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day_n baronet_n county_n may_n 4,205 5 13.4914 5 false
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A85670 Bouleutērion, or A practical demonstration of county judicatures. Wherein is amply explained the judiciall and ministeriall authority of sheriffs. Together with the original, jurisdiction, and method of keeping all countrey courts. / By Will: Greenwood, philomath. Greenwood, Will. William. 1659 (1659) Wing G1870; Thomason E1789_1; ESTC R209680 323,562 484

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writ_n appear_v in_o a_o certain_a panel_n to_o this_o write_v annex_v r._n s._n esq_n sheriff_n panel_n the_o name_n of_o the_o juror_n between_o a._n b._n plaintif_a and_o c._n d._n defendant_n of_o a_o plea_n of_o trespass_n e._n f._n of_o g._n gent._n h._n i._o of_o the_o same_o k._n l._n of_o m._n and_o so_o to_o the_o number_n of_o 24._o every_o of_o the_o say_a juror_n be_v several_o attach_v by_o pledge_n io_o doo_n &_o ric._n roose_n r._n s._n esq_n sheriff_n jur_fw-fr the_o execution_n of_o this_o writ_n appear_v in_o a_o certain_a panel_n to_o this_o write_v annex_v r._n s._n esq_n sheriff_n the_o name_n of_o the_o juror_n between_o a_o b._n plaintif_a and_o c_o d._n defendant_n of_o a_o plea_n of_o trespass_n e_o f_o of_o g_z gent_n h_n ay_o of_o the_o same_o k._n l_o of_o m_n and_o so_o to_o the_o number_n mention_v in_o the_o writ_n every_o of_o the_o say_a juror_n be_v several_o attach_v by_o pledge_n john_n doo_n &_o rich_a roose_n issue_n of_o every_o of_o they_o 10_o s._n r._n s._n esq_n sheriff_n not_o at_o my_o county_n of_o n._n hold_v at_o l._n in_o the_o say_a county_n of_o n._n the_o 8_o day_n of_o jan_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1658._o the_o within_o name_v a_o b_o c_o d_o and_o e_z f_o be_v the_o first_o time_n call_v and_o do_v not_o appear_v and_o at_o my_o county_n court_n there_o hold_v the_o first_o day_n of_o feb_n in_o the_o same_o year_n 1658._o they_o be_v the_o second_o time_n call_v and_o appear_v not_o and_o at_o my_o county_n court_n there_o hold_v the_o first_o day_n of_o march_n in_o the_o foresay_a year_n 1658._o they_o be_v the_o three_o time_n call_v &_o appear_v not_o and_o at_o my_o county_n court_n there_o hold_v the_o second_o day_n of_o april_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1659._o they_o be_v the_o four_o time_n call_v and_o appear_v not_o and_o at_o my_o county_n court_n there_o hold_v the_o first_o day_n of_o may_n in_o the_o year_n 1659._o abovesaid_a they_o be_v the_o fith_n time_n call_v and_o the_o above_o name_v a._n b._n bring_v i_o his_o highness_n write_v of_o supersedeas_fw-la which_o i_o have_v to_o this_o write_v annex_v therefore_o against_o he_o the_o say_v a._n b._n i_o can_v no_o further_o proceed_v and_o the_o above_o name_v c._n d._n render_v himself_o into_o my_o custody_n who_o body_n before_o the_o justice_n within_o mention_v at_o the_o day_n and_o place_n within_o contain_v i_o have_v ready_a as_o within_o it_o be_v command_v and_o the_o above_o name_v e_o f._n do_v not_o appear_v therefore_o by_o the_o judgement_n of_o i_o k._n &_o l_o m._n gent._n coroner_n of_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a the_o aforesaid_a e_z e._n be_v outlaw_v r._n s._n esq_n sheriff_n proclamation_n at_o my_o county_n court_n of_o n._n hold_v at_o l._n in_o the_o county_n of_o n._n the_o 1._o day_n of_o feb._n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1658_o and_o at_o the_o general_a session_n of_o the_o public_a peace_n hold_v at_o g._n the_o 20_o day_n of_o apr._n in_o the_o aforesaid_a year_n the_o 2_o day_n of_o april_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1659._o and_o at_o the_o most_o usual_a door_n of_o the_o parish_n church_n of_o c._n within_o write_v on_o sunday_n the_o 10_o of_o april_n 1659._o abovesaid_a i_o make_v public_a proclamation_n as_o within_o it_o be_v command_v r._n s._n esq_n sheriff_n allocat_fw-la there_o be_v four_o county_n court_v allow_v at_o which_o the_o within_o name_v a_o b._n c_o d._n &_o e_z f._n were_z four_o time_n call_v &_o appear_v now_o now_o at_o my_o county_n court_n of_o n._n hold_v at_o l._n in_o the_o say_a county_n of_o n._n the_o above_o name_v a_o b._n c_o d._n &_o e_z f._n be_v the_o first_o time_n call_v and_o appear_v not_o therefore_o by_o the_o judgement_n of_o i_o k_o and_o l_o m_o gent._n coronor_n of_o the_o county_n they_o be_v and_o every_o of_o they_o be_v outlaw_v r._n s._n esq_n sheriff_n tarde_fw-la this_o writ_n be_v so_o late_o deliver_v i_o that_o by_o reason_n of_o the_o shortness_n of_o time_n i_o can_v not_o do_v due_a execution_n thereof_o according_a to_o the_o exigence_n of_o the_o same_o r._n s._n esq_n sheriff_n the_o within_z named_z a._n b._n be_v take_v by_o r._n c._n knight_n pone_fw-la and_o baronet_n late_a sheriff_n of_o my_o county_n of_o n._n and_o not_o by_o i_o now_o sheriff_n of_o the_o same_o county_n r._n s._n esquire_n sheriff_n by_o virtue_n of_o this_o writ_n to_o i_o direct_v i_o have_v before_o the_o justice_n within_o mention_v at_o the_o day_n and_o place_n within_o contain_v the_o plaint_n which_o be_v in_o my_o county_n court_n by_o his_o highness_n write_v between_o the_o within_o name_v party_n under_o the_o seal_n of_o a_o b._n c_o d._n e_o f._n and_o g_o h._n four_o lawful_a man_n of_o my_o say_a county_n present_a at_o that_o record_n as_o appear_v in_o a_o certain_a schedule_n to_o this_o writ_n annex_v and_o have_v give_v notice_n to_o the_o within_o name_v i._o k._n that_o he_o may_v be_v then_o there_o ready_a to_o prosecute_v his_o plaint_n thereof_o against_o the_o within_o name_v t._n w._n and_o also_o i_o have_v there_o the_o other_o write_v to_o this_o writ_n and_o schedule_n annex_v i._o g._n esquire_n sheriff_n schedule_n s_o ss_z at_o my_o county_n court_v hold_v at_o i._o in_o my_o say_a county_n the_o 11._o day_n of_o in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1657._o ss_z i._o k._n complain_v against_o t._n w._n of_o a_o plea_n of_o debt_n i._o g._n esquire_n sheriff_n prisoner_n by_o virtue_n of_o this_o writ_n by_o c_o d._n and_o f_o g._n honest_a and_o lawful_a man_n of_o my_o bailiwick_n i_o have_v give_v notice_n to_o the_o within_o name_v l_o s._n i._n l._n etc._n etc._n that_o they_o be_v before_o his_o highness_n at_o the_o day_n and_o place_n within_o contain_v to_o show_v etc._n etc._n why_o the_o within_o name_v r_o r._n shall_v not_o be_v enlarge_v out_o of_o prison_n according_a to_o the_o act_n etc._n etc._n as_o within_o it_o be_v command_v i._o g._n esquire_n sheriff_n ter-tenant_n the_o within_z named_z g._n s._n have_v nothing_o in_o my_o bailiwick_n whereby_o i_o can_v give_v