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A20762 A guide to godlynesse or a Treatise of a Christian life shewing the duties wherein it consisteth, the helpes inabling & the reasons parswading vnto it ye impediments hindering ye practise of it, and the best meanes to remoue them whereunto are added diuers prayers and a treatise of carnall securitie by Iohn Douname Batcheler in Diuinitie and minister of Gods Word. Downame, John, d. 1652.; Payne, John, d. 1647?, engraver. 1622 (1622) STC 7143; ESTC S121690 1,341,545 1,134

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of saluation Psal 116. 12. 150. 2. and praise him who is so worthy to be praised Praise him in his noble acts praise him according to his excellent greatnesse Praise him in his power and truth praise him for all his grace and goodnesse Blesse and magnifie him for all his former benefits and his Christ through whom they are all conferred vpon thee And especially as by present occasion thou art bound for that he hath giuen vnto thee the grace of repentance and renewed and increased it by this present exercise graciously assisting and inabling thee by his holy Spirit to bring it to good issue Praise therefore the Lord O my soule Psal 103. 1. and all that is within me praise his holy Name And now with these praises offer and recommend thy selfe into the hands of thy gracious God and faithfull Sauiour who is all-sufficient to keepe thee vnto the end and in the end Thou art not worthy worthlesse soule his receiuing and owning but so much the rather offer thy selfe vnto him who is able to make thee worthy Deuote and consecrate thy selfe wholly vnto his seruice and resolue to glorifie and please him in all things for the time to come And because thy resolutions are weake thy power small and thy best indeuours full of imperfections make thy seruice as acceptable as thou canst by offering thine heart with it and doing all that thou canst doe willingly and cheerfully Desire the assistance of his good Spirit to direct and guide rule and ouer-rule thee in all thy thoughts and desires words and workes that they may in some measure answere vnto thy resolutions and bee pleasing and acceptable in his sight Especially desire his helpe that the practice of thy repentance may be suteable to thy Meditations in the whole course of thy life that more and more sorrowing for thy sinnes thou mayest haue daily more cause to reioyce in the assurance of his loue and thine owne saluation and that turning from them and returning to thy God thou mayest more and more glorifie him by bringing forth better and more fruits of new obedience And now returne vnto thy rest O my soule for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee Repose thy selfe securely vnder the shaddow of Psal 116. 7. his wings who is able to defend thee and to cause thee in the midst of garboyles and desperate dangers to dvvell in safety God is thy refuge and Psal 4. 8. strength a very present helpe in trouble He hath made thee to heare ioy and gladnesse that the bones which he had broken might reioyce Thou didst sow in teares Psal 46. 1. but he hath caused thee to reape in ioy Thou didst goe forth weeping bearing Psal 126. 5 6. precious seed but thou art come againe reioycing bringing thy sheaues with thee Blesse therefore the Lord all his workes in all places of his dominion Blesse the Psal 103. 22. Lord O my soule CAP. XXIII Of the third priuate meanes of a godly life which is consideration and examination of our estate §. Sect. 1 How consideration and examination differ THe third priuate meanes of a godly life is consideration and examination both which are in truth but branches of Meditation Yea the former if we take it in the largest extent differeth little or nothing from it seeing we may be said either to meditate or consider of any thing when we thorowly and deliberately ponder and waigh it in our mindes with all the circumstances belonging to it But heere we will take it in a more strict sense as it pondreth those things which neerely concerne our estate and so it is much like vnto examination although if we speake properly and distinctly there is some difference betweene them For consideration is yet as we heere handle it more generall extending to all things that concerne vs past present and to come but examination properly meddleth not with things to come but searcheth out those things which are past or present bringing them to be tryed by the rule according to which wee doe examine them whether they bee true or false good or euill Consideration waigheth and deliberateth before-hand what wee are about to doe and whether it be lawfull or vnlawfull expedient or vnnecessary profitable or to our losse and accordingly mooueth vs either to doe it or to leaue it vndone But in examination we consider of that which is done already whether it be well or euill done wisely and to our good or vnaduisedly and to our hurt If the former were thorowly performed the latter would not be much necessary vnlesse it were to reuiew our good actions as God did the workes of creation that we might approue them and reioyce in the conscience of our well-doing But because we often faile in it and doe things rashly and without due aduice therefore wee are necessarily to vse the latter and to examine what before wee considered not our after-wit being better then our fore-wit that so we may reforme what is amisse and returne into the right way out of which wee haue erred Yet because I would not make this already long Treatise ouer-tedious to the Reader but chiefly because many points and proofes are coincident belonging to them both I will not diuide them in my Discourse but handle them together and the rather because I haue already spoken of the generalities of consideration in which it chiefly differeth from this other of examination in the former tract of Meditation §. Sect. 2 Of examination what it is and wherein it consisteth This examination or consideration is nothing else but a serious waighing and pondring of those things which neerely concerne vs in our spirituall estate or the diligent searching and triall of our estates how they stand between God and vs in matters concerning his glory and our owne saluation The which examination is held after a solemne manner in the Court of Conscience and in Gods presence wee sitting as Iudges vpon our selues to giue sentence according to the Law of God and the euidence of our owne consciences either with or against our selues concerning those things which we haue done or left vndone good or euill In which triall by helpe of memory and conscience our Register and Witnesse we reuiew and take a suruey of all that wee haue done in the flesh of all our parts and faculties of soule and body examining how we haue imployed them to the glory of him that gaue them our vnderstandings in knowing and acknowledging him our memories in remembring him our hearts and affections in adhering and cleauing vnto him by louing fearing trusting in him and so in the rest Of all our thoughts also words and actions how wee haue by them glorified or dishonoured God Of all our course and carriage in our whole life and conuersation and how wee haue therein answered the end of our Creation and Redemption which was to glorifie him who hath made and saued vs. More especially wee may
are so bitter and vnpleasant to the flesh that they make vs immoderately sorrowfull and to breake out into some impatiency as though they were signes of Gods wrath and displeasure and not of his fatherly loue correcting vs for our amendment Seuenthly and lastly this sorrow ariseth in the hearts of weake Christians when as they compare themselues with others that haue made a better and greater progresse in the graces of Gods Spirit and in the duties of a godly life being hereby moued to think that the graces which they see in others are wholly wanting in themselues because their lesser light is obscured by a greater and seemeth nothing because it is not of equall brightnesse Or if they haue any at all yet that it is false and hypocriticall because it is but of slender growth and much inferiour to those which we obserue in many others whom notwithstanding we haue as much exceeded in meanes as they vs in the fruits of them By which sorrowes and heauinesse arising from these and such like causes the poore Christian doth more more weaken the operation of Gods graces in him in the duties of a godly life because he doth too much already apprehend their weaknesse and more disableth himselfe because he seeth his inability For hauing with immoderate griefe weakened his body and spent his spirits oppressed his heart and terrified his conscience he is made lumpish and dull vncheerfull and vncomfortable in all the duties of Gods seruice For the remouing of which impediment we must carefully take heed that we doe not disioyne faith from our repentance but as wee haue one eye vpon our sinnes that wee may sorrow for them so the other eye vpon our Sauiour Christ who hath fully satisfied for them Secondly we must not dreame vpon any perfection of sanctification in this life though we labour after it and then we shal not be too much deiected and mourne immoderately for our imperfection whereas if we fancy vnto our selues a farre greater measure of grace and holinesse then it is possible for vs to attaine it will be a cause of excessiue sorrow when we finde how farre we come short of our hopes Thirdly we must looke vpon Gods graces and the fruits of them in holy obedience as testimonies of Gods loue and euidences of our sanctification and not as being any meritorious causes of his fauour and our saluation For then we need not to stand so much vpon the quantity and degree of them as vpon their sincerity and truth which when we finde we may reioyce in the assurance of Gods free grace and loue through Iesus Christ Whereas if we looke vpon them in their worth and worthinesse the sight of their imperfections will bereaue our hearts of all sound comfort Fourthly we must consider that the first and least degrees of true grace are accepted of God and will make vs also acceptable vnto him For hee will not breake the bruised reed nor quench the smoking flax He respecteth Math. 12. 20. and tendreth his young lings and weaklings as well as those who haue attained to greater strength and he hath pronounced them blessed who Math. 5. 6. hunger and thirst after righteousnesse as well as those which are perfectly righteous Finally as we must take notice of that wee haue not that wee may labour after it so also we must not neglect what wee haue that wee may be truly thankfull vnto God from whose free grace we haue receiued it among which we may number spirituall life whereby onely we can be sensible of our wounds and weaknesse the sight and sense of our sinnes by which we are moued to deny our selues and to fly vnto Christ hungring desires of grace and holinesse seeing wee haue Gods promise that they shall be satisfied And so we shall ioyne faith with our repentance ioy with our mourning loue and thankfulnesse with our meeknesse and humility §. Sect. 5 Of desperation and that it is a great impediment to godlinesse Finally these scrupulous feares and carnall sorrow if they bee not remoued or moderated will bring vs by degrees into that fearfull gulph of deepe despaire whereby we shall cast off all hope of Gods mercy and reiect the all-sufficient merits and satisfaction of Iesus Christ through our incredulity as though the multitude and hainousnesse of our sinnes did farre exceed them And this is the very cut-throat of all piety and the diuels strongest and most horrid chaine to inslaue men in his seruice and to hinder them from entertaining so much as a thought or desire of seruing God in the duties of a godly life For it wholly discourageth a man from proceeding in such a way as offreth no hope of bringing him to his iourneys end It maketh a seruant wholly to neglect his duty when as hee is quite cut off from all expectation of reward It causeth men to giue themselues to all sensuality voluptuousnesse and prophanesse when they haue no other hopes but what this present life offereth vnto them and the rather that they may hereby put off for a little while their terrours of conscience and griefes of minde as it were by drinking of cold water in the fit of a feauer And wanting faith by which wee are vnited vnto Christ in whom a lone we can bring forth fruits of holinesse and righteousnesse how can we otherwise chuse but be vtterly barren in all true obedience and like wild Oliue trees bring forth onely fruits of impiety and wickednesse Which impediment if we would remoue we must remember that the Lord is infinite in grace and mercy as he describeth himselfe Exod. 34. 7. in his Word so that though our sinnes be many and grieuous yet they are infinitely exceeded by them for his mercies are aboue all his workes Micah 7. 18. That he taketh delight in shewing mercy toward repentant sinners seeing hereby he exerciseth his nature and magnifieth his holy name in the manifestation of his grace and goodnesse That he loued vs when we were his enemies yea so loued vs that he sent his onely begotten and dearely Ioh. 3. 16. beloued Sonne to dye for vs and therefore will not now reiect vs when as through Christ we sue and seeke to be reconciled vnto him That he hath made his free couenant of grace with vs wherein hee hath promised the remission of all our sinnes vpon the alone condition of faith bringing forth the fruits thereof in vnfained repentance and that his promises are indefinite without exception of any sinners and therefore shall assuredly belong vnto vs if we doe not reiect them through vnbeliefe That the merits and satisfaction of Christ are of infinite value and an all-sufficient satisfaction for the sinnes of the whole world if they were applyed by faith and that he hath giuen vnto vs his couenant in writing and ratified it by his Sacraments which he hath annexed as seales to the great Charter of our peace that there might no place be
saith that the redeemed of the Lord shall returne and come with singing vnto Sion and euerlasting Esa 51. 11. ioy shall be vpon their heads they shall obtaine gladnesse and ioy and sorrow and mourning shall flee away They are called to the Marriage of the Math. 22. 2. Kings Sonne and feasted with a delicious banquet of his speciall fauours and none but they haue communion with Christ that they may reioyce Cant. 2. 4 5. and solace themselues in the fruition of his loue They and none besides are iustified of Gods free grace through the righteousnesse and obedience of Iesus Christ and therefore haue cause to be of good comfort seeing Math. 9. 2. their sinnes are forgiuen them So the faithfull professe that they would greatly reioyce in the Lord and that their soules should be ioyfull in their God Esa 61. 10. because he had clothed them with the garment of saluation and couered them with the robe of righteousnesse as a Bridegroome decketh himselfe with ornaments and as a Bride adorneth her selfe with her Iewels They also haue cause aboue all others of ioy and reioycing in that they are reconciled vnto God by Iesus Christ and are at peace with him and with their owne consciences Rom. 5. 1 3. in which respect they haue iust cause of glorying in their tribulations for this peace with God passeth all vnderstanding and his loue is Phil. 4. 7. Cant. 1. 2. better then wine refreshing and cheering our harts more then all the cold qualmes of worldly crosses can daunt and dismay them seeing by Gods loue towards vs and our loue towards him wee haue this priuiledge that all things shall worke together for our good They alone haue the Spirit of Rom. 8. 28. God dwelling in them which worketh in their hearts this spirituall ioy Gal. 5. 22. and by vniting them vnto Christ and through him vnto God his Father the Authour and Fountaine of all goodnesse blessednesse and ioy doth giue vnto them cause sufficient of triumphing with ioy vnspeakable and Esa 51. 12. glorious in the fruition of all happinesse through this sweet and happy communion Finally the faithfull onely who serue and please God haue hope and assurance of eternall blessednesse in the Kingdome of heauen when all teares being wiped away from their eyes they shall bee comforted Apoc. 21. 4. after their mourning and after their weeping laugh and reioyce For Math. 5. 4. the Lord will shew them the path of life and cause them to inioy in his presence Luk. 6. 21. fulnesse of ioy and at his right hand pleasures for euermore In which regard Psal 16. 11. the godly in this assurance of faith haue as much greater and better cause of reioycing aboue all worldlings who abound in their present possessions of earthly wealth and wallow themselues in voluptuous pleasures as a young heire in his nonage who expecteth the inheritance of some goodly Lordship or if you will some great and glorious Monarchy hath more cause of reioycing then a poore cotager in a silly tenement in which for the present he dwelleth but yet onely holdeth it at the Landlords pleasure For there we shall haue riches and treasures which Mat. 6. 19 20. cannot rust with canker nor we be robbed of them by theeues there are honours subiect to no blemish of disgrace and pleasures for euermore In all which respects let the righteous be glad as the Psalmist exhorteth let Psal 68. 3. them reioyce before God yea let them exceedingly reioyce And that not by fits and flashes but at all times and vpon all occasions according to that of the Apostle Reioyce euermore Neither is there any time vnseasonable for 1. Thes 5. 16. the spirituall ioy of the righteous so long as they haue the face and fauour of God shining vpon them which is all-sufficient in it selfe to turne all their mourning into mirth and their sorrow into gladnesse euen when they are sore pinched and pressed with the waight of their afflictions and cause them to reioyce inwardly in their hearts when their cheekes are bedewed with their teares Heerein quite contrary to the wicked who reioyce in the face but not in the heart whereas the faithfull 2. Cor. 5. 12. doe inwardly glory euen in their tribulations which notwithstanding being bitter and vnpleasant to the flesh do make them to discouer nothing but griefe in their outward countenance Yea sorrow for sinne it selfe when as wee mourne as a man mourneth for the death of his onely sonne and first borne doth not abate our spirituall ioy yea in truth it doth much increase it for this godly sorrow worketh repentance to saluation not to 2. Cor. 7. 10. be repented of and causeth the true Christian exceedingly to reioyce in that he can heartily grieue because by his sinnes hee hath displeased his God And this trembling in the sight and sense of our sinnes and the Iudgements of God due vnto them may through faith assuring vs that by Christ we are freed from them be ioyned with inward gladnesse according to that of the Psalmist Serue the Lord with feare and reioyce Psal 2. 11. with trembling §. Sect. 7 An admonition to the faithfull to lay h●ld on this ioyfull priuiledge and to shake off sorrow and sadnesse By all which it appeareth that godlinesse doth not depriue any of ioy and gladnesse yea rather the more godly we are the better right and title we haue vnto it and may iustly exceed all others as much in mirth and cheerfulnesse as we haue in vs more then they the causes of all sound and solid reioycing The which as it should perswade all who are yet vnresolued to enter without delay into this Christian course that they may attaine vnto this high and excellent priuiledge and not suffer themselues to be any longer discouraged with this vaine and false conceit that they must leaue all their chiefest ioyes when they leaue and forsake the pleasures of sinne so should it mooue those who haue a desire and purpose to serue and please God to lay hold of this ioyfull priuiledge seeing God freely offereth it vnto them and not any longer to please themselues with their melancholike dumpes and affected sadnesse as though they were greatest proficients in mortification when they most exceed in lumpish heauines which needs to be mortified as well as any other carnall affection that in stead thereof our hearts may bee replenished with spirituall ioy For hereby they doe not onely exceedingly discredit and disgrace a godly life and by casting vpon it this false aspersion of sorrow and sadnes discourage others from entring into it but also make it to become so tedious and troublesome harsh and vnpleasant that they cannot proceed in it without much vncomfortablenesse nor performe the duties of Gods seruice with any cheerfulnesse and delight when as their spirits are dulled and deaded with this mournfull and deiected heauinesse
vnto his eyes nor slumber vnto his eye-liddes vntill hee might finde a place for the Lord an habitation for the mighty God of Iacob then how much more should wee bee diligent and earnest aboue all things in seeking God that wee may haue him to reside and dwell with vs in the temple of our hearts §. Sect. 3 Of the fruits and benefits which we inioy by our daily seeking of God The third point to be considered is the manifold fruits and benefits which they receiue and inioy who thus daily seeke God For first they Psal 69. 6. shall not be confounded by any shame nor with the malice and might of all their enemies according to that of the Psalmist Let not those that seeke thee be confounded for my sake O God of Israel Their infirmities shall not be laid to their charge nor their imperfections corruptions and failings in performing the duties of Gods seruice as appeareth by the prayer of Hezechias for them who had prepared their hearts to seeke God 2. Chro. 30. 18 19. whom God pardoned though they were not cleansed according to the purification of the Sanctuary They shall not lose their labour nor spend their strength in vaine for the Lord hath promised that those who thus seeke him shall surely finde him If thou seeke the Lord thy God thou shalt finde him Esa 45. 19. if thou seeke him with all thine heart So Azariah telleth Asa and the people that the Lord would bee with them while they were with him and if Deut. 4. 29. 1. Chro. 28. 9. 2. Chro. 15. 2. verse 4. they sought him he would be found of them the which he confirmeth by the experience which their fathers had hereof in former times euen as afterwards they found the Word of God in his mouth confirmed in their owne experience for no sooner did they set themselues to seeke the Lord with their whole desire but he was found of them and the Lord gaue them rest round verse 15. about And as wee shall by seeking God be freed from all euill so shall we haue the fruition of all good for we shall inioy God himselfe and hee will dwell in vs as in his Temple and communicate himselfe vnto vs as vnto his loue and Spouse Neither will he come empty-handed but bring with him his rich rewards and as he is infinitely good in himselfe so will he bee good vnto them that waite for him and to the soule that seeketh him He Heb. 11. 6. will not let any good thing bee wanting vnto them They shall receiue the blessing from the Lord and righteousnesse from the God of their saluation They Psal 34. 10. Psal 24. 4 5 6. 2. Chro. 31. 21. shall prosper in all their workes be preserued from all dangers and deliuered from all euill for the hand of the Lord is vpon them for good that seeke Ezra 8. 22. him but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him He will Psal 9. 10. not forsake them but will hide them in the day of his anger They shall Zeph. 2. 3. receiue spirituall growth in all graces through the beames of his brightnesse and the sweete influences of his fauour as the hearbes and trees receiue growth and become fruitfull by the vertue of the Sun that shineth vpon them Yea themselues shall be as the shining light that shineth more and Pro. 4. 18. more to the perfect day and in his light they shall see light and be admitted to the sight and contemplation of his secret counsels They shall haue their faith and affiance in God more and more confirmed through that familiarity and communion which they haue with him and hauing peace with God they shall haue also peace of conscience and peace with all the creatures They shall haue safety and Christian security in Gods presence fauour and protection and he will giue them rest on all sides because they 2. Chro. 14. 7. haue sought the Lord their God So as they may say with Dauid I will not bee affraide of ten thousand of people that haue set themselues against mee round Psal 3. 5. about Though I walke through the vale of the shaddow of death I will feare Psal 23. 4. no euill for thou Lord art with me thy rod and thy staffe they comfort me God Psal 46. 1 2. is our refuge and strength a very present helpe in trouble therefore will not we feare though the earth be remoued and though the mountaines bee cast into the middest of the sea c. And in the greatest garboyles of worldly troubles they may say with him I will both lay mee downe and sleepe for thou Psal 4. 8. Lord onely makest me dwell in safety They shall haue their hearts filled with ioy and gladnesse in the fruition of his fauour and shall aboue all others haue continuall cause of reioycing according to that of the Psalmist Let all those that seeke thee reioyce be glad in thee and let all such as loue Psal 70. 4. thy saluation say continually Let God be magnified And againe Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them reioyce that seeke the Lord. They shall Psal 105. 3. 2. Cor. 1. 12. lead an holy and vnblameable life when as they are alwaies taken vp in these pious exercises and attaine daily vnto more and more perfection in all sauing graces and in the performance of all Christian duties Yea they shall haue not onely abundance of grace and all Spirituall good in this life but also of glory in the life to come For they that seeke God now shall then perfectly finde him and with him eternall blessednesse in the fruition of the chiefe goodnesse according to that of the Prophet Dauid They that seeke the Lord with their whole heart are blessed for John 17. 3. Psal 16. 11. Psal 119. 2. Amos 5. 4 6. they shall liue the life of Grace here and the life of glory in the world to come §. Sect. 4 Of the euils which follow our neglect of seeking God Finally the euils and mischiefes are manifold which follow the neglect of this dutie of seeking God for Gods power and wrath is against them to Ezra 8. 22. bring vpon them the punishment of their neglect Hee will withdraw from such his comfortable presence and by grieuous afflictions enforce vpon them this dutie which they will not doe cheerefully and of their owne accord according to that in Hosea I will goe and returne to my place till they acknowledge their offence and seeke my face in their afflictions they will Hos 5. 15. seeke me early They shall not prosper in any thing which they doe or take Ier. 10. 21. in hand as the Lord threateneth the bruitish pastors of Iudah And as the flowres and plants cannot thriue and flourish which inioy not the light and warmth of the Sun so much lesse shall they prosper
our persecutions we may well suffer with greater patience and comfort if we consider that they are not punishments for our sinnes from all which Christ hath fully freed vs but the trials of our faith which being approued shall be crowned with euerlasting ioy and happinesse In which regard we haue cause greatly to reioyce as the Apostle Peter speaketh 1. Pet. 1. 6 7. though now for a season if need be we are in heauinesse through manifold tentations that the triall of our faith being much more precious then the gold that perisheth though it be tryed with fire might be found vnto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Iesus Christ So the Apostle Iames My Iam. 1. 2 12. brethren count it all ioy when ye fall into diuers tentations of which hee afterwards rendreth this reason Because blessed is the man that indureth tentation for when he is tryed he shall receiue the Crowne of life which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him And indeed what a wonderfull priuiledge is this and what great cause doth it minister vnto vs of comfort and reioycing when we consider that the Lord hath vouchsafed vnto vs this great honour to suffer afflictions for his owne glory and the furthering and assuring of our saluation when as he might haue iustly inflicted them and farre greater vpon vs for our sinnes and to the burthen of our sufferings haue deseruedly added the vncomfortable waight of shame and infamie All which blessed priuiledges we shall lose and run into the contrary mischiefes and euen hellish condemnation if we shrinke from our profession and holy practice for feare of persecution and refuse to suffer for his sake who hath suffered so much for vs. For he that loueth his life shall Ioh. 12. 25. lose it and hee that hateth his life in this world shall keepe it vnto life eternall And againe If any man come to me saith our Sauiour and hate not his father Luk. 14. 26 27. and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters and his owne life also namely when they come in comparison with Christ and when the loue of both cannot stand together hee cannot be my Disciple And whosoeuer doth not heare his crosse and come vnto me cannot be my Disciple §. Sect. 3 That our Sauiour hath foretold these persecutions Secondly let vs consider that our Sauiour Christ hath long agoe foretold that whosoeuer wil be his Disciples must suffer in this world troubles and persecutions and that those who will attaine vnto heauenly happinesse must trauaile vnto it by that afflicted way which himselfe and all his seruants haue gone before them If any man saith he will come after mee Luk. 9. 23 24 25 let him deny himselfe and take vp his Crosse daily and follow me For whosoeuer Mat. 16. 24 25. will saue his life shall lose it and whosoeuer will lose his life for my sake shall saue it Now what is a man aduantaged if he gaine the whole world and lose himselfe or be cast away So the Apostles first offered the Crosse vnto them who Act. 14. 22. would afterwards weare the Crowne and haue told vs before-hand that by many tribulations we must enter into the Kingdome of God And that whosoeuer 2. Tim. 3. 12. Luk. 14. 27 28 c. will liue godly in Christ Iesus shall suffer persecution And therefore our Sauiour Christ seriously aduiseth vs that before we take vpon vs the profession of Christianity we first sit downe and cast vp our accounts examining our selues whether we can be content to suffer with him that wee may afterwards raigne with him and to indure afflictions and persecutions in this world that wee may eternally triumph with him in glory and happinesse in the world to come Now what more faire dealing could be vsed then to tell vs before-hand what we must trust to and before hee entertaine vs into his seruice to acquaint vs thorowly with our worke which he requireth of vs before we can receiue our wages which wee expect from him If indeed hee had allured vs to serue him by promising that we should inioy pleasures riches and honours in the world and that for his sake wee should bee well accepted and fauoured of all men wee should haue had great cause of discouragement when wee should come so farre short of our hopes and finde nothing in the world but crosses and afflictions paines for pleasures pouerty for riches and for glory shame and disgrace for then seeing his promises faile in things that concerne this life we had cause to doubt of those that respect the life to come But now contrariwise seeing he hath foretold that we must in this world suffer troubles and persecutions and be hated of all men for his Name sake and that afterwards when by our patient suffering we haue approued our saith and loue towards him he will crowne these his graces in vs with ioy and happinesse in the life to come our afflictions and persecutions should not daunt and dismay vs yea rather wee should reioyce in them as the infallible signes of our future hopes for hauing found Christs Word verified in the first part of his predictions respecting our afflictions and persecutions we may vndoubtedly expect that we shall finde it also true in that part which concerneth our crowne of victory and heauenly ioyes which after our momentany sufferings we shall euerlastingly possesse according to the gracious promises which he hath made vnto vs. §. Sect. 4 That worldly persecutions cannot greatly hurt vs. Thirdly let vs incourage our selues against these persecutions because they cannot greatly hurt vs for first they are either light and easie if they be long and tedious or short and momentany if they be sharpe and grieuous For God hath graciously so composed and framed our natures that their frailty and weakenesse cannot hold out to beare any heauy burthens and hath made them mortall and of such short continuance that their afflictions and grieuances must needs be short and momentany Secondly the greatest persecutions which rage and malice can raise against vs can but reach vnto the body and onely extend to the time of this life but cannot at all hurt the soule nor hinder our happinesse in the life to come In which respect our Sauiour incourageth vs against these persecutions Feare not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soule but Mat. 10. 28. rather feare him who is able to destroy both body and soule in hell Thirdly these persecutions cannot much hurt vs because our gracious God keepeth and preserueth vs so as we cannot faint and fall and pulleth out their sting so as they shall neuer be able to giue vnto vs any mortall wounds And therefore as the Apostle Peter exhorteth Let them that suffer according 1. Pet. 4. 19. to the will of God commit the keeping of their soules to him in well-doing as vnto a faithfull
