Selected quad for the lemma: day_n

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day_n bill_n read_v wednesday_n 4,037 5 12.8220 5 false
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A37482 The present state of London: or, Memorials comprehending a full and succinct account of the ancient and modern state thereof. By Tho. De-Laune, Gent De Laune, Thomas, d. 1685. 1681 (1681) Wing D894; ESTC R216338 233,231 489

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particular_a welfare_n of_o the_o kingdom_n or_o subject_n and_o every_o parliament_n may_v get_v a_o bill_n draw_v and_o give_v it_o to_o the_o speaker_n or_o clerk_n of_o the_o parliament_n to_o be_v present_v in_o convenient_a time_n whatsoever_o be_v propose_v for_o a_o law_n be_v first_o put_v in_o write_v and_o call_v a_o bill_n which_o be_v read_v in_o a_o full_a assembly_n it_o be_v either_o unanimous_o reject_v or_o else_o allow_v to_o be_v debate_v and_o then_o it_o be_v commit_v to_o a_o certain_a number_n of_o the_o house_n present_o nominate_v and_o call_v a_o committee_n after_o it_o have_v be_v amend_v and_o twice_o read_v two_o several_a day_n in_o the_o house_n it_o be_v ingross_v that_o be_v write_a fair_a in_o a_o parchment_n and_o read_v the_o three_o time_n another_o day_n and_o then_o if_o in_o the_o lord_n house_n the_o chancellor_n or_o if_o in_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o the_o speaker_n demand_v if_o they_o will_v have_v it_o put_v to_o the_o question_n whether_o a_o law_n or_o no_o law_n if_o the_o major_a part_n be_v for_o it_o there_o be_v write_v on_o the_o bill_n by_o the_o clerk_n of_o the_o lord_n house_n soit_fw-fr bailler_fw-fr aux_fw-fr signior_n or_o of_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o soit_fw-fr bailler_fw-fr aux_fw-fr commune_v retain_v the_o ancient_a custom_n which_o be_v to_o speak_v in_o french_a when_o the_o speaker_n find_v divers_a bill_n prepare_v to_o be_v put_v to_o the_o question_n he_o give_v notice_n the_o day_n be●_n before_o that_o to_o morrow_n he_o intend_v to_o put_v such_o bill_n to_o the_o pass_v or_o three_o read_v and_o desire_v the_o special_a attendance_n of_o all_o the_o member_n if_o a_o bill_n be_v reject_v it_o can_v be_v any_o more_o propose_v during_o that_o session_n all_o bill_n send_v by_o the_o commons_o to_o the_o lord_n house_n be_v usual_o attend_v to_o show_v their_o respect_n with_o several_a of_o their_o member_n and_o as_o they_o come_v up_o to_o the_o lord_n bar_v the_o member_n that_o be_v to_o present_a the_o bill_n make_v three_o profound_a reverence_n and_o deliver_v it_o to_o the_o lord_n chancellor_n who_o come_v down_o to_o the_o bar_n to_o receive_v it_o a_o bill_n send_v by_o the_o lord_n to_o the_o commons_o be_v usual_o by_o some_o of_o the_o master_n of_o chancery_n or_o some_o other_o who_o seat_n be_v on_o the_o woolsack_n and_o by_o none_o of_o the_o member_n who_o come_v up_o to_o the_o speaker_n bow_v thrice_o and_o deliver_v it_o to_o he_o after_o one_o of_o they_o have_v read_v the_o title_n and_o desire_v it_o may_v be_v take_v into_o consideration_n if_o it_o pass_v that_o house_n then_o be_v write_v on_o it_o les_fw-fr commune_v ont_fw-fr assentez_fw-fr when_o any_o member_n of_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o speak_v to_o a_o bill_n he_o stand_v up_o uncover_v and_o direct_v his_o speech_n only_o to_o the_o speaker_n then_o if_o what_o he_o deliver_v be_v confute_v by_o another_o yet_o he_o be_v not_o allow_v to_o answer_v again_o the_o same_o day_n lest_o the_o whole_a time_n shall_v be_v spend_v in_o a_o dispute_n between_o two_o talkative_a person_n also_o if_o a_o bill_n be_v debate_v in_o the_o house_n no_o man_n may_v speak_v to_o it_o in_o one_o day_n above_o once_o if_o any_o one_o speak_v word_n of_o offence_n which_o the_o house_n take_v cognizance_n of_o as_o such_o he_o be_v call_v to_o the_o bar_n and_o sometime_o send_v to_o the_o tower_n the_o speaker_n be_v not_o allow_v to_o persuade_v or_o dissuade_v in_o pass_v of_o a_o bill_n but_o only_o to_o make_v a_o short_a and_o plain_a narrative_n nor_o to_o vote_n except_o the_o house_n be_v equal_o divide_v in_o committee_n though_o of_o the_o whole_a house_n it_o be_v allow_v to_o speak_v and_o reply_v as_o often_o as_o they_o please_v in_o the_o house_n of_o lord_n they_o give_v their_o suffrage_n or_o vote_n begin_v at_o the_o low_a baron_n and_o so_o to_o the_o high_a peer_n in_o order_n every_o one_o answer_v apart_o content_n or_o not_o content_a in_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o they_o vote_n by_o yea_n and_o no_n and_o if_o it_o be_v doubtful_a which_o be_v the_o great_a number_n than_o the_o yea_n be_v to_o go_v forth_o and_o the_o no_n sit_v still_o because_o these_o be_v content_a with_o their_o present_a condition_n without_o any_o addition_n or_o alteration_n of_o law_n as_o the_o other_o desire_n and_o then_o some_o be_v appoint_v to_o number_v they_o but_o at_o a_o committee_n though_o it_o be_v of_o the_o whole_a house_n as_o it_o be_v sometime_o the_o yea_n go_v on_o one_o side_n and_o the_o no_n on_o the_o other_o whereby_o they_o may_v be_v discern_v if_o a_o bill_n pass_v in_o one_o house_n and_o be_v send_v to_o the_o other_o house_n they_o of_o the_o other_o house_n demur_n upon_o it_o than_o a_o conference_n be_v demand_v in_o the_o paint_a chamber_n where_o certain_a depute_a member_n of_o each_o house_n meet_v the_o lord_n sit_v cover_v at_o a_o table_n and_o the_o commons_o stand_v bare_a the_o business_n be_v then_o debate_v if_o they_o agree_v not_o it_o be_v null_v if_o they_o do_v agree_v it_o pass_v when_o bill_n have_v pass_v both_o house_n they_o be_v present_v to_o his_o majesty_n for_o his_o royal_a assent_n who_o come_v in_o his_o robe_n with_o the_o crown_n on_o his_o head_n and_o be_v seat_v in_o his_o chair_n of_o state_n the_o lord_n be_v all_o in_o their_o robe_n the_o clerk_n of_o the_o crown_n read_v the_o ti●tle_a of_o each_o bill_n and_o as_o he_o read_v the_o clerk_n of_o the_o parliament_n according_a to_o his_o instruction_n from_o the_o king_n who_o before_o have_v mature_o consider_v each_o bill_n pronounce_v the_o royal_a assent_n if_o it_o be_v a_o public_a bill_n the_o answer_n be_v le_fw-fr roy_fw-fr le_fw-fr veut_fw-fr and_o then_o that_o bill_n become_v a_o law_n if_o a_o private_a bill_n the_o answer_n be_v soit_fw-fr fait_fw-fr comm_n el_fw-es est_fw-la desire_fw-la if_o it_o be_v a_o pubblick_a bill_n which_o the_o king_n like_v not_o than_o the_o answer_n be_v le_fw-fr roy_fw-fr s'avisera_fw-la which_o be_v take_v for_o a_o absolute_a denial_n in_o a_o more_o civil_a way_n and_o that_o bill_n whole_o null_v so_o that_o nothing_o but_o what_o the_o king_n confirm_v by_o his_o royal_a assent_n have_v the_o force_n of_o a_o law_n the_o king_n can_v by_o commission_n grant_v to_o some_o of_o his_o noble_n give_v his_o royal_a assent_n to_o any_o bill_n that_o require_v haste_n if_o it_o be_v a_o bill_n for_o monies_n give_v to_o his_o majesty_n than_o the_o answer_n be_v le_fw-fr roy_fw-fr remercie_fw-fr ses_fw-fr loyaux_fw-fr sujets_fw-fr accept_v leur_fw-fr benevolence_n &_o aussi_fw-fr le_fw-fr veut_fw-fr which_o be_v a_o ancient_a ceremony_n of_o thank_v the_o subject_n for_o part_v with_o their_o money_n the_o bill_n for_o the_o king_n be_v general_a pardon_n have_v but_o one_o read_v in_o either_o house_n because_o they_o must_v take_v it_o as_o the_o king_n will_v please_v to_o give_v it_o so_o the_o bill_n of_o subsidy_n grant_v by_o the_o clergy_n assemble_v in_o convocation_n for_o the_o same_o reason_n when_o the_o bill_n for_o the_o general_n pardon_n be_v pass_v by_o the_o king_n the_o answer_n be_v thus_o les_fw-fr prelate_n signior_n &_o commune_v en_fw-fr ce_fw-fr parliament_n assemblez_fw-fr au_fw-fr nom_fw-fr de_fw-fr tous_fw-fr vos_fw-fr autre_fw-fr suject_n remercient_a tres_fw-fr humblement_n