Legis fluvius or, The fountain of the law opened. Shewing the manner method, and forms of proceedings, and pleas on all actions and informations, grounded on all the new and old penal statutes; and the statute it self quoted, upon which every action depends. With presidents for the most usual indictmens : [sic] applicable to all courts of record. Being useful for all atturneys, clerks, and informers. / By A.G.
A. G.
Wing G2; Thomason E1647_1; ESTC R209091
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Anno quarto et quinto, Philippi & Mariæ. Actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the .xx daye of January, in the fourth and fift yeare of the reigne of oure soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, kinge and Quene of England, Spayne, Fraunce, both the Sicilles, Jerusalem, and Jrelande, defendours of the faith, archidukes of Austria, dukes of Burgondie, Millaine and Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders, and Tyrol, and there continued and kepte vntyll the vij. day of Marche, then next folowinge, and enacted as foloweth..; Laws, etc.
England and Wales.; Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558.; Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598.
STC 9457; ESTC S832
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Anno primo Reginæ Elizabethæ at the Parliament begunne at Westminster, the xxiij of Januarie, in the fyrst yere of the raigne of our soueraigne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, queene, defender of the fayth &c., and there prorogued till the xxv. of the same moneth, and then and there holden, kept, and continued, vntyll the dissolution of the same, being the eight day of May then next ensuyng, were enacted as foloweth.; Laws, etc. (Session laws : 1559 Jan.-May)
England and Wales.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I)
STC 9460; ESTC S4086
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Anno quinto reginæ Elizabethe. At the parliament holden at Wesmynster the .xii. of Ianuary, in the fyfth yere of the raigne of our soueraigne lady, Elizabeth by the grace of god, of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, quene, defendour of the the fayth. [et]c. To the hygh pleasure of almyghtye God, and the weale publique of this realme, were enacted as foloweth; Laws, etc.
England and Wales.
STC 9464.5; ESTC S113166
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An Exact book of entries, of the most select judiciall vvrits used in the common-law. Translated from the originall manuscript, which was collected by the hands of that eminent clerk, Robert Moyle Esq; late one of the prothonotaries of the Court of Common-Bench. A work of much industry, as may appeare by the authors great paines in quoting of book-cases, opinions of judges, number rolls, and many other requisites, for the confirmation of every entry, whereof none have been ever published before. Printed now for the use and benefit of all, but aimed most especially for such as are most conversant in the common-law. By J.H. Gent. With a perfect table in which may be found the principall matters therein contained.
J. H.; Moyle, Robert.
Wing M3029; Thomason E757_11; ESTC R207263
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An exact collection of choice declarations, with pleas, replications, rejoynders, demurrers, assignement of errours and the entries of judgments thereupon affirmed. / Collected by VV. S. one of the clerks of the upper bench office : in the reignes of Queen Elizabeth, King James, and the late King Charles. Diligently perused, and translated into English, for the benefit and helpe of young clerkes. With an exact table, wherein may be found the principall matters contained in the whole book.
W. S., One of the clerks of the Upper Bench Office.; J. W.; Sheppard, William, d. 1675?, attributed name.; Small, William, 17th cent, attributed name.
Wing S3185; Thomason E210_1; ESTC R10408
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Jurisdictions or, The lawful authority of courts leet, courts baron, court of marshallseys, court of pypowder, and ancient demesne : together with the most necessary learning of tenures, and all their incidents, of essoynes, imparlance, view; of all manner of pleadings, of contracts, of the nature of all sorts of actions, of maintenance; of diverse other things, very profitable for all students of innes of court and chancery : and a most perfect directory for all stewards of any the sayd courts. / Heretofore writ in French by the methodically learned, John Kitchin of Grays-Inne, Esq; and now most exactly rendred to more ample advantage in the English tongue; with a demonstrative table, pointing out all matter of consequence, throughout the whole work. Whereunto is added the authentick formes of all manner of writs, with their severall returnes in English, very usefull for all men in this Common-wealth, as they be now used.; Court leete et court baron. English
Kitchin, John.
Wing K656; Thomason E1225_1; ESTC R211060
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The declarations and other pleadings contained in the eleven parts of the reports of Sir Edward Coke, Knight, sometime Lord Chief Justice of England and one of His Majesties Council of Estate rendred into English by W. Hughes of Grayes-Inne, Esquire, for the benefit of all students and practizers of the common law ; with a perfect table of the principal matters thereunto annexed.; Reports. English. Selections
Coke, Edward, Sir, 1552-1634.; Hughes, William, of Gray's Inn.
Wing C4917; ESTC R7332
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Succint genealogies of the noble and ancient houses of Alno or de Alneto, Broc of Stephale, Latimer of Duntish, Drayton of Drayton, Mauduit of Westminster, Green of Drayton, Vere of Addington, Fitz-Lewes of Westhornedon, Howard of Effingham and Mordaunt of Turvey justified by publick records, ancient and extant charters, histories and other authentick proofs, and enriched with divers sculptures of tombs, images, seals, and other curiosities / by Robert Halstead.
Peterborough, Henry Mordaunt, Earl of, 1624?-1697.
Wing P1693; ESTC R21912
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The history of that most victorius monarch, Edward IIId, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, and first founder of the most noble Order of the Garter being a full and exact account of the life and death of the said king : together with that of his most renowned son, Edward, Prince of Wales and of Aquitain, sirnamed the Black-Prince : faithfully and carefully collected from the best and most antient authors, domestick and foreign, printed books, manuscripts and records / by Joshua Barnes ...
Barnes, Joshua, 1654-1712.
Wing B871; ESTC R7544
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The firste [laste] volume of the chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande conteyning the description and chronicles of England, from the first inhabiting vnto the conquest : the description and chronicles of Scotland, from the first original of the Scottes nation till the yeare of our Lorde 1571 : the description and chronicles of Yrelande, likewise from the first originall of that nation untill the yeare 1571 / faithfully gathered and set forth by Raphaell Holinshed.
Holinshed, Raphael, d. 1580?
STC 13568B; ESTC S3985
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