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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04223 A view of all the right honourable the Lord Mayors of this honorable citty of London With the personages, and also such chiefe occasions as happened in euery seuerall mayors time, as also their charitable gifts are set downe, and the places of their burials. Beginning at the first yeare of her maiesties happy raigne, and continued vnto this present yeare 1601. by W.I. of London printer. Jaggard, William, 1569-1623. 1599 (1599) STC 14343; ESTC S109094 14,146 96

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A view of all THE RIGHT HOnourable the Lord Mayors of this Honorable Citty of London With the personages and also such chiefe occasions as happened in eue●y seuerall mayors time as also their charitable gifts are set downe and the places of their burials Beginning at the first yeare of her maiesties happy raigne and continued vnto this present yeare 1601. by W. I. of London Printer Printed at London for William Iaggard and Thomas Pauyer and are to be sold at his house in Cornhill at the signe of the Cat and two Parats 1601. TO THE RIGHT HOnorable Sir William Ryder Lord Mayor of this Honourable Citty of London RIght Honourable I find in common experience that euery Author fitteth the patronage of his long labour vnto some personage of esteeme and in knitting vp his resolution presumeth vpon the fauour of such a one as in his long debated conceit best vnderstandeth the subiect whereon hee laboureth Euen so I being h attened forth by other mens good haps haue only made choise of your honour vnder whose fauour I hope to be protected and finding it my duty considring the honor it hath pleased God to bestow vpon you to rest my labor vppon so worthy a rocke The causes mouing me to this worke might be many but especially foure First the examples of good iustice done by your predecessors Secondly the christian and charitable patterns left for after ages by their examples Thirdly how many poore in this citty and else-where are relieued to the worlds end by their liberalities and godly prouisions And fourthly but principally Right Honorable that which no good subiect will obiect against the great mercy of God in blessing this little land with so precious a Prince in whose raigne may be told to after ages that neuer any one age heard before that 43. Lord Mayors of this Citty haue seene 43. yeares all in peace vnder so gracious a Soueraigne In peace one yea●e to take place and in that great blessing Peace the next yeare to resign againe God long preserue that root from whence such blossomes spring I had thought to haue put it out naked but being better aduised I haue in duty being a poore Citizen presented your Honor with the first fruit of my labour praying pardon at your kind hands for my rash and rude presumption vpon your patience if I shal any way offend I haue in this collection dealt as faithfully towardes euery particular personage as I find recorded and I trust giuen no cause of offence to any good knight either liuing or deceased Thus finishing my taske in your yeare of gouernement I shall daily pray to God for your Honours good successe Your Honors in all duty William Iaggard An. reg 1. Sir Thomas Lee Mercer 1558 THis sir Thomas Lee or Leigh gouerned this worthy Citty of London in the yeare 1558. He was not long in this authoritye but God sent vs our gracious and Noble queene Elizabeth to raigne and gouerne ouer this happy land At the solemnization of her Maiesties Coronation it pleased hir highnesse to make this lord Mayor Butler for that high feast gaue vnto him a cup of golde for his dilligent paines and discharge of his high office Also in this yeare the cittizens of London had a muster before the queene at Greenewich of 1400. men all furnished and set forth by the seuerall companies of the citty of London Sir Thomas Lee lies buried in the Mercers chappell Sheriffes Iohn Hlase Richard Champion An. reg 2 Sir Wil. Huet Clothworker 1559 SIr William Huet was next that had the gouernment and was lord Mayor of this famous Citty He was the first mayor of the Worshipfull Company of the Clothworkers he was very charitable and a very good commonwealth man In this yeare on michealmasse eeuen was published a proclamation concerning base coine called the third fall of base money and for it came newe coine of fine siluer He hauing but one daughter married with maist Edward Osborne being his man and after Lord mayor of this citty who erected in remembrance of his said mayster father a pretty monument in the church of saint martin Orgar where he was buried the 25. of Ianuary 1566. Sheriffes Thomas Lodge Roger martin An. reg 3. Sir Wil. Chester Draper 1560 IN this yeare 1560. Sir William Chester was elected chosen Lord Mayor of this Citty no matter worthy note haopened throughout this yeare concerning this Citty saue only about the moneth of April there was one whipped for taking vpon him a false Christ and after his punishment confessed