votre_fw-fr majeste_fw-fr &_o prient_a dieu_fw-fr vous_fw-fr donner_fw-fr en_fw-fr sante_fw-it bonne_fw-fr vie_n &_o congue_n all_o act_n of_o parliament_n before_o the_o reign_n of_o henry_n 7._o be_v passed_n and_o enrol_v in_o french_a now_o in_o english_a the_o stile_n run_v thus_o be_v it_o enact_v by_o the_o king_n be_v most_o excellent_a majesty_n by_o and_o with_o the_o advice_n and_o consent_n of_o the_o lord_n spiritual_a and_o temporal_a and_o commons_o etc._n etc._n when_o it_o please_v the_o king_n the_o parliament_n be_v adjourn_v prorogue_v or_o dissolve_v thus_o adjournment_n be_v usual_o make_v in_o the_o lord_n house_n by_o the_o lord_n chancellor_n in_o the_o king_n name_n to_o what_o other_o day_n and_o place_n the_o king_n please_v and_o then_o all_o thing_n already_o debate_v and_o read_v in_o one_o or_o both_o house_n may_v be_v resume_v because_o they_o continue_v in_o the_o same_o state_n they_o be_v in_o before_o to_o the_o next_o meeting_n when_o the_o parliament_n be_v prorogue_v there_o be_v a_o session_n and_o then_o all_o bill_n and_o debate_n must_v begin_v anew_o at_o the_o reassembling_a of_o the_o parliament_n the_o speaker_n of_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o upon_o notice_n give_v that_o it_o be_v the_o king_n pleasure_n that_o that_o house_n shall_v also_o adjourn_v do_v say_v with_o the_o assent_n of_o the_o house_n this_o house_n be_v adjourn_v
as_o aforesaid_a that_o the_o like_a rate_n be_v observe_v from_o or_o to_o any_o place_n at_o the_o like_a distance_n with_o the_o place_n beforenamed_n that_o if_o any_o coachman_n shall_v refuse_v to_o go_v at_o or_o exact_v more_o for_o his_o hire_n than_o these_o rate_n he_o shall_v for_o every_o offence_n forfeit_v ten_o shilling_n a_o alphabetical_a account_n of_o all_o the_o carrier_n wagoner_n and_o stage-coache_n that_o come_v to_o the_o several_a inn_n in_o london_n westminster_n and_o southwark_n from_o all_o part_n of_o england_n and_o wales_n with_o the_o respective_a day_n of_o their_o come_v in_o and_o go_v out_o a._n abington_n william_n perton_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o friday-street_n on_o wednesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n edward_n perton_n with_o coach_n and_o wagon_n the_o same_o day_n to_o and_o from_o the_o sarazens-head_n in_o friday-street_n aylesbury_n john_n christmas_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o george_n by_o holbourn-conduit_n on_o wednesdays_n go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n mr._n webb_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o crown_n in_o holbourn_n on_o mondays_n wednesdays_n and_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o tuesdays_n thursdays_n and_o saturdays_n mr._n fryer_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o black_a swan_n in_o holbourn_n on_o tuesdays_n thursdays_n and_o saturday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o mondays_n wednesdays_n and_o friday_n andover_n in_o berkshire_n roger_n bird_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o king's-arm_n in_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o wednesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n haverhill_n in_o suffolk_n william_n swan_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o four_o swan_n in_o bishopsgate_n on_o wednesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n mr._n ashton_n town_n and_o cole_n edward_n onyou_o carrier_n come_v to_o the_o four_o swan_n in_o bishopsgate-street_n on_o wednesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n john_n king_n carrier_z come_v to_o the_o ramshead_n in_o fenchurch-street_n on_o wednesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n ashby-de-la-zouch_a in_o leicestershire_n thomas_n richard_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o axe_n in_o aldermanburic_n every_o week_n on_o saturday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o mondays_n ashbourn_n in_o derbyshire_n john_n osbourne_n dabridge_n court_n dunkley_n carrier_n and_o wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o woodstreet_n on_o saturday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o mondays_n st._n alban_n joseph_n martial_a coachman_n come_v to_o the_o cock_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o mondays_n wednesdays_n and_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o tuesdays_n thursdays_n and_o saturday_n widow_n trot_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o cock_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o mondays_n and_o fridays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o saturday_n godfrey_n scofield_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o cock_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o mondays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o tuesdays_n anthony_n wilson_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o mondays_n wednesdays_n and_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o tuesdays_n thursdays_n and_o saturdays_n william_n newel_n wagon_n c●mes_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o mondays_n wednesdays_n and_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o tuesdays_n thursdays_n and_o saturdays_n robert_n carr_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o vine_n in_o old-street_n on_o mondays_n and_o thursdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n william_n jones_n john_n cook_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o vine_n in_o old-street_n on_o mondays_n and_o fridays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o saturday_n amersham_n in_o buck_n john_n sels_z coachman_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o holbourn_n on_o mondays_n wednesdays_n and_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o tuesdays_n thursdays_n and_o saturdays_n matthew_n read_v wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o white-hart_n in_o high-holbourn_a on_o mondays_n and_o fridays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o saturday_n thomas_n browne_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o white-hart_n in_o high-holbourn_a on_o mondays_n and_o fridays_n and_o go_v out_o tuesdays_n and_o saturday_n ab●●sley_n in_o huntingtonshire_n thomas_n basse_fw-fr carrier_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o wednesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n agham_n in_o hampshire_n mr._n woodman_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o white-hart_n in_o ch●ring-cross●n_a ●n_z wednesday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n arundel_n in_o sussex_n george_n moor_n an●_n william_n deane_n come_v to_o the_o queens-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n ashford_n in_o kent_n philip_z smith_z carrier_z come_v to_o the_o spur_n in_o south-wark_a on_o wednesday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n b._n brumly_n in_o kent_n widow_n ingerhams_n waggon_n come_v to_o the_o king_n arm_n in_o barnabystreet_n in_o southwark_n on_o mondays_n wednesdays_n and_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o tuesdays_n thursdays_n and_o saturdays_n william_n and_o daniel_n wolves_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n and_o use_v the_o same_o day_n bristol_n robert_n barrett_n john_n barrett_n samuel_n wilkin_n robert_n gain_v carrier_n come_v to_o the_o three_o cup_n in_o bread-street_n on_o tuesdays_n and_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n and_o saturday_n philip_n woodroofe_n thomas_n keene_n bernard_n keene_n silvester_n keene_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o white-swan_n at_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o thursdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o friday_n john_n booth_n william_n baldwin_n robert_n toby_n their_o coach_n to_o bristol_n and_o bath_n