Selected quad for the lemma: day_n

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day_n eclipse_n minute_n moon_n 12,931 5 12.8749 5 true
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Showing 1 to 33 of 33
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17496 A prognostication made for y[e] yeere of our Lorde God 1566 declaryng the chau[n]ge, full, & quarters of the moone, w[ith] other,accustomable matters, seruing all England / by Maister F. Cox ... Coxe, Francis, fl. 1560. 1566 (1566) STC 431.7; ESTC S23 5,570 34 View Text
A23836 A new prognostication for the year of Christ, 1670 Being the second after bissextile or leap-year. By J.A. mathematician. J. A., mathematician. 1670 (1670) Wing A1231C; ESTC R213269 5,971 13 View Text
A75144 The bloody almanack: or, Astrological predictions, and monethly observations, for the year, 1659. From the motions and configurations of the cœlestial bodies, three great eclipses, one of the Sun, and two of the Moon: wherein is fore-told, the most eminent actions in Europe, ... Further denoting, and setting forth, 1 The victorious proceedings of the English against the Spaniards, ... 2 The strange revolutions and changes, that will attend the affairs and councels, ... 3 The high and magnanimous transactions, of the most illustrious and serene Prince, Charles Gustavus Adolphus, ... 4 The great and glorious victories, obtained by His Royal Majesty, against the Poles and Germans; ... Together with a paraphrase upon His Majesties nativity. 5 The great and wonderful things that are incident both to men, women, and children; the several diseases ... that are most predominant; and sundry rules ... for the preservation of health, the increase of trade, both in city and countrey; and the general good of all trades whatsoever. Livie, John, fl. 1654-1659. 1659 (1659) Wing A1923; Thomason E993_19; ESTC R207783 6,588 8 View Text
A24423 A new prognostication for the year of our Lord God, 1664 being bissextile or leap-year : wherein are contained the ... movable feasts, with the change of the moon ... with the description of the weather in every quarter of the moon, and a true description of the eclipses this year : together with dates of husbandry and gardening ... / set forth at Aberdene by Philomathes. Philomathes. 1664 (1664) Wing A1984B; ESTC R29078 8,422 17 View Text
A24602 Poor Robin, 1683 a prognostication for the year of our Lord God 1683 : containing the vulgar notes for this present years times when to marry a good wife if you can light of her, a description of the three eclipses of this year, two of the moon, and one of the sun, when they happen, and what it signified by them, a more accurate account of the four quarters of the year, than hath hitherto been given, a very useful scheme ... Poor Robin.; Winstanley, William, 1628?-1698. 1683 (1683) Wing A2202; ESTC R5993 8,555 13 View Text
A24424 A new prognostication for the year of our Lord God 1665 Being the first after leap-year. Wherein are contained the moveable feasts, with the change of the moon, her full and quarters: with the true disposition of the weather, in every quarter of the moon, and a true description of the eclipses of this year. Together with dates of husbandry and gardening, for every month. Also with some physical observations. With the names and times of all the fairs in Scotland: with an addition of several new fairs, never before printed. Set forth at Aberdene, by Philomathes. Philomathes. 1665 (1665) Wing A1984C; ESTC R213315 8,670 16 View Text
A17295 A vvonderful prognostication or prediction for these seuen yeeres insuing shewing the strange and wonderfull comets and meatuors, beginning this present yeere, 1604 / written in French by the Lord of Billy ... Billy, Himbert de, ca. 1544-ca. 1630. 1604 (1604) STC 414.7; ESTC S14 11,444 32 View Text