that Christ was in heauen This yeare vpon the fourth of Iune betweene the houres of foure and fiue after noone Paules steeple was set on fire by lightning so terrible that in foure houres the steeple with the roofes of the church were consumed This knight liued after this place of honor some yeares and lies buried in saint Edmunds church in Lumbard street Sheriffes Christopher Draper Thomas Rowe An. reg 4. Sir Wil. Harper Merchantaylor 1561 SIr William Harper Lord Mayor of this citty of London shewed many good workes of christianity amongst many vertues he erected a free schoole in the auncient towne of Bedford in which towne he was borne This yeare her Maiesty by proclamation restored vnto all her louing subiectes diuers small pieces of money from six pence to three farthinges Also this yeare was made ready and set forward her Maiesties forces for the recouery of the town of New hauen which was by Gods assistance effected and got by the English Manye excellent deedes of charity proceeded from this good knight which are not yet gathered he was buried in Lumbard street at saint Mary Wolnoth Sheriffes Alexander Avenon Humfrey Baskervile An. reg 5 Sir Thomas Lodge Grocer 1562 THis yeare sir Thomas Lodge was Lord Mayor in whose yeare the English men returned from Newhauen at the comming home of which companies there arose a great plague especially within this citty and as M. Stow recordeth there died of all diseases within this citty the liberties out-parishes 23660. Of the plague 20136. By reason hereof no tearme was kept at Michaelmasse Also there was a great Earthquake in England and a great tempest about London whereby much hurt happened about Charing-crosse This Knight hath no other matters recorded of his time what deedes hee did in this citty or in his company as yet I find not He lies in Aldermary church Sheriffes William Allin Richard Champion An. reg 6 Sir Iohn White Grocer 1563 IN this yeare 1563. was sir Iohn White Lord Mayor of this Honourable citty but by reason the pestilence was not yet cleare he was forced to leaue the accustomed maner of taking his Oath at Westminster and receiued it at the vtmost gate of the Tower of London neither was there any feast at the Guildhal Hyllary tearme was kept in Hartford Castle The Armorers through sute made to this Lord Mayor got a Watch graunted vpon saint Peters eeven It
was also enacted by a common councell that if any Citizen were forced to sell his houshold stuffe he should haue it cryed by a Belman and then sold by a common out cryer appointed for that purpose He was not buried in London Sheriffes Edward Bankes Rowland Heyward An. reg 7. Sir Richard Mallary Mercer 1564 SIr Richard Mallary was according to auncient custome by the common consent of this citty elected and chosen Lord Mayor for this yeare in whose time I finde little recorded In this yeare was the great Frost being very sharpe extreame and continued many daies insomuch as the Thames was so frozen vp that from London bridge to Westminster diuers courtyers shot at prickes vppon the yce It continued till the third of Ianuary and then came so swift a thaw that within two daies the yce was so cleane consumed as if no such frost had hapned but in the farewel thereof it bare downe Owse bridge and did much hurt The Watch was this yeare continued on saint Peters eeuen Nothing can I say further of this knight as yet He lies buryed in the Mercers chappell Sheriffes Edward Iackman Lyonell Ducket An. reg 8. Sir Rich. Champion Draper 1565 THis yeare sir Richard Champion was Lord Mayor of London who shewed himselfe very dilligent and carefull in the discharge of the trust to him committed He liued but a short time after this his high office some three years ●t his death he left a very christian and charitable token of remembrance to all after ages for as in his life time he relieued the poore so he hath ordained a weekly stipend to be bestowed vpon the poore of the parish of S. Dunstans in the East where he lyeth vnder a very faire monument erected In his time was purchased by the Citty certain houses in Cornhill amounting to the sum of 532. poundes or thereabout and deliucred to sir Thomas Gresham whoe builded the same at his owne charge on the 7. of Iune laid with his owne hands the first stone Sheriffes Iohn Riuers Iames Hawes An. reg 9. Christo Draper Ironmonger 1566 IN this yeare 1566. was sir Christopher Draper by common custome chosen appointed Lord Mayor of this citty the which place hee discharged with grea● grauity and liued many yeares a Worshipfull knight and Iustice in this cyttye I finde nothing as yet of his almes●deedes but as they come to hand they shal be inserted This yeare there died within the compasse of ten monethes seuen seueral Aldermen which hath not beene seene before or since that time On mydsommer euen at night this yeare was the like standing watch as had bin on saint Peters euen the yeare before past This Knight hath no monument erected but lieth buried in a vanlt at saint Dunstons in the East without any further