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day_n bill_n read_v wednesday_n 4,037 5 12.8220 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A74250 The votes of the House, or The dayly proceedings in Parliament since the coming in of the secluded members the 21 of February 1659, untill the dissolution of the Parliament March 16 1659. Published according to order. Williams, Oliver, fl. 1657-1670. 1660 (1660) Thomason E1016_1; ESTC P1103 36,486 170

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land_n upon_o his_o excelcy_n george_n monck_n and_o his_o heir_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o second_o time_n resolve_v that_o there_o be_v a_o full_a addition_n of_o land_n to_o the_o land_n mention_v in_o this_o bill_n resolve_v that_o this_o bill_n be_v commit_v upon_o the_o whole_a debate_n with_o the_o former_a vote_n to_o the_o former_a committee_n ordered_n that_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o the_o committee_n to_o who_o the_o bill_n for_o settle_v land_n on_o general_n george_n monck_n be_v refer_v to_o consider_v how_o the_o title_n of_o the_o hamper_n office_n stand_v and_o if_o they_o find_v the_o title_n to_o be_v clear_o in_o the_o state_n that_o the_o same_o be_v confer_v on_o dr._n clergius_n but_o if_o it_o appear_v that_o the_o title_n be_v not_o clear_a in_o the_o state_n that_o then_o the_o say_a committee_n consider_v of_o some_o other_o office_n to_o be_v confer_v on_o the_o say_a dr._n clergius_n and_o report_v their_o opinion_n therein_o to_o the_o parliament_n a_o bill_n for_o dissolve_v this_o present_a parliament_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o first_o time_n resolve_v that_o this_o bill_n be_v red_a the_o second_o time_n on_o wednesday_n morning_n next_o ordered_n that_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o the_o commit_v that_o bring_v in_o the_o bill_n for_o dissolve_v the_o parliament_n to_o bring_v in_o a_o form_n of_o a_o writ_n for_o election_n of_o member_n to_o sit_v and_o serve_v in_o parliament_n and_o how_o and_o in_o what_o manner_n the_o new_a parliament_n shall_v be_v summon_v and_o that_o they_o report_v their_o opinion_n herein_o to_o the_o parliament_n with_o all_o speed_n resolve_v that_o the_o house_n at_o the_o arise_v be_v adjourn_v until_o wednesday_n morning_n next_o save_v power_n to_o all_o the_o committee_n to_o sit_v notwithstanding_o the_o say_a adjournment_n a_o act_n for_o the_o settle_v the_o militia_n in_o the_o respective_a county_n of_o this_o common_a wealth_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o first_o time_n ordered_n that_o this_o bill_n be_v read_v the_o second_o time_n on_o wednesday_n morning_n next_o the_o first_o business_n nothing_o to_o intervene_v ordered_n that_o john_n vaughan_n esq_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o discharge_v from_o be_v sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n of_o caernavan_n so_o this_o next_o year_n and_o that_o rowland_n gwinn_n esq_n be_v sheriff_n for_o the_o say_a county_n of_o caernavan_n for_o this_o next_o year_n and_o that_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n for_o the_o great_a seal_n of_o england_n do_v pass_v a_o patent_n or_o commission_n for_o he_o to_o be_v sheriff_n of_o the_o say_a county_n according_o london_n print_v by_o john_n redmayne_n in_o lovet_n court_n in_o pator-noster-row_n 1660._o numb_a 7._o a_o perfect_n diurnal_a or_o the_o daily_a proceed_n in_o parliament_n publish_v according_a to_o order_n wednesday_n 29._o febr._n 1659._o ordered_n that_o the_o thanks_o of_o this_o house_n be_v give_v unto_o mr._n calamy_n for_o his_o great_a pain_n take_v yesterday_o in_o margaret_n church_n westminster_n in_o carry_v on_o the_o work_n of_o thanksgiving_n for_o the_o union_n of_o the_o parliament_n and_o restore_v the_o member_n of_o parliament_n to_o the_o discharge_n of_o their_o trust_n and_o that_o he_o be_v desire_v to_o print_v his_o sermon_n ordered_n that_o the_o thanks_o of_o this_o house_n be_v give_v unto_o mr._n manton_n for_o his_o great_a pain_n take_v yesterday_o in_o carry_v on_o the_o work_n of_o thanksgiving_n at_o margaret_n church_n westminster_n for_o the_o union_n of_o the_o parliament_n and_o restore_v the_o member_n to_o the_o discharge_n of_o their_o trust_n and_o that_o he_o be_v desire_v to_o print_v his_o sermon_n ordered_n that_o sir_n gilbert_n gerard_n and_o colonel_n lee_n do_v give_v they_o the_o thanks_o of_o the_o house_n according_o ordered_n that_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o a_o committee_n to_o consider_v of_o settle_v of_o minister_n and_o of_o all_o matter_n concern_v religion_n and_o the_o confession_n of_o faith_n and_o present_v their_o opinion_n herein_o to_o the_o parliament_n what_o they_o think_v fit_a to_o be_v do_v by_o friday_n next_o who_o be_v to_o meet_v this_o afternoon_n at_o two_o of_o the_o clock_n in_o the_o speaker_n chamber_n a_o act_n for_o security_n and_o repayment_n of_o such_o sum_n of_o money_n as_o shall_v be_v advance_v by_o the_o lord_n mayor_n aldermen_z and_o commons_o of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o first_o and_o second_o time_n and_o commit_v unto_o a_o committee_n who_o be_v to_o meet_v in_o the_o inner_a court_n of_o ward_n this_o afternoon_n at_o two_o of_o the_o clock_n a_o bill_n for_o settle_v the_o militia_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n and_o the_o liberty_n thereof_o be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o first_o and_o second_o time_n resolve_v that_o major_a general_n brown_n be_v insert_v into_o the_o bill_n one_o of_o the_o commissioner_n for_o the_o militia_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n resolve_v that_o this_o bill_n be_v commit_v unto_o a_o committee_n who_o be_v to_o meet_v this_o afternoon_n at_o two_o of_o the_o clock_n in_o the_o exchequer-chamber_n and_o all_o that_o come_v to_o have_v voice_n a_o bill_n for_o settle_v the_o militia_n of_o the_o several_a county_n of_o england_n wales_n and_o of_o berwick_n upon_o twede_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o second_o time_n and_o commit_v to_o the_o same_o committee_n that_o the_o bill_n for_o the_o militia_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n be_v commit_v ordered_n that_o the_o report_n of_o the_o qualification_n of_o member_n to_o sit_v and_o serve_v in_o parliament_n be_v make_v to_o morrow_n morning_n at_o ten_o of_o the_o clock_n the_o bill_n declare_v this_o present_a parliament_n to_o be_v dissolve_v be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o second_o time_n ordered_n that_o the_o committee_n to_o who_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o consider_v of_o the_o form_n of_o writ_n do_v bring_v in_o a_o act_n for_o settle_v the_o form_n of_o writ_n and_o do_v also_o bring_v in_o a_o clause_n in_o that_o act_n to_o dissolve_v this_o present_a parliament_n and_o that_o they_o bring_v it_o in_o on_o friday_n next_o ordered_n that_o further_a power_n be_v give_v to_o the_o committee_n to_o who_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o consider_v of_o matter_n of_o religion_n and_o the_o confession_n of_o faith_n to_o consider_v of_o such_o minister_n as_o be_v in_o live_n upon_o sequestration_n and_o of_o minister_n sequester_v and_o