he_o notice_n neither_o be_v he_o find_v in_o the_o same_o neither_o be_v there_o any_o tenant_n or_o tenant_n of_o any_o land_n or_o tenement_n which_o be_v of_o the_o within_o name_v w._n on_o the_o within_o write_v day_n of_o the_o judgement_n within_o give_v or_o at_o any_o time_n afterward_o in_o my_o bailiwick_n unto_o who_o i_o may_v give_v notice_n as_o this_o writ_n do_v require_v i._o g._n esquire_n sheriff_n pledge_n of_o process_n dower_n jo._n do_v and_o ric_n roose_n sum_n of_o the_o within_o name_v a._n b._n anth._n sharp_a and_o rich._n sharp_n and_o at_o the_o most_o usual_a church-door_n of_o the_o parish_n of_o d._n where_o the_o within_o name_v a._n b._n inhabit_v upon_o the_o lord_n day_n to_o wit_n the_o 4._o day_n of_o iu._n in_o the_o year_n within_o write_v immediate_o after_o divine_a service_n in_o the_o same_o church_n end_v i_o make_v public_a proclamation_n according_a to_o the_o form_n of_o the_o statute_n etc._n etc._n r._n s._n esq_n sheriff_n by_o virtue_n of_o this_o writ_n to_o i_o direct_v the_o 26._o day_n of_o dower_n a._n in_o the_o year_n within_o write_v i_o have_v take_v into_o the_o hand_n of_o his_o highness_n the_o lord_n protector_n by_o the_o view_n of_o h._n r._n and_o t._n r._n honest_a and_o lawful_a man_n of_o my_o bailiwick_n the_o three_o part_n of_o the_o message_n land_n and_o tenement_n within_o mention_v with_o the_o appurtenance_n as_o within_o it_o be_v command_v the_o summoner_n of_o the_o within_o name_v a._n b._n jo._n den._n and_o ric._n fen._n r._n s._n esquire_n sheriff_n pledge_n of_o process_n jo._n doo_n and_o rich_a roose_n heir_n the_o summoner_n of_o the_o within_o name_v a._n b._n son_n a_o heir_n of_o a._n b._n i._o w._n and_o e._n w._n r._n s._n esquire_n sheriff_n by_o virtue_n of_o this_o writ_n i_o have_v cause_v to_o be_v deliver_v cost_n to_o the_o say_v a._n b._n his_o possession_n of_o his_o term_n within_o specify_v of_o the_o message_n land_n and_o tenement_n within_o specify_v and_o also_o have_v take_v the_o body_n of_o the_o within_o name_v c._n d_o who_o body_n before_o the_o justice_n within_o write_v at_o the_o day_n and_o place_n within_o contain_v i_o have_v ready_a as_o within_o it_o be_v command_v and_o where_o the_o defendant_n be_v not_o find_v then_o close_o thus_o and_o i_o further_o certify_v the_o justice_n within_o specify_v that_o the_o within_o name_v c._n d._n be_v not_o find_v in_o my_o bailiwick_n r._n s._n esquire_n sheriff_n chancery_n by_o
facias_fw-la be_v only_a against_o the_o good_n as_o lease_n for_o year_n or_o movable_a good_n as_o corn_n household_n stuff_n cattle_n apparel_n money_n plate_n etc._n etc._n and_o it_o ought_v to_o be_v sue_v out_o within_o the_o year_n after_o the_o judgement_n co._n 3._o 13._o after_o a_o fi._n fa._n a_o man_n may_v have_v a_o elegit_fw-la but_o on_o the_o contrary_a after_o the_o elegit_fw-la he_o can_v have_v a_o fi._n fa._n because_o the_o elegit_fw-la be_v of_o a_o high_a nature_n than_o the_o fieri_fw-la facias_fw-la elegit_fw-la an_fw-mi elegit_fw-la be_v a_o writ_n whereby_o the_o plaintiff_n be_v to_o have_v execution_n of_o the_o half_a of_o all_o the_o defendant_n land_n and_o chattel_n except_o ox_n and_o beast_n of_o the_o plough_n till_o the_o debt_n and_o damage_n be_v whole_o levy_v and_o pay_v to_o he_o and_o during_o the_o term_n he_o be_v tenant_n by_o elegit_fw-la term_n of_o the_o law_n the_o proceed_n upon_o the_o writ_n of_o false_a judgement_n you_o must_v call_v of_o the_o county_n clerk_n for_o a_o return_n of_o the_o writ_n together_o with_o the_o whole_a record_n of_o all_o the_o proceed_n from_o the_o original_n and_o beginning_n of_o the_o cause_n in_o the_o county_n court_n the_o writ_n be_v return_v you_o must_v assign_v error_n and_o take_v copy_n thereof_o and_o thereupon_o sue_v forth_o a_o scire_fw-la facias_fw-la to_o the_o plaintiff_n in_o the_o action_n to_o hear_v error_n to_o which_o the_o plaintiff_n may_v appear_v and_o plead_v the_o common_a plea_n which_o be_v that_o the_o action_n nor_o proceed_n in_o the_o county_n court_n be_v in_o nothing_o erroneous_a then_o must_v the_o desendant_a endeavour_n to_o get_v a_o rule_n or_o day_n give_v for_o the_o argue_v of_o the_o same_o error_n but_o if_o the_o defendant_n do_v delay_n and_o do_v not_o call_v for_o a_o return_n of_o the_o writ_n nor_o proceed_v than_o the_o plaintiff_n may_v sue_v forth_o another_o scire_fw-la facias_fw-la against_o the_o defendant_n to_o show_v cause_n why_o he_o shall_v not_o have_v execution_n upon_o the_o judgement_n have_v in_o the_o county_n court_n and_o if_o at_o the_o return_n of_o the_o second_o scire_fw-la facias_fw-la error_n be_v not_o assign_v then_o judgement_n be_v confirm_v in_o that_o court_n into_o which_o the_o writ_n be_v returnable_a if_o error_n be_v find_v and_o allow_v to_o be_v sufficient_a and_o good_a then_o be_v the_o say_a judgement_n to_o be_v reverse_v and_o make_v void_a but_o if_o error_n be_v not_o find_v good_a then_o be_v the_o judgement_n in_o the_o county_n court_n affirm_v and_o further_a cost_n for_o delay_n of_o execution_n allow_v to_o the_o plaintiff_n who_o may_v present_o sue_v forth_o execution_n out_o of_o that_o court_n into_o which_o the_o writ_n be_v return_v against_o the_o defendant_n nota._n note_v that_o if_o the_o judgement_n be_v reverse_v and_o make_v void_a yet_o notwithstanding_o it_o take_v not_o away_o the_o plaintiff_n cause_n of_o action_n for_o he_o may_v commence_v a_o new_a action_n against_o the_o desendant_n for_o the_o same_o cause_n the_o same_o proceed_n be_v upon_o a_o accedeas_fw-la ad_fw-la curiam_fw-la see_v the_o record_n upon_o it_o the_o manner_n and_o form_n of_o draw_v up_o record_n upon_o a_o writ_n of_o false_a judgement_n and_o accedeas_fw-la ad_fw-la curiam_fw-la judgement_n the_o sheriff_n be_v command_v that_o if_o a._n b._n shall_v secure_v the_o same_o sheriff_n to_o prosecute_v his_o plaint_n then_o in_o his_o full_a county_n he_o cause_n to_o be_v record_v the_o plaint_n which_o be_v in_o the_o same_o county_n by_o writ_n of_o his_o highness_n the_o lord_n protector_n etc._n etc._n between_o w._n b._n and_o the_o same_o a._n b._n in_o a_o certain_a trespass_n upon_o the_o case_n to_o the_o same_o w._n b._n by_o the_o same_o a._n b._n do_v etc._n etc._n and_o whereupon_o the_o same_o a._n b._n do_v complain_v that_o false_a judgement_n be_v do_v to_o he_o in_o the_o same_o county_n and_o that_o he_o shall_v have_v here_o at_o this_o day_n that_o be_v to_o say_v octab._n pour_fw-fr under_o his_o seal_n and_o by_o four_o lawful_a knight_n of_o the_o same_o county_n who_o shall_v be_v present_a at_o the_o record_n and_o that_o he_o shall_v have_v here_o the_o summoner_n the_o name_n