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A00440 The auncient ecclesiasticall histories of the first six hundred yeares after Christ, wrytten in the Greeke tongue by three learned historiographers, Eusebius, Socrates, and Euagrius. Eusebius Pamphilus Bishop of Cæsarea in Palæstina vvrote 10 bookes. Socrates Scholasticus of Constantinople vvrote 7 bookes. Euagrius Scholasticus of Antioch vvrote 6 bookes. VVhereunto is annexed Dorotheus Bishop of Tyrus, of the liues of the prophetes, apostles and 70 disciples. All which authors are faithfully translated out of the Greeke tongue by Meredith Hanmer, Maister of Arte and student in diuinitie. Last of all herein is contayned a profitable chronographie collected by the sayd translator, the title whereof is to be seene in the ende of this volume, with a copious index of the principall matters throughout all the histories; Ecclesiastical history. English Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, ca. 260-ca. 340.; Hanmer, Meredith, 1543-1604.; Socrates, Scholasticus, ca. 379-ca. 440. Ecclesiastical history. English. aut; Evagrius, Scholasticus, b. 536? Ecclesiastical history. English. aut; Dorotheus, Saint, 255-362, attributed name. aut 1577 (1577) STC 10572; ESTC S121374 989,961 618

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Epist ad philem ● Tim. 4. Act. 20. 21. 2. Tim. 4. 67. Pudas Pudens The Apostle remembred Pudas also Pudens   68. Trophinus Trophimus S. Paule likewise made mention of this Trophimus these three last were partakers w t Paule in all his afflictions his dayly companions last of all they were beheaded together with him at Rome vnder Nero crowned martyrs Trophimus These three were partakers of y ● Apostles persecutions and beheaded at Rome after him   69. Marke the Euangelist Marke the Euangelist who receaued at the mouth of Peter the Gospell as he preached at Rome   70. Luke the Euangelist These two also are numbred in the catalogue of the seuentie Disciples the Eunuch likwise of Candace Queene of the Aethiopians preached the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ in Arabia Felix the Isle Taprobana and throughout all Erythra It is reported also he was there gloriously martyred and buried that his tumbe is an inuincible bulwerke for the faithfull discomfeiting the wicked Barbarians and curing diseases vnto this day The Eunuch   The ende of DOROTHEVS Faultes escaped in the Printing Page 9. line 10. for maner read man page 9. in the marge for 3963 read 3970. page 10. liue 6. for consepuently read consequently page 14. line 17. for Velerius read Valcrius page 14. line 53. for thy read they page 17. line 34. for fortwith read forthwith page 22. line 51. the parenthesis should be after Christ page 23. line 2. for Olimp●ades read Olympiades page 31. line 17. for thirteeneth ▪ read thirteene page 56. line 6. for they read the. page 94. line 41. for ah read an page 103. line 46. for and other read an other page 111. in the marge for Nazianzē read Neocaesariens page 122. line 26. for darned read darkened page 131. in the marge for Gregorie Nazianzen reade Neocaesariens pag. 140. line 51. for depart read departed page 139 in the marge for Gregorie Nazianzen reade Neocaesariens page 150. line 11. for frendas read friendes page 150. line 40. for the and read and the. page 159. line 35. for violent read violently page 175. line 16. for permoited read permitted page 187. line 53. for alloweded read allowed page 189. line 2. for berewed read bereaued page 189. line 15. for wih read with page 202. line 2. for beloued God read beloued of God page 213. line 18. for two hundreth eight and twentie read three hundred and fift page 236. line 12. for cause read clause page 240. line 16. for leage read league page 242. line 51. for sonne read sunne page 246. line 43. for Mu●son read Mursa page 248. line 40. for Is●hyas read Ischyras page 256. line 2. for Constantinus read Constantius page 284. line 24. for our read your page 303. line 37. for not read to page 383. line 32. for Alexander read Alexandria page 411. line 48. for neither read either page 427. line 32. for cogeled read congealed The rest which thou findest gentle reader correct them thy selfe A CRONOGRAPHIE CONTINEVVED FROM THE BIRTH OF CHRIST WHERE EVSEBIVS SOCRATES EVAGRIVS AND DOROTHEVS BEGINNE TO WRITE VNTO THE TWELF YEARE OF THE raygne of Mauricius the Emperour beinge the full time of six hundred wantinge onely fiue yeares after Christ and the purest age containing the Acts of Christ the yeares of the incarnation the famous men with the martyrs and fauorers of the trueth in all those times the raygne of the Emperours the kinges of Iudaea the succession of high priestes in Ierusalem as longe as they lasted after them the succession of Bishops specially in the moste famous Churches as Ierusalem Antioch Rome Alexandria with others The Councells within this time summoned and the heretickes condemned All which are faithfully collected chiefly out of Eusebius Socrates Euagrius and where they seeme vnperfect out of other auncient writers by M. H. Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautroullier dwelling in the Blackefriers 1576. THE PREFACE OF THE AVTOR to the Reader toutching his Chronographie SEeing that hitherto gentle Reader in the translation of these auncient Historiographers Eusebius Socrates Euagrius and Dorotheus I haue imployed great labour and industrie referring the paynes to myne owne person and the profit to the furtherance of thy studie knowledge I haue determined yet once agayne to gratifie thy louing minde with this Chronographie followinge a worke which with more ease thou mayest runne ouer and peruse and the sooner committe to memorie then the former though my paynes herein were nothinge aslaked but aequiualent with the other trauayle I hope the treatise will be acceptable insomuch the Englishe tongue hath not at this day extant any Ecclesiasticall Chronographie continewed from so long a tyme. Well we may haue catalogues of kings recitall of Bishops pedegrewes of our gentries ▪ with other priuate particular summaries seuerally handled by sundry men yet the generall Antiquitie the ioynte contriuing the relatiō to the foūtaine the searching of the original out of farr foraigne countreyes seeing the Gospell vvas not first preached heere in England I find not extant in our mother tongue Therefore orderly to proceede as the aforesayd learned vvriters haue layd dovvne their example I vvill beginne vvith the birth of Christ pēning in the first colume such vvorthy actes as the Euangelists haue recorded of him during his abode here on earth aftervvardes the yeares of his incarnation The next rovvme is an abridgement of the raygne of ▪ the Emperours Luke the Euangeliste thought good euen in the very entrance of his discourse to laye dovvne the birth of Christ in the raygne of Augustus the Emperour and the preaching of Iohn the baptist to haue begonne the fifteenth yeare of Tiberius Caesar Socrates in the fift booke of his ecclesiastical history tooke the catalogue of the Emperours to be one of his principall drifts his reason vvas because the ecclesiastical affayres seemed alvvayes to depende very much of the Emperours and Princes The thirde place contayneth the famous men vvith the fauorers of the trueth ▪ the Martyrs and Sayncts of God The gladsome tidings of the glorious Gospell vvas not first reuealed vnto Princes Presidents vnto the mighty vvise of this vvorld for God needed not their ayd povver but vnto the vveake simple ignorant foolish and contemptible in the sighte of men such as were sheperds fishermen tolegatherers and tentmakers The fourth riglet contineweth the raigne of the kings of Iudaea Mathevv and Luke beganne their Gospells vvith the raigne of Herode But they lasted not very long In the dayes of Herode Christ vvas borne in the flesh after him came Archelaus the third was Herod the tetrach vvhich beheaded Iohn the baptist the fourth vvas Herode Agrippa vvhich beheaded Iames the brother of Iohn vvith the svvord and dyed miserably him selfe The last vvas Agrippa minor before vvhome Paul pleaded in the Actes of the Apostles in vvhose dayes Ierusalem vvas destroyed Anno Dom. 73. Iosephus vvriteth that vvithin the compasse of