to_o examine_v the_o business_n touch_v such_o minister_n in_o wales_n as_o have_v be_v put_v out_o of_o their_o live_n and_o state_n matter_n of_o fact_n and_o report_v it_o to_o the_o parliament_n london_n print_v by_o tho._n newcomb_n live_v in_o thames-street_n over_o against_o baynard_n castle_n 1660._o numb_a 8_o a_o perfect_n diurnal_a or_o the_o daily_a proceed_n in_o parliament_n publish_v according_a to_o order_n thursday_n 1_o march_n ordered_n that_o this_o morning_n the_o house_n do_v receive_v report_n from_o the_o committee_n for_o religion_n and_o spend_v one_o hour_n therein_o every_o morning_n and_o that_o mr._n speaker_n do_v put_v the_o house_n in_o mind_n thereof_o ordered_n that_o sir_n gilbert_n gerard_n knight_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o constitute_v and_o appoint_v custos_fw-la rotulorum_fw-la for_o the_o county_n of_o middlesex_n to_o hold_v exercise_n and_o enjoy_v the_o say_a office_n as_o full_o and_o ample_o a_o any_o person_n former_o might_n and_o ought_v to_o hold_v and_o execute_v the_o same_o ordered_n that_o coll._n norton_n sir_n william_n lewis_n mr._n bulkley_n mr._n grove_n mr._n button_n and_o mr._n whitehead_n be_v add_v commissioner_n for_o custody_n of_o the_o new_a forest_n for_o the_o preservation_n of_o the_o timber_n wood_n and_o vert_fw-fr in_o the_o say_a forest_n and_o that_o any_o four_o of_o the_o say_a committee_n be_v a_o quorum_fw-la ordered_n that_o john_n alderton_n mayor_n of_o guildford_n henry_n baldwyn_n and_o john_n how_o be_v add_v commissioner_n for_o the_o assessment_n for_o the_o county_n of_o surrey_n and_o the_o say_a commissioner_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o authorize_v and_o require_v to_o sit_v and_o act_n as_o commissioner_n for_o the_o affessement_n as_o full_o to_o all_o intent_n and_o purpose_n as_o if_o they_o have_v be_v name_v in_o the_o act_n entitle_v a_o act_n for_o raise_v a_o 100000_o l._n a_o month_n upon_o england_n scotland_n and_o ireland_n for_o six_o month_n a_o bill_n for_o repeal_n of_o two_o act_n for_o sequestration_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o first_o time_n resolve_v that_o this_o bill_n be_v now_o read_v the_o second_o time_n and_o upon_o the_o question_n it_o be_v commit_v unto_o the_o committee_n that_o bring_v in_o the_o say_a bill_n who_o be_v to_o meet_v at_o two_o of_o the_o clock_n this_o afternoon_n in_o the_o inner_a court_n of_o ward_n upon_o a_o report_n from_o the_o committee_n concern_v distress_a
the_o commissioner_n for_o the_o assessment_n to_o expedite_v the_o bring_n in_o of_o the_o assessment_n be_v read_v and_o approve_v and_o it_o be_v order_v that_o mr._n speaker_n sign_n the_o same_o several_a alderman_n and_o common_a council-man_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n attend_v the_o parliament_n and_o be_v call_v in_o alderman_n fowke_v deliver_v himself_o in_o a_o speech_n to_o they_o wherein_o he_o congratulate_v they_o in_o reference_n to_o their_o happy_a u_o nion_n and_o the_o return_n of_o the_o member_n to_o the_o discharge_n of_o their_o trust_n and_o have_v insist_v upon_o some_o other_o thing_n he_o come_v to_o desire_v they_o that_o the_o militia_n of_o the_o city_n may_v be_v settle_v and_o present_v they_o with_o the_o name_n of_o the_o commissioner_n of_o the_o militia_n the_o list_n whereof_o follow_v the_o name_n of_o the_o commissioner_n for_o the_o militia_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n the_o lord_n major_n thomas_n alleyn_n the_o sheriff_n for_o the_o time_n be_v alderman_n atkins_n alderman_n foot_n alderman_n fowke_n alderman_n viner_n alderman_n thompson_n alderman_n robinson_n alderman_n bateman_n alderman_n laurence_n alderman_n king_n alderman_n bolton_n alderman_n wale_n col_fw-fr bromfeild_n common-council-man_n richard_z ford_z common-council-man_n major_a chamberlain_n common-council-man_n william_n bateman_n esq_n common-council-man_n john_n jolley_n esq_n common-council-man_n major_a jo._n taylor_n common-council-man_n deputy_n antrobus_n common-council-man_n deputy_n staines_n common-council-man_n mr._n john_n wynne_n common-council-man_n theoph._n biddulph_n common-council-man_n capt._n story_n common-council-man_n capt._n johnson_n common-council-man_n mr_n sanders_n common-council-man_n tho._n bludworth_n common-council-man_n maximill_n beard_n common-council-man_n major_a cox_n common-council-man_n major_a eardly_n common-council-man_n deputy_n lenthall_n gower_n esq_n common-council-man_n peter_n mill_n common-council-man_n nicholas_n pen_v common-council-man_n capt._n cleggat_n common-council-man_n william_n vincent_n esq_n common-council-man_n the_o alderman_n and_o common_a councilman_n be_v again_o call_v in_o the_o speaker_n return_v they_o the_o hearty_a thanks_o of_o the_o house_n and_o tell_v they_o that_o they_o have_v approve_v of_o their_o commissioner_n for_o the_o militia_n resolve_v upon_o the_o question_n by_o the_o parliament_n that_o tuesday_n next_o be_v set_v apart_o for_o a_o day_n of_o thanksgiving_n to_o the_o lord_n to_o be_v observe_v by_o the_o parliament_n in_o margret_n church_n westminster_n for_o the_o happy_a union_n of_o the_o parliament_n and_o the_o return_v of_o the_o member_n of_o parliament_n to_o the_o discharge_v of_o their_o trust_n order_v by_o the_o parliament_n that_o mr._n calamy_n be_v desire_v to_o assist_v in_o carry_v on_o the_o work_n of_o thanksgiving_n at_o margaret_n church_n westminster_n before_o the_o parliament_n on_o tuesday_n next_o and_o mr._n annesly_n be_v desire_v to_o give_v mr._n calamy_n notice_n hereof_o the_o house_n proceed_v to_o the_o nomination_n of_o a_o council_n of_o state_n which_o be_v as_o follow_v the_o name_n of_o the_o council_n of_o state_n gen._n george_n monck_n lord_n st._n john_n mr._n pierrepoint_n sir_n william_n lewis_n mr._n crew_n col._n rossiter_n mr._n knightley_n col._n popham_n col._n morley_n sir_n gilbert_n gerard._n sir_n anth._n ashley-coop_n lord_n widdrington_n mr._n evelyn_n of_o wilts_n gen._n montague_n sir_n john_n temple_n col._n waeley_n lord_n fairfax_n col._n norton_n sir_n john_n holland_n mr._n annesley_n col._n thompson_n mr._n hollis_n mr._n trever_o sir_n harebotle_n grimston_n sir_n john_n potts_n sir_n william_n waller_n col._n birch_n mr._n weaver_n mr._n swinfen_n mr._n sergeant_n maynard_n sir_n richard_n anslow_n london_n print_v by_o d._n maxwel_o in_o thames-street_n over_o against_o baynard_n castle_n numb_a 4_o a_o perfect_n diurnal_a or_o the_o daily_a proceed_n in_o parliament_n friday_n 24._o feb._n courteous_a reader_n you_o be_v desire_v to_o take_v notice_n that_o yesterday_o be_v the_o 24._o feb._n there_o be_v a_o print_a pamphlet_n in_o imitation_n of_o this_o book_n as_o if_o do_v by_o the_o same_o hand_n and_o that_o it_o be_v both_o false_a in_o itself_o and_o the_o title_n forge_v to_o deceive_v therefore_o the_o continuation_n of_o this_o which_o be_v the_o extract_v from_o the_o original_a you_o be_v constant_o to_o expect_v from_o the_o printer_n hereof_o ordered_n that_o mr._n manton_n be_v desire_v to_o be_v assist_v in_o carry_v on_o the_o work_n of_o public_a thanksgiving_n before_o the_o parliament_n on_o tuesday_n next_o at_o margaret_n church_n westminster_n for_o the_o union_n of_o the_o parliament_n and_o restore_v the_o member_n