remembrance of any thing Sheriffes Rich. Lambert died Ambrose Nycholas Iohn Langley An. reg 10. Sir Roger Martin Mercer 1567 SIr Roger Martin was now Lord Mayor of this citty who discharged the same very grauely and as the place required His bringing vp was not very great but by his discreet carriage and good dealing became in time a great merchant in this citty and of great wealth He was very courteous and of a very plesant and ieasting spirit He was so well taken amongst men that hee was chosen an Alderman first after called to be sheriffe of London and in his due place mayor this knight married a Grecian dame and lyeth buried in the parish church of saint Antolines vnder a very faire monument erected This yeare there happened such scarsitie of fodder and hay that in diuers places the same was sold by wail●● for fiue pence the stone No further can as yet be set downe of this knight Sheriffes Thomas Ramsey William Bond. An. reg 11. Sir Tho. Rowe Merchantaylor 1568 THis yeare sir Thomas Row was Lord Mayor He did many works of charity amongst which he compassed nigh one acre of ground neere Bedlem with a bricke wall to bury the dead of all such parishes as had not conuenient buriall He also erected a gallary at Paules Crosse for gentlewomen to stande in to heare the sermons At his decease he gaue vnto the Merchantaylors a hundred li● in money for the vse of eight poore men vsing clothworking or making of garments to vse for two yeares for euer He also gaue lands for the vse of ten poore impotent men past labour free of the Clothworkers carpenters tylers plays●erers and Armorers that is foure pound a man for euer He was buried at Hackney vnder a very faire monument in that church erected Sheriffes Iohn Oleph Robert Harding Iames Bacon An. reg 12. Sir Alex. Avenon Ironmonger 1509 IN this yeare of sir Alexander Auenon knight and at this time Lord Mayor of this citty of London there was no accustomed feast kept at the Guildhall by reason that the pestilence had now againe caught hold in furious manner with in this citty but he held the custome of going to Westminster by water and there had his charge deliuered The rebellion in the North this yeare was very tedious and many forces were conueyed thither to suppresse and bring vnder the violent outrage of those Rebels being the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland Of this knight as yet no further mention can be made concerning either his place or any almes●deedes towards the reliefe of the needy because no certaine notice is found thereof He was buried at saint Peters in cheape but no monument Sheriffes Henry Becher William Dane An. reg 13. Sir Row Heyward Clothworker 1570 SIr Rowland Heyward was Lord Mayor for this yeare 1570. and liued after till the yeare 1590. the iust compasse of twenty yeares and then was the second time Lord Mayor he liued some thirty yeares Alderman knight and Iustice in this famous citty and at the time of his death the ancientest vpon that worthy bench He was a man of a very graue wise and couragious stomach as might be well obserued of him in his last time of gouernment He was well beloued of many good men and women In his first yeare her Maiesty accompanied with her Nobles came to sir Thomas Gressams and at her returne named the Bursse and called it the royall Exchange He died in great credit the 5 of Decem. 93. appointing two worthy citizens his executors they erected for him a faire monument Sheriffes Frances Barnham William Box. An. reg 14. Sir Wilam Allin Mercer 157● THis yeare sir William Allin was called to this high place by the whole consent and custome of this citty He was a man of no greater birth then a Citizen of this cytty and borne without Byshopsgate He had so tender a feeling of the many necessities of the poore that he would buy wood from the carte and distribute it with his owne hands Besides he would walke often through the said parish and such poore as stood in need he gaue reliefe vnto and at his death gaue a
weekly porcion of bread to the poore of the same parish vpon euery sabbaoth day for euer and was buried in the parish church wherein hee was christened This yeare the citizens trained three times a weeke the number of 3000. and on May day mustred before the Queenes Maiesty at Greenwich Sheriffes Henry Mylles Iohn Branch An. reg 15 Sir Lyonell Dvcket Mercer 1572 IN this yeare of onr Lord abouesaid the choise of the lorde mayor of this cittye was appointed to the gouernment and charge of sir Lyoneli Ducket who so be haued himselfe in this high place that hee gained vnto himselfe great credite all the rest of his daies It should also appeare by circumstance that he had a desire to raise the needy poore by leauing a tast of his bounty behind him bestowing largely vpon the poore of the parish of Buckland in Barkshire in which place he rested him and gaue a farewell to London and in that towne and parish ended his daies and there lies buried Many bi● matters happned in his yeare but nothing concerning himselfe or this citty can I