkyn Master of Arts, and minister of Gods word at Christ-Church London. Jenkyn, William, 1613-1685. 1645 (1645) Wing J655; Thomason E277_6; ESTC R200004 55,281 61 View Text
A18057 A shorte and briefe narration of the two nauigations and discoueries to the northweast partes called Newe Fraunce: first translated out of French into Italian, by that famous learned man Gio: Bapt: Ramutius, and now turned into English by Iohn Florio; worthy the reading of all venturers, trauellers, and discouerers; Voyages. 1 and 2. English Cartier, Jacques, 1491-1557.; Florio, John, 1553?-1625. 1580 (1580) STC 4699; ESTC S104896 60,030 90 View Text
A69046 A prognostication euerlasting of right good effect fruitfully augmented by the author, containing plaine, briefe, pleasant, chosen rules to iudge the weather by the sunne, moone, starres, comets, rainbow, thunder, clowdes, with other extraordinary tokens, not omitting the aspects of planets, with a briefe iudgement for euer, of plentie, lacke, sicknes, dearth, warres, &c. opening also many naturall causes worthie to be knowne. To these and other now at the last, are ioyned diuers generall, pleasant tables, with many compendious rules, easie to be had in memorie, manifold wayes profitable to all men of vnderstanding. Published by Leonard Digges Gentleman. Lately corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges his sonne.; Prognostication of right good effect Digges, Leonard, d. 1571?; Copernicus, Nicolaus, 1473-1543. De revolutionibus orbium caelestium. Part 1. English. Selections.; Digges, Thomas, d. 1595. 1605 (1605) STC 435.59; ESTC S115715 61,188 112 View Text
A53977 The sheepherd's new kalender: or, The citizens & country man's daily companion treating of most things that are useful, profitable, delightful, and advantageous to mankind. Being the thirty years study, and experience, of a learned sheepherd in the west of England. C.P. 1700 (1700) Wing P11; ESTC R218669 73,860 167 View Text
A06927 The second booke of the English husbandman Contayning the ordering of the kitchin-garden, and the planting of strange flowers: the breeding of all manner of cattell. Together with the cures, the feeding of cattell, the ordering both of pastures and meddow-ground: with the vse both of high-wood and vnder-wood. Whereunto is added a treatise, called Good mens recreation: contayning a discourse of the generall art of fishing, with the angle, and otherwise; and of all the hidden secrets belonging thereunto. Together vvith the choyce, ordering, breeding, and dyeting of the fighting cocke. A worke neuer written before by any author. By G.M.; English husbandman. Part 2-3 Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637.; Dennys, John, d. 1609. Secrets of angling. 1614 (1614) STC 17356; ESTC S112058 79,847 118 View Text
A86058 The knowledge of things vnknowne Shewing the effects of the planets, and oth[er] astronomical constellations. With the strange events that befall men, wome[n] and children born under them. Compiled by Godfridus super palladium de agricultara [sic], Anglicarum. Together with the husband-mans practice, or prognostication for eve[r:] as teacheth Albert, Alkind, and Ptolomey with the shepheards prognostication of the weather, and Pythag[oras] his wheele of fortune. This is unknown to many men, though it be known to some [men.] Godfridus. 1663 (1663) Wing G929B; ESTC R228364 91,497 266 View Text
A96648 Natures secrets. Or, The admirable and wonderfull history of the generation of meteors. Particularly describing, the temperatures and qualities of the four elements, the heights, magnitudes, and influences of the fixt and wandring stars: the efficient and finall causes of comets, earthquakes, deluges, epidemicall diseases, and prodigies of precedent times; registred by the students of nature. Their conjecturall presages of the weather, from the planets mutuall aspects, and sublunary bodies: with the proportions and observations on the weather-glass, with philosophicall paraphrases rendred explicitely, usefull at sea and land. / By the industry and observations of Thomas Willsford, Gent. Willsford, Thomas.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver. 1658 (1658) Wing W2875; Thomason E1775_2; ESTC R204119 105,190 225 View Text