come_v to_o the_o sarazens-head_n in_o friday-street_n on_o saturday_n and_o wednesday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o mondays_n and_o thursdays_n bradford_n in_o berkshire_n widow_n seyward_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o white-horse_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n bath_n william_n tyley_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o three_o cup_n in_o bread-street_n on_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o saturday_n basingstoke_n laurence_n wardner_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o king_n arm_n in_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o wednesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n beckles_n in_o suffolk_n john_n richardson_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o gross-key_n in_o gracechurch-street_n on_o thursdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o friday_n bynfield_n in_o berkshire_n william_n johnson_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o george_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o tuesday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o wednesdays_n brentwood_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o blue-boar_n without_o aldgate_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n john_n hill_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o crown_n without_o aldgate_n on_o tuesdays_n and_o thursdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n and_o saturday_n barnstaple_n in_o devonshire_n john_n glow_v carrier_n come_v to_o the_o bull_n and_o mouth_n by_o aldersgate_n every_o other_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o the_o saturday_n follow_v bleechen_o in_o surrey_n john_n russel_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o half-moon_n in_o southwark_n on_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o saturday_n bridgenorth_n in_o shropshire_n edward_n bradley_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o bull_n and_o mouth_n by_o aldersgate_n on_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o saturday_n st._n edmonds-bury_a robert_n coak'_v coach_n come_v to_o the_o bull_n within_o bishopsgate_n on_o tuesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o wednesdays_n robert_n coak'_v wagon_n come_v in_o on_o wednesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n john_n barwick_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o bull_n in_o bishopsgate-street_n on_o saturday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o mondays_n richard_n nelson_n robert_n cook_n their_o coach_n come_v to_o the_o green_a dragon_n in_o bishopsgate-street_n on_o thursdays_n and_o saturdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o friday_n and_o mondays_n burwash_n in_o sussex_n nicholas_n garrett_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o queens-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n brentry_n in_o essex_n arthnr_n paulmer_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o cross-keys_n in_o gracechurch-street_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n mr._n bunting_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o pewter-pot_n in_o leaden-hall-street_n on_o thursdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o friday_n mr._n robinson_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o ipswich_n arm_n in_o cullumstreet_n on_o mondays_n wednesdays_n and_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o tuesdayt_n thursdays_n and_o saturdays_n blakebourn_n bolton-berry_n ribchester_n coulney_n padcam_n and_o preston_n in_o lancashire_n thomas_n cave_n carrier_n come_v to_o blossoms-inn_n in_o lawrence-lane_n on_o thursday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o friday_n once_o in_o three_o week_n burford_n in_o oxfordshire_n leonard_n mill_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o friday-street_n on_o wednesdays_n and_o go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n bakewel_o in_o derbyshire_n john_n syms_n carrier_n come_v to_o blossoms-inn_n on_o thursday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o friday_n once_o in_o three_o week_n bridgenorth_n in_o shropshire_n hugh_n garrett_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o blue-boar_n in_o holbourn_n on_o saturday_n and_o gon_n out_o on_o mondays_n bridgenorth_n and_o wenlock_n widow_n jane_n gower_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o swan_n with_o two_o neck_n in_o lad-lane_n on_o friday_n and_o g●●s_v out_o on_o saturday_n once_o in_o a_o
in_o smithfield_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n coventry_n in_o warwickshire_n john_n mitchel_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bell-savage_a on_o ludgate-hill_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n william_n mitchel_n coach-wagon_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n roger_n robert_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n copel_v in_o bedfordshire_n john_n patenam_fw-la carrier_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n coliasby_n in_o northamptonshire_n edward_n allein_n and_o james_n rant_v carrier_n come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n clapham_n john_n day_n be_v coach_n come_v to_o the_o spread-eagle_n in_o gracechurch-street_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n in_o the_o week_n crandon_n in_o northamptonshire_n thomas_n edward_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o bear_n and_o ragged-staff_n in_o smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n chelmsford_n in_o essex_n shadrech_n cooper_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o spread-eagle_n in_o gracechurch-street_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n arthur_n palmer_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o cross-keys_n in_o in_o gracechurch-street_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n and_o his_o wagon_n to_o the_o same_o place_n come_v on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n and_o saturday_n mr._n spicer_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o blue_a boar_n without_o aldgate_n on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n and_o saturday_n thomas_n robinson_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o ipswich_n arm_n in_o cullumstreet_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n in_o the_o week_n chipton-norton_n in_o oxfordshire_n robert_n bridgeman_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o bear_n and_o ragged-staff_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n colchester_n abraham_n vall_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o spread-eagle_n in_o gracechurch-street_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n thomas_n starchpoole_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o kings-arm_n in_o leaden-hall-street_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n cockthrop_n near_o oxford_n mr._n whiting_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o the_o strand_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n croyden_n john_n windham_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o greyhound_n in_o southwark_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n in_o the_o week_n henry_n bachelor_n and_o norwood_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o katherine-wheel_n in_o southwark_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n in_o the_o week_n chinord_a near_o thame_n in_o oxfordshire_n mr._n mallard_n samuel_n bardal_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o the_o strand_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n cramborough_n in_o kent_n john_n botten_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o kings-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n clare_n john_n rash_a