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day_n baronet_n county_n may_n 4,205 5 13.4914 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A51778 The clerks guide leading into three parts, viz. I. Of indentures, leases, &c., II. Letters of attorney, warrants of attorney, mortgages, licences, charter-parties, &c., III. Bills, answers, replications, rejoynders in chancery, &c., under which are comprehended the most unusual forms of clerkship : to which is added, a fourth part of fines, recoveries, statutes, recognisances, judgements, &c. distresses and replevins : illustrated with cases, and the statutes relating to the same / by Tho. Manley of the Middle Temple, London, Esq. Manley, Thomas, 1628-1690. 1672 (1672) Wing M443; ESTC R9951 653,624 764

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or_o from_o the_o say_a manor_n or_o any_o of_o the_o land_n tenement_n and_o other_o the_o aforesaid_a premise_n without_o any_o fraud_n or_o covin_z of_o the_o say_v r._n d._n and_o b._n or_o either_o of_o they_o their_o heir_n or_o assign_v by_o reason_n of_o any_o right_n title_n estate_n of_o interest_n to_o be_v have_v or_o make_v by_o r._n w._n the_o grandfather_n or_o i._n w._n the_o father_n of_o the_o say_v i._o or_o the_o say_v i._o or_o by_o any_o other_o person_n or_o person_n claim_v in_o by_z or_o under_o their_o or_o any_o of_o their_o estate_n title_n or_o interest_n that_o then_o he_o the_o say_v i._o his_o heir_n executor_n or_o administrator_n or_o some_o of_o they_o shall_v and_o will_v within_o six_o month_n next_o after_o such_o eviction_n so_o to_o be_v have_v of_o the_o say_a manor_n or_o of_o any_o other_o the_o premile_n or_o any_o part_n or_o parcel_n thereof_o upon_o reasonable_a request_n to_o be_v make_v at_o or_o in_o the_o etc._n etc._n well_o and_o true_o pay_v or_o cause_n to_o be_v pay_v unto_o the_o say_v r._n d._n and_o b._n their_o heir_n and_o assign_v for_o every_o acre_n five_o pound_n and_o so_o after_o that_o rate_n and_o rate-like_a and_o that_o without_o fraud_n covin_z or_o further_a delay_n in_o witness_n etc._n etc._n a_o indenture_n to_o lead_v the_o use_n of_o a_o fine_a this_o indenture_n make_v the_o etc._n etc._n between_o f._n g._n of_o etc._n etc._n of_o the_o one_o part_n and_o r._n vv._n of_o etc._n etc._n of_o the_o other_o part_n whereas_o it_o be_v condescend_v unto_o and_o agree_v between_o the_o say_v f._n g._n his_o heir_n etc._n etc._n and_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n his_o heir_n etc._n etc._n that_o the_o say_v f._n g._n his_o heir_n shall_v from_o time_n to_o time_n during_o two_o year_n next_o ensue_v the_o date_n of_o these_o indenture_n do_v cause_n suffer_v and_o make_v such_o assurance_n of_o his_o manor_n of_o m._n and_o s._n in_o the_o county_n of_o d._n and_o the_o advowson_n of_o the_o church_n of_o a._n and_o of_o all_o his_o land_n tenement_n rent_n reversion_n service_n and_o hereditament_n whatsoever_o in_o m._n and_o d._n in_o the_o county_n of_o d._n in_o such_o manner_n and_o form_n as_o by_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n his_o heir_n and_o assign_v or_o he_o or_o their_o council_n learn_v in_o the_o law_n shall_v be_v reasonable_o devise_v advise_v or_o require_v at_o the_o cost_v and_o charge_n of_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n now_o witness_v this_o indenture_n that_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n have_v devise_v that_o the_o say_v f._n g._n at_o the_o term_n of_o saint_n hillary_n next_o ensue_v the_o date_n above-written_a shall_v levy_v and_o acknowledge_v one_o fine_a etc._n etc._n of_o the_o say_a manor_n land_n tenement_n advowsons_n and_o all_o other_o the_o premise_n to_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n and_o his_o heir_n in_o due_a form_n of_o law_n which_o fine_a so_o to_o be_v have_v levy_v and_o execute_v touch_v and_o concern_v the_o say_a manor_n of_o m._n etc._n etc._n and_o all_o the_o land_n tenement_n meadow_n leasow_n pasture_n and_o hereditament_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n to_o the_o say_a manor_n of_o m._n etc._n etc._n belong_v to_o the_o say_v f._n g._n for_o himself_o and_o his_o heir_n do_v covenant_n and_o grant_v to_o and_o with_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n by_o these_o present_n shall_v stand_v and_o be_v to_o the_o use_n of_o the_o say_v f._n g._n during_o his_o life_n without_o impeachment_n of_o waste_n and_o after_o his_o decease_n to_o the_o use_n of_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n and_o d._n his_o wife_n and_o of_o the_o heir_n of_o the_o say_v r._n on_o the_o body_n of_o the_o say_v d._n lawful_o beget_v and_o for_o default_n of_o such_o issue_n to_o the_o right_a heir_n of_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n for_o ever_o and_o which_o fine_a to_o be_v levy_v and_o execute_v touch_v and_o concern_v all_o the_o residue_n of_o the_o premise_n the_o say_v f._n g._n for_o he_o and_o his_o heir_n do_v covenant_n and_o grant_v to_o and_o with_o r._n vv._n by_o these_o present_n that_o the_o say_v fine_a shall_v stand_v and_o be_v to_o the_o use_n of_o the_o say_v f._n g._n and_o i._n now_o his_o wife_n and_o the_o heir_n of_o the_o say_v f._n upon_o the_o body_n of_o the_o say_v i._o beget_v and_o for_o default_n of_o such_o issue_n then_o to_o the_o use_n of_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n and_o d._n and_o of_o the_o heir_n of_o the_o body_n of_o the_o say_v r._n and_o d._n between_o they_o lawful_o beget_v and_o for_o default_n of_o such_o issue_n then_o to_o the_o right_a heir_n of_o the_o say_v r._n vv._n for_o ever_o in_o witness_n etc._n etc._n a_o indenture_n of_o demise_n of_o divers_a land_n etc._n etc._n in_o consideration_n of_o a_o sum_n of_o money_n pay_v a_o pepper-corn_n yearly_a this_o indenture_n make_v the_o three_o day_n of_o may_n 1649._o etc._n etc._n between_o sir_n t._n b._n of_o d._n in_o the_o county_n of_o etc._n etc._n knight_n and_o baronet_n and_o m._n h._n of_o d._n aforesaid_a gentleman_n servant_z to_z the_o faid_a sir_n t._n b._n of_o the_o one_o part_n and_o sir_n w._n t._n of_o c._n in_o the_o county_n of_o n._n knight_n of_o the_o other_o part_n witness_v that_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n and_o m._n h._n as_o well_o for_o and_o in_o consideration_n of_o the_o sum_n of_o etc._n etc._n of_o lawful_a money_n of_o england_n to_o they_o in_o hand_n pay_v before_o the_o enseal_n and_o delivery_n hereof_o by_o the_o say_a sir_n w._n t._n whereof_o and_o wherewith_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n do_v acknowledge_v himself_o satisfy_v content_v and_o pay_v and_o thereof_o and_o of_o every_o part_n and_o parcel_n thereof_o do_v acquir_n and_o discharge_v the_o say_a sir_n w._n t._n his_o heir_n executor_n and_o administrator_n and_o every_o of_o they_o by_o these_o present_n as_o also_o