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day_n bill_n read_v wednesday_n 4,037 5 12.8220 5 false
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A43880 Historical collections, or, A brief account of the most remarkable transactions of the two last Parliaments consisting of I. The speeches, votes, accusations, addresses, and article of impeachment, &c., II. The bills of association, exclusion, and repeal of 35 Eliz. &c., III. The several informations, messages, narratives, orders, petitions, protestation of the Lords, and resolves of both Houses, etc., IV. The tryal and sentence of William Howard Lord Viscount of Stafford in Westminster Hall, his speech and execution on the scaffold at Tower Hill with many other memorable passages and proceedings of the two last Parliaments, held and dissolved at Westminster and Oxford, V. A perfect list of each Paraliament, VI. His Majesty's declaration, shewing the causes and reasons that moved him to dissolve the two last Parliaments. 1682 (1682) Wing H2100; ESTC R32032 89,184 314

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and_o with_o the_o lord_n bellasis_n to_o give_v order_n both_o as_o to_o the_o take_v the_o king_n life_n away_o as_o also_o the_o d._n of_o monmouth_n for_o the_o establish_n the_o romish_a religion_n and_o government_n in_o this_o kingdom_n that_o reward_n be_v agree_v to_o be_v give_v to_o such_o as_o shall_v deserve_v they_o and_o that_o the_o informant_n be_v to_o have_v a_o equal_a share_n with_o one_o capt._n ader_o which_o reward_n be_v to_o be_v distribute_v by_o the_o d._n of_o york_n the_o lord_n belasis_n and_o some_o other_o person_n it_o be_v allege_v by_o the_o conspirator_n that_o there_o will_v be_v land_n enough_o of_o the_o protestant_n to_o reward_v every_o one_o that_o he_o have_v intercept_v several_a letter_n from_o st._n omers_n and_o paris_n to_o mr._n ewer_n wherein_o mention_n be_v make_v of_o several_a sum_n of_o money_n lay_v out_o for_o arm_n particular_o two_o sum_n of_o 500_o l._n and_o 700_o l._n upon_o the_o account_n of_o the_o popish_a plot_n in_o england_n that_o in_o september_n 1678._o the_o lord_n stafford_n discourse_v mr._n ewer_n and_o the_o informant_a in_o the_o great_a parlour_n at_o tixal_n tell_v they_o that_o the_o reason_n of_o his_o dissatisfaction_n against_o the_o king_n be_v that_o he_o see_v his_o favour_n rather_o dispose_v to_o rebel_n and_o traitor_n than_o to_o those_o that_o have_v serve_v he_o which_o be_v enough_o if_o there_o be_v not_o the_o consideration_n of_o religion_n which_o be_v above_o all_o other_o that_o at_o the_o general_n meet_v at_o tixal_n in_o september_n aforesaid_a the_o lord_n stafford_n lord_n aston_n and_o other_o upon_o a_o full_a debate_n of_o all_o their_o precede_a transaction_n and_o instruction_n for_o carry_v on_o their_o design_n resolve_v to_o confirm_v the_o oath_n be_v which_o they_o have_v several_o before_o take_v which_o be_v to_o kill_v the_o king_n and_o establish_v the_o romish_a religion_n in_o this_o kingdom_n at_o what_o time_n the_o lord_n stafford_n engage_v to_o make_v good_a his_o promise_n to_o the_o informant_a both_o of_o money_n and_o other_o necessary_n for_o his_o encouragement_n thursday_n the_o sixteen_o of_o november_n nothing_o more_o be_v do_v but_o only_o that_o the_o bailiff_n of_o westminster_n amend_v one_o of_o the_o return_v for_o that_o place_n and_o put_v in_o sir_n william_n waller_n name_n instead_o of_o sir_n francis_n withens_n which_o be_v do_v the_o house_n adjourn_v till_o the_o next_o day_n be_v wednesday_n morning_n the_o seventeen_o of_o november_n at_o what_o time_n they_o take_v into_o consideration_n on_o his_o majesty_n message_n relate_v to_o tangier_n and_o appoint_v a_o committee_n to_o draw_v up_o a_o address_n to_o represent_v to_o his_o majesty_n the_o dangerous_a estate_n and_o condition_n of_o the_o kingdom_n in_o answer_n to_o the_o say_a message_n the_o same_o day_n also_o they_o order_v another_o address_n to_o be_v make_v to_o his_o majesty_n for_o the_o removal_n of_o george_n earl_n of_o halifax_n from_o his_o presence_n and_o council_n for_o ever_o the_o substance_n of_o the_o address_n be_v as_o follow_v that_o be_v deep_o sensible_a of_o the_o danger_n and_o mischief_n occasion_v to_o the_o kingdom_n by_o the_o dissolution_n of_o the_o last_o parliament_n and_o the_o frequent_a prorogation_n of_o the_o present_a and_o have_v just_a reason_n to_o believe_v that_o the_o say_a dissolution_n be_v promote_v by_o the_o evil_a counsel_n of_o the_o e._n of_o halifax_n they_o do_v therefore_o most_o humble_o pray_v his_o majesty_n for_o the_o take_v away_o all_o occasion_n of_o mistrust_n between_o his_o majesty_n and_o they_o and_o for_o their_o great_a encouragement_n to_o perfect_v such_o matter_n as_o lay_v before_o they_o for_o the_o preservation_n of_o his_o majesty_n person_n and_o government_n and_o the_o protestant_a religion_n that_o he_o will_v be_v gracious_o please_v to_o remove_v the_o say_a earl_n from_o his_o presence_n and_o council_n for_o ever_o to_o which_o his_o majesty_n return_v for_o answer_n that_o he_o do_v not_o find_v the_o ground_n in_o the_o address_n to_o be_v sufficient_a for_o he_o to_o remove_v the_o say_v earl_n but_o he_o assure_v they_o that_o whenever_o they_o shall_v in_o a_o due_a and_o regular_a course_n prove_v any_o crime_n either_o against_o he_o or_o any_o other_o person_n he_o will_v leave_v both_o he_o and_o they_o to_o their_o own_o legal_a defence_n without_o interpose_v his_o mediation_n thursday_n the_o eighteen_o of_o november_n mr._n treby_n be_v send_v to_o the_o peer_n to_o desire_v their_o lordship_n to_o communicate_v to_o the_o commons_o such_o write_n and_o evidence_n which_o they_o have_v receive_v from_o the_o clerk_n of_o the_o council_n to_o which_o the_o lord_n ready_o condescend_v according_a to_o their_o desire_n the_o next_o day_n be_v friday_n the_o nineteen_o of_o the_o month_n benjamin_n harris_n bookseller_n then_o and_o still_o a_o prisoner_n in_o the_o king_n bench_n ad_fw-la sectam_fw-la regis_fw-la for_o a_o fine_a of_o 500_o l._n for_o a_o misdemeanour_n by_o he_o commit_v have_v present_v a_o petition_n to_o the_o house_n the_o same_o be_v read_v and_o thereupon_o a_o resolve_v make_v that_o address_n shall_v be_v present_v to_o the_o king_n to_o desire_v he_o to_o pardon_v the_o say_v fine_a after_o which_o follow_v a_o order_n that_o a_o committee_n shall_v be_v appoint_v to_o draw_v up_o a_o bill_n for_o the_o ascertain_n of_o fine_n upon_o misdemeanour_n the_o same_o day_n serjeant_n rigby_n report_v from_o the_o committee_n appoint_v to_o inquire_v after_o obstructor_n of_o petition_v that_o the_o grand-juries_n of_o devon_n and_o somerset_n be_v more_o especial_o find_v to_o be_v tardy_a and_o that_o capt._n william_n castle_n be_v summon_v to_o attend_v the_o committee_n have_v contemptuous_o neglect_v so_o to_o do_v thereupon_o the_o house_n order_v that_o sir_n giles_n phillips_n mr._n wiliam_n stawel_n