Selected quad for the lemma: cause_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
cause_n let_v young_a youth_n 94 3 8.5210 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A65106 The works of Publius Virgilius Maro translated by John Ogilby.; Works. English. 1649 Virgil.; Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. 1649 (1649) Wing V608; ESTC R34729 215,167 464

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seven_o cubit_n high_a still_o cold_a north_n wind_n blow_v eternal_o nor_o can_v the_o sun_n those_o gloomy_a shade_n displace_v nor_o when_o his_o horse_n mount_v the_o meridian_n race_n nor_o when_o he_o cool_v they_o in_o the_o western_a main_a there_o icy_a setter_n straight_o swift_a river_n chain_n wheel_n shod_a with_o iron_n the_o strong-backed_a water_n bear_v and_o where_o ship_n sail_v now_o safe_o go_v lade_v car_n it_o break_v hard_a brass_n clothes_v freeze_v upon_o their_o back_n and_o wine_n once_o liquid_a suffer_v now_o the_o axe_n and_o mighty_a lake_n transform_v to_o ice_n soon_o hard_o grow_v drop_n of_o water_n on_o their_o uncombed_a beard_n mean_o while_o all_o heaven_n be_v dark_a with_o snow_n sheep_n die_v and_o under_o mighty_a drift_n fair_a cattle_n lie_v whole_a herd_n of_o deer_n new_a mountain_n there_o enfold_v that_o scarce_o you_o may_v their_o lofty_a crest_n behold_v nor_o these_o with_o net_n they_o snare_v nor_o seize_v with_o hound_n nor_o be_v they_o fright_v when_o the_o arrow_n sound_v but_o as_o they_o struggle_v under_o hill_n in_o vain_a kill_v with_o their_o sword_n while_o they_o aloud_o complain_v then_o bear_v they_o home_o triumph_v with_o a_o cry_n these_o under_o ground_n in_o cave_n secure_o lie_v whole_a elm_n and_o load_n of_o mighty_a oak_n be_v lay_v upon_o the_o hearth_n when_o the_o huge_a fire_n be_v make_v they_o spend_v the_o night_n in_o sport_n strong_a ale_n they_o quaff_v and_o want_v wine_n carouse_v sharp_a cervice_fw-la off_o people_z so_o fierce_a nigh_o hyperborean_a hill_n under_o cold_a star_n of_o the_o arctic_a region_n dwell_v still_o beat_v with_o the_o sharp_a ryphaean_a blast_n their_o body_n clothe_v with_o sable_a fur_n of_o beast_n but_o if_o thou_o wool_n esteem_n from_o thorn_n thy_o sheep_n from_o burr_n and_o brier_n preserve_v from_o rank_a grass_n keep_v and_o with_o soft_a fleece_n snowy_a flock_n elect_v but_o he_o although_o the_o ram_n be_v white_a reject_v who_o mouth_n be_v always_o moist_a with_o a_o black_a tongue_n lest_o he_o shall_v change_v the_o colour_n of_o the_o young_a but_o choose_v another_o through_o the_o spacious_a plain_n with_o a_o white_a fleece_n if_o it_o may_v credit_n gain_v arcadian_a pan_n thou_o luna_fw-la to_o the_o grove_n call_v entice_v nor_o do_v thou_o scorn_v his_o love_n be_v milk_n thy_o care_n then_o lotus_fw-la cythesus_fw-la bring_v and_o in_o their_o coat_n store_n of_o salt_n herbage_n fling_v this_o make_v they_o drink_v which_o more_o the_o reat_fw-la extend_v and_o with_o a_o quick_a taste_n the_o milk_n commend_v some_o from_o the_o dam_n hinder_v the_o tender_a kid_n and_o with_o hard_a muzzle_n from_o the_o pap_n forbid_v what_o they_o at_o morning_n milk_n they_o press_v at_o night_n what_o they_o at_o evening_n gain_v when_o day_n grow_v light_v the_o swain_n to_o market_n bring_v or_o sprinkle_v over_o with_o salt_n they_o keep_v it_o for_o their_o winter_n store_n nor_o of_o thy_o dog_n have_v thou_o less_o care_n but_o feed_v fleet_n spartan_a whelp_n and_o thy_o mollossian_a breed_n with_o store_n of_o whey_n command_v such_o a_o guard_n '_o against_o thief_n by_o night_n or_o wolf_n thou_o be_v prepare_v nor_o shall_v the_o fierce_a iberian_n thou_o affright_n thou_o the_o wild_a timorous_a ass_n shall_v put_v to_o flight_n oft_o hunt_v the_o hare_n and_o deer_n with_o full-mouthed_a hound_n and_o thrust_v forth_o boar_n shelter_v in_o wood-land_n ground_n and_o from_o high_a mountain_n with_o loud_a shout_n beset_v sometime_o huge_a stag_n and_o drive_v