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day_n baronet_n create_v esquire_n 16,457 5 14.4995 5 true
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A70453 Historical antiquities, in two books the first treating in general of Great-Brettain and Ireland : the second containing particular remarks concerning Cheshire / faithfully collected out of authentick histories, old deeds, records, and evidences, by Sir Peter Leycester, Baronet ; whereunto is annexed a transcript of Doomsday-book, so far as it concerneth Cheshire, taken out of the original record. Leycester, Peter, Sir, 1614-1678. 1673 (1673) Wing L1943; ESTC R2116 480,429 448

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archdeacon_n of_o middlesex_n beget_v on_o one_o wimslow_n daughter_n elizabeth_n marry_v ______o clayton_n of_o thelwall_n in_o cheshire_n she_o be_v beget_v also_o on_o wimslow_n daughter_n randle_n savage_a of_o the_o lodge_n beget_v on_o the_o daughter_n of_o one_o die_v of_o barrow_n in_o cheshire_n margaret_n marry_v ______o colstensoke_v of_o over-whitley_n she_o be_v beget_v also_o on_o die_v daughter_n ellen_n marry_a ______o hayes_n of_o litley_n in_o aston_n juxtà_fw-la pickmere_n she_o be_v also_o beget_v on_o dyes._n daughter_n edmund_n bonner_n first_o dean_n of_o leycester_n and_o after_o twice_o bishop_n of_o london_n beget_v on_o elizabeth_n frodshum_n first_o marry_v to_o one_o edmund_n bonner_n a_o sawyer_n with_o mr._n armingham_n who_o beget_v other_o child_n on_o she_o afterward_o and_o dwell_v at_o potters-hanley_n in_o worcestershire_n vi_o sir_n john_n savage_a of_o clifton_n knight_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o sir_n john_n s._n this_o sir_n john_n i_o find_v style_v sir_n john_n savage_a of_o hanley_n in_o worcestershire_n sub_fw-la hen._n 8._o lib._n d._n pag_n 171._o s._n be_v knight_v about_o 13_o hen._n 7._o and_o be_v sheriff_n of_o worcestershire_n 24_o year_n together_o from_o the_o death_n of_o his_o father_n he_o be_v style_v sir_n john_n savage_a the_o elder_a 12_o hen._n 8._o he_o marry_v anne_n daughter_n and_o heir_n of_o ralph_n bostock_n of_o bostock_n in_o davenham_n parish_n esquire_n and_o have_v issue_n john_n savage_a son_n and_o heir_n edward_n george_n lawrence_z roger_n and_o thomas_n anne_n marry_v to_o henry_n lord_n barkley_n about_o 1533._o see_v stow_n sub_fw-la eodem_fw-la anno._n this_o sir_n john_n die_v 2_o martii_fw-la 19_o hen._n 8._o 1527._o and_o survive_v anne_n his_o wife_n obiit_fw-la 1527_o she_o have_v a_o brother_n call_v william_n 22_o edw._n 4._o but_o he_o die_v and_o she_o become_v sole_a heir_n lib._n d._n pag._n 178._o f._n vii_o sir_n john_n savage_a of_o clifton_n knight_n style_v the_o young_a 12_o hen._n 8._o son_n and_o heir_n of_o sir_n john_n matryed_z elizabeth_z daughter_z of_o charles_n somerset_z earl_n of_o worcester_z and_o have_v issue_n john_n savage_a son_n and_o heir_n henry_n savage_a second_o son_n margaret_z marry_v sir_n richard_n buckley_n of_o beaumorris_n in_o wales_n marry_o marry_a john_n hamden_n of_o hamden_n this_o sir_n john_n savage_n kill_v one_o john_n pauncefote_n esquire_n ⚜_o ⚜_o whereupon_o he_o and_o his_o father_n both_o be_v indict_v for_o murder_n and_o arraign_v in_o the_o king_n bench_n this_o sir_n john_n savage_a the_o young_a as_o principal_a and_o sir_n john_n savage_a the_o elder_a as_o accessary_a who_o confess_v the_o fact_n but_o upon_o mediation_n of_o cardinal_n wolsey_n and_z charles_n earl_n of_o worcester_z the_o king_n chamberlain_n they_o be_v pardon_v by_o the_o king_n pay_v four_o thousand_o mark●_n and_o covenant_v that_o they_o will_v not_o come_v into_o the_o county_n of_o worcester_n or_o chester_n during_o their_o life_n without_o the_o king_n licence_n under_o his_o great_a seal_n privy_a seal_n or_o privy_a signet_n as_o appear_v by_o the_o indenture_n make_v the_o 24_o day_n of_o november_n 12_o hen._n 8._o 1520._o lib._n d._n pag._n 179._o i._o the_o original_a now_o remain_v among_o the_o evidence_n at_o rocksavage_a 1669._o but_o after_o the_o king_n under_o his_o great_a seal_n date_v 12_o junii_fw-la 16_o hen._n 8._o 1524._o give_v liberty_n to_o this_o sir_n john_n savage_a the_o young_a to_o go_v ride_v or_o dwell_v in_o any_o place_n either_o in_o worcestershire_n or_o cheshire_n lib._n d._n pag._n 172._o y._n this_o sir_n john_n savage_n die_v 27_o julii_n 20_o hen._n 8._o 1528._o age_v 35_o year_n obiit_fw-la 1528_o john_n savage_a his_o son_n and_o heir_n be_v age_v three_o year_n and_o nine_o month_n at_o the_o death_n of_o his_o father_n aforesaid_a elizabeth_z his_o widow_n be_v live_v 23_o hen._n 8._o lib._n c._n fol._n 291._o d._n and_o afterward_o marry_v william_n brereton_n of_o the_o bedchamber_n to_o hen._n 8._o ⚜_o ⚜_o behead_v for_o matter_n touch_v queen_n anne_n 17_o maii_n 1536._o 28_o hen._n 8._o stow._n he_o be_v young_a son_n of_o sir_n randle_n brereton_n of_o malpas_n argent_fw-fr six_o lion_n rampant_a sable_a richard_z bishop_n of_o coventry_n and_o lichfield_n grant_v to_o this_o sir_n john_n savage_a knight_n the_o manor_n of_o tarvin_n reserve_v the_o yearly_a rent_n of_o 31_o l._n 00_o s._n 00_o d._n datum_n 10_o die_v aprilis_n 4_o edw._n 6._o 1550._o lib._n d._n pag._n 171._o r._n ⚜_o ⚜_o this_o sir_n john_n assume_v for_o his_o own_o proper_a coat_n six_o lion_n sable_a and_o the_o lion_n paw_n sable_a erect_v for_o his_o crest_n now_o only_a quarter_a daniell_n coat_n therewith_o among_o other_o which_o before_o be_v bear_v as_o his_o proper_a coat_n but_o the_o virtuous_a lady_n elizabeth_n wife_n of_o this_o sir_n john_n savage_n die_v at_o frodsham_n die_v martis_n 8_o die_v augusti_n 1570._o 12_o elizabethae_fw-la lib._n d._n pag._n 180._o after_o who_o death_n he_o marry_v elinour_n widow_n of_o sir_n richard_n pexhull_n of_o beaurepair_n in_o southamptonshire_n and_o daughter_n of_o john_n cotgreve_n 14_o eliz._n 1572._o but_o have_v no_o child_n by_o she_o lib._n d._n pag._n 170._o i._o &_o pag._n 174._o o._n which_o elinour_n have_v give_v unto_o she_o by_o the_o will_n of_o sir_n richard_n pexhull_n her_o former_a husband_n all_o his_o land_n in_o bromley_n beaurepair_n stratfield-say_a stratfield-mortimer_n terges_fw-la basingstoke_n chinham_n tadley_n pamber_n silchester_n sherborne-monachorum_a sherborne_n st._n john_n sherborne-cowdray_a stovington_n dene_fw-mi bradley_n and_o berdenstock_n and_o clack_n cowich_n and_o basin_n in_o the_o county_n of_o southampton_n and_o wiltshire_n which_o land_n sir_n john_n savage_a settle_v on_o edward_n his_o young_a son_n and_o on_o his_o heir_n by_o polyxena_n daughter_n of_o william_n le_fw-fr griz_n of_o london_n gentleman_n and_o of_o katherine_n his_o wife_n natural_a sister_n of_o the_o say_a dame_n elinour_n lib._n d._n pag._n 174._o o._n p._n which_o edward_n have_v issue_n sir_n john_n savage_a of_o beaurepair_n 17_o jacobi_n 1619._o lib._n d._n pag._n 172._o x._o ⚜_o ⚜_o this_o sir_n john_n savage_a of_o clifton_n build_v the_o new_a fair_a house_n at_o clifton_n anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1565._o 7_o elizabethae_fw-la which_o be_v afterward_o call_v rocksavage_a i_o find_v that_o he_o first_o write_v