mr._n hutchinson_n and_o mr._n walrond_n shall_v be_v send_v for_o in_o custody_n of_o the_o sergeant_n of_o arms._n the_o same_o day_n mr._n zeal_n be_v call_v to_o the_o bar_n of_o the_o house_n deliver_v his_o information_n at_o the_o bar_n the_o effect_n whereof_o in_o short_a be_v this_o that_o be_v a_o prisoner_n in_o the_o marshalsea_n mrs._n cely_o come_v several_a time_n to_o he_o and_o treat_v with_o he_o to_o be_v not_o only_o instrumental_a himself_o but_o to_o procure_v other_o to_o join_v with_o he_o to_o fire_v the_o king_n ship_n as_o they_o lie_v in_o harbour_n as_o also_o to_o swear_v against_o the_o earl_n of_o shaftesbury_n such_o article_n of_o high_a treason_n as_o she_o shall_v get_v ready_o prepare_v for_o he_o to_o that_o purpose_n his_o information_n be_v hear_v the_o house_n order_v that_o application_n shall_v be_v make_v to_o his_o majesty_n for_o his_o pardon_n and_o some_o present_a allowance_n other_o application_n be_v also_o order_v to_o be_v make_v to_o his_o majesty_n in_o the_o behalf_n of_o mr._n hethrington_n and_o the_o irish_a evidence_n for_o their_o expense_n and_o present_a support_n as_o also_o in_o the_o behalf_n of_o mr._n smith_n who_o have_v make_v a_o considerable_a discovery_n of_o the_o popish_a plot_n for_o some_o eclesiastical_a preferment_n to_o which_o and_o some_o other_o address_n former_o make_v his_o majesty_n upon_o the_o meeting_n of_o the_o house_n the_o next_o day_n be_v saturday_n the_o twenty_o of_o the_o month_n by_o mr._n secretary_n jenkins_n return_v his_o distinct_a answer_n that_o as_o to_o the_o address_n in_o relation_n to_o sir_n george_n jefferies_n he_o will_v consider_v of_o it_o that_o as_o for_o lewis_n he_o will_v pardon_v he_o all_o offence_n but_o perjury_n and_o that_o consideration_n shall_v be_v have_v of_o a_o reasonable_a allowance_n for_o he_o that_o as_o for_o the_o irish_a evidence_n that_o in_o regard_n of_o their_o number_n and_o circumstance_n of_o their_o person_n not_o yet_o well_o know_v he_o have_v refer_v it_o to_o the_o lord_n commissionour_n of_o the_o treasury_n and_o that_o for_o mr._n smith_n he_o will_v take_v he_o into_o consideration_n but_o the_o house_n not_o satisfy_v with_o his_o majesty_n exception_n in_o the_o pardon_n of_o lewis_n resolve_v upon_o another_o address_n that_o all_o pardon_n be_v grant_v to_o any_o of_o the_o person_n for_o who_o application_n have_v be_v make_v shall_v extend_v to_o all_o crime_n and_o misdeameanour_n whatsoever_o till_o the_o last_o of_o their_o respective_a discovery_n after_o which_o mr._n trenchard_n report_v from_o the_o committee_n for_o inquire_v after_o the_o obstructor_n of_o petition_v that_o information_n have_v be_v give_v they_o that_o examination_n have_v be_v take_v upon_o oath_n by_o five_o justice_n of_o the_o peace_n in_o monmouthshire_n viz._n john_n herbert_n henry_n baker_n william_n herbert_n william_n james_n and_o robert_n gunter_n esquire_n against_o john_n arnold_n esq_n for_o promote_a
i_o be_o come_v to_o visit_v you_o as_o you_o be_v a_o minister_n of_o state_n and_o as_o i_o be_o send_v as_o ambassador_n from_o the_o prince_n of_o portugal_n to_o the_o king_n of_o england_n and_o be_o likewise_o to_o thank_v you_o for_o the_o justice_n you_o have_v do_v yesterday_o to_o sir_n george_n wakeman_n to_o which_o my_o lord_n c._n j._n answer_v i_o be_o place_v to_o do_v justice_n and_o will_v not_o be_v curb_v by_o the_o rabble_n which_o information_n among_o the_o rest_n be_v print_v as_o it_o be_v deliver_v more_o at_o large_a by_o order_n of_o the_o house_n the_o same_o day_n also_o the_o commons_o make_v new_a resolve_n nemine_fw-la contradicente_fw-la to_o proceed_v to_o the_o full_a examination_n of_o the_o popish_a plot_n in_o order_n to_o the_o bring_n of_o the_o offender_n to_o justice_n to_o which_o purpose_n they_o appoint_v a_o committee_n to_o inspect_v the_o journals_n of_o the_o two_o last_o parliament_n and_o make_v their_o report_n and_o order_v a_o humble_a address_n to_o be_v make_v to_o his_o majesty_n that_o all_o the_o letter_n paper_n and_o evidence_n which_o have_v be_v deliver_v to_o the_o privy_a council_n relate_v to_o the_o popish_a plot_n may_v be_v deliver_v in_o to_o the_o house_n and_o thus_o end_v october_n fame_n by_o the_o way_n what_o become_v of_o the_o address_n for_o the_o preservation_n of_o his_o majesty_n person_n and_o government_n truth_n thou_o shall_v hear_v for_o though_o the_o address_n be_v make_v upon_o the_o saturday_n before_o according_a to_o his_o majesty_n appointment_n yet_o the_o house_n have_v no_o account_n of_o it_o in_o a_o parliamentary_a way_n till_o the_o monday_n follow_v which_o be_v the_o first_o of_o november_n but_o first_o mr._n secretary_n jenkins_n make_v his_o report_n concern_v the_o address_n that_o have_v be_v order_v to_o be_v make_v for_o delivery_n to_o the_o house_n of_o all_o paper_n letter_n and_o evidence_n concern_v the_o plot_n in_o the_o custody_n of_o the_o privy_a council_n to_o which_o he_o give_v a_o account_n in_o short_a that_o they_o be_v already_o deliver_v to_o the_o committee_n of_o lord_n appoint_v for_o the_o examination_n of_o the_o say_v plot._n which_o be_v do_v mr._n speaker_n acquaint_v the_o house_n with_o his_o majesty_n answer_n to_o their_o address_n declare_v their_o resolution_n to_o preserve_v and_o support_v his_o person_n and_o government_n etc._n etc._n which_o be_v to_o this_o effect_n that_o he_o thank_v they_o hearty_o for_o their_o zeal_n to_o the_o protestant_a religion_n and_o assure_v they_o that_o there_o shall_v be_v nothing_o want_v both_o at_o home_n and_o abroad_o to_o preserve_v it_o little_o be_v do_v the_o rest_n of_o this_o day_n nor_o much_o the_o begin_n of_o the_o next_o which_o be_v tuesday_n the_o second_o of_o november_n till_o mr._n treby_n have_v give_v a_o full_a information_n to_o the_o house_n of_o all_o matter_n by_o he_o report_v in_o the_o last_o parliament_n relate_v to_o the_o popish_a plot_n the_o house_n come_v to_o three_o most_o remarkable_a resolve_n of_o which_o two_o be_v carry_v with_o a_o nemine_fw-la contradicente_fw-la the_o first_o be_v that_o the_o d._n of_o york_n be_v a_o papist_n and_o his_o hope_n of_o come_n to_o the_o crown_n have_v give_v the_o great_a countenance_n to_o the_o present_a design_n and_o conspiracy_n against_o the_o king_n and_o the_o protestant_a religion_n second_o that_o in_o defence_n of_o the_o king_n person_n and_o government_n and_o of_o the_o protestant_a religion_n the_o house_n do_v declare_v that_o they_o will_v stand_v by_o his_o majesty_n with_o their_o life_n and_o fortune_n and_o that_o if_o his_o majesty_n shall_v come_v by_o any_o violent_a death_n which_o god_n forbid_v they_o will_v revenge_v it_o to_o the_o utmost_a upon_o the_o papist_n three_o that_o a_o bill_n shall_v be_v bring_v in_o to_o disenable_a the_o d._n of_o york_n to_o inherit_v the_o imperial_a crown_n of_o england_n in_o order_n whereunto_o a_o committee_n be_v appoint_v to_o sit_v and_o prepare_v