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A88237 A preparative to an hue and cry after Sir Arthur Haslerig, (a late Member of the forcibly dissolved House of Commons, and now the present wicked, bloody, and tyrannicall governor of Newcastle upon Tine) for his severall ways attempting to murder, and by base plots, conspiracies and false witnesse to take away the life of Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburn now prisoner in the Tower of London: as also for his felonious robbing the said Lieut Col. John Lilburn of betwixt 24 and 2500 l. by the meer power of his own will, ... In which action alone, he the said Haslerig hath outstript the Earl of Strafford, in traiterously subverting the fundamentall liberties of England, ... and better and more justly deserves to die therefore, then ever the Earl of Strafford did ... by which tyrannicall actions the said Haslerig is become a polecat, a fox, and a wolf, ... and may and ought to be knockt on the head therefore, ... / All which the said Lieutenant Col. John Lilburn hath cleerly and evidently evinced in his following epistle of the 18 of August 1649, to his uncle George Lilburn Esquire of Sunderland, in the county of Durham. Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657. 1649 (1649) Wing L2162; Thomason E573_16; ESTC R12119 55,497 45

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of_o the_o first_o profit_n of_o the_o sequester_a estate_n both_o land_n and_o good_n of_o sir_n henry_n gibb_n knight_n money_n knight_n knight_n and_o therefore_o for_o the_o committee_n of_o durham_n who_o by_o this_o ordinance_n stand_v engage_v to_o pay_v i_o my_o 3000._o l._n according_a to_o the_o tenure_n thereof_o to_o suffer_v sir_n arthur_n haslerig_n that_o be_v no_o member_n of_o their_o committee_n and_o so_o by_o consequence_n have_v no_o more_o to_o do_v among_o they_o then_o any_o other_o man_n by_o his_o mere_a will_n just_a tyrant_n like_a to_o take_v my_o money_n sir_n henry_n bellingham_n knight_n and_o baronet_n and_o thomas_n bow_v esquire_n lie_v and_o be_v in_o the_o county_n of_o durham_n have_v be_v all_o active_a in_o the_o late_a northern_a insurrection_n and_o aid_v and_o assist_v to_o the_o most_o wicked_a invasion_n of_o duke_n hamilton_n and_o the_o say_a committee_n be_v hereby_o authorise_v to_o sell_v all_o such_o wood_n except_o timber_n tree_n now_o stand_v as_o may_v convenient_o be_v spare_v and_o now_o stand_v upon_o the_o say_a land_n or_o already_o fell_v or_o any_o of_o they_o and_o if_o the_o say_a sir_n henry_n gibb_n sir_n henry_n bellingham_n and_o thomas_n bowes_n or_o any_o of_o they_o shall_v compound_v for_o their_o estate_n so_o much_o of_o the_o say_v three_o thousand_o pound_n as_o then_o shall_v remain_v unsatisfied_a shall_v be_v pay_v unto_o the_o say_v john_n lilburne_n or_o his_o assign_n out_o of_o their_o or_o the_o first_o of_o their_o composition_n and_o this_o ordinance_n or_o copy_n thereof_o attest_v under_o the_o hand_n or_o hand_n of_o the_o clerk_n or_o clerk_n of_o one_o or_o both_o house_n of_o parliament_n shall_v be_v a_o sufficient_a warrant_n to_o the_o say_a committee_n of_o sequestration_n in_o the_o say_a county_n of_o durham_n to_o pay_v the_o say_v 3000._o l._n as_o ●s_a before_o express_v unto_o the_o say_v john_n lilburne_n or_o his_o assign_n and_o likewise_o to_o indemp●ifie_v and_o save_v harmless_a all_o and_o every_o person_n or_o person_n that_o shall_v any_o way_n act_n in_o the_o performance_n of_o the_o true_a intent_n and_o meaning_n of_o this_o ordinance_n joh._n brown_a cler._n parliamentorum_fw-la h._n elsing_n cler._n parl._n d._n com._n with_o which_o ordinance_n i_o post_v away_o to_o you_o of_o the_o committee_n of_o durham_n where_o as_o you_o may_v remember_v i_o find_v sir_n arthur_n haslerig_n among_o