The description of the horologicall ring-dyall, which sheweth the hour of the day in any part of the world.
Wing D1160A; ESTC R175940
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Anno Domini. 1592. A briefe treatise for the ready vse of the sphere lately made and finished in most ample large manner. By Robert Tanner gentleman, practitioner in astronomie and physicke. In which globe or sphere, there is added many strange conclusions, as wel cœlestiall as terrestiall, the like heeretofore neuer deuised by any. Necessary not onely to those that follwe the arte of nauigation: but also to the furtherance of such as bee desirous to haue skill in the mathematicall disciplines.
R. T. (Robert Tanner)
STC 23671; ESTC S113520
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Nevves of the complement of the art of nauigation And of the mightie empire of Cataia. Together with the Straits of Anian. By A.L. The principall contents whereof follow in the next page.
Linton, Anthony.
STC 15692; ESTC S109469
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Speculum perspicuum uranicum, or, A glasse wherein you may behold the revolution of the year of our Lord Jesus Christ MDCLIII being the first after bissextile, or leap-year ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... / by Tho. Jackson, mathematician.
Jackson, Tho. (Thomas)
Wing A1832; ESTC R28995
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A manifest and apparent confutation of an astrological discourse, lately published to the discomfort (without cause) of the weake and simple sort, as will by the sequel of that which foloweth, euidently appeare With a briefe prognostication, or astrologicall prediction, of the coniunction of the two superiour planets, Saturn and Iupiter: which shalbe in the year of our Lord God 1583 the 29. of Aprill, at three of the clocke in the morning. / VVritten the 25. of March by Thomas Heth, Master of Art.
Heath, Thomas, astronomer.
STC 13255.3; ESTC S106102
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A light to the longitude, or, The use of an instrument called the seaman's director speedily resolving all astronomical cases and questions concerning the sun, moon, and stars : with several propositions whereby sea-men may find at what meridian and longitude they are at in all parts of the world : published for the advance of navigation / by Robert Theaker.
Theaker, Robert.
Wing T844; ESTC R1274
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An appendix to Holwel's Catastrophe mundi being an astrological discourse of the rise, growth and continuation of the Othoman family : with the nativities of the present French king, emperors of Germany and Turky, all truly rectifyed, and astrologically handled : also, what progress this present emperor of Turky shall make upon Europe in this intended war with the House of Austria : where unto is added a supplement of the judgment of comet / by John Holwel ...
Holwell, John, 1649-1686?; Holwell, John, 1649-1686? Catastrophe mundi.
Wing H2515; ESTC R2520
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The description and vse of the sphaere· Deuided into three principall parts. Whereof the first intreateth especially of the circles of the vppermost moueable sphære, and of the manifold vses of euery one of them seuerally. The second sheweth the plentifull vse of the vppermost sphære, and of the circles thereof joyntly. The third contayneth the description of the orbes whereof the sphæres of the sunne and moone haue been supposed to bee made, with their motions and vses. By Edvvard Wright. The contents of each part are more particularly set downe in the table.
Wright, Edward, 1558?-1615.
STC 26022; ESTC S120334
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The laws of Jamaica passed by the assembly, and confirmed by His majesty in council, Feb. 23. 1683 : to which is added, A short account of the island and government thereof, with an exact map of the island.; Laws, etc.
Jamaica.; Hanson, Francis.
Wing J124; ESTC R8077
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Medulla historiæ Scoticæ being a comprehensive history of the lives and reigns of the kings of Scotland, from Fergus the First, to Our Gracious Sovereign Charles the Second : containing the most remarkable transactions, and observable passages, ecclesiastical, civil, and military, with other observations proper for a chronicle, faithfully collected out of authors ancient and modern : to which is added, a brief account of the present state of Scotland, the names of the nobility, and principal ministers of church and state, the laws criminal : a description of that engine with which malefactors are tortured, called the boot.
Alexander, William, fl. 1685-1704.
Wing A917; ESTC R21197
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A regiment for the sea conteyning most profitable rules, mathematical experiences, and perfect knovvledge of nauigation, for all coastes and countreys: most needefull and necessarie for all seafaring men and trauellers, as pilotes, mariners, marchants. [et] c. Exactly deuised and made by VVilliam Bourne.
Bourne, William, d. 1583.
STC 3422; ESTC S104662
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Elliptical or azimuthal horologiography comprehending severall wayes of describing dials upon all kindes of superficies, either plain or curved, and unto upright stiles in whatsoever position they shall be placed / invented and demonstrated by Samuel Foster ...
Foster, Samuel, d. 1652.; Twysden, John, 1607-1688.; Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.
Wing F1632; ESTC R7034
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Horologiographia, or, The art of dyalling being the second book of the use of the trianguler-quadrant : shewing the natural, artificial, and instrumental way, of making of sun-dials, on any flat superficies, with plain and easie directions, to discover their nature and affections, by the horizontal projection : with the way of drawing the usual ornaments on any plain : also, a familiar easie way to draw those lines on the ceiling of a room, by the trianguler quadrant : also, the use of the same instrument in navigation, both for observation, and operation : performing the use of several sea-instruments still in use / by John Brown, philomath.