of that fulnesse of ioy and of those eternall pleasures Psal 16. 11. Pro. 28. 12. which are at Gods right hand for euermore So that when righteous men reioyce there is great glory as the Wise man speaketh seeing their ioy farre exceedeth the ioy of them who reioyce in their corne and wine as being not onely much more excellent both in respect of Psal 4. 7. the nature and obiect but also an earnest-penny of a greater bargaine the first beginnings and prime taste of those full riuers of diuine pleasures whereof they shall drinke their fill in Gods Kingdome and the first fruits of that heauenly and happie haruest of ioy which is reserued for them in the life to come And therefore no maruaile seeing this spirituall ioy is aboue all others most excellent that Dauid when hauing wounded his conscience with grieuous sinnes hee was depriued of the sense and feeling of it for a time did so earnestly desire to haue it againe restored Restore vnto mee Psal 36. 8. Psal 51. 12. the ioy of thy saluation and vphold mee with thy free Spirit Seeing herein hee had much more contentment sound comfort and delight then in all the earthly pleasures which a Kingdome could yeeld vnto him For they all were but slight and childish this solid and substantiall they vaine and worthlesse this excellent and of incomparable value they short and fickle momentany and mutable this durable and permanent And this is the second reason to commend vnto vs this spirituall Ioy in that it is not like worldly ioyes onely by fits and flashes but settled and constant in all estates and conditions as well in aduersity and affliction as in prosperity and all earthly aboundance For if our hearts bee once replenished with this Ioy no man shall bee able to take it from vs and being of a spirituall Rom. 5. 3. Iohn 16. 22. and diuine nature no earthly thing can quell or quench it No prison can locke it from vs no banishment can diuide and seuer vs no losses and crosses confiscations of goods Rackes or Gibbets fire or sword can take it away and depriue vs of it For in all extremities wee haue an inward Comforter euen the Spirit of God dwelling in vs which filleth our hearts with ioy and turneth our mourning into mirth and gladnesse and as our afflictions Iohn 16. 7. 2. Cor. 1. 5. doe abound so also he causeth our consolations to abound much more Wee liue the life of faith and not of sense which looketh not so much vpon things present as vnto our future hopes and certaineties and hereby wee apply vnto vs Gods Word and gracious promises which supplyeth comfort sufficient to support vs in all our sorrowes For it assureth vs that those are blessed which mourne now because they shall bee comforted and which weepe now for they shall laugh Math. 5. 4. Luke ● 21. That all things euen afflictions themselues shal worke together for the best and our momentany and light suffrings shall cause vnto vs a farre most excellent Rom. 8 28. 2 Cor. 4. 17. Act. 14. 22. 2. Tim. 2. 12. and eternall waight of glory that by these many tribulations wee shall enter into the Kingdome of heauen and if we suffer with Christ wee shall also raigne with him And this was that Word of God applyed by faith which was Dauids comfort in his afflictions without which hee should haue perished Psal 119. 50 92 This was it which made the Church of Macedonia in a great triall 2 Cor. 8. 2. of affliction and in their deepe pouerty to haue withall abundance of ioy This made the godly Hebrewes to take ioyfully the spoyling of their goods knowing Heb. 10. 34. that they had in heauen a better and induring substance Finally by this the Apostle himselfe was filled with comfort and exceeding ioyfull in all his 2. Cor. 7. 8. tribulations But contrariwise the carnall ioy of worldlings in the pleasures of sinne is fickle and false mutable and momentany like the short blaze and crackling of thornes vnder a pot or laughter in a fit of phrensie Eccl. 7. 6. or of a man tickled which laugheth in the face and countenance when he is grieued at the heart because in the middest of their mirth they haue many a cold qualme and checke of conscience being not able to forget that after all their youthfull reioycing they must come vnto Iudgement Chap. 11. vers 9. The which euen in laughter maketh the heart sorrowfull because the end of Prou. 14. 13. their mirth is heauinesse and when they glory in outward appearance to haue 2. Cor. 5. 12. no ioy at all in the heart For who but fooles can reioyce in their full barnes and abundant prouisions that remembreth This night his soule shall be Luk. 12. 20. taken from him Who can haue any sound ioy and comfort in such pleasures and delights which within a while shall end in endlesse woe and misery according to that of our Sauiour Woe vnto you that laugh now for Luk 6. 25. ye shall mourne and weepe §. Sect. 6 That this spirituall ioy is proper to the godly and belongeth to no other Finally the faithfull who resolue and indeuour to serue and please God in the duties of a godly life haue propriety in this spirituall and Psal 33. 1. Psal 111. 8 15. heauenly ioy seeing it belongeth to them all and to them alone none other hauing any part and share in this high and holy priuiledge For first this ioy in the Scriptures is appropriated vnto them onely and no other So the Psalmist Reioyce in the Lord O ye righteous for praise is comely for the vpright And againe Light is sowne for the righteous and gladnesse for the vpright in heart The voyce of reioycing and saluation is in the Tabernacles of the righteous In which regard he desireth to see the good of Psal 106. 5. Gods chosen to reioyce in the gladnesse of his Nation that hee might glory with his inheritance And the Prophet Esay ioyneth these together Thou meetest Esa 64. 5. him that reioyceth and worketh righteousnesse Secondly the faithfull can only thus reioyce because all the causes of this spirituall ioy belong peculiarly vnto them alone For they onely are elected to saluation in which respect our Sauiour exhorteth his Disciples to reioyce in this because their names were written in the Booke of life They alone are the redeemed of Luk. 10. 20. the Lord who being freed out of the captiuity of all their spirituall enemies haue exceeding great and iust cause to reioyce in this gracious deliuerance And when by the glad tidings of the Gospell the Lord proclaimeth Esa 61. 1 2 3. liberty to captiues and the opening of the prison to them that are bound then doth hee also thereby comfort them that mourne giuing vnto them beauty for ashes and for mourning the oyle of ioy So the Prophet
much I honor you for those singular vertues and graces wherewith God hath inriched you especially your piety towards him and loue of his truth much approoued as by many other fruits so especially by your loue to his Ministers and Ambassadors The which were ample matter for a larger discourse to incourage others of your ranke to imitation did not your modesty and humility attending and adorning all the rest admonish mee that such praises of you vnto you will bee thought vnnecessary if not vnpleasing and distastfull The Lord infinitely rich in all goodnesse and perfection more and more multiply all Christian Vertues and sauing Graces in you both in the light and lustre whereof you shall be euer more truly honorable in the sight of God and all those that feare him then in the highest dignities and noblest aduancements that the world can yeeld vnto you Your Honors most obliged in all Christian duetie and humble seruice IOHN DOWNAME Faults escaped in the Treatise of Securitie Pag. 6. l. 3. r. his mercies p. 64. l. 9. r. idle spectator p. 65. l. 22. r. opinion of our p. 66. l. 6. r. against them in p. 68. l. 22. r. by inuring p. 70. l. 28. r. let vs watch p 83. l. 13. r. in the vse p. 89. l. 16. r. for a spurt p. 92. l. 8. r. peace and securitie And l. 20. r. God infinite THE CONTENTS OF THE FIRST BOOKE Jntreating of Carnall Securitie CHAP. I. Of Securitie in generall and more especially of Securitie in the state of Innocencie and of that which is in vs after the fall § 1. THat God the supreame Goodnesse turneth all euen euill it selfe into good Pag. 1. § 2. That it is the nature of sinne and corruption to turne all into euill pag. 2. § 3. That fleshly corruption abuseth prosperitie to the begetting in vs of carnall Securitie pag. 3. § 4. The motiue inducing to the writing of this Treatise pag. 3. § 5. That it is necessary to distinguish securitie into seuerall kinds pag. 3. § 6. Of Securitie in the state of Innocency pag. 4. § 7. Of Securitie in the state of corruption and the originall of it pag. 4. CHAP. II. Of carnall Securitie and what it is § 1. OF the generall parts of this Treatise pag. 6. § 2. Carnall Securitie defined pag. 6. § 3. Testimonies of Scripture shewing what it is pag. 7. § 4. Examples of carnall Securitie pag. 7. CHAP. III. Of the manifold causes of carnall Securitie § 1. THe first cause ignorance of God and his sauing Attributes pag. 8. § 2. The second cause want of consideration of that we know pag. 9. § 3. The third cause Selfe-confidence pag. 9. § 4. The fourth cause abuse of worldly prosperitie pag. 10 § 5. The fift cause is customable sinning pag. 11. § 6. The sixt cause is the present impunitie of sinners pag. 12. § 7. The seuenth cause presumption on Gods mercy pag. 13. § 8. The eight cause the neglect or contempt of the meanes of grace and saluation pag. 14. § 9. The ninth cause hearing the Word without Faith pag. 14. § 10. The tenth cause not applying the Word preached pag. 15. § 11. The eleuenth cause the mis-applying of the promises of the Gospell pag. 16. § 12. The twelfth cause a flattering Ministerie pag. 16. CHAP. IIII. Of the diuers kinds of carnall Securitie § 1. OF naturall securitie which is in all men pag. 18. § 2. Of carnall securitie which is affected and voluntarie pag. 19. § 3. Of carnall securitie which is in the vnregenerate pag. 19. § 4. Of that which remayneth in the Regenerate and how it groweth vpon them pag. 20. § 5. Of insensible and sensible securitie in the faithfull pag. 22. § 6. Of the causes of carnall securitie in the faithfull first prosperitie worldly or spirituall pag. 23. § 7. The second cause is spirituall pride pag. 24. CHAP. V. Of the differences betweene the carnall securitie of the Vnregenerate and Regenerate § 1. THat the carnall securitie of the Vnregenerate and Regenerate are in many things alike pag 25. § 2. Of the differences betweene the carnall securitie of the Vnregenerate and Regenerate in the highest degree pag. 16. § 3. Of the differences betweene the carnall securitie which is ordinarily in the faithfull and wicked and first in respect of their causes pag. 27. § 4. The second difference in their effects pag. 28. § 5. Another difference in their effects pag. 30. § 6. That they differ in respect of the subiect pag. 30. § 7. That they differ in their properties pag. 30. § 8. That they differ in their time of continuance pag. 32. CHAP. VI. Of the signes of carnall securitie arising from the causes of it § 1. THat the causes of carnall securitie doe argue and shew the effect pag. 32. § 2. The first signe of carnall securitie is ignorance of God and his Attributes pag. 33. § 3. The second signe is when wee are forgetfull of God his attributes pag. 33. § 4. The third signe pride and selfe-confidence pag. 34. § 5. The fourth signe abuse of prosperitie pag. 34. § 6. The fift signe customable sinning pag. 35. § 7. The sixt signe abuse of Gods patience and impenitency pag. 36. § 8. The seuenth signe presumption on Gods mercy pag. 36. § 9. The eight signe contempt of the meanes of saluation pag. 36. § 10. The ninth signe hearing the Word without Faith pag. 38. § 11. The tenth signe not applying of the Word pag. 39. § 12. The eleuenth signe mis-applying of the Promises pag. 39. § 13. The twelfth signe is to delight in aflattering Ministerie pag. 39. CHAP. VII Of eight other signes of carnall securitie arising from the effects and other arguments § 1. THe first signe is not to profit by afflictions on others pag. 40. § 2. Secondly such as are inflicted on our selues pag. 41. § 3. The second signe is to haue no desire to keepe Gods Commandements pag. 43. § 4. Secondly when we yeeld obedience but by fits pag. 43. § 5. Thirdly when we doe not yeeld obedience to the whole Law but some parts onely pag. 44. § 6. Fourthly when our obedience ariseth not from spirituall causes nor is directed to right ends pag. 44. § 7. The third signe delaying of Repentance pag. 45. § 8. The fourth signe is Hypocrisie pag. 46. § 9. The fift is to feare Man more then God pag. 46. § 10. The sixt signe immoderate feare in time of danger pag 47. § 11. The seuenth signe is to run from God and to rest on inferiour meanes in danger and affliction pag. 47. § 12. The eight signe is contempt of Gods Ministers pag. 48. CHAP. VIII Of such reasons as may mooue vs to abhor carnall securitie and to vse all meanes either to preuent it or to bee freed from it § 1. THat it is necessarie to haue our hearts wrought vnto the hatred of this Vice pag. 49. § 2. That Christ hath giuen vs speciall warning
XV. Of the good things which a good Conscience witnesseth to the faithfull 77 Sect. 1 That it witnesseth first pardon of sinne and reconciliation with God 77 2 Secondly it witnesseth our sanctification 78 3 Thirdly that we are in all estates blessed 79 4 That a good conscience maketh vs cheerefull in Gods seruice 79 CAP. XVI Of the signes and properties of a good conscience 81 Sect. 1 The first signe and the causes of it 81 2 The second is taken from the manner of working it in vs. 81 3 The third is the effects of it 81 4 That it is knowne by the properties of it and first that it is pure and peaceable 82 5 That it keepeth it selfe cleere before God and men 82 6 That a good conscience knoweth it selfe to be so 83 7 That a good conscience maketh vs merry and cheerfull 84 8 That it may bee knowne by the integrity and constancy of it 85 CAP. XVII Of the meanes whereby wee may get a good conscience and preserue it being gotten 86 Sect. 1 The first meanes is highly to esteeme it 86 2 The second meanes to know Gods reuealed will and apply it for vse 87 3 The third meanes is a liuely faith 88 4 The fourth meanes are the exercises of repentance 89 5 Of the meanes whereby a good conscience may be preserued 90 THE SECOND BOOKE of a godly life containing the maine parts and principal duties of it which wee ought generally to performe at all times and vpon all good occasions CAP. I. Of the maine duties wherein a godly life consisteth 92 Sect. 1 That a godly life consisteth in doing all those duties which God hath commanded 92 2 Of that Euangelicall obedience wherin a godly life consisteth 93 3 That this obedience must bee performed after an Euangelicall maner 94 4 That we must ioyne in it the duties of piety righteousnesse and sobriety 94 CAP. II. Of piety which is the summe of the first Table 95 Sect. 1 Of piety comprizing in it all the duties of Gods seruice 95 2 3 4 5. Reasons mouing vs to imbrace piety taken from the excellency profit and necessity of it CAP. III. Of our adhering and cleauing vnto God with full purpose and resolution of our hearts 99 Sect. 1 Of the summe of the first Commandement 99 2 Of adhering vnto God what it is and the necessity of it 100 3 The properties of sound resolution as first that it must be vniuersall 101 4 The necessity of our adhering vnto God proued by diuers reasons 102 5 Of the meanes whereby we may confirme our resolution of adhering vnto God 103 CAP. IIII. Of trust affiance and hope in God 105 Sect. 1 Of affiance in God and wherein it consisteth and of the reasons which may moue vs vnto it 105 2 Of the meanes of affiance 106 3 Of hope in God what it is and wherin it consisteth 107 4 Of the meanes of Hope 108 CAP. V. Of the loue of God and diuers vertues which spring from it 109. Sect. 1 Of the loue of God what it is and wherein it consisteth and of the measure and meanes of it 109 2 Of the zeale of Gods glory what it is and wherein it consisteth 110 3 Of reioycing in God what it is and the meanes whereby wee may attaine vnto it 111 4 Of thankfulnes vnto God what is required vnto it and the meanes of it 112 5 Of obedience vnto God what it is and wherein it consisteth and of the properties of true obedience 113 6 Of the meanes of obedience whereby we may be inabled to performe it 114 7 Of passiue obedience and patience in afflictions 115 CAP. VI. Of the feare of God and humility which ariseth from it ioyned with his loue And of Gods external worship with the body 116 Sect. 1 Of the feare of God what it is and the causes of it 116 2 That this feare of God is commended vnto vs in the Scriptures and of the profit of it 117 3 Of the meanes of obtaining this feare of God 118 4 Of humility what it is and the causes of it 119 5 Of the excellency and vtility of humility 120 6 Of the meanes whereby wee may attaine vnto humility 121 7 Of externall worship with our bodies 122 CAP. VII Of the duties which are required in the second Commandement as prayer hearing the Word and administration of the Sacraments 123 Sect. 1 Of the things generally required in the second Commandement 123 2 Of prayer and inuocation 124 3 Of the duties of Gods Ministers 125 4 Of the duties of hearers and first such as respect their preparation 125 5 Of the duties required in hearing and after we haue heard 126 6 Of the administration of the Sacraments 127 CAP. VIII Of the duties required in the third and fourth Commandements 129 Sect. 1 Of the sanctifying of Gods Name and how it ought to be done 129 2 Of the sanctifying Gods Name in lawfull oathes 130 3 Of the sanctifying Gods Name by making and performing our vowes 131 4 Of the sanctifying Gods Sabbath and what is required vnto it 131 5 Of the spirituall sanctification of the outward rest 132 CAP. IX Of the summe of the second Table 133 Sect. 1 Of the duties of righteousnesse towards our neighbours 133 2 Of the dutie of sobriety towards our selues 134 3 Of the duties of charity 135 4 Of the meanes and manner of working charity in vs. 135 5 What charity is and the properties of it 136 6 Of the obiect of charity which is our neighbours 137 7 The manner of louing our neighbors namely as our selues 138 8 That naturall selfe-loue is not the rule of charity but that which is holy and spirituall 138 9 The properties of lawfull selfe-loue 139 10 That wee must loue our neighbours as Christ hath loued vs. 139 CAP. X. Of the reasons which may mooue vs to imbrace charity 140 Sect. 1 Of the excellency of charity 140 2 Of the profit of it in respect of our neighbours 141 3 Of the profit of it in respect of our selues 142 4 Of the necessity of charity 142 CAP. XI Of the duties required in the fifth Commandement 144 Sect. 1 Of the generall duties required in the fifth Commandement 144 2 Of the duties of superiours in excellencie and of inferiours towards them 144 3 Of the duties of superiours in authority in generall and of inferiours towards them 146 4 Of the duties of superiours and inferiours in the family and first of man and wife towards one another 147 5 Of the duties of husband and wife towards the rest of the family 148 6 Of the duties of parents and children 148 7 Of the duties of Masters and seruants 149 8 Of the duties of Ministers and people 149 9 Of the duties of Magistrates and subiects 150 CAP. XII Of the duties required in the sixth Commandement 151 Sect. 1 Of the summe of this Commandement and of anger and hatred 151 2 Of the inward duties and vertues here
CAP. XL. That we must sanctifie our rest by consecrating it to the duties of Gods seruice 388 Sect. 1. That wee must rise betimes on the Lords Day 388 2 Of Meditations fit to bee vsed on the Lords Day 389 3 Of Prayer Thanksgiuing and reading priuately 390 4 Duties to be performed when wee are going to Church 392 CAP. XLI Of publike duties to be performed on the Lords Day 393 Sect. 1. That wee must ioyne with the Congregation in all duties of Gods seruice 393 2 Of hearing the Word and what is required vnto it 393 3 That we must stay in the Church from the beginning to the end of the Sermon 395 4 Of our duty in receiuing the Lords Supper 396 5 Of our duty when Baptisme is administred 396 CAP. XLII Of such duties as are to be performed on the Lords Day after our comming from the Church 398 Sect. 1. That we must meditate vpon that which we haue heard 398 2. 3. Of Family exercises on the Lords Day 398 4. That the Euening must bee spent in religious exercises 400 5 That all our seruice must bee done in integrity and sincerity of heart 401 THE FOVRTH BOOKE of a godly life containing in it the properties of it and all the duties required vnto it p. 403 CAP. I. That all duties vniuersally of godly life must be performed in sincerity and integrity of heart 403 Sect. 1. That vniuersall and totall obedience is required 403 2 Of integrity and sincerity 404 3 Reasons moouing vs to imbrace integrity and sincerity first because the Lord chiefly loueth and delighteth in it 404 4 That our imperfect obedience is accepted of God if it be done in sincerity and integrity 405 5 That the soundnesse of all graces and holy duties consisteth in the sincerity of them 406 6 Of the rewards of sincerity and integrity 406 CAP. II. Of the meanes whereby wee may attaine vnto sincerity and integrity 407 Sect. 1. The first meanes to set God before our eyes and our selues in his presence 407 2 The second to meditate on the excellency profit and necessity of it 408 3 The third meanes to consider that if wee be sincere we shall want nothing 408 4 The fourth meanes is to watch ouer our hearts 409 CAP. III. That we must ioyne with inward integrity the seruice of the body and outward man 410 Sect. 1. That God requireth outward seruice to be ioyned with the inward 410 2 Reasons moouing vs to performe outward seruice 411 3 That Christian Apologie and outward seruice is required 412 4 That we must practise what we know in our workes and actions 413 5 Diuers reasons perswading vs to good workes 414 6 Of the rewards of good workes 415 CAP. IIII. That we must performe vniuersall obedience to the whole will of God 416 Sect. 1. That only vniuersall obedience to Gods will and Word is accepted of him 416 2 That we must performe obedience to both Tables ioyntly and to the Gospel as well as the Law 417 3 Reasons perswading vs to vniuersall obedience first because God requireth it 418 4 That our obedience cannot be sincere vnlesse it be vniuersall 418 5 That without totall obedience wee cannot attaine to heauenly happinesse 419 CAP. V. Of the properties of Christian and holy duties which respect their causes efficient and finall 420 Sect. 1. That all duties should spring from the loue of God 420 2 That wee must propound Gods will and our obedience thereunto in all duties 420 3 That all true seruice is done in obedience to Gods will 421 CAP. VI. Of those properties which respect our hearts and affections 422 Sect. 1. That wee must performe all duties of a godly life with cheerefulnesse 422 2 Reasons which may mooue vs to this cheerefulnesse 423 3 That wee must serue God in all holy duties zealously and deuoutly 424 CAP. VII Of the properties which respect the whole man and first diligence in all duties of Gods seruice 426 Sect. 1. That this diligence must be vsed in all good duties and about the meanes of them 426 2 Diuers reasons which may mooue vs to this diligence 428 3 Of the rewards promised to the diligent 429 4 That this diligence is most necessary 429 5 Of the vnwearied diligence of worldlings in pursuing worldly things 432 CAP. VIII Of constancie in all the duties of godlinesse without remission or intermission 434 Sect. 1. 2. That all those that are sincere are also constant in the duties of a godly life 434 3 A complaint of mens vnconstancie in performing the duties of a godly life 436 4 That constancie is required in Gods Word 437 CAP. IX Reasons moouing to constancy and the meanes of it 438 Sect. 1. That constancy is an inseparable companion of integrity 438 2 Of the manifold euils which accompany inconstancie in good duties 439 3 Of the meanes of constancy in good duties 441 CAP. X. Of our perseuerance in all Christian duties of a godly life 443 Sect. 1. That we must perseuere both in profession and practice of godlinesse 443 2 Of the meanes of perseuerance 443 3 That vnlesse we perseuere we cannot be accepted of God 445 4 That Prayer is a speciall meanes of perseuerance 446 THE FIFTH BOOKE of a godly life contayning in it the helpes and meanes which inable vs vnto it p. 448 CAP. I. Of the rules of a godly life whereby wee may bee directed in the right performance of all Christian duties And first of such rules as respect the causes of it both principall and subordinate 448 Sect. 1. Of the helpes inabling vs to leade a godly life 448 2 The first rule is that wee make God the supreme end of all Christian duties and wholly deny our selues in them 449 3 The second rule respecteth our Sauiour Christ namely that we ayme at him as the mayne scope of all our actions 450 4 The third rule respecting the Spirit of God dwelling in vs. 451 5 The rules respecting subordinate causes the first whereof is that wee must often renew the Couenant betweene God and vs. 452 6 The 2. rule is that we must take care to approue our wayes vnto God and our own cōsciences then vnto men 454 7 The third rule is that wee must performe all good duties with a quiet and peaceable mind 455 8 The fourth rule is that all our duties must arise from the fundamentall graces of a godly life 457 9 The fifth rule is that we must chiefly esteeme chuse and affect the duties of godlinesse according to their worth and excellency 458 10 The sixth rule is that we must vse all helpes and meanes which may inable vs vnto godlinesse 459 CAP. II. Of the rules of a godly life which respect the circumstances of it 460 Sect. 1. The first rule respecting the circumstances of a godly life is that we must make precious account of our time which God hath allotted vs for his seruice 460 2 The second rule is that wee must not stay for