a_o bill_n upon_o wednesday_n the_o three_o of_o november_n little_o pass_v of_o remark_n only_o that_o the_o lord_n by_o a_o message_n desire_v their_o concurrence_n to_o a_o act_n for_o the_o better_a regulate_v of_o peer_n in_o england_n and_o that_o in_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o a_o resolve_v be_v make_v nemine_fw-la contradicente_fw-la that_o a_o bill_n shall_v be_v bring_v in_o for_o the_o better_a unite_n his_o majesty_n protestant_a subject_n thursday_n the_o four_o of_o january_n be_v less_o remarkable_a for_o business_n then_o the_o day_n beforego_v unless_o i_o shall_v trouble_v thou_o fame_n to_o carry_v the_o relation_n of_o preparatory_a vote_n or_o the_o examination_n of_o breach_n of_o privilege_n or_o contest_v about_o election_n which_o be_v nothing_o to_o the_o general_n concernment_n fame_n thou_o be_v in_o the_o right_n they_o be_v not_o for_o my_o purpose_n and_o therefore_o thou_o do_v well_o to_o leave_v it_o out_o truth_n however_o i_o must_v not_o omit_v to_o tell_v thou_o that_o the_o bill_n for_o disable_n james_n duke_n of_o york_n to_o inherit_v the_o imperial_a crown_n of_o england_n and_o ireland_n and_o the_o dominion_n thereunto_o belong_v be_v this_o day_n read_v the_o first_o time_n the_o next_o day_n be_v the_o five_o of_o november_n the_o house_n be_v both_o adjourn_v till_o saturday_n the_o six_o of_o november_n at_o what_o time_n the_o house_n take_v into_o their_o consideration_n the_o business_n of_o the_o dissent_v protestant_n come_v to_o a_o unanimous_a resolve_v that_o it_o be_v the_o opinion_n of_o the_o house_n that_o the_o act_n of_o parliament_n make_v in_o the_o reign_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n and_o king_n james_n ought_v not_o to_o be_v extend_v against_o protestant_a dissenter_n and_o thereupon_o they_o order_v a_o bill_n to_o be_v bring_v in_o for_o repeal_n of_o all_o or_o any_o part_n of_o the_o act_n of_o parliament_n make_v in_o the_o thirty_o five_o year_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n chapter_n the_o first_o print_v in_o the_o statute-book_n of_o pulton_n this_o do_v mr._n jenison_n be_v call_v in_o give_v his_o information_n at_o the_o bar_n relate_v to_o the_o popish_a plot._n at_o the_o conclusion_n of_o which_o he_o be_v order_v to_o put_v it_o in_o writing_n and_o present_v it_o to_o the_o house_n on_o the_o monday_n follow_v the_o sum_n of_o the_o information_n be_v this_o that_o about_o the_o begin_n of_o the_o year_n 78._o he_o have_v hear_v mr._n ireland_n and_o mr._n tho._n jenison_n both_o jesuit_n discourse_n of_o a_o design_n by_o the_o roman_a catholik_o to_o obtain_v a_o toleration_n for_o the_o open_a profession_n of_o their_o religion_n in_o england_n which_o be_v to_o be_v do_v by_o collect_v a_o good_a round_a sum_n of_o money_n among_o they_o and_o bribe_v the_o parliament_n that_o they_o also_o discourse_v of_o secure_v the_o duke_n of_o york_n succession_n by_o grant_v out_o commission_n to_o those_o of_o the_o religion_n to_o rise_v upon_o the_o death_n of_o the_o king_n that_o he_o hear_v the_o say_a ireland_n say_v at_o another_o time_n that_o there_o be_v only_o one_o in_o the_o way_n who_o hinder_v that_o religion_n from_o flourish_v in_o england_n and_o that_o it_o be_v a_o easy_a thing_n to_o poison_v the_o king_n by_o the_o mean_n of_o sir_n george_n wakeman_n that_o in_o august_n of_o the_o same_o year_n come_v from_o windsor_n he_o go_v to_o mr._n ireland_n chamber_n where_o he_o find_v he_o pull_v off_o his_o boot_n be_v as_o he_o say_v new_o come_v post_n from_o wolverhampton_n that_o discourse_v of_o the_o king_n pastime_n at_o windsor_n and_o particular_o of_o his_o go_v a_o fish_n with_o a_o small_a retinue_n of_o two_o or_o three_o the_o say_a ireland_n make_v answer_v that_o then_o he_o may_v be_v easy_o take_v off_o that_o the_o say_v ireland_n offer_v he_o to_o quit_v he_o of_o a_o debt_n if_o he_o will_v be_v assist_v to_o the_o take_v off_o the_o king_n urge_v how_o meritorious_a it_o will_v be_v and_o how_o much_o to_o the_o glory_n of_o god_n that_o upon_o his_o refusal_n mr._n ireland_n ask_v he_o if_o he_o know_v any_o stout_a irish_a gentleman_n upon_o which_o he_o name_v lavallin_n karney_n and_o brahal_n together_o with_o one_o wilson_n a_o englishman_n of_o which_o gentleman_n the_o say_a mr._n ireland_n do_v approve_v as_o fit_v for_o the_o design_n that_o at_o another_o time_n he_o hear_v mr._n tho._n jenison_n say_v that_o if_o c._n r._n will_v not_o be_v r._n c._n he_o shall_v not_o be_v long_o c._n r._n add_v that_o the_o king_n be_v excommunicate_a and_o depose_v he_o be_v no_o long_o king_n have_v hear_v this_o information_n the_o bill_n against_o the_o duke_n inheritance_n be_v read_v a_o second_o time_n and_o two_o resolve_v make_v first_o that_o the_o bill_n
shall_v be_v commit_v to_o a_o committee_n of_o the_o whole_a house_n second_o which_o be_v do_v nemine_fw-la contradicente_fw-la that_o the_o exclusion_n in_o the_o say_a bill_n shall_v not_o extend_v any_o further_a than_o the_o person_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o york_n only_o after_o which_o the_o house_n adjourn_v till_o monday_n the_o eight_o of_o november_n the_o most_o remarkable_a passage_n of_o which_o day_n be_v first_o a_o conference_n with_o the_o peer_n manage_v by_o the_o lord_n privy_a seal_n at_o what_o time_n his_o lordship_n do_v deliver_v to_o mr._n hampden_n and_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o member_n several_a examination_n in_o writing_n relate_v to_o the_o popish_a plot_n acquaint_v they_o far_o that_o all_o other_o paper_n of_o the_o same_o concern_v in_o the_o custody_n of_o their_o clerk_n shall_v be_v deliver_v to_o the_o clerk_n of_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o upon_o his_o give_v a_o receipt_n for_o the_o same_o the_o second_o be_v the_o release_n of_o sir_n robert_n can_v from_o his_o imprisonment_n upon_o his_o petition_n and_o acknowledgement_n of_o his_o offence_n and_o the_o three_o be_v the_o resolve_v of_o the_o whole_a house_n into_o a_o grand_a committee_n to_o proceed_v in_o the_o bill_n of_o exclusion_n which_o be_v do_v so_o effectual_o that_o after_o several_a clause_n add_v and_o amendment_n make_v the_o bill_n be_v order_v to_o be_v engross_v fame_n be_v that_o bill_n never_o to_o be_v see_v truth_n yes_o i_o have_v see_v it_o myself_o in_o several_a coffeehouse_n and_o therefore_o to_o save_v thy_o longing_n i_o will_v here_o brief_o recite_v the_o head_n of_o it_o fame_n that_o be_v as_o much_o as_o i_o desire_v for_o the_o rest_n be_v but_o matter_n of_o form_n truth_n that_o whereas_o the_o d._n of_o y._n be_v notorious_o know_v to_o have_v be_v pervert_v from_o the_o protestant_n to_o the_o popish_a religion_n whereby_o not_o only_o great_a encouragement_n have_v be_v give_v to_o the_o popish_a party_n to_o carry_v on_o a_o devilish_a conspiracy_n for_o the_o destruction_n of_o his_o majesty_n person_n and_o government_n but_o that_o if_o the_o