finde as yet of certainty but if any true notes come to hand they shall be ioyned hereunto Sheriffes Rychard Pype Nicholas Wodroffe An. reg 16. Sir Iohn Ryuers Grocer 1573 THis yeare sir Iohn Ryvers being free of the company of the Grocers followed the auncient solemnity went to Westminster by water and receiued his charge and held a solemne feast at the Guildhall He discharged the trust to him committed with great grauity care and dilligence and yet in this yeare there arose a dearth both in corne and other victuals without any iust cause to bee gathered for wheate was sold in London for three shillinges the bushell and yet before the Christmas following it rose vp to seuen shillings the bushell and then all manner of victuall was inhansed to greater prices nothing haue I yet more to say of this knight neither that he was buried in London This yeare by reason of a great and vnaccustomed tempest the boy was drowned at Dowgate Sheriffes Iames Harvey Thomas Pullison An. reg 17 Sir Iam. Hawes Clothworker 1574 SIr Iames Hawes was this yeare called vpon and was Lorde Mayor of this Honourable Cytty of London This Mayor kept no feast at the Guildhall and yet there was great preparation made for the same feast as in former yeares it had bin accustomed but dined at his owne house accompanied with the rest of the Aldermen his brethren and the companies dined in their seuerall Halles Michaelmasse tearme which was adiourned by proclamation began at Westminster the 6. of Nouember This yeare wheat and other graine fell from 7. shillings to 3. ●●●llinges as in the yeare before More of this knight I cannot set downe hee was buried in Abchurch but no monument erected Also this yeare happened many strange accidents as may more at large be read in the Chronicles Sheriffes Thomas Blanke Antho. Gammage An. reg 18. Sir Amrose Nycholas Salter 1575 SIr Ambrose Nycholas was by common consent called in this yeare of our Lord to the rule and gouernment of this citty who effected the same in great grauity and circumspect diligence He kept no feast likewise at the guildhall but kept the custome in going to Westminster by water and dined at his owne house as for the companies they dined in their seuerall halles This knight did many waies relieue and comfort the poore and liued some few yeares a worthy knight and Iustice of the citty and lies buried vnder a very faire monument at S. Mildreds church in Bredstreet nothing further canne be shewed concerning this knight as yet This yeare Captaine Frobisher set forth his first voyage to Cathay for gold and brought one of the people of that countrey home with him Sheriffes Edward Osborne Wolstan Dyxy An. reg 19 Sir Iohn Landley goldsmith 157● IN this yeare sir Iohn Landley came to the gouernment of this citty and discharged the trust to him committed with great care and dilligence In his year the Tower of London bridge was taken downe a new foundation being drawn sir Iohn being Mayor did take vpon him the laying of the first stone of this foundation vpon the 28 of August in the presence of both the sheriffes and t'woe of the maisters of the Bridgehouse At his death he should haue bin buried at saint Laurences but in breaking vp the vault one Ile of the church was in great d●unger of falling and therefore was buried in the mayors chappell neare Guildhall This yeare happened the sudden damp● at the Syses held at Oxford whereof so many worthy Iustices and other people died suddenly Sheriffes William Kempton George Barne An. reg 20 Sir Tho. Ramsey Grocer 1577 THis sir Thomas Ramsey Lorde Mayor for this yeare with the godly dame Mary his wife gaue the feesimple of the yearly value of 243. pounds vnto Christes Hospitall in London to Peterhouse in Cambridge yearelye 40. li. to 4 schollers and two fellowes there More x. li yearely to the poore of S. Bartholomewes and ten pound yearely to poore prisoners this to be continued for euer the remainder to the poore children of Christs hospitall these gitfs are much augmented by the good Lady He continually relieued the poore He gaue much towards the helping forward of young men retaylors of his company hee was a very careful maiestrate walked in the feare of God was well beloued He liued 79. yeares he lies in Saint Mary Wolnoth in Lumbard street Sheriffes Nicholas Backhouse Fraunces Bowyer An. reg 21. Sir Richard Pype Draper 1578 THis yeare sir Richard Pype being free of the worshipful company of the Drapers had the sword and gouernment of this citty committed to his charge in his yeare about the xxii of Ianuary about seuen a clocke at night the Nobility of this land and this Mayor with his brethren the Aldermen receyued Iohn Cassimere landing at the Tower wharffe and with torchlight brought him to the house of sir Thomas Gresham in Byshopsgatestreet Also the new tower vpon London bridge whereon the heads of traytors stand the foundation being layed the yeare before was fully finished in the moneth of August Other accidents fel forth this yeare but nothing touching the mayor as yet I find neyther that he was buryed in London Sheriffes George Bond. Thomas Starkey An. reg 22 Sir Nych wodroffe Habrdasher 1579 IN this yeare of our Lord sir Nycholas Wodroffe vsing the auncient custome tooke his charge at Westminster and his feast in the Guildhall hee discharged the trust to him committed with great care and dilligence and liued som few yeares after a Iustice of this citty I finde no notes of his bounty as yet but if any happen to hand hereafter they shall be added neither where he died or was buried I cannot set downe This yeare happened the great Earth quake both here in London and also generally throughout all England except some part of the North by which great hurt happened