hereof_o to_o the_o discharge_n of_o their_o trust_n and_o that_o coll._n leigh_n do_v give_v he_o notice_n according_o a_o bill_n constitute_v george_n monck_n esquire_n to_o be_v captain_n general_n and_o commander_n in_o chief_a of_o all_o the_o land_n force_n in_o england_n scotland_n and_o ireland_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o first_o and_o second_o time_n and_o upon_o the_o question_n commit_v unto_o a_o committee_n who_o be_v to_o meet_v this_o afternoon_n at_o two_o of_o the_o clock_n in_o the_o speaker_n chamber_n with_o power_n to_o send_v for_o person_n paper_n and_o what_o otherwise_o may_v be_v of_o concernment_n to_o that_o business_n resolve_a that_o coll._n hutchinson_n be_v discharge_v from_o be_v sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n of_o nottingham_n and_o that_o john_n rayner_n esq_n be_v sheriff_n of_o that_o county_n according_a to_o former_a order_n resolve_a that_o coll._n crook_n be_v discharge_v from_o be_v sheriff_n for_o the_o county_n of_o oxford_n resolve_a that_o the_o sheriff_n appoint_v for_o the_o county_n of_o york_n do_v stand_v resolve_a that_o edward_n william_n esq_n be_v and_o be_v nominate_v and_o appoint_v sheriff_n for_o the_o county_n of_o breeknock_n resolve_a that_o the_o sheriff_n for_o the_o last_o year_n not_o otherwise_o alter_v by_o the_o parliament_n this_o day_n do_v continue_v sheriff_n until_o the_o parliament_n take_v further_a order_n the_o amendment_n to_o the_o bill_n for_o continue_v the_o custom_n &_o excise_n be_v twice_o read_v and_o agree_v unto_o resolve_v that_o nathaniel_n manton_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o constitute_v and_o appoint_v one_o of_o the_o commissioner_n for_o excise_n in_o the_o place_n of_o mr._n bulstrod_n and_o that_o mr._n bulstrod_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o discharge_v from_o be_v a_o commissioner_n for_o the_o excise_n resolve_a that_o capt._n stone_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o constitute_v and_o appoint_v one_o of_o the_o commissioner_n for_o appeal_n in_o the_o place_n of_o capt._n adam_n baynes_n and_o that_o capt._n adam_n baynes_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o discharge_v from_o be_v a_o commissioner_n for_o appeal_n resolve_v that_o mr._n scowen_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o constitute_v one_o of_o the_o commissioner_n for_o appeal_n in_o the_o place_n of_o luke_n robinson_n esq_n and_o that_o the_o same_o mr._n luke_n robinson_n be_v &_o be_v hereby_o discharge_v from_o be_v a_o commissioner_n of_o appeal_n resolve_v that_o jervace_n bennet_n esq_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o constitute_v one_o of_o the_o commissioner_n for_o appeal_n in_o the_o place_n of_o dr._n william_n barker_n and_o that_o dr._n william_n barker_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o discharge_v from_o be_v a_o commissioner_n of_o appeal_n resolve_v that_o the_o commissioner_n collector_n and_o governor_n of_o the_o excise_n and_o custom_n in_o ireland_n shall_v continue_v until_o the_o 24._o of_o june_n 1660._o resolve_v that_o the_o bill_n for_o the_o continue_n of_o the_o custom_n and_o excise_n be_v engross_v and_o bring_v in_o the_o first_o business_n nothing_o to_o intervene_v resolve_v that_o the_o assessment_n for_o the_o army_n shall_v be_v the_o security_n to_o be_v give_v to_o the_o lord_n mayor_n aldermen_z &_o common-council_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n for_o the_o money_n which_o shall_v be_v advance_v by_o they_o for_o the_o use_n of_o the_o army_n and_o navy_n resolve_v that_o a_o act_n be_v bring_v in_o for_o settlement_n of_o the_o assessment_n for_o the_o army_n as_o their_o security_n according_o resolve_v that_o the_o quorum_fw-la of_o the_o commissioner_n for_o the_o militia_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n be_v nine_o resolve_v that_o alderman_n viner_n and_o alderman_n robinson_n be_v nominate_v treasurer_n in_o the_o say_a act_n for_o receipt_n of_o the_o say_a money_n to_o repay_v the_o say_v money_n to_o be_v advance_v as_o aforesaid_a the_o committee_n for_o qualification_n of_o member_n to_o be_v elect_v to_o sit_v and_o serve_v in_o parliament_n make_v their_o report_n resolve_v that_o the_o debate_n upon_o the_o say_a qualification_n be_v take_v into_o consideration_n on_o monday_n morning_n next_o the_o house_n adjourn_v until_o three_o of_o the_o clock_n friday_n 24._o feb._n afternoon_n a_o bill_n for_o hold_v a_o assize_n for_o the_o county_n of_o lancaster_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o first_o and_o second_o time_n and_o commit_v resolve_a
that_o mr._n molineux_n be_v sheriff_n for_o the_o county_n of_o lancaster_n ordered_n that_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o a_o committee_n to_o consider_v of_o the_o chamberlain_n of_o north-wales_n and_o of_o the_o seal_n there_o and_o report_v their_o opinion_n herein_o to_o the_o parliament_n the_o bill_n for_o repeal_n a_o act_n constitute_v commissioner_n for_o government_n of_o the_o army_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o first_o second_o and_o three_o time_n and_o upon_o the_o question_n pass_v resolve_a that_o this_o be_v the_o title_n to_o this_o act_n viz._n a_o act_n make_v void_a the_o act_n appoint_v commissioner_n for_o government_n of_o the_o army_n and_o for_o make_v charles_n flectwood_n esquire_n commander_n in_o chief_a of_o the_o land_n force_v order_v that_o this_o act_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v the_o house_n likewise_o read_v the_o bill_n for_o constitute_v a_o council_n of_o state_n and_o order_v the_o say_a bill_n to_o be_v engross_v resolve_a that_o a_o bill_n be_v bring_v in_o on_o monday_n next_o for_o the_o dissolve_v of_o the_o parliament_n and_o that_o a_o committee_n do_v prepare_v and_o bring_v in_o the_o say_a bill_n according_o resolve_a that_o the_o bill_n constitute_v george_n monck_n esquire_n capt_n general_n and_o commander_n in_o chief_a of_o all_o the_o i_o and_o force_n in_o england_n scotland_n and_o ireland_n be_v engross_v london_n print_v by_o john_n redmayne_n in_o lovel_n court_n in_o pater-noster-rowe_n 1650._o and_o be_v to_o be_v have_v at_o the_o office_n of_o intelligence_n numb_a 5_o a_o perfect_n diurnal_a or_o the_o daily_a proceed_n in_o parliament_n publish_v according_a to_o order_n saturday_n 25._o feb._n a_o bill_n engross_v for_o constitute_v george_n monck_n esq_n capt._n general_n and_o commander_n in_o chief_a under_o the_o parliament_n of_o all_o the_o land_n force_n in_o england_n scotland_n and_o ireland_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o three_o time_n resolve_v that_o this_o be_v the_o title_n of_o this_o act_n viz._n a_o act_n constitute_v george_n monck_n esq_n capt._n general_n and_o commander_n in_o chief_a under_o the_o parliament_n of_o all_o the_o land_n force_n in_o england_n scotland_n and_o ireland_n and_o the_o say_a act_n be_v put_v to_o the_o question_n pass_v ordered_n that_o sir_n william_n wheeler_n sir_n john_n temple_n and_o mr._n raleigh_n do_v carry_v this_o commission_n to_o his_o excellency_n general_n george_n monck_n a_o bill_n for_o settle_v the_o honnors_n and_o manor_n of_o hampton_n court_n and_o other_o land_n upon_o general_n george_n monck_n