A24777 Astrological and theological observations and predictions for the year of our Lord 1700 Wherein are briefly shewn as well the judgements and opinions of several wise men concerning this present year and other years as his own judgment with the signification of the eclipses of this present year. With monthly observations for every month of this present year briefly containing the most remarkable events that are likely to happen in England and other places, and the most likely days for rain and change of vveather and other things worthy of observation. The lofy heavenes by their whirling motion ... behold the day star in their hearts to rise. Psal. 19.1 ... 2 Pet. 1.19. By John Silvester student in astrology. Silvester, John, 17th cent. 1699 (1699) Wing A2388A; ESTC R213384 15,516 20 View Text
A18199 An almanacke and prognosticacion for the yere of our Lord God D.CCCCC.LV. [sic] Made by Master Antonius de Mortulind, an Italian, doctoure of phisicke and astronymy. Montulmo, Antonius de. 1555 (1555) STC 483.14; ESTC S120234 18,379 52 View Text
A68798 A prognosticall iudgement of the great coniunction of the two superiour planets, Saturne and Iupiter, which shall happen the 8. day of Aprill. 1583 the fruite of a godly minde, warning us to be mindfull of the sodaine comming of our Lord and Sauiour Christ to iudgement : a comfortable and most necessary discourse, for these miserable and dangerous dayes. R. T. (Robert Tanner) 1583 (1583) STC 23676; ESTC S118135 19,582 64 View Text
A24327 Speculum perspicuum uranicum, or, A glasse wherein you may behold the revolution of the year of our Lord Jesus Christ MDCLIII being the first after bissextile, or leap-year ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... / by Tho. Jackson, mathematician. Jackson, Tho. (Thomas) 1653 (1653) Wing A1832; ESTC R28995 21,816 39 View Text
A24240 The mariner's everlasting almanack wherein is set down diverse motions of the moon, with rules and tables for finding her age every day, and when she cometh to the meridian, also the time of her true rising and setting, fully examplified and proved, together with everlasting tyde-tables, containing the true ebbings and flowings throughout the most part of the sea-ports and towns in Europe ... / by Iohn Forbes. Forbes, John. 1681 (1681) Wing A1704; ESTC R27677 28,000 56 View Text
A44128 A discourse concerning time with application of the natural day and lunar month and solar year as natural, and of such as are derived from them, as artificial parts of time, for measures in civil and common use : by William Holder. Holder, William, 1616-1698. 1694 (1694) Wing H2385; ESTC R30776 35,684 130 View Text
A00750 The rules and righte ample documentes, touchinge the vse and practise of the common almanackes, which are named ephemerides A briefe and shorte introduction vpon the iudiciall astrologie, for to prognosticate of thinges to come, by the helpe of the sayde ephemerides. With a treatise added hereunto, touchinge the coniunction of the planets, in euery one of the. 12. signes, and of their prognostications and reuolutions of yeres. The hole faithfully, and clerely translated into Englyshe by Humfrey Baker.; Canons & documents tresamples, touchant l'usage & practique des communs almanachz, que l'on nomme ephemerides. English Fine, Oronce, 1494-1555.; Baker, Humfrey, fl. 1557-1587. 1558 (1558) STC 10878.7; ESTC S107419 38,281 107 View Text
A59124 Atlas cælestis containing the systems and theoryes of the planets, the constellations of the starrs, and other phenomina's of the heavens, with neccesary tables relating thereto / collected by John Seller. Seller, John, fl. 1658-1698. 1677 (1677) Wing S2463; ESTC R12842 39,250 161 View Text
A88290 The starry messenger; or an interpretation of that strange apparition of three suns seene in London, 19. Novemb. 1644. being the birth day of King Charles. The effects of the eclips of the sun, which will be visible in England, 11. August 1645. whose influence continues in force, from January, 1646 to Decemb. 1647. almost two whole yeares; and cannot but be the fore-runner of some extraordinary mutation in most common-wealths of Europe, but principally in England. With an answer to An astrologicall judgement. Printed at Oxford, upon his Majesties present martch. / By William Lilly student in astrologie. Lilly, William, 1602-1681.; Wharton, George, 1617-1681. Astrologicall judgement upon His Majesties present martch. 1645 (1645) Wing L2245; Thomason E288_17; ESTC R200103 40,051 61 View Text