reg 38 Sir stephen Slany skinner 159● SIr Stephen Slany had this yeare committed to his charge At this time it was thought necessary for two marshals to be appointed for the purging and clensing this citty from vagarent persons Also this yeare the Lord Mayor and aldermen were fetched from the sermon at Paules Crosse and forthwith vpon precept from the Councell pressed a thousand men which was done by 8. a clock the same night but the next day by the afternoone they were all discharged then suddenly on Easter day euery man in his parish church being ready to receiue the comunion the Aldermen with their officers shut the church doores till they had gathered againe the 1000. men which were going to Douer to ayde Callice but the French had lost it This knight liueth a worthy iustice of this citty Sheriffes Thomas Lowe Leonard Halliday An. reg 39. Sir Tho. Skinner Clothwor 1596 THis sir Thomas Skinner being chosen Mayor for this yeare and seeing the great distresse of breadcorne to grow so vnmercifull deare that the faces of the poore did manifest their want this Mayor in a feeling compassion pitty and care prouided that breadcorne shoulde bee brought from Danske and other the East countries by our Merchants who had freely giuen them both custome stowage and also to make their owne price so that his great care brought with it this good that corne was to be had for money In this yeare was great triumphe for the preseruation of her Maiesty He liued but a while in his honor and died the 30 of Decem. and lies buried in Milkestreat He was of a stout stomach very mercifull and vpright and whose death was much bewayled of the poore Sheriffes Richard Goddard Iohn Wats An. reg 39 Sir Henry Bilignsly Haberda 1596 SIr Henry Billingsly by reason of the death of the other Mayor was elected chosen to serue the rest of the yeare in this place of honor whoe beeing chiefe Customer for her Maiesty vpon twelfe ce●e sat in the custome house with the sword lying before him on the table and on the xi of Ianuary he tooke his Oath at the Tower of London this happened by reason that sir Thomas Skinner liued but about some two moneths in that office The great dearth was not yet abated for the spring fell out very cold and also great prouision was made to sea where by victuals kept a very high price yet in the moneth of August the prices of grain somthing abated wheat from xiii s. to x. and Rye from 9. to 6. so to 3. s 2 d. but it after rose againe He liueth a Iustice and chiefe customer to her Maiesty Sheriffes Richard Goddard Iohn Wats An. reg 40 Sir Rich. Saltonston skinner 1597 IN this yeare of our Lord this Lord Mayor was by common consent custom elected and serued this place to him committed in great quiet and peace In this yeare began the reading of Lectures of the seuerall sciences in sir Thomas Greshams colledge by him founded in Bishopsgatestreat Also this yeare began the Parliament at Westminster in October wheras through the mighty recourse of people diuers were crushed and smouldred to death preasing betwixt White hall and the colledge church to see her maiesty and Nobility riding in their robes to the said parliament sir thomas Garrard and his men making way before them Also this yeare was great frosts this knight is lately deceased so that as yet I haue not gathered true notes togither Sheriffes Henry Roe Iohn More An. reg 41. Sir stephen Some Grocer 1598 THis yeare the gouernment of this citty was committed to this knight In his time he roused vp a great corruption long before lying hidde to the great dammage of people namely false waightes and measures vsed in buying selling wherby great good may insue to this citty if the eie of Iustice take som view thereof now and then Also in his time was raysed a great muster of men in this citty of 6000. of which three thousand wer housholders only the other three thousand all subsidy men picked forth of euery ward to guard the Queenes person all which companies mustred at Mileend in gallant manner this Mayor himselfe comming into the field giuing great thankes to the cittizens for their great forwardnesse He liueth a worthy Iustice and a man of couragious stomach Sheriffes Edmond Holmdon Robert Hampson An. reg 42 Sir Nych Mosly Clothworker 1599 SIr Nycholas Mosley was for this yeare Lord Mayor of London whose passage in his gouernment is