you_o continual_o sit_v with_o you_o not_o only_o as_o a_o member_n of_o your_o committee_n of_o militia_n and_o of_o sequestration_n but_o also_o chairman_n to_o they_o both_o and_o not_o only_o that_o but_o also_o lord_n paramount_n over_o you_o all_o do_v even_o what_o himself_o please_v by_o mere_a will_n tear_v your_o order_n rase_v cancel_v and_o put_v in_o what_o he_o please_v of_o the_o most_o of_o which_o i_o then_o be_v a_o eyewitness_n i_o very_o serious_o as_o you_o may_v well_o remember_v inquire_v of_o my_o father_n colonel_n midford_n m._n bra●_n and_o yourself_o whether_o by_o ordinance_n of_o parliament_n sir_n arthur_n be_v a_o member_n of_o your_o committee_n and_o you_o all_o tell_v i_o no_o he_o be_v not_o of_o either_o of_o they_o at_o which_o i_o wonder_v and_o stand_v amaze_v that_o he_o dare_v do_v that_o which_o he_o constant_o do_v and_o that_o you_o be_v man_n of_o such_o low_a and_o mean_a spirit_n as_o to_o suffer_v he_o yea_o or_o to_o permit_v he_o so_o much_o as_o to_o sit_v among_o you_o but_o it_o be_v reply_v to_o i_o as_o you_o may_v remember_v how_o can_v you_o help_v it_o for_o your_o county_n be_v more_o in_o slavery_n then_o all_o the_o county_n of_o england_n never_o have_v either_o knight_n or_o burgess_n in_o parliament_n to_o speak_v and_o act_v there_o for_o the_o welfare_n of_o your_o county_n or_o any_o that_o belong_v to_o it_o and_o wish_v it_o well_o and_o beside_o sir_n arthur_n be_v a_o great_a and_o a_o powerful_a man_n both_o in_o parliament_n and_o army_n and_o have_v soldier_n enough_o at_o his_o heel_n upon_o all_o which_o he_o bear_v himself_o so_o high_a that_o he_o presume_v to_o do_v even_o what_o he_o please_v and_o who_o dare_v to_o control_v he_o for_o have_v he_o not_o mere_o by_o his_o will_n and_o of_o his_o own_o authority_n lay_v four_o shilling_n a_o chaldern_a annum_fw-la chaldern_a sir_n arthur_n very_a excize_n of_o coal_n alone_o in_o the_o two_o port_n of_o newcastle_n and_o sunderland_n be_v common_o by_o the_o knowing_a ship-master_n etc._n etc._n compute_v to_o be_v worth_a well_o nigh_o a_o hundred_o thousand_o pound_n per_fw-la annum_fw-la excize_n upon_o coal_n which_o at_o the_o dear_a with_o you_o be_v sell_v under_o twenty_o shilling_n the_o chaldern_a in_o which_o arbitrary_a taxation_n not_o only_o all_o london_n be_v concern_v but_o almost_o all_o the_o sea_n and_o great_a town_n in_o the_o south_n of_o england_n etc._n etc._n and_o yet_o the_o city_n of_o london_n itself_o never_o prosecute_v he_o therefore_o no_o nor_o so_o much_o as_o complain_v of_o he_o and_o therefore_o much_o more_o may_v he_o do_v what_o he_o please_v among_o you_o who_o rational_o have_v scarce_o any_o mean_n afford_v you_o so_o much_o as_o to_o complain_v of_o he_o much_o less_o to_o help_v yourselves_o against_o he_o and_o therefore_o you_o advise_v i_o then_o to_o hear_v and_o see_v and_o say_v nothing_o but_o look_v after_o my_o own_o business_n to_o get_v that_o dispatch_v which_o you_o very_o well_o know_v i_o full_o acquaint_v your_o committee_n with_o at_o durham_n while_o sir_n arthur_n haslerig_n be_v there_o before_o who_o my_o ordinance_n be_v read_v and_o approve_v of_o without_o the_o least_o exception_n and_o the_o original_n deliver_v to_o your_o clerk_n to_o record_v in_o your_o journal_n and_o with_o who_o consent_n and_o approbation_n i_o mean_v sir_n arthur●_n your_o committee_n make_v this_o follow_a order_n dunelm_n septimo_fw-la die_v januarii_n 1648._o whereas_o by_o a_o ordinance_n of_o parliament_n date_v decemb._n 21._o 1648._o it_o be_v declare_v that_o lieutenant_n col_n john_n lilburne_n have_v have_v two_o sentence_n pronounce_v against_o he_o in_o the_o late_a court_n of_o starchamber_n febr._n 13._o decimo_fw-la tertio_fw-la caroli_n regis_fw-la and_o 18._o of_o april_n decimo_fw-la