d._n shall_v succeed_v to_o the_o imperial_a crown_n of_o this_o kingdom_n nothing_o will_v be_v more_o manifest_a than_o a_o total_a change_n of_o religion_n be_v it_o therefore_o enact_v that_o the_o say_v i._o d._n of_o y._n be_v make_v for_o ever_o uncapable_a to_o inherit_v the_o imperial_a crown_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n and_o ireland_n etc._n etc._n and_o that_o if_o the_o say_a d._n of_o y._n shall_v at_o any_o time_n hereafter_o challenge_v or_o attempt_v to_o possess_v or_o enjoy_v or_o take_v upon_o he_o to_o exercise_v any_o authority_n or_o jurisdiction_n within_o the_o say_a kingdom_n etc._n etc._n that_o he_o shall_v be_v deem_v guilty_a of_o high_a treason_n and_o suffer_v according_o and_o that_o all_o persans_fw-la that_o shall_v assist_v he_o in_o such_o challenge_n or_o attempt_v or_o shall_v themselves_o attempt_v or_o endeavour_v to_o put_v or_o bring_v he_o into_o the_o possession_n of_o the_o regal_a power_n or_o by_o preach_v or_o write_v maintain_v that_o he_o have_v any_o right_a or_o title_n to_o the_o same_o shall_v be_v deem_v guilty_a of_o high_a treason_n and_o suffer_v according_o and_o that_o the_o say_a d._n of_o york_n after_o the_o five_o of_o november_n 1680_o shall_v not_o return_v into_o any_o of_o the_o kingdom_n aforesaid_a or_o if_o he_o do_v he_o shall_v be_v adjudge_v guilty_a of_o high_a treason_n that_o be_v so_o guilty_a of_o the_o treason_n aforesaid_a neither_o the_o duke_n or_o any_o other_o person_n shall_v be_v capable_a of_o the_o benefit_n of_o any_o pardon_n otherwise_o then_o by_o act_n of_o parliament_n wherein_o in_o they_o shall_v be_v particular_o name_v all_o magistrate_n officer_n and_o other_o subject_n be_v also_o empower_v to_o apprehend_v the_o say_a d._n or_o any_o other_o person_n offend_v in_o any_o of_o these_o premise_n the_o act_n to_o extend_v no_o far_o than_o the_o person_n of_o the_o d._n last_o the_o act_n to_o be_v give_v in_o charge_n at_o all_o assize_n and_o session_n of_o the_o peace_n and_o to_o be_v open_o read_v in_o all_o cathedral_n and_o parish_n church_n etc._n etc._n upon_o the_o twenty-fifth_a of_o december_n and_o easterday_n during_o the_o life_n of_o the_o duke_n the_o next_o day_n be_v tuesday_n the_o nine_o of_o november_n the_o king_n send_v a_o message_n to_o the_o house_n in_o writing_n by_o mr._n secretary_n jenkins_n desire_v the_o house_n as_o well_o for_o the_o satisfaction_n of_o his_o people_n as_o of_o himself_o to_o expedite_v such_o matter_n as_o be_v depend_v before_o they_o relate_v to_o popery_n and_o the_o plot_n and_o to_o rest_v assure_v that_o all_o remedy_n they_o shall_v tender_v to_o his_o majesty_n conduce_v to_o those_o end_n shall_v be_v very_o acceptable_a to_o he_o provide_v they_o be_v such_o as_o may_v consist_v with_o preserve_v the_o succession_n of_o the_o crown_n in_o its_o due_a and_o legal_a course_n of_o descent_n then_o mr._n turberville_n be_v call_v in_o give_v in_o his_o information_n first_o by_o word_n of_o mouth_n and_o when_o he_o have_v do_v deliver_v the_o same_o in_o writing_n the_o effect_n whereof_o in_o short_a be_v that_o he_o live_v in_o the_o family_n of_o the_o e._n of_o powis_n grow_v very_o intimate_o acquaint_v with_o william_n morgan_n confessor_n to_o the_o say_a earl_n and_o his_o family_n be_v a_o jesuit_n and_o rector_n over_o all_o the_o jesuit_n in_o those_o part_n and_o that_o he_o have_v often_o hear_v the_o say_a morgan_n tell_v the_o say_a earl_n and_o his_o lady_n that_o the_o kingdom_n be_v in_o a_o high_a fever_n and_o that_o nothing_o but_o blood-letting_n can_v restore_v it_o to_o health_n that_o father_n cudworth_n guardian_n of_o the_o friar_n at_o douai_n have_v tell_v he_o that_o this_o king_n shall_v not_o last_v long_o that_o in_o the_o year_n 1675_o he_o be_v introduce_v into_o the_o acquaintance_n of_o the_o lord_n viscount_n stafford_n at_o paris_n to_o who_o he_o have_v great_a freedom_n and_o liberty_n of_o access_n who_o at_o length_n after_o many_o solemn_a promise_n of_o exact_v secrecy_n tell_v he_o in_o direct_a term_n that_o he_o may_v make_v himself_o and_o the_o nation_n happy_a by_o take_v away_o the_o life_n of_o the_o king_n who_o be_v a_o heretic_n and_o a_o rebel_n to_o god_n last_o that_o he_o be_v present_a at_o mass_n with_o the_o lord_n powis_n in_o vere-street_n where_o the_o e._n of_o castlemaine_n say_v mass_n in_o his_o priestly_a habit_n wednesday_n the_o ten_o of_o november_n little_o pass_v of_o consequence_n more_o than_o that_o the_o peer_n send_v down_o to_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o for_o their_o concurrence_n to_o a_o act_n which_o they_o have_v pass_v for_o free_v the_o city_n of_o london_n and_o his_o majesty_n court_n and_o part_n adjacent_a from_o popish_a inhabitant_n and_o provide_v against_o other_o danger_n which_o may_v arise_v from_o papist_n then_o take_v into_o consideration_n the_o short_a message_n send_v they_o the_o day_n before_o by_o his_o majesty_n and_o deliver_v by_o mr._n secretary_n jenkins_n they_o make_v two_o resolve_n that_o a_o committee_n shall_v be_v appoint_v to_o draw_v up_o a_o address_n to_o his_o majesty_n in_o answer_n to_o his_o speech_n and_o in_o the_o second_o place_n that_o they_o will_v proceed_v in_o the_o prosecution_n of_o the_o lord_n in_o the_o tower_n and_o forthwith_o begin_v with_o the_o lord_n viscount_n stafford_n fame_n i_o have_v hear_v say_v that_o several_a address_n be_v make_v to_o his_o majesty_n for_o the_o pardon_n and_o maintenance_n of_o the_o several_a witness_n that_o have_v give_v in_o their_o information_n truth_n it_o be_v very_o certain_a and_o it_o be_v no_o more_o than_o what_o you_o may_v have_v relate_v almost_o upon_o supposition_n so_o that_o it_o will_v be_v enough_o to_o say_v for_o the_o effect_n show_v it_o to_o be_v real_a that_o all_o the_o humble_a address_n in_o that_o nature_n be_v answer_v beside_o that_o it_o be_v our_o business_n to_o pass_v over_o thing_n of_o lesser_a moment_n as_o light_o as_o we_o can_v and_o thus_o from_o the_o ten_o we_o come_v to_o thursday_n the_o eleven_o of_o november_n take_v up_o for_o the_o most_o part_n with_o rectify_v election_n till_o sir_n william_n jones_n report_v that_o the_o address_n in_o answer_n to_o his_o majesty_n last_o message_n be_v ready_a have_v read_v it_o in_o his_o place_n deliver_v it_o to_o the_o clerk_n table_n after_o which_o it_o be_v again_o read_v by_o the_o whole_a house_n and_o agree_v upon_o which_o be_v do_v and_o the_o engross_v bill_n of_o exclusion_n this_o day_n read_v a_o three_o time_n the_o resolution_n of_o the_o house_n be_v that_o the_o bill_n shall_v pass_v and_o that_o the_o title_n shall_v be_v a_o