fresh in the memory of euery man This knight so behaued himselfe in this place of honour and vsed such care and conscience therewithall as well might please the best minded His care was great and very dilligent in seeing into the markets that they might not exact vpon the buyers Also he had euer a speciall eye to Bakers to hold them to their assises wherby the poor man might haue his penniworth Againe towards Victualers by reason that they are growne many and bad whose measure is in generall without all conscience Also great abuse in seacoles he to his power did cause to be amended setting the cittyes armes vpon euery cart that ought to carry true measure too and fro Sheriffes Rychard Wylde Roger Clarke An. reg 43. Sir Wil Ryder Haberdasher 1600 THis present yeare of our Lord the gouernment of this Citty by the ful consent and auncient custome of our Cittizens was committed to sir Willyam Ryder now Lord Mayor of this Honourable cittye of London Of whose worthinesse in his place euery eie may witnesse whose care in maintenance of the good of this citty sheweth it selfe dayly by his great paines taking in reformation of an olde and long corruption rooted amongest men in abusing the true vse of waight and measure and that his cares herein may bee the better remembred he hath ordained in euery market place common scales and waights wherein all men may find out fraud and deceit with the author thereof Also his dilligent eye for his princes seruice hath bin quicke worthy the trust to him committed Sheriffes Thomas Cambell William Craven
against the Spaniardes This knight lies in the Mercers chappell hauing no monument Sheriffes Thomas Skinner Iohn Catcher An. reg 31 Sir Martin Calthorpe Draper 1588 THis yeare sir Martin Calthorpe was Lord Mayor of this citty In this yeare the xvii of Nouember was appointed holliday and the citizens were assembled at Paules crosse Also in this mayors time her Maiesty attended by all the states of this land came in great royalty from somerset house to paule● and at temple barre this Mayor and the rest of the Aldermen receiued her maiesty deliuering vp al authority to her that gaue it she deliuered backe to this Mayor hir royall scepter who bare the same before her each seuerall company standing on both sides the way from Fleetstreat to paules and returned backe by torchlight After a little space this mayor aldermen graue commoners receiued her again to westminster he died in his mayoralty is buried at saint Mary Hill Sheriffes Hugh Ofley Rich. Saltingstall An. reg 31 Sir Richard Martin Goldsmith 1589 SIr Richard Martin by occasion of the death of sir Martin Calthorpe came at an vnaccustomed time of the yeare to this gouernment namely the third day of May in which moneth there was a generall fifteene gathered thoroughout London for the cleasing of the Fleet ditch Also this worthy knight being inuited to the Seargeants feast then held in the new Temple Hall hauing certaine aldermen his brethren in company at the Temple gate this Lord Mayor was by certen young Gentlemen of that house denied entrance with his sword borne vp before him vpon which vncourteous demeanor made hee returned backe to his owne house and did not dine with them This knight liueth hath bin twice Lord mayor he is a welbeloued Iustice and the ancientest on that worthy bench Sheriffes Hugh Ofley Rich. Saltingstall An. reg 32 Sir Iohn Hart groce 1589 THis yeare of our Lord sir Iohn Hart was Lord Mayor of this Honourable Citty This yeare the Cittizens were often frighted with fire first a great fire happened on Fishstreet hill burning the house downe to the ground some two daies after another house ouer against the first againe not passing 4 daies distant another house and some people were burnt on the backeside of the first house Also this yeare were great tempest of winde Also in the moneth of September there happened a great disorder at Lincolnes Inne betwixt prentises and the gentlemen of that house so that some bloud was shed and woulde haue growne more dangerous had not the same by this wise maiestrate bin appeased He liueth a good knight and an vpright and graue Iustice in this citty Sheriffes Richard Gurney Steuen Some An. reg 33. Sir Iohn Allat Fishmonger 1590 IN this yeare sir Iohn Allat by consent and custome was Lorde Mayor of this citty he was also Mayor of the Queenes staple he deceased in the moneth of september next following his entrance and then sir Rowland Heyward Clothworker serued out that yeare being about sixe weekes this yeare passed a verye hard yeare with the poore for bread corne flesh and whitmeates al grew to an exceeding deare rate and yet there was enough for money Hacket this year was executed in Cheapeside for many traitorous vsages of the Queenes picture and being moued to aske God and the Queene forgiuenesse he fell to rauing against her maiesty and began a most blasphemous speach against God this knight lies ●n a parish church in Fryday streat hauing a pretty monument erected Sheriffes Nycholas Mosley Robert Brooke An. reg 