quarto_fw-la caroli_n regis_fw-la which_o be_v vote_v the_o 4._o of_o may_n 1641._o by_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o to_o be_v illegal_a and_o against_o the_o liberty_n of_o the_o subject_a and_o also_o bloody_a wicked_a cruel_a barbarous_a and_o tyrannical_a be_v transmit_v from_o the_o say_a house_n of_o commons_o unto_o the_o house_n of_o lord_n in_o which_o the_o house_n of_o peer_n concur_v in_o judgement_n and_o the_o 13._o of_o febr._n 1645._o declare_v the_o proceed_n of_o the_o say_a star-chamber_n to_o be_v illegal_a and_o most_o unjust_a and_o against_o the_o liberty_n of_o the_o subject_a and_o the_o law_n of_o the_o land_n and_o magna_fw-la charta_fw-la and_o unfit_a to_o continue_v upon_o record_n etc._n etc._n whereupon_o the_o lord_n and_o commons_o do_v conceive_v it_o most_o just_a equitable_a and_o reasonable_a to_o repair_v he_o in_o some_o considerable_a manner_n and_o therefore_o ordain_v that_o the_o say_v lieutenant-col_a john_n lilburn_n shall_v have_v and_o receive_v the_o sum_n of_o 3000._o l._n to_o be_v pay_v unto_o he_o or_o his_o assign_v by_o the_o committee_n of_o sequestration_n for_o the_o county_n of_o durham_n out_o of_o the_o first_o profit_n of_o the_o sequester_a estate_n both_o land_n and_o good_n of_o sir_n henry_n gibbs_n knight_n sir_n henry_n bellingham_n knight_n and_o baronet_n and_o thomas_n bow_v esquire_n lie_v and_o be_v within_o this_o county_n of_o durham_n have_v be_v all_o active_a in_o the_o late_a northern_a insurrection_n and_o aid_v and_o assist_v to_o the_o most_o wicked_a invasion_n of_o duke_n hambleton_n in_o obedience_n unto_o which_o say_v ordinance_n it_o be_v this_o day_n order_v by_o the_o committee_n of_o sequestration_n for_o this_o county_n that_o the_o say_a lieutenant_n colonel_n lilburn_n or_o his_o assign_v shall_v and_o may_v and_o hereby_o be_v authorize_v to_o go_v to_o the_o several_a tenant_n and_o creditor_n of_o the_o say_v several_a delinquent_n to_o demand_v and_o receive_v the_o several_a rent_n profit_n and_o debt_n due_a to_o each_o or_o any_o of_o they_o for_o and_o towards_o the_o payment_n of_o the_o say_v three_o thousand_o pound_n and_o his_o or_o their_o receipt_n shall_v be_v their_o sufficient_a discharge_n and_o the_o say_a tenant_n farmer_n or_o creditor_n be_v present_o or_o within_o 14._o day_n after_o to_o send_v copy_n of_o the_o say_a receipt_n to_o this_o committee_n and_o the_o say_a lieutenant_n colonel_n john_n lilburn_n be_v from_o time_n to_o time_n to_o certify_v this_o committee_n the_o manner_n of_o his_o proceed_n herein_o and_o
jones_n and_o after_o the_o barbarous_a execution_n of_o this_o sentence_n be_v april_n 18._o 1638._o the_o say_a lord_n coventry_n arch_a bishop_n of_o canterbury_n bishop_n of_o london_n earl_n of_o manchester_n earl_n of_o arundel_n earl_n of_o salisbury_n lord_n conington_n lord_n newburgh_n secretary_n cook_n and_o windebank_n pass_v another_o sentence_n in_o effect_n for_o the_o starve_v of_o your_o petitioner_n and_o for_o the_o torment_a of_o he_o with_o iron_n upon_o both_o hand_n and_o leg_n both_o night_n and_o day_n and_o by_o keep_v he_o close_o in_o the_o comm●n_a gacle_n of_o the_o fleet_n from_o the_o speech_n of_o any_o of_o his_o friend_n all_o which_o be_v execute_v with_o the_o great_a cruelty_n that_o can_v be_v for_o the_o space_n of_o almost_o three_o year_n together_o to_o the_o apparent_a hazard_n of_o his_o life_n both_o by_o starve_v he_o which_o be_v with_o all_o art_n and_o industry_n several_a way_n attempt_v and_o also_o by_o several_a assault_n make_v upon_o he_o by_o the_o say_a warden_n man_n instigate_v thereunto_o by_o the_o say_a deputy_n warden_n to_o the_o maim_v and_o wound_v he_o whereby_o to_o this_o day_n he_o be_v total_o deprive_v of_o the_o use_n of_o two_o of_o