for_o divers_a other_o good_a cause_n and_o consideration_n they_o hereunto_o move_v have_v demise_v grant_v and_o to_o farmletten_a and_o by_o these_o present_n do_v demise_n grant_v and_o to_o farm-let_a unto_o the_o say_a sir_n w._n t._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v all_o those_o several_a close_n or_o parcel_n of_o land_n meadow_n pasture_n and_o arable_a call_v or_o know_v by_o their_o several_a name_n follow_v that_o be_v to_o say_v one_o close_a or_o parcel_n of_o ground_n call_v d._n contain_v by_o estimation_n etc._n etc._n acre_n be_v the_o same_o more_o or_o less_o and_o one_o other_o close_a or_o parcel_n of_o land_n call_v e._n contain_v by_o estimation_n etc._n etc._n acre_n be_v the_o same_o more_o or_o less_o and_o one_o close_a or_o parcel_n of_o l._n and_o call_v c._n contain_v by_o estimation_n etc._n etc._n acre_n be_v the_o same_o more_o or_o less_o etc._n etc._n all_o and_o singular_a which_o say_v close_n and_o parcel_n of_o land_n be_v situate_a lie_v and_o be_v within_o the_o field_n parish_n precinct_n and_o territory_n of_o h._n alias_o h._n in_o the_o county_n of_o l._n and_o be_v part_n and_o parcel_n or_o repute_v and_o take_v to_o be_v part_n or_o parcel_n of_o the_o manor_n of_o h._n alias_o h._n aforesaid_a and_o also_o all_o &_o singular_a message_n tenement_n building_n orchard_n garden_n commons_o common_a of_o pasture_n water_n fishing_n wood_n underwoods_n tree_n bush_n fence_n free-board_n way_n easement_n and_o all_o other_o right_n jurisdiction_n privilege_n franchise_n liberty_n profit_n condition_n emolument_n and_o hereditament_n whatsoever_o grow_v arise_v be_v come_v or_o issue_v in_o upon_o or_o out_o of_o the_o premise_n and_o every_o part_n and_o parcel_n thereof_o or_o to_o the_o same_o or_o any_o part_n thereof_o belong_v or_o appertain_v to_o have_v and_o to_o hold_v all_o and_o singular_a the_o say_a close_n and_o parcel_n of_o land_n and_o all_o and_o singular_a the_o premise_n and_o every_o part_n and_o parcel_n thereof_o with_o their_o and_o every_o of_o their_o right_n member_n and_o appurtenance_n unto_o the_o say_a sir_n w._n t._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v from_o the_o first_o day_n of_o may_v last_v past_a before_o the_o date_n hereof_o unto_o the_o full_a end_n and_o term_v of_o one_o thousand_o year_n from_o thence_o next_o immediate_o ensue_v and_o full_o to_o be_v complete_a and_o end_v yield_v and_o pay_v therefore_o yearly_o during_o the_o say_a term_n unto_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n his_o heir_n or_o assign_v one_o pepper-corn_n at_o the_o feast_n of_o saint_n michael_n the_o archangel_n only_o if_o the_o same_o be_v lawful_o demand_v and_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n and_o m._n h._n for_o they_o their_o heir_n and_o assign_v do_v joint_o and_o several_o covenant_n grant_v and_o agree_v to_o and_o with_o the_o say_a sir_n w._n
administrator_n and_o for_o every_o of_o they_o do_v covenant_n promise_n and_o grant_v to_o and_o with_o the_o say_v j._n c._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v and_o to_o and_o with_o every_o of_o they_o by_o these_o present_n that_o he_o the_o say_v j._n c._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v shall_v and_o may_v from_o henceforth_o for_o ever_o peaceable_o and_o quiet_o have_v hold_v and_o enjoy_v the_o say_a stock_n of_o good_n and_o money_n and_o the_o same_o and_o every_o part_n thereof_o to_o dispose_v and_o convert_v to_o he_o and_o their_o own_o proper_a use_n and_o behoof_n without_o the_o let_v suit_n trouble_n claim_v and_o disturbance_n of_o he_o the_o say_v j._n g._n his_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v or_o any_o of_o they_o or_o of_o any_o other_o person_n or_o person_n whatsoever_o claim_v by_o from_z or_o under_o he_o they_o or_o any_o of_o they_o or_o by_o or_o under_o or_o by_o reason_n of_o he_o their_o or_o any_o of_o their_o act_n or_o act_n right_a title_n interest_n mean_n or_o procurement_n etc._n etc._n in_o witness_n etc._n etc._n a_o assignment_n of_o a_o lease_n of_o a_o message_n divers_a plait_n of_o ground_n with_o buttal_n and_o boundal_n several_a covenant_n etc._n etc._n with_o a_o exception_n this_o indenture_n make_v the_o etc._n etc._n day_n of_o etc._n etc._n anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1632._o and_o the_o eight_o year_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o our_o sovereign_a lord_n king_n charles_n etc._n etc._n between_o s._n a._n of_o etc._n etc._n gentleman_n of_o the_o one_o part_n and_o f._n l._n of_o etc._n etc._n esquire_n of_o the_o other_o part_n whereas_o sir_n john_n t._n late_a of_o etc._n etc._n knight_n and_o baronet_n decease_a and_o the_o late_a right_n honourable_a n._n lord_n tuston_n and_o earl_n of_o thanet_n by_o the_o name_n of_o sir_n t._n n._n knight_n son_n and_o heir_n apparent_a of_o the_o say_a sir_n john_n t._n now_o also_o decease_v by_o their_o indenture_n bear_v date_n the_o thirty_o day_n of_o may_n in_o the_o fifteen_o year_n of_o the_o reign_n of_o our_o say_a sovereign_a lord_n king_n charles_n over_o england_n etc._n etc._n for_o the_o consideration_n therein_o express_v do_v demise_n grant_v and_o to_o farm-let_a unto_o e._n w._n of_o etc._n etc._n his_o executor_n and_o assign_v all_o that_o the_o message_n or_o tenement_n shed_v and_o plat_n of_o ground_n situate_a lie_v and_o be_v in_o chick-lane_n etc._n etc._n contain_v by_o estimation_n one_o hundred_o foot_n in_o length_n from_o the_o north_n to_o the_o south_n and_o in_o breadth_n forty_o one_o foot_n from_o the_o east_n to_o the_o west_n the_o message_n or_o tenement_n then_o in_o the_o tenure_n of_o j._n w._n lie_v on_o the_o east_n side_n thereof_o and_o the_o say_a chick-lane_n on_o the_o north-side_n thereof_o and_o the_o message_n or_o tenement_n then_o in_o the_o tenure_n of_o one_o r._n s._n on_o the_o west_n and_o south-side_n thereof_o and_o also_o their_o part_n of_o one_o message_n or_o tenement_n or_o shed_v and_o parcel_n of_o ground_n lie_v and_o be_v in_o chick-lane_n aforesaid_a contain_v by_o estimation_n fourscore_o and_o twelve_o foot_n in_o length_n and_o in_o breadth_n eighteen_o foot_n the_o message_n or_o tenement_n then_o in_o the_o tenure_n or_o occupation_n of_o one_o a._n b._n on_o the_o westside_n thereof_o the_o say_a chick-lane_n on_o the_o north-side_n thereof_o and_o the_o message_n or_o tenement_n then_o in_o the_o tenure_n or_o occupation_n of_o one_o h._n s._n on_o the_o southside_n thereof_o and_o then_o or_o late_o before_o in_o the_o tenure_n or_o occupation_n of_o the_o say_v a._n b._n his_o assignee_n or_o assignee_n and_o all_o and_o singular_a the_o message_n tenement_n house_n edifice_n building_n room_n shop_n cellar_n sollar_n and_o void_a ground_n unto_o the_o say_a message_n or_o tenement_n shed_v and_o plait_n of_o ground_n before_o mention_v