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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69130 The Christian mans walke with the most regardable and remarkable steppes thereof, the true rule according to which, and manner how we must walke: shewing the infallible properties of the children of light. Newly published by the author Nathanael Cole, Preacher at S. Leonards Bromley in Middlesex, on the backside of Stratford-Bow neere London. Cole, Nathaniel, 1584 or 5-1626. 1624 (1624) STC 5534; ESTC S115975 148,624 710

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Math. 27. 1. and 20. And thus it is true whosoeuer giue bad counsell and perswade others vnto sinne are accessary vnto and haue fellowship with them in their sinnes Vse This may instruct vs two waies both for giuing bad counsell and for giuing careto and receiuing bad counsell Not to giue any for by this meanes we become partakers of other mens sinnes but let our counsels and perswasions be to good and for good ends A wholesome tongue is a tree of life but peruersenesse therein is a breach in the spirit Prou. 15. 4. To the counsellors of peace is ioy Prou. 12. 20. The tongue of the wise vseth knowledge aright but the mouth of fooles poureth out foolishnesse The lips of the wise disperse knowledge Prou. 15. 2. 7. But a man of wicked deuices God will condemne Prou. 12. 2. The mouth of the foolish is neere destruction Prou. 10. 14. But in the lips of him that hath vnderstanding wisedome is found The lips of the righteous feede many The mouth of the iust bringeth foorth wisedome Prou. 10. 13. 21. 31. All which shewes how wee ought to be so farre from giuing bad counsell as all our speech should be sa●ou●y gratious tending to Gods glory and the edification of our brethren as Ephes 4. 29. Colos 46. Againe seeing bad Counsell is the cause of so much mischiefe wee must be carefull how wee giue any eare vnto it following the counsell of Salomon Goe from the presence of a foolish man when thou perceiuest not in him the lips of knowledge Prou. 14. 7. Cease my sonne to heare the instruction that causeth to crre from the words of knowledge Prou. 19. 27. Neither desire thou to be among such euill men Prou. 24. 1. O my soule come not thou into their secret vnto their assembly bee not thou vnited Gen. 49. 6. Fourthly a man is said to haue fellowship with other mens sinnes by giuing euill example offence and scandall This euill example appeareth in the practise of any one sin knowne to others The profession of Christ and true religion is called a way and the giuing of offence is a stumbling-blocke laid in this way to cause others to fall yea such a man doth in what him lyeth destroy the soule of his brother for whom Christ died 1 Cor. 8. 9. 10. 11. The case of such men must needes bee dangerous for they are not onely guilty and accessarie vnto the sinnes of others but are the occasions of many falls in others and the greater is this sinne because it is a sinne and a cause of sinne In this regard giuing ill example is compared to wilde-fire which inflameth all places whereon it lighteth and I may truely say as many are drawne to sinne by bad example as by any occasion giuen whatsoeuer What fashion can bee inuented but it is presently followed of the most what foolish and gawish attire can be worne but forthwith it is generally receiued What villanous ribauld or bawdy and beastly song inuented but presently learned euen of young children Thus euill example maketh maketh others to offend 1 Cor. 8. 13. and therefore all that giue it must needes haue fellowship with the sinnes of those who take offence and occasion to fall by their example and offence giuen Vse Take heede therefore that we walk circumspectly not as fooles but as wise redeeming the time because the daies are euill Ephes 5. 15. 16. that is full of euill men and manifold occasions to sinne Let our light therefore of an holy example so shine before men that they may see our good workes and glorifie our Father which is in heauen Math. 5. 16. Hauing our conuersation honest among the Gentiles that whereas they speake against you as euill-doers they may by your good workes which they shall behold glorifie God in the day of visitation 1 Pet. 2. 11. But take heede that we become not a stumbling blocke to those which are weake 1 Cor. 8. 9. Giue no offence neither to the Iewes nor to the Gentiles nor to the Church of God 1 Cor. 10. 32. It is impossible but offences will come but wee vnto him through whom they come Math. 18. 7. and Luke 17. 