A37608 Mēno-Ezeologia, or, A treatise of moneths and years comprehending a survey of the solar and lunar moneths and years, a description of the moneths and years heretofore in use among the Hebrews, Babylonians, Persians, Egyptians, Grecians, Arabians, and ancient Latines : an accommodation of all the said moneths and years to the present Julian and Gregorian : together with a new and easie directory for the finding out of the golden number, cycle of the sun ... : to which is also adjoyned, an abridgement of the history of the world from the creation unto Christ, and a continuation of the British history from Christ to this present : with a reduction of the era's of Nabonaffer, of the Olympiads, of Rome ab urbe condita, and of Seleucus, unto Scriptural accounts, and an adjustment of them vvith one another, very necessary for the understanding of the writings of the ancients : with many other chronological and mathematical observations, no less useful than delightful / composed by Nathaniel Eaton. Eaton, Nathaniel, 1609?-1674. 1657 (1657) Wing E117; ESTC R872 44,898 112 View Text
A15751 The description and vse of the sphaere· Deuided into three principall parts. Whereof the first intreateth especially of the circles of the vppermost moueable sphære, and of the manifold vses of euery one of them seuerally. The second sheweth the plentifull vse of the vppermost sphære, and of the circles thereof joyntly. The third contayneth the description of the orbes whereof the sphæres of the sunne and moone haue been supposed to bee made, with their motions and vses. By Edvvard Wright. The contents of each part are more particularly set downe in the table. Wright, Edward, 1558?-1615. 1627 (1627) STC 26022; ESTC S120334 50,441 102 View Text
A39864 A discourse of the plurality of worlds written in French by the most ingenious author of the Dialogues of the dead ; and translated into English by Sir W.D., Knight.; Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes. English Fontenelle, M. de (Bernard Le Bovier), 1657-1757.; W. D., Sir. 1687 (1687) Wing F1411; ESTC R14267 62,482 104 View Text
A92967 Christ under the law with the times of the Gospel, and fullness thereof. Sadler, John, 1615-1674. 1664 (1664) Wing S274; ESTC R227055 102,835 92 View Text
A36936 A new voyage to the East-Indies in the years 1690 and 1691 being a full description of the isles of Maldives, Cicos, Andamants, and the Isle of Ascention ... / by Monsieur Duquesne ; to which is added, a new description of the Canary Islands, Cape Verd, Senegal, and Gambia, &c. ; illustrated with sculptures, together with a new map of the Indies, and another of the Canaries ; done into English from the Paris edition.; Journal du voyage de Duquesne aux Indes Orientales. English Du Quesne, Abraham, ca. 1653-1724.; Le Maire, Jacques-Joseph. Voyages du sieur Le Maire aux isles Canaries. English. 1696 (1696) Wing D2669; ESTC R3453 113,825 341 View Text
A19376 The arte of nauigation conteyning a compendious description of the sphere, with the making of certayne instruments and rules for nauigations, and exemplifyed by many demonstrations. Written by Martin Cortes Spanyarde. Englished out of Spanishe by Richard Eden, and now newly corrected and amended in diuers places.; Breve compendio de la sphera y de la arte de navegar. English Cortés, Martín, 1532-1589.; Eden, Richard, 1521?-1576. 1589 (1589) STC 5802; ESTC S111167 116,085 174 View Text
A19700 The cosmographical glasse conteinyng the pleasant principles of cosmographie, geographie, hydrographie, or nauigation. Compiled by VVilliam Cuningham Doctor in Physicke. Cuningham, William, b. 1531. 1559 (1559) STC 6119; ESTC S106671 118,578 224 View Text
A30887 The Shepheards kalender newly augmented and corrected.; Compost et kalendrier des bergiers. Barclay, Alexander, 1475?-1552.; Copland, Robert, fl. 1508-1547. 1656 (1656) Wing B713; ESTC R16875 141,038 199 View Text
A12110 The shepardes kalender Here beginneth the kalender of shepardes newly augmented and corrected.; Compost et kalendrier des bergiers. English. Copland, Robert, fl. 1508-1547, attributed name. 1570 (1570) STC 22415; ESTC S107779 143,077 197 View Text