to_o be_v demise_v belong_v or_o in_o any_o wise_a appertain_v to_o have_v and_o to_o hold_v to_o the_o say_v edmund_n wright_n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v from_o the_o feast_n of_o the_o annunciation_n of_o the_o bless_a lady_n saint_n mary_n the_o virgin_n last_o pass_v before_o the_o date_n hereof_o unto_o the_o full_a end_n and_o term_v of_o thirty_o one_o year_n from_o thence_o next_o ensue_v and_o full_o to_o be_v complete_a and_o end_v yield_v and_o pay_v therefore_o yearly_o during_o the_o say_a term_n unto_o the_o say_a sir_n j._n t._n yearly_a during_o his_o life_n and_o after_o his_o decease_n to_o the_o say_v right_o honourable_a n._n lord_n t._n and_o earl_n of_o thanet_n his_o heir_n and_o assign_v the_o full_a sum_n of_o eight_o pound_n of_o lawful_a money_n of_o england_n at_o two_o of_o the_o most_o usual_a feast_n or_o term_n in_o the_o year_n that_o be_v to_o say_v at_o the_o feast_n of_o st._n michael_n the_o archangel_n and_o the_o annunciation_n of_o the_o bless_a lady_n the_o virgin_n mary_n by_o equal_a portion_n as_o by_o the_o same_o indenture_n more_o plain_o may_v appear_v and_o whereas_o by_o certain_a other_o indenture_n bear_v date_n the_o say_v thirty_o day_n of_o may_n make_v between_o the_o say_a sir_n john_n t._n and_o the_o say_v n._n lord_n t._n and_o earl_n of_o thanet_n by_o the_o name_n of_o sir_n n._n t._n knight_n on_o the_o one_o part_n and_o the_o say_v e._n w._n on_o the_o other_o part_n it_o be_v covenant_v condition_v and_o agree_v by_o and_o between_o all_o the_o say_a party_n and_o the_o say_v e._n w._n for_o himself_o his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v do_v covenant_n promise_n and_o grant_v to_o and_o with_o the_o say_a sir_n j._n t._n and_o the_o say_v n._n lord_n t._n and_o earl_n of_o t._n their_o heir_n and_o assign_v by_o the_o say_v last_o mention_v indenture_n that_o the_o say_v e._n w._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v shall_v well_o and_o true_o yearly_o during_o the_o say_a term_n of_o one_o and_o twenty_o year_n pay_v or_o cause_n to_o be_v pay_v to_o the_o say_a sir_n i._o t._n during_o his_o natural_a life_n and_o after_o his_o decease_n to_o the_o say_v n._n lord_n t._n and_o earl_n of_o t._n his_o heir_n and_o assign_v the_o full_a sum_n of_o twenty_o three_o pound_n of_o lawful_a money_n etc._n etc._n for_o and_o in_o the_o name_n of_o a_o fine_a or_o income_n for_o the_o say_a lease_n at_o the_o two_o feast_n aforesaid_a by_o equal_a portion_n and_o whereas_o also_o the_o say_a sir_n j._n t._n and_o the_o say_v n._n lord_n t._n and_o earl_n of_o t._n by_o the_o name_n of_o n._n t._n knight_n have_v by_o their_o indenture_n bear_v date_n the_o say_v etc._n etc._n day_n of_o may_n for_o the_o consideration_n therein_o mention_v demised_a grant_v and_o to_o farm-let_a unto_o i._o vv._n of_o etc._n etc._n all_o that_o their_o message_n or_o tenement_n situate_a lie_v and_o be_v in_o chick-lane_n aforesaid_a late_a in_o the_o tenure_n or_o occupation_n of_o one_o agnes_n vv._n and_o her_o assignee_n or_o assignee_n contain_v by_o estimation_n from_o the_o east_n to_o the_o west_n thirty_o foot_n in_o breadth_n and_o in_o length_n from_o the_o north_n to_o the_o south_n threescore_o foot_n the_o tenement_n then_o in_o the_o occupation_n of_o the_o say_v i._n vv._n lie_v on_o the_o east-side_n thereof_o the_o tenement_n then_o of_o ralph_n f._n gentleman_n on_o the_o westside_n thereof_o the_o tenement_n then_o in_o the_o tenure_n or_o occupation_n of_o the_o say_v ralph_n e._n on_o the_o southside_n thereof_o and_o also_o all_o the_o tenement_n shed_v or_o piece_n of_o ground_n lie_v and_o be_v in_o chick-lane_n aforesaid_a contain_v by_o estimation_n one_o hundred_o and_o twenty_o foot_n of_o assize_n in_o length_n and_o twenty_o eight_o foot_n in_o breadth_n then_o or_o late_o before_o in_o the_o tenure_n or_o occupation_n of_o the_o say_v i._n vv._n or_o his_o assignee_n or_o assignee_n the_o tenement_n then_o in_o the_o tenure_n or_o occupation_n of_o one_o i._o c._n lie_v on_o the_o east-side_n thereof_o and_o the_o tenement_n then_o in_o the_o tenure_n of_o one_o i._o vv._n on_o the_o westside_n thereof_o and_o the_o tenement_n belong_v to_o st._n martin_n orgar_n on_o the_o southside_n thereof_o and_o also_o one_o other_o little_a piece_n or_o parcel_n of_o ground_n situate_a lie_v and_o be_v near_o chick-lane_n aforesaid_a etc._n etc._n contain_v by_o estimation_n in_o length_n nineteen_o foot_n from_o the_o east_n to_o the_o west_n and_o in_o breadth_n from_o the_o north_n to_o the_o south_n sixteen_o foot_n late_o in_o the_o tenure_n or_o occupation_n of_o r._n b._n or_o of_o his_o assignee_n or_o assignee_n the_o tenement_n then_o in_o the_o occupation_n of_o the_o say_v i._n vv._n on_o the_o east-side_n thereof_o and_o the_o tenement_n then_o in_o the_o tenure_n of_o the_o say_v
city_n of_o london_n or_o any_o of_o they_o shall_v appoint_v or_o command_v the_o same_o and_o from_o thence_o shall_v carry_v away_o and_o convey_v all_o such_o channel_n dirt_n filth_n sea-coal-ash_n sweep_n of_o house_n and_o street_n lane_n alley_n and_o other_o place_n of_o and_o within_o the_o say_a parish_n of_o etc._n etc._n unto_o some_o convenient_a pastall_a for_o the_o same_o to_o be_v provide_v by_o the_o say_v e._n d._n his_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v at_o his_o or_o their_o proper_a cost_n and_o charge_n all_o rubbish_n and_o rush_n as_o shall_v happen_v to_o be_v lay_v out_o of_o the_o parish_n church_n etc._n etc._n during_o the_o say_a term_n only_o except_v and_o further_o that_o he_o the_o say_v e._n d._n his_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v shall_v and_o will_v from_o time_n to_o time_n and_o at_o all_o time_n during_o the_o say_a term_n clear_o acquit_v exonerate_v and_o discharge_v and_o save_v and_o keep_v harmless_a the_o say_v etc._n etc._n and_o every_o of_o they_o respective_o and_o their_o successor_n in_o the_o say_a office_n of_o scavenger_n during_o the_o say_a term_n of_o etc._n etc._n of_o and_o from_o all_o and_o all_o manner_n of_o cost_v charge_n imprisonment_n expense_n and_o damage_n whatsoever_o by_o they_o or_o any_o of_o they_o to_o be_v have_v or_o sustain_v or_o otherwise_o put_v unto_o during_o the_o say_a term_n for_o or_o by_o reason_n of_o any_o negligence_n or_o default_n of_o the_o say_v e._n d._n his_o etc._n etc._n in_o the_o premise_n or_o any_o part_n thereof_o and_o they_o the_o say_v etc._n etc._n do_v covenant_n for_o payment_n of_o the_o money_n at_o day_n agree_v on_o etc._n etc._n in_o witness_n etc._n etc._n a_o condition_n to_o pay_v a_o sum_n of_o money_n at_o two_o several_a payment_n the_o condition_n of_o this_o obligation_n be_v such_o that_o if_o the_o above_o bind_v i._n c._n his_o heir_n executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v or_o any_o of_o they_o do_v