carrier_n come_v to_o the_o spread-eagle_n in_o gracechurch-street_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n chichester_n mr._n barnes_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o white-hart_n in_o southwark_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n mr._n tough_a carrier_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n cranbroke_a in_o kent_n william_n woollett_n carrier_n comes_z to_z the_o talbot_z in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n chittenstone_n in_o kent_n john_n harrison_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o white-horse_n in_o southwark_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n crookhorne_n and_o evil_n mr._n clark_n and_o his_o son_n and_o william_n matthews_n carrier_n come_v to_o gerrards-hall_n in_o basing-lane_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n d._n duse_o in_o glocestershire_n mr._n church_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o rose_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n little_a didlington_n in_o bedfordshire_n william_n curphe_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o george_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n denby_n rexham_n and_o ruthen_n william_n harrison_n carrier_n come_v to_o blossoms-inn_n in_o st._n lawrence-lane_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n once_o in_o three_o week_n dreyton_n in_o buckinghamshire_n joseph_n sare_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o mermaid_n in_o carter-lane_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n daventree_n in_o northamptonshire_n thomas_n moor_n be_v wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bell-savage_a on_o ludgate-hill_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n humphrey_n barker_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n d●●stable_n george_n boswel_o carrier_n come_v to_o the_o three_o cup_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n dunchurch_n in_o warwickshire_n thomas_n southam_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n derinton_n and_o wellingborough_n in_o northamptonshire_n mr._n cole_n waggon_n come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n once_o a_o fortnight_n dorset_z salisbury_z and_o blandford_n edward_n cooper_n mr._n minchel_n and_o michael_n minchel_n come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n and_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n dover_n thomas_n and_o stephen_n gibben_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o kings-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n and_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n john_n gibbens_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o ramshead_n in_o fenchurch-street_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thurs_n darking_n widow_z moor_n be_v wagon_n come_v to_o the_o greyhound_n in_o southwark_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n dulwich_n will._n hicks_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o katherine-wheel_n in_o southwark_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n dorchester_n william_n cooper_n michael_n minch_v coachman_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o the_o strand_n on_o wednesday_n and_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n dunmore_n and_o high-ruden_a in_o essex_n peter_n and_o william_n wescoat_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o ramshead_n in_o fenchurch-street_n on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n go_v out_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n francis_n cramphorne_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o three_o nun_n without_o aldgate_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n e._n exeter_n mr._n whiffen_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o rose_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n john_n lowry_n john_n baker_n arthur_n baker_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o kings-arm_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n thomas_n morris_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o sarazens-head_n in_o friday-street_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n benjamin_n fleman_n john_n booth_n william_n baker_n john_n smead_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n east-ham_n in_o essex_n george_n holloway_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o three_o nun_n without_o aldgate_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n will._n golding_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o blue_a boar_n without_o aldgate_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n ely_n simon_n jackson_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bull_n within_o bishopsgate_n on_o monday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n enfield_n robert_n hockley_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o bull_n within_o bishopsgate_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n edmonton_n thomas_n boulton_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n john_n blower_n come_v to_o the_o green_a dragon_n within_o bishopsgate_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n both_o winter_n and_o summer_n egham_n in_o surrey_n the_o coach_n come_v to_o the_o black-lyon_n in_o waterlane_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n elstree_n in_o hertfordshire_n mr._n mou●tague's_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o angel_n in_o st._n giles_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n epsom_n thomas_n wells_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o kings-head_n in_o southwark_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n thomas_n bird_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o spread-eagle_n in_o gracechurch-street_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n robert●bird_n come_v to_o the_o cross-keys_n in_o gracechurch-street_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n eatonbridge_n in_o kent_n thomas_n saxby_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o white-horse_n in_o southwark_n on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n go_v out_o tuesday_n and_o saturday_n eversham_n in_o worcestershire_n john_n robert_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o woodstreet_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n epping_n in_o essex_n john_n cornish_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o nagshead_n without_o aldgate_n on_o monday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o saturday_n
richard_n galor_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n f._n fulham_n in_o middlesex_n mr._n woodman_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o white-hart_n in_o charing-cross_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n falkingham_n in_o lincolnshire_n mr._n wentword_n coach-wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n once_o a_o fortnight_n g._n gloucester_n william_n allen_n come_v to_o blossoms-inn_n in_o lawrence-lane_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n mr._n fettyplace_v coachman_n come_v to_o the_o bell-savage_a on_o ludgate-hill_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n john_n pinbury_n thomas_n harris_n francis_n bachelor_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n susanna_n bower_n and_o john_n wood_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o sarazens-head_n in_o friday-street_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n susanna_n bower_n and_o dorothy_n cromwel_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o sarazens-head_n on_o tuesday_n and_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n and_o wednesday_n gainsborough_n in_o lincolnshire_n william_n plaster_n henry_n brewmett_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o