himself_o of_o rocksavage_a 17_o eliz._n and_o so_o by_o little_a and_o little_a sometime_o of_o clifton_n and_o sometime_o of_o rocksavage_a to_o the_o 21_o eliz._n but_o afterward_o he_o constant_o write_v himself_o of_o rocksavage_a which_o his_o posterity_n have_v ever_o since_o retain_v the_o old_a hall_n stand_v a_o little_a distance_n thence_o where_o now_o the_o out-housing_a stand_v be_v now_o convert_v into_o a_o granary_n sable_a and_o other_o place_n of_o office_n he_o be_v seriff_n of_o cheshire_n seven_o time_n 1560_o 1565_o 1570_o 1573_o 1574_o 1579_o and_o 1591._o and_o three_o time_n mayor_n of_o chester_n obiit_fw-la 1597_o 1569_o 1574_o and_o 1597._o and_o he_o die_v in_o the_o last_o year_n of_o his_o mayoralty_n 40_o eliz._n 5_o decembris_fw-la 1597._o aged_a 73_o year_n and_o be_v bury_v at_o maxfield_n the_o twenty_o four_o day_n of_o january_n follow_v ix_o sir_n john_n savage_a of_o rocksavage_a son_n and_o heir_n of_o sir_n john_n be_v create_v baronet_n 9_o jacobi_n 1611._o and_o marry_v mary_n one_o of_o the_o daughter_n and_o coheir_n of_o richard_n allington_n esquire_n decease_a about_o the_o 18_o eliz._n 1575._o lib._n d._n pag._n 169._o a._n &_o 170._o f._n and_o have_v issue_n john_n age_v three_o year_n 1580._o who_o die_v young_a thomas_n savage_a second_o son_n who_o succeed_v heir_n john_n savage_a three_o son_n richard_z four_o son_n and_o william_n five_o son_n all_o which_o four_o son_n last_o mention_v be_v live_v 42_o eliz._n 1600._o lib._n d._n pag._n 170._o g._n also_o elizabeth_n a_o daughter_n marry_v thomas_n manwaring_n who_o then_o wait_v on_o this_o sir_n john_n savage_a her_o father_n young_a son_n of_o manwaring_n of_o martin-sand_n nigh_o over_o in_o cheshire_n and_o have_v issue_n afterward_o she_o marry_v sir_n ralph_n do_v of_o duddon_n in_o cheshire_n descend_v from_o the_o dones_n of_o utkinton_n also_o grace_n savage_n another_o daughter_n marry_a sir_n richard_n wilbraham_n of_o woodhey_n in_o cheshire_n make_v baronet_n 5_o maii_n 19_o jacobi_n 1621._o which_o grace_n survive_v her_o husband_n and_o die_v at_o chester_n anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1662._o this_o sir_n john_n savage_n have_v a_o bastard-son_n call_v john_n savage_a of_o barrow_n sir_n john_n be_v mayor_n of_o chester_n 1607._o and_o sheriff_n of_o chester_n also_o the_o same_o year_n he_o be_v bury_v at_o maxfield_n on_o friday_n the_o 14_o day_n of_o july_n 1615._o 13_o jacobi_n obiit_fw-la 1615_o in_o the_o nighttime_n x._o sir_n thomas_n savage_a of_o
sir_n robert_n marry_v maud_n daughter_n of_o john_n dutton_n of_o dutton_n esquire_n 21_o hen._n 6._o 1442._o lib._n c._n fol._n 164._o g._n and_o have_v issue_n george_n booth_n son_n and_o heir_n richard_n booth_n laurence_n booth_n john_n booth_n and_o william_n booth_n lib._n c._n fol._n 250._o a._n also_o dowse_n marry_v to_o thomas_n legh_n of_o high-legh_n the_o west-hall_n esquire_n 1_o edw._n 4._o 1641._o anne_n marry_v to_o john_n legh_n of_o booth_n esquire_n after_o to_o geffrey_n shakerley_n of_o shakerly_n in_o lancashire_n ellen_n marry_v sir_n john_n legh_n of_o bagiley_n 6_o edw._n 4._o 1466._o lib._n a._n fol._n 151._o y._n margery_n marry_v john_n hide_v of_o haghton_n in_o lancashire_n alice_n marry_v john_n ashley_n of_o ashley_n nigh_o bowdon_n in_o cheshire_n elizabeth_n wife_n of_o thomas_n fitton_n of_o pownall_n in_o maxfield_n hundred_o joan_n marry_v william_n holt_n of_o lancashire_n sir_n william_n die_v 16_o edw._n 4._o 1476._o and_o give_v land_n to_o feoffee_n in_o trust_n for_o the_o provide_v of_o a_o chaplain_n to_o pray_v for_o he_o and_o his_o friend_n in_o a_o chapel_n to_o be_v build_v in_o bowdon_n church_n for_o that_o purpose_n which_o be_v build_v according_o lib._n c._n fol._n 150._o a._n iii_o george_n booth_n of_o dunham_n esquire_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o sir_n william_n marry_v katherine_n daughter_n and_o heir_n of_o robert_n montfort_n lord_n of_o bescote_n in_o staffordshire_n and_o monks-path_n in_o warwickshire_n young_a son_n of_o sir_n william_n montfort_n of_o colshill_n in_o warwickshire_n dugdale_n in_o his_o antiquity_n of_o warwickshire_n pag._n 728._o but_o misprinted_n for_o 738._o and_o so_o all_o along_o forward_a misprinted_n by_o who_o he_o have_v issue_n william_n booth_n son_n and_o heir_n laurence_n and_o roger_n alice_n alii_fw-la anne_n vocant_fw-la marry_a william_n massy_a of_o denfleld_n in_o rosthorn_n ellen_n marry_v thomas_n vawdrey_n after_o to_o trofford_n of_o bridge-trofford_a in_o cheshire_n this_o george_n die_v 1_o rich._n 3._o 1483._o iv_o sir_n william_n booth_n of_o dunham_n knight_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o george_n marry_v margaret_n co-heir_n of_o sir_n thomas_n ashton_n of_o ashton_n under_o lyme_n and_o have_v issue_n george_n son_n and_o heir_n and_o john_n booth_n and_o afterward_o he_o have_v a_o second_o wife_n to_o wit_n ellen_n daughter_n of_o sir_n john_n montgomery_n of_o throwley_n in_o staffordshire_n by_o who_o he_o have_v issue_n william_n hamnet_n edward_n booth_n from_o who_o the_o booth_n of_o twamlow_n in_o cheshire_n henry_n and_z andrew_z also_o jane_n marry_v hugh_n dutton_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o sir_n piers_n dutton_n of_o hatton_n and_o dutton_n both_o 12_o hen._n 8._o 1520._o lib._n c._n fol._n 167._o afterward_o she_o marry_v thomas_n holford_n of_o holford_n nigh_o nether-tabley_a esquire_n dorothy_n marry_v edward_n warren_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o laurence_n warren_n of_o pointon_n in_o cheshire_n esquire_n 10_o hen._n 8._o 1518._o lib._n c._n fol._n 250._o b._n anne_n marry_v sir_n william_n brereton_n of_o brereton_n this_o sir_n william_n booth_n die_v 11_o hen._n 8._o 1519._o nono_fw-la die_fw-la novembris_fw-la v._o george_n booth_n of_o dunham_n esquire_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o sir_n william_n matryed_z elizabeth_z daughter_n of_o sir_n thomas_n butler_n of_o beusy_n nigh_o warrington_n in_o lancashire_n and_o have_v issue_n george_n son_n and_o heir_n john_n booth_n and_o robert_n booth_n also_o ellen_n marry_v to_o john_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o john_n carington_n of_o carington_n in_o cheshire_n esquire_n 29_o hen._n 8._o 1537._o lib._n c._n fol._n 257._o c._n anne_n marry_v william_n massy_a of_o podington_n in_o wirrall_n esquire_n margaret_n marry_v sir_n william_n davenport_n of_o bromhale_n in_o maxfield_n hundred_o elizabeth_n marry_v richard_n sutton_n of_o sutton_n nigh_o maxfield_n esquire_n 1566._o dorothy_n marry_v robert_n tatton_n of_o withenshaw_n nigh_o baggiley_n esquire_n alice_n marry_v peter_n daniel_n of_o over-tabley_a esquire_n 4_o edw._n 6._o 1550._o lib._n c._n fol._n 243._o i._o and_o cicely_n die_v without_o issue_n this_o george_n die_v 22_o hen._n 8._o 1531._o age_v forty_o year_n vi_o george_n booth_n of_o dunham_n esquire_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o george_n marry_v elizabeth_n daughter_n of_o sir_n edmund_n trafford_n of_o trafford_n in_o lancashire_n and_o have_v issue_n william_n son_n and_o heir_n elizabeth_n marry_v william_n