they say came dovvne from heauen the vvhich vvhosoeuer heareth and beleueth say they shall obtayne an othergets remission of sinnes then that vvhich Christ purchased for vs. thus went the affa●res then CAP. XXXVIII Of the persecution vnder Decius the martyrdome of many Bishops and how that Origen was persecuted AFter that Philip had bene Emperour seuen yeares Decius succeeded him who because of his offence grudg towardes Philip raysed persecution agaynst the Church in the which persecution Fabianus Bishop of Rome was martyred whome Cornelius did succeede In Palaestina Alexander Bishop of Ierusalem when he had the seconde time endured confession for Christ his sake before the tribunall seate of the President of Caesarea is cast into prison where after a notable and famous testimony of his true fayth geuen before the iudgement seate of the Lieuetenant he ended his mortall life After whome Mazabanes was chosen Bishop of Ierusalē And Babylas likewise Bishop of Antioch euen as Alexander Bishop of Ierusalem after he had rendred an accompt of his fayth died in prison whome Fabius succeeded but what thinges how great they were which happened to Origen in that persecution and how he dyed the spiteful deuill deadly pursuing him with his whole troope striuing against him with all might and euery kinde of sleight that possibly coulde be inuented specially against him aboue all the rest which then were persecuted to death and what and how great thinges he sustayned for the doctrine of Christ imprisonments and torments of body scurging at yron stakes stinch of close prison and how that for the space of many dayes his feete lay stretched foure spaces a sunder in the stockes and how that constantly he endured the threats of fire and all that the enemy coulde terrifie him with and how that he ended after that the iudge had wrought all meanes possible to saue his life and what languages he gaue very profitable for such as neede consolation sundry of his epistles truely faithfully and curiously penned doe declare CAP. XXXIX How Dionysius Bishop of Alexandria reporteth the perills him selfe stoode in TOutching Dionysius I wil alleadge out of his owne epistle vnto Germanus where he of him selfe writeth thus I take God to vvitnesse of that I speake and he knovveth that I lye not ● fledde avvay not greatly regarding myne ovvne person and yet not vvithout the vvill of God Long before that the persecution vnder Decius preuailed Sabinus sent the purueyer of corne to seeke me for vvhose comming I remayned at home three dayes but the searching all places high vvayes and floodes and fieldes vvhere he coniectured that either I hid my selfe in or passed by vvas I vvott not hovv blinded so that he founde not my house He litle thought that I continevved at home in that heate of persecution at length vvith greate difficultye God no doubt disposing my departure the fourth daye I and my children together vvith many other brethren left the citie and that our departure vvas caused by the diuine prouidence of God the sequels declared vvherein peraduenture I stoode vnto many in good steade A litle after he reporteth the casualties which happened after his flight in this sorte About sunne set I vvas led by the souldiers together vvith my company vnto Taposiris but Timothe as God vvould vvas neither present nor taken At length vvhen he came he founde the house desolate the seruantes keeping it but he perceaued that vve vvere taken and gone Agayne after a fewe lynes And vvhat a vvonderfull chaunce vvas that I vvill truely reporte it you one mett Timothe by the vvay as he fledd and seeing him troubled and disquieted in minde demaunded of him the cause of his so quicke a speede vvho forthvvith openeth vnto him the vvhole matter the vvhich vvhen the passinger had learned he passeth by and goeth still on his iorney vvhich vvas to a banquetthig ●●idehouse the maner vvas at such meetinges to vvatch all night being come thither he tould the gestes at table all that he had hearde by the vvay They altogether headely as if it had bene a made matche rose vp and vvith all speede pursued vs vvith a clamorous tumult the souldiers vvhich garded vs fledd avvay then they fall vpon vs as vve laye in our bedds I God knovveth at the first tooke them for theeues thought their comming vvas to robbe spoile as I lay in my naked bedd I vvrapped me in the sheete reached them the rest of my beddings but they commaunded me to rise and quickly to departe then vnderstanding their drift I cryed out praying and beseaching them that they vvoulde suffer vs to be gone If they vvould benefitt me at all I prayed them to preuent such as vvoulde bring me 〈◊〉 to beheade me them selues VVhen I had cryed thus as my companions and partakers doe very vvell knovve they violently brake out I truely then caste my selfe prostrate vppon the pauement they tooke me by hande and foote they lugged me forth and caried me avvay there follovved after such as can testifie all these thinges namely Gaius Faustus Peter and Paul vvhich ledde me out of my lodging and layde me vpon the bare backe of an asse Thus Dionysius wrote of him selfe CAP. XL. Dionysius bishop of Alexandria reporteth t●●●onstancy of such as were martyred at Alexandria vnder Decius THe same Dionysius in his epistle vnto Fabius Bishop of Antioche describeth theire sundry torments which suffered martyrdome at Alexandria vnder Decius writing thus This persecution vvas not begonne by the Emperours edict but one vvhole yeare before for ther came vnto this city a certaine southsayer inuenter of mischief vvho moued and stirred vp the vvhole multitude of the heathēs against vs inflamed them to defend the superstition of their natiue soyle by vvhome they being thus prouoked and hauing purchaced on their side such as vvere of povver authority to perpetrate al impious acts they persvvaded them selues that the onely vvorship of deuils our slaughter vvas pietie it selfe First then they apprehend a certaine minister vvhose name vvas Metras commaunde him to vtter blasphemy vvho for disobedience therein is beaten vvith clubs his face eyes they pricked vvith sharpe quills aftervvardes they led him forth into the suburbes stoned him to dea●h Againe they bring into the temple of Idols a faithful vvoman named Quinta constrained her to vvorship vvho contrarying and abhorring their Idols had her feete bound together by them trayled lugged all along the streetes vvhich vvere sravved vvith sharpe pimple stones she vvas beaten against milstones sore scurged last of all she vvas brought forth to the same place executed vvhich being done they all vvith one accord violently rush into the houses of the religious euery one of the vvicked leadeth the heady multitude vnto their neighbours houses vvhom they knevve to be godly vvell disposed so that in the ende they destroy they spoyle they
a great earthquake which scattered the building asunder destroyed many cities Moreouer the sea kept not with in his bounds brake ouer the banks drowned the contries for it fel out in many places that where a litle before men went afoote all then was aflote botes barks shipps were vsed againe the sea went so farre from it self in other places that it left much dry land much sandy groūd many fishes to swimme without water These thinges happened in the first consulship of these two Emperours CAP. IIII. In the troublesome state of the Church the Macedonian sect in the councell of Lampsacum ratified the creede of the councell held at Antioch accursed the faith of the councell summoned at Ariminum and confirmed the deposition of Acacius and Eudoxius IN the time of the aforesayd calamities neither enioyed the common weale peace neither were the ecelesiasticall affayres in prosperous estate for such as had procured licence of y ● Emperour to summone a councell met together at Lampsacum in the same Counsulship that is the seuenth yeare after the councell of Seleucia and there after they had confirmed afresh the forme of fayth which of olde was published at Antioch they had also a litle before subscribed vnto the same at Seleucia they accursed the creede of the Bishops which with vniforme consent in religion they had lately established at Ariminum Againe they gaue sentence against Acacius and Eudoxius as of right deseruing to be remoued Eudoxius Bishop of Constantinople could in no wise resist their doings the commotion and warres then in hande raysed by the tyrant Procopius was a cause and let that he coulde not reuenge him of them Wherefore Eleusius Bishop of Cyzicum hauing gotten the vpper hande maintayned for a while together with his complices the Macedonian opinion the which also a litle before was disclosed and made more manifest at the councell of Lampsacum I suppose verily the sayd councell to haue bene cause why Hellespontus for Lampsacum is a towne on the sea side of Hellespontus towards Asia is so full of the Macedonian hereticks The aforesayd councell was ended as you reade before CAP. V. How the Emperour and the rebell Procopius pitched their fielde by Nacolaea a city of Phrygia The rebell was betrayed by his owne captains and executed together with them THe yeare following in the consulship of Gratianus and Dagalaephus the warre beganne