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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04486 The golden cabinet of true treasure: containing the summe of morall philosophie. Translated out of French & enlarged, by W. Ievvel, Mr of Arts, of Exeter Colledge in Oxford Jewell, William, b. 1585 or 6. 1612 (1612) STC 14618; ESTC S119329 81,649 276

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the very threshold of vertues path are in fine transported through the resembling-paradise and pleasant way of all delight such as vice ●rotesteth the path of Voluptuousnes Ambition and Auarice to bee and at length soon enough to see but too late to repent them of their erroneous entrance vaine perseuerance they are throwen headlong into a sea of sadnes griefe and anguish a thousand thousand dolours and as many millions of restlesse miseries which they poore silly and deluded ignorants at first did surely think they should ●schewe For such things as are gilded ouer with the golden resemblance of honest pleasant and profitable and yet are not vertuous will in a while the adulterate out-side being worne away appeare to be vicious dommageable and ignominious In such sort that vice is so much the more dangerous and preiudiciall by how much the more it resembleth vertue For this reason haue I spent my best endeauours to set before your eyes that end and scope whereunto all the actions and operations of mankinde should be directed and not that alone but the meanes also vvhich conduce vnto it that so their election may be preserued free from delusion in the research and choice of true honour true riches and true pleasure And these are the pretious and rich Iewels which are contained in the Golden Cabinet of true Treasure being diuided into twelue seuerall chapters whose heads you may heer beholde in order following I. The description of Vertue and of her property in man page 1 II. The diuision of Vertue into four principal parts from the which as from their source all other subalternate Vertues spring 31 III. Of such things as are requisite in the acquist of Vertue and which make a man perfectly vertuous 43 IIII. Of the first effect which Vertue produceth in man which is the knowledge of himselfe whereby he may bee humbled 70 V. Of the second effect which Vertue produceth in man which is the knowledge of vice of the euils which proceed from it that he may growe in hatred and detestation of them 95 VI. Of the third effect which Vertue produceth in man which is both the Theory and Practice of Conquering himselfe 128 VII Of the fourth effect which Vertue produceth in man which teacheth him to performe his duty towardes all men demeaning himself worthily in his vocation 147 VIII The description of true Honor and how it ought to be acquired 167 IX The description of false Honor the true subiect and ground of contentions and quarrels 190 X. Of the pretended ground of quarrells wherunto false honor serueth as a subiect making man to be the worker of his owne destruction 209 XI The description of Choler of the euils which proceed frō it of the causes which produce it of the means of correcting and consequently of auoyding contentions and debates 223 XII The description of true and perfect pleasure wherwith Vertue accompanieth honour accomplishing man with all felicitie 234 Kinde Reader correct those faults with thy pen. Page 24. Line 2. read mens p. 27. l. 13. read ouerdaring rashnes p. 32. l. 25. read Good p. 49 l. 22. read fleshy p. 70. read Chap. 4. p. 84. l. 16. read tamed p. 107. l. 1. read stomack-settling p. 256. l. for can only read only is able to In Zoilum GRin snarl and bark The more to moue me rack Thy pois'ned passions till thine entrails crack When all thy spite is spet thou shalt as soon Supple the hardest flint or maime the Moon As wound my Minde with one least discontent Or crosse my wonted meanest merriment With settled patience I can well endure Thy bootlesse bitelesse barkings being sure That though thou belk-out fire bark-out stones Thou canst not scorch my skin nor break my bones W. IEVVELL The Golden Cabinet of true Treasure The description of Vertue and of her property in man CHAP. I. MARIVS the Great with the spoiles and pillage which he tooke from the Cimbrians and Teutonians whom hee vanquished erected two very sumptuous and magnificent Temples at Rome the one adioining to the other in the waie called via Appia where now stands S. Sebastians gate dedicating one of them vnto the Goddesse Vertue the other vnto the God Honour To the end that the Souldiers which departed from Rome addressing themselues vnto the Warres might alwaies remember Vertue whereby they were to attaine vnto Honours stately seate and not by any other way whatsoeuer And that the sence and meaning of the Temples dedications might be the better vnderstood hee ordained that there should be built but two gates only in such sort that those which went into the warres could not enter into the Temple of Honour but by the gate and passage of Vertues Temple within the which there stood carued in Marble a Goddesse wondrous glorious and rich in beauty but arraied with the respectless and worthless weeds of Pouerty enuironed on euery side with pricking thornes signifying vnto the World that none can attaine vnto true honor through the wanton delights and tender nicenesse of the world but rather through troublesome trauailes and a million of cares and crosses which ought to be subdued with mild patience alwaies persisting constantly in the intricate and painefull path of vertue Her torne abillament and ragged cloake of Pouerty declareth that she disdaines the glorious frailty and glittering lustre of worldly pomp and that she rather lodgeth vnder pouerties low roof then in the rich arrast chamber of a Princes Court she loues the ornaments of the soule not the proud-peacocke deckings of the bodie Whosoeuer could be so happily blest as to see her naked said the wise man would incontinently be inflamed with her beauty But because shee is one of the daughters of heauen wanting the abundance and superfluity of worldly treasures and cannot bee intertained but by the mind and soule nor espoused but by good maners and ciuil conditions the least part of the world seek after her by reason of the great authority and respectfull obseruance which sinne-steept sensualitie and quenchless couetousnes haue with men For they being so inamoted so sicke yea so drunke with the loue of these two former Minions cannot loue any thing but that which is presented vnto them by the wanton election of a lustful eye and allowed by the gratefull acceptation of a couetous hart which is the sol● and onely reason that for the most part the body in their thoughts hath preheminence before the soule and a golden purse before a proper person But if man could know both himselfe and it and commit himselfe to the per●● perfect guidance of diuine reason he would immediately discern his blamefull errour and plainely see that the circuling armes of the whole world imbrace nothing that is good but vertues Then would he see the weake frailty o● all other things and the permanen● good of neuer dying vertue There is nothing that merits to bee in equipage with her for the acquist of her onely is