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A19511 Christ his crosse or The most comfortable doctrine of Christ crucified and ioyfull tidings of his passion, teaching vs to loue, and imbrace his crosse, as the most sweete and celestiall doctrine vnto the soule, and how we should behaue our selues therein according to the word of God. Newly published by Iohn Andrewes minister and preacher of the word of God at Barricke Basset in the country of Wiltes. Wherein is contained, first the chiefe and principall motiues and causes, that should moue and stirre vs vp to the earnest meditation of his passion. Secondly, with what minde we should come to his meditation. Thirdly, how divers and manifold is the meditation of the passion. The fourth part intreateth of the types, and figures contained in the old Testament, touching the passion of Christ. Andrewes, John, fl. 1615. 1614 (1614) STC 594; ESTC S115373 48,402 86

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where remission is given there is no more offering Heb. 10. 18. Ier. 31. 14. for sinnes Now if thou wilt be resolved of the difference betweene the law and thy conscience that thou needest not feare the force of the law knowe this The law in a Christian ought not to passe his bounds but ought to haue dominion only over the flesh which is in subiection vnto it and ought to remaine vnder the same when it is thus the law is kept vnder his bounds but if the law presume to creepe into thy conscience and there seeke to raigne see thou play the cunning Logitian and make true division giue no more to the law then is convenient but say O law thou wouldst climb vp into the kingdome of my cōscience there raigne and reproue it of sinne and wouldst take from me the ioy of my heart which I haue by faith in Christ and driue mee to desperation as thou didst Iudas that I Mat. 27. 3. Gen 3. 14. might be without all hope and vtterly perish Truely this thou dost besides thine office keep thy selfe within thy bounds and exercise thy power vpon the flesh but touch not my conscience For as Satan himselfe is cast out of heaven even so likewise doth the accusation that any one can lay against thy conscience fall downe with him Now if thou wouldst knowe how c Ioh. 1. 29. I answer by the blood of the lambe who for our sinnes was hanged vpon the Crosse who by faith iustifieth sinners wherein evē when we are accused we do overcome So that now there remaines nothing any more in heaven vnto the godly but peace and salvation with fulnesse of ioy and mirth without sadnesse health without sorrow light without darknesse and life without labour where the very ioyes of Gods presence shal be musicke to their eares a glasse to their eyes hony to their mouthes and a most sweet and plesaunt balme to their smell there shall never bee any enimies to assaile wily Serpents to beguile thee or worldly baits to intice thee but all is peace all is rest all is ioy al is securitie Thus we way cōclude with the saying of a father Non meliùs poterit caro luxuriosa domari Quàm benè qualis erit post mortē praemeditari No better meane to tame the flesh That want on is and bould Then wel to waigh what it shall be Once dead and laid in mould THe fourth Motiue that shoulde stir vs vp to the earnest meditation of the Passion of Christ is the amplitude and excellencie of the Doctrine touching many difficult and high matters therein cōtained and chiefely these fiue following The first point of the fourth Motiue and cause of the meditation of the Passion is the divine iustice of God not forgiving sinne without satisfaction for the law without all exception bindeth either vnto obedience or vnto punishment this order set downe in the law abideth All mankinde hath sinned Ergo al mankinde is Rom 3. 23. 1. Iohn 1. 8. condemned for if we say we haue no sin we deceiue our selves and there is no truth in vs. As corne cleane winnowed from the chaffe yet hath nature in it to yeelde chaffe againe to that which groweth of it when it is sowne so doth this nature of ours to those that spring of vs yeeld corruption originall sin though we our selues were circumcised or baptized so purged thereby from it because that purgation which some by Baptisme impute vnto vs is ever to be vnderstood thus Non vt non sit in nobis peccatum sed nō imputetur not that we are cleared from the being of any evil in vs but from the imputation of it to vs. Nay let vs know this that although Antichrist were abolished although Satan were asleepe admit the vngodlie were at one with vs although wickednes were put to slight although no euil example were giuen vs although no outward stumbling blocke were cast in our waies yet haue we one in our selues and of our selues euen original sin cōcupiscence or lust which neuer resteth attempting entising and alluring vs frō good vnto euil and to desile or staine vs with al kinde of pollution and vncleanenesse according as S. Iames Iam. 1. 