34. Sir William Web Salter 1591 IN this yeare of our Lord sir William Webbe keeping the vsuall solemnity and custome went to Westminster and receiued his charge this knight discharged the place in great credit and liued some few yeares a well accounted Iustice at the place of his buriall being saint Dunstans in the East I find no monument but that he was buried in a vault which is altogither reserued for the better sort neyther as yet find any notes of his bounty This yeare died sir Christopher Hatton Lord Chauncellor Also this yeare by reason of a mighty strong West winde the Thames was left so bare of water by forcing out the fresh and keeping back the salt water that men in diuers places might go two hundred paces ouer and then fling a stone to the land Sheriffes William Rider Bennet Barnham An. reg 35 Sir wiliam Roe Ironmonger 1592 THis Lord Mayor rode from the Guildhall to the Tower and there tooke his Oath being accompanied with the Aldermen the Liuery and Batchelers of the Ironmongers and the liuery of the Haberdashers and no more all these dined at the Lord Mayors house and at the halles of these two companies all this was done by the appointment of the Councell to auoyd infect●●● of the plague Mychaelmasse tearme was carryed to Hertford Also Bartholomew faire was not kept at London all to auoyd the great concourse of people that might haue byn gathered together whereby the infection would haue increased This Mayor dyed in his Mayoralty some 3. or 4. daies before the ende of his honour and lyeth buryed at saint Laurences but hath no monument erected Sheriffes Iohn Garrard Robert Taylor An. reg 36 Sir Cuthbert Buckle Vintner 1593 SIr Cuthbert Buckle had his oath giuen him at the tower as the Maior the year before him because the plague increased very extreamly he himselfe deceased in the moneth of Iuly and sir Richard Martin was now the second time L. Mayor In this yeare died William Ellin Alderman and a 〈◊〉 benefactor vnto this citty there died also sir Rowland Heyward and sir Wolstan Dyxye Also the whole number of people buried this yeare in the citty and suburbes 17893. Of the plague 10675. After in this yeare the Cittizens made ready six shippes two Gallies with men munition and victuals for three moneths to her Maiesties vse More was granted to her Maiesties vse by a common councell 450. men on foot all likewise set out at the charges of the cittizens by way of a fifteene Sheriffes Paul B●●ning Peter Hautyn An. reg 37 Sir Iohn Spencer Clothworker 1●94 IN this yeare of our Lord sir Iohn Spencer was chosen Lord Mayor of this Honourable citty he receiued his honour and charge at We●tminster and his feast at the Guildhall In this yeare as M. Iohn Stow recordeth corner of to an excessiue great price and not only corne but all manner victuals by reason of transportation Also this yeare diuers were punished for abusing the market people in selling away th●● goods at what vnder price they thought good More this yeare was a great ryot committed on the Tower hill this Lord Mayor rode thithe● accompanied with his officers to cleere the hill where his swordbearer was striken down sore wounded his swo●d wrung out of his hand by the lieutenants man but being again recouered this Lord Mayor made proclamation of peace Sheriffes Iohn Lee. Thomas Bennet An.
about London it continued in London but a moment but in some places it was felt three seuerall times Many strange accidents happened this yeare as may be found at large in the Chronicles Sheriffes Martin Calthorpe Iohn Hart. An. reg 23. Sir Iohn Branch Draper 1580 SIr Iohn Branch was called this yeare to bee Lord Mayor and liued after hee had discharged this office some yeares At his departure out of this life he appointed by his Will many goodly Legacies giftes and remembrances to be done amongst all which he remembred the poore of the parish wherein he was an inhabitant and gaue vnto the said poore a summe of money to be distributed at the discretion of the churchwardens and other the gouernors of that parish also he lies buried in Abchurch vnder a very faire monument erected by his Lady and other of his kindred This yeare came into England many of the Peeres of France accompanied with a great traine then was made ready the banquetting house also the Nobles of this land made great triumph before her Maiesty Sheriffes Ralph Woodcocke Iohn Allat An. reg 24. Sir Iames Harvey Ironmonger 1581 THis yeare of our Lord God sir Iames Haruey was according to auncient solemnity elected and chosen Lord Mayor of this Citty and passed thorough this charge like a wise graue and discreet maiestrate hee liued some after yeares but insomuch as he hath a monument erected in the parish church of saint Dyonise in Fanchurchstreat and not yet finished through the default of some who were put in trust to finish the said monument I cannot set downe such apt notes as might haue there haue bin found This yeare Mounfieur the French kings brother came into England and was honourably receiued both of the Nobles of the land