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day_n bill_n read_v wednesday_n 4,037 5 12.8220 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A71346 Mercurius publicus: comprising the sum of forraign intelligence ...[no.25 (14 June-21 June 1660)]; Mercurius publicus (London, England : 1659) Muddiman, Henry, fl.1659-1666, editor.; Dury, Giles editor.; Newcomb, Thomas, d. 1681 or 2, publisher. 1660 (1660) Thomason E186_6 11,949 16

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agree_v a_o petition_n of_o the_o merchant_n trade_v to_o spain_n be_v refer_v to_o a_o committee_n mr._n robert_n roll_n who_o serve_v in_o parliament_n for_o the_o borough_n of_o kellyton_n in_o cornwall_n be_v decease_v the_o house_n order_v writ_n to_o be_v issue_v for_o a_o new_a election_n of_o a_o member_n to_o serve_v in_o parliament_n for_o that_o borough_n wednesday_n june_n 10._o a_o report_n be_v make_v from_o the_o committee_n for_o privilege_n and_o election_n concerning_o truro_n in_o oornwal_n it_o be_v resolve_v that_o mr._n boscowen_n be_v due_o elect_v to_o serve_v in_o parliament_n for_o that_o place_n the_o bill_n for_o continuance_n of_o the_o custom_n and_o excise_n be_v read_v this_o day_n and_o refer_v to_o a_o committee_n who_o be_v to_o consider_v the_o qualification_n of_o officer_n to_o be_v employ_v in_o the_o excise_n resolve_v that_o the_o payment_n of_o public_a debt_n contract_v from_o the_o 5._o of_o decem●er_fw-la 16●8_n till_o the_o 22._o of_o february_n 1659._o other_o than_o those_o of_o the_o army_n and_o navy_n be_v stop_v till_o ●urther_a order_n resolve_v that_o 10000_o l._n be_v charge_v upon_o the_o assessment_n of_o 700000_o l._n per_fw-la mens._n to_o be_v pay_v ●o_z such_o person_n or_o person_n as_o the_o queen_n majesty_n shall_v appoint_v for_o her_o p●●sent_a supply_n the_o bill_n for_o tunnage_n and_o poundage_n be_v this_o day_n repotted_a twice_o read_v and_o refer_v to_o a_o grand_a committee_n the_o speaker_n acquaint_v the_o house_n that_o sir_n hard●ess_n waller_n have_v render_v himself_o to_o he_o whereupon_o it_o be_v order_v that_o the_o sergeant_n at_o arm_n take_v he_o into_o custody_n the_o speaker_n inform_v the_o house_n that_o he_o be_v petition_v by_o a_o relation_n of_o col._n dixwell_n that_o he_o be_v sick_a and_o therefore_o not_o able_a to_o render_v himself_o by_o the_o time_n limit_v in_o the_o proclamation_n that_o he_o may_v not_o lose_v the_o benefit_n thereof_o whereupon_o it_o be_v order_v that_o upon_o the_o surrender_n of_o himself_o he_o shall_v not_o lose_v the_o benefit_n of_o the_o proclamation_n the_o speaker_n acquaint_v the_o house_n that_o upon_o the_o surrender_n of_o henry_n martin_n one_o of_o the_o judge_n of_o the_o late_a king_n he_o have_v commit_v he_o to_o the_o sergeant_n at_o arm_n which_o the_o house_n approve_v of_o resolve_v that_o adrian_n scroop_n be_v discharge_v from_o his_o commitment_n upon_o his_o engagement_n to_o appear_v when_o require_v thereunto_o from_o his_o excellency_n quarter_n at_o the_o cockpit_n a_o commission_n under_o the_o great_a seal_n of_o england_n impower_v dr._n mill_n judge_v advocate_n to_o see_v that_o the_o oath_n of_o allegiance_n and_o supremacy_n be_v take_v by_o all_o the_o officer_n and_o soldier_n about_o london_n before_o he_o as_o also_o to_o empower_v ralph_n king_n to_o see_v the_o same_o do_v by_o the_o officer_n and_o soldier_n of_o the_o army_n about_o dublin_n on_o monday_n a_o l●tter_n from_o liev●_z colonel_n richard_n yardley_n to_o a_o officer_n of_o the_o ●rmy_n be_v communicate_v to_o his_o excellency_n contain_v the_o solemnity_n of_o proclaim_v his_o majesty_n in_o the_o isle_n of_o jersey_n his_o excellency_n bei●g_o inform_v that_o he_o savour_v j●stly_o bestow_v upon_o dougall_n mack_n pherson_n a_o scotch_a g●ntleman_n be_v by_o some_o that_o envy_v the_o merit_n of_o that_o person_n endeavour_v to_o be_v represent_v as_o the_o reward_n of_o some_o intelligence_n that_o shall_v b●_n give_v to_o his_o excellency_n by_o he_o or_o his_o mean_n do_v for_o the_o just_a vindica_fw-la ●on_n of_o the_o ●aid_a dougall_n make_n pherson_n and_o to_o stop_v the_o mouth_n of_o such_o slauderous_a people_n give_v a_o c●r●ificate_n under_o his_o hand_n and_o seal_n on_o tuesday_n col._n fagg_n regiment_n by_o his_o excellency_n order_n draw_v out_o in_o s._n george_n field_n and_o there_o take_v the_o oath_n of_o allegiance_n and_o supremacy_n his_o excellency_n be_v by_o the_o corporation_n of_o trinity-house_n choose_v master_n and_o have_v appoint_v sir_n william_n batten_n to_o be_v deputy_n his_o excellency_n have_v late_o dispose_v several_a ●ommands_n in_o the_o army_n and_o g●ve●_z these_o ●ommissions_n follow_v viz._n to_o the_o earl_n of_o northampton_n to_o be_v 〈◊〉_d of_o the_o ●egiment_n late_a col._n lenthal_n and_o to_o sir_n tho._n sard_n to_o be_v his_o lieutenant_n c●l_n to_o the_o lord_n fall●land_n to_o be_v colonel_n of_o the_o regiment_n late_a col._n sanders_n and_o to_o ble●e●●d_fw-mi morgan_n to_o be_v major_a to_o maj●r_n jeremiah_n ha●●i●on_n to_o be_v major_a in_o the_o place_n of_o major_n scot_n to_o major_n harley_n to_o be_v major_a instead_o of_o major_n izod_n of_o sir_n anthony_n ashley_n co●pers_v regiment_n sir_n francis_n vincent_n knight_n and_o baronet_n be_v make_v governor_n of_o dover-castle_n sir_n richard_n basset_n govern●r_n of_o ●ardiff_n col._n freeman_n governor_n of_o tenbigh_n col._n walter_n slingsby_n governor_n of_o sandha●_n castle_n major_a robert_n holmes_n governor_n of_o vpner_n castle_n col_fw-fr r●bert_n legge_n deputy-governor_n of_o por●smouth_n under_o col_n norton_n capt._n john_n harvey_n governor_n of_o sandgate_n castle_n whitehal_n 20._o the_o lord_n mayor_n the_o alderman_n and_o the_o common_a council_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n go_v on_o monday_n l●st_a to_o whitehal_n and_o be_v conduct_v up_o to_o the_o mat_a gallery_n his_o majesty_n come_v to_o they_o where_o the_o common_a sergeant_n make_v a_o speech_n to_o his_o majesty_n represent_v the_o affection_n of_o the_o city_n to_o he_o and_o their_o humble_a desire_n that_o his_o majesty_n will_v be_v please_v to_o honour_v they_o with_o his_o company_n at_o dinner_n which_o his_o majesty_n be_v gracious_o please_v to_o accept_v of_o and_o g●ve_v to_o each_o of_o they_o the_o honour_n of_o kiss_v his_o majesty_n hand_n the_o day_n appoint_v for_o that_o entertainment_n be_v thursday_n the_o five_o of_o july_n next_o the_o same_o day_n sir_n james_n barry_n accompany_v by_o the_o commissioner_n from_o ireland_n deliver_v hims●lf_o in_o a_o sp●ech_n to_o his_o ●ajesty_n wherein_o he_o express_v the_o great_a so●row_n and_o joy_n of_o that_o ●ation_n their_o sorrow_n for_o the_o suffering_n and_o murder_n of_o h●s_z ●a●e_n ●aj●sty_a of_o bless_a memory_n and_o their_o joy_n for_o his_o majesty_n happy_a rest●●a●ion_n a●●uring_v his_o majesty_n of_o the_o constant_a loyalty_n of_o his_o subject_n in_o ireland_n of_o which_o he_o acquaint_v his_o majesty_n that_o the_o lord_n broghil_n sir_n charles_n coote_n and_o