act_n for_o secure_v the_o protestant_a religion_n by_o disable_n james_n d._n of_o york_n to_o inherit_v the_o imperial_a crown_n of_o england_n and_o ireland_n and_o the_o dominion_n and_o territory_n thereunto_o belong_v and_o the_o lord_n russel_n be_v order_v to_o carry_v it_o up_o to_o the_o lord_n for_o their_o concurrence_n friday_n the_o twelve_o of_o november_n some_o time_n be_v spend_v in_o read_v the_o ingross_v bill_n send_v up_o on_o the_o wednesday_n before_o from_o the_o lord_n for_o free_v the_o city_n and_o court_n etc._n etc._n from_o popish_a inhabitant_n etc._n etc._n of_o which_o and_o of_o other_o no_o far_o proceed_v in_o it_o be_v enough_o to_o speak_v of_o their_o transmitment_n from_o one_o house_n to_o another_o as_o be_v such_o as_o die_v among_o the_o rest_n in_o the_o birth_n after_o this_o and_o some_o amendment_n make_v of_o the_o return_v for_o the_o burrow_n of_o haslemere_n in_o surrey_n mr._n bourk_n mr._n macnamarr_n and_o eustace_n comine_n be_v several_o call_v in_o give_v their_o several_a account_n of_o some_o proceed_n relate_v to_o the_o popish_a plot_n in_o ireland_n of_o their_o information_n i_o shall_v brief_o recite_v the_o head_n in_o their_o order_n that_o of_o mr._n bourk_n be_v brief_o thus_o that_o be_v by_o the_o kindness_n of_o one_o major_a butler_n admit_v to_o the_o knowledge_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o tyrone_n and_o by_o that_o mean_v frequent_o keep_v his_o lordship_n company_n in_o his_o pastime_n both_o at_o home_n and_o abroad_o he_o observe_v that_o the_o say_a earl_n and_o the_o major_n will_v be_v allway_o extrol_v the_o french_a king_n and_o pray_v for_o his_o prosperity_n that_o he_o far_o observe_v a_o continual_a resort_n of_o papist_n and_o suspicious_a person_n to_o the_o say_a earl_n house_n that_o be_v one_o morning_n private_a with_o his_o lordship_n his_o lordship_n tell_v he_o that_o he_o have_v intelligence_n out_o of_o france_n that_o the_o french_a be_v very_o powerful_a and_o that_o parlez_fw-fr francois_n will_v be_v plentiful_o hear_v in_o ireland_n ere_o long_o that_o in_o far_a discourse_n his_o lordship_n draw_v out_o of_o his_o pocket_n a_o great_a quantity_n of_o paper_n roll_v up_o and_o deliver_v he_o to_o subscribe_v his_o name_n in_o one_o of_o they_o and_o that_o upon_o a_o sudden_a glance_n he_o can_v read_v the_o name_n of_o some_o that_o he_o know_v to_o be_v person_n ill_o affect_v to_o his_o majesty_n and_o his_o government_n that_o upon_o his_o refusal_n to_o subscribe_v his_o lordship_n call_v he_o coward_v and_o draw_v his_o sword_n half_o out_o of_o his_o scabbard_n to_o have_v kill_v he_o but_o be_v prevent_v by_o the_o unexpected_a come_n in_o of_o another_o gentleman_n that_o from_o that_o time_n forward_o his_o lordship_n use_v several_a mean_n to_o ruin_n he_o and_o throw_v he_o into_o waterford_n gaol_n from_o whence_o he_o write_v five_o letter_n to_o the_o lord_n lieutenant_n of_o his_o hard_a usage_n and_o what_o he_o have_v to_o say_v as_o to_o the_o conspiracy_n but_o can_v have_v no_o answer_n that_o be_v get_v out_o of_o waterford_n gaol_n he_o give_v in_o his_o information_n against_o the_o say_a earl_n at_o dublin_n where_o though_o his_o lordship_n be_v bind_v over_o to_o answer_v the_o informant_a at_o waterford_n assize_n yet_o such_o be_v his_o power_n over_o the_o judge_n and_o the_o jury_n that_o he_o easy_o get_v himself_o acquit_v so_o that_o find_v ireland_n then_o too_o hot_a for_o he_o the_o informant_n be_v force_v to_o retire_v into_o england_n to_o make_v his_o appeal_v the_o head_n of_o macnamar_n information_n be_v these_o that_o one_o william_n bradley_n esq_n a_o justice_n of_o the_o peace_n in_o the_o county_n of_o waterford_v have_v first_o make_v he_o take_v a_o oath_n of_o secrecy_n give_v he_o to_o understand_v that_o the_o earl_n of_o tyrone_n have_v receive_v a_o commission_n from_o the_o french_a king_n to_o be_v a_o colonel_n of_o horse_n in_o the_o county_n of_o waterford_n and_o that_o the_o say_v bradley_n be_v to_o be_v his_o lieutenant_n col._n and_o therefore_o desire_v he_o to_o provide_v himself_o of_o horse_n and_o arm_n and_o get_v as_o many_o as_o he_o can_v trust_v promise_v he_o a_o captain_n place_n that_o after_o bradley_n have_v unfold_v to_o he_o the_o aforesaid_a treason_n he_o meet_v with_o the_o e._n of_o tyrone_n who_o ask_v he_o private_o whether_o bradley_n have_v say_v any_o thing_n to_o he_o who_o answer_v he_o have_v the_o e._n bid_v he_o be_v very_o private_a and_o then_o show_v he_o a_o list_n of_o several_a that_o be_v to_o be_v superior_a officer_n in_o several_a county_n of_o ireland_n which_o he_o take_v special_a notice_n of_o as_o know_v several_a of_o the_o person_n that_o the_o say_v e._n at_o the_o same_o time_n tell_v he_o that_o he_o have_v a_o commission_n from_o the_o french_a king_n under_o his_o hand_n and_o seal_n to_o be_v a_o col._n of_o horse_n in_o the_o county_n of_o waterford_n and_o that_o there_o be_v hardly_o a_o county_n in_o ireland_n where_o person_n be_v not_o appoint_v by_o the_o french_a king_n for_o the_o same_o purpose_n with_o other_o discourse_n of_o the_o same_o nature_n the_o substance_n of_o eustace_n comins_n information_n be_v this_o that_o live_v with_o one_o keadagh_n magher_n his_o relation_n in_o karignisurie_n in_o the_o county_n of_o tipperary_n treasurer_n for_o the_o confederate_n in_o ireland_n he_o be_v privy_a to_o the_o payment_n of_o several_a considerable_a sum_n to_o several_a considerable_a person_n upon_o the_o account_n of_o the_o plot_n by_o the_o direction_n of_o plunket_n titular_a primate_n of_o ireland_n bremand_v titular_a archbishop_n of_o cashel_n and_o powes_n deane_n of_o waterford_n who_o have_v the_o disposal_n of_o the_o say_a money_n that_o there_o be_v a_o meeting_n of_o the_o irish_a clergy_n with_o the_o titular_a primate_n at_o john_n walshe_n house_n who_o be_v lawyer_n for_o the_o d._n of_o ormond_n in_o the_o county_n of_o tipperary_n where_o they_o agree_v to_o give_v every_o judge_n that_o will_v go_v the_o circuit_n and_o befriend_v they_o upon_o occasion_n 200_o l._n a_o piece_n that_o the_o sum_n of_o 200_o l._n be_v secure_v to_o sir_n john_n davis_n upon_o the_o same_o account_n he_o be_v then_o a_o judge_n at_o clonmel_n of_o which_o he_o be_v a_o eye_n witness_v last_o after_o the_o recital_n of_o many_o other_o circumstance_n of_o his_o be_v pursue_v and_o imprison_v by_o sir_n john_n davis_n and_o several_a other_o justice_n of_o the_o peace_n contrary_a to_o their_o duty_n for_o his_o discovery_n he_o affirm_v that_o the_o papist_n have_v barbarous_o murder_v the_o say_a keadagh_n magher_n their_o treasurer_n when_o they_o find_v that_o he_o detest_v their_o design_n and_o be_v turn_v protestant_a the_o house_n have_v hear_v these_o information_n order_v that_o a_o address_n shall_v be_v make_v to_o his_o majesty_n for_o their_o several_a pardon_n and_o that_o his_o majesty_n will_v be_v please_v to_o take_v they_o into_o his_o care_n and_o protection_n after_o this_o a_o message_n be_v send_v to_o the_o lord_n to_o acquaint_v they_o with_o the_o resolution_n of_o the_o house_n to_o proceed_v to_o the_o trial_n of_o the_o lord_n in_o the_o tower_n and_o that_o they_o intend_v to_o begin_v with_o william_n viscount_n stafford_n and_o