and_o his_o heir_n which_o be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o first_o time_n ordered_n that_o this_o bill_n be_v read_v the_o second_o time_n on_o monday_n morning_n the_o first_o business_n a_o bill_n engross_v constitute_v a_o council_n of_o state_n and_o instruction_n give_v to_o the_o say_a council_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o three_o time_n resolve_v that_o this_o be_v the_o title_n of_o this_o act_n viz._n a_o act_n for_o constitute_v a_o council_n of_o state_n and_o the_o say_a act_n be_v put_v to_o the_o question_n pass_v resolve_v that_o william_n love_n alderman_n and_o sheriff_n of_o london_n upon_o his_o own_o desire_n and_o request_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o discharge_v from_o be_v one_o of_o the_o commissioner_n of_o the_o custom_n and_o that_o edward_n wigate_v esquire_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o constitute_v one_o of_o the_o commissioner_n for_o the_o custom_n in_o the_o place_n of_o the_o say_v william_n love_n a_o bill_n engross_v for_o continuance_n of_o the_o custom_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o three_o time_n resolve_a that_o col._n john_n white_a be_v discharge_v from_o be_v a_o commissioner_n for_o the_o custom_n and_o that_o mr._n swinfin_fw-fr be_v and_o be_v hereby_o constitute_v a_o commissioner_n in_o the_o place_n of_o the_o say_v john_n white_a resolve_a that_o mr._n harrington_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o discharge_v from_o be_v one_o of_o the_o commissioner_n for_o the_o custom_n &_o that_o mr._n samuel_n vassal_n be_v &_o be_v hereby_o constitute_v one_o of_o the_o commissioner_n for_o the_o custom_n in_o the_o place_n of_o the_o say_a mr._n harrington_n and_o the_o say_a bill_n so_o amend_v be_v put_v to_o the_o question_n pass_v ordered_n that_o this_o act_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v resolve_a that_o all_o the_o circuit_n for_o the_o lend_a assize_n for_o the_o several_a county_n of_o this_o commonwealth_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o put_v off_o order_v that_o commissioner_n of_o oyer_n and_o terminer_n and_o goal_n delivery_n do_v issue_n under_o the_o great_a seal_n to_o the_o justice_n of_o peace_n in_o the_o respective_a county_n of_o this_o commonwealth_n and_o that_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n for_o the_o great_a seal_n do_v issue_n forth_o commission_n according_o the_o house_n read_v the_o humble_a petition_n of_o the_o poor_a maim_a soldier_n widow_n and_o orphan_n at_o ely_n house_n and_o the_o savoy_n ordered_n that_o this_o petition_n be_v refer_v to_o a_o committee_n to_o examine_v the_o business_n and_o to_o consider_v how_o the_o case_n stand_v with_o the_o petitioner_n and_o how_o the_o two_o thousand_o pound_n former_o grant_v unto_o they_o and_o their_o pention_n for_o the_o future_a may_v be_v pay_v and_o satisfy_v and_o report_v their_o opinion_n to_o the_o parliament_n on_o monday_n morning_n ordered_n that_o a_o committee_n do_v prepare_v a_o proclamation_n declare_v the_o ground_n and_o reason_n for_o put_v off_o the_o circuit_n for_o this_o time_n ordered_n that_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o the_o council_n of_o state_n to_o give_v direction_n that_o the_o street_n before_o whitehall_n be_v repair_v and_o that_o they_o see_v that_o the_o surveyor_n be_v pay_v and_o satisfy_v the_o disbursement_n for_o repair_v thereof_o ordered_n that_o peter_n brook_n col._n holland_n henry_n brooker_n and_o col._n charles_n white_a be_v discharge_v of_o their_o imprisonment_n and_o that_o the_o sequestration_n of_o their_o estate_n be_v suspend_v and_o that_o the_o commissioner_n for_o sequestration_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o require_v to_o forbear_v any_o further_a proceed_n touch_v the_o sequestration_n of_o the_o estate_n of_o they_o or_o any_o of_o they_o a_o pardon_n for_o james_n pyper_n samuel_n eden_n richard_n jackman_n winifrid_n jones_n wife_n of_o edward_n jones_n william_n love_n henry_n warner_n jane_n odford_n will._n auckland_n william_n helena_n john_n christopher_n agnes_n hakewood_n john_n norris_n samuel_n warren_n otherwise_o pull_v joane_n skinner_n wife_n of_o william_n skinner_n john_n brodrip_n henry_n sanson_n otherwise_o chippet_n gregory_n sanson_n john_n hunt_n richard_n green_n nicholas_n watts_n and_o john_n watts_n and_o the_o judge_n certificate_n of_o the_o crime_n of_o which_o they_o be_v convict_v be_v read_v and_o the_o say_a pardon_n upon_o the_o question_n agree_v unto_o and_o it_o be_v order_v that_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n for_o custody_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n do_v pass_v the_o say_a pardon_n for_o they_o and_o every_o of_o they_o under_o the_o great_a seal_n of_o england_n ordered_n that_o the_o sheriff_n and_o justice_n of_o peace_n for_o the_o respective_a county_n wherein_o the_o say_v winifrid_n jones_n william_n love_n john_n christopher_n john_n brodrip_n henry_n sanson_n otherwise_o chippet_n gregory_n sanson_n otherwise_o chippet_n john_n hunt_n rich._n green_n nicholas_n watts_n and_o john_n watts_n do_v send_v the_o foreperson_n into_o foreign_a part_n or_o plantation_n according_a to_o the_o judge_n certificate_n ordered_n that_o justice_n newdigate_n do_v give_v order_n for_o the_o execution_n of_o edward_n week_n convict_v for_o robery_n according_a to_o law_n the_o committee_n unto_o who_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o draw_v up_o a_o proclamation_n declare_v the_o ground_n and_o reason_n for_o put_v off_o circuit_n for_o this_o time_n report_v the_o draught_n thereof_o which_o be_v read_v be_v a_o greed_n unto_o and_o order_v to_o be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v which_o follow_v the_o proclamation_n the_o parliament_n for_o divers_a weighty_a reason_n to_o they_o appear_v do_v declare_v and_o order_n that_o the_o circuit_n for_o the_o hold_n of_o assize_n and_o trial_n of_o nisi_fw-la prius_fw-la for_o the_o several_a county_n of_o england_n and_o wales_n be_v not_o hold_v this_o present_a vacation_n of_o lent_n 1659._o and_o that_o all_o person_n be_v discharge_v of_o their_o attendance_n thereon_o and_o that_o this_o order_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o send_v down_o to_o the_o respective_a sheriff_n that_o notice_n may_v be_v take_v thereof_o ordered_n that_o the_o bill_n for_o the_o militia_n be_v report_v on_o monday_n morning_n the_o first_o business_n ordered_n that_o the_o committee_n touch_v qualification_n be_v revive_v and_o sit_v this_o afternoon_n and_o that_o they_o consider_v of_o qualification_n as_o well_o as_o of_o person_n that_o be_v to_o give_v vote_n in_o election_n as_o of_o the_o