and ashamed in our selues that we can shoot no higher of which we haue the holy Apostle as a patterne for our imitation who forgetting those things Philip. 3. 13 14. which were behind namely the former part of his race in the way of godlinesse and reaching foorth vnto those things which were before to wit that Christian perfection vnto which he had not yet attained did presse towards the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Iesus Christ And this is that Euangelicall and Sonne-like obedience which God now vnder the Couenant of grace requireth of vs which if we labour to performe he will accept of vs in Christ and remember our sinnes no more but will Ier 31 34. Mal. 3. 17. 2. Cor. 8. 12. spare vs as a man spareth his sonne who serueth him accept of the will for the deede and couering the imperfections of our obedience with Christs perfect righteousnesse and washing away the pollution and corruption of it in his most precious blood he will be well pleased with vs and approoue of vs as though we had attained to perfect righteousnesse §. Sect. 2 That a godly life chiefely consisteth in Euangelicall and filiall obedience and what this is And in this filiall obedience doth that godly life principally consist which we now intreate of for it is nothing else but a feruent desire sound resolution and sincere indeuour to conforme our whole liues in all holy obedience to Gods will that we may please him in all things and glorifie his holy name by our Christian conuersation or if we would haue a more full description of it A godly life is the life of a Christian who being regenerate quickned and illuminated by Gods Spirit and ingrafted into Christ thereby and by a liuely faith assuring him of Gods loue and his owne saluation doth in loue and thankefulnesse towards him desire resolue and indeuour to please him in all things by doing his will reuealed in his Word and to glorifie his name by walking before him in the duties of holinesse righteousnesse and sobriety with faith a pure heart and good conscience all the dayes of his life In which description we are to consider two things First the person that leadeth this godly life and secondly the actions in this life performed by him the person is first named and then described by his state and properties Concerning the first he that leadeth this life is the Christian onely For as for the life of Heathens and Pagans seeme it neuer so strict iust and glorious as of Socrates Aristides Cato Seneca and such like it is voyd of all true godlinesse and not accepted of God because it is ioyned with ignorance of the true God and Iesus Christ idolatry will-worship infidelitie and all kind of heathenish impiety §. Sect. 3 That the regenerate onely can lead a godly life Neither doe all that beare the name of Christians leade this godly life but they who are so not in name and profession onely but in deed and truth that is such only who are in that state and qualified with those properties which are set downe in the former description As first that he be regenerate for they that are vnregenerate cannot performe any dutie of a godly life which is pleasing and acceptable to God because being out of the Couenant their persons and consequently their actions are not accepted of him but are the slaues of Satan held captiue to doe his will the 2. Tim. 2. 26. Eph. 2. 1 3. children of wrath and enemies vnto God and his grace dead in trespasses and sins and therefore no more able to doe the duties of holinesse and righteousnesse then a dead man is able to doe the actions of the liuing In which respect the Apostle saith that we are not of our selues able to thinke a good 2. Cor. 3. 5. Phil. 2. 13. thought nor so much as to will that which is good because it is God onely which worketh in vs both the will and the deed Neither can we better our estate by our own strength for as the Prophet teacheth vs as well may the Aethiopian Ier. 13. 23. change his blacknesse and the Leopard his spots as we doe well that are accustomed to doe euill So that the regenerate man alone can lead a godly life or performe any dutie acceptable vnto God for first Abel was accepted and then his sacrifice and our persons must first be sanctified before they Gen. 4. 4. can please God by our works of holinesse For as in the ceremoniall law the touching of holy things did not sanctifie and clense the polluted person but the person polluted did make the holy things to become vncleane as Haggai speaketh so the workes which in themselues materially Hag. 2. 12 13. are good and holy doe not sanctifie the vnregenerate man that doth them but through the taint and pollution of his sinne they also are polluted and defiled Now vnto this regeneration two things are necessarily required First that we haue the Spirit of God dwelling in vs And secondly the sanctifying and sauing graces of the Spirit which alwayes doe accompany it for the Spirit of God is the Author of our regeneration which begetteth vs vnto God according to that of our Sauiour Except a man be borne of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdome of God And that Iohn 3. 5. of the Apostle But ye are washed but ye are sanctified but yee are iustified in 1. Cor. 6. 11. 2. Cor. 3. 2 3. Tit. 3. 5. the name of the Lord Iesus and by the Spirit of our God It is the Spirit which mortifieth our sinnefull corruptions by applying vnto vs the vertue of Christs death and so by destroying the kingdome of sinne raiseth vs out of the state of death and which giueth vnto vs the spirituall life of grace by applying vnto vs the vertue of Christs resurrection which inableth vs to doe the actions of the liuing It is the Spirit that leadeth vs into all Iohn 16. 13. Rom. 8. 14. truth and hereby assureth vs that we are the sonnes of God seeing wee performe vnto him filiall obedience And therefore they who will walke in the wayes of godlinesse must haue this holy Spirit to bee their guide They who would outwardly mooue in the actions of piety and righteousnesse must haue this inward cause to stirre strengthen and support them for as well may a blinde man trauaile vncouth wayes without a leader or the body mooue without the soule as we goe in this Christian way or doe the workes of God vnlesse his holy Spirit be our guide and strength The which must mooue vs in the first place to labour earnestly to haue this Spirit dwelling in vs and to vse to this purpose that powerfull meanes of effectuall prayer seeing our heauenly Father hath promised to giue his holy Spirit to them that aske him as our Sauiour hath Luke 11. 13. taught
99 100. then our teachers if wee haue more care then they in keeping Gods Commandements For the feare of the Lord is wisedome and to depart from euill is vnderstanding Iob. 28. 28. Psal 111. 10. And as Dauid saith The feare of the Lord is the beginning of wisedome a good vnderstanding haue all they that doe his Commandements CAP. VIII Of a liuely and iustifying faith which is the second mayne ground of a godly life §. Sect. 1 That without fayth we cannot performe any duties of a godly life THe second mayn ground of a godly life is a true and iustifying faith without which we cannot performe any duty acceptable to God For before our workes can be acceptable our persons must be accepted neither can the actions of an enemy be pleasing vnto him with whom he is at emnity before they be reconciled we must first bee good trees before we can bring forth any good fruits and haue our hearts sanctified by faith before we can doe the workes of sanctification For who can bring a cleane thing out of an vncleane Not one saith Iob. And what is Iob 14. 4. 15. 14. man that he should be cleane and he that is borne of a woman that he shoud be righteous As Eliphaz speaketh First Abels person must be accepted before Gen. 4. 4. his sacrifice could be acceptable And we cannot be accepted in our selues being dead in sinne and the children of wrath as well as others till being by faith vnited vnto Christ God accepteth of vs in his best Beloued Without Heb. 11. 6. faith therefore it is impossible to please God for till our persons please him our actions cannot Againe Whatsoeuer is not done of faith is sinne and our Rom. 14. 23. best actions which seeme most glorious in the eyes of men will not indure the sight of Gods iustice because they are imperfect and stayned with the filth of our corruptions till hauing applyed Christ vnto vs by faith our vnrighteousnesse bee couered with his perfect righteousnesse and our corruptions be washed away with his blood And this was the cause why the Iewes who followed after the law of righteousnesse did not attayne Rom. 9. 31 32. vnto the law of righteousnesse because they sought it not by faith in Christ but by their owne workes of the law Moreouer we are wilde vines till we be ingrafted into the true Vine Iesus Christ and can bring foorth no good fruit for without him we can doe nothing But being planted into this liuing Iohn 15. 5. Stocke by a liuely faith we deriue from him such sap of grace that wee are made fruitfull in all holy obedience and as without him we can doe nothing so with him we are enabled to the performance of all good duties according to that of the Apostle I can doe all things through Christ that Phil. 4. 13. strengthneth me Furthermore faith is the prime grace that is after we are illuminated wrought in vs by the Spirit and the onely liuing Fountaine from which all true obedience floweth for till it purifieth the heart we haue Act. 15. 9. Gal. 5. 6. not so much as a desire to please God in the performance of any duty nor any power to produce a good action till faith worketh by loue and giueth 1. Iohn 4. 19. vnto vs life and motion And finally without faith there can bee no loue for wee cannot loue God till first we be assured that he loueth vs and without loue there can be no obedience for loue is the fulfilling of Rom. 13. 8. the law and therefore the want of loue is the roote of all disobedience and transgression But when by faith we are perswaded of Gods loue in Christ then doe we loue God againe who hath so loued vs and this loue worketh in vs a desire to please him in all things both by hating and forsaking that which he hateth and by louing and imbracing that which he loueth and commandeth So that according to the measure of our faith such is the measure of our loue and if our loue be great or small such also will be the fruits of our obedience §. Sect. 2 That faith and a godly life are inseparable companions Faith therefore and a godly life are inseparable companions being vnited together in the bond of loue which is stronger then death it selfe Cant. 8. 6. and as a godly life cannot possibly bee without faith no more then the fruit without the tree or a wel-built house without a foundation or breath without a liuing body So neither can a liuely faith be seuered from a godly life For being by faith assured of Gods loue we cannot chuse but loue him againe and approue our loue by our new obedience Being by faith ingrafted into Christ and so become trees of righteousnesse of Gods owne planting we cannot but bring foorth good fruits For as an euill tree Mat. 7. 17 18. cannot bring forth good fruit so neither can a good tree bring foorth euill fruit seeing the fruit alwaies followeth the nature of the tree And as men doe not gather Grapes of thornes nor Figges of thistles so neither Crabs of Apple-trees nor wild and sowre grapes of a good and fruitfull vine Finally faith and the fruits of obedience in a godly life are the one the cause and the other the effect which haue such mutuall relation that they argue and proue eyther the presence or absence one of another as if there be a Father there must needs be a child of which he is a father and if there be a child there must needs be a father of whom he is a child If there be a Sunne there must needs be beames spreading from it and if there bee beames there must needs be a Sunne from which they are spred If there be a liuing body it must needs moue and breathe and if there be a vitall breath then must there needs be a liuing body from which it is breathed And therefore as we may conclude that if there be no father sonne nor body there can be no child beames nor breath so where there is no faith there can be no fruits of obedience seeing these as effects doe arise and spring frō that cause And contrariwise as we may infer that if there be no child beames or breath there can be no father light or body so also that if there be no fruits of obedience in a godly life there can be no faith but onely some shew and shadow of it as a man though wanting a child is like a father the shaddow of the sunne in the water like vnto the sunne in the firmament and a dead carkasse like a liuing body nor yet a godly life Jam. 2. 18 26. and true obedience without faith but some glorious resemblance of it in outward appearance As a fatherlesse boy is like a child who hath a father the lightening hath some similitude of the beames of
Job 22. 2. Psal 16. 3. profit or extend vnto him but for our owne good and benefit that he may crowne our obedience with eternall blessednesse For hee that keepeth the Law happie is he and he that heareth Christs Word and keepeth it is by Pro. 29. 18. Luke 11. 28. him pronounced blessed Lastly let vs often propound vnto our selues the examples of Gods Saints and Seruants that haue gone before vs and set before vs their obedience as a patterne for our imitation For more cheerefully may we trauaile in this way of holinesse and righteousnesse if wee see a plaine path beaten by those that haue gone before vs. But especially let vs set before vs the neuer-erring example of our Sauiour Christ who tooke more delight in doing his Fathers will then in his meate and drinke and in all things was obedient vnto him to the death euen the John 4. 34. Phil. 2. 6 7. bitter death of the Crosse as the Apostle speaketh §. Sect. 7 Of passiue obedience and patience in afflictions The second kinde of obedience is passiue and is called patience which is a fruit of our loue and thankfulnesse towards God whereby we submit our selues meekely and constantly to beare all those crosses and afflictions Gal. 5. 22. which it shall please God to lay vpon vs. The causes of which patience are diuers the first and principall is the Spirit of God of which it is a fruit Secondly a liuely faith which not only apprehendeth the promise of eternall happinesse with which our temporarie afflictions are not to be compared but Gods speciall promises of strength to indure all trials and of helpe and deliuerance in Gods due time Thirdly trust and affiance in God who hath promised to be with vs in all our afflictions and neuer leaue vs to our owne weakenesse or to the malice and fury of our enemies vpon which we conclude that though he kill vs yet we will trust in Iohn 13. 15. him But the loue of God is the next and immediate cause of our patience which maketh vs meekely to suffer whatsoeuer he imposeth who so loueth vs and whom we so loue For loue endureth all things and the greatest difficulties are not hard vnto it It is stronger then death the waters 1. Cor. 13. 7. Cant. 8. 6 7. of afflictions cannot quench it and the floods of calamities cannot drowne it The obiect of this patience is afflictions which the Lord imposeth for the tryall or correction of his children for all whom he loueth he chastiseth and whosoeuer will be Christs Disciple must denie himselfe take vp Heb. 12. Luke 9. 23. his Crosse and follow him that is that crosse and measure of afflictions which God himselfe imposeth vpon him Neither are we to take vpon vs burthens of our owne making but such only as the Lord allotteth vnto vs which are those alone that we cannot by lawfull meanes auoid or without falling into sinne The manner how we are to beare these afflictions is first voluntarily with a meeke quiet and contented minde as being sent of God for our good yea cheerefully and ioyfully as they are signes and seales of our adoption and speciall meanes to further and assure our euerlasting saluation Secondly we must beare them constantly so long as it shall please God to continue them vpon vs that is till he giueth vs honest Iam. 1. 4. and lawfull meanes to be freed and deliuered from them not thinking it inough that we haue borne some few or many afflictions but holding out vnto the end for he is not crowned who hath fought well for a time but he that neuer giueth ouer till he haue obtained the victory acording to that of our Sauiour Be faithfull vnto the death and I will giue thee the 2. Cor. 4. 16. Apoc. 2. 10. Crowne of life But of these points as also of the meanes whereby wee may be enabled with patience comfort and ioy to endure afflictions I haue written largely * Christian Warfare the third part elsewhere and therefore will content my selfe thus briefly to haue touched them in this place CAP. VI. Of the feare of God and humility which ariseth from it ioyned with his loue And of Gods externall worship with the body §. Sect. 1 Of the feare of God what it is and the causes of it THe fourth and last mayne vertue required in this Commandement is the feare of God whereby I vnderstand not that seruile and slauish feare which is in wicked men and the very deuils themselues in the apprehension of his iustice wrath and power in punishing sinne but that filiall and sonne-like feare whereby knowing beleeuing and remembring not onely Gods Iustice truth maiesty power and dominion our all creatures but also his infinite loue goodnesse and mercy towards vs in Iesus Christ we feare his displeasure who is so glorious and gracious as the greatest euill In which description is expressed the grounds and causes of the true feare of God namely the knowledge beliefe and remembrance of Gods attributes As first that hee is a iust God and will not let sinne goe vnpunished with which consideration Mat. 10. 28. our Sauiour inciteth vs to Gods feare because he iustly casteth into hell those that sinne against him Secondly that he is true of his Word in his promises to those that serue and please him and his threatnings against Psal 33. 7 8. those that displease and sinne against him Thirdly his maiesty and glory in that he is the supreme Lord and most glorious King of heauen and earth which is alone sufficient to strike an awfull feare of God in the hearts of all creatures Fourthly that he is a most powerfull and mighty God and so able to execute all his iudgements and not onely to kill the body but also to cast both body and soule into the euerlasting fire of hell as our Sauiour speaketh Lastly his dominion ouer all creatures whereby Luk. 12. 5. they are obnoxious and liable to his iustice and punishments is effectuall to strike feare into the hearts of all men according to that of Malachie If I be a master where is my feare and that of Ieremie Who would not feare Mal. 1. 6. Ier. 10. 6 7. thee O King of nations for vnto thee doth it appertaine For howsoeuer the faithfull being in Christ can receiue no hurt from these attributes for his iustice is satisfied for their sinnes and there is no condemnation vnto Rom. 8. 1. them his threatnings doe not belong vnto them but contrariwise his sweete and gracious promises his maiesty power and dominion are arguments of ioy and comfort seeing they are wholly for their protection and preseruation yet doe the children of God feare in respect of these attributes when they consider them in their owne nature and see the effects of them in wicked men euen as the sonne feareth his father when he seeth him punish his slaue though he be sure
haue others do vnto vs and consequently seeing we desire that our neighbours should with all the powers of their minde and body aduance as much as in them lieth our good in all things respecting our soules bodies and states Iustice and righteousnes requireth the same at our hands towards them namely that to the vttermost of our power we be euer ready to doe all things which tend to their good and to the preseruation of their honour person life purity chastity wealth and good name not so much as intertaining a thought or first motion in our minds or hearts which in any of these or other respects may tend to their hurt and preiudice Of which Iustice or righteousnesse there are two parts the one distributiue whereby we doe giue vnto euery one their due and that which of right appertaineth vnto them in which is to be obserued a geometricall proportion which hath respect in this distribution vnto euery man according to their place person and such other relations and circumstances and is in all things carried with due regard of equity and moderation The other is commutatiue which is vsually exercized in commerce and mutuall dealings and trading one with another as in changing borrowing lending buying selling letting setting and such like affaires of this life The generall rule whereof is that we keepe from no man his right but pay euery man his debt and due In which is to be obserued an Arithmeticall proportion performing all these duties of Iustice in a strict equality without any respect of place or person §. Sect. 2 Of the dutie of sobriety towards our selues The other maine duty is sobriety which comprehendeth vnder it all duties which respect our owne persons the which in a generall sense as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Marke 5. 15. Luke 8. 35. Acts 26. 25. Tit. 1. 8. 2. 12 it is to be here vnderstood signifieth soundnesse of minde which ordereth all things to the good and safety of our persons and state And thus the word which is translated sobriety is taken in the Scriptures for a sound minde so it is said that the demoniacke was by our Sauiour Christ restored to his right minde And the Apostle saith that he was not mad but spake forth the words of truth and sobernesse that is of a right and sound minde which tended to the safety and saluation of himselfe and others and exhorteth all men to be wise vnto sobriety or to thinke soberly not straining Rom. 12. 3. their wits aboue the measure of their gifts which is the next way to cracke and lose them And thus elsewhere hee opposeth these two the one against 2. Cor. 5. 13. the other to be sober and to be besides our selues Sobriety therefore is a vertue or habit proceeding from a sound minde spirituall wisedome and iudgement whereby wee are enabled to rule and order our selues with all our powers and faculties of minde and body and all things else about which they are exercised to our good safety and saluation First it ruleth and ordereth the minde to the vsing of all good meanes whereby it may be more and more inlightened with sauing knowledge the memory as a faithfull register to retaine good things the conscience to performe its office rightly in excusing and accusing the will to chuse the good and refuse the euill and in all things to be conformable to the holy will of God the affections to couet after spirituall and heauenly things with vnlimited desires and temporall good things with moderation temperance and purity and the body in all holinesse and honour that it may be a fit temple for the holy Ghost and a ready instrument vnto the soule for all good actions And thus it ruleth the whole man and euery faculty and part of him as they are exercised about their seuerall and particular obiects causing the minde to approue or condemne the memory to retaine or cast out the conscience to accuse or excuse the will to chuse or reiect the affections to loue and desire or to hate and contemne the body to doe or leaue vndone all things good or euill when they are propounded vnto them And in respect of these seuerall sorts of obiects this vertue of sobriety hath place and is commanded in euery precept of the second Table For as it ruleth and ordereth vs about the preseruation of our honour and authority it is required in the first Commandement as about the good preseruation and saluation of our liues our soules and bodies in the sixth as about our chastity purity temperance and sobriety in the vse of meates drinkes and apparrell in the seuenth as about our goods and possessions either in getting or vsing them righteously and iustly in the eighth as about the preseruing of our good name in the ninth as about withstanding the first motions and suggestions vnto sinne and the recouering of originall righteousnesse and holy concupiscence in our mindes and hearts in the tenth and last §. Sect. 3 Of the duties of charity But seeing our Sauiour hath comprized both these duties of righteousnesse and sobriety vnder charity and hath made loue the whole summe of Matth. 22. 39. 19. 19. Gal. 5. 14. the Law our loue towards God of the first Table and our loue towards our selues and our neighbours of the second Table I will consider of them both vnder this one first generally and afterward more specially in euery seuerall Commandement For charity and true loue towards our selues mooueth vs out of a sound and right minde to performe in thought word and deed all good duties which tend to our safetie and saluation and charity towards our neighbours as it mooueth vs to loue them as our selues so to performe all duties of righteousnesse and mercy which we doe vnto our selues or would haue others doe vnto vs. Now this charity is a gift or grace of God infused into our hearts by his holy Spirit which out of the sense of Gods loue towards vs in Christ working true and feruent loue towards them againe doth mooue vs to loue our selues and all men as our selues and as Christ hath loued vs for Gods sake and in obedience to his Commandement It is a gift of God and no naturall habit for naturally as wee are haters of God and men so euen of our selues neither is any hatred of an enemy so hurtfull and pernicious vnto our soules and bodies as carnall selfe-loue which is a chiefe cause and meanes of depriuing vs heere of all grace and of glory and happinesse in the life to come And therefore the Apostle exhorting vs to loue one another telleth vs where we must haue this gift Let vs saith he loue one another 1. Ioh. 4. 7. for loue is of God Neither is it a common gift of God but a sanctifying and sauing grace of his holy Spirit for as the loue of God towards vs as the cause so our loue towards God as the effect of it is shed
either from the causes which are efficient or finall or from the subiect and adiuncts of our afflictions And first in our meditations we are to consider that God himselfe is chiefe cause and principall Author of all our afflictions whatsoeuer bee the meanes and instruments The which may confirme our patience and comfort vs in our afflictions seeing they must needs be good and iust as comming from him who is the chiefe Goodnesse in himselfe and the Authour and fountaine of all goodnesse which is in the creatures Secondly that hee hath not onely in some generall manner in his eternall counsell preordained our afflictions and left all the rest to bee disposed by chance and fortune but that hee specially ordereth and ruleth them with his most wise iust and gracious prouidence both in respect of their manner measure and continuance making the ends of all inferiour causes to serue for his supreme ends which are his glory and our saluation Thirdly that the meritorious causes of all our afflictions are our sinnes which are so many and grieuous that our greatest afflictions are farre lesse and lighter then by our sinnes we haue iustly deserued Fourthly that our afflictions are not signes of Gods hatred nor the punishments of a iust Iudge but the chastisements and corrections of a gracious Father and that they proceed from his meere loue the which appeareth first in the measure of our afflictions both in respect of their quantity and time of continuance For he hath appointed a measure which cannot be exceeded and this quantity is small and light and how long also they shall last and continue the which time is short and momentany in comparison of that super-excellent and eternall waight of glory which they shall cause vnto vs. Yea he so measureth our afflictions vnto vs as that they do not exceed our ability to indure 1. Cor. 10. 13. them seeing he is alwayes ready to lessen our burthen or to increase our strength that we may be able to beare it Neither doth the Lord take delight in our smart to inflict vpon vs more then is needfull but measureth our afflictions not according to desert but so much onely as is necessary for his owne glory and our saluation §. Sect. 4 That our afflictions tend to the setting foorth of Gods glory Fifthly let vs also consider the ends of our afflictions which God propoundeth vnto them wherein his great loue shineth and appeareth The first and chiefe whereof is his owne glory seeing he manifesteth his power and goodnesse by assisting vs in our afflictions and by taking occasion thereby to shew and try his spirituall graces which he hath bestowed vpon vs the which should comfort vs in all our troubles seeing God heereby vouchsafeth vs this high priuiledge to be instruments of his glory The second end is the good both of our neighbours and our selues They receiue much good by our afflictions seeing they learne by our example to feare God in his iudgements and are restrained from the same sinnes which they see corrected in vs. Secondly as wee are ensamples of Gods graces shining in this fiery triall and also through our infirmities of humane frailty that seeing Gods perfection in our imperfections and his power and wisedome in our folly and weakenesse they may take occasion to glorifie him Thirdly because by our afflictions wee are made more compassionate and more able and ready to comfort others with those consolations wherewith our selues haue beene comforted The which also should make vs patient in our troubles yea euen to be thankfull and greatly to reioyce in that God vseth vs as meanes and instruments of our neighbours good whom wee ought to loue as our selues and as much as in vs lieth to helpe them in all things which may further their saluation §. Sect. 5 That God vseth our afflictiōs as means of our owne good Secondly let vs consider that the Lord vseth our afflictions as notable meanes of our owne good and of deriuing vnto vs many singular benefits both in respect of this life and the life to come For first hee vseth them for trials for the discouery of those spirituall graces which he hath giuen vs not vnto himselfe who knowing all things needeth no such helpes but vnto vs and others that hee may bee glorified in them and take occasion thereby to glorifie vs by crowning his gifts when by this Iam. 1. 12. triall they are approoued and may also edifie those who obserue them in vs and mooue them to follow our good example And likewise for the making knowne of our infirmities and corruptions that wee may be truely humbled in the sight and sense of them In which regard our greatest trials not exceeding our strength as God hath promised should bring vnto vs an answerable measure of sound comfort seeing they are assured signes vnto vs of the greatest measure of sauing graces in vs. Secondly hee vseth them as effectuall meanes to further our conuersion fitting and preparing vs thereby for the more diligent hearing of the Word and so working in vs by both ioyned together true contrition and humiliation Thirdly hee vseth them as speciall meanes to preuent sinne and to preserue vs from falling into it and also to mortifie and subdue those corruptions by all good meanes which adhere and cleaue vnto vs as pride carnall concupiscence selfe-loue and loue of the world The which should greatly increase our patience and comfort vs in afflictions for if we are willing to indure so much to be eased of bodily and temporall euill how much more should we chearefully indure any afflictions to bee Heb. 12. 9. freed from those which are spirituall and euerlasting as the Apostle reasoneth Fourthly he vseth them as notable helpes to increase in vs all his spirituall graces as sauing knowledge and remembrance of God a liuely faith vnfained repentance firme affiance hope loue feare patience and humility both by making vs more carefull in the vse of the meanes whereby they are begun and increased in vs and by exercising them with these trials And also to bring forth the fruits of these graces by new obedience prayer and more zealous performance of all other duties of his seruice Finally by our afflictions the Lord also maketh vs more forward to imbrace all vertues and to performe all Christian duties which concerne both our neighbours and our selues For whereas prosperity vsually incourageth men to wrong and oppression affliction being sanctified vnto vs is a notable motiue to perswade vs to carry our selues iustly in all our actions to be mercifull and compassionate towards others in their miseries and to bee meeke humble and courteous towards all men So also they increase the knowledge of our selues our courage Christian fortitude and strength to beare our crosses and miseries as being the spiritual exercise of these graces and finally our temperance sobriety modesty chastity as it were easie to shew if we could heere insist in these particulars In respect also