chantrell_n of_o bache_n not_o far_o from_o chester_n marry_o marry_a randle_n davenport_n of_o henbury_n esquire_n anne_n marry_v ______o wentworth_n of_n ______o in_o yorkshire_n when_o letter_n be_v send_v from_o the_o queen_n jane_n seymour_n through_o the_o kingdom_n to_o disperse_v the_o joyful_a news_n of_o the_o birth_n of_o edward_n the_o six_o 12_o octob._n 1537._o 29_o hen._n 8._o one_o be_v send_v by_o the_o queen_n to_o this_o george_n booth_n esquire_n lib._n c._n fol._n 249._o n._n this_o george_n die_v 35_o hen._n 8._o 1543._o age_v 28_o year_n elizabeth_z his_o widow_n after_o marry_a james_n do_v brother_n and_o heir_n to_o sir_n john_n do_v of_o utkinton_n and_o afterward_o she_o marry_v thomas_n fitton_n of_o gowesworth_n vii_o sir_n william_n booth_n of_o dunham_n knight_v 1578._o son_n and_o heir_n of_o george_n be_v but_o three_o year_n old_a when_o his_o father_n die_v and_o be_v ward_n to_o the_o king_n he_o marry_v elizabeth_n daughter_n of_o sir_n john_n warburton_n of_o arley_n in_o aston_n nigh_o great_a budworth_n and_o have_v issue_n george_n booth_n son_n and_o heir_n edmund_n second_o son_n be_v a_o lawyer_n and_o die_v without_o issue_n john_n three_o son_n marry_v the_o daughter_n of_o prestwich_n of_o hulm_n nigh_o manchester_n and_o have_v several_a child_n which_o john_n be_v bury_v at_o bowdon_n 1_o augusti_n 1644._o robert_n four_o son_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n december_n 11._o 1570._o be_v a_o soldier_n in_o holland_n peter_n five_o son_n be_v baptise_a 21_o aprilis_fw-la 1576_o die_v 7_o septembris_fw-la 1576._o richard_n six_o son_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 15_o junii_fw-la 1578._o he_o marry_v ______o daughter_n and_o heir_n of_o ______o massy_n of_o cogshull_n descend_v of_o massy_a of_o rixton_n i_o find_v also_o another_o son_n call_v william_n bury_v at_o bowdon_n 31_o martii_fw-la 1572._o also_o mary_n elder_a daughter_n elizabeth_n second_o daughter_n marry_v william_n bassinet_n after_o to_o one_o walshe_n of_o ireland_n dorothy_n three_o daughter_n marry_v ralph_n bunigton_n of_o barrow-cock_n in_o derbyshire_n alice_n four_o daughter_n marry_v one_o panton_n elinour_n five_o daughter_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 27_o februarii_fw-la 1573._o and_o susan_n six_o daughter_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 21_o maii_n 1577._o marry_a sir_n edward_n warren_n of_o pointon_n in_o cheshire_n afterward_o she_o marry_v john_n fitton_n of_o chester_n see_v the_o office_n of_o sir_n william_n booth_n prove_v the_o name_n of_o all_o these_o daughter_n see_v also_o the_o office_n of_o elizabeth_n ashton_n 2_o elizabethae_fw-la who_o part_n come_v to_o this_o sir_n william_n sir_n william_n die_v 28_o novembris_fw-la and_o be_v bury_v at_o bowdon_n 8_o die_v decembris_fw-la 1579._o aged_a 39_o year_n he_o be_v sheriff_n of_o cheshire_n 1571._o dame_n elizabeth_n his_o wife_n give_v five_o pound_n for_o ever_o yearly_a to_o the_o poor_a of_o bowdon_n parish_n which_o gift_n commence_v 1621._o as_o i_o find_v in_o the_o register_n of_o bowdon_n church_n viii_o sir_n george_n booth_n of_o dunham_n knight_v about_o the_o latter_a end_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n and_o create_v baronet_n 9_o jacobi_n 1611._o upon_o the_o first_o institution_n of_o that_o order_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o sir_n william_n do_v much_o improve_v his_o estate_n he_o have_v two_o wife_n the_o first_o be_v jane_n daughter_n and_o heir_n of_o john_n carington_n of_o carington_n esquire_n who_o he_o marry_v the_o 18_o day_n of_o february_n 1577._o john_n carington_n her_o father_n die_v in_o january_n before_o jane_n be_v baptise_a at_o bowdon_n the_o ten_o day_n of_o december_n 1562._o aged_a fifteen_o year_n at_o the_o time_n of_o her_o marriage_n but_o she_o die_v without_o issue_n yet_o sir_n george_n carry_v away_o all_o carington_n land_n against_o the_o next_o heir_n male_n of_o that_o family_n which_o he_o recover_v by_o suit_n after_o the_o death_n of_o jane_n sir_n george_n marry_v katherine_n daughter_n of_o sir_n edmund_n anderson_n chief_a justice_n of_o the_o common_a plea_n by_o who_o he_o have_v issue_n william_n elder_a son_n francis_n second_o son_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 11_o decembris_fw-la 1603._o and_o bury_v there_o 1_o martii_fw-la 1616._o as_o appear_v by_o the_o inscription_n in_o a_o marble_n monument_n in_o the_o south_n isle_n of_o the_o chancel_n of_o bowdon_n church_n and_o the_o register-book_n there_o thomas_n three_o son_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 9_o decembris_fw-la 1604._o he_o die_v 1632._o with_o a_o fall_n from_o his_o horse_n edmund_n four_o son_n bear_v
elizabeth_n second_o daughter_n bear_v at_o nether-tabley_a on_o wednesday_n the_o sixteenth_o day_n of_o june_n 1647._o marry_a samuel_n birch_n young_a son_n of_o john_n birch_n of_o whitborn_a in_o herefordshire_n 1666._o she_o miscarry_v of_o a_o female-child_n in_o november_n 1667._o and_o soon_o after_o die_v of_o the_o smallpox_n on_o saturday_n the_o last_o of_o november_n at_o whitborn_a aforesaid_a anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1667._o and_o be_v bury_v at_o whitborn-church_n byron_n leycester_n three_o daughter_n bear_v at_o nether-tabley_a on_o saturday_n the_o six_o day_n of_o october_n 1655._o and_o be_v yet_o live_v 1669._o sir_n peter_n leycester_n and_o elizabeth_n his_o lady_n be_v both_o yet_o live_v 1669._o he_o be_v create_v baronet_n the_o ten_o day_n of_o august_n 1660._o 12_o car._n 2._o xv._o robert_n leycester_n of_o nether-tabley_a esquire_n elder_a son_n of_o sir_n peter_n and_o elizabeth_n marry_v meriel_n daughter_n and_o heir_n of_o francis_n watson_n late_a of_o church-aston_n nigh_o newport_n in_o shropshire_n esquire_n 6_o die_v junii_fw-la 1667._o and_o have_v issue_n robert_n a_o son_n bear_v at_o marcham_n in_o berkshire_n on_o friday_n the_o sixteenth_o day_n of_o april_n anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1669._o over-tabley_a the_o township_n of_o over-tabley_a be_v hold_v by_o william_n fitz-nigell_a baron_n of_o halton_n in_o the_o time_n of_o william_n the_o conqueror_n we_o read_v in_o doomsday-book_n thus_o isdem_fw-la willielmus_fw-la tenet_fw-la stabelei_fw-la lewinus_fw-la tenuit_fw-la &_o libre_fw-la homo_fw-la fuit_fw-la ibi_fw-la tertia_fw-la pars_fw-la unius_fw-la hidae_fw-la geldabilis_fw-la terra_fw-la est_fw-la una_fw-la caruca_n wasta_fw-la fuit_fw-la &_o est_fw-la silua_fw-la ibi_fw-la dimidia_fw-la leuva_fw-fr long_fw-mi &_o xl_o perticis_fw-la lata_fw-la valuit_fw-la x_o solidos_fw-la isdem_fw-la willielmus_fw-la tenet_fw-la in_o ipsa_fw-la villa_n unam_fw-la bovatam_fw-la terrae_fw-la &_o tertiam_fw-la partem_fw-la unius_fw-la hidae_fw-la geldabilem_fw-la segrid_n &_o ulsi_n tenuerunt_fw-la pro_fw-la duobus_fw-la maneriis_fw-la &_o liberi_fw-la fuerunt_fw-la terra_fw-la est_fw-la una_fw-la caruca_n wasta_fw-la fuit_fw-la &_o est_fw-la tempore_fw-la regis_fw-la edwardi_fw-la valebat_fw-la septem_fw-la solidos_fw-la but_o not_o long_o after_o certain_a it_o be_v that_o this_o township_n be_v