colonel_n rich_a be_v report_v from_o the_o council_n of_o state_n and_o read_v colonel_n rich_a stand_v up_o in_o his_o place_n deny_v the_o charge_n lay_v against_o he_o and_o say_v that_o he_o be_v a_o stranger_n to_o all_o represent_v resolve_v that_o the_o parliament_n do_v approve_v of_o what_o the_o council_n of_o state_n have_v do_v concern_v the_o commitment_n of_o col._n rich_a and_o bring_v of_o he_o to_o the_o parliament_n be_v a_o member_n of_o the_o house_n ordered_n that_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o the_o council_n of_o state_n further_o to_o examine_v the_o whole_a matter_n charge_v against_o col._n richardo_n and_o what_o else_o concern_v the_o business_n and_o forthwith_o to_o state_n matter_n of_o fact_n and_o report_n it_o to_o the_o parliament_n resolve_v that_o colonel_n rich_a be_v and_o be_v hereby_o enjoin_v to_o attend_v the_o council_n of_o state_n from_o time_n to_o time_n upon_o examination_n of_o this_o business_n several_a examination_n be_v also_o report_v from_o the_o council_n of_o state_n touch_v sir_n arthur_n hesilrigg_n and_o the_o whole_a matter_n thereupon_o depend_v before_o the_o say_a council_n touch_v several_a information_n give_v in_o to_o the_o council_n against_o sir_n arthur_n hesilrig_n sir_n arthur_n hesilrig_n stand_v up_o in_o his_o place_n say_v he_o be_v not_o guilty_a of_o any_o thing_n wherewith_o he_o be_v charge_v ordered_n that_o this_o business_n concern_v sir_n arthur_n hesilrig_n be_v refer_v back_o to_o the_o council_n further_o to_o examine_v the_o business_n and_o report_v it_o to_o the_o parliament_n the_o house_n likewise_o proceed_v in_o the_o act_n for_o the_o militia_n and_o approve_v of_o the_o militia_n for_o the_o county_n of_o westmoreland_n county_n of_o cumberland_n county_n of_o chester_n city_n of_o chester_n county_n of_o buck_n and_o county_n of_o durham_n ordered_n that_o the_o house_n do_v proceed_v touch_v the_o militia_n to_o morrow_n morning_n next_o after_o the_o business_n for_o religion_n resolve_v that_o the_o parliament_n do_v proceed_v only_o with_o matter_n of_o religion_n the_o militia_n the_o qualification_n and_o the_o writ_n london_n print_v by_o tho._n newcomb_n live_v in_o thames-street_n over_o against_o baynard_n castle_n 1660._o numb_a 14_o a_o perfect_n diurnal_a or_o the_o daily_a proceed_n in_o parliament_n publish_v according_a to_o order_n thursday_n 8._o march_n ordered_n that_o the_o bill_n for_o the_o militia_n be_v forthwith_o engross_v and_o bring_v in_o to_o morrow_n morning_n the_o first_o business_n ordered_n that_o colonel_n birch_n do_v report_v the_o rest_n of_o the_o name_n of_o the_o commissioner_n for_o the_o militia_n as_o soon_o as_o he_o come_v into_o the_o house_n ordered_n that_o the_o amendment_n to_o the_o bill_n for_o the_o county_n palatine_n of_o lancaster_n and_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n be_v report_v to_o morrow_n morning_n the_o amendment_n to_o the_o bill_n for_o approbation_n of_o minister_n be_v twice_o read_v and_o upon_o the_o question_n agree_v unto_o ordered_n that_o the_o say_a bill_n be_v engross_v a_o proclamation_n for_o put_v the_o law_n and_o statute_n against_o jesuite_n popish_a priest_n and_o recusant_n in_o speedy_a and_o effectual_a execution_n be_v read_v ordered_n that_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o a_o committee_n to_o bring_v in_o a_o effectual_a short_a proclamation_n for_o put_v the_o law_n and_o statute_n against_o jesuite_n popish_a priest_n and_o recusant_n and_o that_o the_o bill_n for_o settle_v the_o revenue_n of_o recusant_n land_n be_v report_v on_o saturday_n morning_n next_o the_o house_n likewise_o agree_v upon_o the_o name_n of_o the_o commissioner_n of_o the_o militia_n for_o the_o county_n of_o northampton_n for_o the_o county_n of_o northumberland_n for_o the_o county_n of_o lancaster_n for_o the_o county_n of_o rutland_n for_o the_o county_n of_o huntingdon_n for_o the_o town_n of_o newcastle_n for_o the_o county_n of_o brocknock_n for_o the_o county_n of_o cardigan_n for_o the_o county_n of_o pembroke_n and_o the_o the_o town_n and_o city_n of_o haverford-west_n for_o the_o city_n of_o oxford_n for_o the_o city_n of_o bristol_n the_o house_n likewise_o add_v several_a commissioner_n for_o the_o county_n follow_v viz._n kent_n devon_n bedford_n surrey_z essex_n berks_n hereford_n suffolk_z hampshire_n yorkshire_n wiltshire_n carmarthen_n oxfordshire_n cumberland_n norwich_n bedfordshire_n york_n city_n middlesex_n the_o commissioner_n name_n for_o north-wales_n be_v likewise_o read_v and_o approve_v ordered_n that_o all_o the_o name_n of_o commissioner_n for_o the_o militia_n be_v ingross_v in_o the_o bill_n resolve_v that_o the_o militia_n of_o london_n be_v pass_v in_o a_o distinct_a bill_n by_o itself_o and_o that_o the_o committee_n unto_o who_o the_o bill_n for_o the_o militia_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n be_v revive_v and_o meet_v this_o afternoon_n and_o make_v their_o report_n to_o morrow_n morning_n a_o bill_n for_o call_v and_o hold_v a_o parliament_n the_o 25._o of_o april_n 1660._o be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o first_o time_n and_o order_v to_o be_v read_v the_o second_o time_n to_o morrow_n morning_n at_o ten_o of_o the_o clock_n ordered_n that_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o the_o gentleman_n of_o buck_n to_o bring_v in_o the_o name_n of_o three_o person_n out_o of_o who_o the_o parliament_n may_v elect_a one_o to_o be_v sheriff_n of_o the_o countx_n of_o buck_n the_o humble_a petition_n of_o captain_n john_n stoak_v late_a commander_n in_o chief_a of_o the_o commonwealths-fleet_n in_o the_o mediterranean_a sea_n be_v read_v ordered_n that_o the_o case_n of_o capt._n john_n stoak_v be_v refer_v to_o the_o court_n of_o admiralty_n and_o that_o they_o determine_v it_o according_a to_o justice_n and_o equity_n and_o that_o the_o proceed_n at_o law_n in_o the_o upper_a bench_n by_o wiliam_n winter_n against_o the_o say_a john_n stoak_v be_v stay_v in_o the_o mean_a time_n upon_o a_o report_n concern_v the_o court_n of_o admiralty_n and_o probate_n of_o will_n resolve_v that_o all_o fee_n and_o perquisit_v payable_a to_o the_o judge_n of_o the_o court_n of_o admiralty_n and_o probate_n of_o will_n be_v reserve_v and_o answer_v to_o the_o commonwealth_n resolve_v that_o the_o power_n of_o grant_v administration_n and_o all_o other_o judicial_a sentence_n be_v by_o both_o the_o judge_n for_o probate_a of_o will_n and_o not_o by_o one_o of_o the_o judge_n only_o and_o that_o no_o judicial_a act_n or_o sentence_n shall_v be_v grant_v by_o the_o say_a judge_n but_o only_o in_o the_o open_a court_n london_n print_v by_o john_n redmayne_n in_o lovel_n court_n in_o paternoster_n rowe_n 1659._o 〈…〉_o be_v have_v at_o the_o office_n of_o intelligence_n numb_a 15._o a_o perfect_n diurnal_a or_o the_o daily_a proceed_n in_o parliament_n publish_v according_a to_o order_n friday_n march_v 9_o 1659._o a_o proclamation_n for_o put_v of_o all_o law_n and_o statute_n make_v against_o seminary_n priest_n jesuit_n and_o romish_a priest_n in_o speedy_a and_o effectual_a execution_n be_v this_o day_n report_v read_v the_o first_o and_o second_o time_n and_o order_v to_o be_v ingross_v order_v by_o the_o parliament_n that_o william_n beecher_n st._n john_n tompson_n esquire_n st._n john_n charnock_n esquire_n henry_n chester_n esq_n oliver_n luke_n esquire_n sir_n william_n palmer_n sir_n thomas_n alston_n knight_n and_o baronet_n john_n alston_n esquire_n john_n neale_n esquire_n john_n harvey_n esquire_n william_n butler_n esq_n walter_n rolt_n esq_n edward_n caloe_n esq_n samuel_n bedford_n be_v and_o hereby_o nominate_v and_o appoint_v commissioner_n for_o the_o assessment_n in_o the_o county_n of_o bedford_n and_o that_o they_o and_o every_o of_o they_o be_v and_o be_v