his_o finger_n all_o which_o with_o much_o more_o too_o tedious_a to_o be_v here_o insert_v be_v full_o prove_v by_o sufficient_a witness_n before_o a_o committee_n of_o your_o house_n whereof_o m._n francis_n rous_n have_v the_o chair_n upon_o who_o report_n make_v may_n 4._o 1641_o your_o house_n vote_v that_o the_o sentence_n in_o the_o star-chamber_n give_v against_o the_o say_a john_n lilburn_n and_o all_o the_o proceed_n thereupon_o be_v illegal_a and_o against_o the_o liberty_n of_o the_o subject_a and_o also_o bloody_a wicked_a cruel_a barbarous_a and_o tyrannical_a and_o that_o he_o ought_v to_o have_v good_a repa●ations_n therefore_o which_o vote_n by_o reason_n of_o multiplicity_n of_o business_n in_o your_o house_n cost_v your_o petitioner_n some_o year_n of_o importunate_a and_o chargeable_a attendance_n to_o get_v they_o transmit_v to_o the_o lord_n which_o be_v obtain_v in_o february_n 1645._o the_o 13_o day_n of_o which_o month_n your_o petitioner_n whole_a cause_n be_v effectual_o open_v at_o the_o lord_n bar_v by_o his_o learned_a council_n m._n john_n bradshaw_n and_o m._n john_n cook_n and_o there_o every_o particular_a again_o prove_v upon_o oath_n by_o testimony_n of_o people_n of_o very_a good_a quality_n whereupon_o they_o concur_v in_o all_o thing_n with_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o save_v in_o the_o matter_n of_o reparation_n but_o upon_o the_o delivery_n of_o a_o true_a narrative_a the_o copy_n whereof_o be_v hereunto_o annex_v which_o your_o petitioner_n with_o his_o own_o hand_n in_o the_o same_o month_n deliver_v unto_o every_o individual_a lord_n they_o make_v a_o further_a decree_n that_o your_o petitioner_n shall_v have_v 2000_o l._n reparation_n out_o of_o the_o estate_n of_o the_o say_a lord_n cottington_n sir_n francis_n windebank_n and_o james_n ingram_n for_o the_o reason_n allege_v in_o a_o ordinance_n which_o they_o pass_v in_o april_n 1646_o and_o transmit_v to_o your_o house_n where_o it_o have_v lie_v dormant_a ever_o since_o and_o be_v now_o refer_v to_o the_o consideration_n of_o this_o honourable_a committee_n now_o forasmuch_o as_o by_o the_o judicial_a law_n of_o god_n which_o be_v the_o pure_a law_n of_o right_a reason_n he_o that_o wilful_o hart_v his_o neighbour_n be_v bind_v to_o the_o performance_n of_o these_o five_o thing_n first_o if_o it_o be_v a_o blemish_n or_o wound_n like_a for_o like_a or_o to_o redeem_v it_o with_o money_n thereby_o to_o satisfy_v he_o for_o his_o wound_n second_o for_o his_o pain_n and_o torment_n three_o for_o the_o heal_n four_o for_o his_o loss_n of_o time_n in_o his_o call_n five_o for_o the_o shame_n and_o disgrace_n all_o which_o be_v to_o be_v consider_v according_a to_o the_o quality_n of_o the_o person_n damnify_v which_o reparation_n be_v to_o be_v pay_v out_o of_o the_o best_a of_o the_o good_n of_o he_o that_o damnify_v he_o and_o that_o without_o delay_n and_o as_o the_o law_n of_o god_n so_o the_o law_n of_o this_o nation_n do_v abhor_v and_o have_v severe_o punish_v above_o all_o person_n judge_n many_o time_n with_o the_o loss_n of_o their_o 8._o their_o their_o their_o see_v notable_o to_o this_o purpose_n those_o pregnant_a instance_n in_o my_o epistle_n to_o my_o nick_n name_v level_v friend_n usual_o meet_v at_o the_o whalebone_n in_o lothbury_n behind_o the_o exchange_n date_v from_o my_o close_a imprisonment_n in_o the_o tower_n of_o london_n the_o 17_o of_o july_n and_o record_v in_o my_o impeachment_n of_o high-treason_n against_o oliver_n cromwell_n etc._n etc._n pag._n 6._o 7._o 8._o life_n and_o estate_n who_o under_o colour_n of_o law_n have_v violate_v their_o oath_n and_o destroy_v the_o life_n liberty_n and_o property_n of_o the_o people_n who_o by_o law_n they_o shall_v have_v preserve_v as_o may_v be_v instance_a by_o the_o 44_o judge_n