For Procopius the tyrant left Constantinople and made expedition against the Emperour Valens vnderstanding of it remoued out of Antioch and with all speede went to meete Procopius ioyned with him at Nacolaea a city in Phrygia and there pitched the battell In the first s kirmishe he had the worse his ●ide was the weaker in a while after he tooke Procopius aliue for Angelo and Gomarius his owne captaines had betrayed him whome I meane all three he executed with new and straung kindes of torments The traytors for contemming their alleageance othe past betwene them he sawed asunder in the middest The tyranes thighes he tyed to the toppes of mighty boughes growing not farre asunder the which first of all with certayne Engines he wrested to the grounde afterwards loosed them which lifted Procopius on high and pulled him in peeces The rebell being thus corne in two partes died miserably CAP. VI. How the Emperour after his victory against Procopius went about to compell the Macedonian councell of Lampsacum all Christians to the Arian opinion THe Emperour being puffed vp with his prosperous and lucky successes turned himselfe againe to molest persecute the christians because he determined with him self to preferre euery where the Arian opinion And first of all the councell held at Lāpsacum lay on his stomacke not onely because they deposed the Arian Bishops and depriued them of their Churches but also because they accursed the forme of faith lately established at Ariminum Wherefore after his comming vnto Nicomedia a citie of Bithynia he called before him Eleusius Bishop of Cyzicum who as I sayde before was of the Macedonian opinion The Emperour called together a councell of Arian Bishops and compelled Eleusius to subscribe vnto their faith Who though at the first he denied vtterly that he woulde agree thereunto yet afterwards being fore threatned of the Emperour with banishment and confiscation of all his substance he yelded vnto the Arian opinion Immediatly after his subscription he was in a great agony and torment of conscience he returned thence to Cyzicum In the face of the congregation he made a pitifull complaint with relation of the iniurie which the Emperour had done vnto him how he had condescended not with his will but by compulsion vnto the Arian heresie he requested they woulde get them an other bishop because that he was constrayned to deny his owne opinion but the inhabiters of Cyzicum for the great loue and affection they bare towards him neyther woulde acknowledge an other bishop ouer them neyther yeld vp the gouernment of their Church Wherfore they both tooke him for their superior and kept still their former opinion CAP. VII How that Eunomius after the deposition of Eleusuis the Macedonian was made Bishop of Cyzicum The originall of Eunomius and how that he being the scribe of Actius the Atheist followed his stepps WHen the sormer deposition was hearde of the Bishop of Constantinople those Eunomius to be Bishop of Cyzicum who being an eloquent man was thought able with his gift of persuasion easily to induce them to embrace his opinion After that Eunomius was come thither the Emperour sent his commaundement that Eleusius shoulde be remoued and Eunomius placed in his rowme Whereupon the fauorers of Eleusius buylded them a church without the walls of the citie and there had their priuate conuenticles but of Eleusius so farre And now let vs returne vnto Eunomius This Eunomius was a scribe of Aetius who was surnamed the Atheist of whome we spake before And liuing with this Aetius he learned of him captious fallaces and quircks of Logick the which Sophisters doe highly embrace and exercised him self therin continewally Moreouer he was delighted with vayne speaches and epithetons he learned vnaduisedly to frame sophisticall arguments he tooke great pride therein and ranne headlong into open blaspemy he embraced the heresie of Arius and impugned the trueth in Christ And although he was in maner ignorant as toutching holy Scripture and the vnderstanding thereof yet was he able to decline the words and vary the phrase but he coulde neuer attaine vnto the marke he shot at as his seuen bookes of commentaries vpon the epistle of S. Paul vnto the Romaines foolishly written doe declare When he had vttered many dayne and friuolous expositions of that epistle his capacity could not comprise neither attaine vnto the drift of the Apostle There are extant certaine other bookes of his not vnlike the former the which if any be disposed to peruse he shall finde many words but litle
Sisinius to succeede him in the bishopricke a priest of his owne church and a man very well seene in prophane literature trayned vp in philosophie together with Iulian the Emperour vnder Maximus the philosopher And when the Nouatians charged Agelius for appoynting them Sisinius and not Marcianus who was a godly man by whose meanes they were rid from trouble molestation in the time of Valens he for to pacifie their heate and to satis●●e their minde assigned Marcianus vnto them In a while after although he was very weake yet went he into the church and sayd thus vnto the people Immediatly after my desease you shall haue Marcianus to your bishop after Marcianus Sisinius When he had sayde thus he tooke his leaue of them and not longe after dyed But Marcianus beyng byshop of the Nouatians their church was deuided vpon such an occasion as followeth Sabbatius a certaine Iewe embraced Christian religion whome Marcianus preferred to the function of priesthood notwithstanding his conuersion and preferment he sauored of the old infection and addicted him selfe vnto Jewishe obseruations neither was he onely cōtented with this but nedes he would be made a bishop Wherfore after that he had gotten of his side a coople of priests men of like disposition and aspiring mindes by name Theoctistus and Macarius he went about to reuiue the time and maner of solemnizing the feast of Easter euen as according vnto our former relation the Nouatians attempted vnder Valens at Pazus a peltinge village of Phrygia And though at the first he seuered him selfe from the church vnder pretence colour of the monasticall trade of life affirminge that certaine men were stumbling blocks vnto his conscience whome he thought vnworthy of the holy mysteries yet in processe of time whilest that he raised priuate conuenticles his drift was manifestly perceaued Marcianus vnderstandinge of this misliked very much w t him selfe that he had not taken better aduisement in geuing of orders y ● he had preferred such vayneglorious persons aspiring minds vnto the function of priesthoode he fretted within him selfe for anger and wished that his hāds had bene set vpon pricking thornes when they were layde vpon Sabbatius heade To be short he summoned a councell of Nouatian bishops at Angaris the mart towne of Bithynia ▪ adioyning vnto Helenopolis he cited Sabbatius to appeare before them and expostulated w t him in presence of the councell the cause that gaue him occasion of offence As soone as he had pleaded for him selfe the variance toutchīg y ● celebration of Easter to haue layen vpon his stomack for he was of y t opinion y t therein it behoued thē to obserue the Jewishe custome and the order prescribed by such as afore that time met for the same cause at Pazus the bishops suspecting that he had enterprised the same in hope of a bishoprick made him sweare that he would neuer take vpon him to be bishop When he had taken his ●th they read to him the Canon contayninge a matter of indifferencie that it was not a sufficient cause to part asunder the vnitie of the church about the celebration of Easter and that their assemblie at Pazus was no preiudice vnto the generall canon They sayd moreouer that the elderswhich immediatly succeeded the Apostles varied among them selues about this feast yet brake not asunder y ● bonde of vnitie and that the Nouatians inhabitinge the princely citie of Rome for all they neuer retayned the maner of the Iewes but alwayes kept Easter after the Aequinoctiall space yet communicated notwithstanding with such as were of the same faith obserued a contrary custome When they had vsed these and other such like reasons to the same purpose at length they concluded that the canon of Easter was an indifferent matter that it was lawfull thenceforth for euery one to celebrate that feaste euen as he had aforetyme determined with him selfe moreouer there was a prouiso layde downe for the remouinge of dissention that if some varyed about the celebration of Easter notwithstanding they shoulde be at vnitie and concorde in the churche of God These thinges were then in this sort layde downe of them for the rootinge out of variance from amonge them about the celebration