hereby_o impower_v and_o authorise_v to_o sit_v and_o act_n as_o commissioner_n for_o the_o assessment_n as_o full_o to_o all_o intent_n and_o purpose_n as_o if_o they_o have_v be_v name_v in_o the_o act_n entitle_v a_o act_n for_o a_o assessment_n of_o one_o hundred_o thousand_o pound_n by_o the_o month_n upon_o england_n scotland_n and_o ireland_n for_o six_o month_n order_v by_o the_o parliament_n that_o the_o bill_n for_o settle_v the_o militia_n be_v forthwith_o examine_v and_o bring_v in_o and_o that_o it_o be_v read_v forthwith_o after_o the_o same_o be_v examine_v and_o bring_v in_o a_o act_n for_o the_o call_n and_o hold_v of_o a_o parliament_n at_o westminster_n the_o five_o and_o twenty_o day_n of_o april_n one_o thousand_o six_o hundred_o and_o sixty_o be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o second_o time_n and_o upon_o the_o question_n commit_v upon_o the_o debate_n of_o the_o house_n to_o a_o committee_n who_o be_v appoint_v to_o meet_v this_o afternoon_n in_o the_o speaker_n chamber_n consist_v of_o a_o considerable_a number_n of_o member_n of_o the_o house_n and_o all_o the_o gentleman_n of_o the_o long-robe_n and_o also_o all_o that_o will_v come_v to_o have_v voice_n and_o the_o say_a committee_n be_v further_o
impower_v to_o consider_v of_o the_o foresay_a qualification_n and_o to_o make_v such_o addition_n thereunto_o as_o be_v fit_a and_o report_n to_o the_o house_n a_o act_n for_o take_v the_o account_n and_o redress_v of_o grievance_n concern_v the_o tithe_n and_o churchliving_n in_o wales_n and_o for_o the_o advancement_n of_o religion_n and_o learning_n there_o be_v this_o day_n report_v to_o the_o house_n from_o the_o committee_n for_o religion_n and_o read_v the_o first_o and_o second_o time_n and_o commit_v to_o the_o same_o committee_n that_o bring_v it_o in_o with_o a_o addition_n of_o several_a member_n unto_o the_o say_a committee_n the_o qualification_n of_o member_n to_o sit_v and_o serve_v in_o parliament_n former_o report_v and_o read_v be_v this_o day_n again_o read_v master_n speaker_n acquaint_v the_o parliament_n that_o he_o have_v receive_v letter_n from_o the_o sound_n ordered_n that_o the_o say_a letter_n be_v refer_v to_o the_o council_n of_o state_n to_o take_v the_o same_o into_o consideration_n resolve_v upon_o the_o question_n by_o the_o parliament_n that_o the_o business_n of_o the_o militia_n be_v take_v into_o consideration_n to_o morrow_n morning_n the_o first_o business_n nothing_o to_o intervene_v london_n print_v by_o tho._n newcomb_n live_v in_o thames-street_n over_o against_o baynard_n castle_n 1660._o numb_a 16_o a_o perfect_n diurnal_a or_o the_o daily_a proceed_n in_o parliament_n publish_v according_a to_o order_n saturday_n 10._o march_n a_o bill_n for_o settle_v the_o militia_n for_o the_o city_n of_o london_n and_o liberties_n thereof_o be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o first_o and_o second_o time_n and_o upon_o the_o question_n commit_v resolve_v that_o alderman_n major-general_n brown_n name_n be_v place_v in_o this_o bill_n next_o after_o alderman_n viner_n resolve_v that_o the_o same_o qualification_n be_v insert_v in_o this_o bill_n as_o they_o be_v in_o the_o general_a bill_n for_o settle_v the_o militia_n resolve_v that_o this_o bill_n shall_v continue_v for_o one_o year_n or_o until_o the_o parliament_n take_v other_o order_n resolve_v that_o the_o bill_n for_o payment_n of_o certain_a debt_n be_v bring_v in_o on_o monday_n morning_n the_o amendment_n to_o the_o bill_n for_o settle_v the_o militia_n for_o the_o city_n of_o london_n be_v twice_o read_v and_o upon_o the_o question_n agree_v unto_o ordered_n that_o this_o bill_n be_v engross_v resolve_v that_o mr._n robert_n diser_n of_o brauhen_n esq_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o nominared_a and_o approve_a of_o to_o be_v sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n of_o hertford_n and_o that_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n for_o the_o great_a seal_n do_v pass_v a_o patent_n to_o he_o to_o be_v sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n of_o hertford_n according_o the_o bill_n for_o settle_v the_o militia_n for_o england_n and_o wales_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o three_o time_n resolve_v that_o john_n crew_n of_o crew_n hall_n be_v add_v a_o commissioner_n for_o the_o militia_n for_o the_o county_n of_o chester_n resolve_v that_o henry_n ashford_n do_v stand_v a_o commissioner_n for_o the_o militia_n in_o the_o county_n of_o devon_n afternoon_n ordered_n that_o sir_n eras_n philip_n &_o sir_n edward_n mansell_n barr._n edward_n rice_n nicholas_n williams_n james_n jones_n thomas_n gwin_n john_n powell_n the_o elder_a owen_n price_n morgan_n jones_n walter_n jones_n thomas_n evans_n humphrey_n brown_n rowland_n mansell_n owen_n brickstock_n william_n lloyd_n lewis_n lloyd_n henry_n mansell_n philip_n vaughan_n captain_n william_n slowman_n richard_n lewis_n robert_n birt_n esqr_v the_o mayor_n of_o caermarthen_n protempore_o anthony_n jones_n alderman_n rowland_n philips_n edward_n doonligh_n john_n price_n john_n philips_n morgan_n lloyd_n maurice_n thomas_n magulstone_n allen_n john_n evans_n richard_z williams_z james_n lewis_n and_o howell_n philips_n gent._n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o nominate_v and_o appoint_v commissioner_n for_o the_o assessment_n in_o the_o county_n of_o caermarthen_n and_o that_o they_o and_o every_o of_o they_o be_v and_o be_v hereby_o impower_v and_o authorize_v to_o sit_v and_o act_n as_o commissioner_n for_o the_o assessment_n as_o full_o to_o all_o intent_n &_o purpose_n as_o if_o they_o have_v be_v name_v in_o the_o act_n entitle_v a_o act_n for_o a_o assessment_n of_o 100000_o l._n by_o the_o month_n upon_o england_n scotland_n and_o ireland_n for_o six_o month_n the_o house_n proceed_v in_o the_o bill_n for_o the_o militia_n &_o add_v many_o person_n commissioner_n for_o the_o militia_n in_o the_o several_a county_n of_o england_n and_o wales_n resolve_a that_o the_o bill_n for_o the_o militia_n of_o the_o city_n of_o dondon_n be_v read_v on_o monday_n morning_n next_o the_o name_n of_o the_o commissioner_n in_o the_o say_a bill_n be_v as_o follow_v viz._n thomas_n alleyn_n lord_n mayor_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n the_o lord_n mayor_n and_o sheriff_n of_o the_o say_a city_n for_o the_o time_n be_v alderman_n atkins_n ald._n foot_n ald._n fowke_n ald._n tho._n viner_n ald._n brown_n ald._n wil._n thompson_n ald._n robinson_n ald._n bateman_n ald._n laurence_n ald._n king_n ald._n boulton_n ald._n wale_n col._n bromfield_n rich._n ford_n esq_n major_a chamberlain_n wil._n bateman_n esq_n john_n jolly_a esqr_n wil._n vincent_n esqr_v wil._n antrobus_n esqr_v john_n wynne_n esqr_v theo._n biddolph_n esqr_v tho._n stean_n esqr_v capt._n storey_n deputy_n johnson_n john_n saunders_n john_n bludworth_n esq_n maximilian_n beard_n esq_n wil._n eardly_n major_a john_n alsop_n tho._n lenthall_n esq_n col._n gower_n mr._n peter_n mill_n mr._n nich._n pen_v capt._n cleggat_n sir_n tho._n soame_n samuel_n vassall_n esq_n maj._n gen._n phil._n skippon_n mr._n henry_n ashurst_n ald._n pack_n ald._n dethick_n ald._n chiverton_n ald._n frederick_n ald._n milner_n ald._n love_n ald._n blackwell_n mr._n laurence_n blomley_n mr._n