well_o and_o true_o pay_v or_o cause_n to_o be_v pay_v unto_o the_o abovenamed_a r._n m._n his_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v at_o or_o in_o the_o now_o dwell_v house_n of_o the_o say_v r._n m._n situate_a etc._n etc._n the_o full_a sum_n of_o 8l_o and_o 12s_o of_o lawful_a etc._n etc._n in_o manner_n and_o form_n follow_v that_o be_v to_o say_v on_o the_o last_o day_n of_o may_n next_o ensue_v 4_o l._n thereof_o and_o on_o the_o etc._n etc._n next_o etc._n etc._n the_o other_o 4_o l._n 12_o s._n thereof_o be_v the_o full_a remainder_n of_o the_o say_a sum_n etc._n etc._n without_o fraud_n or_o coven_n that_o then_o this_o present_a obligation_n to_o be_v void_a and_o of_o none_o effect_v but_o if_o default_n shall_v happen_v to_o be_v make_v in_o either_o of_o the_o payment_n aforesaid_a contrary_a to_o the_o true_a intent_n and_o meaning_n of_o these_o present_n that_o then_o etc._n etc._n a_o letter_n of_o attorney_n to_o receive_v one_o single_a debt_n know_v all_o man_n by_o these_o present_n that_o i._o e._n c._n of_o etc._n etc._n gentleman_n have_v assign_v ordain_v and_o make_v and_o in_o my_o stead_n and_o place_n by_o these_o present_v put_v and_o constitute_v my_o trusty_a and_o well_o belove_a friend_n f._n l._n of_o etc._n etc._n to_o be_v my_o true_a and_o lawful_a attorney_n for_o i_o and_o in_o my_o name_n and_o to_o my_o use_n to_o ask_v sue_v for_o levy_n require_v recover_v and_o receive_v of_o i._o w._n of_o etc._n etc._n esq_n all_o and_o every_o such_o debt_n and_o sum_n of_o money_n which_o be_v now_o due_a unto_o i_o by_o any_o manner_n of_o way_n or_o mean_n whatsoever_o giving_n and_o grant_v unto_o my_o say_a attorney_n my_o whole_a power_n strength_n and_o authority_n in_o and_o about_o the_o premise_n and_o upon_o the_o receipt_n of_o any_o such_o debt_n or_o sum_n of_o money_n aforesaid_a acquittance_n or_o other_o discharge_v for_o i_o and_o in_o my_o name_n to_o make_v seal_n and_o deliver_v and_o all_o and_o every_o such_o act_n and_o act_n thing_n and_o thing_n device_n and_o device_n whatsoever_o in_o the_o law_n for_o the_o recovery_n of_o all_o or_o any_o such_o debt_n or_o sum_n of_o money_n as_o aforesaid_a for_o i_o and_o in_o my_o name_n to_o do_v execute_v and_o perform_v as_o full_o large_o and_o ample_o in_o every_o respect_n to_o all_o intent_n construction_n and_o purpose_n as_o i_o myself_o might_n or_o can_v do_v if_o i_o be_v there_o in_o my_o own_o person_n present_a ratify_v allow_v and_o hold_v firm_a and_o stable_a all_o and_o whatsoever_o my_o say_a attorney_n shall_v lawful_o do_v or_o cause_n to_o be_v do_v in_o or_o about_o the_o execution_n of_o the_o premise_n by_o virtue_n of_o these_o present_n in_o witness_n etc._n etc._n a_o condition_n to_o make_v a_o apprentice_n free_a of_o london_n at_o the_o end_n of_o his_o apprenticeship_n the_o condition_n etc._n etc._n that_o whereas_o j._n h._n the_o son_n of_o etc._n etc._n be_v to_o be_v the_o apprentice_n of_o the_o above-bound_a t._n r._n for_o the_o term_n of_o seven_o year_n as_o by_o the_o indenture_n in_o that_o behalf_n to_o be_v make_v shall_v appear_v if_o therefore_o the_o say_v t._n r._n his_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v at_o the_o end_n of_o the_o say_a term_n of_o seven_o year_n if_o the_o say_v j._n h._n shall_v be_v his_o apprentice_n and_o shall_v dwell_v with_o and_o serve_v he_o as_o a_o apprentice_n do_v or_o shall_v make_v or_o cause_n to_o be_v make_v the_o say_v j._n h._n a_o freeman_n of_o the_o city_n of_o london_n and_o of_o the_o company_n of_o cordwayner_n of_o the_o say_a city_n at_o the_o proper_a cost_n and_o charge_n of_o the_o say_v t._n r._n that_o then_o etc._n etc._n a_o short_a letter_n of_o attorney_n to_o receive_v money_n due_a upon_o a_o bond●_n know_v all_o man_n by_o these_o present_n that_o i_o t._n a._n of_o etc._n etc._n have_v assign_v ordain_v and_o make_v and_o in_o my_o stead_n and_o place_n by_o these_o present_n put_v and_o constitute_v my_o trusty_a and_o well-beloved_a friend_n i._o b._n of_o etc._n etc._n my_o true_a and_o lawful_a attorney_n for_o i_o in_o my_o stead_n and_o name_n and_o to_o my_o use_n and_o behoof_n to_o ask_v recover_v and_o receive_v of_o w._n s._n of_o etc._n etc._n o._n t._n of_o etc._n etc._n and_o i._n m._n of_o etc._n etc._n the_o sum_n of_o etc._n etc._n due_a unto_o i_o for_o the_o nonpayment_n of_o the_o sum_n of_o etc._n etc._n of_o like_a money_n on_o the_o 20_o day_n of_o etc._n etc._n last_o past_a before_o the_o date_n of_o these_o present_n as_o by_o one_o obligation_n with_o condition_n there-und_a write_v bear_v date_n etc._n etc._n in_o the_o year_n etc._n etc._n more_o plain_o appear_v give_v and_o by_o these_o present_n grant_v unto_o my_o say_a attorney_n my_o full_a power_n and_o lawful_a authority_n in_o the_o premise_n to_o do_v say_v perform_v conclude_v and_o finish_v for_o i_o and_o in_o my_o name_n as_o aforesaid_a all_o and_o every_o such_o act_n and_o act_n thing_n and_o thing_n device_n and_o device_n in_o the_o law_n whatsoever_o for_o the_o recovery_n of_o all_o the_o debt_n aforesaid_a as_o full_o large_o and_o ample_o in_o every_o respect_n as_o i_o myself_o might_n or_o can_v do_v if_o i_o be_v personal_o present_a and_o upon_o the_o receipt_n thereof_o acquittance_n or_o other_o discharge_v for_o i_o and_o in_o my_o name_n to_o make_v seal_n and_o deliver_v ratify_v allow_v and_o hold_v firm_a and_o stable_a all_o and_o whatsoever_o my_o say_a attorney_n shall_v lawful_o do_v or_o cause_n to_o be_v do_v in_o or_o about_o the_o execution_n of_o the_o premise_n by_o virtue_n of_o these_o present_n in_o witness_v whereof_o etc._n etc._n a_o form_n of_o a_o award_n to_o all_o christian_a people_n to_o who_o this_o present_a write_n shall_v come_v t._n m._n of_o etc._n etc._n send_v greeting_n etc._n etc._n whereas_o divers_a controversy_n and_o debares_n heretofore_o have_v be_v have_v move_v and_o yet_o be_v depend_v between_o h._n d._n of_o etc._n etc._n of_o the_o one_o party_n and_o o._n l._n etc._n etc._n of_o the_o other_o party_n for_o the_o appease_n and_o determine_v whereof_o the_o say_a party_n have_v submit_v themselves_o and_o be_v become_v bind_v each_o of_o they_o to_o the_o other_o by_o their_o several_a obligation_n date_v etc._n etc._n in_o the_o sum_n of_o etc._n etc._n with_o condition_n upon_o the_o same_o obligation_n endorse_v for_o the_o performance_n of_o all_o and_o every_o the_o award_n arbitrement_n determination_n and_o judgement_n of_o i_o the_o say_v t._n m._n umpire_n indifferent_o elect_v and_o choose_v as_o well_o on_o the_o part_n and_o behalf_n of_o the_o say_v h._n d._n as_o on_o the_o part_n etc._n etc._n to_o award_v arbitrate_v determine_v and_o