of Easter Sabbatius beynge bounde with an oth for all the celebration of that feaste was variable and diuers was before hande with them alone for fastinge and vigils for he kept Easter vpon the saturdaye yet mette he the daye followinge with others in the churche and was partaker together with them of the holie mysteries That dyd he for the space of many yeares and therefore coulde not be concealed from infinite multitudes of men By occasion whereof many simple and ignorant soules especially in Phrygia and Galatia hopinge verylie to be iustified thereby became earnest followers of him and obserued in secrete his celebration of Easter In the ende Sabbatius raysed priuate conuenticles and forgetting the othe he had taken was chosen byshop as hereafter shall more manifestly appeare of suche as addicted themselues to his kinde of discipline CAP. XXI The diuersitie of obseruations in diuers places toutching Easter fastinge mariadge seruice with other ecclesiasticall rites PResently mee thinkes fitte opportunitie serueth to discourse of Easter For neyther had the elders of old neither the fathers of late dayes I meane such as fauored the Jewishe custome sufficient cause as I gather so egerly to cōtend about the feast of Easter neither weyed they deepely with thē selues that when Jewishe formes figures were translated into christian faith the literall obseruation of Msoes law and the types of things to come wholly vanished away The which may euidently be gathered when as there is no lawe established by Christ in the Gospell whiche alloweth of the obseruation of Jewishe rites nay the Apostle hath in playne wordes forbidden it where he abrogated circumcision and exhorted vs not to contend about feasts and holydayes For writinge vnto the Galathians he sayeth in this sorte Tell me you that desire to be vnder the lawe doe ye not heare what the lawe sayeth When that he had discoursed a whyle therof he concludeth that the Iewes were become seruants vnto the law that such as were called vnto the Christian faith were thereby made free he admonisheth vs further not to obserue dayes neither moneths nor yeares And vnto y ● Colossians he is as plaine as may be saying that y ● obseruatiō of such things was nothing but a shadow his words are these Let no mā therfore iudge you in meate or in drinke in a peece of an holidaye or of the newe moone or of the sabbaoth which are but shadowes of thīgs to come And in y ● epistle to y ● Hebrewes he cōfirmeth the same where he sayth In so much the priesthood is trāslated of necessity there must be a translation of the law Wherfore neither doth y ● Apostle nor y ●
minde of the Apostle where he sayth Although we haue knowen Christ after the fleshe yet novve doe vve knovve him so no more Wherefore for this cause let vs ceasse to reason any longer of Christ but let vs endeuer to attayne vnto his perfection When as schisme and contention was hereof risen as I sayd before in the Church Nestorius going about to confirme the opinion of Anastasius for he woulde in no wise haue him whome he made so much of to be rebuked as one that had vttered blasphemies against Christ discoursed very oft of that matter as he preached in the Churche layde downe very contentiously certayne positions and condemned vtterly the clause that signified the bearing of god And because that diuers men to a diuers ende purpose disputed of this question the church was deuided the members parted asunder for much like blind folded persons men brawling and fighting in the darke they were caried here and there now they affirmed this anone they sayd that and loke what they auoutched a litle before the same they denied immediatly after Many thought that Nestorius was of the opinion that Christ was but onely man and that he went about to reuyue and to rayse vp a fresh the heresie of Paulus Samosatenus and of Photinus there was so much adoe about this matter that the summoning of a generall councell seemed needefull for the deriding of the controuersie the appeasing of the people I of mine owne part by perusing the works of Nestorius doe finde the man ignorant and altogether vnlearned I speake this from the hart and vnfainedly far it is not of hatred I owe him that I fall a ripping of his crymes and infamie neyther haue I determined by flattery and feeding of some mens humors to report lesse of him then I founde true Nestorius in mine opinion followeth neither Paulus Samosatenus neither Photinus neither thinketh he that our Lord Iesus Christ is onely man but onely auoideth this clause the mother or bearing of God as a sraying ghost This befell vnto him for his palpable error and ignorance for though of nature he had a smoth and an eloquent tongue and therefore was thought learned yet to say the trueth he was altogether vnlearned Moreouer he disdained to peruse the works of the auncient fathers he so vaimted him selfe with his rolling congue and eloquent speach that in maner he contemned the olde writers and preferred him selfe before them all Againe he was ignorant of that which was written in the olde coppies of S. Iohns Catholick epistle euery spirite which deuideth Iesus is not of God As many as went about to seuer the diuinitie from the humanitie of Christ sticked not to rase and blot this sentence out of the auncient coppyes Wherefore the olde writers signified no lesse then that certaine men had corrupted that epistle to the ende they might deuide the humanitie of Christ from the diuinitie of God his manhoode is ioyned with the godhead neyther are they two but one in which sense the aūcient writers were not affraid to call Marie the mother of god Euen so wrote Eusebius Pamphilus in his third booke of the life of Constantine God among vs was borne on earth for oursakes the place of his natiuitie is called of the Hebrewes after a proper name Bethleem VVherefore Helen the most holy Empresse hath set forth the trauailing of the mother of God with goodly ornaments bedecked that hollowe rocke with sundry notable monuments Origen hath written no lesse in the first come of his commentaries vpon the epistle of S. Paul vnto the Romaines where he discourseth at large of this matter and alleadgeth the cause why Marie was called the mother of God Therefore Nestorius seemeth neuer to haue read the wor●s of the auncient fathers and therefore he inueyed only as I said before agaynst this clause the mother of God For he saith not that Christ is onely man as Photinus and Paulus Samosatenus affirmed neither taketh he away y ● subsistencie of the sonne of God but confesseth euery where that he hath his being and that he is in the trinitie neither denieth he his essence as Photinus and Samosatenus did so did also the Manichees and Montanists as it appeareth by the sermous which he published vnto the world But though I finde that Nestorius was of that opinion partly by his bookes which I haue perused and partly by the report of his familier friendes yet his foolish and fonde doctrine disquieted not a litle the whole worlde CAP. XXXIII Of a haynous offence committed by certaine fugitine seruants at the altare of the great Church of the former councell summoned at Ephesus for the hearing of Nestorius opinion WHen these thinges were done in such forte as I sayd before a certaine haynous offence was committed in the open church and face of the whole people for some noble mans seruants by birth Barbarians when they had tasted of their Lord maisters extreame truelty and coulde not paciently away with the rigor thereof ranne for refuge vnto the Church and got them vnto the altare with swordes hanging by their sides being requested to depart they woulde not in any wise but disturbed and hindred deuine seruice Moreouer for the spare of many dayes they held their naked swordes in their hands ready to dispatch whosoeuer came vnto them Wherefore when they had killed one of the Priests and wounded an other in the ende they slewe them selues with the sight hereof one of them that were present sayde that the profanation of the Churche prognosticated some calamitie to ensue and repeated two Iambick verses out of some olde Poete to iustifie his saying Men see full oft such signes before and vvonders eke VVhen haynous crimes the holy Church to stayne doth seeke Neither was he in a wronge boxe that vttered these Iambicks for it prognosticated as it seemed vnto vs diuision to rise among the people and depriuation of him that was ringleader of the whole mischiefe Shortly after the emperour gaue forth his commaūdement that the bishops out of all places should meete at Ephesus where they came together whither also Nestorius tooke his voyage immediatly after Easter holy dayes together with a greate multitude of people where he found the bishops assembled ▪ but Cyrillus bishop of Alexandria came thither in a while after it was about VVhitsontide The fift day after Pentecost Iuue●alis Bishop of Ierusalem was come But while Iohn bishop of Antioch lingered by the way the Bishops which were already come thither called the matter into controuersie Cyrillus bishop of Alexandria to the ende he might molest Nestorius for he thought very ill of him vsed certaine preambles of disputation When many confirmed that Christ was God Nestorius pleaded for him self I verily sayth he will not call him god who grew to mans state by two moneths and three moneths and so forth therfore I wash my handes from your blood and from