james_n noell_n deputy_n cliffe_n mr._n wil._n knellin_n mr._n john_n maskall_n mr._n rich._n rives_n lieut._n col._n jackson_n mr._n morris_n mr._n john_n bathurst_n mr._n john_n cook_n mr._n wil._n allet_n mr._n tobias_n aylmer_n deputy_n minne_n mr._n james_n medlicot_n mr._n john_n taylor_n esq_n mr._n tho._n cox_n london_n print_v by_o john_n redmayne_n in_o lovel_n court_n in_o pater-noster-rowe_n 1659._o and_o be_v to_o be_v have_v at_o the_o office_n of_o intelligence_n numb_a 17._o a_o perfect_n diurnal_a or_o the_o daily_a proceed_n in_o parliament_n publish_v according_a to_o order_n monday_n march_n 12._o 1659._o ordered_n that_o the_o examination_n of_o sir_n george_n booth_n his_o lady_n and_o servant_n be_v take_v off_o the_o file_n and_o deliver_v to_o the_o say_a sir_n george_n booth_n upon_o a_o report_n touch_v trinity_n house_n resolve_v that_o alexander_n bence_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o approve_a of_o to_o be_v master_n of_o the_o trinity-house_n resolve_v that_o cap._n will._n rider_n be_v one_o of_o the_o new_a warden_n of_o trinity-house_n ordered_n that_o this_o report_n be_v recommit_v and_o that_o the_o committee_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o empower_v to_o bring_v in_o name_n of_o warden_n and_o brethren_n for_o the_o trinity-house_n to_o morrow_n morning_n a_o proclamation_n ingross_v in_o parchment_n for_o put_v the_o law_n against_o jesuit_n seminary_n and_o popish_a priest_n in_o effectual_a execution_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o three_o time_n resolve_v that_o this_o be_v the_o title_n to_o this_o bill_n a_o act_n and_o declaration_n for_o put_v the_o law_n against_o priest_n and_o jesuit_n in_o speedy_a and_o effectual_a execution_n and_o the_o say_a bill_n so_o amend_v be_v upon_o the_o question_n pass_v ordered_n that_o this_o act_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v ordered_n that_o a_o bill_n be_v bring_v in_o to_o morrow_n morning_n for_o impress_v of_o mariner_n to_o serve_v in_o the_o fleet_n and_o ship_n of_o this_o commonwealth_n ordered_n that_o denzil_n hollis_n esq_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o constitute_v custos_fw-la rotulorum_fw-la of_o the_o county_n of_o dorset_n to_o hold_v execute_v and_o enjoy_v the_o say_a office_n in_o as_o large_a and_o beneficial_a manner_n to_o all_o intent_n and_o purpose_n as_o any_o other_o person_n or_o person_n have_v hold_v or_o enjoy_v the_o same_o a_o bill_n ingross_v for_o settle_v the_o militia_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o three_o time_n and_o upon_o the_o question_n pass_v ordered_n that_o this_o act_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v ordered_n that_o edward_n trussel_n esq_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o nominate_v and_o appoint_v sheriff_n for_o the_o county_n of_o southampton_n and_o that_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n do_v pass_v a_o patent_n to_o he_o under_o the_o great_a seal_n to_o be_v sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n of_o southampton_n according_o ordered_n that_o george_n chetham_n of_o turton_n esq_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o nominate_v and_o approve_v of_o to_o be_v sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n of_o lancaster_n and_o
that_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n for_o the_o great_a seal_n do_v pass_v a_o patent_n to_o he_o under_o the_o great_a seal_n to_o be_v sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n of_o lancaster_z according_o ordered_n that_o the_o report_n concern_v the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n be_v make_v to_o morrow_n morning_n ordered_n that_o the_o vote_n touch_v sir_n thomas_n soame_n be_v discharge_v ordered_n that_o the_o report_n touch_v sir_n andrew_n dick_n and_o mrs._n inglish_n be_v make_v to_o morrow_n morning_n ordered_n that_o the_o report_n touch_v dr._n reynolds_n and_o dr._n owen_n concern_v the_o deanery_n of_o christ-church_n be_v make_v to_o morrow_n morning_n the_o first_o business_n resolve_v that_o thomas_n catesby_n esq_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o nominate_v and_o approve_v of_o to_o be_v sheriff_n for_o the_o county_n of_o buck_n and_o that_o the_o lord_n commissioner_n for_o the_o great_a seal_n do_v pass_v a_o patent_n under_o the_o great_a seal_n for_o constitute_v he_o sheriff_n of_o the_o say_a county_n of_o buck_n according_o the_o house_n resume_v the_o debate_n upon_o the_o bill_n of_o the_o militia_n unto_o which_o a_o proviso_n be_v tender_v in_o these_o word_n provide_v that_o no_o commissioner_n nor_o commissionated_a officer_n shall_v exercise_v any_o the_o power_n or_o authority_n herein_o mention_v or_o any_o thing_n do_v in_o pursuance_n thereof_o until_o that_o he_o in_o the_o presence_n of_o five_o or_o more_o of_o the_o say_a commissioner_n shall_v first_o acknowledge_v in_o these_o word_n follow_v viz._n i_o do_v acknowledge_v and_o declare_v that_o the_o war_n undertake_v by_o both_o house_n of_o parliament_n in_o their_o defence_n against_o the_o force_n raise_v in_o the_o name_n of_o the_o late_a king_n be_v just_a and_o lawful_a and_o that_o magistracy_n and_o ministry_n be_v the_o ordinance_n of_o god_n which_o clause_n be_v read_v the_o first_o and_o second_o time_n and_o order_v to_o be_v ingross_v the_o say_a proviso_n be_v ingross_v according_o and_o read_v and_o order_v to_o be_v part_n of_o the_o bill_n and_o the_o say_a act_n so_o amend_v be_v put_v to_o the_o question_v pass_v ordered_n that_o this_o act_n be_v forthwith_o print_v and_o publish_v london_n print_v by_o tho._n newcomb_n live_v in_o thames-street_n over_o against_o baynard_n castle_n 1660._o numb_a 18_o a_o perfect_n diurnal_a or_o the_o daily_a proceed_n in_o parliament_n publish_v according_a to_o order_n tuesday_n 13._o march_n resolve_v that_o the_o engagement_n appoint_v to_o be_v take_v by_o member_n of_o parliament_n and_o other_o in_o these_o word_n viz._n i_o do_v declare_v and_o promise_v that_o i_o will_v be_v true_a and_o faithful_a to_o the_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n as_o the_o same_o be_v now_o establish_v without_o a_o king_n or_o house_n of_o lord_n be_v discharge_v and_o take_v off_o the_o file_n resolve_v that_o all_o order_n enjoin_v the_o take_n of_o the_o say_a engagement_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o vacuate_v &_o expunge_v out_o of_o the_o journal_n book_n of_o parliament_n and_o that_o mr._n prin_fw-mi sergeant_n maynard_n and_o col._n harley_n do_v see_v the_o same_o expunge_v according_o ordered_n that_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o a_o committee_n to_o consider_v what_o have_v be_v do_v in_o this_o house_n concern_v the_o lord_n house_n who_o be_v to_o state_n the_o whole_a matter_n of_o fact_n and_o report_v it_o to_o the_o parliament_n to_o morrow_n morning_n and_o to_o meet_v this_o afternoon_n in_o the_o speaker_n chamber_n the_o house_n hear_v the_o report_n touch_v matter_n of_o fact_n concern_v the_o denary_a of_o christ-church_n in_o oxford_n with_o a_o letter_n from_o dr._n owen_n date_v at_o stadham_n march_z 5_o 1659._o which_o be_v read_v resolve_v that_o dr._n owen_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o discharge_v from_o