and therefore cannot apply vnto vs Christ our Righteousnesse Though they doe not iustifie vs before God yet they iustifie vs before men that is declare that we are iustified Though they be not causes yet they are necessary and inseparable effects of our iustification Though they are not required vnto the act of iustification but faith onely vniting vs vnto Christ our Righteousnesse yet vnto the party iustified for as hee that doth righteousnesse is righteous so hee that is righteous 1. Ioh. 3. 7. doth righteousnesse the cause and effect alwayes concurring and going together Finally though they bee not meritorious causes of saluation which is Gods free gift an inheritance and not a purchase made by our selues yet they are the meanes which assure vs of it and though they be not the cause of our raigning yet they are the way to the Kingdome Finally they are the vndoubted signes and as the Apostle calleth them the proofe of our loue whereby we may try whether it be vnfained or hypocriticall Ioh. 14. 15. for if we loue God we will keepe his Commandements and also of the truth and sincerity of our Religion which is not so well knowne from that Iam. 1. 27. which is false by an outward profession as by the holy practice of it in the workes of piety iustice mercy and Christian charity §. Sect. 6 Of the rewards of good works Lastly let vs consider that the Lord will richly of his free grace reward these workes with glory and happinesse in his Kingdome For though the strength of our title stand vpon Gods free gift yet wee are entred into the possession of it by the workes of mercy as being infallible signes that wee are the true and lawfull heires vnto whom this heauenly patrimony doth belong by right of Couenant according to that of our Sauiour Come ye Mat. 25. 34 35. blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world for I was hungry and ye gaue me meate I was thirsty and ye gaue me drinke c. So the Apostle saith that at the day of Iudgement Christ will render to euery man according to his deeds To them who by patient continuance Rom. 2. 7 8. in well-doing seeke for glory honour and immortality eternall life but to them that are contentious and doe not obey the truth but obey vnrighteousnesse indignation and wrath c. Whereby it appeareth that if euer we meane to attaine vnto euerlasting happinesse we must not content our selues with an opinion of our inward piety and sincerity nor with an outward profession of Religion but we must bring foorth the fruits of them both in the workes of holinesse and righteousnesse For not euery one that saith Lord Mat. 7. 21 22. Luk. 11. 28. Ioh. 13. 17. Apoc. 1. 3. Lord shall enter into Gods Kingdome but they that doe his will And they only are pronounced happy who heare the Word of God and keep it As for those who please themselues with the profession of piety neglect the practice in the fruits of obedience and duties of a godly life they are presently in danger to be cut off like hypocrits dead branches with Gods iudgemēts according to that of Iohn the Baptist Now is the axe laid to the root of the trees Mat. 3. 10. Ioh. 15. 2. Therefore euery tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewne downe cast into the fire And in the World to come shall be excluded from Gods presence and haue their portion in euerlasting fire prepared for the deuill and his Mat. 7. 23. 25. 41. angels not only as workers of iniquity but also as neglecters of the workes of mercy and Christian charity to the poore members of Iesus Christ CAP. IIII. That we must performe vniuersall obedience to the whole will of God §. Sect. 1 That only vniuersall obedience to Gods will Word is accepted of him AND thus haue we shewed that our obedience ought to bee vniuersall in respect of the subiect or the person that performeth it In the next place we are to shew that there is also an vniuersality required in respect of the obiect whereby we vnderstand the whole will of God reuealed in the Scriptures Neither is it sufficient that we performe some or many duties and neglect the rest but wee must in all things bee conformable to all Gods Commandements which is not so to be vnderstood as though we could actually doe all that God requireth for in many things wee sinne all but of Iam. 3. 2. an habituall obedience and disposition of our hearts whereby wee desire resolue and indeuour in all things to doe Gods will in as great perfection as we can bewailing our wants and imperfections when we faile and come short of our desires Of which we haue an example in Dauid who Psal 119. 6. had respect vnto all Gods Commandements and in the remnant of the Captiuity who bound themselues by couenant and oath to walke in Gods Law Nehem. 10. 29. and to obserue and doe all the Commandements of the Lord their God and in Zachary and Elizabeth who were righteous before God walking in all the Luk. 1. 6. Commandements and Ordinances of the Lord blamelesse The contrary whereof we see in the example of Iehu who obeyed God in destroying the house 2. King 10. of Ahab and Baal with his Priests for the establishing of his owne Kingdome but not in taking away the golden Calues In Herod who Mark 6. 20. heard Iohn the Baptist willingly and obeyed his doctrine in many things but would not leaue his Incest In Iudas and Demas who performed many good duties but would not forsake their couetousnesse and loue of the world And finally in Ananias and Saphyra who were content to share Act. 5. with God but kept part of the possession which they had wholly consecrated vnto him for their owne vse But our obedience must be vniuersall keeping no sinne as sweet vnder our tongue but we must in the disposition Job 20. 12. desire and purpose of our hearts renounce all sinnes whatsoeuer without exception be they neuer so pleasing or profitable yea wee must with greatest hatred pursue those vnto which our corrupt natures are most inclined making warre as against all these wicked enemies of God so most earnestly against this Canaanitish brood which dwell in our Land And contrariwise we must loue and imbrace all vertues and practise all Christian duties which God hath commanded though they be neuer so hard and difficult to our corrupt disposition yea the more auerse our sinfull natures are vnto them so much the more earnestly we must labour to imbrace and practise them For if we make any composition with Satan and our owne flesh to giue willing entertainement vnto any sinne or to neglect any vertue or Christian duty our obedience is but hypocriticall and fained and the sinne reserued like a
vs and them but let vs propound the getting of Christ as the maine scope of them all that so being vnited vnto him we and our duties may in him be accepted before God and receiue a rich reward by vertue of his merits and perfect obedience §. Sect. 4 The third rule respecting the Spirit of God dwelling in vs. The third rule respecteth the holy Spirit of God dwelling in vs namely that seeing we cannot of our selues pray or heare or reade or meditate Rom. 8. 15 26. or else performe any other Christian and holy duties but as this Spirit helpeth our infirmities and giueth vs power to bring them to some good effect therefore stopping our eares to carnall disputes and shaking off the yoke of naturall corrupted reason we must in the performing of all the duties of a godly life giue our selues ouer to be gouerned and guided by it both in respect of the matter manner and time of doing them And when wee heare the voyce of the Spirit secretly whispering in our hearts like the voyce of one standing behind vs saying This is the way walke thou Esa 30. 21. in it when thou turnest to the right hand or to the left we are to be directed by it And when it putteth into our mindes any good motions or inciteth vs vnto any holy duties as praying hearing reading meditating renewing of our repentance or doing the workes of mercy and such like wee must not quench the Spirit by checking these motions nor by delaying and 1. Thes 5. 19. putting them off to another time but vndertake them presently and labour to bring them to good effect whilest it offereth vnto vs its helpe and assistance without which of our selues wee are able to doe nothing that is good Let vs not grieue the good Spirit of God dwelling in vs whereby wee are Ephes 4. 30. sealed to saluation by refusing his gouernment as the Israelites dealt with Samuel notwithstanding it is so profitable vnto vs pulling as it were his 1. Sam. 12. Scepter out of his hand and saying vnto him as those Rebels to Christ This man shall not raigne ouer vs but like obedient subiects let vs submit Luk. 19. 14. our selues in all things to be ruled by it and when wee discerne that the motions which are put into our minds are his as wee may easily know them from all others both by their holinesse resembling their Author and their agreement with the voyce of the Spirit in the holy Scriptures let vs 2. Tim. 1. 6. not onely yeeld vnto them but also giue them the best entertainment nourishing and cherishing them when they seeme weake and inciting and re-inliuing them when as they begin to languish and dye in vs by meditation prayer reading and other such like religious exercises Let vs open the doore of our hearts when he knocketh and giue kind entertainment Apoc. 3. 20. to this holy Ghest who bringeth his cheere with him and will feast vs with a delicate banquet of spirituall graces But especially when he visiteth vs after an especiall extraordinary manner and giueth more euident signes of his presence then at other times by working more powerfully good motions in vs kindling our zeale and inlarging our hearts with the loue of God and the duties of his seruice then are we not by sloth to let slip so good an opportunity of inriching our soules with sauing graces but we must as we vse to say strike whilest the iron is hot and reape our haruest whilest this Sun-shine continueth we must set vp all our sailes whilest this faire gale of wind lasteth and so wee shall in a shorter time make a farre greater progresse in our course of godlinesse then in many moneths when being left by the Spirit in respect of this extraordinary efficacie and operation we shall be becalmed and haue neither will nor power to goe forward When hee offereth himselfe in an vnusuall manner vnto vs in our trauelling of the spirituall iourney as the Angell to Iacob wee must take fast hold of him not suffering him to depart before he hath giuen vs an extraordinary blessing And when hee mooueth our hearts as the Angell the Poole of Bethesda and by his speciall presence infuseth into them more then wonted vertue let vs not suffer so good an opportunity to passe without making of it some spirituall aduantage for the curing of our sores and sicknesses of sinnes and the confirming and increasing of our health and strength in our inner man §. Sect. 5 That we often renew the Couenant of grace between God and vs. The rules which respect the subordinate causes and helpes whereby we are inabled to performe the duties of a godly life are diuers The first that we often renew the couenant of grace betweene God and vs by renewing the condition of it on our part faith and repentance In which exercise as we are to renew our sorrow for all our sinnes and those aboue the rest which we haue most often committed and thereby most offended and dishonoured God so especially for those sinnes and corruptions which haue most disabled vs vnto the duties of a godly life and haue plunged vs into the contrary wickednesse whereby we haue serued sinne and Satan As our negligence and want of zeale and holy care to glorifie God by the light of our Christian conuersation and bringing forth the fruits of new obedience and adorning our profession by our holy conuersation whereby contrariwise we haue caused Gods holy Name to be blasphemed and our Christian profession to be slandered and euill spoken of as though it were the cause of all our inormities Our security and hardnesse of heart whereby we haue made no good vse either of Gods Word or workes his mercies or iudgements to be drawne by them to repentance and made more diligent in the duties of his seruice but putting the euill day farre Math. 24. 48. from vs haue taken occasion thereby with the euill seruant to be slothfull and negligent in all good duties and to take liberty in running licentious courses loathing the meanes whereby we should haue bin wakened and rowzed vp out of this spirituall lethargie Our cowardize and slothfulnes in making warre against our flesh and fleshly lusts whereby they haue often gotten to such an head strength and height of rebellion that they haue preuailed and haue shamefully foyled the spirituall part and led vs captiue vnto sinne Our negligence in preuenting the occasions and withstanding the first motions and beginnings of sinne and our want of care in banishing out of our minds and hearts the desires and concupiscence of the flesh when they were first suggested vnto vs whereof it hath come to passe that suffering them to rest in vs wee haue been allured and tick led with carnall delight in thinking of them which hath drawne vs from our former sincerity and moued vs to like and approue them to consent vnto and produce them
our selues that with all our indeuour wee striue to make our best speed §. Sect. 7 That we must performe all good duties with a quiet and peaceable minde The third rule is that we labour to performe all the duties of a godly life with a peaceable and quiet minde which is not disturbed with disheartening Rom. 5. 3. feares or tumultuous passions The which calme quietnesse ariseth from two causes The chiefe and principall is our peace with God and peace of conscience which are effects and fruits of our iustification by faith The which assuring vs of the remission of our sinnes our reconciliation with God victory ouer all the enemies of our saluation and that the Lord so watcheth ouer vs with his prouidence and ruleth vs in all our wayes with his Wisedome and Power that wee shall neuer fall from him and so ouer-ruleth all things which oppose vs that nothing shall be able to hurt or hinder vs and all things shall turne to our good and further our saluation we are made heereby constant cheerfull and couragious in all Christian duties seruing the Lord in holinesse and righteousnesse Luk. 1. 74 75. without feare all the dayes of our liues For then our sinnes and the iudgements of God due vnto them will not terrifie vs the malicious assaults and tentations of our spirituall enemies will not affright and discourage vs afflictions and persecutions for righteousnesse sake and for the profession and practice of Gods true Religion will not daunt and dismay vs but we will in despite of all these oppositions hold on our way and finish our course with ioy Whereas if wee want this inward peace and tranquillity our sinnes will presse vs downe as an heauie burthen and Psal 38. 4. hinder our proceeding in the wayes of godlinesse our consciences will accuse and terrifie vs Satan with his tentations will affright and beate vs downe and outward troubles ioyned with those inward discouragements which we finde in our selues will so vexe and disquiet vs that either wee shall desist in the wayes of godlinesse as despairing to ouercome all these difficulties or else proceed slowly and vnsettledly with much vnconstancy and discomfort The second cause of this inward peace and tranquillity of mind is the subduing and mortifying of our carnall lusts and tumultuous passions as worldly loue fleshly feare rash anger and the rest and the right ordering of all our affections when they are sanctified For where those vnruly passions doe still liue and beare sway they blind the mind that it cannot discerne the right way corrupt and ouer-rule the will that it cannot chuse euen that which the iudgement approueth and so vnsettle vs in all good courses that we can keepe no constant tenour in them but vpon euery slight occasion all our good resolutions are ouerthrowne and we quite turned out of the right way Whereas if these bee subdued and kept as it were vnder hatches the mind being quiet is able to iudge vprightly and the will to imbrace that which holy reason commendeth to its choyce and the worke of piety prospereth and proceedeth without any disturbance And as we are thus to mortifie our carnall lusts so we must rightly order our affections and passions euen after they are sanctified that they may performe their duties in due time and place and like seruants attend vpon holy reason that they may assist it and not as commanders and chiefe agents goe before it For as when a right and due order is obserued in the performing Christian duties reason being inlightened by Gods Word and Spirit first approuing them the will vpon the commendation of reason chusing them and the affections and passions subiecting themselues to the seruice of them both affect and desire them and oppose with all their strength all impediments which hinder their producing into act out of this orderly proceeding as in a well gouerned state wee become constant in all good courses contrariwise when affections beare chiefest sway and are the first mouers vnto Christian duties reason being thrust from his throne and will from the councell table though we may by fits and flashes performe them yet doing them in a disorderly manner not out of sound iudgement rightly informed but out of sudden and vngrounded passions wee can neuer bee constant in any good course but hot and zealous whilest the heat of passion lasteth remisse and indifferent when this feruour abateth and stone-cold when it ceaseth And this is the true cause why so many who haue beene zealous professours in their youth become luke-warme when they come to riper yeeres and wholly cold and negligent worldly and profane in their old age because their Religion and deuotion was but a flash of youthfull passion and not well-grounded vpon sanctified reason and a sound and settled iudgement conuinced by the euidence of truth and rightly informed by the Word of God And therefore seeing the first beginnings were disorderly and confused it is no maruell if the proceedings be vnsettled and vnconstant and hauing laid so vnstable and vnsure a foundation it is no great wonder if the whole building in short time become ruinous §. Sect. 8 That all our duties must arise from the fundamentall graces of a godly life The fourth rule is that all the duties of a godly life doe not only arise and spring from those inward and fundamentall graces sauing knowledge a liuely faith purity of heart a good conscience and feruent loue as I haue already shewed at large in the beginning of this Treatise but also that they be ioyned and accompanied with other Christian and internall vertues and principally Christian prudence zeale and humility without which they cannot be acceptable vnto God Christian prudence is most necessary to the well performing of all good duties because it guideth and directeth vs in all particular actions that they may bee done aright both in respect of the matter and the manner the substance and circumstances of which if we faile or of any one of them our workes otherwise commendable doe lose all their grace and excellency For though they be neuer so good in the matter yet if they be done in an ill manner and though for their substance they seeme neuer so glorious yet if we faile in the circumstances not obseruing due time place or persons that which is generally good in the Thesi and Theory ceaseth to bee so in the Hypothesi and in respect of the particular act as it is done by vs neither can we safely passe thorow all these narrow straits and difficult passages vnlesse Christian prudence sit at the Helme and direct vs in all our courses Besides this prudence is necessary for the guiding and tempering of our zeale which is a good Souldier in the Christian warfare but an ill Commander as being fit for execution but not to giue directions and if it be not vnder the conduct of prudence it becommeth blind and preposterous rash and wilfull like a headstrong
which wee haue spoken in part and shall say more in the following discourse But aboue all inuocation and prayer desiring God who is the Authour of our spirituall birth and being and also of our preseruation and growth in godlinesse that hee will perfect his good Phil. 1. 6. 2. Cor. 13. 9. Phil. 1. 9 10 11. Col. 1. 9. and 4. 12. Heb. 13. 21. 1. Pet. 5. 10. worke which he hath begun in vs sanctifie vs throughout in our soules and bodies and bring vs from one degree to another till at last wee come to a perfect man in Christ whereof we haue the holy Apostles in many places as fit precedents and examples who by their feruent prayers craue at Gods hands this growth in grace for themselues and others Finally if we would be good proficients in Gods seruice wee must often thinke of the worthinesse and excellency of our heauenly Master who is the chiefe Goodnesse and infinite in all perfection and therefore aboue all deserueth our best paines and diligence of his inestimable loue towards vs shining in our Creation Preseruation and that great worke of our Redemption by the death of his deare and onely Sonne for who would not loue him that hath so loued vs and labour to approoue it by striuing to serue him daily in more perfection Of the Passion and sufferings of Christ which will make vs thinke that we can neuer doe too much for him who hath done and suffered so much for vs. Of the perfection which the Law requireth vnder the penalty of a fearfull curse and of the gracious promises and sweet incouragements of the Gospell belonging to all those who striue and labour daily to attaine vnto this perfection Of the manifold and inestimable blessings both temporall spirituall and eternall which God hath partly put presently into our hands and partly confirmed vnto vs by infallible assurances all which liberall and bountifull wages if we be not too too ingratefull will make vs daily to double our diligence in doing him seruice Finally we must oftentimes meditate of the breuity of our liues and vncertainty of this short time compared with the excellency and eternity of our heauenly happinesse promised to all them who spend this momentany and vncertaine time in the duties of Gods seruice the which if any thing will moue vs to improoue the time present to the best aduantage seeing we are not sure of another day like wise Merchants who lay hold of a good penny-worth when it is offered and the prudent Pilot who setteth vp all his sailes whilest the wind and tide fauour him because he is vncertaine how long it will last and his opportunity being once past cannot be recouered at his owne pleasure CAP. V. Of the meanes whereby we may be inabled to leade a godly life and first of the ministery of the Word §. Sect. 1 That if we will leade a godly life we must vse the meanes inabling vs vnto it VNto the rules of direction which helpe and further vs in the duties of a godly life wee are to adde the consideration of certaine speciall meanes respecting practice whereby wee may be the better inabled to performe them For as God in his Decree hath ordained the ends at which we must chiefly aime that we may attaine vnto them so also the meanes which conduce vnto these ends As for example hee hath propounded his glory as the supreme end of all things and withall diuers meanes whereby it is aduanced and magnified as our faithfull seruice and obedience to his Commandements faith in Christ and such like He hath ordained vs to saluation and that we may attaine vnto it hee hath linked his Decree to this end by certaine subordinate causes and meanes as Creation Redemption Effectuall calling Iustification Sanctification and Preseruation Hee hath decreed that we should liue our naturall life vnto our appoynted time but withall that we should vse the meanes of food clothing sleepe physick by which it is preserued and maintained And thus also as hee hath ordained that we should liue the life of grace so likewise that wee should vse the helpes and meanes which hee hath appoynted for the beginning continuing and finishing of it which if wee neglect wee can haue no more hope of attaining vnto it whatsoeuer faire pretences wee make of our feruent desires to atchieue this end then of comming to happinesse being destitute of holinesse without which the Apostle telleth vs Heb. 12. 14. we shall neuer see God or of liuing to old age without the vse of the meanes meate drinke and apparell or of liuing to Gods glory when as we delight in the workes of darknesse and shine not in the light of an holy life The which as it must make vs carefull to vse all good helpes appoynted by God for the inabling vs vnto the duties of a godly life so our second care must be that wee vse them as meanes and not supreme and principall causes but relying our selues chiefly vpon God his wisedome and goodnesse power and promises the death and Resurrection of Christ effectually applyed vnto vs by the holy Spirit let vs vse these meanes as being his ordinances which hee hath appoynted to serue his prouidence yet without putting our trust and confidence in them as sufficient in themselues to conferre grace or to inable vs vnto the duties of a godly life seeing without the chiefe Worker assisting vs in the vse of them by his holy Spirit they are able to doe nothing and contrariwise if they be wanting he is all-sufficient without them to make vs liue holily in this world and happily in the life to come Now these meanes are either ordinary and in continuall vse vpon all occasions or extraordinary and to be vsed but at some times when some speciall causes mooue vs vnto them and both of them either publike or priuate or else mixt and to be performed sometimes publikely in the Congregation and sometimes priuately by our selues or with others The publike meanes are the ministery of the Word the Sacraments and prayer The which admit of a double consideration in respect of their diuers relations to seuerall ends For as they are duties performed vnto God that wee may glorifie him by doing vnto him seruice in them they are parts and branches of piety and a godly life in which sense we haue already intreated of them but as they helpe and further vs for the begetting and increasing in vs of all spirituall graces and the inabling of vs vnto all other Christian duties they are the meanes of a godly life in which sense we are now to speake of them Wherein they may be resembled vnto coyne and treasure the which is not onely a part of our wealth but also the meanes of purchasing and procuring house lands goods and all other riches or vnto the hand which in one relation is a part or member of the body but in another respect an instrument and speciall meanes for the
preseruing and nourishing of all our other parts §. Sect. 2 That the ministery of the Word is a chiefe meanes of our spirituall life The first meanes of a godly life is the ministery of the Word the which is the ordinary meanes of begetting vs to the life of godlinesse and of beginning in vs all spirituall and sauing graces by which as inward causes we outwardly mooue in all Christian and holy duties Of raising vs from the death of sinne and cleansing and purging vs from the guilt and corruption of it and also of so quickening and reuiuing vs that we are inabled to performe the actions of holinesse and to bring forth the fruits of a godly conuersation Thus the Apostle calleth it Gods Rom. 1. 16. strong power whereby hee pulleth vs out of the state of death into the the state of life and saluation and the Apostle Peter The immortall and incorruptible seed which begetteth vs vnto God liuing and abiding in vs for 1. Pet. 1. 23. euer And hence it is that the Ministers of the Word are called our spirituall 1. Cor. 4. 15. fathers who beget vs vnto God because being dispensers of the Word of grace they are instruments and meanes of our Regeneration Thus our Sauior saith that the houre was comming yea euen then was that Joh. 5. 25. the dead should heare his voyce and liue that is those which were dead in trespasses and sinnes should be quickened and haue their part in the first Resurrection by vertue of his Word preached for at this death and Resurrection that whole discourse aimeth And as we haue first our spirituall life from the ministery of the Word so also our cleansing and sanctification from the corruption and filth of sinne whereby we are wholly disabled vnto all holy duties of a godly life For so our Sauiour telleth his Disciples that they were cleane through his Word which hee had spoken vnto Ioh. 15. 3. them By which meanes he desireth his Father in his holy Prayer to sanctifie them more and more Sanctifie them with thy truth thy Word is truth Ioh. 17. 17. So the Apostle saith that our Sauiour gaue himselfe for his Church that hee Ephes 5. 26. might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word and implyeth elsewhere that we cannot ordinarily haue faith by which the iust man liueth but by the preaching and hearing of the Word How can they Rom. 1. 17. beleeue in him of whom they haue not heard and how shall they heare without a Preacher And after expressely affirmeth That faith commeth by hearing and 10. 14 17. and hearing by the Word of God And in another place he intimateth that we cannot put off the old man and being renewed in the spirit of our minds Ephes 4. 21 22. put on the new which after God is created in righteousnesse and true holinesse vnlesse we haue first heard Christ and been taught by him in the ministery of his Word But here we must take heed that we doe not attribute our new birth and spirituall cleansing vnto the Word preached as hauing in it any inherent power to giue life and grace in it owne nature or as it is by man preached vnto vs for then all that heare it would be quickened vnto holinesse and new obedience whereas common and wofull experience teacheth vs that after the Gospell hath been long preached in diuers places the greatest number remaine vnregenerate and dead in their sinnes nor yet as vnto a principall and chiefe cause of reuiuing vs for this were to make an Idol of it by attributing vnto it Gods prerogatiues and peculiar Math. 23. 9. actions who alone is able to regenerate vs as hee onely could first create vs. But we are to attribute this vertue of giuing spirituall life to the Word preached not as comming from man but as it is the Word of God and his holy ordinance which hee hath instituted and sanctified to this vse of giuing spirituall life and the begetting and increasing of his graces in vs. By vertue of which ordination and the blessing of God vpon it the Word receiueth all its power and vigour to quicken and preserue our spirituall life euen as by the ordinance of God and his blessing wee receiue our naturall life by generation and the preseruation of it by food and clothing which in themselues exceed not other creatures in their vertue for these vses but onely so far forth as God by his blessing inableth them vnto them The which if he withdraw our meate will not nourish Math. 11. 21. Luk. 12. 47. vs but rather become our bane and poyson and the Word preached will be so farre from being a Word of life and saluation that it will become the sauour of death vnto death to our deepe condemnation In which regard 2. Cor. 2. 16. wee must not rest in the preaching and hearing of the Word as in the deed done for the begetting of Gods graces and beginning in vs the life of godlinesse for thus it is onely the Spirit that quickeneth making the Ioh. 6. 63. same Word and at the same time effectuall vnto some for these ends by an inward secret and powerfull operation which for want hereof is heard of others without any profit but vse it as Gods ordinance vnto which his blessing is promised and doth so ordinarily accompany it in the harts of all those that vse it in obedience to God and desire to profit by it for the former ends that we may as well hope for spirituall life by feeding on this food as for the preseruing of naturall life by meate and drinke seeing both alike are Gods ordinance and by his power he is effectuall in the one as well as the other And so contrariwise the neglect of this meanes when God giueth it doth take away all hope of the spirituall life of grace seeing we tempt the Lord in refusing the meanes and despising his ordinance like those who pretending that they rest vpon Gods sole power and promise for the preseruing of their liues should vtterly refuse to eate or drinke Againe whereas I say that the preaching of the Word is the ordinary meanes of life and grace when the Lord granteth it vnto vs we are to beware that we doe not limit Gods power vnto it as though hee could not any other way quicken sanctifie and saue vs. For he is able without all meanes to doe all these by the sole and secret worke of his holy Spirit being such an All-sufficient workman in himselfe that he needeth not the helpe of any instruments as we see in his sanctifying and sauing of elect Infants dying whilest they are vncapable of outward meanes for euen in them these two goe together seeing the rule is generall that without holinesse no man shall see the Lord. And hee is able to sanctifie other Heb. 12. 14. meanes for these vses as he ordinarily doth where