sir_n theophilus_n jon●s_n have_v give_v such_o large_a testimony_n by_o their_o eminent_a service_n for_o his_o majesty_n at_o the_o clause_n of_o the_o speech_n he_o present_v his_o ●a●est●_n with_o a_o b●ll_v of_o 20000_o l._n accept_v by_o alderman_n thomas_n viner_n former_o orde●ed_v to_o be_v pres●nted_v to_o his_o majesty_n by_o the_o say_a convention_n his_o majesty_n accept_v of_o it_o give_v they_o thank●_z for_o the●_z loyalty_n and_o a_o assurance_n of_o his_o majesty_n favour_n to_o that_o nation_n a●ter_v which_o they_o all_o kiss_v his_o majesty_n hand_n the_o same_o day_n the_o minister_n and_o elder_n of_o the_o french_a dutch_a and_o italian_a church_n wait_v upon_o his_o majesty_n at_o whitehall_n mr._n stoop_n the_o minister_n of_o the_o french_a church_n make_v a_o speech_n to_o which_o his_o majesty_n make_v a_o gracious_a answer_n and_o give_v they_o assurance_n of_o his_o royal_a protection_n the_o next_o day_n the_o say_a church_n wait_v up●n_n the_o duke_n of_o y●rk_n and_o gloucester_n who_o receive_v they_o with_o many_o expression_n of_o their_o affection_n tuesday_n last_o the_o earl_n of_o pembroke_n give_v a_o noble_a entertainment_n to_o his_o majesty_n the_o duke_n of_o york_n and_o gloucester_n at_o b●inards_n castle_n on_o tuesday_n l●st_a b●ing_v the_o 19_o of_o this_o month_n major_a hagedot_n who_o bring_v by_o mr_n john_n carew_n one_o of_o those_o that_o sit_v in_o judgement_n upon_o king_n charles_n the_o first_o deliver_v he_o by_o old●r_n of_o the_o speaker_n to_o the_o s●rjeant_n at_o arm_n london_n print_v by_o john_n macock_n and_o tho_n newcomb_n 1660._o
sa●usbury_n gent._n the_o learned_a man_n defend_v and_o reform_v a_o di●course_n of_o singular_a politeness_n and_o elocur●on_n and_o be_v in_o opposition_n to_o the_o many_o enemy_n learning_n meet_v with_o especial_o ignorance_n and_o vice_n write_a by_o p._n bartolus_n and_o make_v english_a by_o t._n salusbury_n gent._n these_o three_o be_v sell_v by_o tho._n dring_n at_o the_o george_n near_o s._n dunstan_n church_n in_o fleetstreet_n samuel_n in_o sackcloth_n or_o a_o sermon_n assay_v to_o restrain_v our_o bitter_a animosity_n and_o commend_v a_o spirit_n of_o moderation_n and_o a_o right_a constitution_n of_o soul_n and_o behaviour_n towards_o our_o brethren_n upon_o 1_o sam._n 15.35_o by_o s_o s._n sell_v by_o henry_n mortlock_n at_o the_o phoenix_n in_o s._n paul_n churchyard_n advertisement_n gentleman_n you_o be_v desire_v to_o take_v notice_n that_o mr._n theophilus_n buckworth_n who_o for_o some_o year_n pass_v permit_v and_o give_v direction_n to_o his_o brother_n mr._n edmond_n buckworth_n to_o make_v and_o expose_v to_o sale_n for_o the_o public_a good_a those_o so_o famous_a lozenge_n or_o pectoral_n approve_v for_o the_o cure_n or_o consump●ions_n cough_n catarrh_n asthma_n hoarseness_n strongness_n of_o breath_n co●●s_v in_o general_a disease_n incident_a to_o the_o lung_n and_o a_o sovereign_a antidote_n against_o the_o plague_n and_o also_o her_o contagious_a disease_n and_o obstruction_n of_o the_o stomach_n do_v now_o himself_o be_v the_o au●hor_n and_o first_o co●pou●der_n of_o they_o make_v they_o at_o his_o house_n on_o m●le_a end_n g●●en_v and_o for_o more_o conveniency_n of_o the_o p●ople_n constan●ly_o leave_v they_o se●led_v up_o with_o his_o coat_n of_o arm_n on_o the_o paper_n with_o mr._n richard_n ●●wades_v as_o former_o at_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o white_a lion_n near_o the_o little_a north_n door_n of_o paul_n church_n mr_n henry_n sei●e_n