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cause_n punishment_n sin_n sin_v 1,923 5 9.5821 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06155 The godly garden of Gethsemani furnished with holsome fruites of meditation and prayer, vpon the blessed passion of Christ our Redeemer. Loarte, Gaspar. 1580 (1580) STC 16645.5; ESTC S120872 49,927 279

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the sonne of God and how abhominable the filth thereof is which hath outwardly so berayed darkned stayned and soyled him which is the very myrror and glasse without spotte the brightnes of eternall life This wel considered and called to thy remembraunce shall strike into thy hart gret hatred and repentance of thy sinnes which were the cause of so sore paynes and punishmentes of thy Redéemer which neuer committed sinne neither anye guyle was euer ●oūd in his mouth And so much ●he more thou oughtest to sor●ow and lament thy sinnes by ●ow much the oftener thou hast ●allen into thē For euery time thou hast sinned as the Apostle saith so often thou hast gone about to crucifie and despise the sonne of God And if they for their parte should repent them selues and be grieuously sorye which once onely offended him mortally and crucified him how much more oughtest thou to repent and be sory whiche haste crucified him so many times This cōsideration and remembraunce maye strike into thée sometimes suche sorowe and feare of thy selfe that it shall prouoke thée to say these or the like wordes Ah my God and gracious Lorde where was my iudgement wit when I was so bolde to commit suche sinnes against thy diuine maiestie where was my vnderstanding that could not remember howe that eury time I sinned I went about to crucifie thée againe how is it possible that I should imploy my hands to offend thée thou hauing thy hands nayled on the crosse to saue me howe could I open my mouth to blaspheme thée thou hauing opened thy mouth so often to pray for me howe is my harte become so harde and stubborne to loue thée and obay thée séeing thine hart with a spere euen through perced to shewe the great loue thou barest me Thou shalt not onely learne by this consideration how to hate and be sory for thy sinnes passed but also it shal moue thée with more earnest purpose euer after to flye suche sinnes fearing agayne to runne vnto the horrible abhomination to go about to crucifie Christ agayne and likewise cause thée to be afrayed of the great punishment which thou shouldest deserue if with newe sins thou go about to defile thy self again If the sonne of a Prince would be afrayed when for the fault that he him selfe committeth he doth sée his page or slaue beatē how much more ought the slaue to feare when he séeth the sonne of the Prince beaten for the fault which he the slaue him self committeth Feare thou then and tremble miserable wretch séeing for thy fault the sonne of God thy king and Lorde is beaten and so cruelly handled and call to thy remembraunce the words he spake to the women that wept when they sawe him ●eare the crosse If they do this ●n the gréene trée what shall be ●one in the dry wood That is ●o say If in Christ which is the ●réene trée full of the leaues of most holy words and fruites of most excellent works so seuere punishment is vsed for that he hath taken vpō him our sinnes what shal be done to thée which art a dry withered trée yéelding no good fruites neither of patience nor of charitie nor of any vertue nor yet is there to be séene in thée so much as the leaues of words profitable to thy selfe or any other and much lesse any one flowre of liuely desire to amende thyne owne life If thou then shalte be a trée not onely barren and fruitlesse but also vitious and laden with most euill and wicked fruites wha● shall become of thée but that which is vsed to be done of the like trée that is to be cut down and cast into the fyre And that shalt thou haue worse then any other trée for that the fyre of other wood is soone consumed but thy fyre shall be euerlasting Sée therfore how this meditation of Christes holy passion shal cause thée to sorrow for thy sinne passed to feare the sins to come because thou wouldest not willingly fall into the iustice of god the which thou séest so rigorou●ly and sharply executed vpon thy sauiour in that he was offered to pay thy raunsome The fourth maner of meditation which is by way of imitation or following The fourth maner howe to meditate and consider vpon the blessed passion we sayde it was by the way of imitation which is of muche fruite and highly commended by holy men For as the chiefe of the Apostles S. Peter saith one cause why that Christ suffered for vs was to leaue vs an example to followe his steps And Christ him selfe sayth that he hath giuen vs an example to do as he hath done Which so being whē thou shalt occupie thy selfe in meditating vpon his passion marke wel the manyfold and marueilous vertues which he teacheth therein as well in that he suffered as in the maner of his suffering the which thou must desire to follow by his grace as much as is possible in thée staying thy selfe chiefly vpon the consideration of that vertue which thou knowest principally to be lacking in thée And because it may seme impossible to cōsider all the vertues whiche shine in his moste glorious passion who was the most perfect paterne of all vertue and perfection I will onely ●et here before thy eyes those which thou oughtest most often to remember and whiche be moste necessarie for thy turne And first to beginne with those two vertues whiche our Lorde specially commendeth vnto vs by his owne example and to be learned of him saying Learne ye of me because I am méeke and humble of heart Consider I say howe perfectly he teacheth them in his blessed passiō Humilitie which is the foundation of all vertues he declareth playnely in humbling him selfe to so shamefull a death as that of the crosse disdaining not that the very thief Barrabas found more friendship and fauour to be deliuered before him and being content to be crucified betwéene two théeues In many other things thou mayst by discourse call to mind consider that louely humilitie which he setteth forth in the rest of his life aswel as in his passion as that in washing the féete of Iudas of his other disciples not long before in being born in an oxe stall or stable with many other examples of the same vertue whereof both the rest of ●s life death are full For in ●s birth in his liuing in his ●ing he neuer ceassed to leaue vs all examples that might be of so necessarie a vertue for vs. He shewed also a marueilous example of méekenes in his holy passion when he was led vnto death as the Prophet Esa● spake of him euen as shepe an● stoode as gentle as a lambe before them who so cruelly han●led him not once opening hi● mouth to speake an euill word against them which railed vpo● him nor yet to threaten the● which tormented him In lyk● maner he declared his modest● and sobernesse in that clere an● lightsome countenance of