of_o the_o four_o knight_n this_o writ_n and_o another_o writ_n and_o now_o here_o at_o this_o day_n come_v aswell_o the_o same_o a._n b._n by_o simon_n dunn_n his_o attorney_n as_o the_o say_v w._n b._n summon_v etc._n etc._n by_o phit_n prince_z his_o attorney_n and_o the_o sheriff_n to_o wit_n geo._n mar._n esquire_n now_o return_v that_o the_o same_o a._n b._n have_v find_v to_o the_o same_o sheriff_n pledge_n to_o prosecute_v his_o say_a writ_n to_o wit_n john_n do_v and_o ric_n roose_n and_o that_o he_o by_o virtue_n of_o that_o writ_n to_o he_o direct_v at_o his_o county_n hold_v at_o the_o castle_n of_o york_n in_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a the_o 10._o day_n of_o may_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1657._o make_v the_o same_o plaint_n to_o be_v record_v which_o be_v in_o the_o same_o county_n between_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o w._n b._n and_o the_o record_n of_o the_o same_o plaint_n before_o the_o justice_n here_o at_o this_o day_n under_o his_o seal_n and_o the_o seal_n of_o h._n m._n and_o four_o lawful_a knight_n of_o the_o same_o county_n have_v ready_a of_o those_o who_o be_v present_a at_o the_o record_n and_o that_o he_o summon_v the_o same_o w._n b._n that_o he_o shall_v be_v here_o at_o this_o day_n to_o hear_v the_o record_n by_o r._n s._n and_o f._n l._n as_o by_o the_o same_o writ_n to_o he_o it_o be_v command_v etc._n etc._n which_o say_v record_n follow_v in_o these_o word_n oliver_n lord_n protector_n etc._n etc._n to_o the_o sheriff_n of_o york_n greeting_n w._n b._n have_v request_v that_o a._n b._n of_o c._n in_o your_o county_n husbandman_n although_o the_o same_o w._n b._n be_v our_o true_a and_o faithful_a subject_n and_o as_o our_o true_a and_o faithful_a subject_n from_o the_o time_n of_o his_o nativity_n hitherto_o have_v carry_v and_o behave_v himself_o and_o of_o good_a name_n and_o same_o among_o many_o of_o our_o saithfull_a subject_n be_v note_v call_v and_o repute_v notwithstanding_o the_o same_o a._n b._n not_o ignorant_a of_o the_o premise_n the_o same_o w._n b._n unjust_o to_o vex_v and_o he_o of_o his_o good_n name_n fame_n and_o opinion_n whereof_o from_o his_o nativity_n to_o deprive_v &_o conspurgate_n and_o the_o same_o w._n b._n into_o perturbation_n vexation_n and_o infamy_n among_o his_o neighbour_n and_o many_o other_o saithfull_a subject_n and_o people_n of_o this_o commonwealth_n to_o induce_v plain_a false_a and_o scandalous_a word_n of_o the_o same_o w._n b._n at_o c._n in_o the_o presence_n of_o many_o faithful_a subject_n and_o people_n of_o this_o commonwealth_n say_v publish_v and_o pronounce_v in_o these_o english_a word_n follow_v to_o wit_n w._n b._n the_o same_o w._n b._n meaning_n have_v steal_v my_o horse_n by_o speak_v publish_v and_o pronounce_v which_o same_o word_n the_o same_o w._n b._n not_o only_o in_o his_o good_a name_n and_o same_o be_v hurt_v but_o also_o in_o his_o do_n and_o business_n with_o honest_a person_n with_o who_o the_o same_o w._n b._n in_o buy_v sell_v and_o lawful_a bargain_v before_o use_v be_v much_o prejudice_v and_o make_v worse_o to_o the_o no_o little_a damage_n and_o loss_n of_o the_o same_o w._n b._n etc._n etc._n and_o therefore_o we_o command_v you_o that_o you_o hear_v the_o say_a plaint_n and_o afterward_o cause_v the_o same_o to_o be_v with-drawn_a that_o we_o hear_v no_o more_o clamour_n thereof_o for_o defect_n of_o justice_n witness_v etc._n etc._n plea_n hold_v at_o the_o castle_n of_o york_n in_o the_o ss_z county_n of_o york_n upon_o monday_n the_o second_o day_n of_o june_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1657._o at_o this_o court_n w._n b._n complain_v of_o a._n b._n in_o a_o plea_n of_o trespass_n upon_o the_o case_n w._n b._n by_o p._n p._n his_o attorney_n complain_v of_o a._n b._n in_o a_o plea_n of_o trespass_n upon_o the_o case_n for_o that_o to_o wit_n that_o whereas_o the_o same_o w._n b._n be_v a_o good_a true_a and_o faithful_a subject_n of_o this_o commonwealth_n of_o england_n from_o the_o time_n of_o his_o nativity_n hitherto_o have_v carry_v and_o behave_v himself_o and_o of_o good_a name_n same_z credit_n and_o reputation_n honest_o with_o good_a and_o grave_a man_n as_o well_o his_o neighbour_n as_o other_o saithfull_a subject_n of_o the_o say_a commonwealth_n be_v have_v note_v call_v and_o repute_v without_o any_o falsehood_n th_a perjury_n selony_n deceit_n or_o stain_v of_o any_o other_o fault_n or_o hurtful_a crime_n unspotted_a and_o untouched_a by_o the_o whole_a time_n aforesaid_a carry_v
the_o same_o court_n without_o writ_n of_o his_o highness_n the_o l._n protector_n between_o e._n f._n and_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n of_o the_o cattle_n of_o the_o same_o e._n f._n take_v and_o unjust_o detain_v etc._n etc._n and_o whereupon_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n complain_v false_a judgement_n to_o be_v make_v to_o they_o in_o the_o same_o court_n and_o that_o he_o shall_v have_v that_o record_n here_o at_o this_o day_n to_o wit_n in_o octab._n hill_n under_o his_o seal_n and_o the_o seal_n of_o four_o lawful_a knight_n who_o shall_v be_v present_a at_o the_o record_n and_o that_o he_o summon_v by_o good_a summoner_n the_o say_v e._n f._n that_o he_o shall_v be_v here_o at_o this_o day_n to_o hear_v the_o record_n etc._n etc._n and_o now_o here_o at_o this_o day_n come_v as_o well_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n by_o s._n d._n their_o attorney_n as_o the_o same_o e._n f._n by_o p._n p._n his_o attorney_n and_o the_o sheriff_n to_o wit_n g._n m_o esquire_n now_o return_v that_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n have_v find_v to_o the_o same_o sheriff_n pledge_v to_o prosecute_v the_o say_a writ_n to_o wit_n jo._n doo_n and_o rio._n roose_n and_o that_o he_o summon_v the_o same_o e._n f._n to_o be_v here_o at_o this_o day_n by_o i._o r._n and_o i._n s._n honest_a etc._n etc._n the_o sheriff_n also_o return_v that_o he_o by_o virtue_n of_o the_o same_o writ_n to_o he_o direct_v in_o his_o full_a county_n hold_v at_o the_o castle_n of_o y._n in_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a the_o 12._o day_n of_o april_n last_o pass_v cause_v the_o say_a plaint_n to_o be_v record_v and_o have_v the_o record_n here_o at_o this_o day_n under_o his_o seal_n and_o the_o seal_n of_o l._n m._n m._n r._n honest_a and_o lawful_a knight_n of_o the_o same_o county_n of_o those_o who_o be_v present_a at_o that_o record_n as_o by_o the_o say_v write_v it_o be_v command_v he_o the_o tenor_n of_o which_o record_n follow_v in_o these_o word_n ss_z be_v it_o remember_v that_o the_o 12._o day_n of_o