over_o against_o dunstan_n church_n in_o fleetstreet_n mr_n william_n milward_n 〈◊〉_d we●●minste●_z hall_n gate_n mr._n john_n place_n at_o furnivals-inn_n gate_n in_o h●l●orn_n and_o mr_n robert_n h●rn_n at_o the_o turk_n head_n near_o the_o entrance_n of_o the_o royal_a exchange_n bookseller_n and_o no_o other_o this_o be_v publish_v to_o prevent_v the_o design_n of_o divers_a pretender_n who_o counterfeit_v the_o say_a lozenge_n to_o the_o disparagement_n of_o the_o say_a gentleman_n and_o great_a abuse_n of_o the_o people_n these_o book_n follow_v with_o several_a other_o w●re_o la●ely_o lose_v from_o mr._n tho._n ashton_n have_v his_o name_n in_o they_o viz._n grotius_n his_o ann●tations_n on_o the_o bible_n three_o volum●s_v latin_a camden_n britannia_fw-la english_a ma●lorat_fw-la o●_z par●_z of_o the_o new_a testament_n latin_a thucydides_n his_o hist●ry_a e●glished_v by_o h●●●●_n bacon_n advancement_n to_o learning_n english_a flacii_n clavis_fw-la scripturae_fw-la lat._n basil_n whateley_n on_o genesis_n engl._n london_n willet_n hexapla_fw-la on_o genesis_n eng._n london_n shute_n sarah_n and_o hagar_n eng._n lond._n dr._n clark_n sermon_n eng._n daniel_n english_a history_n eng._n all_o in_o folio_n piscator_fw-la on_o the_o new_a testament_n 4o_n 2_o volume_n the_o septuagint_n old_a testament_n 8o_n french_a bible_n 8o_n tomb_n work_n etc._n etc._n if_o any_o one_o shall_v give_v notice_n of_o all_o or_o any_o of_o they_o at_o the_o eagle_n and_o child_n in_o the_o strand_n the_o party_n shall_v be_v thankful_o reward_v for_o his_o pain_n a_o white_a mare_n somewhat_o fleabitten_a betwixt_o 14._o and_o 15_o hand_n high_a with_o a_o brand-mark_n two_o i.i._n in_o pitch_n be_v take_v away_o on_o tuesday_n night_n from_o about_o holloway_n the_o person_n suspect_v to_o take_v she_o away_o be_v one_o willam_n dua_n of_o a_o ruddy_a colour_n flaxen_a hair_n middle-sized_a of_o about_o twenty_o year_n of_o age_n if_o any_o one_o bring_v in_o the_o mare_n or_o man_n to_o the_o red_a hart_n in_o fetter-lane_n or_o to_o the_o white_a lion_n in_o islington_n he_o shall_v receive_v twenty_o shilling●_n for_o his_o pain_n jvne_fw-fr 17._o stray_v out_o of_o the_o ground_n near_o the_o horse_n ferry_n in_o westminster_n in_o the_o county_n of_o middlesex_n one_o white_a grey_a gelding_n about_o 14_o hand_n high_a 〈◊〉_d short_a bob-tall_a most_o of_o his_o mane_n shear_v about_o 8_o year_n old_a both_o pa●e_n and_o trot_n whoso_o shall_v give_v notice_n of_o he_o to_o sir_n robert_n pie_n knight_n at_o his_o house_n in_o s._n stevens_n court_n near_o the_o new_a palace_n in_o westminster_n aforesaid_a shall_v be_v well_o reward_v for_o their_o pain_n monday_n june_n 25._o this_o day_n be_v publish_v a_o proclamation_n of_o his_o majesty_n gracious_a pardon_n in_o pursuance_n of_o his_o majesty_n former_a declaration_n declare_v that_o his_o majesty_n do_v gracious_o accept_v of_o the_o address_n of_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o wherein_o they_o do_v in_o behalf_n of_o themselves_o and_o every_o of_o they_o and_o all_o the_o commons_o of_o england_n lay_v hold_v upon_o his_o majesty_n free_a and_o general_a pardon_n as_o it_o be_v grant_v in_o his_o maj●sties_n letter_n and_o declaration_n except_v only_o such_o a●_n shall_v be_v except_v by_o parliament_n and_o will_v willing_o and_o free_o give_v his_o royal_a assent_n to_o the_o act_n of_o general_a pardon_n when_o present_v to_o his_o majesty_n by_o the_o two_o house_n leave_v it_o to_o his_o subject_n to_o sue_v our_o