A39083 Bucaniers of America the second volume : containing the dangerous voyage and bold attempts of Captain Bartholomew Sharp, and others, performed upon the coasts of the South Sea, for the space of two years, &c. : from the original journal of the said voyage / written by ... Basil Ringrose, Gent., who was all along present at those transactions. Ringrose, Basil, d. 1686.; Exquemelin, A. O. (Alexandre Olivier). Americaenische zee-roovers. English. 1685 (1685) Wing E3897; ESTC R20999 159,835 237 View Text
A60282 Natural philosophy improven by new experiments touching the mercurial weather-glass, the hygroscope, eclipsis, conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter, by new experiments, touching the pressure of fluids, the diving-bell, and all the curiosities thereof : to which is added some new observations, and experiments, lately made of several kinds : together with a true relation of an evil spirit, which troubled a mans family for many days : lastly, there is a large discourse anent coal, coal-sinks, dipps, risings, and streeks of coal, levels running of mines, gaes, dykes, damps, and wild-fire / by G.S. Sinclair, George, d. 1696. 1683 (1683) Wing S3855; ESTC R15622 205,371 320 View Text
A60281 The hydrostaticks, or, The weight, force, and pressure of fluid bodies, made evident by physical, and sensible experiments together vvith some miscellany observations, the last whereof is a short history of coal, and of all the common, and proper accidents thereof, a subject never treated of before / by G.S. Sinclair, George, d. 1696. 1672 (1672) Wing S3854; ESTC R38925 208,492 331 View Text
A52618 An account of several late voyages & discoveries to the south and north towards the Streights of Magellan, the South Seas, the vast tracts of land beyond Hollandia Nova &c. : also towards Nova Zembla, Greenland or Spitsberg, Groynland or Engrondland, &c. / by Sir John Narborough, Captain Jasmen Tasman, Captain John Wood, and Frederick Marten of Hamburgh ; to which are annexed a large introduction and supplement, giving an account of other navigations to those regions of the globe, the whole illustrated with charts and figures. Narbrough, John, Sir, 1640-1688.; Tasman, Abel Janszoon, 1603?-1659.; Wood, John, Captain.; Martens, Friedrich, 1635-1699.; Robinson, Tancred, Sir, d. 1748. 1694 (1694) Wing N154; ESTC R18669 230,732 472 View Text
A16229 The fower chiefyst offices belongyng to horsemanshippe that is to saye. The office of the breeder, of the rider, of the keper, and of the ferrer. In the firste parte wherof is declared the order of breding of horses. In the seconde howe to breake them, and to make theym horses of seruyce, conteyninge the whole art of ridynge lately set forth, and nowe newly corrected and amended of manye faultes escaped in the fyrste printynge, as well touchyng the bittes as other wyse. Thirdely howe to dyet them, aswell when they reste as when they trauell by the way. Fourthly to what diseases they be subiecte, together with the causes of such diseases, the sygnes howe to knowe them, and finally howe to cure the same. Whyche bookes are not onely paynfully collected out of a nomber of aucthours, but also orderly dysposed and applyed to the vse of thys oure cou[n]trey. By Tho. Blundeuill of Newton Flotman in Norff. Blundeville, Thomas, fl. 1561.; Grisone, Federico. Ordini di cavalcare. 1566 (1566) STC 3152; ESTC S104611 267,576 513 View Text
A56300 A theatre of politicall flying-insects wherein especially the nature, the vvorth, the vvork, the wonder, and the manner of right-ordering of the bee, is discovered and described : together with discourses, historical, and observations physical concerning them : and in a second part are annexed meditations, and observations theological and moral, in three centuries upon that subject / by Samuel Purchas ... Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626. 1657 (1657) Wing P4224; ESTC R6282 278,822 394 View Text