henceforth I will no more come into your company Immediatly after he had spoken this he went aside ioyned him selfe with the Bishops which held with his opinion ▪ so that the bishops then present were deuided into two parts ▪ such as of the councell held w t Cyrillus called Nestorius before them he came not but answered that he would differr the hearing of his cause vntill the comming of Iohn bishop of Antioch Wherfore Cyrillus together with the other Bishops of the councell after they had read ouer the Sermons of Nestorius the which he had preached vnto the people and gathered out of them that in good earnest he had vttered open blasphemies against the sonne of God deposed him of his bishoprick This being done the Bishops which helde with Nestorius assembled together seuerally by them selues and deposed Cyrillus and Memnon Bishop of Ephesus Shortly after Iohn Bishop of Antioch was come who vnderstanding of all circumstances blamed Cyrillus greatly as the autor of all that sturre and because that vpon a head he had so soone deposed Nestorius Cyrillus taking Iuuenalis on his side for to reuenge him of Iohn deposed him also When the contention grewe to be very trouble some when also Nestorius perceaued that the poysoned infection of discorde was scattered farre and nighe amonge the common ●orte of people he as it were recanting his folly called Marie the mother of God his wordes were these Let Marie be called the mother of God and I pray you conceaue no longer displeasure But no man thought that he spake this and repented from the hart therefore as yet he dwelleth in Oasis both deposed of his bishoprick and banished his contrey Thus was the councell of Ephesus at that tyme broken vp it was in the Consulship of Bassus and Antiochus the eyght and twentyeth of Iune Iohn Bishop of Antioch after his returne vnto his proper seae called many Bishops together and deposed Cyrillus who nowe was gone to Alexandria Shortly after for all that they layde aside all spyte grudge and enmitie they became friendes and restored eche to other their bishoprickes againe After the deposition of Nestorius there rose a greate schisme in the Church of Constantinople for the vayne and foolish doctrine of Nestorius parted the people asunder All the Elergie with vniforme consent accursed him openly for so we Christians doe call the sentence which we pronounce against the autor of blasphemie whereby we minde to make it so manifest vnto the worlde as if it were ingrauen in a table and nayled to an open post CAP. XXXIIII How that after the deposition of Nestorius Maximianus was chosen Bishop of Constantinople AT Constantinople there rose an other schisme about the election of a Bishop ▪ for some would haue Philip of whome I spake a litle before some other would haue Proclus chosen bishop Proclus verily had preuailed had not some of great autoritie bene his back friends and signified playnly that the canon of the Church forbad any should be nominated Bishop of one city and translated to an other ▪ the which saying being alleadged was of such force that the people were therewith appeased and satisfied Wherfore three moneths after the deposition of Nestorius Maximianus was chosen Bishop a man he was which led a monasticall life by degree a Priest one that of late had purchased vnto himselfe a good name and was thought to be a godly man because he had buylded vpon his owne costes and charges the sepulchres and tumbes where godly men shoulde be interred ▪ he was a man altogether vnlearned who determined with him self to leade a quiet life void of all care and molestation CAP. XXXV Socrates proueth that it is not forbid but that there may be a translation of Bishops from one seae to an other INsomuch that some by reason of the Ecclesiasticall Canon which they allendged for them selues haue inhibited Proclus intitled Bishop of Cyzicum from being placed in the Bishops ●eae of Constantinople I thought good presently to say somewhat thereof ▪ such as tooke vpon them to iustifie that saying in myne opinion did not reporte the trueth but eyther of enuie against Proclus forged such a decree or of wilfull ignorance considered not then of the canons and other constitutions oftentimes established for the profitt and commoditie of the Church of God ▪ for Eusebius Pamphilus in the sixt booke of his Ecclesiasticall history reporteth that one Alexander Bishop of some citie in Cappadocia taking his voyage towards Ierusalem was of the citizens of Ierusalem caused to tary and stalled Bishop in the rowme of Narcissus where he continewed vnto the ende of his life It was an indifferent matter of olde time among the auncient fathers as oft as the Ecclesiasticall affayres so constrayned to translate bishops from one seae vnto an other If it be any thing auaileable to annect the canon decreed in this behalfe vnto this our present history let vs see howe shamelesse these men were who therefore thrust Proclus besides the bishopricke of Constantinople and how vntruely they reported of the canon for it is read as followeth If any Bishop be assigned to gouerne any Church whatsoeuer goeth not thither the fault being not in him selfe but either that the people repelled him or some other necessary cause doe staye him vnto him be it lawfull to enioy the honour the priestly function so that he be not troublesome vnto the Church whereof he is appointed Bishop but approue whatsoeuer the prouinciall councell shall determine of the matter called in controuersie These be the wordes of the Canon But that it may appeare more euidently that many Bishops were translated from one citye vnto an other vpon necessary and vrgent causes I wil here lay downe the names of such as were remoued Perigenes being chosen bishop of Patras in Achaia and refused by the citizens of that place was by the commaundement of the Bishop of Rome placed in the Metropolitane seae of Corinth to succeede the late deseased where he continewed all the rest of his life Gregorie Nazianzene was first bishop of Sasimum a city in Cappadocia next of Nazianzum afterwards of Constantinople last of all he went back againe to Nazianzum Meletius was chosen Bishop of Sebastia in Armenia but afterwardes remoued to Antioch Dositheus Bishop of Seleucia was by Alexander Bishop of Antioch translated vnto Tarsus in Cilicia Berentius Bishop of Arcae in Phaenicia was brought thence into Tyrus Iohn was sent from Gordus a city of Lydia to gouerne the bishoprick of Proconesus Palladius was translated from Helenopolis to Aspunis Alexander from Helenopolis vnto Adrian Theophilus from Apamea in Asia to Eudoxopolis which of old was called Salabria Polycarpus from Sexantapristae a city in Mysia vnto Nicopolis in Thracia Hiero● hilus from Trapezupolis in Phrygia vnto Plotinopolis in Thracia Optimus from Andagamia in Phrygia vnto Antioch in Pisidia and Siluanus bishop of Philippopolis in Thracia