part●cular_a pardon_n in_o such_o manner_n as_o they_o shall_v think_v fit_a and_o to_o that_o purpose_n appoint_v the_o secretary_n of_o sta●e_n to_o present_a war_n art_n for_o his_o majesty_n signature_n direct_v the_o attorney_n general_n to_o prep●re_n b●lls_v for_o pa●ng_v pardon_n to_o such_o as_o desire_v the_o same_o in_o the_o issui●g_n out_o of_o which_o ●are_n shall_v ●e_z ●aken_v that_o no_o pardon_n pass_v to_o any_o of_o the_o no_o oa●ous_a offender_n except_v by_o pa●●iament_n sir_n henry_n mildmay_n pe●i●ioned_v 〈…〉_z that_o they_o will_v be_v please_v to_o dispense_v wi●h_a his_o commitment_n to_o the_o tower_n whereupon_o it_o be_v order_v that_o he_o be_v commit_v to_o the_o sergeant_n at_o arm_n a_o committee_n be_v ●ppointed_v to_o consider_v of_o the_o impropriation_n late_o in_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o trust●es_n for_o maintenance_n of_o minister_n and_o what_o be_v fit_a to_o be_v do_v in_o that_o aff●ir_n mr._n speak_n ra●quai●ted_v the_o house_n that_o sir_n john_n bourchier_n col._n owen_n r●e_n and_o col._n robert_n lilburn_n three_o of_o the_o judge_n of_o his_o late_a majesty_n have_v render_v themselves_o to_o he_o and_o that_o he_o have_v put_v they_o into_o the_o custody_n of_o the_o sergeant_n at_o arm_n which_o the_o house_n approve_v of_o his_o majesty_n send_v a_o message_n in_o write_v to_o the_o house_n to_o desire_v they_o to_o hasten_v the_o bill_n of_o indemnity_n whereupon_o they_o resu●ed_v the_o debate_n and_o resolve_v that_o charles_n fleetwood_n john_n pyne_n maj._n creed_n john_n goodwin_n ri._n dean_n philip_n nye_n col._n cobbet_n be_v of_o the_o twenty_o to_o be_v except_v out_o of_o the_o general_a act_n of_o pardon_n and_o indemnity_n to_o suffer_v such_o pain_n penalty_n and_o forfeiture_n not_o extend_v to_o li●e_n as_o shall_v be_v inflict_v on_o they_o by_o a_o act_n hereafter_o to_o be_v make_v for_o that_o purpose_n resolve_v that_o william_n hulet_n and_o hugh_n peter_n be_v except_v out_o of_o the_o general_a act_n of_o pardon_n and_o oblivion_n tuesday_n june_n 9_o the_o speaker_n make_v a_o report_n to_o the_o house_n that_o adrian_n scroop_n augustine_n g●rla●d_n colonel_n harvy_n and_o mr._n smith_n who_o sit_v as_o judge_n upon_o the_o late_a king_n majesty_n have_v according_a to_o the_o proclamation_n render_v themselves_o to_o 〈◊〉_d and_o that_o he_o have_v commit_v they_o to_o the_o sergeant_n at_o arm_n of_o which_o the_o house_n approve_v the_o house_n order_v that_o thanks_o be_v give_v to_o the_o lord_n montague_n k●ight_n of_o the_o most_o no●le_n order_n of_o the_o garter_n for_o the_o eminent_a service_n which_o he_o have_v perf●rmed_v to_o his_o majesty_n and_o the_o kingdom_n o●ered_v that_o colonel_n john_n down_n one_o of_o the_o king_n judge_n seize_v upon_o by_o ord●r_n from_o the_o general_n be_v commit_v to_o the_o sergeant_n at_o arm_n the_o house_n resume_v the_o debate_n o●_z the_o bill_n of_o pardon_n and_o oblivion_n and_o orde●ed_v it_o to_o be_v recommit_v and_o br●ught_v in_o again●_z tomorrow_o morning_n a_o bill_n ●e●_z a_o long_a c●ntinu●tion_n of_o custom_n and_o ●xcise_n w●s_v read_v this_o day_n the_o second_o time_n and_o upon_o the_o deba●●_z be_v recommit_v o●dered_v that_o our_o age_n and_o p●unda●e_n be_v g●anted_v to_o his_o m●esty_n during_o his_o ●e_z and_o it_o i●_z refer_v to_o a_o commit●e●_n to_o pr●pare_v a_o b●l●_z according_o and_o to_o consider_v how_o it_o m●y_v be_v dispose_v at_o present_a till_o the_o bill_n be_v d●spatched_v and_o the_o book_n of_o rate_n