red-lyon_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n grantham_n in_o lincolnshire_n newark_n and_o all_o place_n thereabouts_o henry_n wayring_n coach-wagon_n come_v to_o the_o cross-keys_n in_o whitecross-street_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n godliman_n in_o sussex_n will._n miller_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o white-horse_n in_o fleetstreet_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n thomas_n hart_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o kings-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n guildford_n in_o surrey_n george_n plummer_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o the_o strand_n on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n and_o saturday_n widow_n kent_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o talbot_n in_o the_o strand_n on_o monday_n tuesday_n thursday_n friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n wednesday_n friday_n saturday_n richard_n thore_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o queens-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o monday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n thomas_n richard_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n grinstead_n in_o sussex_n mr._n coster_n carrier_n and_o coachman_n come_v to_o the_o white-horse_n in_o southwark_n on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n and_o saturday_n h._n henly_n upon_o thames_n mr._n hatheway_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o white-swan_n 〈◊〉_d holbourn-bridge_n on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n hooknorton_n in_o oxfordshire_n w●g●ner_o come_v to_o the_o rose_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n highworth_n in_o wiltshire_n christopher_n viner_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o george_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n hempsteade_o in_o hertfordshire_n george_n weeden_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o george_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n hadham_n in_o hertfordshire_n william_n summers_n wagon-coach_n come_v to_o the_o bull_n within_o bishopsgate_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n hertford_n mr._n bethel_n and_o his_o partner_n come_v to_o the_o bull_n within_o bishopsgate_n on_o monday_n wed●●sday_n and_o friday_n and_o go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n james_n moss_n wagon_n come_v from_o hertford_n ware_n hitchen_n to_o the_o katherine-wheel_n without_o bishopsgate_n on_o tuesday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n john_n smart_v coach_n come_v to_o the_o white-swan_n without_o bishopsgate_n on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n mr._n weeb_fw-mi wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o four_o swan_n in_o bishopsgate-street_n on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n go_v out_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n john_n laybee_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n go_v out_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n hodsdon_n in_o hertfordshire_n john_n cresp_n and_o robert_n heard_n coach_n and_o wagon_n come_v to_o the_o green_a dragon_n within_o bishopsgate_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n hatfield_n in_o hertfordshire_n daniel_n addison_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n hallifax_v in_o yorkshire_n henry_n rieves_n gabriel_n h●ynes_n josias_n smith_n come_v to_o the_o white-horse_n without_o cripplegate_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n edward_n polard_n john_n dison_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n go_v in_o and_o out_o the_o same_o day_n mr._n walker_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o woodstreet_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n hereford_n john_n lane_n richard_n hewlyn_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o cross-keys_n in_o woodstreet_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n hurst_n in_o berkshire_n mr._n wright_n wagon_n and_o mr._n cox_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o windmill_n in_o shoe-lane_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n harrow_n on_o the_o hill_n in_o middlesex_n william_n summers_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o holbourn_n every_o day_n in_o the_o week_n in_o and_o out_o nathanael_n page_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o holbourn_n in_o and_o out_o every_o monday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n hampstead_n in_o middlesex_n daniel_n lion_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o holbourn_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n in_o the_o week_n mr._n tailor_n be_v coach_n come_v to_o the_o kings-head_n in_o grays-inn-lane_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n in_o the_o week_n james_n neveld_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o cock_n and_o dolphin_n in_o grays-inn-lane_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n huntingdon_n john_n vintner_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n the_o same_o man_n to_o the_o same_o place_n with_o a_o coach_n come_v in_o on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n william_n guy_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o three_o cup_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n harrold_n in_o bedfordshire_n edward_n edward_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o bear_n and_o ragged-staff_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n hadnam_n in_o buckinghamshire_n joseph_n holyman_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o talbot_n in_o the_o strand_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n hitch_v in_o hertfordshire_n john_n scearle_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o swan_n in_o st._n johns-street_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n horsham_n in_o sussex_n widow_n mussel_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o kings-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n hemingham_n john_n knap_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o spread-eagle_n in_o gracechurch-street_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n harwich_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o sarazens-head_n within_o aldgate_n on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n john_n newton_n belong_v to_o the_o pacquet-boat_n come_v to_o the_o ipswich_n arm_n in_o cullumstreet_n near_o fenchurch-street_n on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n hornchurch_n in_o essex_n thomas_n rayman_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o three_o nun_n without_o aldgate_n on_o tuesday_n and_o thursday_n go_v out_o wednesday_n and_o friday_n john_n tiffin_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o three_o nun_n without_o aldgate_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n i._o st._n ives_n in_o huntingtonshire_n thomas_n johnson_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o cross-key_n in_o whitecross-street_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n ipswich_n john_n richardson_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o cross-key_n in_o gracechurch-street_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n john_n richardson_n and_o henry_n king_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n ingerstone_n in_o essex_n thomas_n stretton_n waggon_n come_v to_o the_o three_o nun_n without_o aldgate_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n k._n kendal_n in_o westmoreland_n samuel_n briggs_n thomas_n briggs_n richard_n geynwood_n john_n yeates_n come_v to_o the_o white-horse_n without_o cripplegate_n every_o week_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n kempton_n in_o hertfordshire_n thomas_n hynde_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o monday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n kenton_n in_o warwickshire_n william_n rickett_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o george_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n kettr_n in_o northamptonshire_n william_n simpson_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o rose_n in_o smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n kimbolton_n in_o huntingtonshire_n nicholas_n clark_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n william_n jones_n carrier_n goes_z to_z bedford_z wootton_n and_o elstow_n