1. Hitherto I haue shewed how many waies a man may haue fellowship with others before hand now I come to set downe how a man may communicate with the sinnes of others after the sinne is committed and this may be diuersly First by vngodly silence this is as common a way whereby men haue fellowship with sinnes of others as any of the former and it is when men will keep● silence when they may and ought to reprooue sinne That wee ought to reprooue sinne is plaine Leuit. 19. 17. Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart but shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour and not suffer sinne vpon him Whence wee may see that when men see others to sinne and will not speake to them to tell them of it and reprooue them for it they suffer their neighbour to lye in his sinne and his sinne to remaine vpon him and what is this else but to haue fellowship with him in his sinne This is a sinne common to the most which is the cause that so many liue in sinne without reformation Vngodly silence holdeth men in sin but thus it is men are right of Cames disposition they thinke they haue no keepe of their brethren Gen. 4. 9. They see and heare them sinne customarily Parents their Children Masters their Seruants one neighbour another and yet neuer finde any fault nor once reprehend them either for feare fauour or affection but let all such know howsoeuer they make a light account of this yet if they will not speake when they may and ought they are accessary to their sinnes whom they suffer to goe so vnreprooued God speaking of the Prophet tells him that hee hath set him a watchman ouer the house of Israell Therefore heare thou the word at my mouth and giue them warning from mee if thou giuest him not warning nor speakest to warne the wicked from his wicked way to saue his life the same wicked man shall die in his iniquitie but his bloud will I require at hine hand Ezek 3. 17. 18. Where we see that when we keepe silence when God would haue vs speake wee are not onely guilty of the sinnes of others but of their punishments also Qui tacet consentire videtur Vse Let this teach all men in their seuerall places and callings both publique and priuate to reprooue sinne both in our selues and others but first in our selues then in others Let it not grieue vs to speake in Gods cause but plainely to rebuke our neighbour and not suffer him to sinne thus we shall discharge our soules and most of all this concernes Gods Ministers of whom God speaketh Cry aloud and spare not tell the people of their transgressions and the house of Iacob their sinnes Esay 58. 1. Again speaking of Ministers saith God I haue
such a moderation of our affections and passions there is no true faith Thus wee must bring forth the fruits of repentance being changed in our minds laying aside the purpose of sinning resoluing by Gods grace to sinne no more and being heartily sory for offending so good a God and so for obedience to endeauour in the vse of all good meanes to performe it from all the powers and parts both of soule and body and where this is in trueth there will follow a change in the will thoughts and affections and all the actions of our life For they that are Christs haue crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts Galat. 5. 24. Thirdly They must all be entire and totall not partiall Thus wee must beleeue all that the Prophets haue spoken Luk. 24. 25. Repentance must bee of all sinne or else of none wee must not haue a dispensation for any one sinne and obedience must bee totall to the whole will of God in yeelding cheerefull obedience to euery commandement without partialitie For he that breaketh one Commandement is guilty of all Iam. 2. 10. Therefore Christ saith Yee are my friends if ye doe not some things but whatsoeuer I commaund you Iohn 15. 14. And as Paul saith This is our proofe whether wee be obedient in all things 2. Cor. 2. 9. Fourthly All must bee voluntary with a cheerefull and willing minde nothing violent will last long Thus Gods children are described to bee voluntaries Thy people O Lord shall come willingly at the time of assembly Psal 110. 3. Dauid gaue Salomon this counsell to serue GOD namely in the whole course of his seruice and in all the parts of his worship whereof Faith Repentance and New Obedience are chiefe with a willing minde 1. Chron. 28. 9. Thus did Dauid himselfe delight to doe Gods will Psalm 40. 8. and it was our Sauiours meate and drinke to doe his Fathers will Iohn 4. 