the mysteries After all this in the sight of the wholl assembly the Bishop of Constātinople accompanied with his clergie gott him into the vestry where the corps of this holy Martyr aboue named was interred There is on the left hande of this coffin and chested corps as it were a litle wickett very strongly made of litle latises through the which they vse to let down a longe iron with a sponge tyed about the end they dipp and soke it round about in the dead corps after wardes pull vp the sponge all embrued with cogeled drops of blood The people seeing this worship God immediatly and magnifie his holy name There are so many drops of cōgeled blood drawen vp that they suffice the religious Emperours the wholl assembly of priests gathered ther together all the flocking multitude not onely to participate thereof them selues but also to send vnto the other faithfull throughout the world that full fayne would be partakers with them But the congeled drops continew still the same neither doth the holy blood chaunge the hewe or colour thereof at all All which things are not to be seene at any certaine speciall or appointed time but thereafter as the Bishop of that place is in life and as it agreeth with his vertues For they report when any singular man of godly disposition is chosen Bishop of that Church that then most commonly this miracle is to be seene but when a leude person is crept to enioy the rowme that these things very seldome come to passe An other thing yet I will rehearse which is stayed and hindred neither by time neither by occasion neither maketh any difference betwene faithfull and infidell but sheweth it selfe alike vnto all men When any cometh into the vestry where the coprs of this holy martyr is chested he is so rauished with such fragrant odours that all other perfumes in comparison of that seeme worth nothinge For it is like neither the sweete smelling flowres culled in the greene medowes neither any other redolēt sauor whatsoeuer neither such as is made of pleasant oyles but it is a straunge and passing all the rest breathing out of the Martyrs dead body CAP. IIII. Of the things handeled decided by the councell of Chalcedon howe after they had deposed Dioscorus b. of Alexandria they restored Theodoritus and Ibas to theyr Bishopricks IN the aforesayde place described of vs at large the Councell of Byshoppes mette together where Pascasianus and Lucentius Byshopps and Boniface a Priest legats as I sayd before of Leo Byshoppe of olde Rome Anatolius Byshopp of Constantinople Dioscorus byshopp of Alexandria Maximus byshopp of Antioch and Iuuenalis byshopp of Ierusalem with the priestes of their seuerall prouinces were present There sate with them the chiefe senators vnto whome the substitutes of Leo sayde that Dioscorus ought not to sitt with them in the councell that Leo their byshopp had charged them no lesse and if they woulde not yeelde vnto it that they woulde leaue the Churche and bidd them farewell When the Senators demaunded what crimes Dioscorus was to be charged withall their aunswere was that he who contrarye to all right and honestie playde the part of a Iudge was to ▪ abide the sentence of iudgement him selse for the censure he had pronounced of others These thinges beinge spoken and Dioscorus also beinge appointed to stande in the middest Eusebius byshopp of Dorylaeum requested that the supplication he had sent vnto the Emperour might be openly reade in their hearing and withall he added these wordes I protest vnto you that Dioscorus hath iniuried me not a litle he hath also brought our religion into great infamye he procured the death of Flautanus the byshopp and wrongfully deposed him together with me cause I beseeche you my supplication to be reade When he had made an ende of speakinge his supplication was reade contayninge suche a forme as followeth The humble supplication of Eusebius byshop of Dorylaeum exhibited vnto the most vertuous Emperours requestinge he may be hearde pleadinge both for him selfe and in the behalfe of the catholicke faith IT behoueth your maiesties most noble and puisant emperours to prouide carefully for the quietnesse of all your louing subiects yet when all others sustaine iniuries euer to vphold and assist the sacred senate of priesthood and herein verily the diuine godheade which graunted vnto you the rule domination of the whole world is truely honored wherefore seing the christian faith we our selues also haue bene oppressed diuersty molested with extreme wrōg by Dioscorus the most reuerēd byshop of the most noble city of Alexandria we are come vnto your wonted clemēcy most humbly to craue iustice at your hands The occasion of our cōplaint is as followeth In the councel lately held at the famous city of Ephesus I would to God it had neuer bene called together then had it not brought into the whole world such horrible mischiefe and hurliburly the aforesaid Dioscorus who trode right reasō vnder foot who set the fear of God farre out of his sight who maintained one absurd opinion with Eutyches that vaine hereticall varlett who of a longe whyle reuealed not vnto many the venome of his cankred stomacke yet bewrayed him selfe in processe of time partly by occasion of the crimes we laide to Eutyches his charge partly also by occasion of the sentence which Flauianus the byshop of worthy memorie pronounced against him gathered together a great multitude of seditious persons raised with his money no small power laboured as muche as laye in him to ouerthrowe the catholicke religion and godly fayth of the auncient fathers and to establishe the blasphemous opinion of Eutyches the monk whose opinion was euer condēned of the holy fathers from the Apostles time vnto this day wherfore seing the haynous offences he committed both impudently to the derogation of the Christian faith vncharitably against vs be of no smal importāce we are most humbly to craue vpon our bare knees of your graces and to request that by vertue of your autority the most reuerēd byshop Dioscours may be inioyned to aunswere vnto suche crimes as we haue laid to his charge to wit vnto such practises of his records as he broughtforth against vs in the holy councell wherby we shal be able plainly to proue that he is estraunged from the catholicke faith that he maintaineth an opinion which is nothing else but blasphemy it selfe that he both deposed vs vniustly iniuried vs diuersly besides ▪ we beseeche you moreouer to vouchsafe the sending of your gracious letters vnto the holy general councel of the most godly byshops to thend both our doings his may indifferently be heard that your highnes may be certified againe of al that is handled by the councel hoping that therein we shall please our immortal head Christ Iesus If we may obtaine most holy emperours this our humble sute at your maiesties hāds we will not ceasse
neither say this or that place stoode thus before the fire consumed them CAP. XIIII Of sundry calamities that raignedin diuerse contreyes ABout the same time whē the Scythian battaill waged w t the Romaines which inhabited the Easterne partes of the Empire waxed hotte Thracia Hellespontus and Ionia were wonderfully shaken with earthquakes no lesse were the fiftie Iles called Cyclâdes in the seae Aegaeū Cnidos in Caria Coo so that many of theyr buildings were turned downe to the ground Priscus moreouer writeth there fell at Constantinople and in Bithynia such stormes of raine and water that for the space of three or foure dayes it poured downe like wholl streames and floodes beate downe the hills and mountaynes with the violence thereof and made them playne valleyes that the villages were all on flote and in daunger of drowning that in the lake Boan not farre frō Nicomedia by reason of the filth and all kinde of baggage which the water brought thither there were seene Ilands but these things came to passe in a while after CAP. XV. The mariage of Zeno and Ariadne LEo the Emperour gaue Ariadne his daughter to Zeno made him his sonne in lawe who of a chylde was called Aricmesus yet being maried he gott that name of a noble man of Isauria that had beene of greate honor and renowme Howe this Zeno attayned vnto greate estimation vpon what occasion Leo preferred him before all other Eustathius Syrus hath left vs in writinge CAP. XVI Of Anthemius that became Emperour of Rome and also of such as succeeded him ANthemius at the request of the Romane embassadors inhabiting the west which were sent in embassie vnto Leo y ● emperour abiding at Constantinople was sent to be emperour of Rome to whome Martianus the emperour had geuen his daughter in mariage Basiliscus also the brother of Berina the wife of Leo was made captaine ouer a great armye of chosen soldiers sent against Genzerichus al which circumstances Priscus Rhetor hath exquisitly handled neither onely these things but also how Leo conspired the death of Aspar whom he him selfe had made Emperour as the reward of honor he aduaunced him vnto and slew with him also his sonnes Ardaburius whom he had made Caesar Patricius to th end he might skorne at the insolency ignorance of Aspar their father when Anthemius who gouerned the empire of Rome fiue yeare was slai●e Olymbrius was by Rhecimerus proclaimed emperour after the dispatching of him Glycerius was created emperour he raigned fiue yeares was deposed by Nepos who stept in his rowme made Glycerius a Romane byshop of Salone a city in Dalmatia Orestes put Nepos beside the empire after Orestes his sonne Romulus syrnamed Augustulus was the last emperour of Rome of the thousand three hundred yeares after the raigne of Romulus when he departed this lyfe Odoacer gouerned the Romane common weale who refused the name of an emperour would haue him selfe called a king CAP. XVII The death of Leo the Emperour of yong Leo that came after him likewise of Zeno his father and successor ABout that time Leo the emperonr hauing raigned seuentene yeares deposed him