of_o three_o distinct_a fe_n one_o three_o part_n of_o over-tabley_a roger_n de_fw-fr manwaring_n give_v to_o the_o monastery_n of_o saint_n werburge_n in_o chester_n in_o the_o reign_n of_o henry_n the_o second_o lib._n b._n in_o principio_fw-la this_o three_o part_n come_v afterward_o to_o william_n de_fw-fr tabley_n 1._o tabley_n this_o william_n de_fw-fr tabley_n write_v himself_o dominus_fw-la de_fw-la tabley_n that_o be_v the_o over-tabley_a &_o sometime_o dominus_fw-la de_fw-la knotsford_n tempore_fw-la edw._n 1._o who_o give_v the_o same_o to_o sir_n john_n grey_n son_n of_o sir_n reginald_n grey_n and_o sir_n john_n grant_v it_o to_o roger_n leycester_n lord_n of_o nether-tabley_a anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1296._o f._n num_fw-la 1._o which_o in_o all_o the_o office_n of_o leycester_n of_o tabley_n be_v find_v to_o be_v hold_v of_o the_o abbey_n of_o st._n werburge_n and_o leycester_n of_o tabley_n be_v now_o possess_v of_o this_o three_o part_n at_o this_o day_n 1666._o one_o other_o three_o part_n be_v possess_v by_o adam_n de_fw-fr tabley_n in_o the_o reign_n of_o edward_n the_o three_o sir_n william_n boydell_n be_v chief_a lord_n thereof_o for_o william_n son_n of_o john_n boydell_n of_o dodleston_n release_v unto_o adam_n de_fw-fr tabley_n all_o service_n due_a for_o his_o three_o part_n of_o over-tabley_a for_o one_o penny_n only_o to_o be_v pay_v at_o the_o nativity_n of_o st._n john_n baptist_n yearly_a for_o all_o service_n date_v at_o dodleston_n 17_o edw._n 3._o 1342._o f._n num_fw-la 3._o this_o adam_n de_fw-fr tabley_n i_o conceive_v be_v original_o a_o massy_a for_o he_o seal_v with_o massy_n coat_n of_o arms._n this_o three_o part_n come_v afterward_o to_o thomas_n daniel_n young_a son_n of_o thomas_n daniel_n of_o bradley_n in_o appleton_n the_o elder_a by_o joan_n norreys_n a_o second_o wife_n in_o marriage_n with_o katherine_n daughter_n and_o heir_n of_o william_n son_n of_o adam_n de_fw-fr tabley_n 27_o edw._n 3._o 1353._o lib._n c._n fol._n 241._o l._n for_o which_o marriage_n thomas_n daniel_n the_o father_n give_v to_o adam_n de_fw-fr tabley_n 46_o l._n 13_o s._n 4_o d._n by_o katherine_n come_v also_o the_o moiety_n of_o bexton_n to_o thomas_n daniel_n the_o son_n her_o husband_n who_o be_v afterward_o sir_n thomas_n daniel_n of_o over-tabley_a 6_o rich._n 2._o 1382._o who_o heir_n be_v possess_v of_o this_o three_o part_n at_o this_o present_a 1666._o one_o other_o three_o part_n remain_v be_v possess_v ancient_o by_o another_o family_n of_o the_o tabley_n call_v the_o hall_n of_o the_o wood_n in_o over-tabley_a until_o matthew_n de_fw-fr tabley_n be_v attaint_v of_o felony_n 22_o edw._n 4._o 1483._o who_o land_n by_o the_o office_n take_v 1_o hen._n 7._o be_v find_v to_o be_v hold_v of_o the_o honour_n of_o halton_n and_o so_o be_v seize_v into_o the_o king_n hand_n and_o i_o find_v john_n leycester_n of_o nether-tabley_a esq_n except_v against_o that_o office_n of_o 1_o hen._n 7._o and_o complain_v to_o the_o judge_n and_o chamberlain_n of_o chester_n and_o allege_v that_o these_o land_n be_v hold_v of_o he_o by_o homage_n and_o fealty_n and_o twelve_o penny_n land_n penny_n this_o 12_o d._n rent_n be_v at_o this_o day_n pay_v to_o leycester_n by_o the_o warburton_n of_o tabley-hill_n which_o tenement_n be_v parcel_v of_o the_o hall_n of_o wood_n land_n yearly_o rend_v and_o pray_v that_o he_o may_v be_v restore_v to_o these_o land_n as_o chief_a lord_n of_o the_o fee_n c._n num_fw-la 31._o but_o he_o have_v too_o potent_a a_o person_n to_o deal_v with_o and_o king_n henry_n the_o seven_o grant_v these_o land_n to_o sir_n william_n stanley_n of_o holt-castle_n lord_n chamberlain_n but_o he_o be_v behead_v for_o treason_n 1495._o these_o land_n escheat_v again_o to_o the_o king_n and_o henry_n the_o eight_o lease_v they_o to_o randle_n brereton_n for_o his_o life_n 2_o hen._n 8._o and_o after_o roger_n brereton_n his_o son_n have_v they_o for_o his_o life_n afterward_o these_o land_n continue_v in_o the_o king_n hand_n robert_n chornock_n and_o roger_n chornock_n of_o london_n purchase_v the_o same_o and_o sell_v they_o to_o piers_n leycester_n of_o nether-tabley_a esquire_n for_o 240_o l._n whereof_o one_o moiety_n be_v pay_v in_o hand_n and_o the_o other_o he_o give_v bond_n for_o but_o peter_n daniel_n of_o over-tabley_a esquire_n purchase_v these_o land_n at_o 9_o l._n per_fw-la annum_fw-la in_o the_o king_n book_n the_o chornock_v purchase_v they_o after_o the_o rate_n of_o 18_o d._n in_o the_o king_n book_n and_o cheat_v the_o say_a piers_n leycester_n by_o a_o fraudulent_a conveyance_n so_o that_o he_o can_v not_o enjoy_v these_o land_n it_o be_v decree_v in_o the_o court_n of_o request_n 4_o maii_n 1_o eliz._n 1559._o that_o the_o chornock_n shall_v restore_v the_o money_n which_o they_o have_v receive_v and_o deliver_v up_o the_o bond_n obligatory_a to_o be_v cancel_v and_o so_o daniel_n have_v the_o land_n which_o his_o posterity_n now_o enjoy_v 1666._o c._n num_fw-la 13._o charterer_n in_o over-tabley_a 1666._o 1._o edward_n hewet_n of_o mobberley_n have_v one_o tenement_n in_o over-tabley_a now_o in_o possession_n of_o his_o tenant_n john_n kell_n which_o be_v within_o mr._n daniell_n part._n 2._o there_o be_v also_o one_o other_o in_o leycester_n three_o part_n to_o wit_n the_o tenement_n in_o possession_n late_o of_o richard_n duncalfe_n of_o tabley-hill_n whereunto_o former_o coithurst-meadow_n now_o part_n of_o mr._n daniell_n demain_fw-fr do_v belong_v this_o pay_v 12_o d._n of_o chief-rent_a yearly_a to_o leycester_n now_o pay_v by_o william_n legh_n of_o tabley-hill_n this_o freehold_n be_v purchase_v by_o george_n le_fw-fr criour_a from_o thomas_n monky_v 5_o ed._n 4._o afterward_o this_o land_n be_v purchase_v by_o john_n duncalfe_n of_o mere_n 30_o hen._n 8._o after_o it_o come_v to_o peter_n hulse_n of_o over-tabley_a hulse_n sell_v it_o to_o whitmore_n of_o sudlow_n 1604._o whitmore_z sell_v it_o to_o peter_n daniel_n esquire_n 1611._o in_o this_o township_n there_o be_v a_o ancient_a chapel_n call_v over-tabley-chappel_n or_o more_o general_o know_v by_o the_o name_n of_o the_o chapel_n in_o the_o street_n for_o it_o be_v situate_a in_o the_o high-street_n a_o old_a pitiful_a structure_n ill_o seat_v and_o now_o in_o decay_n this_o chapel_n of_o ease_n be_v within_o the_o parish_n of_o rosthorn_n be_v build_v about_o the_o reign_n of_o henry_n the_o six_o by_o the_o ancestor_n of_o leycester_n of_o nether-tabley_a and_o daniel_n of_o over-tabley_a for_o the_o ease_n and_o convenience_n of_o these_o two_o family_n and_o of_o all_o their_o tenant_n in_o over-tabley_a and_o nether-tabley_a probably_n after_o the_o match_n of_o thomas_n daniel_n and_o maud_n leycester_n which_o