april_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1657._o before_o g._n m._n esquire_n sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a at_o the_o castle_n of_o y._n in_o the_o same_o county_n of_o y._n come_v the_o same_o e._n f._n by_o p._n p._n his_o attorney_n and_o complain_v against_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n of_o a_o plea_n wherefore_o they_o take_v the_o cattle_n of_o the_o same_o e._n f._n and_o they_o unjust_o detain_v against_o surety_n and_o pledge_n until_o etc._n etc._n and_o find_v to_o the_o say_v e._n f._n pledge_n to_o prosecute_v his_o complaint_n aforesaid_a and_o also_o for_o the_o return_v of_o the_o cattle_n if_o the_o return_v of_o they_o be_v adjudge_v by_o law_n to_o wit_n jo._n doo_n and_o ric._n roose_n and_o then_o and_o there_o demand_v due_a process_n in_o law_n against_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n thereof_o to_o be_v make_v etc._n etc._n therefore_o according_a to_o the_o custom_n in_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a from_o the_o time_n whereof_o the_o memory_n of_o man_n be_v not_o to_o the_o contrary_n use_v and_o approve_v on_o the_o behalf_n of_o his_o say_a highness_n the_o lord_n protector_n now_o it_o be_v command_v to_o i_o s._n bailiff_n of_o the_o weapentake_n of_o w._n and_o one_o of_o the_o minister_n of_o the_o say_a sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a that_o according_a to_o that_o custom_n he_o put_v by_o surety_n and_o safe_a pledge_n the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n that_o they_o shall_v be_v before_o i_o the_o say_a sheriff_n at_o the_o next_o court_n of_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a to_o wit_n at_o the_o aforesaid_a castle_n of_o y._n the_o 12._o day_n of_o april_n in_o the_o year_n etc._n etc._n abovesaid_a than_o next_o follow_v to_o be_v hold_v to_o answer_v the_o say_v e._n f._n in_o the_o plea_n aforesaid_a and_o the_o same_o day_n be_v give_v to_o the_o say_v e._n f._n then_o against_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n to_o prosecute_v the_o same_o plea._n at_o which_o day_n here_o to_o wit_n at_o my_o next_o court_n then_o hold_v at_o the_o say_a castle_n of_o y._n come_v the_o say_v e._n f._n by_o his_o attorney_n aforesaid_a the_o same_o 12._o day_n of_o april_n and_o the_o same_o i._o s._n bailiff_n of_o the_o weapentake_n aforesaid_a return_v the_o precept_n aforesaid_a to_o he_o in_o form_n aforesaid_a direct_v in_o all_o thing_n serve_v and_o execute_v to_o wit_n that_o he_o by_o virtue_n of_o the_o same_o precept_n attach_v the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n by_o pledge_n to_o wit_n jo._n den_n and_o ric._n fen._n to_o be_v here_o at_o this_o day_n to_o wit_n the_o same_o 12._o day_n of_o april_n in_o form_n aforesaid_a as_o by_o the_o say_a precept_n to_o he_o it_o be_v command_v and_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n in_o full_a court_n there_o be_v call_v come_v not_o but_o make_v default_n whereupon_o the_o same_o e._n f._n by_o his_o attorney_n aforesaid_a pray_v process_n further_o therein_o to_o be_v make_v upon_o the_o say_a complaint_n against_o the_o say_v a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n and_o have_v it_o etc._n etc._n award_v therefore_o according_a to_o the_o custom_n of_o the_o county_n court_n aforesaid_a it_o be_v command_v to_o the_o same_o i._o s._n bailiff_n of_o the_o weapentake_n of_o w._n and_o one_o of_o the_o minister_n of_o the_o county_n court_n aforesaid_a that_o according_a to_o the_o custom_n of_o that_o court_n he_o distrain_v the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n by_o all_o their_o good_n and_o chattel_n in_o his_o bailiwick_n so_o that_o neither_o etc._n etc._n until_o etc._n etc._n and_o that_o they_o shall_v be_v before_o i_o the_o say_a sheriff_n at_o the_o next_o county_n court_n to_o be_v hold_v at_o the_o say_a castle_n of_o y._n to_o wit_n the_o 10._o day_n of_o may_n in_o the_o year_n abovesaid_a than_o next_o follow_v to_o answer_v the_o same_o e_o f._n in_o the_o same_o plea._n the_o same_o day_n be_v give_v to_o the_o same_o e._n f._n here_o etc._n etc._n at_o which_o say_v next_o county_n court_n aforesaid_a here_o to_o wit_n at_o the_o say_a castle_n of_o y._n the_o same_o 10._o day_n of_o may_n in_o the_o year_n abovesaid_a then_o hold_v come_v as_o well_o the_o say_v e._n f._n by_o p._n p._n his_o attorney_n aforesaid_a as_o the_o say_v a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n by_o s._n d._n their_o attorney_n and_o the_o say_v a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n offer_v themselves_o against_o the_o say_v e._n f._n in_o the_o same_o plea._n and_o the_o same_o e._n f._n complain_v thereupon_o and_o declare_v against_o the_o say_v a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n of_o a_o plea_n wherefore_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n the_o 4._o day_n of_o march_n in_o the_o year_n etc._n etc._n at_o t._n within_o the_o jurisdiction_n of_o this_o court_n in_o a_o certain_a place_n call_v the_o hay_n take_v the_o cattle_n to_o wit_n six_o calf_n of_o the_o same_o e._n f._n and_o they_o unjust_o detain_v against_o surety_n and_o pledge_n until_o etc._n etc._n whereupon_o he_o then_o say_v that_o he_o be_v the_o worse_a and_o have_v damage_n to_o the_o value_n of_o 39_o s._n 11_o d._n and_o thereupon_o bring_v his_o suit_n etc._n etc._n and_o hereupon_o the_o same_o e._n f._n then_o and_o there_o put_v in_o his_o place_n the_o same_o p._n p._n his_o attorney_n against_o the_o same_o e._n b._n and_o c._n d._n to_o gain_v or_o lose_v in_o the_o same_o plea_n here_o must_v be_v likewise_o awarrant_v of_o attorney_n for_o the_o defendant_n and_o thereupon_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n by_o s._n d._n their_o attorney_n aforesaid_a then_o in_o the_o same_o court_n demand_v a_o copy_n of_o the_o declaration_n aforesaid_a and_o license_v thereof_o to_o imparl_n here_o until_o the_o next_o county_n court_n before_o the_o say_a sheriff_n to_o wit_n the_o 15._o day_n of_o may_n in_o the_o year_n abovesaid_a than_o next_o follow_v to_o be_v hold_v at_o the_o castle_n of_o york_n and_o then_o to_o answer_v etc._n etc._n and_o it_o be_v grant_v to_o they_o etc._n etc._n the_o same_o day_n be_v give_v to_o the_o same_o e._n f._n here_o etc._n etc._n at_o which_o say_v next_o county_n court_n before_o the_o say_a sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a here_o to_o wit_n at_o the_o castle_n of_o y._n aforesaid_a the_o 15._o day_n of_o may_n in_o the_o year_n abovesaid_a come_v as_o well_o the_o say_v e._n f._n as_o the_o say_v a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n by_o their_o say_a attorney_n and_o it_o be_v say_v to_o the_o say_a attorney_n of_o the_o say_v a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n by_o the_o court_n here_o that_o he_o