self of the imperial scepter at Constantinople placed Leo that was of tender yeares the sonne of Ariadne his danghter of Zeno in the empire After him came Zeno y ● father of Leo the yonger to be emperour the sonne in law of Leo the elder this he obtained through the procurement of Berina the wife of Leo y ● elder in a while after when yong Leo had departed this life Zeno raigned alone but al what so euer he did during his raigne or what othermen did against him what thinges happened in his dayes we purpose by the help of God to discourse in the next booke following CAP. XVIII Asummarie recit all of all the acts of the councell held at Chalcedon briefely handled before by Euagrius in the 4. chapter of this 2. booke where he promised to refer the reader for further knowledge vnto the end of this 2. booke now he performeth it with a large ample discourse maruell not at all gentle reader though he repeat here certen things which he laid downe before As I finde them in the greeke so thou hast them in Englishe be beginneth thus PAscasianus and Lucentius the byshopps and Boniface the priest supplyed in this councell the absence of Leo byshopp of olde Rome Anatolius al 's byshopp of Constantinople Dioscorus byshopp of Alexandria Maximus byshopp of Antioch Iuuenalis byshopp of Ierusalem with their seuerall clergie were present at the councell There sate with them the chief senators vnto whome the substitutes of Leo sayde that Dioscorus ought not to sitt in the councell with them that Leo their byshop had charged them no lesse and if they woulde not yeelde vnto it that they woulde leaue the Churche and bidd them farewell When the Senators demaunded what crimes Dioscorus was to be charged withall their aunswere was that he who contrarye to all right and honestie playde the part of a Iudge was to abide the sentence of iudgement him selfe for the censure he had pronounced of others These thinges beinge spoken and Dioscorus also beinge appointed to stande in the middest Eusebius byshop of Dorilaeum requested that the supplication he had sent vnto the Emperour might be openly reade in their hearing and withall he added these wordes I protest vnto you that Dioscorus hath iniuried me not a litle he hath also brought our religion into great infamye he procured the death of Flauianus the byshop and wrongfully deposed him together with me cause I beseeche you my supplication to be reade When he had made an ende of speakinge his supplication was reade contayninge suche a forme as followeth The humble supplication of Eusebius byshop of Dorilaeum exhibited vnto the most vertuous Emperours requestinge he may be hearde pleadinge both for himselfe for the catholikefaith and for Flauianus byshop of Constantinople IT behoueth your maiesties most noble and puisant emperours to prouide carefully for the quietnesse of all your louing subiects yet when all others sustaine iniuries euer to vphold and assist the sacred senate of priesthood and herein verily the diuine godheade which graunted vnto you the rule domination of the whole world is truely honored wherfore seing the christian faith we our selues also haue bene oppressed diuersly molested with extreme wrōg by Dioscorus the most reuerēd byshop of the most noble city of Alexandria we are come vnto your wonted clemēcy most humbly to craue iustice at your hands The occasion of our cōplaint is as followeth In the councel lately held at the famous city of Ephesus I would to God it had neuer bene called together then had it not brought into the whole world such horrible mischiefe and hurliburly the aforesaid Dioscorus who trode right reasō vnder foot who set the fear of God farre out of his sight who
pray you what maner of canons are now obserued when Theodoritus came in amonge them it is reported the Senate shoulde say that he came in for an accuser and that Dioscorus aunswered he was to take the rowme of a byshop The Senate then replyed that both Eusebius and Theodoritus were to stande in the rowme of accusers no otherwise then Dioscorus was to stande at the barre and to be arrayned All the actes of the seconde councell helde at Ephesus were reade and the sentence whiche they had pronounced against Flauianus and Eusebius vntill they came to a certayne clause at the hearinge whereof Hilarius the byshop beganne to speake The byshops of the East and suche as were of their side cryed Let Dioscorus be accursed In the verye same houre Christe depriued Dioscorus when Dioscorus deposed Flauianus O holye Lorde we beseeche the chastise thou him and thou O Catholicke Emperour be reuenged on him God graunt Leo may liue manye yeares God sende the Patriarche a longe lyfe Laste of all when the actes were reade whiche declared that all the byshops assembled at Ephesus had subscribed vnto the depriuation of Flauianus and Eusebius the most sage and worthie Senators sayde as followeth The nexte daye after when the councell aduised them selues somewhat better we doe perceaue that they reasoned more exquisitly of the true and Catholicke fayth VVherefore seeinge that Flauianus the byshop of worthye memorye and Eusebius the most reuerende byshop of Dorilaeum were founde not to haue erred in the fayth after we had searched the actes and decrees of the councell and also by the report of suche as were chiefe in the councell and therefore vniustly to haue beene deposed for they confessed them selues fowlye deceaued and wrongfully to haue depriued Flauianus and Eusebius It seemeth good vnto vs and no doubt God approueth the same that Dioscorus the most reuerend byshop of Alexandria if it so please our Lorde the Emperour Iuuenalis the most reuerend byshop of Ierusalem Thalassius the most reuerend byshop of Caesarea in Cappadocia Eusebius the most reuerend byshop of Armenia Eustathius the most reuerend byshop of Berytus Basilius the most reuerende byshop of Seleucia in Isauria who were then of autoritye and chiefe of the councell shoulde be punished alyke deposed of their byshoprickes by the censure and iudgement of the councell as the canons of the Church doe require be at the Emperours pleasure When their sentence was reade the byshops of the East cryed That iudgement is iust Then the byshopes of Illyrium sayde wyth lowde voyces VVe haue all done amisse and therefore we all craue pardon When the byshops of the Easte cryed agayne That sentence is iust Christ deposed the murtherer Christ reuenged the martyrs The Senators commaunded that euerye one of the byshopes then present shoulde wryte his fayth seuerallye perswadinge them selues of a suretye that the moste holye Emperour beleeued accordinge vnto the forme of fayth publyshed at Nice by three hundred and eyghteene fathers and agreeable vnto the creede framed at Constantinople by a hundred and fiftye byshops and no otherwise then the Epistles of the holye fathers Gregorie Basil Hillarie Athanasius Ambrosius and the two Epistles of Cyrill reade in the first councell of Ephesus haue directed him and that Leo the most reuerende byshop of olde Rome deposed Eutyches for the contrarye After the breakinge vp of this session in suche sort as you heare when the holy byshops had mette agayne and sate together Eusebius byshop of Dorilaeum exhibited vnto them bils of complaynt both in his owne name and in the person of Flauianus where he charged Dioscorus that he maintayned one heresie and opinion wyth Eutyches and that he had deposed them of their priesthood He added moreouer that Dioscorus had falsified the recordes by layinge downe certaine wordes which were not at all vttered in the councell then assembled together that through wiles and craft he had procured blanks for them to subscribe vnto he made sute vnto them againe that all the actes and canons of the seconde councell helde at Ephesus by their sentence and autority might be abrogated that they would restore them vnto their priestly function that they would accurse the detestable doctrine of Eutyches and last of all he requested that after the reading of the records his aduersary might be brought before the councell when this was graunted Aetius the head notary stood vp and said that he had bene with Dioscorus as with the rest and that Dioscorus had aunswered him that his keepers would not licence him to come vnto the councell It was saide moreouer that Dioscorus was sought for before the councell sate and could not be found that Anatolius byshop of Constantinople should aunswere he should both be warned and come vnto the councell This being done such as were sent vnto him returned saying from Dioscorus My keepers wil not let me come if they will licence me let them speak but when y ● messengers replied y ● they were sent not vnto the maisters of y ● ward but vnto him y ● report goeth he