therefore_o desire_v their_o lordship_n to_o appoint_v a_o day_n as_o also_o that_o the_o lord_n in_o the_o tower_n may_v be_v confine_v and_o keep_v from_o a_o correspondence_n one_o with_o another_o as_o person_n impeach_v and_o commit_v for_o high_a treason_n ought_v to_o be_v to_o which_o the_o lord_n return_v for_o answer_n that_o as_o to_o that_o part_n of_o the_o message_n relate_v to_o confinement_n and_o correspondence_n they_o have_v already_o give_v order_n therein_o as_o the_o house_n have_v desire_v and_o for_o the_o latter_a for_o appoint_v a_o day_n for_o the_o trial_n they_o do_v appoint_v tuesday_n come_v fortnight_n thereupon_o they_o order_v a_o far_a address_n to_o be_v make_v to_o his_o majesty_n that_o all_o paper_n write_n examination_n and_o evidence_n relate_v to_o the_o popish_a plot_n which_o have_v be_v deliver_v to_o the_o clerk_n of_o the_o council_n or_o the_o secretary_n since_o the_o dissolution_n of_o the_o last_o parliament_n shall_v be_v transmit_v to_o the_o house_n and_o order_v that_o sergeant_n maynard_n mr._n george_n pelham_n and_o mr._n paul_n foly_n shall_v be_v add_v to_o the_o committee_n appoint_v to_o prepare_v evidence_n against_o the_o lord_n in_o the_o tower_n they_o likewise_o order_v that_o another_o address_n shall_v be_v make_v to_o his_o majesty_n that_o he_o will_v be_v please_v to_o give_v order_n for_o issue_v out_o a_o sum_n of_o money_n to_o defray_v the_o charge_n of_o summon_v the_o witness_n and_o other_o expense_n incident_a to_o the_o
speaker_n they_o resolve_v into_o a_o committee_n of_o the_o whole_a house_n after_o which_o the_o speaker_n resume_v the_o chair_n they_o come_v to_o several_a resolve_n nemine_fw-la contradicente_fw-la 1._o that_o one_o way_n for_o the_o suppress_n of_o popery_n be_v to_o banish_v all_o the_o considerable_a papist_n out_o of_o england_n that_o as_o long_o as_o the_o papist_n have_v any_o hope_n of_o the_o d._n of_o york_n succession_n both_o the_o protestant_a religion_n and_o the_o life_n liberty_n and_o property_n of_o the_o king_n protestant_a subject_n be_v in_o danger_n to_o be_v destroy_v 3._o that_o there_o shall_v be_v a_o bill_n bring_v in_o for_o the_o association_n of_o his_o majesty_n protestant_a subject_n for_o the_o safety_n of_o king_n religion_n and_o people_n against_o all_o invasion_n or_o opposition_n whatsoever_o and_o to_o prevent_v the_o succession_n of_o the_o d._n of_o y._n or_o any_o other_o papist_n thursday_n the_o 16_o the_o be_v spend_v for_o the_o most_o part_n in_o read_v of_o bill_n the_o next_o day_n be_v friday_n the_o 17_o the_o of_o december_n upon_o a_o report_n by_o sir_n william_n poultney_n from_o the_o committee_n appoint_v to_o draw_v up_o the_o impeachment_n against_o mr._n seymour_n the_o article_n of_o impeachment_n be_v order_v to_o be_v ingross_v and_o mr._n seymour_n to_o be_v take_v into_o custody_n by_o the_o sergeant_n at_o arm_n who_o be_v impower_v to_o take_v security_n for_o his_o forthcoming_a saturday_n be_v the_o 18_o the_o they_o take_v into_o serious_a consideration_n his_o majesty_n last_o speech_n and_o after_o some_o debate_n resolve_v that_o a_o address_n shall_v be_v prepare_v in_o answer_n to_o it_o monday_n the_o 20_o the_o produce_v nothing_o at_o that_o time_n remarkable_a but_o only_o the_o address_n which_o be_v then_o read_v and_o agree_v to_o and_o present_v the_o next_o day_n tuesday_n the_o 21_o the_o of_o december_n not_o much_o more_o be_v do_v than_o upon_o the_o day_n before_o only_o that_o a_o information_n be_v give_v into_o the_o house_n that_o one_o henry_n carew_n a_o friar_n of_o saint_n maloes_n in_o france_n have_v for_o several_a year_n last_o pass_v execute_v the_o office_n of_o surveyor_n of_o the_o custom_n in_o the_o port_n of_o bristol_n and_o thereupon_o it_o be_v refer_v to_o the_o committee_n appoint_v to_o receive_v information_n concern_v the_o plot_n to_o examine_v the_o business_n and_o make_v their_o report_n in_o the_o afternoon_n they_o present_v their_o address_n to_o his_o majesty_n in_o the_o banqueting-house_n in_o answer_n to_o his_o last_o speech_n of_o which_o the_o chief_a head_n be_v these_o that_o they_o do_v grateful_o acknowledge_v his_o majesty_n goodness_n in_o renew_v his_o assurance_n of_o his_o readiness_n to_o concur_v with_o they_o for_o the_o security_n of_o the_o protestant_a religion_n but_o that_o they_o observe_v there_o be_v a_o reservation_n annex_v which_o if_o insist_v on_o will_v render_v all_o his_o other_o inclination_n of_o no_o advantage_n to_o they_o that_o as_o to_o the_o preservation_n of_o the_o succession_n in_o its_o legal_a course_n they_o have_v not_o endeavour_v any_o interruption_n except_o only_o of_o the_o descent_n upon_o the_o person_n of_o the_o d._n of_o york_n who_o the_o instrument_n of_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n have_v pervert_v to_o their_o religion_n for_o which_o reason_n they_o do_v represent_v it_o as_o the_o issue_n of_o their_o most_o deliberate_a thought_n that_o for_o the_o papist_n to_o have_v their_o hope_n continue_v in_o the_o expectation_n of_o a_o popish_a prince_n be_v utter_o inconsistent_a with_o the_o safety_n of_o his_o person_n the_o preservation_n of_o the_o protestant_a religion_n and_o the_o welfare_n of_o his_o people_n they_o far_o represent_v to_o he_o the_o danger_n of_o his_o person_n from_o the_o principle_n of_o the_o papist_n which_o allow_v the_o excommunication_n and_o deposition_n of_o prince_n that_o the_o expectation_n of_o a_o popish_a successor_n have_v not_o only_o increase_v the_o number_n of_o papist_n in_o the_o kingdom_n but_o also_o prevail_v with_o other_o to_o desert_n protestantism_n that_o they_o may_v be_v prepare_v for_o the_o favour_n of_o the_o popish_a prince_n that_o it_o have_v harden_v the_o papist_n of_o this_o kingdom_n to_o make_v a_o common_a purse_n provide_v arm_n and_o solicit_v the_o aid_n of_o foreign_a prince_n to_o impose_v popery_n upon_o the_o nation_n that_o it_o be_v his_o majesty_n glory_n and_o true_a interest_n to_o be_v the_o protector_n of_o all_o protestant_n both_o at_o home_o and_o abroad_o but_o if_o such_o hope_n shall_v remain_v what_o alliance_n can_v be_v make_v for_o his_o majesty_n ally_n and_o the_o protestant_n abroad_o to_o trust_n to_o then_o they_o lay_v before_o his_o majesty_n the_o evil_n that_o will_v befall_v from_o a_o popish_a succession_n the_o protestant_a religion_n will_v be_v total_o overthrow_v the_o pope_n will_v be_v acknowledge_v a_o supreme_a and_o all_o thing_n be_v bring_v under_o his_o jurisdiction_n the_o life_n liberty_n and_o estate_n of_o all_o protestant_n that_o value_v their_o soul_n will_v be_v adjudge_v forfeit_v in_o regard_n that_o the_o extirpation_n of_o heretic_n be_v use_v as_o a_o argument_n to_o invite_v foreign_a prince_n to_o assist_v the_o duke_n far_o they_o desire_v he_o to_o consider_v whether_o in_o case_n the_o d._n shall_v attempt_v to_o succeed_v whether_o the_o opposition_n probable_a to_o be_v make_v