A12824 Pacata Hibernia Ireland appeased and reduced· Or, an historie of the late vvarres of Ireland, especially within the province of Mounster, vnder the government of Sir George Carew, Knight, then Lord President of that province, and afterwards Lord Carevv of Clopton, and Earle of Totnes, &c. VVherein the siedge of Kinsale, the defeat of the Earle of Tyrone, and his armie; the expulsion and sending home of Don Iuan de Aguila, the Spanish generall, with his forces; and many other remarkeable passages of that time are related. Illustrated with seventeene severall mappes, for the better understanding of the storie. Stafford, Thomas, Sir, fl. 1633.; Totnes, George Carew, Earl of, 1555-1629, attributed name. 1633 (1633) STC 23132; ESTC S117453 356,720 417 View Text
A57689 Astrologia restaurata, or, Astrologie restored being an introduction to the general and chief part of the language of the stars : in four books ... / by VVilliam Ramesey, Gent. ... Ramesey, William, 1627-1675 or 6.; Ramesey, William, 1627-1675 or 6. Introduction to the iudgement of the stars.; Ramesey, William, 1627-1675 or 6. Introduction to elections.; Ramesey, William, 1627-1675 or 6. Astrologia munda. 1653 (1653) Wing R201; ESTC R20735 479,753 423 View Text
A42876 Astro-meteorologica, or, Aphorisms and discourses of the bodies cœlestial, their natures and influences discovered from the variety of the alterations of the air ... and other secrets of nature / collected from the observation at leisure times, of above thirty years, by J. Goad. Goad, J. (John), 1616-1689. 1686 (1686) Wing G897; ESTC R30414 688,644 563 View Text
A13820 The historie of foure-footed beastes Describing the true and liuely figure of euery beast, with a discourse of their seuerall names, conditions, kindes, vertues (both naturall and medicinall) countries of their breed, their loue and hate to mankinde, and the wonderfull worke of God in their creation, preseruation, and destruction. Necessary for all diuines and students, because the story of euery beast is amplified with narrations out of Scriptures, fathers, phylosophers, physitians, and poets: wherein are declared diuers hyerogliphicks, emblems, epigrams, and other good histories, collected out of all the volumes of Conradus Gesner, and all other writers to this present day. By Edward Topsell. Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625? 1607 (1607) STC 24123; ESTC S122276 1,123,245 767 View Text
A42668 The history of four-footed beasts and serpents describing at large their true and lively figure, their several names, conditions, kinds, virtues ... countries of their breed, their love and hatred to mankind, and the wonderful work by Edward Topsell ; whereunto is now added, The theater of insects, or, Lesser living creatures ... by T. Muffet ...; Historie of foure-footed beasts Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625?; Topsell, Edward, 1572-1625? Historie of serpents.; Gesner, Konrad, 1516-1565. Historia animalium Liber 1. English.; Gesner, Konrad, 1516-1565. Historia animalium Liber 5. English.; Moffett, Thomas, 1553-1604. Insectorum sive minimorum animalium theatrum. English.; Rowland, John, M.D. 1658 (1658) Wing G624; ESTC R6249 1,956,367 1,026 View Text
A09654 The first set of madrigals and pastorals of 3. 4 and 5. parts. Newly composed by Francis Pilkington, Batchelor of Musicke and lutenist, and one of the Cathedrall Church of Christ and blessed Mary the Virgin in Chester; Madrigals and pastorals. Set 1 Pilkington, Francis, d. 1638. 1614 (1614) STC 19923; ESTC S110423 2,464,998 120 View Text
A09763 The historie of the vvorld: commonly called, The naturall historie of C. Plinius Secundus. Translated into English by Philemon Holland Doctor of Physicke. The first [-second] tome; Naturalis historia. English Pliny, the Elder.; Holland, Philemon, 1552-1637. 1634 (1634) STC 20030; ESTC S121936 2,464,998 1,444 View Text
A02495 The principal nauigations, voyages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation. [vols. 1-3] made by sea or ouer-land, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1600. yeres: deuided into three seuerall volumes, according to the positions of the regions, whereunto they were directed. The first volume containeth the worthy discoueries, &c. of the English ... The second volume comprehendeth the principall nauigations ... to the south and south-east parts of the world ... By Richard Hakluyt preacher, and sometime student of Christ-Church in Oxford.; Principall navigations, voiages, and discoveries of the English nation. 1599 (1599) STC 12626A; ESTC S106753 3,713,189 2,072 View Text
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