aunswered thus I am redy to come vnto the holy generall councel but I am staid Himerius added vnto these sayings howe at their returne frō Dioscorus Bo●tius met by y ● way the ma●ster of y ● holy offices that byshops accōpanied him againe as he went vnto Dioscorus and y ● they had brought with thē in paper some part of their conference y ● which notes being read declared y ● Dioscorus made thē this aunswere when that I ponder this matter with my selfe and perceaue how auaileable it is for me take this aunswere seeinge the most reuerende byshops which sit in the coūcell haue decreed many things after the often cōferences they had with seueral mē that I now am called to the secōd sitting for to reuoke such things as were spokē of before my request is that the most reuerend byshops holy Senate which were present at the first session be now also at the second that the same things may now the secōd time be exquisitly handled The records doe declare y ● Acacius replied vnto him againe in this sort The holy worthy councell hath not therefore commaunded your holines to come vnto them to thend such thinges as were decided in the presence of the most reuerend byshops and holy senate should be called in agayne but sent vs purposely vnto you that you shoulde come vnto the councell and that your holynesse shoulde not be absent from them Dioscorus sayde vnto him agayne as it is recorded You tolde me alreadye that Eusebius gaue vp vnto the councell bills of complaynte well I requeste you once agayne that my cause may throughly be knowen and examined in presence of the presidents and senate After the recitall of other thinges toe and froe wyth other circumstances they sent againe vnto Dioscorus requestinge him to be present at the councell who wrote his aunswere
in paper afterwardes they returned and reade it thus before the councell I signified of late vnto your holinesse that I was sicke therefore I craue that the most worthye presidents and holy senate will be present at the handlinge and decidinge of causes and because my sickenesse increaseth therefore I differre my comminge The recordes doe declare that Cecropius hearinge that aunswere sayde thus vnto Dioscorus Why syr hitherto ye made no mention of sickenesse and will ye nowe be sicke ye shoulde haue satisfied the canons of the Churche Dioscorus turned vnto him I tolde you sayth he once alreadye that the presidents shall be there for me With this Russi●s byshop of Samosata sayde vnto Dioscorus looke what so euer is called into controuersie it is decided accordinge vnto the canons of the Churche and therefore he that commeth vnto the councell may speake freely what pleaseth him Dioscorus beinge therein perswaded Iuuenalis and Thalassius came thither Eustathius bolted out suche thinges as were to no purpose whereunto as it is recorded Dioscorus made aunswere and requested of the most religious Emperour that the presidents and suche as had geuen iudgement with him in the councell shoulde be sent for thither The messengers that were sent vnto him aunswered him againe that Eusebius complayned vpon him alone and that it needed not accordinge vnto his motion to cite all to appeare Dioscorus replyed that by right as many as were Iudges with him in the councell shoulde be present that Eusebius had no priuate action against him but onely an accusation agaynst suche thinges as they all had decided and iudged When the Legats vrged him with the same Dioscorus aunswered I tolde ye once what ye may trust toe I knowe not what I shoulde tell you agayne After the relation of the aforesayde Eusebius byshop of Dorylaeum protested that he charged no man with ought saue Dioscorus alone and requested that Dioscorus might be called the thirde time Aetius interrupted him and sayde that there came of late vnto the councell certaine men of Alexandria as they named them selues of the clergie together with some of the laytie and preferred bills of complaynt agaynst Dioscorus and as they stoode at the Churche doores where the councell sate there to haue made an exclamation that first of all Theodorus Deacon of Alexandria gaue vp vnto the councell a bill of invitement after him ●●chyrianus Deacon of the same churche there followed him Athanasius the priest Cyrills brothers sonne and that last of all Sophronius charged him with blasphemy bribery and extortion Dioscorus was called the thirde time and came not the Legats brought the councell his aunswere in these wordes I haue aunswered your holmes so sufficiently already that I haue now no more to say vnto you When the Legats dealt earnestly with him for to come he would geue them no other aunswere Then Pascasianns said Dioscorus is now the thirde time cited to appeare comes not no doubt his owne conscience doth accuse him what deserueth he I praye you all the byshops made aunswere that he incurred the daunger of the canons of the church Proterius byshop of Smyrna saide when holy Flauianus was slaine through his procurement he was not punyshed accordinge to his deserts Last of all the Legats of Leo Archebyshop of Rome spake in the councell as followeth The haynous offences whiche Dioscorus late byshop of the noble citye of Alexandria committed agaynst the canons of councells and the Ecclesiasticall Discipline are throughly knowen of vs all partly by siftinge out suche thinges as were hearde in the former session and partly also by examininge suche thynges as we decyded this daye And that we may omitt manye other thinges this man of his owne autoritye contrarye to the canon of the Churche receaued Eutyches into the communion an hereticke of the same opinion wyth him and one that was iustly deposed by his owne proper byshop to witt the most holy father and our byshop Flauianus and this he did before he shewed his face in the councell whiche he helde with the most holy byshops at Ephesus but the Apostolicke seae pardoned the byshops because they were constrained against their wills to doe that whiche they did who yeelded them selues vnto this present houre both to Leo the most holy byshop and to the whole sacred and generall assembly of byshops and therefore as men of one opinion wyth him he receaued them into the communion As for this Dioscorus he ceasseth not as yet to glorye of the thinges for the vvhiche he ought to mourne lament and lye grouelinge vpon the grounde in sackcloth and ashes Not onely this but also he forbadd the readinge of holy Pope Leo his Epistle written vnto Flauianus of godly memorye yea beinge oft intreated of the Legats nay when he him selfe had promised with an othe that he woulde procure it to be reade The defaulte in not readinge of whiche Epistle hath beene both an offence and hindrance vnto the holye Churches vnder heauen Although he was priueye to suche levvde practises yet haue vve assembled together to th ende vve might deale somewhat fauourably both with him for all his former levvdenesse and also in lyke sort with the other godly byshopps whiche were not of equall autoritye with him in iudgement But seeinge that his later misdemenure exceeded his former impierie for he sticked not to excommunicate Leo the most holye and most religious Archebyshop of Rome Moreouer when shamefull bills were exhibited againste him and he him selfe beinge cyted once twise and the thirde tyme as the canon of the Churche hath commaunded by the godly byshops to appeare before the councel yet would he not come for his owne conscience accused him but entertayned contrarye vnto lawe suche as were iustly deposed by diuers councells and sett at naught sundrye constitutions of the Churche condemninge as it were him selfe with his owne doinges Once againe seeinge these are founde to be his later practises Leo the moste holye Archebyshop of greate and olde Rome by vs and this sacred assemblye together with the moste blessed Apostle Sainct Peter who is the rocke the grounde of the Catholicke Churche and the fundation of the true fayth bereaued him of all dignitye that belongeth to a byshop and depriued him of the priestly function VVherefore let this holye councell geue the sentence of Dioscorus of whome we haue hytherto spoken accordinge vnto the canons of the Churche When Anatolius Maximus with the rest of the byshops those onely excepted whome the Senators had deposed wyth Dioscorus had confirmed the aforesayde sentence the councell certified Martianus the Emperour of their decrees and sent a depriuation vnto Dioscorus in suche sort as followeth Because thou hast despised the holye canons of the Churche Because thou haste not obeyed this holye and generall councell Because thou art moreouer conuinced of manye other haynous crimes Because thou beinge thrise called of this famous assemblye to aunswere vnto suche thinges as were