ralph_n f._n on_o the_o westside_n thereof_o the_o tenement_n then_o in_o the_o tenure_n of_o r._n s._n and_o e._n w._n on_o the_o north-side_n thereof_o and_o the_o tenement_n then_o in_o the_o tenure_n of_o the_o say_v r._n f._n on_o the_o southside_n thereof_o and_o also_o all_o and_o singular_a house_n edifice_n building_n stable_n and_o backside_n back-house_n shop_n cellar_n sollar_n etc._n etc._n unto_o the_o say_a message_n and_o several_a plait_n of_o ground_n before_o demise_v then_o belong_v or_o appertain_v or_o to_o or_o with_o the_o say_v demise_v premise_n then_o hold_v use_v occupy_v or_o enjoy_v as_o part_v parcel_n or_o member_n of_o they_o or_o either_o of_o they_o to_o have_v and_o to_o hold_v all_o and_o singular_a the_o say_v demise_v premise_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n to_o the_o say_v i._o vv._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v from_o the_o feast_n of_o the_o annunciation_n of_o our_o bless_a lady_n the_o virgin_n mary_n then_o last_o pass_v before_o the_o date_n of_o the_o say_v last_o receive_v indenture_n unto_o the_o full_a end_n and_o term_v of_o thirty_o and_o one_o year_n from_o thence_o next_o ensue_v and_o full_o to_o be_v complear_a and_o end_v yield_v and_o pay_v therefore_o yearly_o during_o the_o say_a term_n unto_o the_o say_a sir_n i._o t._n during_o his_o life_n and_o after_o his_o decease_n to_o the_o say_v right_o honourable_a n._n lord_n t._n and_o earl_n of_o t._n and_o his_o heir_n and_o assign_v the_o full_a sum_n of_o six_o pound_n of_o lawful_a money_n of_o england_n at_o the_o two_o feast_n aforesaid_a by_o even_o and_o equal_a portion_n and_o whereas_o by_o certain_a other_o indenture_n bear_v date_n the_o say_v thirty_o day_n of_o may_n make_v between_o the_o say_a sir_n i._o t._n and_o the_o say_v n._n lord_n t._n earl_n of_o t._n of_o the_o one_o party_n and_o the_o say_v i._n vv._n of_o the_o other_o party_n it_o be_v convenant_v conclude_v condescend_v and_o agree_v by_o and_o between_o all_o the_o say_a party_n and_o the_o say_v i._n vv._n for_o himself_o his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v do_v covenant_n promise_n and_o grant_v to_o and_o with_o the_o say_a sir_n i._o t._n and_o the_o say_v n._n lord_n t._n earl_n of_o t._n their_o heir_n and_o assign_v that_o the_o say_v i._n vv._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v shall_v well_o and_o true_o yearly_o during_o the_o say_a term_n of_o thirty_o and_o one_o year_n pay_v or_o cause_n to_o be_v pay_v to_o the_o say_a sir_n john_n t._n during_o his_o natural_a life_n and_o after_o his_o decease_n to_o the_o say_v n._n lord_n t._n earl_n of_o t._n his_o heir_n and_o assign_v the_o full_a sum_n of_o seventeen_o pound_n of_o lawful_a money_n of_o england_n for_o and_o in_o the_o name_n of_o a_o fine_a or_o income_n for_o the_o say_a lease_n at_o the_o two_o feast_n aforesaid_a by_o even_o and_o equal_a portion_n as_o by_o the_o same_o several_a lease_n relation_n be_v unto_o they_o have_v more_o at_o large_a it_o do_v and_o may_v appear_v which_o say_v several_a lease_n estate_n and_o interest_n of_o the_o say_v e._n vv._n and_o i._n vv._n of_o in_o and_o to_o all_o and_o singular_a the_o aforesaid_a premise_n in_o and_o by_o the_o aforesaid_a several_a indenture_n of_o lease_n demise_v grant_v and_o contain_v as_o aforesaid_a be_v by_o mean_a conveyance_n and_o sufficient_a assurance_n in_o the_o law_n convey_v to_o john_n withering_n esquire_n and_o the_o say_v i._n vv._n by_o deed_n indent_v under_o his_o hand_n and_o seal_n bear_v date_n the_o etc._n etc._n of_o etc._n etc._n 5_o car._n have_v convey_v his_o estate_n interest_n and_o term_v of_o year_n in_o the_o say_a premise_n unto_o the_o say_a s._n for_o during_o and_o until_o all_o the_o residue_n of_o the_o time_n then_o to_o come_v and_o unexpired_a of_o the_o say_v several_a indenture_n of_o lease_n grant_v be_v full_o complete_a and_o end_v as_o by_o the_o same_o conveyance_n and_o assurance_n relation_n be_v thereunto_o have_v it_o do_v and_o may_v appear_v now_o this_o indenture_n witness_v that_o the_o say_v s._n h._n for_o and_o in_o consideration_n of_o the_o sum_n of_o three_o hundred_o and_o thirty_o pound_n etc._n etc._n to_o he_o and_o he_o at_o and_o before_o the_o enseal_n and_o delivery_n of_o these_o present_n by_o the_o say_v f._n h._n well_o and_o true_o pay_v whereof_o the_o say_v s._n h._n do_v acknowledge_v the_o receipt_n and_o thereof_o and_o of_o every_o part_n and_o parcel_n thereof_o do_v hereby_o forever_o acquit_v and_o discharge_v the_o say_v f._n h._n his_o executor_n and_o assign_v and_o every_o of_o they_o have_v grant_v bargain_v sell_v assign_v and_o set_v over_o and_o by_o these_o present_n do_v full_o clear_o and_o absolute_o grant_v bargain_n fell_a assign_v and_o set_v over_o unto_o the_o say_v f._n h._n and_o m._n his_o wife_n all_z and_o singular_a the_o say_a premise_n abovementioned_a to_o be_v by_o the_o aforesaid_a indenture_n or_o any_o of_o they_o demise_v let_v or_o grant_v or_o mention_v mean_v or_o intend_v to_o be_v in_o and_o by_o the_o same_o demised_a let_v or_o grant_v with_o their_o and_o every_o of_o their_o appurtenance_n and_o all_o the_o message_n house_n edifice_n and_o building_n now_o stand_v erect_v and_o build_v and_o all_o the_o say_v original_a indenture_n of_o demise_n and_o all_o mean_a conveyance_n and_o assignment_n thereof_o and_o of_o every_o part_n thereof_o and_o all_o the_o time_n and_o term_n of_o year_n yet_o to_o come_v and_o unexpired_a grant_v mention_v or_o intend_v to_o be_v grant_v in_o or_o by_o the_o say_a indenture_n or_o any_o of_o they_o and_o all_o the_o estate_n interest_n right_o title_n term_n and_o term_n of_o year_n claim_v and_o demand_v whatsoever_o which_o he_o the_o say_v s._n h._n now_o have_v yet_o to_o come_v and_o unexpired_a of_o and_o in_o the_o say_v demise_v premise_n or_o any_o of_o they_o to_o have_v and_o to_o hold_v all_o and_o singular_a the_o say_v demise_v premise_n by_o these_o present_v mention_v or_o intend_v to_o be_v grant_v assign_v or_o convey_v and_o all_o the_o say_v original_a indenture_n of_o demise_n and_o all_o mean_a conveyance_n and_o assignment_n thereof_o and_o all_o the_o term_n of_o year_n yet_o to_o come_v and_o unexpired_a of_o and_o in_o the_o say_v demise_v premise_n or_o any_o of_o they_o unto_o the_o say_v f._n h._n and_o m._n his_o wife_n their_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v immediate_o from_o and_o after_o the_o make_n hereof_o for_o and_o during_o all_o the_o residue_n of_o the_o say_v several_a term_n of_o etc._n etc._n year_n therein_o yet_o to_o come_v and_o unexpired_a and_o the_o say_v s._n h._n for_o himself_o his_o executor_n and_o administrator_n and_o for_o every_o of_o they_o do_v covenant_n promise_n and_o grant_v to_o and_o with_o the_o say_v f._n h._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v and_o to_o and_o with_o every_o of_o they_o by_o these_o present_n that_o he_o the_o say_v s._n h._n have_v not_o before_o the_o day_n of_o the_o date_n hereof_o