26_o decembris_fw-la and_o baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 1_o januarii_n 1609._o where_o he_o be_v also_o bury_v 5_o septembris_fw-la 1617._o john_n booth_n young_a son_n now_o sir_n john_n booth_n of_o woodford_n nigh_o over_o in_o cheshire_n knight_v 1660._o and_o yet_o live_v 1667._o he_o have_v several_a child_n by_o his_o first_o wife_n but_o after_o her_o death_n he_o marry_v anne_n the_o widow_n of_o thomas_n legh_n of_o adlington_n esquire_n 1659._o but_o they_o live_v asunder_o marry_o elder_a daughter_n of_o sir_n george_n be_v never_o marry_v alice_n marry_v george_n vernon_n of_o hastington_n esquire_n afterward_o judge_n vernon_n she_o be_v bury_v at_o bowdon_n 8_o martii_fw-la 1623._o frances_n three_o daughter_n 1669._o daughter_n frances_n die_v at_o chester_n and_o be_v bury_v at_o bowdon_n 10_o septem_fw-la 1669._o yet_o live_v at_o chester_n 1667._o but_o never_o marry_v susan_n four_o daughter_n marry_a sir_n william_n brereton_n of_o honford_n about_o 1623._o she_o be_v bury_v at_o bowdon_n 6_o junii_fw-la 1637._o katherine_n another_o daughter_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 22_o maii_n 1606._o she_o be_v yet_o live_v at_o chester_n 1667._o and_o be_v never_o marry_v cicely_n another_o daughter_n die_v young_a elizabeth_n young_a daughter_n be_v second_o wife_n to_o richard_n lord_n byron_n of_o newstede_n in_o nottinghamshire_n both_o live_v 1667._o but_o she_o have_v no_o issue_n this_o sir_n george_n be_v ward_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n and_o be_v at_o the_o full_a age_n of_o 21_o year_n october_n 20._o 29_o eliz._n 1587._o he_o be_v sheriff_n of_o chester_n 1597._o and_o also_o 1622._o and_o he_o die_v at_o dunham-massy_a 24_o octobris_fw-la and_o be_v bury_v at_o bowdon_n 18_o novembris_fw-la 1652._o have_v complete_v the_o 86_o year_n of_o his_o age._n katherine_n his_o lady_n die_v long_o before_o he_o she_o be_v bury_v at_o bowdon_n 26_o februarii_fw-la 1638._o ix_o william_n booth_n esquire_n elder_a son_n of_o sir_n george_n marry_v vere_n three_o daughter_n and_o co-heir_n of_o sir_n thomas_n egerton_n elder_a son_n of_o sir_n thomas_n egerton_n lord_n chancellor_n of_o england_n in_o may_v anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1619._o and_o have_v issue_n thomas_n booth_n elder_a son_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 29_o junii_fw-la 1620._o he_o die_v at_o chester_n 3_o januarii_n 1632._o and_o be_v bury_v at_o st._n werburge_n in_o chester_n george_n booth_n second_o son_n succeed_v heir_n william_n booth_n three_o son_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 28_o februarii_fw-la 1625._o he_o die_v young_a nathaniel_n booth_n four_o son_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 9_o maii_n 1627._o be_v yet_o live_v at_o his_o house_n in_o mottram-andrew_n nigh_o over-alderley_n in_o cheshire_n 1667._o he_o marry_v anne_n ravenscroft_n daughter_n of_o robert_n ravenscroft_n late_o of_o bretton_n in_o the_o parish_n of_o harden_n in_o flintshire_n esquire_n and_o have_v issue_n charles_n booth_n five_o son_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 26_o julii_n 1628._o and_o be_v bury_v at_o bowdon_n 21_o januarii_n 1634._o elizabeth_z booth_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 13_o julii_n 1621._o she_o die_v young_a katherine_n another_o daughter_n baptise_a at_o bowdon_n 25_o maii_n 1624._o she_o marry_v john_n jackson_n of_o hickelton_n in_o yorkshire_n esquire_n about_o 1647._o afterward_o create_v baronet_n 31_o decembris_fw-la 1660._o she_o die_v 1667._o this_o william_n booth_n of_o dunham_n be_v bury_v at_o bowdon_n 3_o maii_n 1636._o in_o the_o life-time_n of_o sir_n george_n his_o father_n vere_n his_o wife_n be_v bury_v at_o bowdon_n 4_o maii_n 1629._o x._o sir_n george_n booth_n of_o dunham-massy_a baronet_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o william_n and_o grandson_n of_o sir_n george_n be_v create_v baron_n delamere_n of_o dunham-massy_a at_o the_o coronation_n of_o king_n charles_n the_o second_o his_o patent_n bear_v date_n the_o 20_o day_n of_o april_n 13_o car._n 2._o 1661._o he_o have_v much_o beautify_v the_o manor-house_n of_o dunham-massy_a by_o building_n the_o north_n side_n thereof_o answerable_a to_o the_o opposite_a part_n and_o have_v encompass_v a_o large_a outward_a court_n with_o a_o brickwall_n and_o a_o fair_a gate_n of_o stone_n he_o make_v a_o domestic_a chapel_n there_o about_o 1655._o by_o lay_v two_o ground-room_n together_o on_o the_o south_n side_n of_o the_o house_n he_o marry_v katherine_n daughter_n of_o theophilus_n fines_n earl_n of_o linooln_n by_o who_o he_o have_v issue_n vere_n booth_n a_o daughter_n baptise_a 23_o julii_n 1643._o and_o be_v yet_o live_v 1667._o dame_n katherine_n his_o lady_n be_v bury_v at_o bowdon_n 5_o augusti_n 1643._o she_o die_v in_o childbed_n afterward_o he_o marry_v elizabeth_n daughter_n of_o henry_n grey_n earl_n of_o stanford_n by_o who_o he_o have_v issue_n william_n booth_n elder_a son_n a_o very_a hopeful_a youth_n who_o die_v anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1662._o henry_n booth_n second_o son_n charles_n booth_n george_n booth_n robert_n booth_n cecil_n booth_n all_o live_v 1666._o also_o elizabeth_n elder_a daughter_n by_o this_o lady_n yet_o live_v 1667._o anne_n another_o daughter_n die_v at_o london_n 1667._o jane_n another_o daughter_n die_v young_a 1663._o diana_n another_o daughter_n live_v 1667._o also_o nevil_n booth_n another_o son_n baptise_a at_o dunham_n 15_o novembris_fw-la 1666._o xi_o henry_n booth_n second_o son_n of_o george_n lord_n delamere_n and_o heir_n to_o his_o father_n marry_v mary_n daughter_n of_o sir_n james_n langham_n son_n of_o alderman_n john_n langham_n of_o london_n baronet_n in_o july_n 1670._o george_n lord_n delamere_n his_o father_n yet_o live_v dutton_n i_o find_v this_o town_n of_o dutton_n thrice_o name_v in_o doomsday-book_n as_o hold_v then_o in_o the_o conqueror_n time_n by_o three_o person_n one_o part_n odard_n hold_v immediate_o of_o the_o earl_n of_o chester_n as_o it_o be_v in_o capite_fw-la another_o part_n be_v hold_v by_o william_n fitz-nigell_a baron_n of_o halton_n of_o the_o earl_n in_o like_a manner_n another_o part_n do_v osberne_n son_n of_o tezzon_n ancestor_n to_o the_o boydell_n of_o dodleston_n hold_v also_o of_o the_o earl_n of_o chester_n odard_n part_n seem_v to_o be_v the_o great_a part_n which_o one_o ravene_n hold_v before_o at_o the_o come_n in_o of_o the_o norman_n the_o baron_n of_o halton_n part_n and_o osbern_n part_n one_o edward_n hold_v before_o and_o do_v then_o likewise_o hold_v osbern_n part_n under_o the_o say_v osbern_n but_o both_o osbern_n part_n and_o the_o baron_n of_o halton_n part_n at_o last_o come_v to_o the_o posterity_n of_o odard_n dutton_n exit_fw-la chartulis_fw-la duttonorum_fw-la de_fw-la dutton_n for_o osbern_n part_n be_v sell_v by_o his_o heir_n sir_n william_n boydell_n who_o release_v all_o his_o seignory_n unto_o thomas_n son_n of_o hugh_n dutton_n of_o dutton_n in_o all_o the_o land_n which_o the_o say_v thomas_n hold_v of_o he_o in_o dutton_n 15_o edw._n 3._o 1341._o lib._n c._n fol._n 158._o b._n as_o to_o the_o baron_n of_o halton_n part_n john_n constable_n of_o cheshre_n baron_n of_o halton_n give_v to_o adam_n de_fw-fr dutton_n young_a son_n of_o hugh_n dutton_n of_o dutton_n and_o ancestor_n to_o warburton_n of_o arley_n those_o four_o oxgang_n of_o land_n in_o dutton_n which_o walter_n heron_n hold_v this_o be_v about_o the_o end_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o henry_n