14. saith every man is tempted of his owne lust This original sin is the breath of that venemous subtil Cockatrice which hath infected the whole ofspring of Adam this is the sting of that old Serpent whose woundes neither Chiron Aesculapius nor Apollo can heale no nor any wight in heauen or earth sauing only God in his Son Iesus Christ This is the bitter fountaine Exampus which with his brackishnesse marreth the sweet riuer Hypanis that is to say the flowing streame of all Gods graces in vs. To turne bridle therfore to the knitting vp of the conclusion of our Argumēt it must needs be granted that as all mankind hath sinned so al mankind was cōdemned This argument can none resolue and discharge saue one euen the Son of God who became man and yeelded himselfe in the supply of vs al vnto his eternal Father as an vnspotted immaculate Lambe in al things obedient to the law and suffered punishment for all mankinde who by his own satisfaction without the help of any one hath made vs partakers of his heauenly kingdome If thou wert as good as an Angel or thy meat as good as Manna that fel from heaven or thy garments as precious as Aarons Ephod or thy incense as sweete as the perfumes of the Tabernakle or the daies that thou keepest as honorable as the day in which Christ rose againe from the dead yet neither thou nor thy garments nor thy meate nor thy daies can set one of thy feet within this kingdome which is Christs for he by his owne death and passion hath satisfied for it alone yea he alone hath satisfied the law and that fiue manner of waies First he hath satisfied the law Actiuely in fulfilling it wholly Secondly he hath satisfied the law Passiuely in dying and suffering for vs. Thirdly Imputatiuely in imputing vnto vs that beleeue his Righteousnesse and innocency Fourthly Inchoatiuely in giving vnto vs the holy Ghost which frameth in vs a beginning to performe vnto God a new and acceptable obedience Fiftly hee hath satisfied the law Consummatiuely in al eternity Christ dyed for all a 2. Cor. 5. 15. Rom. 5. 6. 1. Cor. 15. 3. 1. Tim. 2. 6. 1. Pet. 3. 18. and with his bloud He clens'd our soules from deadly sinne b 1. Ioh. 1. 5. Eph. 1. 7. Heb 9. 14. Esa 53. 6. And gaue his life to ransome those Which stedfastly beleeue in him c Io. 11. 25 26 Ioh. 6. 35. Ioh. 20. 29. Ioh. 3. 16. On the third day againe he rose d 1. Cor. 15. 4. Mat. 28 6. Mar. 16. 6. Ioh. 20. 27. And came where his Disciples were e Io. 11. 20. 29. Mar. 16. 14. Luk. 24. ●6 1. Cor. 15.
the Passion of Christ is l say our extreame neede and miserie that being conceiued and borne in sin we are guilty of the wrath of God of bodyly and spirituall of outward and inward of temporal and eternal punishment subiect to dayly and howrely perils and dangers environed with enimies the Divel the flesh and the world the world doth allure vs the flesh deceiue vs and the Diuell seduce vs. Here now our only comfort and safest refuge is the Passion of Christ in whom by whom we haue al things wherefore marke I pray you if thou desire to be cured of thy forenamed miseries he is thy Physition if Ier. 33. 16. Isa 42. 6. 1. Cor. 1. 30. Ps 24. 8. Eccl. 23. 4. Ioh. 1. 9. Ioh. 14. 6. thou be grieued with the burthen of thy sin he is thy righteousnesse if thou lacke helpe he is strength if thou feare death he is thy life if thou be in darkness he is thy light if thou wilt go into heauen he is thy way if thou seekest meate he is thy nourishment hee hath borne our infirmities and caried our sorrowes that is our punishment due for Esa 53. 4. our sins for the which he hath made satisfaction for vs. He hath redeemed vs from the curse of the law when he was made a curse for vs for he hath put out the handwriting Gal. 3. 13. that was against vs contained in the law which was contrary to vs even he tooke it out of the way fastned it Col. 2. 14. vpō the Crosse hath spoiled the principalities powers and hath made a shew of them openly triumphing over them in the same Crosse And as the people which in the wildernesse were stung with the fiery Serpent and so inflamed with the heate thereof that they stood in danger of death yet looking vpon the brazen Serpent set vp Num. 21. 69. Ioh. 3. 