and_o come_v to_o the_o three_o cup_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n kilworth_n in_o leicestershire_n john_n oswin_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n once_o a_o fortnight_n kidderminster_n and_o sawbridge_n in_o worcestershire_n richard_n fielder_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o bear_n and_o ragged-staff_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n l._n lempster_n in_o herefordshire_n oliver_n hacklet_n richard_n rogers_n come_v to_o the_o white-swan_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n ludlow_n in_o shropshire_n mr._n miles_n mr._n roger_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o george_n without_o aldersgate_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n louth_n in_o lincolnshire_n mr._n baxter_n and_o mr._n furnace_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o george_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n lyn._n john_n payne_n thomas_n crispe_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o green_a dragon_n within_o bishopsgate_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n leede_v in_o yorkshire_n george_n browne_n john_n chester_n john_n lupton_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o white-horse_n without_o crippl●gate_n every_o week_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o friday_n lancaster_n wiggon_n narington_n liverpoole_n bolton_n and_o other_o part_n in_o that_o country_n richard_n abbott_n william_n abbott_n george_n glover_n john_n knowis_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o swan_n with_o two_o neck_n in_o lad-lane_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n one_o of_o they_o every_o week_n john_n greene_n edward_n knight_n john_n scott_n peter_n green_a carrier_n come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o woodstreet_n every_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n ledbury_n in_o herefordshire_n thomas_n james_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o woodstreet_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n once_o in_o a_o fortnight_n luton_n in_o bedfordshire_n mr._n marshal_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o cock_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n leicester_n james_n lee_n john_n swift_a thomas_n bass_n thomas_n swift_a wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o rose_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n littleworth_n in_o leicestershire_n william_n perkins_n mrs._n elizabeth_n pellin_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o ram_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n lawford_n rugby_n dunchurch_n in_o warwickshire_n henry_n colledger_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n leachsteed_o in_o oxfordshire_n edward_n varney_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o holbourn_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n lincoln_n barton_n stanford_n grantham_n and_o other_o part_n william_n clark_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o crown_n and_o coach_n and_o horse_n in_o high-holbourn_a on_o friday_n and_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n once_o a_o fortnight_n robert_n barnes_n benjamin_n broomhead_n john_n newcomb_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n robert_n barnes_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o three_o cup_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n once_o a_o fortnight_n luton_n in_o bedfordshere_n john_n bridgeman_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o wednesday_n and_o saturday_n loughborough_n in_o leicestershire_n william_n henshaw_n matthew_n smith_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n in_o every_o other_o week_n litchfield_n in_o staffordshire_n william_n olds_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o smithfield_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n once_o in_o three_o week_n lemsted_n in_o buckinghamshire_n thomas_n varney_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o bear_n and_o ragged-staff_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n lewes_n in_o sussex_n thomas_n talbot_n thomas_n rawlinson_n john_n alsop_n senior_a carrier_n come_v to_o the_o talbot_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n william_n aldridge_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n in_o and_o out_o the_o same_o day_n linsfield_n in_o surrey_n william_n hall_n and_o william_n edsol_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o half-moon_n in_o southwark_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n lavenham_n in_o suffolk_n john_n poole_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o cross-keys_n in_o grace-church-street_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n low-layton_n in_o essex_n francis_n green_a coachman_n come_v to_o the_o crown_n without_o aldgate_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n m._n marlborough_n mr._n yarrent_v carrier_n come_v to_o the_o white_a swan_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n mr._n coleman_n and_o mr._n perdue_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o rose_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o wednesdays_n go_v out_o on_o thursdays_n richard_n hobb_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o angel_n on_o the_o backside_n of_o st._n clement_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n manchester_n john_n garnett_n carrier_n come_v to_o blossoms-inn_n in_o lawrence-lane_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n once_o in_o three_o week_n edward_n homes_n and_o john_n lease_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n in_o and_o out_o the_o same_o day_n mr._n bank_n mr._n ralif_n and_o mr._n goodyard_n come_v to_o the_o axe_n in_o aldermanburic_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n maxfield_n manchester_n congerton_n leake_n john_n beach_n senior_a william_n silito_n john_n beach_n junior_a come_v to_o the_o swan_n with_o two_o neck_n in_o lad-lane_n every_o week_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n middlewich_n manchester_n boulton_n knulsford_n thomas_n chantler_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o axe_n in_o aldermanburic_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n manchester_n stopord_n thomas_n banford_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n in_o and_o out_o the_o same_o day_n monmouth_n robert_n long_o thomas_n bright_a carrier_n come_v to_o the_o cross-keys_n in_o whitecross-street_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n morlington_n in_o oxfordshire_n thomas_n wescor_fw-fr carrier_n come_v to_o the_o sarazens-head_n in_o carter-lane_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n marsh_n in_o buckinghamshire_n thomas_n cole_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o mermaid_n in_o carter-lane_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n mansfield_n in_o nottinghamshire_n william_n hurst_n william_n lacie_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o george_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n maidenhead_n in_o berkshire_n