the_o second_o lib._n c._n fol._n 140._o and_o sir_n geffrey_n de_fw-fr warburton_n release_v all_o his_o right_n unto_o thomas_n son_n of_o hugh_n de_fw-fr dutton_n aforesaid_a in_o all_o those_o land_n in_o dutton_n which_o the_o say_v thomas_n hold_v by_o lease_n from_o the_o say_a sir_n geffrey_n date_v at_o dutton_n 28_o edw._n 3._o 1354._o lib._n c._n fol._n 158._o c._n so_o that_o thomas_n de_fw-fr dutton_n be_v now_o invest_v in_o the_o whole_a town_n of_o dutton_n entire_o this_o township_n in_o the_o ancient_a record_n of_o doomsday-book_n be_v write_v duntune_v dun_n in_o the_o old_a saxon_a language_n signify_v a_o hill_n for_o which_o we_o now_o use_v the_o word_n down_o so_o that_o duntune_v signify_v as_o much_o as_o a_o town_n upon_o a_o hill_n or_o down_n now_o contract_v to_o dutton_n from_o this_o town_n do_v the_o ancient_a family_n of_o the_o dutton_n assume_v their_o surname_n for_o odard_n be_v seat_v here_o in_o the_o conqueror_n time_n his_o posterity_n be_v surnamed_n de_fw-fr dutton_n from_o the_o place_n of_o their_o residence_n where_o they_o have_v continue_v ever_o since_o to_o this_o present_a 1666._o about_o 600_o year_n a_o family_n of_o great_a worth_n and_o antiquity_n and_o as_o it_o be_v almost_o a_o constant_a succession_n of_o knight_n but_o now_o alas_o ready_a to_o change_v its_o name_n be_v devolve_v by_o a_o daughter_n and_o heir_n unto_o the_o lord_n gerard_n of_o gerards-bromley_n in_o staffordshire_n out_o of_o this_o family_n branch_v out_o the_o warburtons_n of_o arley_n under_o henry_n the_o second_o and_o retain_v their_o proper_a surname_n of_o dutton_n till_o peter_n dutton_n seat_v himself_o at_o warburton_n
of_o manwaring_n but_o absurd_o and_o not_o right_a this_o sir_n randle_n the_o elder_a build_v the_o hall_n of_o overpeve_a anew_o 1586._o the_o fabric_n be_v now_o of_o brick_n and_o he_o be_v sheriff_n of_o cheshire_n 1605._o 3_o jacobi_n sir_n randle_n the_o elder_a die_v 27_o maii_n 1612._o 10_o jacobi_n fourteen_o sir_n randle_n manwaring_n of_o overpeve_a the_o young_a knight_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o sir_n randle_n the_o elder_a marry_v jane_n daughter_n of_o sir_n thomas_n smith_n of_o hough_o aforesaid_a by_o who_o he_o have_v issue_n philip_n manwaring_n son_n and_o heir_n george_n manwaring_n of_o marthall_n second_o son_n now_o live_v 1666._o margaret_n the_o elder_a daughter_n die_v a_o infant_n elizabeth_n second_o daughter_n marrry_v first_o to_o robert_n ravenscroft_n of_o bretton_n in_o harden-parish_n beyond_o chester_n esquire_n and_o have_v many_o child_n afterward_o she_o marry_v sir_n francis_n gamole_n of_o chester_n but_o she_o have_v no_o issue_n by_o he_o she_o survive_v both_o her_o husband_n and_o die_v at_o chester_n 13_o augusti_n 1661._o and_o be_v bury_v at_o harden_n anne_n three_o daughter_n marry_v robert_n brierwood_n of_o chester_n counsellor_n at_o law_n after_o sir_n robert_n brierwood_n knight_v 1643._o and_o judge_n of_o three_o shire_n in_o wales_n margaret_n young_a daughter_n marry_v henry_n birkenhed_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o henry_n berkinhed_n of_o backford_n nigh_o chester_n esquire_n prothonotary_n of_o chester_n and_o have_v issue_n but_o they_o all_o die_v before_o they_o come_v to_o maturity_n this_o margaret_n die_v at_o chester_n 25_o julii_n 1661._o this_o sir_n randle_n the_o young_a be_v sheriff_n of_o limrick_n in_o ireland_n 3_o jacobi_n 1605._o lib._n b._n pag._n 26._o t._n in_o which_o very_a year_n also_o his_o father_n be_v sheriff_n of_o cheshire_n the_o same_o sir_n randle_n the_o young_a be_v sheriff_n of_o cheshire_n 1619._o and_o mayor_n of_o chester_n also_o the_o same_o year_n and_o die_v 12_o die_v januarii_n 1632._o 8_o car._n 1._o xv._o philip_n manwaring_n of_o overpeve_a esquire_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o sir_n randle_n the_o young_a marry_v ellen_n daughter_n of_o edward_n minshull_n of_o stoke_n near_o nantwich_n esq_n 20_o jacobi_n 1622._o and_o have_v issue_n randle_n who_o die_v without_o issue_n in_o his_o youth_n philip_n second_o son_n die_v in_o his_o infancy_n thomas_n three_o son_n survive_v heir_n to_o his_o father_n a_o four_o son_n live_v not_o to_o be_v baptise_a edmund_n die_v in_o his_o infancy_n george_n six_o son_n die_v in_o his_o infancy_n another_o philip_n seven_o son_n die_v in_o his_o infancy_n edward_n manwaring_n young_a son_n live_v 1666._o and_o jane_n a_o daughter_n die_v in_o her_o infancy_n this_o philip_n be_v captain_n of_o the_o light-horse_n of_o cheshire_n and_o be_v sheriff_n of_o cheshire_n 1639._o he_o die_v the_o ten_o of_o december_n 1647._o ellen_n his_o widow_n survive_v build_v a_o neat_a chapel_n of_o stone_n on_o the_o north-side_n of_o the_o chancel_n of_o overpeve_a church_n with_o two_o brave_a monument_n for_o herself_o and_o husband_n and_o a_o fair_a vault_n under_o the_o say_a chapel_n for_o burial_n anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1648._o she_o build_v also_o a_o stately_a stable_a and_o dove-house_n at_o overpeve_a 1654._o and_o she_o die_v 1656._o xvi_o sir_n thomas_n manwaring_n of_o overpeve_a baronet_n son_n and_o heir_n of_o philip_n marry_v mary_n daughter_n of_o sir_n henry_n delves_n of_o dodington_n in_o widdenbury-parish_n baronet_n and_o have_v issue_n philip_n thomas_n randle_n who_o die_v young_a all_o three_o john_n manwaring_n and_o william_n manwaring_n both_o live_v 1666._o henry_n die_v in_o his_o infancy_n marry_o and_o helen_n both_o die_v in_o their_o infancy_n elizabeth_n anne_n katherine_n and_o grace_n all_o four_o now_o live_v 1666._o this_o thomas_n manwaring_n be_v sheriff_n of_o chester_n 1657._o and_o create_v baronet_n 22_o novembris_fw-la 1660._o and_o be_v yet_o live_v 1666._o marry_o his_o lady_n die_v at_o baddiley_n the_o first_o day_n of_o march_n 1670._o and_o be_v bury_v at_o overpeve_a in_o the_o vault_n under_o the_o new-chappel_n there_o on_o monday_n the_o six_o of_o march_n anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1670._o little-peve_a the_o township_n of_o nether-peve_a though_o now_o divide_v into_o two_o hundred_o be_v ancient_o but_o one_o entire_a township_n at_o this_o day_n it_o seem_v to_o be_v divide_v into_o two_o township_n great-peve_a which_o lie_v in_o northwich-hundred_n and_o little-peve_a which_o lie_v within_o bucklow-hundred_n sever_v by_o the_o river_n call_v pever-eye_n river_n i_fw-mi be_v a_o old_a word_n for_o a_o brook_n and_o ee_n be_v a_o bank_n or_o land_n lie_v by_o the_o side_n of_o a_o brook_n or_o river_n and_o whether_o you_o take_v they_o together_o as_o one_o township_n by_o the_o name_n of_o nether-peve_a or_o as_o two_o town_n call_v great-peve_a and_o little-peve_a yet_o have_v they_o joint_o or_o several_o ben_z severed_z into_o two_o distinct_a fee_n or_o inheritance_n ever_o since_o the_o norman_a conquest_n to_o this_o day_n one_o moiety_n of_o they_o be_v hold_v by_o william_n fitz-nigell_a baron_n of_o halton_n in_o the_o conqueror_n time_n as_o appear_v by_o doomsday-book_n this_o moiety_n i_o speak_v now_o out_o of_o my_o own_o evidence_n be_v give_v by_o roger_n lacie_n constable_n of_o cheshire_n