make_v do_v or_o commit_v any_o act_n or_o act_n thing_n or_o thing_n grant_v lease_n estate_n or_o encumbrance_n whatsoever_o whereby_o or_o by_o reason_n whereof_o the_o say_v lease_n estate_n and_o premise_n before_o herein_o assign_v and_o set_v over_o or_o any_o part_n or_o parcel_n thereof_o be_v or_o shall_v be_v frustrate_v avoid_v disturb_v or_o encumber_v except_o one_o lease_n make_v by_o the_o say_v f.m._n and_o s._n h._n unto_o r._n h._n of_o a_o message_n or_o tenement_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n parcel_n of_o the_o premise_n aforesaid_a now_o or_o late_o in_o the_o occupation_n of_o j._n s._n by_o indenture_n date_v etc._n etc._n now_o last_v pass_v for_o the_o term_n of_o sixteen_o year_n commence_v from_o the_o feast_n etc._n etc._n at_o the_o yearly_a rent_n of_o a_o pepper-corn_n and_o except_o certain_a lease_n in_o the_o say_a deed_n from_o the_o say_v j._n vv._n mention_v to_o be_v except_v several_o and_o respective_o of_o several_a part_n and_o parcel_n of_o the_o say_a premise_n before_o the_o say_a s._n have_v any_o estate_n in_o the_o premise_n or_o any_o part_n thereof_o by_o e._n vv._n to_o g._n vv._n h._n vv._n and_o t._n k._n etc._n etc._n upon_o which_o lease_n divers_a several_a rent_n be_v respective_o reserve_v amount_v in_o the_o whole_a to_o the_o sum_n of_o sixty_o one_o pound_n yearly_a or_o thereabouts_o all_o which_o rent_n shall_v or_o may_v be_v hereafter_o payable_a to_o the_o say_v f._n h._n and_o m._n his_o wife_n their_o executor_n and_o assign_v and_o except_v all_o other_o lease_n and_o estate_n mention_v and_o except_v in_o the_o say_a deed_n from_o the_o say_v j._n vv._n etc._n etc._n in_o witness_n etc._n etc
t._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v and_o every_o of_o they_o by_o these_o present_n that_o the_o say_a sir_n w._n t._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v shall_v and_o may_v lawful_o peaceable_o and_o quiet_o have_v hold_v occupy_v possess_v and_o enjoy_v all_o and_o singular_a the_o premise_n before_o by_o these_o present_v demise_v and_o every_o part_n and_o parcel_n thereof_o with_o their_o and_o every_o of_o their_o right_n member_n and_o appurtenance_n without_o the_o lawful_a let_v suit_n trouble_n eviction_n expulsion_n interruption_n or_o demand_n of_o or_o by_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n and_o m._n h._n or_o the_o heir_n or_o assign_v of_o either_o of_o they_o or_o of_o or_o by_o any_o other_o person_n or_o person_n lawful_o claim_v from_o by_z or_o under_o they_o or_o any_o of_o they_o or_o their_z or_o any_o of_o their_o use_n or_o by_o from_z or_o under_o their_o or_o any_o of_o their_o title_n estate_n mean_n or_o procurement_n as_o also_o acquit_v and_o discharge_v or_o within_o convenient_a time_n after_o reasonable_a request_n thereof_o to_o be_v make_v well_o and_o sufficient_o save_v and_o keep_v harmless_a of_o and_o from_o all_o and_o all_o manner_n of_o former_a or_o other_o bargain_n sales_n estate_n former_a lease_n title_n dower_n right_n title_n of_o dower_n jointure_n uses_n entail_v will_n rent-charge_n rent-service_n arrearage_n of_o rent_n statute_n recognizance_n judgement_n execution_n title_n trouble_n charge_n and_o demand_n whatsoever_o have_v make_v do_v commit_v or_o willing_o and_o witting_o suffer_v by_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n and_o m._n h._n their_o heir_n or_o assign_v or_o any_o of_o they_o or_o of_o or_o by_o any_o other_o person_n or_o person_n whatsoever_o lawful_o claim_v by_o from_z or_o under_o they_o or_o any_o of_o they_o or_o to_o their_o or_o any_o of_o their_o use_n or_o by_o their_o or_o any_o of_o their_o title_n estate_n mean_n or_o procurement_n in_o witness_v whereof_o the_o party_n first_o abovenamed_a to_o these_o present_a indenture_n have_v interchangeable_o set_v their_o hand_n and_o seal_n the_o day_n and_o year_n first_o above_o write_v a_o indenture_n of_o re-demise_n of_o the_o former_a demised_a premise_n to_o the_o same_o party_n reserve_v the_o rent_n of_o 250_o l._n with_o a_o proviso_n that_o the_o same_o shall_v cease_v upon_o the_o payment_n of_o the_o sum_n of_o money_n in_o the_o former_a demise_n specify_v this_o indenture_n make_v the_o etc._n etc._n day_n of_o etc._n etc._n between_o sir_n vv._n t._n of_o g._n in_o the_o county_n of_o n._n knight_n of_o the_o one_o part_n and_o sir_n t._n b._n of_o d._n in_o the_o county_n of_o n._n knight_n and_o baronet_n and_o m._n h._n of_o d._n aforesaid_a in_o the_o say_a county_n of_o n._n gentleman_n servant_z of_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n of_o the_o other_o part_n witness_v that_o the_o say_a sir_n vv._n t._n as_o well_o for_o and_o in_o consideration_n of_o the_o yearly_a rent_n hereunder_o reserve_v well_o and_o true_o to_o be_v content_v and_o pay_v in_o manner_n and_o form_n hereunder_o express_v as_o also_o for_o divers_a other_o good_a consideration_n he_o at_o this_o present_a thereunto_o especial_o move_v have_v demise_v grant_v and_o to_o farmletten_a and_o by_o these_o present_n do_v demise_n grant_v and_o to_o farm-let_a unto_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n and_o m._n h._n and_o the_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v of_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n all_o those_o several_a close_n or_o parcel_n of_o land_n meadow_n pasture_n and_o arable_a call_v or_o know_v by_o the_o several_a name_n follow_v that_o be_v to_o say_v one_o close_a or_o parcel_n of_o ground_n call_v d._n contain_v by_o estimation_n etc._n etc._n acre_n be_v the_o same_o more_o or_o less_o and_o so_o go_v on_o as_o in_o the_o demise_n all_o and_o singular_a which_o say_v close_n and_o parcel_n of_o land_n be_v situate_a lie_v and_o be_v within_o the_o field_n patish_n precinct_n and_o territory_n of_o h._n alias_o h._n in_o the_o county_n of_o l._n and_o be_v part_n and_o parcel_n or_o repute_v and_o take_v to_o be_v part_n and_o parcel_n of_o the_o manor_n of_o h._n alias_o h._n aforesaid_a and_o also_o all_o and_o singular_a message_n tenement_n building_n orchard_n garden_n commons_o common_a of_o pasture_n water_n fishing_n wood_n underwood_n tree_n bush_n fence_n free-board_n way_n easement_n and_o all_o other_o right_n jurisdiction_n privilege_n franchise_n liberty_n profit_n commodity_n emolument_n and_o hereditament_n whatsoever_o grow_v be_v arise_v come_v or_o issue_v in_o upon_z or_o out_o of_o the_o premise_n and_o every_o part_n and_o parcel_n thereof_o or_o to_o the_o same_o or_o any_o part_n thereof_o belong_v to_o have_v and_o to_o hold_v all_o and_o singular_a the_o say_a close_n and_o parcel_n of_o land_n and_o all_o and_o singular_a the_o premise_n and_o every_o part_n and_o parcel_n thereof_o with_o their_o and_o every_o of_o their_o right_n member_n and_o appurtenance_n unto_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n