mr._n rider_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o bolt_n and_o tun_n in_o fleetstreet_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n melton_n mowbray_n in_o leicestershire_n george_n whitehead'_v wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bell-savage_a on_o ludgate-hill_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n malmesbury_n in_o wiltshire_n john_n speak_v carrier_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o the_o strand_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n every_o three_o week_n mavill_n in_o sussex_n anthony_z page_z carrier_z come_v to_o the_o kings-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n maidstone_n in_o kent_n mr._n varnham_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o star_n on_o fish-street-hill_n on_o monday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o saturday_n malden_n in_o essex_n mr._n webb_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o blue_a boar_n in_o white-chappel_n on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n and_o saturday_n his_o wagon_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n n._n newberry_n henry_n gerle_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o kings-arm_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n newport_n in_o buckinghamshire_n john_n williamson_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bull_n and_o mouth_n by_o aldersgate_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n richard_n tom_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n norwich_n robert_n cook_n be_v wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bull_n within_o bishopsgate_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n mr._n philips_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o green_a dragon_n within_o bishopsgate_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n thomas_n southgate_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o four_o swan_n in_o bishopsgate-street_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n roger_n hurst_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n roger_n hurst_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n john_n be●croft's_v wagon_n come_v to_o the_o dolphin_n without_o bishopsgate_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n his_o coach_n come_v to_o the_o sarazens-head_n within_o aldgate_n on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n newport-dreyton_a william_n chetwood_n thomas_n
chetwood_n carrier_n come_v to_o blossoms-inn_n in_o st._n lawrence-lane_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n mr._n whitchurch_n and_o weem_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n in_o and_o out_o the_o same_o day_n once_o in_o three_o week_n newcastle_n underline_n litchfield_n stone_n stafford_n and_o coventry_n thomas_n and_o john_n badely_a carrier_n come_v to_o the_o swan_n with_o two_o neck_n in_o lad-lane_n northampton_n richard_n cooper_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o rose_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n william_n smith_n and_o william_n brandon_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o ram_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n john_n ashby_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n in_o and_o out_o the_o same_o day_n john_n and_o richard_n newcomb_n coach-wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bell-savage_a on_o ludgate-hill_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n nottingham_n john_n tuffin_n coach-wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bell-savage_a on_o ludgate-hill_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n newmarket_n nathanael_n hooks_n coach_n and_o wagon_n come_v to_o the_o chequer_n in_o holbourn_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n newport_n in_o essex_n a_o wagon_n come_v to_o the_o dolphin_n without_o bishopsgate_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n o._n oxford_n mr._n bartlett_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o white_a swan●n_n ●n_z holbourn-bridge_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n mr._n morgan_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o windmill_n in_o shoe-lane_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n mr._n buy_v coachman_n come_v to_o the_o chequer_n in_o holbourn_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n mr._n thomas_n die'_v coach_n come_v to_o the_o crown_n in_o holbourn_n o●_n monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n thomas_n jifft_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o eagle_n and_o child_n in_o the_o strand_n over_o against_o somersethouse_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n oldham_n aston_n underline_n in_o lancashire_n james_n barsley_n carrier_n come_v to_o blossoms-inn_n in_o lawrence-lane_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n once_o in_o three_o week_n any_o in_o buckinghamshire_n john_n kent_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o red-cross-street_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n oundell_n in_o northamptonshire_n falconer_n griffin_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o ram_n in_o smithfield_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n ong_o in_o essex_n william_n stane_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o crown_n without_o aldgate_n on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n go_v out_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n his_o coach_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n john_n goodibeard_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o white-bear_a in_o lime-street_n ou_fw-fr tuesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n and_o saturday_n p._n pool_n in_o dorcetshire_n robert_n buddin_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o kings-arm_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n peterborough_n spalding_n horn-castle_n in_o northamptonshire_n and_o lincolnshire_n william_n browning_n wagoner_n come_v to_o the_o cross-keys_n in_o white-cross-street_n on_o monday_n and_o wednesday_n go_v out_o thursday_n and_o saturday_n pissey_fw-mi in_o berkshire_n thomas_n and_o jane_n peacock_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n potten_a in_o bedfordshire_n john_n merriday_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o aldersgate-street_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n papworth_n robert_n wessington_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o kings-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n portsmouth_n roger_n goldring_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o white-hart_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n his_o coach_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n thomas_n jaquis_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o george_n in_o southwark_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n his_o wagon_n come_v to_o the_o queens-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n mr._n battle_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o george_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n pettworth_n in_o sussex_n mr._n startup_n clarke_n and_o roberts_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o white-hart_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n petersfield_n mr._n jaquis_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o queens-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n r._n royston_n jeremiah_n pilgrame_n come_v to_o the_o vine_n within_o bishopsgate_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n rachdale_n carrier_n buxton_n basington_n and_o longnor_n come_v to_o blossoms-inn_n in_o lawrence-lane_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n richmond_z in_o yorkshire_n john_n chamber_n