A44885 A learned treatise of globes, both cœlestiall and terrestriall with their several uses / written first in Latine, by Mr. Robert Hues, and by him so published ; afterward illustrated with notes by Jo. Isa. Pontanus ; and now lastly made English ... by John Chilmead ...; Tractatus de globis et eorum usu. English Hues, Robert, 1553-1632.; Chilmead, Edmund, 1610-1654.; Pontanus, Johannes Isacius, 1571-1639.; Molyneux, Emery. 1659 (1659) Wing H3298; ESTC R1097 145,949 311 View Text
A42079 Gregorii posthuma, or, Certain learned tracts written by John Gregorie. Together with a short account of the author's life and elegies on his much-lamented death published by J.G. Gregory, John, 1607-1646.; Gurgany, John, 1606 or 7-1675. 1649 (1649) Wing G1926; ESTC R2328 225,906 381 View Text
A94143 Calamus mensurans the measuring reed. Or, The standard of time. Containing an exact computation of the yeares of the world, from the creation thereof, to the time of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. Stating also, and clearing the hid mysteries of Daniels 70. weekes, and other prophecies, the time of Herods reigne; the birth, baptisme and Passion of our Saviour, with other passages never yet extant in our English tongue. In two parts. / By John Swan. Swan, John, d. 1671. 1653 (1653) Wing S6235; Thomason E706_4; ESTC R203659 246,136 350 View Text
A61814 Breviarium chronologicum being a treatise describing the terms and most celebrated characters, periods and epocha's us'd in chronology, by which that useful science may easily be attained to / writ in Latin by Gyles Strauchius ... ; and now done into English from the third edition, with additions. Strauch, Aegidius, 1632-1682.; Sault, Richard, d. 1702. 1699 (1699) Wing S5941; ESTC R39107 274,730 510 View Text
A69728 The darknes of atheism dispelled by the light of nature a physico-theologicall treatise / written by Walter Charleton ... Charleton, Walter, 1619-1707. 1652 (1652) Wing C3668; ESTC R1089 294,511 406 View Text
A17967 The thre bokes of cronicles, whyche Iohn Carion (a man syngularly well sene in the mathematycall sciences) gathered wyth great diligence of the beste authours that haue written in Hebrue, Greke or Latine Whervnto is added an appendix, conteynyng all such notable thynges as be mentyoned in cronicles to haue chaunced in sundry partes of the worlde from the yeare of Christ. 1532. to thys present yeare of. 1550. Gathered by Iohn Funcke of Nurenborough. Whyche was neuer afore prynted in Englysh. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.; Cronica. English Carion, Johannes, 1499-1537 or 8.; Funck, Johann, 1518-1566.; Lynne, Walter. 1550 (1550) STC 4626; ESTC S107499 318,133 586 View Text
A16189 The light of navigation Wherein are declared and lively pourtrayed, all the coasts and havens, of the VVest, North and East seas. Collected partly out of the books of the principall authors which have written of navigation, (as Lucas Iohnson VVaghenaer and divers others) partly also out of manie other expert seafaring mens writings and verball declarations: corrected from manie faults, and inlarged with manie newe descriptions and cardes. Divided into tvvo bookes. Heerunto are added (beside an institution in the art of navigation) nevve tables of the declination of the sonne, according to Tycho Brahes observations, applied to the meridian of Amsterdam. Together with newe tables and instructions to teach men the right use of the North-starre, and other firme starres, profitable for all seafaring men. By William Iohnson.; Licht der Zee-vaert. English Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638. 1612 (1612) STC 3110; ESTC S117230 368,446 360 View Text
A42072 Gregorii Opuscula, or, Notes & observations upon some passages of Scripture with other learned tracts / written by John Gregory ...; Works. 1650 Gregory, John, 1607-1646.; Gurgany, John, 1606 or 7-1675. 1650 (1650) Wing G1921_PARTIAL; Wing G1925_PARTIAL; Wing G1927_PARTIAL; ESTC R14029 370,916 594 View Text
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