14 4. King 18. 4. by Moses vpon the pole were healed and recovered their strength Euen so whosoeuer lifteth vp his heart by faith vnto the woūds of Christ shal not feel his own because the bloud of Iesus Christ hath cleansed vs from all 1. Ioh. 1. 7. 2. Cor. 5. 15. Rev. 17. our sin yea he hath so loued vs that hee hath washed vs frō our sins in his bloud What shal I more say if thou seek for cleansing thy selfe from thy sinns it is in his bloud Heb. 11. 32. if thou seeke for newnesse of life it is in his resurrection 1. Ioh. 1. 7. if thou seeke for reliefe of thy curse it is in his crosse if thou seeke for reconciliation it is in his going downe Apoc. 15. Gal. 3. 13. into hell if thou seeke for mortification of the flesh it is in his buriall if thou seeke for thine inheritance of Zach. 9. 11. Ioh. 19. 40. Rom. 8. 33. 34. the kingdome of heauen it is in his very entrance into heauen finally sith the treasures of al good things proceede from him let vs not seeke them at the hands of the blessed Virgin Mary nor of Paule nor yet of Peter nether of any other Saint whatsoever but only at the hands of our Saviour Iesus Christ who suffered his death on the Crosse for vs in whō we may assure our selues that what paines torments or death soeuer he suffered it was for our redemption which were dead in our sins before that all his righteousnes through faith is made our righteousnes for he himselfe alone hath fully discharged by his death the debt which all we owed and hath made vs by his passionate obedience Gal. 3 26. Gal. 4 7. the sonnes of God and fellow heires with him of eternall life Oh therefore let vs not forget so great an inheritance but take an example of those in the Desert who hauing but a glimmering of light being purblinde as it were halfe sighted yet if they could with their little sight perceiue and behold the Serpent which was a type and figure of Christ they were all cured Even Num. 21. 9. so let not thy forenamed miseries dismay thee for if thou haue but a little faith if it were but as much as a graine of mustard seede thou shalt by looking vp with the eies of thy minde vnto the Passion of Christ be most ioyfully comforted and relieved Oh! da aman tem saith S. Augustine speaking of this matter et sentit Augustine quod dico sin autem frigido loquor nescit quid loquor giue me a man that is in loue with God and he feeleth this to be true which I say but if I talke to a cold christian he knoweth not what I say Againe S. Augustine speaking of himselfe Turbabor saith he sed non perturbabor I shal be troubled but not overcome because I Augustine wil dayly thinke vpon and call to minde the woundes of my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ There is a threefold comfort against the temptation of the Diuel the flesh and the world which daily laboureth to attempt trap cause and procure vs to sin that we may forget our duty and remembrance which we ought to haue on the Passion of Christ. Our first cōfort is in this that we haue not sinned against thē but they haue offended against vs seeing that which we doe we doe it rather through the instinct of them therfore tempt accuse and condemne vs too they cannot Therefore David saith tibi soli peccavt to thee O Lord haue I sinned and done this evill Ps 51. 4. in thy sight Secondly that I hide not but confesse all these things whereof I am accused yea I doe accuse mine owne selfe and say Tibi Domine iustitia nobis cōfusio facie i To thee O Lord God belongeth mercy forgiuenesse and vnto vs good Lord shame and confusion And as the Begger in the high waies sheweth and layeth open all his soares to the passers by that they may haue the more compassion on him so O Lord I confesse all my faults vnto thee and say with the Prophet Dauid Turne thy face away frō Ps 51. 9. all my sinnes O Lord and blot out all mine offences I am the wounded man Blessed Samaritan helpe me I am the Luk. 10. 30. Luk 15. 19. wandring child that is not worthy to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy meanest servants I am the lost sheep Mat. 10. 6. O seeke and saue me The Ostridge as Historiographers write will hide her head in her fethers thinking her selfe safe enough as long as she seeth no body And man supposeth all well enough so long as his grosse grievous sinnes are not laid open to the view of the world as though hee feared the sight of man which can but punish the body more then the sight and wroth of God which can destroy both body and soule There is no hill so high but a man may climbe to the top no iourney so long but may be gone