christopher_n burril_n robert_n teasdil_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o white-horse_n without_o cripplegate_n on_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n one_o of_o they_o weekly_o read_v in_o berkshire_n mr._n coat_n and_o mr._n harris_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o bolt_n and_o tun_n in_o fleetstreet_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n widow_n barnet_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o white-horse_n in_o fleetstreet_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n william_n walker_n wagon_n come_v to_o gerards-hall_n in_o basing-lane_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n rickmansworth_n in_o hertfordshire_n bryan_n robinson_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o greyhound_n in_o holbourn_n on_o monday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o tuesday_n and_o saturday_n rigate_n in_o surrey_n thomas_n woodward_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o greyhound_n in_o southwark_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n rumford_n in_o essex_n william_n harris_n and_o thomas_n beaumond_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o red_a lion_n in_o white-chappel_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n rudenhigh_n in_o essex_n william_n westcoat_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o white-bear_a in_o lime-street_n on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n s._n southampton_n mr._n syms_n and_o his_o partner_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o white-swan_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n go_v out_o on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n robert_n waldron_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o kings-arm_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n salisbury_n hugh_n king_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o kings●arms_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o thursday_n and_o saturday_n go_v out_o monday_n and_o friday_n mr._n mincham_n and_o his_o partner_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o angel_n on_o the_o backside_n of_o st._n clement_n on_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n go_v out_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n saffron-walden_n william_n meriday_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o blue-boar_n without_o aldgate_n on_o monday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o saturday_n john_n augustine_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bull_n within_o bishopsgate_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n john_n wakefield_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o vine_n within_o bishopsgate_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n mr._n falmouth_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o blue-boar_n without_o aldgate_n on_o monday_n wednesday_n and_o friday_n go_v out_o tuesday_n thursday_n and_o saturday_n sheffield_n in_o yorkshire_n richard_z merchant_z carrier_z come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o wood-street_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n sheffield_n in_o yorkshire_n mansfield_n and_o rotherham_n jarvis_n flyman_n carrier_n come_v to_o blossoms-inn_n in_o st._n lawrence-lane_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n once_o in_o three_o week_n shrewsbury_n welch-poole_n ossestry_n and_o other_o part_n richard_n lloyd_n thomas_n lloyd_n nathanael_n jones_n william_n lloyd_n thomas_n forster_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o bell_n in_o wood-street_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n shrewsbury_n and_o other_o part_n adjacent_a thereto_o john_n simonds_n george_n smith_n james_n davis_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o wood-street_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n stroud_n in_o glocestershire_n josiah_n and_o george_n hewland_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o kings-head_n in_o the_o old-change_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n strayton-harlow_n in_o warwickshire_n thomas_n wescor_fw-fr carrier_n come_v to_o the_o sarazens-head_n in_o carter-lane_n on_o wednesd_v go_v out_o on_o thursd_v stoke-haven_n in_o buckinghamshire_n thomas_n taylor_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o mermaid_n in_o carter-lane_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n strout-water_n in_o glocestershire_n william_n poole_n and_o william_n bailey_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n george_n holder_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o three_o cup_n in_o bread-street_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n once_o a_o fortnight_n laurence_n hewlin_n carrier_n come_v to_o gerards-hall_n in_o basing-lane_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n stratford_n upon_o avon_n in_o warwickshire_n richard_n newcomb_n coach-wagon_n come_v
to_o the_o bell-savage_a on_o ludgate-hill_n on_o wednesday_n go_v ou●_n on_o thursday_n swallowfield_n in_o wiltshire_n nicholas_n pembrook_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o bull_n in_o holbourn_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n stanmore_n in_o middlesex_n james_n allen_n coachman_n come_v to_o the_o blue-bo●●_a in_o holbourn_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n in_o the_o summer_n stoke-bruen_n in_o northamptonshire_n daniel_n stephen_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o castle_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n stony-stratford_n in_o buckinghamshire_n richard_n crowch_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o same_o place_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n sturbridge_n and_o broomsgroove_n in_o worcestershire_n robert_n cole_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o bear_n and_o ragged-staff_n in_o west-smithfield_n on_o friday_n go_v out_o on_o saturday_n stanes_n henry_n barrs_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o kings-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n shoreham_n in_o sussex_n thomas_n blewman_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o queens-head_n in_o southwark_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n sunnock_n in_o kent_n richard_n cockett_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o spur_n in_o southwark_n on_o monday_n and_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n and_o friday_n sydenham_n richard_n clark_n coach_n come_v to_o the_o greyhound_n in_o southwark_n in_o and_o out_o every_o day_n seare_n in_o surrey_n mr._n chitty_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o katherina-wheel_n in_o southwark_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n sudbury_n francis_n dyer_n wagon_n and_o stage-coach_n come_v to_o the_o spread-eagle_n in_o grace-church-street_n on_o thursday_n go_v out_o on_o friday_n stow-market_n mr._n sidney_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o pewter-pot_n in_o leaden-hall-street_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n stanbourne_n in_o essex_n thomas_n fitch_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o ramshead_n in_o fenchurch-street_n on_o wednesday_n go_v out_o on_o thursday_n stansteed_o mountfitchett_n in_o essex_n john_n thomas_n and_o george_n peacock_n carrier_n come_v to_o the_o ramshead_n in_o fenchurch-street_n on_o monday_n go_v out_o on_o tuesday_n sawbridge_n in_o herefordshire_n thomas_n browne_n wagon_n come_v to_o the_o nagshead_n without_o aldgate_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n t._n tring_n in_o bedfordshire_n george_n meade'_v wagon_n come_v to_o the_o george_n on_o holbourn-bridge_n on_o tuesday_n go_v out_o on_o wednesday_n taunton-dean_n in_o somersetshire_n philip_n bridle_n