34. Thus doe the Angels in heauen who are described to haue wings to shew their speede alacrity willingnes and cheerefulnesse in doing Gods will and wee must bee like them Some beleeue but it is onely for a time and in time of temptation fall away such a faith was neuer willingly so neuer sound Some rep●●t o● rather seeme to repent and to leaue sinne when sinne leaues them when in regard of opportunity or feare or age or some such like respect they cannot commit sinne yet they regard sinne in heart This is no sound repentance and so for obedience many performe a constrained obedience as the deuils wicked Church-Papists and the like and so no sound obedience and thus though grace bee imperfect and full of many infirmities as no grace can be perfect in this life yet if there bee in vs a willing minde it is accepted according to that a man hath 2. Cor. 8. 12. Thus with the Corinthians We must beleeue repent and obey and not onely beginne to doe but to be forward and to haue a readinesse as to will so to performe 2. Corinth 8. verses 10. 11. Fiftly All the former graces that they may be sound must bee accompanied with a good conscience without this all our Faith Repentance and Obedience are but counterfeit Thus wee must indeuour alwayes to haue a conscience void of offence toward God and men Acts 24. 16. that wee may truly say with Paul I haue liued in all good conscience before God vntill this day Acts 23. 1. Thus Saint Peter saith Wee must haue a good conscience 1. Pet. 3. 16. This good conscience is such as hath no manner of purpose to liue in any one sinne whatsoeuer but is resolued to please GOD in all the wayes of his Commaundements and that continually and it doth excuse not accuse On the contrary the bad conscience is when a man resolueth to cherish or purposeth to liue in any one sinne whatsoeuer Thus Paul counselleth to keepe faith and a good conscience from which good conscience some haue erred and as concerning faith for it was but a temporary and counterseit faith haue made shipwracke 1. Tim. 1. 19. Wee must hold the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience 1. Tim. 3. 9. Thus the end of the Commandement is loue out of a pure heart and a good conscience and faith vnfained c. 1. Tim. 1. 5. 6. in which place it is plain that a pure heart a good conscience and a sound faith are three inseparable companions neither is it possible one to bee without the other so for Repentance and Obedience yea the whole seruice of God must bee with a good conscience as Paul saith My God whom I serue from my forefathers with pure conscience 2. Timoth. 1. 3. Wee must haue a good conscience in all things Hebr. 13. 18. that wee may say in all these how I beleeue repent and obey my conscience beares mee witnesse Rom. 9. 1. Lastly All must be sound in Continuance It is no sound grace to beleeue for a time and in time of temptation to fall away It is not to seeme to repent to hang down the head like a bulrush for a day and to looke heauily and to doe some good things by fits and afterward to returne to the former vomit of our sinnes but wee must be faithful vnto the death Reu. 2. 10. by liuing continually to our liues end in Faith Repentance and new Obedience Wee must bee stedfast in the faith 1. Pet. 5. 9. Wee must stand fast in the faith 1. Cor. 16 13. Wee must continue in the faith grounded and setled c Coloss 1. 23. So for Repentance it must bee daily renewed increased and continued for this cause our Sauiour Christ so often vrgeth the duty of repentance vpon the Churches in the Reuelation Chapt. 2. and 3. signifying the continuance and daily renewing of it though they had repented before and great reason it should bee thus because so long as wee liue wee sinne daily For there is not a iust man that doth good and sinneth not Eccles 7. 20. therefore wee must repent daily so for Obedience we must with the Philippians alwayes obey and still worke out our saluation with feare and trembling Philipp 2. 12. passing the whole time of our soiourning here in feare 1. Pet. 1. 17. and finishing our sanctification in the feare of God 2. Cor. 7. 1. And herein let this bee well obserued that where any grace is begun if it bee in truth it is constant if it fades away it was neuer true Therefore this was Pauls perswasion Being confident of this very thing that God who hath begun a good worke in vs will performe or finish it vntill the day of Iesus Christ Philipp 1. 6. Thus haue I shewed plainly wherein the soundnesse of these graces consist and that I may vse Pauls words this is sound doctrine Tit. 1. 9. both to exhort and conuince the gainesayers Thus haue I spoken that which becomes sound doctrine Tit. 2. 1. where wee are exhorted to bee