Brown, John, philomath.
Wing B5042; ESTC R17803
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The mariners mirrour wherin may playnly be seen the courses, heights, distances, depths, soundings, flouds and ebs, risings of lands, rocks, sands and shoalds, with the marks for th'entrings of the harbouroughs, havens and ports of the greatest part of Europe: their seueral traficks and commodities: together wth. the rules and instrume[n]ts of navigation. First made & set fourth in diuers exact sea-charts, by that famous nauigator Luke Wagenar of Enchuisen and now fitted with necessarie additions for the use of Englishmen by Anthony Ashley. Heerin also may be understood the exploits lately atchiued by the right Honorable the L. Admiral of Engla[n]d with her Maties. nauie and some former seruices don by that worthy knight Sr. Fra: Drake.; Spieghel der zeevaerdt. English
Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon, 1534 or 5-1606.; Ashley, Anthony, Sir, 1551-1628.; Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598, engraver.; Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, engraver.; Ryther, Augustine, engraver.
STC 24931; ESTC S122236
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A very useful manual, or, The young mans companion containing plain and easy directions for spelling, reading, and uniting English, with easy rules, for their attaining to writing, and arithmetick, and the Englishing of the Latin Bible without a tutor, likewise the plotting and measuring of land, globes, steeples, walls, barrels, timber, stone, boards, glass, &c. ... : and several other considerable and necessary matters, intended for the good of all, and for promoting love to one another : as by the table annexed particularly appears / collected by William Mather.
Mather, W. (William), fl. 1695.
Wing M1286; ESTC R36919
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A booke called the treasure for traueilers deuided into fiue bookes or partes, contayning very necessary matters, for all sortes of trauailers, eyther by sea or by lande, written by William Bourne.
Bourne, William, d. 1583.
STC 3432; ESTC S104686
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A tutor to astronomie and geographie, or, An easie and speedy way to know the use of both the globes, coelestial and terrestrial in six books : the first teaching the rudiments of astronomy and geography, the 2. shewing by the globes the solution of astronomical & geographical probl., the 3. shewing by the globes the solution of problems in navigation, the 4. shewing by the globes the solution of astrological problemes, the 5. shewing by the globes the solution of gnomonical problemes, the 6. shewing by the globes the solution of of [sic] spherical triangles : more fully and amply then hath ever been set forth either by Gemma Frisius, Metius, Hues, Wright, Blaew, or any others that have taught the use of the globes : and that so plainly and methodically that the meanest capacity may at first reading apprehend it, and with a little practise grow expert in these divine sciences / by Joseph Moxon ; whereunto is added Antient poetical stories of the stars, shewing reasons why the several shapes and forms are pictured on the coelestial globe, collected from Dr. Hood ; as also a Discourse of the antiquity, progress and augmentation of astronomie.
Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1691.; Hood, Thomas, fl. 1582-1598.
Wing M3021; ESTC R23159
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Certain errors in navigation detected and corrected by Edw. Wright ; with many additions that were not in the former editions.
Wright, Edward, 1558?-1615.
Wing W3689; ESTC R16243
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Athenæ Oxonienses. Vol. 1. an exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the most ancient and famous University of Oxford, from the fifteenth year of King Henry the Seventh, Dom. 1500, to the end of the year 1690 representing the birth, fortune, preferment, and death of all those authors and prelates, the great accidents of their lives, and the fate and character of their writings : to which are added, the Fasti, or, Annals, of the said university, for the same time ...
Wood, Anthony à, 1632-1695.
Wing W3382; ESTC R200957
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Purchas his pilgrimes. part 3 In fiue bookes. The first, contayning the voyages and peregrinations made by ancient kings, patriarkes, apostles, philosophers, and others, to and thorow the remoter parts of the knowne world: enquiries also of languages and religions, especially of the moderne diuersified professions of Christianitie. The second, a description of all the circum-nauigations of the globe. The third, nauigations and voyages of English-men, alongst the coasts of Africa ... The fourth, English voyages beyond the East Indies, to the ilands of Iapan, China, Cauchinchina, the Philippinæ with others ... The fifth, nauigations, voyages, traffiques, discoueries, of the English nation in the easterne parts of the world ... The first part.
Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626.
STC 20509_pt3; ESTC S111862
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The principal nauigations, voyages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation. [vols. 1-3] made by sea or ouer-land, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1600. yeres: deuided into three seuerall volumes, according to the positions of the regions, whereunto they were directed. The first volume containeth the worthy discoueries, &c. of the English ... The second volume comprehendeth the principall nauigations ... to the south and south-east parts of the world ... By Richard Hakluyt preacher, and sometime student of Christ-Church in Oxford.; Principall navigations, voiages, and discoveries of the English nation.
STC 12626A; ESTC S106753
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