against_o he_o may_v not_o endanger_v the_o descent_n of_o the_o royal_a line_n but_o even_o monarchy_n itself_o for_o which_o reason_n they_o beseech_v his_o majesty_n that_o when_o a_o bill_n shall_v be_v tender_v he_o in_o a_o parliamentary_a way_n he_o will_v give_v his_o royal_a assent_n thereto_o and_o as_o necessary_a to_o fortify_v the_o same_o that_o he_o will_v also_o assent_v to_o another_o bill_n to_o enable_v his_o protestant_a subject_n to_o associate_v for_o the_o defence_n of_o his_o person_n the_o protestant_a religion_n and_o the_o security_n of_o the_o kingdom_n and_o that_o as_o a_o far_a mean_n for_o the_o preservation_n of_o the_o same_o the_o judge_n may_v be_v person_n of_o integrity_n and_o true_a zeal_n to_o the_o protestant_a religion_n and_o may_v hold_v their_o employment_n only_o quamdiu_fw-la se_fw-la bene_fw-la gesserint_fw-la and_o that_o the_o lord_n lieutenant_n deputie-lieutenant_n and_o justice_n of_o the_o peace_n may_v be_v person_n of_o the_o same_o principle_n and_o all_o other_o displace_v and_o so_o likewise_o for_o the_o military_a officer_n and_o commander_n in_o the_o fleet._n which_o request_n of_o they_o be_v grant_v they_o will_v be_v ready_a to_o assist_v his_o majesty_n for_o the_o preservation_n of_o tangier_n and_o to_o put_v the_o fleet_n into_o a_o condition_n both_o to_o preserve_v the_o sovereignty_n of_o the_o sea_n and_o defend_v the_o nation_n fa._n what_o answer_n be_v give_v to_o this_o address_n tr._n you_o shall_v hear_v more_o of_o that_o in_o due_a time_n the_o two_o next_o day_n be_v the_o 23_o d._n and_o 24_o the_o of_o december_n produce_v little_a for_o our_o purpose_n only_o that_o upon_o the_o last_o of_o the_o two_o upon_o a_o report_n from_o the_o committee_n appoint_v to_o examine_v the_o complaint_n against_o mr._n thompson_n a_o minister_n it_o be_v unanimous_o resolve_v by_o the_o house_n that_o the_o say_v thompson_n have_v public_o defame_v his_o majesty_n preach_v sedition_n villify_v the_o reformation_n and_o promote_v popery_n by_o assert_v popish_a principle_n deny_v the_o plot_n and_o turn_v the_o same_o upon_o the_o protestant_n and_o that_o he_o have_v endeavour_v to_o subvert_v the_o liberty_n and_o property_n of_o the_o subject_a and_o the_o right_n and_o privilege_n of_o parliament_n and_o that_o he_o be_v a_o scandal_n and_o reproach_n to_o the_o function_n and_o thereupon_o order_v a_o committee_n to_o prepare_v a_o impeachment_n against_o he_o after_o which_o the_o holyday_n approach_v the_o house_n adjourn_v till_o the_o 30_o the_o of_o the_o same_o month._n fa._n can_v you_o tell_v i_o what_o mr._n thompson_n have_v do_v to_o deserve_v so_o severe_a a_o sentence_n tru._n yes_o fa._n pray_v do_v then_o as_o short_a as_o you_o can_v tru._n the_o first_o witness_n upon_o examination_n at_o the_o committee_n say_v that_o in_o a_o sermon_n preach_v by_o the_o say_a mr._n thompson_n upon_o the_o 30_o the_o of_o jan._n 79._o he_o public_o declare_v that_o the_o presbyterian_o be_v person_n which_o the_o devil_n blush_v at_o and_o that_o they_o be_v worse_o than_o either_o priest_n or_o jesuit_n and_o that_o the_o villain_n hampden_n grudge_v more_o to_o give_v the_o king_n twenty_o shilling_n which_o be_v his_o due_n by_o law_n for_o ship-money_n and_o loan_n than_o to_o raise_v a_o rebellion_n against_o he_o the_o second_o witness_n say_v the_o same_o and_o add_v that_o thompson_n shall_v say_v he_o hope_v the_o presbyterian_o
subscription_n to_o a_o petition_n for_o sit_v of_o the_o parliament_n and_o that_o the_o say_a examination_n be_v send_v up_o to_o the_o council_n and_o exhibit_v in_o charge_n as_o a_o article_n against_o the_o say_a mr._n arnold_n and_o prosecute_v by_o thomas_n herbert_n esq_n the_o house_n order_v that_o the_o say_v mr._n tho._n herbert_n shall_v be_v send_v for_o into_o custody_n they_o also_o vote_v mr._n thomas_n staples_n and_o sir_n thomas_n holt_n sergeant_n at_o law_n for_o the_o same_o offence_n guilty_a of_o betray_v the_o right_n of_o the_o subject_a and_o order_v they_o to_o be_v send_v for_o in_o custody_n likewise_o to_o answer_v at_o the_o bar_n for_o the_o misdemeanour_n they_o have_v commit_v the_o same_o day_n mr._n treby_n acquaint_v the_o house_n that_o he_o have_v make_v a_o abstract_n in_o write_v of_o several_a letter_n and_o paper_n relate_v to_o the_o plot_n it_o be_v order_v that_o the_o say_v letter_n and_o paper_n shall_v be_v print_v and_o that_o mr._n treby_n shall_v take_v care_n therein_o these_o letter_n be_v soon_o after_o print_v and_o contain_a several_a correspondency_n between_o coleman_n and_o the_o king_n of_o france_n confessor_n the_o pope_n internuncio_n the_o late_a earl_n of_o berkshire_n st._n german_n father_n sheldon_n all_o agitator_n and_o busy_a stickler_n for_o the_o plot_n and_o the_o d._n of_o tork_n interest_n together_o with_o several_a instrument_n and_o privilege_n grant_v by_o the_o pope_n to_o the_o english_a and_o scotish_n roman_n catholic_n and_o proselyte_n find_v in_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o five_o jesuit_n and_o mr._n daniel_n arthur_n fame_n but_o what_o be_v contain_v in_o all_o those_o letter_n for_o i_o find_v they_o to_o be_v a_o great_a many_o truth_n in_o the_o first_o place_n a_o continue_a intelligence_n of_o the_o transaction_n and_o proceed_n of_o the_o popish_a party_n in_o the_o next_o place_n a_o plain_a discovery_n of_o the_o negotiation_n and_o correspondency_n of_o the_o duke_n with_o the_o pope_n the_o emperor_n and_o the_o king_n of_o france_n and_o last_o frequent_a importunity_n for_o money_n and_o other_o assistance_n for_o the_o duke_n to_o carry_v on_o his_o most_o important_a design_n which_o be_v to_o make_v himself_o master_n of_o the_o king_n and_o prevent_v the_o sit_v of_o parliament_n sir_n gilbert_n gerard_n then_o acquaint_v the_o house_n that_o he_o have_v article_n of_o high_a crime_n and_o misdemeanour_n against_o edward_n seymour_n esq_n a_o member_n of_o the_o house_n which_o he_o give_v in_o at_o the_o clerk_n table_n upon_o which_o the_o house_n order_v mr._n seymour_n a_o copy_n of_o the_o article_n and_o prefix_v he_o a_o day_n to_o make_v his_o defence_n fame_n be_v there_o no_o bill_n bring_v into_o the_o house_n all_o this_o while_n truth_n there_o be_v several_a under_o debate_n and_o preparation_n but_o because_o they_o never_o come_v to_o perfection_n i_o shall_v only_o content_v myself_o to_o give_v you_o a_o list_n of_o they_o at_o the_o latter_a end_n of_o the_o book_n which_o will_v be_v sufficient_a to_o show_v you_o what_o be_v real_o intend_v and_o so_o i_o come_v to_o monday_n the_o twenty_o second_o of_o november_n upon_o which_o day_n the_o most_o remarkable_a occurrence_n be_v his_o majesty_n answer_n to_o the_o address_n of_o the_o house_n first_o in_o behalf_n of_o mr._n zeal_n to_o which_o his_o majesty_n be_v please_v to_o condescend_v in_o reference_n both_o to_o his_o pardon_n and_o allowance_n second_o in_o behalf_n of_o all_o those_o for_o who_o