answer_v for_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n c._n his_o client_n to_o the_o same_o e._n f._n in_o the_o say_a plaint_n and_o the_o say_a attorney_n for_o his_o say_a client_n say_v nothing_o in_o bar_n as_o in_o other_o by_o which_o the_o say_v e._n f._n his_o damage_n against_o the_o say_v a._n b._n &_o c._n d._n by_o occasion_n of_o the_o take_n and_o unjust_a detain_v of_o his_o cattle_n aforesaid_a aught_o to_o recover_v but_o because_o it_o be_v unknown_a to_o the_o court_n here_o what_o damage_n the_o say_v e._n f._n sustain_v by_o occasion_n of_o the_o premise_n it_o be_v command_v to_o the_o say_v i._o s._n then_o bailiff_n of_o the_o wapentake_n of_o w._n aforesaid_a &_o one_o of_o the_o minister_n of_o the_o county_n court_n aforesaid_a that_o he_o cause_n to_o come_v before_o the_o say_a sheriff_n at_o the_o next_o county_n court_n of_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a to_o wit_n the_o 15_o day_n of_o may_n in_o the_o year_n abovesaid_a at_o the_o castle_n of_o y._n aforesaid_a than_o next_o follow_v to_o be_v hold_v twelve_o honest_a and_o lawful_a man_n of_o the_o neighbourhood_n of_o s._n to_o be_v suspect_v by_o neither_o party_n to_o inquire_v upon_o their_o oath_n what_o damage_n the_o say_v e._n f._n sustain_v aswell_o by_o the_o occasion_n of_o the_o take_n and_o unjust_a detain_v of_o the_o cattle_n aforesaid_a as_o for_o his_o cost_n and_o charge_n by_o he_o about_o his_o suit_n in_o this_o behalf_n lay_v out_o and_o the_o same_o day_n be_v give_v to_o the_o say_v e._n f._n here_o etc._n etc._n at_o which_o say_v next_o county_n court_n the_o same_o 15._o day_n of_o may_n in_o the_o year_n abovesaid_a before_o the_o same_o sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a hold_v come_v the_o say_v e._n f._n by_o his_o attorney_n aforesaid_a and_o the_o same_o i._o s._n bailiff_n of_o the_o wapentake_n aforesaid_a send_v not_o his_o precept_n thereof_o therefore_o as_o before_o it_o be_v command_v to_o the_o say_v i._o s._n bailiff_n etc._n etc._n that_o he_o cause_n to_o come_v here_o at_o the_o next_o county_n court_n before_o the_o same_o sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a to_o wit_n the_o 12_o day_n of_o a._n in_o the_o year_n abovesaid_a at_o the_o castle_n of_o y._n aforesaid_a to_o be_v hold_v the_o 12_o etc._n etc._n to_o inquire_v &c_n &c_n to_o inform_v aforesaid_a etc._n etc._n at_o which_o day_n to_o wit_n the_o 12_o day_n of_o april_n aforesaid_a before_o the_o same_o sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a come_v the_o same_o e._n f._n by_o his_o attorney_n aforesaid_a and_o the_o say_v i._o s._n bailiff_n etc._n etc._n and_o one_o of_o the_o minister_n of_o the_o same_o court_n return_v before_o the_o same_o sheriff_n the_o say_a precept_n de_fw-fr venire_fw-la fac_fw-la in_o all_o thing_n serve_v and_o execute_v and_o thereupon_o the_o jury_n be_v thereof_o empanel_v and_o call_v come_v and_o to_o inquire_v in_o form_n as_o aforesaid_a swear_v and_o charge_v say_v upon_o their_o oath_n that_o the_o say_v e._n f._n sustain_v damage_n by_o reason_n of_o the_o take_n and_o unjust_a detain_v of_o the_o cattle_n aforesaid_a beside_o his_o cost_n and_o charge_n by_o he_o about_o his_o suit_n in_o this_o behalf_n lay_v out_o 30_o s._n and_o for_o these_o cost_n and_o charge_n to_o 12_o d._n therefore_o it_o be_v consider_v by_o the_o court_n here_o that_o the_o say_v e._n f._n recover_v against_o the_o say_v a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n his_o say_a damage_n by_o the_o jury_n aforesaid_a in_o form_n aforesaid_a assess_v and_o also_o 26_o s._n to_o the_o same_o e._n f._n by_o the_o court_n here_o for_o his_o say_a cost_n &_o charge_n of_o his_o assent_n of_o increase_n adjudge_v which_o say_v damage_n in_o the_o whole_a amount_v unto_o 57_o s_o and_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n in_o mercy_n etc._n etc._n whereupon_o it_o be_v command_v to_o the_o same_o i._o s._n bailiff_n of_o the_o wapentake_n of_o w._n aforesaid_a that_o of_o the_o good_n and_o chattel_n of_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n in_o his_o bayliwick_n he_o shall_v levy_v the_o damage_n aforesaid_a and_o that_o he_o have_v the_o money_n before_o the_o say_a sheriff_n at_o the_o next_o county_n court_n at_o the_o castle_n of_o young_a to_o be_v hold_v to_o wit_n the_o ten_o day_n of_o march_n in_o the_o year_n abovesaid_a to_o render_v to_o the_o say_v e._n f._n for_o his_o damage_n aforesaid_a whereupon_o the_o same_o e._n f._n pray_v that_o the_o say_v a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n will_v assign_v and_o declare_v to_o the_o court_n herein_o what_o or_o wherein_o false_a judgement_n be_v make_v to_o he_o in_o the_o say_a plaint_n if_o any_o thing_n can_v be_v find_v prove_v or_o make_v appear_v etc._n etc._n assign_v and_o hereupon_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n say_v that_o the_o say_a record_n be_v vicious_a and_o very_o much_o defective_a in_o this_o to_o wit_n that_o by_o the_o same_o record_v it_o appear_v that_o the_o same_o cattle_n be_v take_v the_o 15._o day_n of_o january_n in_o the_o year_n abovesaid_a and_o that_o the_o complaint_n thereupon_o be_v levy_v at_o the_o county_n court_n of_o the_o sheriff_n the_o 19_o day_n of_o december_n in_o the_o year_n abovesaid_a so_o that_o the_o complaint_n be_v levy_v before_o the_o take_n of_o the_o cattle_n afore_o make_v etc._n etc._n also_o in_o this_o that_o by_o the_o record_n it_o appear_v that_o the_o county_n court_n aforesaid_a be_v hold_v before_o the_o say_a sheriff_n of_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a whereas_o the_o same_o court_n ought_v to_o be_v hold_v before_o the_o same_o sheriff_n and_o suitor_n of_o the_o same_o court_n so_o that_o the_o same_o plaint_n be_v levy_v coram_fw-la non_fw-la judice_fw-la and_o the_o process_n thereupon_o adjudge_v without_o any_o warrant_n in_o law_n and_o so_o the_o same_o a._n b._n and_o c._n d._n say_v that_o in_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a false_a judgement_n be_v do_v to_o they_o in_o the_o say_a plaint_n and_o pray_v that_o the_o say_a judgement_n for_o those_o error_n and_o other_o in_o the_o same_o record_n and_o proceed_n being_n may_v be_v revoke_v adnul_v and_o altogether_o take_v for_o nothing_o and_o that_o they_o unto_o all_o thing_n which_o they_o by_o occasion_n of_o the_o judgement_n aforesaid_a have_v lose_v may_v be_v restore_v etc._n etc._n judgement_n it_o be_v command_v the_o sheriff_n that_o if_o a._n b._n