soules no lesse then our bodies need their daily bread and to be refreshed continually in their spirituall strength which is abated through our naturall corruption and many slips and falls into sinne as also with the daily and hourely tentations of the diuell and the world In which respect these priuate meanes haue this preeminence aboue the publike that though they are not so powerfull and yeeld lesse nourishment yet we may haue them at our pleasure and feed vpon them as oft as we will supplying what is wanting in their vertue and efficacy by their daily and continuall vse Finally by the priuate meanes we are fitted and prepared for the well-performing of the publike as by reading prayer meditation c. we are inabled to heare the Word preached with profit seeing they not onely inlarge our hearts that wee may heare it with delight reuerence and attention but also fasten it in our minds and memories and make it fruitfull in our liues and not onely helpe our vnderstandings that we may better conceiue of what is spoken being well acquainted with the holy Scriptures but also inflame our affections with the loue of Gods publike seruice when as we haue thought before-hand of the excellency profit and necessity of it So likewise by these priuate meanes we are made more fit for publike prayer whereas thereby we are made better acquainted with our wants which need supply our sinnes to be confessed and the benefits receiued for which we are bound to returne vnto God praise and thanksgiuing and by often conuersing with God in our priuate prayers we are more incouraged to goe with boldnesse and confidence vnto the Throne of grace vnto which wee cannot attaine if wee estrange our selues from him by our seldome approching into his presence Finally we cannot come as worthy ghests to the Lords Table vnlesse by our priuate exercises of meditation examination and prayer wee be prepared whereby we renew our faith repentance and charity towards our neighbours and come furnished with such sauing graces as are needfull and necessary for the receiuing of the Sacrament with fruit and comfort And therefore it is no maruell if those who content themselues only with the publike meanes of saluation and altogether neglect these priuate helpes leauing all their Religion and deuotion at the Church doore and neuer looking after it till their next returne doe prooue such vnthriuing Christians weake in knowledge feeble in grace and slacke and faint in all the duties of a Christian life For as we would not wonder to see one leane and feeble in body that should content himselfe with liberall sustenance one day in the weeke and fast all the rest so there is as little cause to maruell at the small growth spirituall leannesse and weaknesse of these carelesse Christians after they haue long inioyed the publike means of saluation seeing they rest wholly vpon them and neglect all priuate duties as it were their daily sustenance and so by long fasting are infeebled in their strength and abated in their appetite that they can neither receiue the food publikely offered nor yet disgest and turne it into nourishment when they haue fed vpon it Whereas our soules need more continuall and daily nourishment then our bodies seeing there are no fewer causes of the impairing and abating of their strength §. Sect. 2 That Christiā watchfulnesse is not a bodily but a spirituall exercise Now these priuate meanes are manifold All which may bee reduced vnto two kinds both which containe vnder them diuers particulars the first are such priuate helpes and meanes as are to be vsed by our selues alone the second sort are such as may be vsed both by our selues and also with others ioyning with vs. Of the former sort the first is Christian vigilance or watchfulnesse which well deserueth the first place because being rightly knowne and practised it will serue as a guide to direct and leade vs in all the rest Whereof my discourse need not to be so large as the argument is excellent and necessary seeing it is so religiously and learnedly The spirituall watch handled in a Treatise lately published that were not this Worke imperfect without it I should haue needed to haue said nothing of it seeing little can be added which hath not been better said already But that we may proceed in handling of this poynt I will consider the nature of this watchfulnesse and the meanes which inable vs vnto it In the former we will examine what it is and wherein it consisteth and the ends whereto it tendeth or the obiects about which it is exercised For the better explaning of the first poynt wee are to know that waking watching and watchfulnesse and contrariwise sleeping and neglect of watching are not here vsed in their natiue and proper signification but are metaphoricall words borrowed from the state and disposition of our bodies and from thence transferred to our soules and spirituall estate For we are said to sleepe whilest wee continue in the state of vnregeneration dead in trespasses and sinnes or when being recouered by the quickening power of Gods Spirit regenerating and reuiuing vs we doe in respect of some acts and operations relapse againe into our former condition And wee are then said to awake when we rise out of this estate either in our first conuersion or when we renue our repentance after our falling into sinne and doe againe recouer the operations of spirituall life And finally wee are said to watch when being through our naturall corruption inclined and disposed to fall into our former sleepe of sinne wee doe with all care and circumspection obserue our selues that wee be not ouertaken with spirituall sloth but that we may continue waking and able and actiue for the well-performing of all Christian duties and of our spirituall life in grace In which regard their ignorance and errour is much to bee pitied who imagine that they haue well obserued and kept the Christian watch vnto which we are exhorted in the Scriptures when as hauing abridged themselues of their sleepe and naturall rest they haue thereby wasted and wearied their bodies and weakened their corporall strength this errour arising out of another that the flesh by which the Scriptures vnderstand our originall and naturall corruption the body of sinne and death is nothing else but the body it selfe and that mortification of the flesh consisteth chiefly in the macerating and tormenting pining and pinching of our bodies by depriuing them of all necessaries and among others of their naturall rest and sleepe the which errour I haue at large refuted in Christian warfare the fourth part another place But we are to know that as we may nourish the flesh and consume the body and contrariwise nourish the body and mortifie the flesh so we may take our bodily sleepe as all the faithfull haue done in the state of Regeneration and yet maintaine the spirituall watch and watch euen whole nights as Iudas that betrayed Christ
gracious call sounding in his Word saying vnto vs Awake thou that sleepest and Open vnto me my sister my loue my Eph. 5. 14. Cant. 5. 2. doue my vndefiled we would quickly fall into our old Lethargy of carnall security In respect of which drowzinesse of nature by reason of the reliques of sinne remaining in vs we are vnfit to keepe the spirituall watch vnlesse we continually rowze vp ourselues and shake off this sloth of carnall security And therefore as it is said of the Nightingale that being to delight her selfe with her night songs and fearing lest falling asleepe shee should indanger her selfe to birds of prey doth set her brest against a thorne to keepe her waking so we being to sing the songs of Sion and to spend our time continually in holy duties must vse all good meanes to keepe vs waking because wee are euery hand-while apt through our sluggishnesse to take a nap and thereby to indanger our soules to those rauenous and hellish fowles who take their chiefe delight in the workes of darkenesse and are ready to seaze vpon vs if they find vs sleeping Thirdly this watch is necessary in regard of the wickednesse and deceitfulnesse Ier. 17. 10. of our owne hearts which are ready continually to withdraw themselues from God to start aside like a deceitfull bow when wee aime at any good Psal 78. 57. duty and so make vs to misse the marke and to breake from vs when wee set our selues to performe any religious exercises distracting and pulling our minds from them that they may wander about in worldly cogitations And therefore seeing it is such a slippery Eele we must take the surer hold of it seeing it is such a false and flitting seruant which hath often deceiued vs accompanying vs into the Church and euen vnto our Pewes and then secretly slipping frō vs that they may spend the time allotted to Gods seruice in ranging abroad about worldly vanities there is no way but to set it before vs in Gods presence and to keepe it continually vnder the straight watch of a vigilant eye that it may not slip away at vnawares as it hath done often in former times And this the Lord requireth as necessary in this case Take heed to your selues that your heart be not deceiued and ye turne Deut. 11. 16. aside that is lest you heart deceiue your heart your corrupt and deceitfull heart preuailing against your heart which is sanctified and regenerate for neither can the world nor the deuill draw vs away from God till our sinfull flesh and corrupt nature betray vs into their hands And of this also the Apostle giueth vs warning Take heed saith he brethren lest there bee Heb. 3. 12. in any of you an euill heart of vnbeliefe in departing from the liuing God Fourthly this watch is necessary because without it we are apt to relapse into our former condition of the sleepe of sinne For wee are in this life like men not thorowly awaked but betweene sleeping and waking so as we may say with the Spouse I sleepe but my heart waketh and if we be not Cant. 5. 2. continually vsing all good meanes to keepe vs waking wee will but open our eyes and shut them againe and as it vvere but turne vs to the other side and so returne to our former sleepe Wee are like men but nevvly recouered out of dangerous diseases vvhich haue great need to looke vnto themselues seeing vpon euery slight cause the least taking of cold or distemper through ill diet they are ready to relapse into their former sickenesse Wee are like vveakelings that can but hardly goe and yet must needs trauell in slippery places or as it vvere aloft vpon a narrovv beame vvhere vve often slip and are sure to catch grieuous falls vnlesse vvee carefully watch ouer our selues and looke diligently to our footing and being falne are sure to perish vnlesse wee rise vp againe and recouer our selues by vnfained repentance according to that of our Sauiour Remember from whence thou art falne and repent and doe thy first workes or else Apoc. 2. 5. I will come against thee quickly c. The which relapses and falls be most dangerous vnto our spiritual life because they make our estate worse then it was before our conuersion when as we were sicke in sinne and death seeing we are but like men who in their departure are dawed as they say and wakened by the out-cries of the standers by who reuiue not to liue but to dye againe and so to indure the paines of a continued sicknesse and double death in which respect our Sauiour Christ saith that the end of Math. 12. 45. such is worse then their beginning And the Apostle Peter affirmeth that it 2. Pet. 2. 21 22. had been better for them not to haue knowne the way of righteousnesse then after they haue knowne it to turne out of it like the dog to his vomit or the washed sow to her wallowing in the mire Lastly in regard of our selues this watch is necessary because without it we can haue no assurance that we are spiritually inlightened and awakened out of the sleepe of death For this is the difference which the Apostle maketh betweene the faithfull and the vnbeleeuer that these still lye sleeping and snorting in the darke night of ignorance and errour doing in the darke the workes of darknesse and wholly neglecting the Christian Watch but the other being children of 1. Thes 5. 5 6 7. the light and of the day doe not sleepe as doe others but watch and are sober and being of the day doe the workes of the day putting on the brest-plate of faith and loue and for an helmet the hope of saluation And as there are great and manifold causes respecting our selues which make this watch necessary so also in respect of the enemies of our saluation who being powerfull and politicke farre mightier then we and yet many to one doe labour by all meanes to worke our destruction The which argument alone should keepe vs waking for when should we vvatch if not in the time of our Christian warfare when as we are beset on all sides with such dangerous and malicious enemies especially if we consider that the chiefe commander of all these forces Satan that roring rauening Lion neuer 1. Pet. 5. 8. slumbreth nor sleepeth but goeth continually about and watcheth all opportunities of working our destruction And therfore if they be so watchfull that they may worke our ruine by casting vs into the deep sleepe and spirituall lethargie of sin death how vigilant and carefull should we be by preuenting their malice to escape this imminent desperate danger §. Sect. 3 That this watch is most profitable because it helpeth vs much to the leading of a godly life The reasons which may induce vs to keepe this watch respecting our profit are also diuers First because it helpeth vs much to the leading
small difference betweene Meditation and Contemplation yet as the Schooles define it there is some in degree Meditation being an exercise of a lower and meaner nature within the reach of all Christians which will put out their hand vnto it Contemplation more high and heauenly fit only for such as by long exercise haue attained to much perfection That exercised about any spirituall obiect not onely originally in the vnderstanding but also imaginary and brought vnto it by the Ministery of the senses as the creation of the world the death and passion of Christ and such like but this about things chiefly intellectuall sublime and heauenly as the nature and attributes of God the Trinity of persons in Vni●● of essence the ioyes of heauen and others of like nature Finally it is an exercise which of the most is performed with much difficulty because of their weakenesses and want of vse being hindred in their spirituall flight by hauing the waight of earthly cares and distractions as it were hanging at their heeles and the wings of their soules somewhat besmeared with the lime of worldly vanities but this of great Proficients who by much practice haue brought their Art into an habit and are able with ease yea with much pleasure and delight to soare with the Eagle an high pitch in their heauenly thoughts and to spend heerein great part of their time not stooping towards the earth but when they are forced by naturall necessity which being satisfied and their bodies and mindes somewhat refreshed they doe as weary of the earth raise vp their soules and renew their wonted flight §. Sect. 3 Of the efficicient cause or person who is to meditate The efficient cause or person who is to performe this exercise is the Christian onely and the man regenerate for holy things must not bee Hag. 2. 13. touched with prophane hands seeing they doe not sanctifie them but are polluted with their vncleanenesse Neither can they that are dead in sinne doe the actions of the liuing and are so farre from performing this holy duty in any acceptable manner that they are not able so much as to thinke a good thought Neither is it enough that we be once purged from their guilt and punishment in our iustification by the death and bloodshed of Christ applyed by faith or that we be freed from the corruption of sinne in the first acts of our sanctification but seeing wee doe daily renew our sinnes and thereby defile our soules and bodies we must daily clense them by renewing our repentance and not presume to vndertake this holy worke liuing and lying in our spirituall defilements but we must wash our soules as sometimes the Israelites their clothes before we presume to approach vnto this mount of Meditation wherein God hath promised to be seene and to clense the Tables of our hearts with the teares of true contrition before we goe about to haue any holy impressions written in them And seeing sinne like a thicke cloud doth dimme and dazle the eyes of our mindes so as we cannot see holy and heauenly things wee must first dispell them by vnfained repentance before we can receiue any comfort of diuine and heauenly light And being to entertaine our Bridegroome Christ in his spirituall presence into our hearts as it were into our houses and to solace our soules in a more heere communion and familiarity with him we are first to purge them from all noysome defilements which will make our company lothsome vnto him and though wee cannot so sufficiently purifie them that they may bee worthy to entertaine so pure and holy a ghest yet at least in a sincere affection let vs labour to doe the best we can that it may not appeare to be a fault of negligence but of our spirituall pouerty and impotency which disableth vs to giue him any better welcome The formall cause of this exercise is a serious cogitation or intentiue deliberation Neither is this worke of the Lord to be done negligently and slightly letting the reines loose to our cogitations that they may wander whither they list but wee are to intend the whole powers of our mind vnto it and to set them strictly to this holy taske not suffering them to wander abroad whither they please but to apply themselues to that which they haue vndertaken vntill they haue brought their worke vnto some good perfection The subiect-matter of our Meditation is something diuine spirituall and heauenly vnto which our thoughts for the time it lasteth are to be restrained and not suffered to wander after or to intermingle with them any worldly things The finall causes or ends of it are the glory of God and our owne saluation both which are aduanced when as wee handle after an holy manner in our Meditations some such holy and spirituall matter as may tend to the bettering of our iudgements and increase of our inward sanctity by working in our hearts the loue and feare of God zeale and deuotion in his seruice an vtter hatred of sinne and a sincere purpose to please him in all things and to glorifie his Name by performing more carefully and conscionably all the duties of a godly life §. Sect. 4 That Meditation is an exercise which belongeth to all Christians And thus we see generally what Christian Meditation is and the causes of it the which being a singular and effectuall meanes of working in our hearts a great increase of all sauing graces and of strengthening vs to the duties of a godly life is not to be appropriated vnto any one profession or sort of men which were a dangerous Monopolie tending to the inestimable preiudice of the Christian Common-wealth when such a singular commodity as is profitable for all is ingrossed into the hands of some few but is to be laid out in common to all the faithfull who are any way interessed in grace or godlinesse Neither ought any sort or sexe to thinke that they are exempted from this exercise vnlesse they thinke themselues so strong in grace that all meanes of spirituall growth are needlesse or so weake and impotent that they hold them boot lesse seeing such exemption is no prerogatiue but a disfranchisement at least in part of their spirituall freedome and a losse of a singular priuiledge which the Lord in that great Charter of his Couenant made in Christ hath granted vnto them For he hath not onely allowed all the faithfull to haue the Booke of his Law in their hands to reade it or in their mouthes to talke of it but with the finger of his Spirit hath written and ingrauen it in their Jer. 31. 34. hearts that they may continually thinke and meditate vpon it Yea hee hath not onely left it vnto vs as a gracious liberty which we may take and leaue at our pleasure but hath strictly imposed it vpon all his people as a necessary duty These words which I command thee this day shall be in thine Deut 6. 6 8.
as well as others out of that huge multitude and cursed crue to be his owne children by adoption and grace how then should this inflame our desires to glorifie so gracious a Father and to carry our selues in all things as beseemeth his children But if the meere Loue of God will not worke this in vs let vs consider further that the Lord hath propounded this end to the decree of our election that we should glorifie him by our Holinesse and vnblameablenesse according to that of the Apostle He hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and Eph. 1. 4. 1. Pet. 2. 9. without blame before him in loue and therefore vnlesse we thinke that God infinite in wisedome and power can faile of his end we can haue no hope that we are elected to happinesse vnlesse we attaine vnto some measure of Holinesse He hath predestinated vs that we should be conformed to the image of his Sonne as in glory and blessednesse in the world Act. 14. 22. to come so in this life both in his sanctity and suffrings and therefore as we must not thinke that we can by the broad way of carnall pleasures attaine to Christs heauenly happinesse and to be crowned with him before wee haue suffred with him so much lesse let vs imagine 2. Tim. 2. 12. that we shall euer come into his ioyes if wee doe not follow him in that path of righteousnesse which he hath beaten before vs seeing the Apostle hath plainely told vs that without Holinesse we shall neuer see God Heb. 12. 14. So that the consideration of our election ought to be a strong motiue to perswade vs vnto a godly life both that we may glorifie God by our holy conuersation who hath beene so gracious and good vnto vs and that we may be assured that he will glorifie vs by attayning vnto that end of Holinesse for which we were elected Whereof it is that the Apostle hauing largely intreated of the doctrine of Gods predestination doth out of this doctrine inforce this vse that we should offer Rom. 12. 1. vp our selues a liuely and holy Sacrifice acceptable vnto him by our reasonable seruing of him And the Apostle Peter perswading vs to make our election 2. Pet. 1. 10. sure could prescribe no other course for the obtayning of this assurance then by ioyning one vertue and grace with another and bringing forth the fruits of them all by doing these things that is seruing and glorifying God who hath chosen vs in the duties of a godly life §. Sect. 4 The fourth reason taken from the benefit of our creation The second fruit and effect of Gods Loue and cause or meanes of our saluation and happinesse is our creation by his Almighty Word and preseruation being thus made by his powerfull prouidence Concerning the former whereas God might haue left vs without a being which is to be esteemed amongst the greatest euils he created vs of nothing or which is all one of the dust of the earth which came of nothing by sole vertue of his powerfull Word and whereas hee might haue made vs the vilest and basest of the creatures which creepe vpon the earth yea worse then they euen wicked deuils ordayned to condemnation he created vs according to his owne image in wisedome holinesse and righteousnesse indued vs with an immortall and reasonable soule and made vs Lords ouer all the rest of the creatures vpon the earth and onely inferiour to himselfe that wee might bee ruled and gouerned by him and by our seruice glorifie him who hath created vs and giuen vs our being The which if it be rightly considered is an vnspeakeable benefit as being the ground of all that follow it Neither could wee euer attaine vnto well-being vnlesse we had first a being nor vnto our finall end eternall saluation vnlesse wee had found an entrance and passage vnto it by our creation In lieu of which great benefit God requireth nothing at our hands but that by our seruice we glorifie him for which end he gaue vs our being Not that his glory needs our seruice seeing it is in it selfe absolute infinite but out of the same loue which moued him first to make vs that hee might honour vs in this life by vsing vs as instruments to manifest his glory and might hereby take occasion to glorifie vs in the world to come by crowning our seruice of his meere grace with heauenly ioy happines The which also is a most effectuall reason to perswade vs that we deuote and consecrate our selues vnto Gods seruice in all duties of a godly life seeing hee is our Lord and Maker who hath created vs vnto good workes that wee should walke in them to the glory Ephe. 2. 10. of him that hath giuen vs our being and that to this end that wee should for euer bee partakers with him in glory For what can bee more iust then to giue euery one his owne that hee who soweth his owne seede in his owne ground should reape the fruit of his labours that he who buildeth a house should haue the benefit of dwelling in it that he who planteth a Vineyard should eate of the grapes and drinke of the wine and that he who lendeth any thing vnto another should haue his owne repaide vnto him And how much more iust then and equall is it that the Lord who hath not fashioned and framed vs of pre-existent matter but of nothing hath created our soules and bodies should haue them wholy deuoted and Ephe. 4. 24. consecrated to his seruice which was the end for which he made vs and gaue vs our being vnto which end if wee attaine not it is a signe that we neuer thinke of the end for which we came into the world or imagine that wee were sent by God hither that we should serue our owne lusts and in fulfilling them the diuell himselfe and not that wee should serue him who hath right vnto vs by this great benefit of our creation Yea if we doe not spend our time in Gods seruice we fayle of the mayne end for which wee came into the world and so spend all our life and strength in vaine But though we faile of our end which is by seruing and glorifying God to attaine vnto happinesse which also is Gods end reuealed in his Word yet we shall neuer frustrate the end of his secret counsailes which is either to glorify his mercy in vs if we feare and serue him or his Iustice if we neglect his seruice and yeeld obedience to sin and Satan For the Lord being the summum bonum and supreme end of all things hath as the Wise man speaketh made Pro. 16. 4. all things for himselfe euen the wicked forthe day of euill §. Sect. 5 The fifth reason taken from the benefit of our preseruation The benefit of our preseruation and gouernement doth also iustly challenge this seruice at our
hands because being created wee haue Act. 17. 28. Psal 104. 28. no power to subsist of our selues but wholy depend vpon God for the continuance of vs in our life and good estate for as the Apostle saith In him we liue moue and haue our being so that if he withdraw his assisting power we perish and returne vnto our dust By his all-ruling prouidence we are euery day in the yeere euery houre in the day and euery minute and moment in the houre preserued from innumerable dangers which otherwise would seaze vpon vs from the assaults of our many and mighty enemies and especially of that roring and deuouring 1. Pet. 5. 8. Lyon who is alwaies ready to destroy vs if wee were not preserued vnder the wings of the Almighty from his rage and malice By it wee are gouerned and directed in all our waies so as we cannot stirre a foote nor moue a hand nor open our eyes or eares nor speake a word if wee had not strength from him By it all the creatures become seruiceable vnto vs and worke together for our good which otherwise would bee our bane From God wee haue all the benefits which we inioy the Sunne which giueth vs light and vitall heate the ayre which wee breathe the earth which sustaineth vs the meate which feedeth vs the apparell which couereth our nakednesse and keepeth vs warme our health and wealth our peace plenty and prosperity and all other blessings fit both for necessity and for our comfort and delight And not onely the things themselues but all their vertue and vigour whereby they become profitable to those ends for which we vse them doe come from him and doe as meanes and instruments serue his Prouidence for the deriuing of all good vnto vs himselfe still remayning the chiefe and principall cause which worketh by them or can deriue vnto vs all things needefull without them if they bee wanting For it is he who feedeth vs by our meate by our clothes keepeth vs warme by our friends doth comfort and relieue vs for which vses they would be vneffectuall yea produce the cleane contrary effects if they had not from his blessing their power and efficacy Now to what end O man dost thou receiue daily at the hands of God such innumerable blessings but that thou shouldest acknowledge him the Author of them and praise him for all the good which he doth vnto thee Why doth hee preserue thy life but that thou shouldest liue to his glory Why doth hee make all his creatures in heauen and earth seruiceable vnto thee but that thou shouldest hereby be moued with more cheerefulnesse to serue him who hath created both them and thee Why doth he preserue thee from dangers and protect thee from enemies and deliuer thee out of troubles and afflictions but that thou shouldest glorify and serue him without feare in Psal 50. 15 Luke 1. 74 75. holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of thy life Why doth he giue the light of the Sunne but that thou shouldest shun the workes of darkenesse and serue him in the duties of thy calling Why doth he let thee breathe the ayre but that thou shouldst spend this breath in speaking singing to his praise Finally why doth hee feed and clothe thee and giue vnto thee those manifold blessings which thou inioyest but that by this rich wages hee may incourage thee to doe him faithfull and cheerful seruice which if thou neglectest and mis-spendest all the rich gifts which thou hast receiued to the dishonour of him that giueth them in the seruice of sinne and Satan and in satisfying of thine own carnall and sensuall lusts what dost thou hereby but bewray thine horrible ingratitude towards such a gracious and bountifull Lord and Master What dost thou but alienate his loue from thee and prouoking his wrath against thee mooue him in his iust displeasure to withdraw his gifts from thee which thou abusest or let thee inioy them in his anger to thy greater hurt leauing them with thee as testimonies to conuince thee of thy shamefull vngratitude and as talents lent vnto thee which when thou hast mis-spent to the dishonour of thy Lord or not imployed them in his seruice will but prepare for thee a fearefull account at the terrible Day of Gods last Iudgement CAP. XXXVII Two other reasons mouing vs vnto a godly life The first taken from Christ giuen vnto vs by his Father the other from the Couenant of grace made in him §. Sect. 1 Of the inestimable gift of Iesus Christ which should moue vs to loue and serue God THe fourth mayne benefit which God hath giuen vnto vs is his onely begotten and dearely beloued Sonne Iesus Christ to be our Head and Sauiour in whom we were elected by whom we were to be saued redeemed For being falne in Adam who was the head and roote of all mankinde and not onely partakers of the guilt and punishment of his sin but also of the corruption of nature deriued from him whereby we were disabled to all good and made prone vnto all euill it would not stand with Gods Iustice to elect or saue vs till it were fully satisfied and wee freed from this sinfull condition Which being a worke impossible to men and Angels in respect of that infinite price which was to bee payd God of his free grace and loue ordained and appointed in his eternall Counsell his Sonne to be our Sauiour and Redeemer and to this end to take our nature vpon him that hee might be vnto his elect the second Adam and the Head of his Church in whom he chose them to life and saluation which the first Adam lost both for himselfe and all his posterity For howsoeuer the free loue and meere grace and good will of God be the supreme and highest cause of our election and saluation and Christ in respect of it but a meanes or subordinate cause of working that for vs which Gods loue had first decreed neither was Christ the cause that moued God to loue vs John 3. 16. with this first loue and free grace but this loue the cause which moued God to giue his Sonne vnto vs to be our Sauiour and Redeemer yet may it be truely said that wee could no otherwise be elected then in Christ as our Head and the roote of all our righteousnesse that iustice and mercy meeting together God might be glorified in them both although we be not elected for him but of Gods absolute will and free grace which moued him to giue vs his Sonne and all other good which wee receiue by him And this the Apostle plainely affirmeth that God hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world and that he hath predestinated vs to the adoption of children by Iesus Christ Ephe. 1. 4 5. vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he hath made vs accepted in his Beloued