and_o justice_n hang_v in_o one_o year_n by_o king_n alfred_n divers_a of_o they_o for_o less_o crime_n than_o have_v be_v do_v in_o this_o case_n of_o your_o petitioner_n as_o may_v be_v read_v in_o the_o law-book_n call_v the_o mirror_n of_o justice_n pag._n 239._o 240._o 241._o &_o translate_v and_o reprint_v this_o very_a parliament_n and_o by_o justice_n thorp_n in_o edw_n the_o three_o his_o time_n who_o be_v condemn_v to_o death_n for_o the_o violation_n of_o his_o oath_n for_o take_v small_a sum_n of_o money_n in_o cause_n depend_v before_o he_o as_o appear_v in_o the_o 3_o part_n of_o cook_n institute_n fol._n 155.156_o and_o by_o the_o lord_n chief_a justice_n tresilian_n etc._n etc._n who_o in_o full_a parliament_n in_o rich._n the_o second_o time_n be_v attach_v as_o a_o traitor_n in_o the_o forenoon_n and_o have_v his_o throat_n cut_v at_o tyburn_n in_o the_o afternoon_n because_o he_o have_v give_v it_o under_o his_o hand_n that_o the_o king_n may_v create_v unto_o himself_o as_o his_o pleasure_n another_o rule_n to_o walk_v by_o then_o the_o law_n of_o the_o land_n prescribe_v he_o as_o appear_v by_o the_o parliament_n record_v in_o the_o tower_n by_o many_o of_o your_o own_o declaration_n and_o also_o by_o the_o chronicle_n of_o england_n now_o forasmuch_o as_o your_o petitioner_n suffering_n have_v be_v unparalleled_a and_o his_o prejudice_n sustain_v thereby_o altogether_o unrepatrable_a have_v lose_v his_o limb_n etc._n etc._n and_o forasmuch_o as_o by_o the_o law_n of_o god_n nature_n and_o nation_n reparation_n for_o hurt_n and_o damage_n receive_v aught_o to_o be_v satisfy_v as_o far_o as_o may_v be_v in_o all_o person_n though_o do_v by_o accident_n and_o not_o intentional_o and_o though_o through_o ignorance_n much_o more_o when_o the_o person_n offend_v do_v it_o know_o and_o on_o purpose_n in_o the_o face_n nay_o in_o the_o spite_n of_o the_o fundamental_a law_n of_o the_o land_n which_o they_o be_v swoon_v to_o preserve_v and_o for_o that_o the_o reparation_n in_o the_o say_a ordinance_n assign_v do_v scarce_o amount_v to_o what_o your_o petitioner_n spend_v in_o his_o three_o year_n sad_a captivity_n and_o his_o now_o almost_o eight_o year_n chargeable_a attendance_n ●n_o sue_v for_o it_o beside_o the_o loss_n of_o a_o rich_a and_o profitable_a trade_n for_o eleven_o year_n together_o and_o his_o wound_n torment_n smart_n and_o disgrace_n sustain_v by_o his_o say_a tyannicall_a sentence_n he_o therefore_o humble_o pray_v the_o favour_n and_o justice_n of_o this_o honourable_a committee_n for_o some_o considerable_a augmentation_n of_o his_o say_a reparation_n and_o the_o rather_o because_o his_o fellow_n sufferer_n doctor_n b●stwick_n have_v 4000_o l._n reparation_n allot_v he_o who_o suffering_n he_o submissive_o conceive_v be_v nothing_o nigh_o so_o great_a in_o torment_n pain_n and_o shame_n as_o your_o petitioner_n and_o forasmuch_o as_o the_o now_o lord_n coventry_n son_n and_o heir_n to_o the_o foresay_a lord_n coventry_n have_v walk_v in_o his_o father_n step_n in_o enmity_n to_o the_o law_n liberty_n and_o freedom_n of_o the_o nation_n by_o be_v in_o arm_n at_o the_o begin_n of_o the_o war_n against_o the_o parliament_n and_o make_v his_o peace_n with_o the_o earl_n of_o essex_n for_o a_o small_a matter_n &_o have_v since_o disen_v the_o kingdom_n live_v in_o france_n private_o receive_v the_o profit_n of_o a_o vast_a estate_n which_o his_o father_n leave_v he_o and_o forasmuch_o as_o his_o say_a father_n the_o late_a lord_n coventry_n be_v the_o active_a man_n in_o infringe_v the_o law_n and_o liberty_n of_o the_o nation_n although_o a_o lawyer_n and_o judge_n sit_v on_o the_o supreme_a seat_n of_o justice_n and_o a_o person_n as_o be_v ground_o conceive_a who_o get_v a_o great_a estate_n by_o corruption_n and_o particular_o a_o man_n