and_o m._n h._n and_o the_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v of_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n from_o the_o first_o of_o may_v last_v past_a before_o the_o date_n hereof_o unto_o the_o full_a end_n and_o term_v of_o nine_o hundred_o ninety_o and_o nine_o year_n from_o thence_o next_o and_o immediate_o ensue_v and_o full_o to_o be_v complete_a and_o end_v yield_v and_o pay_v therefore_o yearly_o during_o the_o say_a term_n unto_o the_o say_a sir_n vv._n t._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v at_o or_o in_o the_o south-porch_n of_o the_o parish-church_n of_o d._n aforesaid_a the_o sum_n of_o two_o hundred_o and_o fifty_o pound_n of_o current_a english_a money_n at_o two_o usual_a feast_n or_o term_n of_o the_o year_n that_o be_v to_o say_v at_o the_o feast_n of_o philip_n and_o jacob_n and_o all-saint_n by_o even_o and_o equal_a portion_n and_o if_o it_o shall_v happen_v the_o say_v yearly_o rend_v of_o etc._n etc._n or_o any_o part_n or_o parcel_n thereof_o to_o be_v behind_o and_o unpaid_a after_o either_o of_o the_o aforesaid_a feast-daye_n of_o payment_n in_o which_o the_o same_o aught_o to_o be_v pay_v by_o the_o space_n of_o fifteen_o day_n that_o then_o and_o from_o thenceforth_o it_o shall_v and_o may_v be_v lawful_a to_o and_o for_o the_o say_v vv._n t._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v and_o every_o of_o they_o in_o all_o and_o singular_a the_o say_a close_n and_o parcel_n of_o land_n and_o all_o and_o singular_a the_o premise_n and_o every_o part_n and_o parcel_n thereof_o with_o their_o and_o every_o of_o their_o appurtenance_n whole_o to_o re-enter_v repossess_v re-enjoy_v have_v again_o and_o detain_v as_o in_o his_o and_o their_o former_a estate_n this_o indenture_n or_o any_o thing_n therein_o contain_v to_o the_o contrary_a thereof_o in_o any_o wise_n notwithstanding_o provide_v always_o and_o it_o be_v covenant_v proviso_n proviso_n condescend_v unto_o conclude_v and_o agree_v by_o and_o betwixt_o all_o the_o party_n in_o these_o present_n that_o if_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v upon_o half_a a_o year_n warn_v thereof_o by_o write_v under_o he_o or_o their_o hand_n beforehand_o to_o be_v give_v by_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n his_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v unto_o the_o say_a sir_n vv._n t._n his_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v shall_v and_o will_v at_o or_o on_o the_o first_o day_n of_o may_n or_o the_o feast_n of_o all-saint_n during_o the_o say_a term_n in_o and_o hereby_o demise_v at_o or_o in_o the_o place_n aforesaid_a pay_v or_o cause_n to_o be_v pay_v unto_o the_o say_a sir_n vv._n t._n his_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v at_o one_o whole_a and_o entire_a payment_n the_o sum_n of_o five_o hundred_o pound_n of_o current_a english_a money_n over_o and_o beside_o the_o say_a rent_n above_o reserve_v at_o such_o day_n or_o day_n as_o before_o in_o these_o present_n be_v limit_v and_o appoint_v to_o and_o for_o the_o payment_n of_o the_o say_v rend_v before_o reserve_v that_o then_o from_o and_o after_o such_o payment_n or_o payment_n of_o every_o of_o the_o say_a sum_n or_o sum_n of_o five_o hundred_o pound_n as_o aforesaid_a endorse_v upon_o both_o part_n of_o these_o indenture_n and_o subscribe_v by_o the_o say_a sir_n vv._n t._n his_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v for_o every_o five_o hundred_o pound_n that_o shall_v be_v pay_v as_o aforesaid_a the_o full_a and_o entire_a sum_n of_o fifty_o pound_n of_o the_o say_v two_o hundred_o and_o fisty_a pound_n rend_v reserve_v as_o aforesaid_a shall_v cease_v and_o be_v determine_v the_o say_a reservation_n or_o any_o thing_n in_o these_o indenture_n contain_v to_o the_o contrary_a thereof_o in_o any_o wise_n notwithstanding_o
and_o the_o say_a sir_n w._n t._n for_o he_o his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v do_v covenant_n grant_v and_o agree_v to_o and_o with_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n and_o m._n h._n their_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v and_o to_o and_o with_o every_o of_o they_o by_o these_o present_n that_o he_o the_o say_a sir_n w._n t._n his_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v shall_v and_o will_v within_o six_o month_n next_o after_o the_o payment_n of_o the_o sum_n of_o two_o thousand_o five_o hundred_o pound_n by_o such_o payment_n or_o payment_n of_o five_o hundred_o pound_n as_o aforesaid_a deliver_v or_o cause_n to_o be_v deliver_v up_o unto_o the_o say_a sir_n t.b._n and_o the_o say_v m._n h._n their_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v or_o one_o of_o they_o one_o indenture_n of_o demise_n make_v from_o the_o say_a sir_n t._n b._n and_o m._n h._n unto_o the_o say_a sir_n w._n t._n of_o all_o and_o singular_a the_o premise_n herein_o before_o demise_v as_o aforesaid_a bear_v date_n the_o three_o day_n of_o may_n in_o the_o year_n of_o etc._n etc._n in_o witness_v whereof_o the_o party_n above_o mention_v etc._n etc._n a_o lease_n of_o a_o house_n in_o london_n this_o indenture_n make_v the_o etc._n etc._n between_o r._n r._n citizen_n and_z etc._n etc._n on_o the_o one_o part_n and_o n._n d._n citizen_n and_z etc._n etc._n on_o the_o other_o part_n witness_v that_o the_o say_v r._n r._n for_o divers_a good_a cause_n and_o valuable_a consideration_n he_o hereunto_o especial_o move_v have_v demise_v grant_v betake_v and_o to_o farmletten_a and_o by_o these_o present_n do_v demise_n grant_v betake_v and_o to_o farm-let_a unto_o the_o say_v n._n d._n all_o that_o the_o message_n or_o tenement_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n lie_v and_o be_v in_o or_o near_a fleetstreet_n in_o the_o parish_n of_o st._n dunstan_n in_o the_o west_n london_n between_o the_o message_n or_o tenement_n there_o call_v the_o f._n now_o in_o the_o occupation_n of_o p._n g._n merchant-taylor_n or_o his_o assignee_n on_o the_o east-side_n and_o the_o message_n or_o tenement_n now_o in_o the_o tenure_n or_o occupation_n of_o one_o a._n m._n widow_n on_o the_o westside_n and_o abut_a upon_o the_o garden_n adjoin_v to_o the_o temple-church_n towards_o the_o south_n and_o upon_o the_o high_a street_n towards_o the_o north_n together_o with_o all_o and_o singular_a shop_n cellar_n sollar_n chamber_n room_n way_n entry_n yard_n backsides_n house_n building_n gutter_n watercourse_n easement_n profit_n commodity_n and_o appurtenance_n whatsoever_o to_o the_o say_a message_n or_o tenement_n belong_v or_o in_o any_o wise_a appertain_v and_o also_o all_o manner_n of_o wainscot_n glass-window_n door_n and_o lock_n in_o and_o upon_o the_o same_o message_n or_o tenement_n and_o other_o the_o premise_n before_o mention_v to_o be_v demise_v belong_v which_o say_v message_n and_o all_o and_o singular_a other_o the_o demised_a