and this Lord Mayor and the rest of the Aldermen his brethren And after some few moneths returned out of this land in great honor Sheriffes Richard Martyn William Webbe An. reg 25 Sir Tho. blanke Haberdasher 1582 IN this yeare sir Thomas Blanke was Lord Mayor of this Honourable Citty this mayor was borne and brought vp in this Citty and vsed the trade of merchandize he was accounted very religious in obseruing Gods word he was also accounted very iust and vpright in all his dealings and a great maintainer of hospitality to the poore he was a father and great comforter hee was so well beloued and esteemed amongst both rich and poore insomuch that he was called by this name The Good Knight he liued the age of 74. yeares and died the 28. of October 1588. and lyeth vnder a very faire monument at saint Mary Hill In his year the Tearme was remoued to the Castle of Hertford Also the standart at Leaden Hall for thames water was in his time erected Sheriffes William Roe Iohn Haydon Cuthbert Buckle An. reg 25. Sir Edw. Osborne Clothworker 1583 THis yeare of our Lorde sir Edwarde Osborne was elected Lorde Mayor of this Citty what countrey man he was or of what parentage I find not but as an apprentise he serned sir William Huet before remembred vsing merchandize into France Spaine the straights other where and after the ende of his seruice married his said maisters daughter hauing no other child whereby his state was greatly raised This knight erected an euerlasting monument in remembrance of his said mayster and father in Law but none hath so requited his kindnesse for he lies buried in saint Dyonise church in Fanchurch street but hath no monument nor further remembrance as yet can be found except in his company● I may hereafter come to more perfect remembrances Sheriffes William Marsham Iohn Spencer An. reg 27 Sir Tho. Pullison Draper 1584 IN this yeare sir Thomas Pullison serued this place of Honour and discharged the same wich graue and discreet maiestracy the same knight yet liueth but vpon occasions gaue vp and liueth priuate In his yeare her Maiesty after her progresse returned to her house at saint Iames where the Citizens of London to the number of 200. on horsse in veluet cotes and chaines of gold and a thousand on foot with euery man a torch to giue light they receiued her ioyfully and on the 24. day of the same moneth her Maiesty with her Nobles rode to the parlament house Also this yeare the Citizens by commandement mustered to the number of 4000. at Mile ●end and else-where and on the x. of May skirmished before her Maiesty at Greenwich who gaue them great thanks Sheriffes Steven Slany Henry Byllingsly An. reg 28 Sir Wolstan Dyxy Skynner 1585 SIr Wolstan Dyxy being this yeare Lord Mayor shewed himselfe a worthy vpright maiestrate and as he bare himselfe in his life and authority so when God tooke him from the world he left many remembrances of his charitable and godly deedes As first he gaue a porcion of land to his company to theyr vse for euer Also for certaine Diuine Lectvres to be read in a place appointed he hath giuen a yearly annuity More he gaue bountifully to the poore of his parish apointing a yearely summe to be distributed amongst them by the hands of the company of the Skinners This yeare was the second Lottery for Armour also the 14 Traytors were executed This knight hath as yet no monument erected but is buried in saint Mychaels at Bashingshaw Sheriffes Anthony Ratcliffe Henry Prannell An. reg 29 Sir George Barne Haberdasher 1586 SIr George Barne was this yeare Lord Mayor and liued after the discharge of that place a gentle knight and well reputed Iustice of this fayre citty the day of his entring Ludgate being new finished was opened for the Councell to passe thorough to the Guildhall to dinner This knight was the first aduenturer to Barbary Roushia and Genua he was alwaies accounted a great furtherer of a common wealth hated couetousnesse was glad to heare that young men prospered he alwaies set forward the poore mans cause This mayor with his brethren in scarlet and diuers Nobles of the land with the number of 80. graue Citizens in veluet cotes and chaines of golde with sounde of trumpet made declaration of sentence against the Queene of Scots he was buried at s Bartho at the Exchange Sheriffes Robert House William Elkin An. reg 30 Sir George Bond. 1587 IN this yeare of our Lord this citties charge was giuen to this knight Much troble was attempted against this land this yeare All parts of the land was prouided and put in readinesse to make resistance against the proud Spaniard whoe came hither with full resolution to captiuate this nation Also her maiesty attended by her Nobility passed forth to the campe lying at Tylbury where she in person viewed euery seuerall ranke to the great ioy of all her subiects Also after it had pleased God to discomfite the enemy this Lorde mayor and Aldermen with the Companies of this citty assembled at Paules Crosse where was made a learned thankesgiuing by M. Nowe● for the great deliuerye