and_o baron_n of_o halton_n unto_o one_o osberne_n de_fw-fr wethale_n about_o king_n john_n reign_n to_o wit_n all_o his_o moiety_n of_o pever_n render_v yearly_o half_a a_o mark_n of_o silver_n and_o do_v foreign_a service_n as_o much_o as_o belong_v to_o the_o twenty_o part_n of_o a_o knight_n fee_n g._n num_fw-la 1._o and_o i_o find_v robert_n de_fw-fr pever_n possess_v hereof_o in_o the_o reign_n of_o henry_n the_o three_o to_o who_o william_n son_n of_o richard_n haddlebert_n who_o as_o it_o seem_v claim_v some_o property_n there_o release_v all_o his_o claim_n in_o that_o moiety_n of_o nether-peve_a which_o be_v of_o the_o fee_n of_o the_o constable_n of_o cheshire_n that_o be_v of_o the_o fee_n of_o halton_n g._n num_fw-la 3._o hugh_n son_n of_o that_o robert_n de_fw-fr pever_n sell_v all_o his_o birthright_n in_o pever_n which_o be_v to_o descend_v to_o he_o after_o the_o death_n of_o his_o father_n robert_n de_fw-fr pever_n unto_o william_n de_fw-fr hawarthen_n for_o one_o hundred_o pound_v sterling_n about_o the_o begin_n of_o edward_n the_o first_o be_v reign_v g._n num_fw-la 4._o william_n de_fw-fr hawarthen_n sell_v it_o to_o richard_n bonetable_a and_o richard_n bonetable_n sell_v it_o to_o william_n son_n of_o ralph_n de_fw-fr mobberley_n for_o fifty_o mark_n of_o silver_n 1281._o who_o son_n william_n de_fw-fr mobberley_n be_v possess_v of_o the_o say_a moiety_n of_o nether-peve_a cum_fw-la homagiis_fw-la wardis_n etc._n etc._n 13_o edw._n 2._o g._n 6_o 7._o afterward_o this_o moiety_n be_v purchase_v as_o i_o take_v it_o by_o robert_n grosvenour_n of_o holme_n nigh_o nether-peve_a about_o edward_n the_o second_o in_o which_o line_n it_o continue_v till_o edward_n the_o four_o about_o 150_o year_n and_o at_o last_o it_o descend_v to_o margaret_n the_o young_a daughter_n and_o co-heir_n of_o robert_n grosvenour_n of_o houlme_n in_o allostock_n esquire_n with_o the_o three_o part_n of_o alderley_n also_o the_o wife_n of_o thomas_n leycester_n of_o tabley_n esquire_n by_o partition_n date_v 1465._o 5_o edw._n 4._o z._n num_fw-la 28._o who_o heir_n do_v now_o enjoy_v the_o say_a moiety_n of_o nether-peve_a 1666._o and_o the_o rent_n now_o pay_v to_o halton_n according_a to_o the_o original_a deed_n of_o roger_n lacie_n aforesaid_a charterer_n in_o this_o moiety_n 1666._o 1._o thomas_n wood_n of_o little-peve_a near_o to_o pever-bridge_n he_o pay_v a_o pair_n of_o white_a glove_n yearly_a to_o leycester_n of_o tabley_n at_o midsummer_n pro_fw-la libero_fw-la tenemento_fw-it svo_fw-la in_fw-it pever_n 2._o peter_n wood_n of_o little-peve_a formerly_z robert_z cotton_n more_o ancient_o style_v minshull-seat_n do_v pay_v to_o leycester_n 3_o s._n 4_o d._n yearly_a chief-rent_n but_o john_n leycester_n of_o tabley_n esq_n remit_v the_o same_o to_o cotton_n by_o deed_n date_v 17_o hen._n 7._o 3._o hiccock_n land_n situate_v in_o great-peve_a now_o enjoy_v by_o powdrill_n thomas_n deane_n and_o mrs._n pemberton_n who_o pay_v among_o they_o yearly_o 2_o s._n of_o chief-rent_n to_o leycester_n of_o tabley_n and_o all_o these_o charterer_n do_v suit_n of_o court_n to_o the_o courtbaron_n of_o leycester_n of_o tabley_n hold_v for_o his_o manor_n of_o pever_n the_o other_o moiety_n of_o nether-peve_a be_v hold_v in_o the_o conqueror_n time_n by_o ranulphus_fw-la as_o i_o take_v it_o in_o doomsday-book_n this_o moiety_n be_v give_v to_o richard_n pool_n of_o hartington_n by_o robert_n morley_n marshal_n of_o ireland_n with_o all_o the_o rent_n homage_n and_o service_n which_o descend_v hereditary_o to_o the_o say_v robert_n in_o the_o county_n of_o chester_n
and_o one_o month._n 9_o edward_n i._o son_n of_o henry_n iii_o subdue_v wales_n and_o bring_v scotland_n into_o subjection_n he_o die_v the_o seven_o of_o july_n 1307._o aged_a 68_o year_n he_o reign_v 34_o year_n 7_o month_n and_o 22_o day_n 10._o edward_n ii_o son_n of_o edward_n i._o be_v barbarous_o and_o traitorous_o depose_v through_o a_o strong_a faction_n raise_v against_o he_o by_o his_o queen_n and_o afterward_o murder_v in_o barkley-castle_n he_o be_v depose_v the_o 25_o of_o january_n 1326._o and_o murder_v september_n 21._o 1327._o he_o reign_v 19_o year_n 6_o month_n and_o 18_o day_n 11._o edward_n iii_o son_n of_o edward_n ii_o a_o valorous_a prince_n overthrow_v the_o french_a in_o two_o great_a battle_n take_v calais_n and_o many_o other_o place_n in_o that_o kingdom_n and_o quarter_v the_o arm_n of_o france_n in_o his_o coat_n which_o the_o succeed_a king_n of_o england_n have_v ever_o since_o imitate_v and_o retain_v he_o die_v at_o richmond_n the_o 21_o day_n of_o june_n 1377._o in_o the_o 56_o year_n of_o his_o age._n he_o reign_v 50_o year_n and_o almost_o 5_o month_n 12._o richard_z ii_o son_n of_o prince_n edward_n call_v the_o black_a prince_n and_o grandson_n of_o edward_n iii_o be_v traitorous_o depose_v by_o his_o cousin_n henry_n duke_n of_o hereford_n and_o lancaster_n the_o 29_o of_o september_n 1399._o and_o after_o murder_v in_o prison_n the_o 14_o day_n of_o february_n follow_v in_o pomfret_z castle_n he_o reign_v 22_o year_n 3_o month_n and_o 8_o day_n the_o lancastrian_n line_n 13._o henry_n iu._n duke_n of_o lancaster_n son_n of_o john_n of_o gant_n four_o son_n of_o king_n edward_n the_o three_o traitorous_o and_o villainous_o take_v up_o arm_n against_o his_o prince_n cause_v richard_n the_o second_o to_o be_v depose_v and_o make_v himself_o king_n he_o spend_v his_o whole_a reign_n in_o suppress_v of_o homebred_a rebellion_n he_o die_v the_o 20_o of_o march_n 1412._o in_o the_o 46_o year_n of_o his_o age._n he_o reign_v 13_o year_n and_o 6_o month_n want_v 10_o day_n 14._o henry_n v._o son_n of_o henry_n iu._n the_o mirror_n of_o magnificence_n and_o pass_v swift_a in_o run_v he_o be_v of_o new-college_n in_o oxford_n under_o the_o government_n of_o henry_n de_fw-fr beaufort_n his_o uncle_n on_o the_o father_n side_n then_z chancellor_z of_o oxford_n he_o conquer_a france_n and_o die_v in_o the_o castle_n of_o boys_n de_fw-fr vincennes_n not_o far_o from_o paris_n the_o last_o day_n of_o august_n 1422._o he_o reign_v 9_o year_n 5_o month_n and_o 10_o day_n 15._o henry_n vi_o son_n of_o henry_n v._o a_o infant_n of_o 8_o month_n old_a a_o pious_a but_o unfortunate_a prince_n he_o be_v crown_v king_n of_o france_n in_o paris_n 7_o decembris_fw-la 1431._o which_o he_o hold_v during_o the_o life_n of_o his_o uncle_n john_n duke_n of_o bedford_n regent_z of_o france_n but_o afterward_o he_o do_v not_o only_o lose_v all_o france_n again_o but_o england_n also_o to_o the_o duke_n of_o york_n faction_n who_o claim_v the_o crown_n of_o england_n in_o right_a of_o anne_n grandmother_n to_o edward_n iu._n and_o daughter_n to_o roger_n mortimer_n earl_n of_o march_n son_n of_o edmund_n mortimer_n by_o philippe_n daughter_n and_o heir_n of_o lionel_n duke_n of_o clarence_n three_o son_n of_o edward_n iii_o and_o elder_a brother_n of_o john_n of_o gant_n he_o reign_v 38_o year_n 6_o month_n and_o 4_o day_n king_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o york_n line_n 16._o edward_n iu._n son_n of_o richard_n duke_n of_o york_n challenge_v the_o crown_n as_o aforesaid_a and_o prevail_v in_o several_a