others like those of whom the Apostle Peter speaketh yet were wee like them our selues seruants of 2. Pet. 2. 19. corruption For of whom a man is ouercome of the same hee is brought in bondage Finally wee were slaues to our owne sinfull lusts vile affections and turbulent passions as wrath pride ambition couetousnesse and voluptuousnesse which were the most cruell Lords that euer tyrannized ouer any seeing they kept such a narrow watch ouer vs that they gaue vs not so much as a breathing time of liberty but forced vs to drudge night and day not only in the sight of others but when wee were retyred into the most secret corners because they held in miserable bondage our soules as well as our bodies our iudgements wills and affections so as wee liked and pleased our selues in our thraldome and had no desire to come out of it But our Sauiour hath freed vs from these enemies also by mortifying our sinnes and crucifying our corruptions by vertue of his death applyed vnto vs by his holy Spirit And lastly we had no right to any of the creatures hauing by sinne lost our dominion ouer them but our Sauiour and his holy Spirit by giuing vs the liberties and priuiledges of sonnes hath restored vs to our right so that they are all become good and pure vnto vs being sanctified by the Word and 1. Tim. 4. 4 5. Tit. 1. 15. prayer But this royall priuiledge of Christian liberty belongeth not to all but onely to the faithfull who desire to serue and please God in the duties of holinesse and righteousnesse Neither can wee euer attaine vnto any assurance that wee haue right and title vnto it till wee feele it effectuall in vs for our sanctification For all those who are by Christ freed from Gods wrath and reconciled vnto him haue heereby a desire wrought in them to serue and please him and will not willingly for any worldly hire prouoke his displeasure They that are freed from the curse of the Law by the Crosse of Christ will crucifie their owne lusts and not runne such a course as will againe make them accursed They that are deliuered out of the hands of their spirituall enemies doe worship and serue Luk. 1. 74. their Lord and Sauiour in holinesse and righteousnesse and being redeemed Tit. 2. 14. that they may be his peculiar people they become zealous of good workes They that are freed from sinne in respect of the guilt and punishment are also in some measure freed from the corruption of it so as it doeth not Rom. 6. 12. raigne and rule in their mortall bodies that they should obey it in the lusts thereof but being freed from sinne they become the seruants of righteousnesse The Vers 19. which should bee a forcible argument to mooue vs vnto the duties of a godly life seeing heereby wee may be assured of this royall priuiledge of Christian liberty according to that of our Sauiour If yee continue in my Ioh. 8. 31 32. Word then are ye my Disciples indeed and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free Whereas if wee neglect them and still liue in sinne yeelding obedience vnto our owne carnall lusts wee lose the benefit and comfort of this priuiledge and haue iust cause to feare that as yet wee remaine in that miserable bondage of the deuill the world and our owne lusts CAP. XLV Of foure other mayne priuiledges wherewith God crowneth the godly both in this life and the life to come §. Sect. 1 The sixth mayne priuiledge is that God bestoweth vpon the godly the spirit of prayer and supplication THe sixth mayne priuiledge which God vouchsafeth to the godly is that he bestoweth vpon them the Spirit of prayer Zach. 12. 10. Rom. 8. 26 27. and supplication and both heareth and granteth all the suites which they make vnto him For hee powreth vpon the house of Dauid and the inhabitants of Ierusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication as he hath promised and whereas naturally we know not how to pray nor what to pray for as we ought the Spirit helpeth our infirmities and maketh intercession for vs with gronings which cannot be vttered And hee that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the minde of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God Yea he not onely by his Spirit teacheth vs how to pray and what to aske but hath also bound himselfe by his gracious and free promises that hee will heare all our suites made in the name of his Sonne and indited by his Spirit according to that of our Sauiour Aske and you shall haue seeke and you shall Mat. 7 7. Iob. 16. 23. 1. Ioh. 5. 14 15. Psal 50. 15. finde knocke and it shall bee opened vnto you And againe Verily verily I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye shall aske the Father in my Name hee will giue it you Now what an high and holy priuiledge is this to haue alwayes free accesse vnto God in all our wants and necessities who is alone able to helpe vs and will also doe it because of his promise To haue a deare and able friend into whose bosome wee may with boldnesse and comfort powre out all our complaints who is ready to pitty and ease vs To haue a key alwayes in our keeping which through Christ will open vnto vs the treasury of Gods graces where wee may relieue our wants and store our selues with all things needfull for his glory and our owne spirituall good and euerlasting saluation Finally to conuerse with the supreme and glorious King of heauen and earth in a familiar manner and to talke with him as a man talketh with his friend For as the Lord speaketh to the Israelites What nation is so great who hath God so nigh vnto them as the Lord Deut. 4. 7. our God is in all things that we call vpon him for But this priuiledge is peculiar vnto them who serue the Lord by obseruing his will according to that of our Sauiour If ye abide in me and my words abide in you aske what Iob. 15. 7. you will and it shall be done vnto you and not vnto wicked men who turne Pro. 15. 8. away their eare from hearing the Law and neglect the duties of Gods seruice whose sacrifices and prayers are abominable as before I haue shewed 28. 9. and shall not bee heard or granted of God as hee telleth the rebellious Iewes When you spread foorth your hands I will hide mine eyes from you yea Psa 1. 15. Pro. 1. 28. Zach. 7. 11 12 13. when you make many prayers I will not heare And therefore let this also effectually mooue vs to serue the Lord in the duties of a godly life that wee may be partakers of this rich and royall priuiledge hauing not onely the Spirit of God as our Counseller to draw all our suites and Petitions in such manner and forme as
of our strength crying with Moses vnto him for helpe and deliuerance when we are pursued by our spirituall enemies Exod. 14. 15. And acknowledging with Asa our owne impotency to resist them 2. Chro. 14. 11. let vs make it our ground to implore Gods helpe Let vs bee as children in the hand of our heauenly Father and the more we finde and feele our owne weakenesse and pronenesse to fall let vs take so much the surer hold of him by a liuely faith and implore his helpe with the more feruency who is able and willing to support vs and by the assistance of his holy Spirit to doe all our workes for vs as the Prophet Esa 26. 12. speaketh Finally when we are most weake in our selues this is no hinderance vnto vs but that wee may be so strong in the Lord and in Ephe. 6. 10. the power of his might as that we may bee able to withstand and ouercome all Satans tentations whereby he laboureth to hinder vs in the wayes of godlinesse For though this strong armed man is able to keepe in safety all that hee possesseth against weaker opposition yet God who is stronger then he is able to disarme him and to set vs at Luk. 11. 22. liberty from vnder his tyranny Though our aduersarie bee mighty yet our Sauiour who hath redeemed and deliuered vs is almighty and no power of earth or hell is able to pull vs out of his hand And therefore when we see our owne weakenesse let vs labour also to see the Ioh. 10. 28 29. Ephe. 1. 18 19. exceeding greatnesse of Gods power not onely in himselfe but also towards vs who beleeue in him and pray for our selues as the Apostle for the Colossians not onely that wee may walke worthy of the Lord vnto all pleasing Col. 1. 10 11. being fruitfull in euery good worke but also that we may be strengthened with all might according to his glorious power and ouercome all difficulties which our spirituall aduersaries cast in our way to stoppe and hinder vs in this course of godlinesse The like comforts we may haue in the performance of all good duties when as wee consider Satans craft and policy and compare it with our ignorance and simplicity seeing this need not to discourage vs if we deny our owne wisedome as insufficient to guide vs and suffer our selues to be wholy directed by the light of Gods truth which is sufficient to discouer and defeate all his subtilties and hellish stratagems whereby hee indeuoureth to circumuent vs and giue our selues ouer to bee guided in all our waies by the good Spirit of God who being infinite in wisedome is able to turne this Achitophels policies into foolishnesse to fustrate all his cunning plots and proiects and so to direct vs in all our courses that wee shall easily auoid all the snares and secret ambushments of this subtill enemie And finally his vigilancy and diligence in seeking to turne vs out of the right way that wee may fall into his snares cannot discourage vs if denying our owne prouidence and watchfulnesse wee commit and commend our selues vnto Gods protection seeing hee is that great Watch-man of Israel who neuer slumbreth Psal 121 3. 4. or sleepeth but continually keepeth vs vnder the all-seeing eye of his prouidence that he may preserue vs safe from the malice and might of Satan and all the enemies of our saluation §. Sect. 4 Satans tentations whereby he impugneth our faith And thus wee see how wee may generally incourage our selues in the duties of a godly life against those impediments which arise from the nature of this grand enemy who opposeth vs in them Many others there are which are cast in our way by his tentations which either respect our faith or the fruits of it in a godly life Concerning the former this wily and experienced enemie mainely bendeth all his forces and engines of battery against our faith because hee well knoweth that if he can destroy the roote the branches and fruites which spring from it will wither and faile of their owne accord And therefore sometime taking aduantage of our wants and vnworthinesse our falls frailties and infirmities hee perswadeth vs that wee haue no faith at all when as wee haue it and sometimes laboureth to make vs neglect all meanes of getting faith when it is wanting by causing vs to rest vpon that shew and shaddow of it carnall security and fond presumption Yea hee assaulteth our faith diuersly in respect of all the causes and meanes of our saluation that so hee may hinder vs in the wayes of godlinesse For first hee mooueth vs either falsly to beleeue that all men are beloued of God and so wee among the rest because wee inioy testimonies of his fauour in worldly prosperity though these outward gifts are giuen in common to the good and bad or to doubt of Gods loue in respect of our afflictions and so to neglect all duties of his seruice because wee know not whether wee or our workes are accepted of him Secondly hee perswadeth vs either to thinke that all are elected to saluation and so wee among others liue as wee list or if some be elected and some reprobated that this Decree is vnchangeable and therefore if wee be elected wee shall be saued though wee take our pleasure and neglect all good duties or if we be reiected wee shall bee condemned though wee take neuer so much paines in the wayes of godlinesse Finally that wee can haue no assurance that wee are elected and therefore it is in vaine to labour after it but rather that it is our wisest course to leaue it to the venter and take the benefit of present pleasures Thirdly hee will tell vs that all are redeemed by Christ and wee with others and therefore wee may liue in our sinnes seeing he hath satisfied for them or that if he haue redeemed but some onely that we cannot be assured that we are in this number though wee be neuer so diligent in Gods seruice Fourthly hee will suggest that all are vniuersally called and yet seeing many fall away few are chosen and consequently that it is a matter impossible to be assured that we are in Christs little flocke because when we haue done all we can we may become Apostates and no better then Wolues and Goats and therfore it were best to spare our paines and to inioy our pleasures when we may haue them Fifthly he will tell vs that we are iustified by faith alone and therefore by that faith which is alone and that good workes are not required to the act of iustification and therefore are needlesse to the party iustified that they are not the causes of our saluation and therefore wee neede not to walke in them but may easily goe to heauen by another way Sixthly that none vpon earth can be perfectly sanctified and therefore seeing we cannot be Saints heere we must liue like other men and not tire
the world hath been from the beginning the Gen. 3. 15. portion of all Gods Saints and seruants whom it hath pursued with deadly malice because they haue been beloued of God Yea aboue all others did it most hate and maligne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ and therefore we must not thinke much if it pursueth vs with the like malice For as he hath told vs The seruant is not greater then his Lord If they haue Joh. 15. 19 20. persecuted me they will also persecute you Fourthly the worlds hatred needeth not to discourage vs in the wayes of godlinesse seeing it is vnto vs a comfortable euidence that we are not of the world for then it would loue his owne but that we are the true Disciples of Iesus Christ whom he hath chosen out of the world Yea contrariwise if the world should loue vs we had iust cause to suspect our selues seeing loue ariseth out of likenes neither could we be so much in the worlds fauour vnlesse we too much fauoured it Fifthly the worlds hatred cannot discourage vs if wee consider that it is abundantly recompenced with the loue of God and of his Saints and blessed Angels For the worlds malice can but bring some temporary trouble ioyned with much inward and spirituall comfort but in the fauour of the Lord is life and blessednesse And therefore Psal 30. 5. as no wise man who is highly in the fauour of his Prince his chiefe Nobles and the best of the people will greatly care for the hatred of base gally-slaues and the abiects of the Land especially when the fauour of both will not stand together so if we be truly wise for our owne good we will not if we be assured of Gods loue and all his faithfull seruants regard much the hatred of the world which can loue none but those whom God hateth Finally this hatred of the world for righteousnesse sake will not dismay vs if we alwayes remember that it shall be rewarded with euerlasting happinesse according to that of our Sauiour Blessed are Luk. 6. 22 23. yee when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their company and shall reproch you and cast out your name as euill for the Sonne of mans sake reioyce yee in that day and leape for ioy for behold your reward is great in heauen for in the like manner did their fathers to the Prophets §. Sect. 3 That the former poynt ought to be held with diuers cautions But yet some cautions must be heere obserued as first that howsoeuer we are not to loue the world nor to maintaine neere and inward familiarity Rom. 12. 18. with Gods enemies yet in respect of our priuate carriage we must behaue our selues innocently and iustly towards them and as the Apostle speaketh as much as in vs lyeth haue peace with all men Secondly we must so hate their sinnes their worldlinesse and prophanesse as that in the meane time we loue their persons performing vnto them all ciuill and religious duties whereby we may gaine them to Christ and bee meanes as much as in vs lyeth of their conuersion and saluation Thirdly that vnder colour of hating the world we doe not carry our selues cynically and harshly peeuishly and contentiously with those which remaine still professed worldlings but goe forward in the practice of all holy duties with all meeknesse of conuersation opposing them in nothing but when they oppose vs in piety and righteousnesse For the world is ready to hate vs too much already for our profession and practice of Gods true Religion though by our peruerse behauiour and rigid stiffenesse euen about things indifferent we doe not giue it any cause to hate our persons And therefore let vs auoyd their errour who when they haue taken vpon them the profession of Christian Religion thinke themselues bound to professe open enmity against all those who are contrary minded and that they best approue their Christianity when as the fire of dissension by their tart behauiour is kindled betweene them because Christ came to Math. 10. 34. Luk. 12. 49. bring a sword and fire vpon the earth and to set at variance euen those which are of a mans family For in many other places wee are earnestly exhorted to vse all meeknesse and loue that we may win them by our conuersation who are without vnlesse it be in the cause of God and the defence of his truth And therefore that place of our Sauiour is not to bee vnderstood so much of the doings of the faithfull whereby standing vpon tearmes of hostility they should prouoke the enemies of the Gospell against them but rather of their sufferings and persecutions which for Christs sake and the Gospell they should indure at the hands of the wicked though they behaued themselues as meekly and mildly as innocently and louingly as the cause of God and defence of his truth would suffer them Or if at all of their doings and oppositions against prophane worldlings yet not in such things wherein they might lawfully agree but in matters weighty and important as concerning Gods glory and their owne saluation and not in spleene and spite or priuate reuenge but when they haue lawfull authority to suppresse their fury curbe in their malice or by an open war according to the Law of God and Nations proclaymed against them Finally we must take heed that we doe not esteeme all them as worldlings who goe not as farre as wee in the profession of Religion and the practize of holy duties for there are Christians of all sizes and ages and as well babes as growne men in Gods family But those onely are to be ranked in this number of worldly opposites who are professed enemies of Christian Religion or onely haue the name of Christians but are in truth grosse idolaters or wickedly prophane who in their liues deny the power of that truth which they outwardly professe maligning and hating all those who loue and feare God euen for their godlinesse sake and displaying their banners of impiety against all grace and goodnesse Neither doe I thinke that formall Christians who liue ciuilly amongst vs professing Christianity and ioyning with vs in the publique exercises of Religion are to be reckoned amongst these worldlings who oppose vs and whom we oppose though wee cannot obserue in them any signes of sound conuersion or of the sincerity and power of godlinesse seeing our Sauiour himselfe is sayd to haue loued the yong man who yet had not so farre proceeded in the course Marke 10. 21. of Christianity but prophane persons lewd liuers notorious blasphemers professed scorners and malicious opposers against the Professors and practisers of Gods true Religion §. Sect. 4 Of the false iudgement of the world shewed in their bitter censures of the godly And thus we may incourage our selues in the duties of a godly life against the hatred of the world and wicked men Let vs in the next place consider
before him all the dayes of our liues He hath bought vs with a price that we should glorifie God in our bodies and in our spirits because they are his He hath giuen himselfe for 1. Cor. 6. 20. vs not onely that hee might iustifie vs in the remission of our sinnes but also sanctifie and clense vs with the washing of the water by the Word that he Eph. 5. 25 26. might present vs vnto himselfe as a glorious Spouse and Church not hauing spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that we should be holy and without blame Finally he hath redeemed vs not onely from the guilt of sinne but also from our vaine conuersation by shedding his most precious Blood as the 1. Pet. 1. 18. Apostle Peter speaketh And therefore if wee doe not finde and feele the vertue of Christs death and merits as effectuall for our sanctification as for our iustification and to free vs from the corruption of sinne as well as from the guilt and punishment wee haue little cause to presume of their efficacy for our saluation seeing these are alwayes inseparably linked and conioyned Lastly let vs consider that as our Sauiour Christ came Mat. 9. 13. to saue sinners so withall to call them to repentance And that the Redeemer Esa 59. 20. came only to Sion and to them who turne from transgression in Iacob and therefore let vs not foolishly presume that we shall be his redeemed if wee continue in our sinnes without repentance Let vs not post off God to another time when he offereth vnto vs mercy and forgiuenesse But let Esa 55. 6 7. vs seeke the Lord while hee may bee found and call vpon him while hee is neere Let the wicked forsake his wayes and the vnrighteous man his thoughts and let him returne vnto the Lord and then hee will haue mercy vpon him and abundantly pardon as hee hath promised Let vs not presume on Gods mercy whilest we continue in our sinnes yea rather after that wee haue vnfainedly repented of our sinnes let vs feare alwayes considering our Pro. 28. 14. owne frailty and infirmity which maketh vs apt to relapse into them and so to prouoke Gods wrath against vs. Let vs worke out our saluation with feare and trembling and whilest we presume of standing take heed of falling Phil. 2. 13. 1. Cor. 10. 12. And if we call God Father who without respect of persons iudgeth according to euery mans workes let vs passe the time of our soiourning heere in feare as the 1. Pet. 1. 17. Apostle Peter exhorteth vs. §. Sect. 4 Of presumption in neglecting the meanes of holinesse And thus wee see how carnall presumption generally hindereth vs from entring into or proceeding in a godly life and how we may remoue this impediment More especially we are hindred thereby when as wee presume that we may performe all duties required vnto it notwithstanding that wee neglect all meanes of sanctification and holinesse which God hath ordained for the working his graces in vs as hearing the Word receiuing the Sacrament Prayer and the rest by the extraordinary operation of his holy Spirit in vs. For the remoouing of which impediment wee are to know that howsoeuer God sometimes to shew the infinitenesse of his mercy goodnesse and power which are free and not tyed vnto any meanes doeth when wee least thinke of it and when wee haue not so much as a desire and indeuour to serue and please him regenerate and conuert vs according to that of the Apostle I was found of them that sought me not I was made manifest vnto them Rom. 10. 20. that asked not after me As we see in the example of those who comming to heare the Word onely for forme and fashion sake without any desire Act. 2. 13 37. to profit by it are notwithstanding effectually called and truely conuerted by the mighty operation of Gods Spirit working with his owne holy ordinance And though also when greater meanes are wanting as in the time of persecution the Lord giueth an extraordinary blessing to such as are meane and small causing his seruants like Moses and Elias to goe on constantly for many dayes in the waies of godlinesse in the strength of one meale to the end it may appeare that the worke of conuersion and sanctification is not effected by any vertue inherent in the meanes but that it is a gift of his grace and conuayed vnto vs by the powerfull working of his holy Spirit yet this is not Gods common course and ordinary manner of working his graces in vs but ordinarily hee will haue vs to vse the meanes and sanctify them as his owne holy ordinances that they may bee effectuall to the ends for which we vse them which if wee neglect we doe in a presumptuous maner tempt the Lord and can haue hereby no more hope that God will worke his graces in vs or enable vs vnto the duties of a godly life then if we rest vpon his immediate prouidence and in the meane time neglect our meate which hee hath ordayned to nourish vs or our clothes which hee hath appointed vs to vse for the keeping of vs warme CAP. XII Of the third sort of carnall affections which are impediments to a godly life as superstitious scrupulosity deiection of minde feare and desperation §. Sect. 1 That scrupulosity is a great impediment to a godly life THe third sort of carnall affections which are impediments to a godly life are such as are in the quite contrary extreme to the former as anxious and superstitious scrupulosity heauinesse and too much deiection of minde feare and desperation Superstitious scrupulosity is when through naturall blindnesse and want of sound knowledge we doubt of all our actions whether they be lawfull or vnlawfull and call euery thing into question being ready to yeeld vnto euery tentation which abridgeth vs of our Christian liberty when some fearefull iudgement is suggested and threatned by the deuil and our owne corruption if we forbeare not the vse of things lawfull or doe not such things as are vnlawfull The which we mistaking for our owne thoughts and concluding that wee haue giuen our full consent vnto them though in truth they are the meere suggestions and tentations of our spirituall enemies doe yeeld our selues ouer vnto them as though wee were bound vpon some fearefull penalty to obey them though they haue no ground or warrant out of Gods Word yea in truth are expresly contrary vnto it The which is a notable impediment to a godly life First because it maketh vs to spend our thoughts and time about toyes and trifles as the vsing or not vsing such creatures the doing or not doing of such actions as are in their owne nature indifferent and of small importance whilst in the meane while wee neglect the maine duties of Gods seruice and of a godly life Secondly because these scrupulous and superstitious feares apprehending vpon euery vaine