be_v dean_n of_o christ-church_n oxon._n resolve_v that_o dr_n reynolds_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o restore_v to_o the_o denary_a of_o christ-church_n oxon._n with_o all_o privilege_n profit_n and_o appurtenance_n to_o the_o say_a place_n belong_v and_o that_o dr._n reynolds_n be_v put_v in_o possession_n of_o christ-church_n according_o and_o that_o the_o subdean_n and_o senior_a cannon_n of_o christ-church_n do_v see_v this_o order_n put_v in_o effectual_a execution_n and_o that_o dr._n reynolds_n be_v put_v in_o possession_n according_o resolve_v that_o mr._n ambrose_n upton_n be_v discharge_v from_o be_v a_o collegiate_n prebend_n of_o christ-church_n oxon._n and_o that_o dr._n mill_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o restore_v to_o be_v collegiate_n prebend_n of_o christ-church_n aforesaid_a in_o the_o room_n of_o the_o say_a mr._n ambrose_n upton_n with_o all_o privilege_n profit_n and_o appurtenance_n to_o the_o say_a place_n belong_v and_o that_o he_o be_v put_v in_o possession_n of_o the_o say_v prebendary_a according_o and_o that_o the_o subdean_n and_o senior_a cannon_n of_o christ-church_n do_v see_v this_o order_n put_v in_o effectual_a execution_n and_o that_o dr._n mill_n be_v put_v in_o possession_n according_o the_o house_n receive_v the_o report_n from_o the_o committee_n touch_v maim_a soldier_n widow_n and_o orphan_n resolve_v that_o the_o council_n of_o state_n do_v forthwith_o pay_v 1700_o l._n out_o of_o their_o contingency_n for_o the_o present_a relief_n of_o the_o poor_a widow_n maim_a soldier_n and_o orphan_n at_o ely-house_n and_o the_o savoy_n and_o that_o the_o say_v 1700_o l._n be_v repay_v to_o they_o out_o of_o the_o public_a revenue_n of_o the_o exchequer_n ordered_n that_o the_o particular_a person_n name_v of_o the_o committee_n for_o the_o maim_a soldier_n widow_n and_o orphan_n of_o ely-house_n and_o the_o savoy_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o authorize_v to_o reform_v abuse_n touch_v the_o governor_n and_o government_n of_o the_o hospital_n of_o the_o savoy_n and_o ely-house_n and_o to_o call_v the_o governor_n to_o account_v for_o money_n by_o they_o receive_v with_o power_n to_o settle_v the_o government_n for_o the_o best_a advantage_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n and_o maintenance_n of_o the_o poor_a widow_n maim_a soldier_n and_o orphan_n and_o to_o remove_v such_o officer_n as_o they_o think_v fit_a and_o place_v other_o in_o their_o room_n and_o report_v it_o to_o the_o council_n of_o state_n who_o be_v hereby_o authorize_v to_o confirm_v the_o same_o upon_o a_o report_n from_o the_o committee_n unto_o who_o the_o bill_n for_o dissolution_n of_o this_o present_a parliament_n be_v refer_v that_o the_o house_n do_v resume_v the_o business_n into_o their_o own_o consideration_n resolve_v that_o the_o debate_n upon_o this_o business_n be_v take_v up_o at_o two_o of_o the_o clock_n this_o afternoon_n nothing_o to_o intervene_v the_o house_n adjourn_v until_o two_o of_o the_o clock_n in_o the_o afternoon_n afternoon_n ordered_n that_o the_o sum_n of_o six_o hundred_o pound_n with_o the_o arrear_n be_v continue_v and_o pay_v unto_o sir_n john_n stowell_n and_o charge_v upon_o the_o same_o revenue_n it_o be_v former_o charge_v until_o the_o parliament_n take_v further_a order_n and_o that_o the_o council_n of_o state_n do_v sign_n from_o time_n to_o time_n to_o make_v payment_n thereof_o according_o ordered_n that_o the_o bill_n for_o approbation_n of_o minister_n and_o the_o act_n for_o settle_v land_n on_o his_o excellency_n the_o lord_n general_n be_v read_v to_o morrow_n morning_n the_o first_o business_n the_o house_n likewise_o receive_v the_o report_n of_o amendment_n to_o the_o bill_n for_o dissolve_v this_o parliament_n which_o be_v twice_o read_v and_o upon_o the_o question_n agree_v unto_o they_o have_v also_o under_o consideration_n the_o qualification_n of_o member_n to_o sit_v and_o serve_v in_o parliament_n and_o make_v some_o considerable_a progress_n therein_o london_n print_v by_o john_n redmayne_n in_o lovel_n court_n in_o pater-noster-rowe_n 1659._o and_o be_v to_o be_v have_v at_o the_o office_n of_o intelligence_n numb_a 19_o a_o perfect_n diurnal_a or_o the_o daily_a proceed_n in_o parliament_n publish_v according_a to_o order_n wednesday_n march_v 14._o 1659._o a_o bill_n for_o approbation_n and_o admittance_n of_o minister_n to_o public_a benefice_n &_o lecture_n be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o three_o time_n and_o the_o say_a bill_n be_v put_v to_o the_o question_n pass_v order_v that_o this_o act_n be_v print_v and_o publish_v the_o house_n resume_v the_o debate_n upon_o the_o qualification_n and_o resolve_v that_o all_o such_o person_n and_o person_n who_o have_v advise_v aid_v or_o any_o way_n assist_v or_o abet_v the_o rebellion_n of_o ireland_n and_o all_o those_o who_o do_v profess_v the_o popish_a religion_n be_v disable_v to_o be_v elect_v member_n to_o sit_v in_o parliament_n resolve_v that_o all_o and_o every_o person_n who_o have_v advise_v or_o voluntary_o aid_v abet_v or_o assist_v in_o any_o war_n against_o the_o parliament_n since_o the_o first_o day_n of_o january_n 1641._o unless_o he_o or_o they_o have_v since_o manifest_v their_o good_a
affection_n to_o this_o parliament_n shall_v be_v uncapable_a to_o be_v elect_v to_o serve_v member_n in_o the_o next_o parliament_n resolve_v that_o he_o which_o shall_v enter_v into_o the_o parliament_n who_o be_v not_o qualify_v as_o aforesaid_a shall_v be_v deem_v no_o knight_n citizen_n or_o burgess_n nor_o baron_n for_o the_o parliament_n nor_o shall_v have_v any_o voice_n but_o shall_v be_v to_o all_o intent_n construction_n and_o purpose_n as_o if_o he_o have_v never_o be_v return_v nor_o elect_a knight_n citizen_z burgess_n or_o baron_n for_o the_o parliament_n and_o shall_v suffer_v such_o pain_n and_o penalty_n as_o if_o he_o have_v presume_v to_o sit_v in_o the_o same_o without_o election_n return_v or_o authority_n ordered_n that_o colonel_n philip_n jones_n evan_n seys_n sergeant_n at_o law_n col._n rowland_n dawkins_n john_n price_n evan_n lewis_n robert_n thomas_n and_o john_n bowen_n esq_n be_v and_o be_v hereby_o nominate_v and_o appoint_v commissioner_n for_o the_o assessment_n in_o the_o county_n of_o glamorgan_n and_o that_o they_o and_o every_o of_o they_o be_v and_o be_v hereby_o impower_v and_o authorise_v to_o sit_v and_o act_n as_o commissioner_n for_o the_o assessment_n as_o full_o to_o all_o intent_n and_o purpose_n as_o if_o they_o have_v be_v name_v in_o the_o act_n entitle_v a_o act_n for_o a_o assefement_n of_o 100000_o l._n by_o the_o month_n upon_o england_n scotland_n and_o ireland_n for_o six_o month_n ordered_n that_o evan_n seys_n sergeant_n at_o law_n and_o william_n jones_n esq_n be_v and_o be_v constitute_v and_o appoint_v judge_n for_o north-wales_n and_o that_o a_o patent_n be_v pass_v to_o they_o to_o be_v judge_n for_o north-wales_n in_o usual_a form_n and_o that_o mr._n speaker_n do_v sign_n a_o dockquet_n for_o pass_v the_o say_a patent_n to_o they_o under_o the_o great_a seal_n and_o that_o the_o commissioner_n for_o custody_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n of_o england_n do_v pass_v the_o say_a patent_n according_o the_o like_a order_n pass_v for_o