shall_v secure_v the_o same_o sheriff_n to_o prosecute_v his_o complaint_n that_o then_o take_v with_o he_o four_o discreet_a and_o lawful_a knight_n of_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a in_o his_o proper_a person_n he_o come_v to_o the_o court_n of_o the_o honour_n of_o p._n and_o in_o full_a court_n cause_n to_o be_v record_v that_o plaint_n which_o be_v in_o the_o same_o court_n of_o his_o highness_n the_o lord_n protector_n between_o c._n d._n and_o the_o same_o a._n b._n in_o a_o certain_a action_n upon_o the_o case_n to_o the_o same_o c._n d._n by_o the_o same_o a._n b._n do_v as_o it_o be_v say_v whereupon_o the_o same_o a._n b._n complain_v false_a judgement_n to_o be_v make_v to_o he_o in_o the_o say_a court_n and_o that_o he_o shall_v have_v here_o the_o record_n at_o this_o day_n to_o wit_n octab._n hill_n under_o his_o seal_n and_o by_o four_o lawful_a man_n of_o the_o same_o county_n of_o those_o who_o shall_v be_v present_a at_o the_o record_n and_o that_o he_o summon_v by_o good_a summoner_n the_o say_v c._n d._n that_o he_o shall_v be_v here_o to_o hear_v that_o record_n and_o that_o he_o have_v then_o here_o the_o name_n of_o the_o four_o knight_n and_o that_o writ_n etc._n etc._n and_o now_o here_o at_o this_o day_n to_o wit_n octab._n hill_n come_v as_o well_o the_o same_o a._n b._n by_o s._n d._n his_o attorney_n as_o the_o same_o c._n d._n by_o p._n p._n his_o attorney_n and_o the_o sheriff_n to_o wit_n g._n m._n esq_n now_o return_v that_o the_o same_o a._n b._n find_v to_o the_o same_o sheriff_n pledge_v to_o prosecute_v io._n do_v ric._n roose_n and_o that_o the_o same_o c._n d._n be_v summon_v to_o be_v here_o at_o this_o day_n by_o io_n den_n and_o ric._n fen_n and_o that_o he_o by_o virtue_n of_o the_o same_o writ_n to_o he_o direct_v take_v along_o with_o he_o i._o s._n w._n p._n i._o h._n and_o w._n vv._n four_o discreet_a and_o lawful_a knight_n of_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a and_o in_o his_o proper_a person_n come_v to_o the_o say_a court_n hold_v at_o p._n in_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a the_o 15_o day_n of_o october_n in_o the_o year_n of_o our_o lord_n 1657._o and_o in_o full_a court_n make_v to_o be_v record_v the_o say_a plaint_n whereof_o in_o the_o same_o write_v mention_n be_v make_v which_o say_v record_v here_o at_o
of_o the_o value_n of_o 30_o s._n of_o his_o the_o say_v t._n s._n take_v and_o carry_v away_o and_o other_o enormous_a thing_n to_o he_o do_v do_v etc._n etc._n for_o take_v away_o a_o post_n ss_z a._n b._n complain_v of_o c._n d._n of_o a_o plea_n of_o trespass_n etc._n etc._n wherefore_o he_o do_v break_v the_o close_a of_o the_o say_v a_o b._n at_o f._n and_o do_v take_v and_o carry_v away_o a_o certain_a new_a post_n of_o he_o the_o say_v a_o b._n there_o in_o the_o soil_n put_v and_o fasten_v to_o the_o value_n of_o 30_o s._n and_o other_o enormity_n etc._n etc._n for_o eat_v the_o grass_n cut_v the_o hedge_n and_o assault_v the_o plaintiff_n ss_z a._n b._n by_o etc._n etc._n complain_v against_o c._n d._n of_o a_o plea_n of_o trespass_n etc._n etc._n for_o that_o whereas_o the_o say_v c_o d._n the_o 10._o day_n of_o may_n in_o the_o year_n etc._n etc._n at_o the_o castle_n etc._n etc._n in_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a and_o within_o the_o liberty_n and_o jurisdiction_n of_o this_o court_n the_o close_a of_o the_o say_v a_o b._n at_o s._n break_v and_o enter_v and_o his_o grass_n to_o the_o value_n of_o 30_o s._n there_o late_o grow_v with_o certain_a cattle_n do_v eat_v tread_v down_o and_o consume_v and_o his_o other_o grass_n to_o the_o value_n of_o 6_o s._n there_o late_o grow_v with_o his_o foot_n in_o walk_v do_v tread_v down_o and_o consume_v and_o also_o upon_o the_o say_v a._n b._n then_o and_o there_o make_v a_o assault_n and_o he_o do_v beat_v wound_n and_o evil_a entreat_v so_o that_o he_o despair_v of_o life_n and_o also_o his_o hedge_n there_o do_v cast_v down_o and_o other_o enormity_n etc._n etc._n to_o the_o great_a damage_n of_o the_o say_v a_o b._n of_o 39_o s._n 11d_o and_o thereupon_o he_o produce_v this_o action_n etc._n etc._n trespass_n and_o assault_n ss_z i._o h._n complain_v of_o i._o s._n in_o a_o action_n of_o trespass_n and_o assault_n etc._n etc._n for_o that_o the_o say_v i._o s._n the_o day_n year_n etc._n etc._n at_o the_o castle_n etc._n etc._n make_v and_o assault_n and_o a_o fray_n upon_o the_o say_v i._o h._n and_o do_v then_o and_o there_o beat_v wound_n and_o evil_a entreat_v he_o so_o that_o it_o be_v despair_v of_o his_o life_n and_o other_o harm_n to_o he_o do_v to_o the_o great_a loss_n of_o the_o say_v i._n h._n by_o reason_n of_o which_o he_o say_v he_o be_v damnify_v 30_o s._n and_o therefore_o he_o commence_v this_o suit_n assault_v upon_o one_o at_o underage_n ss_z w._n e._n by_o a._n s._n his_o guardian_n and_o next_o friend_n by_o favour_n of_o this_o court_n be_v admit_v to_o prosecute_v for_o the_o say_v w._n e._n because_o he_o be_v within_o the_o age_n of_o 21_o year_n by_o virtue_n of_o a_o writ_n of_o justicy_n by_o t_n w._n his_o attorney_n complain_v of_o t_o c._n in_o a_o action_n of_o trespasst_a and_o assault_v etc._n etc._n for_o that_o the_o say_v t_o c._n the_o day_n year_n etc._n etc._n in_o and_o upon_o the_o say_v w._n e._n a_o assault_n and_o affray_n do_v make_v etc._n etc._n as_o in_o the_o other_o upon_o a_o replevin_n ss_z a._n b._n complain_v of_o t._n l._n in_o a_o plea_n wherefore_o he_o take_v the_o good_n of_o the_o say_v a_o b._n and_o they_o do_v unjust_o detain_v contrary_a to_o surety_n and_o sase_a pledge_n etc._n etc._n for_o that_o whereas_o the_o aforesaid_a t_o l._n the_o day_n year_n etc._n etc._n at_o s._n in_o a_o place_n there_o call_v r._n in_o the_o county_n etc._n etc._n take_v of_o the_o good_n of_o the_o say_v a_o b._n that_o be_v to_o say_v seven_o cow_n of_o the_o price_n of_o 30_o l._n and_o the_o same_o do_v unjust_o detain_v against_o the_o surety_n and_o safe_a pledge_n etc._n etc._n whereupon_o the_o say_v a_o b._n say_v he_o be_v worse_a and_o have_v damage_n to_o the_o value_n of_o 39_o s._n and_o therefore_o he_o have_v bring_v this_o suit_n etc._n etc._n plead_n he_o owe_v he_o nothing_o ss_z and_o the_o say_v i_o a._n come_v and_o defend_v the_o force_n and_o injury_n when_o etc._n etc._n and_o say_v that_o the_o say_v i_o g._n ought_v not_o to_o have_v his_o say_a action_n against_o he_o because_o he_o say_v that_o he_o the_o say_v i_o a._n owe_v nothing_o to_o the_o say_v i._o g._n in_o manner_n and_o form_n as_o the_o say_v ay_o g._n have_v declare_v against_o the_o say_v i_o a._n and_o for_o that_o he_o put_v himself_o upon_o the_o country_n etc._n etc._n he_o