premise_n be_v now_o in_o the_o tenure_n or_o occupation_n of_o the_o say_v n._n d._n to_o have_v and_o to_o hold_v the_o say_a message_n tenement_n shop_n cellar_n sollar_n etc._n etc._n and_o all_o other_o the_o aforesaid_a premise_n with_o all_o and_o singular_a their_o appurtenance_n before_z in_o and_z by_o these_o present_v demise_v and_o every_o part_n and_o parcel_n thereof_o unto_o the_o say_v n._n d._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v from_o the_o feast-day_n of_o etc._n etc._n unto_o the_o full_a end_n and_o term_v of_o etc._n etc._n year_n from_o thence_o next_o ensue_v and_o full_o to_o be_v complete_a and_o end_v yield_v and_o pay_v therefore_o yearly_o during_o the_o say_a term_n unto_o the_o say_v r._n r._n his_o heir_n and_o assign_v the_o sum_n of_o etc._n etc._n at_o four_o of_o the_o most_o usual_a feast_n or_o term_n of_o payment_n in_o the_o year_n that_o be_v to_o say_v at_o the_o feast_n of_o etc._n etc._n by_o even_o and_o equal_a portion_n and_o if_o it_o shall_v happen_v the_o say_v yearly_o rend_v of_o etc._n etc._n to_o be_v behind_o or_o unpaid_a in_o part_n or_o in_o all_o by_o the_o space_n of_o etc._n etc._n next_o over_o or_o after_o any_o of_o the_o say_a feast_n or_o day_n of_o payment_n in_o which_o the_o same_o aught_o to_o be_v pay_v as_o aforesaid_a be_v lawful_o demand_v that_o then_o and_o from_o thenceforth_o and_o at_o all_o time_n afterward_o it_o shall_v and_o may_v be_v lawful_a to_o and_o for_o the_o say_v r._n r._n his_o heir_n and_o assign_v and_o every_o of_o they_o into_o the_o say_a message_n or_o tenement_n and_o all_o other_o the_o aforesaid_a premise_n with_o all_o and_o singular_a their_o appurtenance_n before_o by_o these_o present_v demise_v or_o mention_v to_o be_v demise_v and_o into_o every_o part_n and_o parcel_n thereof_o whole_o to_o re-enter_v and_o the_o same_o to_o have_v again_o retain_v enjoy_v and_o repossess_v as_o in_o his_o and_o their_o first_o and_o former_a estate_n or_o estate_n and_o the_o say_v n._n d._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v and_o all_o other_o the_o occupier_n and_o possessor_n thereof_o thereout_o and_o from_o thence_o utter_o to_o expel_v put_v out_o and_o amove_v any_o thing_n herein_o before_o specify_v to_o the_o contrary_a in_o any_o wise_n notwithstanding_o year_n a_o covenant_n to_o lay_v out_o the_o jum_fw-la of_o etc._n etc._n on_o repair_n and_o new_a building_n the_o premise_n within_o three_o year_n and_o the_o say_v n._n d._n for_o himself_o his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v and_o for_o every_o of_o they_o do_v covenant_n promise_n and_o grant_v to_o and_o with_o the_o say_v r._n r._n his_o executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v and_o to_o and_o with_o every_o of_o they_o by_o these_o present_n in_o manner_n and_o form_n follow_v viz._n after_o the_o date_n that_o he_o the_o say_v n._n d._n his_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v or_o some_o of_o they_o at_z his_o or_o their_o own_o proper_a cost_v and_o charge_n shall_v and_o will_v within_o the_o time_n and_o space_n of_o three_o year_n next_o ensue_v the_o date_n of_o these_o present_n expend_v and_o bestow_v in_o and_o about_o the_o new_a building_n repair_v or_o better_v in_o the_o premise_n hereby_o demise_v the_o value_n or_o sum_n of_o etc._n etc._n of_o lawful_a money_n of_o england_n at_o the_o least_o and_o also_o shall_v and_o will_v at_o he_o and_o their_o like_a cost_n and_o charge_n well_o and_o sufficient_o repair_v uphold_v sustain_v and_o keep_v maintain_v and_o amend_v the_o say_a message_n or_o tenement_n and_o new_a building_n to_o be_v erect_v and_o all_o and_o singular_a other_o the_o premise_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n and_o every_o part_n and_o parcel_n thereof_o in_o by_z and_o with_o all_o and_o all_o manner_n of_o needful_a and_o necessary_a reparation_n whatsoever_o from_o time_n to_o time_n and_o at_o all_o time_n hereafter_o when_o and_o as_o often_o as_o need_v and_o occasion_n shall_v require_v during_o the_o say_a term_n hereby_o grant_v and_o also_o all_o the_o pavement_n privy_n sedge_n and_o widdraught_n to_o the_o say_a message_n or_o tenement_n belong_v shall_v cause_v to_o be_v pay_v purge_v scour_v empty_v and_o make_v clean_o as_o often_o and_o when_o as_o need_v shall_v be_v and_o require_v during_o the_o say_a term_n of_o etc._n etc._n by_o these_o present_v grant_v and_o the_o same_o premise_n so_o well_o and_o sufficient_o repair_v support_v maintain_v purge_v pave_v scour_v empty_v make_v clean_o and_o amend_v together_o with_o the_o lock_n key_n bolt_n staple_n latch_n hook_n hinge_n window_n door_n and_o glass_n of_o the_o same_o premise_n so_o well_o and_o sufficient_o make_v glaze_v and_o amend_v in_o the_o end_n of_o the_o say_a term_n of_o etc._n etc._n or_o other_o soon_o expiration_n or_o determination_n of_o this_o present_a lease_n shall_v leave_v and_o yield_v up_o unto_o the_o say_v r._n r._n his_o heir_n and_o assign_v and_o also_o that_o it_o shall_v and_o may_v be_v lawful_a to_o and_o for_o the_o say_v r._n r._n his_o heir_n executor_n administrator_n and_o assign_v and_o every_o of_o they_o four_o time_n or_o often_o in_o the_o year_n yearly_o during_o the_o say_a term_n to_o enter_v and_o come_v into_o and_o upon_o the_o say_a message_n or_o tenement_n and_o all_o other_o the_o premise_n with_o the_o appurtenance_n and_o into_o every_o part_n and_o parcel_n thereof_o there_o to_o view_v search_n and_o see_v what_o default_n for_o want_v of_o reparation_n shall_v be_v find_v defective_a and_o necessary_a to_o be_v do_v in_o and_o about_o the_o demised_a premise_n or_o any_o part_n thereof_o and_o of_o all_o such_o default_n for_o want_n of_o reparation_n then_o and_o there_o find_v to_o give_v or_o leave_v notice_n admonition_n or_o warning_n in_o writing_n to_o and_o for_o the_o say_v n._n d._n his_o executor_n
or_o assign_v or_o any_o of_o they_o do_v well_o and_o true_o pay_v or_o cause_n to_o be_v pay_v unto_o the_o say_v t.l._n his_o executor_n administrator_n or_o assign_v the_o say_v yearly_o rend_v or_o sum_n of_o etc._n etc._n in_o manner_n and_o form_n as_o be_v before_o express_v and_o also_o if_o the_o say_v t._n d._n his_o executor_n administrator_n under-tenant_n and_o assign_v do_v at_o the_o end_n and_o expiration_n of_o the_o say_a term_n of_o etc._n etc._n to_o be_v reckon_v as_o aforesaid_a depart_v out_o of_o the_o say_a house_n and_o leave_v the_o possession_n thereof_o and_o other_o the_o premise_n and_o leave_v behind_o he_o all_o such_o lock_n key_n bolt_n hinge_n door_n easement_n glass_n glass-window_n wainscot_n dresser_n shelf_n and_o other_o thing_n as_o now_o do_v belong_v or_o appertain_v to_o the_o say_a message_n etc._n etc._n or_o which_o at_o any_o time_n hereafter_o during_o the_o say_a term_n shall_v be_v set_v up_o place_v make_v