calleth it a talent of leade For experience will teach vs that the soule is oppressed Zach. 5. 7. with no heauier burthen then the conscience of an ill spent life and the remembrance of our sinnes euen as contrariwise nothing more exalteth and cheereth the mind then the possession of iustice and vertue Yea that Euangelicall obedience which Christ here calleth his yoke and burthen is not onely light and easie but also commodious and exceeding profitable Which made Dauid out of good experience to professe that the Law of Gods mouth was better vnto him then thousands of gold and siluer Psal 119. 72 127 Psal 19. 10. Pro. 8. 11 18 19 and that it was more to be desired then gold yea then much fine gold And Salomon likewise affirmeth that wisedome that is the sauing knowledge and practice of true godlinesse is better then Rubies and all things that may bee desired are not to be compared vnto it that riches and honour are with it yea durable riches and righteousnesse and that the fruit thereof is better then gold yea then fine gold and its reuenew then choyce siluer Yea the duties of a godly life are not onely easie and profitable but also sweet and pleasant In which respect Dauid saith that Gods Commandements were sweeter to his Psal 19. 9. Psal 119. 103 111. Vers 14. Prou. 2. 10. and 3. 17. Ioh. 4. 34. mouth then the honey and the honey combe that they were the reioycing of his heart and that he reioyced in Gods testimonies aboue all riches So Salomon saith that wisedome is pleasant vnto the soule and that her wayes are wayes of pleasantnesse and her paths are peace And our Sauiour Christ found so much pleasure and comfort in doing his Fathers will that he neglected his food euen when he was hungry in comparison of it Now if the way of Gods Commandements was esteemed of the Saints so easie profitable and pleasant in the time of the Law how much more haue wee cause so to iudge of it in the time of the Gospell seeing God hath reuealed his will much more cleerly and affoorded vs farre greater helpes and incouraged vs to serue him with much sweeter and more gracious promises not now vailed with types and shadowes but cleerly expressed to the vnderstanding of the most simple and certainly assured vnto vs by the seales the Sacraments to take away from vs all doubting and wauering By all which and many other meanes our Sauiour Christ as it was prophecied of him maketh all crooked wayes straight and all rough places plaine that all Esa 40. 4. difficulties being taken away and remoued we may trauell in the wayes of godlinesse with much ease and comfort ioy and delight But aboue all other incouragements against all pretended difficulties this is one of the greatest in that the Lord in the time of the Gospell doth not exact of vs the rigorous and strict performances of seruants who must not haue their wages vnlesse they doe the will of their Lord in that manner and measure as he requireth but the duty and obedience of sonnes passing by Mal. 3. 17. 2. Cor. 8. 12. our infirmities and accepting the will for the deed the purpose and indeuour for the act and performance And that there may be no manner of discouragement hath also promised to assist vs with his grace and holy Spirit that we may be the better inabled to doe that which he requireth so as we may say with the Apostle I am able to doe all things through the Phil. 4. 13. power of Christ which strengtheneth me CAP. XIIII That a godly life is not tedious and troublesome to the regenerate man but easie and familiar §. Sect. 1 That the regenerate haue a new nature vnto which a godly life is easie and pleasant ANd thus it appeareth that the godly life is easie and pleasant in it selfe and it owne nature Now if wee can further prooue that it is also vnto vs nothing hard or impossible tedious or troublesome but contrariwise easie and familiar then the obiection of difficulties being sufficiently answered and remoued need not to be any impediment to hinder vs from entring into the wayes of godlinesse To which purpose we are first to know that howsoeuer the leading of a godly life be as hard and difficult as grieuous and euen vnpossible for a naturall man as for Lead to swimme or for the earth to leaue its center and to mount vp vnto the skies yet vnto those who are regenerate it is not so seeing their corrupt nature is changed and sanctified and they haue a new nature wrought in them vnto which a godly life is easie and familiar by reason of that similitude which is betweene them And thus the Lord when hee would haue his people to serue him in the duties of holinesse and righteousnesse doth promise to worke this change in them And the Lord thy God will circumcize thine Deut. 30. 6 11 14. heart and the heart of thy seed to loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart and all thy soule c. For this commandement which I command thee is not hidden from thee neither is it farre off c. But the Word is very nigh vnto thee in thy mouth and in thine heart that thou maist doe it And againe I will giue Ezek. 11. 19 20 and 36. 26 27. them one heart and I will put a new spirit within you and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh and I will giue them an heart of flesh that they may walke in my statutes and keepe my ordinances and doe them So in the new couenant of grace the Lord promiseth that he would write his Law not in Tables Jer. 31. 33. of stone but in the fleshie tables of their hearts and put it into their inward parts thereby inabling them to yeeld vnto it cheerfull obedience seeing they haue an internall cause of this spirituall motion in themselues euen an heart sanctified and replenished with the loue and feare of God which maketh them to desire aboue all things to serue and please him In respect of which change so farre forth as they are changed and regenerate it is no more tedious and wearisome vnto them to performe the duties of a godly life then for the liuing fountaine to spring or the riuer to flow or for grosse vapours and slimie exhalations to mount aloft into the middle and highest region of the aire when as they are rarified by the Sunne and haue their nature changed from an earthly grosnesse to an ayery or fiery subtilty and lightnesse although the reliques of sinne and corruption of nature remaining still in the vnregenerate part doe hang vpon vs and pull vs backe hindring vs in our spirituall motion like an exhalation inclosed with the vapours of the middle region so as it cannot mount vp vnto his owne proper place whereof arise some tedious conflicts and sharpe incounters which make the
Idoll of a mercy in God falsely fancied vnto themselues whilest they seuer it from his Iustice which will not let the sinnes of such presumptuous wretches goe vnpunished and from his Truth which hath denounced fearefull Iudgements against them who securely abuse his patience and long suffering which should leade them to repentance and make them sorry and ashamed that they should offend so gracious and mercifull a God as an incouragement to hearten them on in their course of wickednesse and to make them contemne his Iudgements and Threatnings §. 8 The eight cause the neglect or contempt of the meanes of grace and saluation The eighth cause is the neglect or contempt of the meanes of spirituall grace and eternall saluation as of hearing the Word the vse of the Sacraments Meditation Prayer holy Conferences and such like For as these are the meanes of working our hearts to the true feare of God repentance and spirituall watchfulnesse so the neglect of them causeth carnall securitie hardnesse of heart and boldnesse in sinning And as all other Vices get head and strength by forsaking the vse of the meanes whereby the contrarie Vertues are wrought because they are the priuation of them and therefore the remouall of the one from that subiect which is capable of them is the placing of the other as wee see Light succeed Darknesse and Darknesse Light Rest Labour and Labour Rest so is it in these the putting away of the feare of God by neglecting the meanes whereby it is bred and nourished in vs is the cause of entertayning carnall securitie And so likewise as all other Vices being admitted doe mutually strengthen one another that they may keepe firmer and surer possession against the Vertues which they oppose so is it betweene these for the more we neglect the Word Sacraments and the rest the more secure wee shall be in all sinfull courses and the more strong wee grow in carnall securitie the more negligent wee waxe in those holy Exercises And therefore the Prophet ioyneth them together as mutuall causes of one another They stopped their eares that they should not heare and made Zach. 7. 11 12. their hearts as an Adamant stone §. 9 The ninth cause hearing the Word without Faith The ninth cause is the hearing of the Word without Faith giuing no credit either to the threatnings of the Law or promises of the Gospell Heb. 4. 2. For as the Word is vnprofitable if it bee not mixed with Faith in those that heare it as the Apostle speaketh so it becommeth in this respect by accident through our corruption dangerous and hurtfull Either it is the sauour of life vnto life or the sauour of death vnto death 2. Cor. 2. 16. Either it weakneth and killeth Vice or giueth more strength and vigour to it either it softneth our hearts like Waxe or hardneth them like Clay either it worketh them to Gods feare when we beleeue his Promises and Threatnings or maketh them more carnally secure when wee giue no credit to them For the Word of God proceeding out of his mouth shall not returne vnto him void but shall accomplish that which pleaseth him and prosper in the thing whereto hee sends it Esai 55. 11. as the Prophet speaketh And as oft as we heare it either it setteth vs forward in the right way that leadeth to saluation or through our corruption and vnbeliefe it maketh vs to goe faster and more securely in the wayes of death and destruction It will make our hearts melt like the heart of good Iosiah or to become more hard like the heart of Pharaoh and wee shall receiue Gods Ambassadors with feare and trembling as the Corinthians did Titus or with proud neglect and 2. Cor. 7. 15. scornefull censures fore-stalling preiudice and resolued obstinacy as the Athenians did the Apostle Paul So the Lord speaketh of some Act. 17. 18 32. who should take occasion vpon hearing the curses of the Law to blesse Deut. 29. 20. themselues in their hearts saying I shall haue peace though I walke in the imagination of my heart to adde drunkennesse to thirst And the Prophet from the Lord saith of the people of the Iewes that whilest they heard and vnderstood not and seeing perceiued not their hearts were made Esa 6. 9. more fat their eares heauie and their eyes more blind which is not caused by any naturall propertie of the Word but by accident through mans corruption that doth abuse it and so maketh that a curse which was ordayned for a blessing Like the weake and tender eye that is made more blind by the bright beames of the Sunne which cause stronger sights to see and discerne the better or the weake eare which is made more deafe by too much hearing of loud sounds or the sicke stomacke which becommeth more sicke by receiuing holesome nourishment whereby one strong and healthy would bee confirmed in health and by well digesting of it minister vigour and strength to the whole body §. 10 The tenth cause the not applying the Word preached The tenth cause is the not applying of the Word preached or read vnto our selues for our owne vse and benefit but putting it off to others as though it concerned them and not vs especially admonitions and reprehensions for sinne and the threatnings of Gods Iudgements against those that continue in them without repentance For so are men blinded with pride and selfe loue that they can see no faults in themselues or if they doe yet they seeme so small and veniall that they are scarce worth the reprouing and so defectiue are they in charitie towards their Neighbours that they can easily spie the least Motes in their eyes and make of euery Moll-hill a huge Mountayne And this maketh them to shift all rebukes for sinne and denunciations of punishment from themselues vnto others to whom they thinke they more fitly belong and so blesse themselues and securely liue in sinne as though they were free from all danger Yea though they be neuer so faultie in those Vices that are reproued yet if in truth they can find out any that in the iudgement of the World doe goe beyond them in those kinds then can they heare them sharpely rebuked without any sting of conscience or sense of the smart of their owne sinnes yea with much pleasure and delight And thus haue I often heard after some powerfull Sermon against couetousnesse a greedie Muck-worme nothing moued for his owne auarice because hee hath beene able to picke out of a whole Citie or Countrey some one supposed to bee more wretched then himselfe vnto whom hee hath applyed all that was spoken And so when pride hath beene rebuked or profanenesse or worldlinesse or any other sinne I haue noted that those who haue highly offended in these kinds in the iudgement of all others haue like innocents securely blessed themselues applying nothing spoken to their owne vse because they could point at others that haue exceeded them
the carnall securitie of Belshazzar who hauing seene Gods Iudgements Dan. 5. 3. 22. in fearfull manner executed vpon his Grand-father Nebuchadnezer for oppressing Gods people spoyling the Temple and sacrilegious taking and retayning the holy Vessells tooke no warning by it but liued in the same sinnes adding this further vnto them that he abused those holy Vessells in his prophane and drunken feasts And thou his sonne O Belshazzar saith he hast not humbled thine heart though thou knowest all this But hast lifted vp thy selfe against the Lord of Heauen and they haue brought the Vessells of his House before thee and Thou and thy Lords thy Wiues and thy Concubines haue drunke wine in them c. §. 2 Secondly such as are inflicted on our selues But much more doth it argue an heart full of carnall securitie when as we make no good vse for our repentance and humiliation of those afflictions which are inflicted vpon our owne persons For ictus piscator sapit the burnt child dreadeth the fire Et serò sapiunt phryges 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Quae nocent docent euen those that are most dull of conceit wax wiser by many warnings And it is a signe that we are more senselesse through this securitie then the Horse or Asse if we are nothing moued with the Rod and Spur of Gods chastizements and punishments Euen many of the Iewes though very negligent and secure in their prosperitie haue this Testimonie giuen vnto them by the Prophet that they were awakned out of their dead slumber by afflictions and sought vnto God in the day of their aduersitie O Lord saith he in trouble they haue Esa 26. 16. visited thee they haue powred forth a prayer when thy chastning was vpon them Though there were others of them more senselesse in their securitie of whose stupiditie the Lord complayneth In vaine haue I Ier. 2. 30. smitten your Children they haue receiued no correction And the Prophet Thou hast stricken them but they haue not grieued thou hast consumed them but they haue refused to receiue correction they haue made their faces harder then a Rocke they haue refused to returne And againe The people turneth not vnto him that smiteth them neither doe they seeke Esa 9. 13. the Lord of Hosts But who were these euen such as were more brutish then the Oxe and Asse as he saith in the beginning of his prophesie Esa 1. 3 5. whom the Lord giueth ouer as a desperate cure because they grew worse by his corrections And yet many carnall Protestants who are so deeply asleepe in this securitie that they doe not know that they are in this Lethargie being nothing touched with Gods Iudgements doe blesse themselues in this state because they can couer all ouer with a conceit of patience saying Gods will be done without thinking any more of it to lay it to their hearts But these men will haue their victorie before any conflict they will at the first step leape to the top of perfection in patience and not ascend vnto it by any degrees They thinke that they can in all things submit themselues vnto Gods will and yet neuer care in any thing to doe his will They would seeme strong in this grace alone being weake or nothing in any other which is impossible seeing they are linked one with another and either are begun or not begun thriue or decrease liue or die altogether And therefore this is not patience wherewith they delude themselues For wee cannot possesse our soules in patience till wee possesse them in peace peace with God and peace of Conscience Neither can we haue this peace after our combate with afflictions till wee haue renued our Couenant with God whom wee haue by our sinnes displeased and moued to correct vs by renuing the condition on our part Faith and Repentance without which our patience is nothing but stupiditie and blockishnesse not in obedience to God but out of our senselesnes of his stripes not springing from the loue of God which maketh vs to yeeld in all things vnto him but out of selfe loue which causeth vs to put off all griefe as much as may bee and to this end to cast our selues into this Lethargie that wee may with more ease sleepe out our payne Finally it is no fruit of Faith and affiance in God but of our carnall securitie and hardnesse of heart which make vs that we cannot be affected either with Gods Mercies or Iudgements But much more doth it argue that mens hearts are deeply and desperately besotted with this Vice when they are not onely Stoicall and blockish in apprehending Gods Iudgements but also vse all meanes to stupifie their senses that they may not feele their smart and to intoxicate their minds that they may not consider of them making themselues drunke with pleasures that they may haue no sense of payne and casting themselues into this dead sleepe of securitie that no griefe of sorrow may pierce their hearts And when God by his chastizements calleth them with the Israelites to weeping and mourning to baldnesse and Esa 22. 12 13. to girding with Sack-cloth they spend their time in ioy and gladnesse feasting and reuelling musicke and merry companie eating and drinking because to morrow they shall dye §. 3 The second signe is to haue no desire to keepe Gods Commandements The second signe of carnall securitie is when as we haue no desire and indeauour to serue God and keepe his Commandements either Gen. 22. 14. Deut. 6. 13. Deut. 10. 12. 8. 6. Pro. 8. 13 16. 6. in doing the good which he requireth or in departing from the euill which he hath forbidden For the true feare of God doth alwayes stir vs vp to obedience whereof it is that they are vsually ioyned together and often taken the one for the other Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God and serue him And now Israel what doth the Lord thy God require of thee but to feare the Lord thy God to walke in all his Wayes and to loue him and to serue the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soule to keepe the Commandements of the Lord and his Statutes So the wise Man saith that the feare of the Lord is to depart from euill Hence it is that the Law is called the feare of the Lord and all other Psal 19 9. Eccles 12. 13. Psal 111. 10 Pro. 1. 7. 9. 10. Psal 128. 1. vertues and obedience are comprehended vnder it alone The feare of the Lord is the head or beginning of wisedome And blessed is euery one that feareth the Lord that walketh in his Wayes And contrariwise the want of all grace and neglect of dutie and obedience is comprised vnder the want of Gods feare So the Apostle hauing set downe a large Rom. 3. 18. Catalogue of haynous sinnes comprehendeth all in this one as the cause of all the rest There is no feare of God before their eyes For
securitie Iob 15. 4. bringeth men to an vtter contempt of Gods Law and neglect of obedience preparing and making them fit for all wickednesse And therefore when wee see disobedience impietie and neglect of all good duties in the life and outward actions we may take it as an vndoubted signe that Securitie hath thrust out all feare of God from lodging in the heart and affections according to that of the Psalmist The Psal 36. 1. transgression of the Wicked saith within my heart that there is no feare of God before his eyes §. 4 Secondly when we yeeld obedience but by fits But though this signe where it is to bee seene plainly sheweth the grossest securitie yet there are other sorts of it more subtill and refined which cannot be discerned by it seeing there are many men carnally secure who seeme to make conscience of many sinnes and of performing many duties And if we looke vpon them in some fits of their deuotion especially in the time of affliction wee would thinke that they had in them a great measure of Gods feare And therefore in the next place for discouering of them we are further to know that it is a signe of carnall securitie when as we yeeld obedience but by fits and are vnconstant in our good desires indeauours and actions no longer fearing and seruing God then whilest his Iudgements are imminent or inflicted vpon vs. For as it is the propertie of the feare of God to be constant it selfe and to make vs constant in our obedience according to that in the Prouerbs Blessed is the man that feareth alwayes Pro. 28. 14. Deut. 4. 10. 1. Pet. 1. 17. Ier. 32. 39. So is it a signe that our hearts are destitute of Gods feare and possessed by carnall securitie when wee are fickle and vnconstant seruing God shunning sinne and doing that which is good onely when the good moode is vpon vs or when wee are driuen thereunto either by some approching or present punishment For euen the negligent Steward looked about him when his Master called him to giue an account of his Stewardship And the most carelesse Slaue that securely neglects all his Masters commands will begin to feare him when hee seeth him take the Cudgell into his hand to beate him or when hee feeleth the smart of the whip whereas hee that feareth God with a sonne-like feare is alwayes constant in his dutie although not continually in like measure because the Arguments inciting to this feare are continually the same in themselues and he doth constantly consider of them §. 5 Thirdly when we doe not yeeld obedience to the whole Law but some parts onely Againe it is a signe of carnall securitie when as we doe not make conscience of yeelding obedience to the whole Law of God but thinke it enough if wee haue respect to some part onely though wee neglect the rest as the first Table without the second or the second without the first And that wee shall escape well enough if wee leaue some sinnes though we retayne some other and performe some good duties though wee cast others behind our backs Neuer considering that the curse of the Law is denounced against all who continue not in Deut 26. 27. Gal. 3. 10. Iam. 2. 10. Psal 119. 6. all that is written in the Booke of the Law to doe it That hee who breaketh one Commandement is guiltie of all That he who truely feareth God hath respect with Dauid to all his Commandements because hee is equally the Author of them all and requireth obedience to one as well as another Finally that some few sinnes retayned can keepe possession for the Deuill as well as many wound the conscience harden the heart and on all occasions make an easie entrance for all their fellowes So also it is a signe of this securitie when as wee doe not yeeld obedience with the whole Man inward as well as outward with the heart as well as with the tongue and hand secretly in our Closets as well as in the Church and open Streets For this sheweth that we doe not thinke of Gods all-seeing Eye which beholdeth vs as well in the darkest Night as in the brightest Day and searcheth and examineth Ier. 17. 10. not onely our actions subiect to the view of Man but also our hearts and reynes Now what is this but like foolish and secure Malefactors to bee carefull to hide our faults and crimes from our Fellowes and Companions who are liable to the same condemnation and to commit them without feare in the presence of the Iudge §. 6 Fourthly when our obedience ariseth not from spirituall causes nor is directed to right ends Finally it is a signe of securitie when wee content our selues with such a kind of obedience as ariseth not from spirituall causes nor is directed to right ends but is done out of carnall motiues and sinister respects As when we leaue sinne and performe good duties not out of Faith and the true loue and feare of God but out of selfe-loue and loue of the World When as we are moued hereunto by pleasure rewards or punishments and ayme rather at our owne then Gods glorie and are guided and directed in all our actions not by the Word of God but by carnall reason proceeding staying and turning backe as it suggesteth vnto vs worldly inducements or discouragements For as it was a signe that Abraham truely feared God when as hee Gen. 22. 12. yeelded absolute obedience to Gods Command and Word without taking any aduice from carnall reason so is it a signe of carnall securitie when as we only so farre forth take counsaile and direction from the Word of God as will stand with our carnall reason and affection performing those good works and forsaking those Vices which we would doe or leaue vndone though there were no immortalitie of the Soule no Iudgement yea no God to behold vs and to reward our good or punish our euill actions §. 7 The third signe delaying of Repentance The third signe of carnall securitie is the delaying of our repentance thinking that we can repent when we list and that we may doe it time enough in our old age or on our sicke beds For as the true feare of God moueth vs continually to renew our repentance as we renew our sinnes and still to keepe our Accounts euen that we may alwayes be in readinesse against that vnknowne and vncertayne Day when as we shall be called to render them before Gods tribunall Seat of Iudgement so securitie maketh vs to carry our selues like worldly men whose estate by reason of debt and danger is forlorne and desperate who neuer looke vpon their bookes of Accounts to summe them vp yea rather keepe no account at all because they are resolued to take their pleasure securely and to riot it out as long as they may and neuer crosse their delights nor checke their ioyes by calling to their mind and remembrance their after reckonings
mens dum virtutis suae securitate resoluitur infidiante aduersario inopinatae culpae telo perforatur ibid. as one saith oftentimes it commeth to passe that he whom the conflict of tentation could not ouercome is shamefully foyled by his owne securitie And the mind becomming loose and negligent in securitie of its owne vertue is pierced and wounded with the weapon of an vnexpected fault by our treacherous enemie And this is the cause why the Lord continually exerciseth his seruants in the spirituall warfare and suffereth the enemies of their saluation to skirmish with them that they may bee preserued from securitie which is farre more dangerous then any warre And as Scipio wisely aduised in the Senate that Carthage should not vtterly bee destroyed lest the Romanes with too much peace and securitie should become slothfull and effeminate and so bee easily subdued by some other enemies so the Lord would not giue vs a full victorie ouer our spirituall enemies but suffereth them though with ouer-ruled and abated forces to skirmish with vs that we may not become slothfull and secure and so exposed to more danger And thus wee see that carnall securitie is in it selfe a dangerous euill and grieuous sinne the which should moue vs with vnreconciliable hatred to abhor and make warre against it neuer being at rest till by the vse of those good meanes which God hath sanctified for this purpose wee haue banished it out of our hearts and in stead of it established in them the true feare of God CHAP. IX Where is shewed that carnall securitie is the cause of many fearefull punishments §. 1 That carnall securitie depriueth of Gods fauour and protection and dispoyleth vs of all spirituall grace BVt that we may be moued to pursue this Vice with more deadly hatred and more carefully vse all good meanes to be armed against it let vs now further consider that as it is the euill of sinne and the cause thereof as hath beene shewed so also it is the cause of the euill of punishment yea it selfe is also a punishment of other sinnes Concerning the former This securitie exposeth vs to many euills both priuatiue and positiue For it depriueth vs of Gods assistance in the day of tentation whilest it blindeth our eyes that we cannot see the want of his helpe hardneth our hearts that we cannot desire it and shutteth our mouthes that wee cannot craue it by our feruent prayers It dispoyleth vs of the rich furniture of Gods sauing graces by causing vs to neglect or formally and coldly to vse the meanes whereby they should be nourished and increased as hearing the Word Reading Meditating Prayer and the rest presuming that we are well enough safe and in good estate without them whereupon must needs follow their languishing and decaying if this securitie be still cherished in vs. For the strongest bodies will waxe faint and weake if they bee depriued of their food whereby they should bee nourished The greatest flame and fire will soone goe out if it be not fed with a new supply of fuell and kept in by blowing The greatest state will soone bee consumed if men lauishly spend vpon the stocke and vse no meanes to adde vnto it The best Vines will grow wild and bring vnripe and sowre Grapes if they be neglected and be not pruned and well ordered The most fruitfull ground will in stead of good Graine bring forth weeds Thornes and Thistles if it be not husbanded and manured And thus it fareth with vs in our spirituall estate our strength of grace will turne vnto weaknesse if in our securitie we thinke our selues so strong that wee need not to cherish them with the spirituall Manna and meanes of grace and saluation The fire of the Spirit will bee extinguished if wee cast vpon it this cold water of securitie and doe not continually re-enliue it by blowing vpon it and stirre vp the gifts and graces of God in vs as Paul exhorteth Timothy Wee shall soone breake and 2. Tim. 1. 6. bee banke-rupted in our spirituall state if thinking with the Laodiceans Apoc. 3. 17. that we are rich enough and haue need of nothing we neglect the meanes whereby the mayne stocke of Gods graces may be preserued and increased in vs. Wee shall like degenerate Vines in stead of sweet bring forth nothing but sowre Grapes if we neglect the continuall purging and pruning of our selues from our superfluous lusts and doe not preserue our hearts well ordered and in the feare of God Finally in stead of the fruits of Vertue we shall breed and bring forth nothing but the weeds of Vice and Sinne if we neglect our spirituall husbandrie breake not vp the fallow grounds of our hearts weed them not of thornie cares manure them not by the vse of all good meanes whereby they may bee made rich and fertile and sow not in them the good seed of Gods Word which will bring forth in vs the fruits of Holinesse and Righteousnesse §. 2 Of some speciall graces whereof carnall securitie depriueth vs. More particularly our light of knowledge will soone grow dimme if we securely content our selues with that we haue and doe not more illuminate our vnderstanding by the light of Gods Word from which as the light of the Moone from the Sunne it was first borrowed Or else if it remayne quicke and sharpe in theorie and speculation it will waxe vaine and vnprofitable in respect of vse and no way further but rather hinder vs in the wayes of godlinesse Our faith will become faint if through securitie we carelesly neglect the meanes of Hearing Rom. 10. 17. 1. Tim. 1. 5. Reading Praying c. seeing it is nursed and cherished by the same meanes by which it was bred and borne in vs. Our loue will waxe cold and fruitlesse if wee grow secure and sluggish with the Spouse in the Canticles neglecting to see and seeke the face of our Beloued in Cant. 5. 2. 6. the vse of his holy Ordinances to harken to his Voyce not meditating on his infinite loue wherewith hee hath loued vs vpon which cooling of our affection towards him he will withdraw himselfe and hide from vs his louing Countenance as it is in the same place and so wee shall also lose the sweet and comfortable sense and feeling of his loue in our hearts till wee haue shaken off our carnall securitie and haue diligently sought his face and fauour by renuing our faith and repentance Our affiance in God will soone languish if we either securely flatter our selues with a conceit that wee are out of danger or haue strength in our owne hands to preuent or ouer-come it neither can we catch sure hold of this staffe of our strength till wee see what need we haue of it and haue cast out of our hands the brittle Reede of our owne abilities Our feare of God will quickly fayle and giue place if wee nourish securitie which is an vtter enemie and opposite vnto it