battle_n against_o henry_n vi._n be_v crown_v king_n of_o england_n the_o four_o of_o march_n 1460._o yet_o henry_n vi._n be_v crown_v again_o 13_o die_v octobris_fw-la 1470._o but_o he_o enjoy_v his_o title_n of_o redemption_n but_o a_o while_n for_o he_o die_v about_o six_o month_n after_o to_o wit_n in_o anno_fw-la 1471._o have_v live_v 52_o year_n he_o reign_v 22_o year_n 1_o month_n and_o odd_a day_n this_o edward_n the_o four_o die_v the_o nine_o of_o april_n 1483._o aged_a 41_o year_n he_o be_v the_o first_o of_o all_o the_o norman_a king_n who_o marry_v his_o own_o subject_n 1483._o anno_fw-la chr._n 1483._o 17._o edward_n v._o son_n of_o edward_n iv_o be_v never_o crown_v but_o murder_v by_o his_o uncle_n richard_n duke_n of_o gloucester_n protector_n in_o june_n 1483._o in_o the_o thirteen_o year_n of_o his_o age_n in_o the_o tower_n of_o london_n he_o reign_v two_o month_n 18._o richard_z iii_o young_a brother_n of_o king_n edward_n iv_o be_v protector_n to_o the_o late_a young_a king_n and_o dispatch_v he_o and_o his_o brother_n out_o of_o the_o way_n usurp_v the_o crown_n he_o be_v slay_v at_o bosworth-field_n in_o leycestershire_n the_o 22_o day_n of_o august_n 1485._o he_o reign_v 2_o year_n and_o 2_o month_n the_o union_n of_o the_o two_o family_n lancaster_n and_o york_n 19_o henry_n vii_o earl_n of_o richmond_n next_o heir_n to_o the_o house_n of_o lancaster_n as_o son_n of_o edmund_n five_o edmund_n that_o edmund_n be_v call_v edmund_n of_o haddam_n son_n of_o owen_n tudor_n by_o queen_n katherine_n the_o widow_n of_o henry_n the_o five_o tudor_n by_o margaret_n daughter_n of_o john_n duke_n of_o somerset_n descend_v of_o john_n of_o gant_n duke_n of_o lancaster_n after_o the_o overthrow_n give_v by_o he_o unto_o richard_n the_o three_o at_o bosworth_n marry_v elizabeth_n daughter_n and_o heir_n to_o king_n edward_n the_o four_o and_o so_o unite_v the_o family_n he_o die_v at_o richmond_n the_o 22_o day_n of_o april_n 1509._o after_o he_o have_v reign_v 23_o year_n and_o 8_o month_n 20._o henry_n viii_o son_n of_o henry_n vii_o heir_n to_o both_o family_n he_o shake_v off_o the_o pope_n supremacy_n in_o this_o nation_n suppress_v the_o monastery_n and_o begin_v the_o reformation_n of_o religion_n in_o england_n a_o prince_n of_o great_a vice_n and_o of_o great_a virtue_n he_o write_v a_o book_n against_o luther_n for_o which_o pope_n leo_n x._o give_v he_o by_o charter_n the_o title_n of_o defender_n of_o the_o faith_n date_a 1521._o herbert_n hist_n of_o hen._n 8._o pag._n 95._o which_o title_n have_v ever_o since_o be_v use_v by_o his_o successor_n he_o die_v at_o westminster_n the_o 28._o of_o january_n 1546._o have_v reign_v 37_o year_n 9_o month_n and_o 6_o day_n trussel_n history_n pag._n 263._o say_v there_o perish_v in_o the_o civil_a war_n between_o the_o the_o house_n of_o lancaster_n and_o york_n two_o king_n one_o prince_n ten_o duke_n two_o marquess_n twenty_o one_o earl_n twenty_o seven_o lord_n two_o viscount_n one_o lord_n prior_n of_o st._n john_n of_o jerusalem_n one_o judge_n 139_o knight_n 441_o esquire_n 84998_o common_a person_n dr._n heylyn_n in_o his_o cosmography_n pag._n 320._o account_n thus_o seventeen_o pitch_a field_n eight_o king_n and_o prince_n slay_v forty_o duke_n marquess_n and_o earl_n 200000_o common_a people_n beside_o baron_n and_o gentleman_n 21._o edward_n vi_o son_n of_o henry_n viii_o by_o jane_n seymour_n a_o child_n he_o die_v at_o greenwich_n 6_o die_v julii_n 1553._o about_o 15_o year_n old_a in_o his_o time_n priest_n be_v allow_v to_o marry_v see_v stat._n 2_o &_o 3_o edw._n 6._o cap._n 21._o he_o reign_v 6_o year_n 5_o month_n and_o 8_o day_n 22._o queen_n marry_o daughter_n of_o henry_n viii_o by_o katherine_n of_o spain_n his_o brother_n arthur_n widow_n lose_v calais_n to_o the_o french_a 1557._o a_o bloody_a queen_n she_o marry_v philip_n king_n of_o spain_n 25_o die_v julii_n 1554._o and_o she_o die_v at_o st._n james_n house_n in_o london_n the_o 17_o of_o november_n 1558._o she_o set_v up_o popery_n and_o reign_v 5_o year_n 4_o month_n and_o 11_o day_n 23._o queen_n elizabeth_z daughter_n of_o henry_n viii_o by_o the_o lady_n anne_n of_o bullein_n his_o second_o wife_n a_o most_o gracious_a heroic_a princess_n she_o perfect_v and_o refine_v the_o reformation_n of_o religion_n begin_v by_o her_o father_n furnish_v the_o royal_a navy_n with_o all_o warlike_a ammunition_n succour_v the_o scot_n against_o the_o french_a and_o the_o french_a protestant_n against_o the_o papist_n defend_v the_o netherlands_o against_o the_o attempt_n of_o the_o spaniard_n command_v the_o whole_a ocean_n enter_v league_n with_o the_o muscovite_n and_o be_v most_o famous_a in_o the_o prudent_a government_n of_o her_o kingdom_n assist_v by_o most_o wise_a and_o able_a statesman_n and_o privy-counsellor_n about_o she_o as_o any_o prince_n in_o christendom_n have_v and_o which_o be_v most_o rare_a be_v all_o faithful_a and_o loyal_a to_o she_o she_o die_v the_o 24_o day_n of_o march_n 1602._o which_o be_v the_o last_o day_n of_o the_o year_n according_a to_o the_o computation_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n at_o richmond_n in_o surrey_n age_v 70_o year_n she_o
ashton_n &_o tertiam_fw-la partem_fw-la villae_fw-la de_fw-la partington_n faciendo_fw-la liberum_fw-la servitium_n pro_fw-la duabus_fw-la partibus_fw-la feodi_fw-la militis_fw-la ut_fw-la per_fw-la chartam_fw-la antecessoribus_fw-la dicti_fw-la georgii_n per_fw-la hamonem_fw-la massy_n militem_fw-la factam_fw-la &_o reddendo_fw-la per_fw-la annum_fw-la de_fw-la stothe_n alias_o dictum_fw-la sheriffs-tooth_n septem_fw-la denarios_fw-la et_fw-la ipse_fw-la faciet_fw-la sectam_fw-la curiae_fw-la quae_fw-la voco_fw-la judger_n de_fw-fr quindenâ_fw-la in_o quindenam_fw-la ità_fw-la quòd_fw-la pro_fw-la quâlibet_fw-la defaltâ_fw-la dabit_fw-la per_fw-la viam_fw-la amerciamenti_fw-la dvos_fw-la solidos_fw-la pro_fw-la certo_fw-la &_o ipse_fw-la &_o quatuor_fw-la tenentium_fw-la suorum_fw-la de_fw-la villatâ_fw-la de_fw-fr carington_n venient_fw-la ad_fw-la visum_fw-la franciplegii_a in_o the_o note_n collect_v by_o will._n vernon_n i_o read_v post_fw-la mortem_fw-la willielmi_n boydell_n 23_o edw._n 3._o intèr_v feoda_n dicti_fw-la willielmi_n inter_fw-la alia_fw-la robertus_fw-la ashton_n ricardus_n dikenson_n &_o johannes_n deane_n tenent_fw-la medietatem_fw-la maneriorum_fw-la de_fw-la sale_n &_o ashton_n per_fw-la servitium_n unius_fw-la feodi_fw-la militis_fw-la &_o quilibet_fw-la eorum_fw-la tertio_fw-la anno_fw-la tres_fw-la denarios_fw-la this_o robert_n ashton_n be_v rector_n ecclesiae_fw-la de_fw-fr ashton_n 23_o edw._n 3._o these_o be_v feoffee_n in_o trust_n so_o that_o one_o moiety_n of_o ashton_n seem_v to_o be_v of_o the_o fee_n of_o boydell_n of_o dodleston_n and_o the_o other_o moiety_n of_o the_o fee_n of_o the_o baron_n of_o dunham_n massy_n it_o be_v plain_a the_o parish_n church_n here_o be_v a_o rectory_n in_o the_o begin_n of_o edward_n the_o three_o reign_n which_o now_o have_v brereton_n of_o honford_n for_o its_o patron_n 1666._o and_o be_v invest_v in_o sir_n vrian_n brereton_n young_a son_n of_o randle_n brereton_n of_o malpas_n in_o the_o