application_n have_v be_v make_v that_o their_o pardon_n shall_v be_v general_a for_o all_o crime_n and_o misdemeanour_n whatsoever_o without_o limitation_n to_o which_o his_o majesty_n return_v for_o answer_n that_o he_o will_v pardon_v they_o for_o all_o treason_n misprision_n felony_n and_o outlary_n after_o treason_n or_o felony_n and_o give_v order_n that_o a_o noli_fw-la prosequi_fw-la shall_v be_v enter_v to_o stop_v all_o prosecution_n against_o they_o for_o all_o crime_n and_o misdemeanour_n whatsoever_o but_o that_o his_o majesty_n apprehend_v there_o may_v be_v some_o inconveniency_n in_o grant_v pardon_n so_o general_a as_o be_v then_o desire_v however_o rather_o than_o the_o trial_n shall_v be_v hinder_v or_o prejudice_v he_o will_v give_v such_o order_n as_o shall_v be_v agreeable_a to_o justice_n tuesday_n the_o twenty_o three_o of_o november_n the_o address_n for_o appoint_v a_o public_a fast_o and_o day_n of_o humiliation_n through_o the_o whole_a kingdom_n be_v report_v and_o agree_v to_o and_o confirm_v by_o the_o concurrence_n of_o the_o lord_n the_o same_o day_n several_a person_n who_o have_v be_v of_o the_o grand-jury_n the_o last_o trinity_n term_n for_o the_o county_n of_o middlesex_n be_v call_v in_o give_v a_o account_n of_o the_o proceed_n of_o the_o court_n of_o king_n bench_n in_o reference_n to_o the_o discharge_n of_o grand-juries_n other_o person_n be_v call_v in_o give_v a_o account_n of_o the_o charge_n give_v by_o baron_fw-fr weston_n the_o last_o past_a summer_n assize_n for_o the_o county_n of_o surrey_n upon_o the_o debate_n of_o which_o two_o information_n it_o be_v resolve_v nemine_fw-la contradicente_fw-la that_o the_o discharge_n of_o a_o grand-jury_n before_o the_o end_n of_o a_o term_n assize_n or_o session_n while_o business_n be_v depend_v before_o they_o be_v arbitrary_a illegal_a contrary_a to_o the_o judge_n oath_n and_o tend_v to_o the_o subversion_n of_o the_o fundamental_a law_n of_o the_o kingdom_n and_o that_o therefore_o a_o committee_n shall_v be_v appoint_v to_o examine_v the_o proceed_n of_o the_o judge_n in_o westminster_n hall_n and_o report_v their_o opinion_n the_o next_o day_n be_v wednesday_n the_o twenty_o five_o of_o this_o month_n a_o address_n be_v resolve_v upon_o to_o desire_v his_o majesty_n favour_n that_o all_o dissenter_n prosecute_v upon_o the_o penal_a statute_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n and_o king_n james_n against_o popish_a recusant_n may_v be_v admit_v to_o a_o composition_n in_o the_o exchequer_n without_o pay_v fe_n the_o attorney_n general_n be_v then_o call_v in_o and_o examine_v in_o reference_n to_o the_o proclamation_n against_o tumultuous_a petition_v and_o declare_v that_o sir_n francis_n north_n be_v advise_v and_o assist_v in_o the_o draw_v up_o and_o pass_v the_o say_a proclamation_n it_o be_v thereupon_o resolve_v nemine_fw-la contradicente_fw-la that_o the_o evidence_n give_v against_o sir_n francis_n north_n be_v a_o sufficient_a ground_n for_o the_o house_n to_o proceed_v against_o he_o upon_o a_o impeachment_n for_o high_a crime_n and_o misdemeanour_n and_o order_v the_o committee_n appoint_v to_o examine_v the_o proceed_n of_o the_o judge_n to_o draw_v up_o a_o impeachment_n according_o thursday_n the_o twenty_o five_o of_o november_n nothing_o in_o the_o morning_n be_v do_v conduce_v to_o the_o series_n of_o this_o relation_n only_o that_o the_o undersheriff_n of_o norfolk_n be_v complain_v against_o be_v order_v to_o be_v send_v for_o to_o answer_v several_a abuse_n and_o miscarriage_n lay_v to_o his_o charge_n but_o in_o the_o afternoon_n according_a to_o appointment_n the_o house_n attend_v his_o majesty_n in_o the_o banquet_a house_n with_o their_o address_n for_o a_o public_a fast_o to_o this_o effect_n that_o be_v deep_o sensible_a of_o the_o sad_a and_o calamitous_a condition_n of_o the_o kingdom_n occasion_v by_o the_o impious_a and_o horrid_a conspiracy_n of_o the_o popish_a party_n still_o persist_v in_o the_o same_o detestable_a machination_n notwithstanding_o the_o many_o discovery_n by_o god_n mercy_n and_o providence_n bring_v to_o light_n which_o impend_v judgement_n not_o be_v otherwise_o to_o be_v prevent_v but_o by_o god_n particular_a blessing_n upon_o his_o majesty_n great_a council_n the_o parliament_n they_o do_v in_o all_o humility_n beseech_v his_o majesty_n that_o a_o day_n may_v be_v solemn_o set_v apart_o by_o his_o royal_a proclamation_n to_o the_o end_n that_o by_o fast_v and_o prayer_n the_o goodness_n and_o power_n of_o god_n may_v be_v implore_v to_o divert_v his_o judgement_n and_o defeat_v the_o wicked_a counsel_n and_o device_n of_o the_o enemy_n to_o which_o his_o majesty_n answer_n be_v that_o he_o will_v give_v order_n for_o a_o day_n of_o humiliation_n as_o be_v desire_v friday_n the_o twenty_o eight_o of_o november_n his_o majesty_n return_v his_o answer_n in_o the_o behalf_n of_o the_o protestant_a dissenter_n that_o they_o shall_v be_v discharge_v and_o that_o without_o fee_n as_o far_o as_o may_v be_v do_v according_a to_o law_n and_o that_o they_o shall_v be_v recommend_v to_o the_o judge_n the_o same_o day_n the_o house_n resume_v the_o debate_n relate_v to_o the_o impeachment_n of_o mr._n seymour_n and_o at_o length_n resolve_v that_o there_o be_v matter_n sufficient_a in_o the_o four_o article_n upon_o which_o to_o impeach_v he_o whereupon_o a_o impeachment_n be_v draw_v up_o to_o this_o effect_n that_o
be_v a_o easy_a thing_n to_o poison_v the_o king_n that_o at_o another_o time_n his_o brother_n jennison_n tell_v he_o that_o there_o be_v a_o design_n in_o england_n so_o lay_v that_o it_o can_v not_o be_v easy_o discover_v and_o that_o the_o great_a papist_n and_o the_o great_a catholic_n in_o england_n be_v in_o the_o design_n that_o there_o be_v a_o army_n to_o be_v raise_v to_o bring_v in_o the_o catholic_n religion_n and_o that_o at_o another_o time_n one_o mr._n cuffil_v a_o jesuit_n declare_v that_o he_o think_v mr._n coleman_n infatuate_v to_o give_v notice_n to_o harcourt_n ireland_n and_o fenwick_n to_o burn_v their_o paper_n upon_o the_o discovery_n of_o the_o plot_n and_o not_o to_o burn_v his_o own_o then_o the_o clerk_n of_o the_o lord_n committee_n deliver_v in_o the_o several_a attainder_n and_o judgement_n enter_v upon_o record_n upon_o the_o conviction_n of_o coleman_n langhorn_n and_o the_o rest_n and_o upon_o the_o motion_n of_o mr._n treby_n the_o attainder_n of_o mr._n coleman_n be_v open_o read_v in_o court_n in_o regard_n there_o be_v more_o of_o special_a matter_n in_o that_o than_o in_o any_o of_o the_o rest_n more_o especial_o among_o many_o other_o thing_n mention_v his_o proceed_n in_o relation_n to_o the_o carry_v on_o of_o the_o plot_n viz._n his_o traitorous_a correspondence_n with_o la_fw-fr cheese_n the_o king_n of_o france_n confessor_n and_o with_o mounseur_fw-fr rovigni_n the_o french_a king_n envoy_n in_o england_n for_o the_o bring_n in_o of_o a_o foreign_a force_n to_o carry_v on_o the_o design_n after_o which_o the_o