make_v no_o such_o promise_n and_o the_o say_v h._n b._n come_v and_o defend_v the_o source_n and_o wrong_n when_o etc._n etc._n and_o say_v that_o he_o do_v not_o assume_v and_o promise_v to_o the_o aforesaid_a t_o r._n in_o manner_n and_o form_n as_o the_o aforesaid_a t_o r._n against_o he_o complain_v and_o of_o this_o he_o put_v himself_o upon_o the_o country_n replication_n ss_z and_o the_o say_v t_o r._n say_v that_o he_o by_o any_o thing_n before_o allege_v from_o his_o action_n aforesaid_a ought_v not_o to_o be_v debar_v for_o that_o he_o say_v that_o the_o aforesaid_a h._n b._n do_v assume_v upon_o himself_o and_o promise_v in_o manner_n and_o form_n as_o by_o the_o declaration_n aforesaid_a be_v allege_v and_o set_v forth_o and_o this_o he_o pray_v may_v be_v inquire_v by_o the_o country_n and_o the_o say_v w._n b._n likewise_o therefore_o etc._n etc._n he_o make_v no_o such_o promise_n within_o six_o year_n ss_z and_o the_o say_v w._n b._n come_v and_o defend_v the_o injury_n when_o etc._n etc._n and_o say_v that_o the_o say_v w._n b._n do_v not_o within_o the_o space_n of_o six_o year_n before_o the_o commencement_n of_o this_o suit_n assume_v upon_o himself_o or_o promise_v to_o pay_v to_o the_o say_v t_o b._n the_o sum_n of_o 30_o s._n in_o manner_n and_o form_n as_o the_o say_v t_o b._n above_o against_o he_o the_o say_v w_n b._n do_v complain_v and_o upon_o this_o he_o put_v himself_o upon_o the_o country_n etc._n etc._n never_o executor_n ss_z and_o the_o aforesaid_a e._n h._n come_v and_o defend_v the_o force_n and_o injury_n when_o etc._n etc._n and_o say_v that_o the_o aforesaid_a t_o c._o ought_v not_o to_o have_v his_o action_n against_o he_o because_o he_o say_v that_o he_o never_o be_v the_o executor_n of_o the_o last_o will_n and_o testament_n of_o the_o aforesaid_a r_o h._n neither_o do_v administer_v of_o any_o of_o the_o good_n or_o chattel_n which_o be_v of_o the_o say_v r_o h._n at_o the_o time_n of_o his_o death_n as_o executor_n of_o the_o last_o will_n and_o testament_n of_o the_o aforesaid_a r_o h._n after_o the_o death_n of_o the_o say_v r_o h._n and_o this_o the_o say_v e_o h._n be_v ready_a to_o verify_v whereupon_o he_o demand_v judgement_n whether_o the_o say_v t._n c._n aught_o to_o have_v or_o maintain_v the_o say_a action_n against_o he_o etc._n etc._n full_o administer_v ss_z and_o the_o aforesaid_a m_o a._n come_v and_o defend_v the_o injury_n and_o wrong_n when_o etc._n etc._n and_o say_v that_o the_o aforesaid_a a_o b._n his_o action_n aforesaid_a ought_v not_o to_o have_v against_o he_o because_o he_o say_v he_o have_v full_o administer_v of_o the_o good_n and_o chattel_n of_o the_o aforesaid_a t_o a._n at_o the_o time_n of_o his_o death_n and_o he_o no_o other_o good_n nor_o chattel_n have_v of_o the_o aforesaid_a t_o a._n at_o the_o time_n of_o his_o death_n to_o be_v administer_v nor_o have_v at_o the_o time_n of_o the_o entry_n of_o this_o plaint_n of_o the_o say_v a_o b._n nor_o at_o any_o time_n after_o and_o this_o he_o be_v ready_a to_o aver_v wherefore_o he_o pray_v judgement_n whether_o the_o aforesaid_a a_o b._n his_o action_n aforesaid_a against_o he_o ought_v to_o have_v etc._n etc._n replication_n ss_z and_o the_o say_v a_o b._n say_v that_o he_o by_o any_o thing_n before_o allege_v from_o his_o action_n aforesaid_a ought_v not_o to_o be_v debar_v because_o he_o say_v that_o the_o aforesaid_a m_o a._n the_o day_n of_o the_o commencement_n of_o this_o suit_n to_o wit_n the_o day_n year_n etc._n etc._n at_o the_o castle_n aforesaid_a and_o within_o the_o jurisdiction_n aforesaid_a have_v diverse_a good_n and_o chattel_n which_o be_v the_o aforesaid_a t_o a._n at_o the_o time_n of_o his_o death_n and_o afterward_o in_o his_o hand_n to_o be_v administer_v to_o the_o value_n of_o the_o debt_n aforesaid_a wherefore_o the_o debt_n aforesaid_a to_o the_o say_v a_o b._n aught_o to_o be_v satisfy_v and_o this_o he_o require_v may_v be_v inquire_v of_o by_o the_o country_n etc._n etc._n and_o the_o say_v m_o a._n likewise_o etc._n etc._n not_o guilty_a and_o the_o say_v g._n w._n come_v and_o defend_v the_o wrong_n and_o injury_n when_o etc._n etc._n and_o say_v
voluntary_a will_v make_v to_o the_o say_v a._n the_o say_a writing_n and_o not_o by_o force_n and_o hardness_n of_o imprisonment_n as_o the_o say_v b._n above_o have_v allege_v and_o this_o he_o pray_v may_v be_v inquire_v of_o by_o the_o country_n and_o the_o say_v b._n likewise_o etc._n etc._n the_o assault_v make_v by_o the_o plaintiff_n etc._n etc._n mesn_a and_o etc._n etc._n when_o etc._n etc._n and_o as_o to_o the_o trespass_n and_o assault_v aforesaid_a above_o suppose_a to_o be_v do_v the_o say_v i._o r._n say_v that_o the_o say_v r._n w._n his_o action_n aforesaid_a against_o he_o ought_v not_o to_o have_v because_o he_o say_v that_o the_o aforesaid_a r._n vv._n the_o day_n year_n etc._n etc._n aforesaid_a upon_o he_o the_o say_v i._n r._n at_o the_o castle_n etc._n etc._n do_v make_v a_o assault_n and_o he_o will_v have_v beat_v wound_a and_o evil_o entreat_v by_o which_o the_o say_v i._o r._n himself_o against_o the_o aforesaid_a r._n vv._n do_v then_o and_o there_o defend_v and_o say_v that_o if_o any_o evil_n to_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n then_o and_o there_o happen_v be_v of_o the_o proper_a assault_n of_o he_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n and_o in_o defence_n of_o he_o the_o say_v i._n r._n and_o this_o he_o be_v ready_a to_o verify_v whereupon_o he_o pray_v judgement_n if_o the_o aforesaid_a r._n vv._n his_o action_n aforesaid_a against_o he_o ought_v to_o have_v etc._n etc._n replication_n ss_z and_o the_o aforesaid_a r._n w_n say_v that_o he_o by_o any_o thing_n before_o allege_a from_o have_v his_o action_n aforesaid_a ought_v not_o to_o be_v debar_v because_o he_o say_v that_o the_o aforesaid_a i._n r._n the_o day_n year_n etc._n etc._n abovesaid_a at_o etc._n etc._n in_o his_o declaration_n aforesaid_a above_o specify_v of_o his_o own_o proper_a injury_n and_o without_o such_o cause_n by_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n above_o allege_a upon_o he_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n do_v make_v a_o assault_n and_o he_o do_v beat_v wound_n and_o evil_o entreat_v so_o that_o of_o his_o life_n he_o do_v despair_v against_o the_o peace_n of_o the_o lord_n protector_n that_o now_o be_v as_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n above_o against_o he_o have_v complain_v and_o this_o he_o pray_v may_v be_v inquire_v of_o by_o the_o country_n and_o the_o say_v i._n r._n likewise_o therefore_o etc._n etc._n the_o defendant_n plead_v the_o plaintiff_n within_o age_n to_o bring_v his_o action_n and_o shall_v