him to keepe him in all his wayes c. If with Dauid we put our trust in the Lord wee shall not need to feare what Psal 56. 4. flesh can doe vnto vs. If wee trust in the Lord wee shall bee blessed and Ier. 17. 7 8. like a Tree planted by the Waters that spreadeth out her Rootes by the Riuer which shall not see when heate commeth but her leafe shall bee greene and shall not bee carefull in the yeere of drought neither shall cease from yeelding fruit §. 5 The third cause Charitie The third cause of spirituall securitie is Charitie for as the Apostle telleth vs there is no feare in loue but perfect loue casteth out feare 1. Ioh. 4. 18. Col. 3. 14 15. and if wee doe aboue all things put on charitie which is the bond of perfectnesse then also will the peace of God rule in our hearts and worke in them this Christian securitie For if wee truely loue God it is an euident signe vnto vs that he loueth vs for as the Apostle sayth Wee loue him because he loued vs first and being assured of Gods loue wee 1. Ioh. 4. 19. need not to doubt of his protection whereby hee will keepe vs from all euill and of his prouidence watching ouer vs which will prouide for vs all things necessarie And finally if wee vnfainedly loue the Lord then may we be secure in all dangers and in the middest of all troubles and crosses because the Lord through his infinite wisedome and power will cause all things euen afflictions themselues to worke together for good to them that loue him and will so weaken the Rom. 8. 28 35. strength of them that they shall neuer be able to separate vs from the loue of Christ §. 6 The fourth cause the true feare of God The fourth cause is the true feare of God for this feare remooueth all other feares whatsoeuer and if with filiall affection wee feare God Psal 34. 9. as Sonnes we may thereby be freed from the seruile feare of Slaues So also this feare of God will free vs from feare of Men and the feare of our Creator will quite expell the feare of the Creature It will free vs from feare of all danger of euill seeing nothing shall be able to hinder our happinesse For Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord hee shall not be mooued for euer but shall be had in euerlasting remembrance Psal 112. 1 6 7. He shall not be afraid of any euill tidings his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord. His heart is established he shall not be afraid vntill he see his desire vpon his enemies The fift cause is Iustice and righteousnesse both in our hearts words and actions because as the Wise-man sayth He that walketh vprightly walketh surely for the righteous shall neuer be remooued and there Pro. 10 9 10. 12. 21. shall no euill happen vnto the iust And that because the Lord watcheth ouer them to deliuer them in the time of danger and prouide for them in the time of want For as the Psalmist saith The eyes of the Psal 34. 15. 1. Pet. 3. 12. Lord are vpon the Righteous and his eares are open to heare their crie so that none shall bee able to harme vs if we follow that which is good And vnto them hee hath made his promises of peace and protection The worke of righteousnesse shall be peace and the effect of righteousnesse quietnesse and assurance for euer and my people shall dwell in a peaceable Esa 32. 17. habitation and in sure dwellings and in quiet resting places And againe In righteousnesse thou shalt be established thou shalt be farre from oppression for thou shalt not feare and from terrour for it shall not come neere Esa 54. 14. thee In assurance of which promises the righteous is bold as a Lion Pro. 28. 1. and disdaineth to goe out of his way of iustice and godlinesse though he be affronted with many dangers because being armed with this brest-plate of righteousnesse he is assured they cannot hurt him Eph. 6. 14. §. 7 The last cause is new obedience The last cause of this spirituall securitie is new obedience For when like dutifull and louing children we doe desire and endeauour to doe the will of our heauenly Father at all times and in all things and perform as much as we are able that obedience which his law requireth not onely in our outward actions but also in our hearts and inward affections and bewaile our wants and imperfections when we come short of that measure and degree which wee desire to attaine vnto it will worke in our hearts a child-like confidence in the loue of our God and make vs securely to repose and cast our selues in all estates and conditions vpon his gratious prouidence for the supplying of all our wants protection from all dangers and deliuerance out of all afflictions And so much the rather because wee are hereby strengthned in our Faith and enabled to applie vnto our selues all those sweet and comfortable promises which God hath made vnto those who bring foorth these fruits of new obedience especially those which concerne spirituall peace and tranquillitie of mind and this holy and Christian securitie So the Lord promiseth That if wee will keepe his Statutes and Iudgements wee shall dwell in the Land in Leuit. 25. 18 19. safety And in another place That if we keepe his Statutes and walke Chap. 26. 3 5 6. in his Commandements to doe them the Lord with all other temporall benefits promiseth peace and safetie and that wee shall lie downe and none shall make vs affraid And Zophar telleth vs that if wee prepare Iob 11. 13 15 19 our hearts to seeke God and stretch out our hands towards him that then we shall be steadfast and without feare lie downe securely and be freed from the feare of all things So Wisedome promiseth that who so hearken vnto her and obey her voice they shall dwell safely and shall Pro. 1. 33. be quiet from feare of euill Yea the Lord hath not onely said but sworne it that all his redeemed shall worship and serue him without feare Luk. 1. 74 75. in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of their life §. 8 Of the effects of spirituall securitie And these are the causes of this spirituall securitie The effects of it are quite contrarie to those of carnall securitie for it doth not make vs more slothfull and sluggish in the seruice of God but more watchfull ouer all our wayes that wee may doe all things which are acceptable vnto God from whom wee enioy so great a blessing and not commit any thing against knowledge and conscience which may disturbe our sweet peace or depriue vs of the inward ioy of this spirituall securitie It doth not make vs more negligent and backward in holy duties but to performe them with all diligence and
kill Now if thou commit no adultery yet if thou kill thou art become a transgressour of the Law For there is a chaine of vertues and vices whereby they are so fast and inseparably linked together that he who imbraceth and practiseth any one vertue and Christian duty out of his loue and obedience to God imbraceth and performeth all the rest hee that willingly liueth in the neglect of any one duty or maketh no conscience of committing any knowne sinne neglecteth all and is prepared to commit any wickednesse In which regard it may truly bee said that the vnregenerate man breaketh all Gods Commandements euen those which hee seemeth to keepe and that the sound Christian obserueth all euen those which he seemeth to breake For howsoeuer the one doth not actually transgresse euery Commandement yet there is in him an habit of sinne and a naturall disposition and readinesse to breake all when opportunity serueth and when hee is tempted thereunto with the alluring baits of worldly vanities And though the other doe not actually keepe the whole Law but faileth in many particulars yet there is in him an habit of holinesse and righteousnesse and a disposition and desire resolution and indeuour to obserue all for with the Apostle they consent vnto the whole Rom. 7. Law that it is holy and good and being in their hearts delighted in it they striue to keepe one Commandement as well as another and when they faile of their purpose doe heartily bewaile their imperfections It is true that a wicked man may not onely forsake many sinnes but may also in some sort loath and detest them but this is not out of his loue towards God or because he hateth or forbiddeth them but caused by some common restraining grace or done out of some corrupt passion and disposition not because he hateth sinne but because some contrary vice being predominant in him doth draw him vnto another extreme And thus the couetous man hateth prodigality and the prodigall couetousnesse the presumptuous man melancholike despaire and the despairing sinner bold presumption the coward bloody quarrell and the desperate backster Plerique metu peccare cessant non innocentia profectò tales timidi non innocentes dicendi sunt Seneca cowardize Yea thus may a man outwardly shun all sinnes which make him liable to legall penalties out of selfe-loue that hee may gaine rewards or escape punishments not out of loue to vertue and innocency but feare of running into danger §. Sect. 5 That without totall obedience we cannot attaine to heauenly happinesse Finally vnlesse we performe totall obedience in the desire purpose and indeuour of our heart vnto the whole Law of God wee can neither attaine vnto heauenly happinesse nor escape hellish death and condemnation though we imbrace and practise many vertues and duties and flee from many vices and sinnes For as a Mill-stone will keepe vs from mounting aloft as well as a Mountaine and the one as well as the other would cause vs to sinke into the bottome of the Sea if it were fastened vnto vs so if any one sinne haue taken such fast hold of our hearts that we will by no meanes be moued to leaue it the waight thereof will bee sufficient to keepe vs from ascending vnto heauenly happinesse and to drench and drowne vs in the sea of perdition So the Apostle saith that he that liueth not in all or many sinnes but in any one shall neuer enter into the Kingdome of heauen Neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate c. shall inherit the Kingdome of God And the Apostle Iohn saith that 1. Cor. 6. 9 10. Apoc. 22. 15. euery sort of sinners as sorcerers and whoremongers and murtherers and idolaters and lyers shall be excluded from this place of blessednesse So that as for the losse of corporall life it is not necessary that the body should be wounded in euery place but a mortall wound in any of the vitall parts is sufficient to let in death and giue it seisure of the whole man so is it in this case And as particular sinnes depriue vs of happinesse so they plunge vs into death and destruction as appeareth by that distinct enumeration which the Prophet maketh of particulars If saith hee hee Ezek. 18. 10 13. beget a sonne that is a robber a shedder of blood and doth the like to any of these things and that neglecteth any of the duties there mentioned hee shall not liue but surely dye And the Apostle Iohn saith that sinners of euery kind shall Apoc. 21. 8. haue their portion in the Lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death Now if any will say that if for any one duty wilfully neglected or sinne committed they shall lose the ioyes of heauen and be cast into hell torments then it were as good to bee outragiously wicked and to liue in all manner of sinne let one of the Ancients make answere to such an obiection This saith he is the speech of an vngratefull and reprobate Ingrati serui est his sermo c. Chrysost in Eph. cap. 2. serm 4. seruant yet let not such an one let the reines loose to all impiety for his owne profit For though all impenitent sinners are excluded out of heauen and throwne into hell yet all in hell doe not suffer equall torments but some greater and some lesse according to the quality and number of their sinnes CAP. V. Of the properties of Christian and holy duties which respect their causes efficient and finall §. Sect. 1 That all duties should spring from the loue of God AND these are the properties which respect the duties themselues The properties which concerne the manner of doing them are diuers and respect either the causes that mooue vs to performe them or our disposition in doing them The causes are either efficient or finall The efficient cause mouing vs to performe all the duties of a godly life ought to be the loue of God which is the fountaine of true obedience and should bee so powerfull in vs that we should thereby be moued to serue like children our heauenly Father though there were no reward promised to our seruice which is the motiue that induceth mercenaries and seruants rather then children to doe their duty For howsoeuer we may in our obedience haue an eye with Moses to the recompence of reward yet the chiefe argument Heb. 11. 25. that preuaileth with vs ought to be not the loue of our selues and out of it the desire of our owne saluation but the loue of God who is the chiefe Goodnesse whose glory is much to bee preferred before our owne good Neither is it enough that the loue of God accompany our actions and that they be done in and with it as running together as it were in the same streame but also that it be the fountaine from which all our obedience doth spring and flow Consider we therefore when wee vndertake the
performance of any Christian duty what is the cause that moueth vs vnto it and if we finde that it is loue of the world or loue of our selues either to obtaine a reward or to auoyd punishment temporall or eternall let vs put it backe as comming out of due place and labour that the loue of God which is much more worthy may haue the precedency as the first and chiefe motiue that perswadeth vs to well-doing §. Sect. 2 That we must propound Gods will and our obedience thereunto in all duties Secondly we must propound vnto our selues in all the duties of a godly life the will of God and his glory in yeelding obedience vnto it as the maine scope and end of all our actions desiring chiefly and in the first place as our Sauiour hath taught vs to pray that wee may hallow and glorifie Gods Name by doing his will And if wee will performe vnto God acceptable seruice wee must therein deny our selues and our owne wills and yeeld our selues in absolute obedience to the will of God praying because he will haue vs pray hearing and reading his Word because it is his will that we should do so giuing almes and doing works of mercy that we may please him by doing his will yea seeking the saluation of our owne soules not chiefly because we desire it for our owne good but because his will is to glorifie himselfe in our saluation and happinesse Ioh. 6. 39 40. For Gods will is the cause of causes and as all things came from it so must all things tend vnto it as their maine scope and end It is that which gaue first being to our wills and preserueth them in it and therefore they must not be absolute in themselues but in all things yeeld to the will of their Creator willing whatsoeuer they will because God first willeth it It is the rule of righteousnesse and all perfection and all things are iust and vniust perfect or imperfect straight or crooked as they agree or differ from it and therefore there is no goodnesse in our wills no not in the chusing and imbracing of the best actions and duties that can be named but onely so farre forth as we conforme them to the will of God and doe all we doe in obedience vnto it And if first and chiefly we performe vnto God any seruice because our will and desire leadeth vs vnto it and not principally in this respect because God willeth it and would haue vs also to will and doe it it doth hereby lose all grace and beauty and so also all reward at Gods hand seeing we serue not him but our selues when wee aime not chiefly at the doing of his will that wee may please and glorifie him but of our owne Neither are our actions chiefly to bee esteemed good or euill according to the matter but according to the maine scope and end of them which giueth them their denomination nor is any act seeme it neuer so glorious to be esteemed Gods seruice which is not done in obedience vnto him nor any obedience which hath not conformity with his will In which regard it may be truly said that the basest workes of the most seruile calling done by a faithfull Christian in simple obedience to the will of God to glorifie him are more pleasing vnto him and esteemed for better seruice then the praier and fasting hearing the Word and giuing almes of Pharisaical hypocrites which are done either for the praise of men or as workes satisfactory to Gods iustice and to merit by them their owne saluation Finally if wee performe all good duties not as our owne will but as the will of God and labour in all things that his will may chiefly sway and rule in ours wee shall heereby adde much excellency vnto all our good actions For seeing the action receiueth worth and dignity from the agent in which regard the same thing done by a mighty Prince is esteemed highly which in an ordinary and meane person is little regarded therefore must needs all good duties bee much more excellent when the will of God is the chiefe motiue that setteth vs on worke and not our owne will seeing they proceed from a much more excellent cause §. Sect. 3 That all true seruice is done in obedience to Gods will Wee must therefore in all Christian duties propound this vnto our selues as our principall and maine scope that the will of God and Ioh. 5. 30. and 6. 38. not our owne may bee done in them according to the example of our Sauiour Christ who did not his owne will but the will of him that sent him We must labour after Regeneration not as the act of our owne will but of Gods For we are borne againe not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor Ioh. 1. 13. of the will of man but of God We must labour to be sanctified because this is the will of God euen our sanctification that we may liue no longer the rest of 1. Thes 4. 3. 1. Pet. 4. 2. our time in the flesh to the lusts of men but to the will of God Wee must pray and in all things giue thanks because this is the will of God in Iesus Christ Yea 1. Thes 5. 18. whatsoeuer we doe we must doe it not as our owne will but as the will of God The which is not onely to be obserued in the high and excellent duties of Gods immediate seruice but euen in the basest and most seruile actions euen in the duties of the poorest and meanest seruants who must in performing seruice to their Masters propound vnto themselues as their mayne scope not their owne profit nor the doing of their owne or their Masters will but the will of God which requireth it at their hands For so the Apostle exhorteth seruants to be obedient vnto their Masters and to Eph. 6. 6. serue them with feare and singlenesse of heart as vnto Christ not with eye-seruice as men-pleasers but as the seruants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart And as in our doings so likewise in our sufferings we must with the Apostle and our Sauiour Christ himselfe chiefly aime at this that the Act. 21. 14. Mat. 26. 39 42. will of the Lord may be done in them For those only that suffer according to Gods will receiue the promise and such alone can with confidence commit Heb. 10. 36. the keeping of their soules to him in well-doing as vnto a faithfull Creatour 1. Pet. 4. 19. as the Apostle Peter speaketh Now that we may be mooued thus to seeke that Gods will may be done in all our actions let vs consider that there is no true obedience which hath not this as the maine scope of it that if we thus doe we shall be accepted of God and with Dauid bee approoued as men according to Gods owne heart That we shall heereby be aduanced to Act. 13. 22. Ioh. 7. 17.
next vnto faith vpon Luk. 24. 37. which hee would haue them to preach in his Name A duty that belongs vnto all and is neuer vnseasonable alwayes necessary An Euangelicall grace and chiefe fruit of faith in which it liueth without which it is dead So that as faith is the life of our soules by applying Christ vnto vs in whom we liue so repentance in respect of our sense and feeling which can no otherwise iudge of the hidden roote but by the outward fruit is the life of this life As faith is the onely condition of the Couenant of grace which assureth vs of all good things temporall and eternall so repentance as a counter-bond assureth vnto vs this assurance by a sensible infallibility outward euidence perswadeth vs that we performe this condition of beleeuing in Christ and apprehending all the promises by faith vnfained Now that thou mayest O my soule proceed in some order what is this repentance but an Euangelicall and sauing grace of God wrought in thine heart by his holy Spirit applying by faith as by his instrument Christ and all his benefits which inflaming thine heart with feruent loue doth make thee looke vpon him whom thou hast pearced to bewaile thy sinnes as the chiefe causes of his death to hate and forsake them and to turne vnto God offering vnto thee grace and pardon by amendment of life and bringing foorth the fruits of new obedience So that it is a grace and free gift and no naturall endowment which commeth by inheritance or else procured by thine owne purchase It is the gift of God who giueth vnto thee all good things It is a gift of his free grace preuenting thee when thou didst neuer so much as thinke of it by putting into thy mind the profit and necessity of it and into thy heart some desire of receiuing it preparing and fitting thee for it by the preaching of the Law working humiliation contrition and legall sorrow and fitting thy mind and will that they might consent and obey the motions of the Spirit outward in the Word and inward in the heart and conscience working it first in thee by changing the mind and heart and turning them from sinne vnto holinesse and righteousnesse co-working with thee that thou mayest continue renew and increase in the practice of it and perfecting thy repentance in the parts and degrees of it which himselfe begun It is hee that calleth vs to repentance and inableth vs to repent He striketh our stony hearts and maketh them to relent by sound contrition before these rocks will yeeld any waters of true repentance It is he that powreth the Spirit Ezek. 11. 29. 36. 26. Zach. 12. 10. Act. 5. 31 11. 18. 2. Tim. 2. 25. of grace vpon the house of Iudah before they can lament for their wickednesse and that giueth repentance to the house of Israel and with it remission of sinnes Thou canst not turne vnto him O my soule before hee first turne vnto thee nor weepe bitterly with Peter till hee thaw thy frozen heart by reflecting vpon thee the beames of his gracious countenance Yea when he turneth thou canst not turne till hee turning his face turne also thine heart as it is running away with feare and neuer looking backe that thou mayest behold his gracious countenance promising nothing but good and his stretched out Arme to receiue thee vnto grace and fauour Surely saith the Church after I was turned I repented and after that Ier. 31. 19. Lam. 5. 21. I was instructed I smote vpon my thigh No man can sorrow for his sinnes nor resolue to forsake them but hee that hateth them nor any hate them but they who loue God nor any loue him whose hearts hee first inflameth not by sheading abroad his loue in them by the holy Ghost which hee giueth vnto Rom. 5. 5. 1. Joh. 4. 19. vs. Neither doth he worke alone but together with his Sonne and holy Spirit For it is the blood of this Lambe of God which worketh our adamantine hearts to this relenting softnesse and the water which issued out of his pierced side which being beheld with the eye of faith doth draw out of our eyes the brinish waters of repentant teares And therefore because he is the Author of our repentance both as hee procured it by the meritorious vertue of his death and worketh it by his blood-shed applyed by faith he inioyneth his Apostles to preach repentance in his Name Finally Luk. 24. 47. it is the oyle of the holy Spirit which suppleth and softneth our hard and stony hearts It is this diuine fire which warming our cold hearts with the flame of Gods loue and the hot blood that issued from our Sauiour causeth them to send vp into our heads these salt yet sweet waters of vnfained repentance which distill by our eyes and in trickling teares drop from our cheekes This winde of the Spirit must blow vpon vs yea must blow into vs before wee can returne vnto God one sigh to expresse our sorrow for our sinnes And therefore O my soule seeing God is the principall cause of thy repentance rob him of no part of his due but ascribe vnto him the whole glory of his owne worke Which though hee could effect by his sole immediate power yet hee is pleased to vse in it many subordinate causes meanes and instruments by which he worketh this grace in thee As ministeriall and helping causes namely the Ministers of the Word who in this worke are co-labourers with Christ sent by him to open mens eyes and to turne them from darkenesse to light and from Act. 26. 18. the power of Satan vnto God that they may receiue forgiuenesse of sinnes and inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith in Christ in which respect they are called spirituall fathers begetting them to God by the seed of the 1. Cor. 4. 15. Word So likewise instrumentall causes which are inward precedent and immediate as sauing knowledge shewing the way to repentance a liuely faith vnfained loue and true feare of God both in respect of his mercies and iudgements especially the last and generall Iudgement at Act. 17. 30. the end of the world or else outward which either lead and draw or else mooue and perswade vs to repentance Of the former sort are many instruments and meanes to bring vs to it As the Ministery of the Word and first the preaching of the Law which prepareth vs for it and of the Esa 55. 7. Gospel which worketh it in vs by assuring vs that if wee will turne to the Lord he will haue mercy vpon vs and forgiue vs our sinnes So also crosses Psal 119. 71. Luk. 13. 1 2 3. Rom. 2. 4. and afflictions either vpon our selues or others Gods blessings and benefits either promised or bestowed The moouing and perswading causes are innumerable as the loue of God towards vs his patience and long suffering his truth in his
promises and all-sufficiency in performance the profit of it in this life seeing it bringeth with it peace of conscience and ioy in the holy Ghost and maketh way for our eternall saluation in the life to come the necessity of it seeing without it nothing can saue vs with it no sinne can condemne vs being an inseparable fruit of faith which is the alone condition of all promised happinesse c. And these with many other are the causes O my soule which all concurre together to worke thy heart vnto vnfained repentance which being in themselues so powerfull and preualent to produce this effect will leaue thee quite without excuse if they be not effectuall to this end §. Sect. 7 Of the matter forme parts of repentance and first of humiliation And now my soule that thou seest the efficient causes of repentance consider also the matter and forme of it as they meet together in the parts thereof which are humiliation and godly sorrow for thy sinnes and turning vnto God by reformation and amendment the former part more directly expressing the matter the latter the forme of thy repentance And both these the Scriptures conioyne in this one worke For thus Salomon speaketh of it when they shall humble themselues and turne from their euill 2. Chro. 7. 14. wayes and Ioel exhorteth the people to turne vnto the Lord with weeping to Joel 2. 11 12. Act. 26. 20. rend their hearts and not their garments and to turne vnto the Lord. Howsoeuer in many places they name but one of them and thereby vnderstand the other And therefore O my soule see that thou disioyne not those things which thy God hath ioyned together content not thy selfe with Esa 58. such a sorrow as bringeth foorth no amendment which was reiected in Ahab Iudas Cain and the people of the Iewes for these teares like filthy waters doe but the more pollute thee and this worldly sorrow proceeding 2. Cor. 7. 10 11. not from hatred of sinne or loue of God but from selfe-loue and feare of punishment causeth death and is a sorrow which must be sorrovved for nor yet vvith such an amendment vvhich ariseth not from sense of sinne and godly remorse and sorrovv for it vvhich vvas the repentance of Herod who is said to haue done many things according to the Baptists doctrine and direction but not to haue sorrowed for sinne past as hee obeyed for the present of Iudas who was outwardly reformed as the other Apostles but neuer truely and thorowly humbled and so of Demas and many ciuill worldlings and temporaries who in many things change their course from euill to good but haue no change of their hearts grounded vpon vnfained contrition and humiliation But what is this but to build without a foundation and to dismember and destroy this perfect body by pulling one part from another And therefore my soule ioyne these parts in thy repentance lay first the foundation and then build vpon it bewayle thy sinnes with bitter griefe and then forsake them in heart and action and turne to thy God in amendment of life Now vnto this humiliation thou must first be prepared by the Law which like a Schoole-master whippeth thee and maketh thee to cry out in the sense of thy sinnes and the curse due vnto them and vtterly to deny thy selfe and thine owne righteousnesse as altogether insufficient to satisfie Gods Iustice and then it must be wrought in thee by the Gospell which reuealeth vnto thee the perfect righteousnesse and obedience of thy Sauiour Christ by which his Iustice being fully satisfied his wrath also is appeased the pardon of thy sinnes if thou bathe thy selfe in the blood of Christ by the hand of faith and assureth thee that thou art reconciled vnto God and become his child by grace and adoption The which will make thee to melt and resolue into teares of vnfained sorrow for thy sinnes whereby thou hast displeased so gracious a Father which godly griefe will cause repentance not to bee repented of And this is that sound humiliation which the Scriptures doe so often call for which thou mayest discerne if it be truely in thee by diuers signes that alwayes accompany it For the obiect of it is not punishment chiefly but thy sinne and not sinne as it stingeth and tormenteth thy conscience but as it is an offence which hath displeased thy God causing thee to say vnto him with Dauid Take away my sinne and purge me from my guilt and not with Pharaoh Let my sinne alone but take away this plague It alwayes causeth thee to draw neerer vnto God that thou mayest begge and obtaine pardon and not to flee from him to escape his punishing Hos 6. 1. hand It worketh repentance and reformation of those sins which we bewayle and not like children to lye still and cry It is a willing and free-will Psal 51. 17. offring of thine heart in which as God is delighted so is it pleasing and sweet vnto thee causing thee to lift vp thine head with hope and comfort when thou art thus humbled and to reioyce in such sorrow and is not pressed out of thee by the waight of Gods wrath the curse of the Law or smart of punishment The effects of this thy humiliation is that it driueth thee to God by prayer wherein thou humbly acknowledgest thy sinnes accusing thy selfe for them as liable to the curse by reason of their guilt aggrauating them by many circumstances condemning thy selfe as worthy of all punishments temporall and eternall iustifying Gods righteous iudgement if he should impose them magnifying his mercy with the repentant Church if hee spare thee in any and doe not vtterly consume Lamen 3 22. thee After which confession there followeth an humble and earnest suite for pardon and remission wherein thou must with Dauid cry out vnto thy God Haue mercy vpon me O Lord according to thy louing kindnesse according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash mee Psal 51. 1 2. thorowly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sinne §. Sect. 3 Of the second part of repentance which consisteth in conuersion and amendment The second part of thy repentance O my soule is thy conuersion and amendment whereby thou turnest from thy sinnes vnto God desiring and indeuouring to serue and please him in newnesse of life the things from which thou must turne O my soule are thy sinnes yea from all thy sinnes great and small none being so great that they need to discourage thee seeing they are incomparably exceeded by Gods infinite mercies and the All-sufficient merits of thy Sauiour nor any so small that thou shouldest neglect amendment seeing the least bring euerlasting death if they be not washed away with the blood of Christ who also dyed for them as well as for the greatest Or if there bee any difference in thy conuersion from thy sinnes O my soule it must be in leauing those sinnes with