have_v bring_v it_o by_o guardian_n and_o not_o by_o attorney_n and_o etc._n etc._n when_o etc._n etc._n and_o say_v that_o the_o aforesaid_a i._n r._n ought_v not_o to_o have_v his_o action_n aforesaid_a against_o he_o because_o he_o say_v that_o the_o aforesaid_a i._n r._n the_o day_n and_o year_n in_o the_o declaration_n specify_v to_o wit_n the_o day_n year_n etc._n etc._n the_o day_n of_o the_o issue_v forth_o of_o the_o writ_n of_o justicy_n of_o he_o the_o say_v i._n r._n that_o be_v to_o say_v the_o day_n year_n etc._n etc._n be_v within_o the_o age_n of_o one_o and_o twenty_o year_n and_o that_o the_o aforesaid_a i._n r._n declare_v against_o he_o the_o say_v p._n c._n in_o the_o plaint_n aforesaid_a by_o his_o attorney_n whereas_o by_o the_o due_a form_n of_o law_n he_o ought_v to_o have_v declare_v by_o his_o guardian_n and_o this_o he_o be_v ready_a to_o aver_v whereupon_o he_o pray_v judgement_n whether_o the_o aforesaid_a i._n r._n aught_o to_o have_v his_o action_n aforesaid_a against_o he_o etc._n etc._n to_o a_o trespass_n in_o walk_v not_o guilty_a and_o as_o to_o the_o residue_n of_o trespass_n tender_a of_o amends_o ss_z and_o etc._n etc._n when_o etc._n etc._n and_o say_v that_o as_o to_o the_o break_n of_o the_o close_a aforesaid_a as_o also_o to_o the_o tread_v down_o and_o consume_n of_o the_o corn_n and_o grass_n aforesaid_a with_o his_o sit_fw-mi in_o walk_v in_o the_o same_o four_o acre_n of_o land_n aforesaid_a of_o new_a assign_v above_o suppose_a to_o be_v do_v say_v that_o he_o be_v in_o no_o wise_a thereof_o guilty_a etc._n etc._n and_o of_o this_o he_o put_v himself_o upon_o the_o country_n and_o the_o plaintiff_n likewise_o and_o as_o to_o the_o residue_n of_o the_o trespass_n aforesaid_a in_o the_o same_o four_o acre_n of_o land_n of_o new_a assign_v above_o suppose_v to_o be_v do_v the_o same_o a._n say_v that_o the_o same_o b._n his_o action_n aforesaid_a ought_v not_o to_o have_v because_o he_o say_v that_o the_o residue_n of_o the_o trespass_n aforesaid_a in_o the_o same_o four_o acre_n of_o land_n of_o new_a assign_v above_o suppose_a to_o be_v do_v be_v do_v with_o the_o cattle_n aforesaid_a by_o negligence_n and_o against_o the_o will_n of_o the_o same_o a._n and_o that_o the_o same_o a._n afterward_o and_o before_o the_o day_n of_o commence_v of_o this_o action_n of_o the_o same_o b._n to_o wit_n the_o 16_o day_n of_o may_n in_o the_o year_n etc._n etc._n at_o the_o same_o parish_n of_o r._n in_o the_o say_a county_n of_o y._n offer_v to_o the_o same_o b._n 20_o s._n of_o lawful_a money_n of_o england_n for_o and_o in_o satisfaction_n for_o the_o residue_n of_o the_o trespass_n aforesaid_a so_o as_o aforesaid_a do_v which_o say_v 20_o s._n be_v sufficient_a amends_o for_o the_o same_o residue_n of_o the_o trespass_n aforesaid_a in_o the_o same_o four_o acre_n of_o land_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n of_o new_a assign_v as_o beforesaid_a do_v and_o that_o the_o same_o b._n the_o say_v 20_o s._n as_o aforesaid_a offer_v to_o receive_v of_o the_o same_o a._n then_o and_o there_o altogether_o refuse_v and_o as_o yet_o do_v refuse_v and_o this_o he_o be_v ready_a to_o verify_v and_o etc._n etc._n replication_n ss_z and_o the_o same_o b._n as_o to_o the_o same_o plea_n of_o the_o say_v a._n as_o to_o the_o say_a residue_n of_o the_o trespass_n aforesaid_a in_o the_o same_o four_o acre_n of_o land_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n of_o new_a assign_v do_v say_v that_o he_o by_o any_o thing_n in_o the_o same_o plea_n before_o allege_v ought_v not_o to_o be_v bar_v from_o have_v his_o action_n aforesaid_a against_o he_o etc._n etc._n because_o he_o protest_v that_o the_o aforesaid_a residue_n of_o the_o trespass_n aforesaid_a in_o the_o same_o four_o acre_n of_o land_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n of_o new_a assign_v be_v not_o do_v with_o the_o cattle_n aforesaid_a by_o the_o negligence_n and_o against_o the_o will_n of_o the_o same_o a._n protest_v also_o that_o the_o say_v 20_o s._n in_o satisfaction_n for_o the_o trespass_n aforesaid_a be_v not_o offer_v before_o the_o same_o day_n of_o commence_v the_o suit_n of_o the_o say_v b._n as_o the_o same_o a._n have_v above_o allege_v for_o plea_n the_o same_o b._n say_v that_o the_o same_o 20_o s._n be_v offer_v by_o the_o same_o a._n to_o the_o say_v b._n for_o a_o certain_a trespass_n by_o the_o same_o a._n with_o his_o cattle_n aforesaid_a to_o the_o same_o b._n in_o a_o certain_a other_o close_a of_o land_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n call_v the_o s._n of_o the_o same_o b._n in_o the_o parish_n of_o r._n aforesaid_a in_o the_o county_n aforesaid_a do_v without_o that_o that_o the_o same_o a._n offer_v to_o the_o same_o b._n the_o say_v 20_o s._n for_o and_o in_o the_o satisfaction_n of_o the_o foresay_a residue_n of_o the_o trespass_n aforesaid_a in_o the_o same_o 4_o acre_n of_o land_n of_o new_a assign_v do_v as_o the_o same_o a._n have_v above_o allege_v and_o this_o he_o be_v ready_a to_o verify_v whereupon_o for_o that_o the_o same_o a._n the_o say_a residue_n of_o the_o trespass_n aforesaid_a in_o the_o same_o four_o acre_n of_o land_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n aforesaid_a of_o new_a assign_v do_v above_o acknowledge_v the_o same_o b._n pray_v judgement_n and_o his_o damage_n by_o occasion_n of_o the_o residue_n of_o the_o trespass_n aforesaid_a to_o he_o to_o be_v adjudge_v etc._n etc._n rejoynder_n ss_z and_o the_o same_o a._n as_o before_o say_v that_o he_o offer_v to_o the_o same_o b._n the_o say_v 20_o s._n for_o and_o in_o satisfaction_n of_o the_o say_a residue_n of_o the_o trespass_n aforesaid_a in_o the_o same_o four_o acre_n of_o land_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n of_o new_a assign_v do_v as_o he_o have_v above_o allege_v and_o of_o this_o he_o put_v himself_o upon_o the_o country_n and_o the_o same_o b._n likewise_o therefore_o etc._n etc._n misnomer_n in_o baptism_n plead_v in_o abatement_n of_o the_o writ_n of_o justicy_n ss_z and_o the_o say_a a._n by_o simon_n don_n his_o attorney_n come_v and_o pray_v judgement_n of_o the_o writ_n of_o justicy_n aforesaid_a because_o he_o say_v that_o the_o name_n of_o baptism_n of_o the_o say_v agnes_n in_o the_o writ_n aforesaid_a name_v be_v anna_n and_o not_o agnes_n as_o the_o say_v b._n have_v above_o
declare_v and_o this_o he_o be_v ready_a to_o verify_v whereupon_o he_o pray_v judgement_n of_o the_o say_v write_v of_o justicy_n and_o that_o the_o say_v write_v of_o justicy_n be_v quash_v etc._n etc._n plea_n in_o abatement_n for_o that_o the_o plaintiff_n have_v one_o name_n in_o the_o writ_n and_o another_o in_o the_o declaration_n ss_z and_o