they_o to_o thy_o net_n next_o learn_v to_o burn_v sweet_a cedar_n in_o their_o room_n and_o smoke_n out_o serpent_n with_o galbanian_a gum_n for_o oft_o among_o the_o plank_n a_o viper_n lie_v deadly_a to_o touch_v and_o light_a affright_a fly_n or_o else_o a_o snake_n in_o shelter_a roof_n do_v use_v which_o will_v on_o cattle_n cruel_a bane_n infuse_v hide_v in_o the_o ground_n take_v thou_o a_o stake_n or_o stone_n and_o as_o he_o swell_v and_o hiss_v knock_v he_o down_o but_o if_o he_o threaten_v yet_o thou_o may_v be_v sure_a he_o will_v by_o flight_n his_o coward_n head_n secure_a his_o arm_a rib_n be_v bruise_v and_o harnesed_a train_n scarce_o rally_v up_o his_o break_a rear_n again_o in_o the_o calabrian_a grove_n there_o haunt_v a_o snake_n wreathe_v a_o haughty_a crest_n and_o scaly_a back_n and_o mingle_a spot_n on_o his_o long_a belly_n show_v who_o while_o the_o river_n from_o the_o mountain_n flow_v earth_n with_o the_o spring_n dew_v and_o the_o showrie_a south_n he_o live_v in_o fen_n glut_v his_o greedy_a mouth_n with_o fish_n and_o croak_a frog_n but_o when_o earth_n gape_v and_o lake_n be_v drain_v with_o heat_n to_o land_n he_o escape_v roll_v his_o flame_a eye_n then_o far_o and_o wide_a rage_n with_o thirst_n with_o heat_n much_o terrifi'de_v then_o let_v not_o i_o under_o heaven_n canopy_n sweet_a slumber_n seize_v nor_o on_o the_o grass_n to_o lie_v near_o murmur_a grove_n when_o he_o have_v cast_v his_o skin_n and_o roll_v shine_v in_o want_n on_o youth_n again_o leave_v in_o his_o nest_n his_o egg_n or_o else_o the_o young_a and_o dare_v at_o phoebus_n shake_v his_o triple_a tongue_n the_o sign_n and_o cause_n now_o of_o each_o disease_n i_o will_v thou_o inform_v foul_a scab_n thy_o flock_n will_v seize_v when_o chill_a shower_n invade_v life_n strong_a hold_n and_o horrid_a frost_n wax_v grim_a with_o bitter_a cold_a or_o when_o foul_a sweat_n stick_v to_o they_o late_o shear_v and_o with_o rough_a brier_n their_o naked_a body_n tear_v for_o wise_a shepherd_n the_o whole_a flock_n will_v take_v and_o deep_o plunge_v they_o in_o some_o cleanse_a lake_n far_o in_o to_o drench_v his_o fleece_n the_o ram_n be_v throw_v who_o with_o the_o gentle_a stream_n come_v glide_v down_o or_o when_o they_o be_v shear_v the_o lees_n of_o oil_n apply_v or_o silver_n spume_n commix_v with_o mercuris_n idean_a pitch_n and_o store_n of_o oily_a tar_n scylla_n bitumen_n and_o black_a hellebor_n and_o no_o endeavour_n shall_v find_v more_o success_n then_o if_o the_o skilful_a swain_n a_o orifice_n with_o a_o sharp_a lance_n shall_v open_v on_o the_o head_n corruption_n live_v and_o be_v by_o cover_v feed_v while_o the_o idle_a swain_n neglect_v to_o dress_v the_o sore_n and_o from_o the_o god_n do_v better_a thing_n implore_v when_o in_o the_o bleater_n marrow_n ache_v breed_v and_o putrid_a fevor_n on_o his_o spirit_n feed_v it_o will_v be_v good_a to_o avert_v the_o rage_a pain_n by_o open_v in_o his_o foot_n the_o beat_a vein_n so_o the_o bisaltians_n be_v accustom_v and_o the_o most_o fierce_a gelonian_n when_o they_o flee_v to_o rhodope_n or_o getan_a wilde_n to_o quaff_v mix_v with_o thick_a milk_n the_o blood_n of_o horse_n off_o if_o thou_o see_v any_o to_o the_o cool_a shade_n draw_v and_o sweet_a grass_n nibble_n as_o they_o have_v no_o maw_n or_o lag_v behind_o or_o graze_v to_o lie_v down_o and_o ere_o they_o foul_v to_o march_v away_o alone_o straight_o kill_v the_o guilty_a ere_o the_o dire_a disease_n infect_v the_o flock_n and_o careless_a vulgar_a seize_v nor_o often_o be_v the_o flood_n disturb_v with_o wind_n then_o sheep_n with_o rot_n nor_o do_v the_o sickness_n find_v one_o to_o destroy_v but_o sudden_o do_v fall_v on_o root_n and_o branch_n stock_n and_o original_n if_o any_o the_o alps_o and_o norick_n castle_n know_v place_v on_o high_a hill_n and_o where_o tymavus_n flow_v deserted_n realm_n now_o he_o may_v see_v of_o swain_n and_o every_o where_o grove_n and_o forsake_a plain_n here_o once_o the_o air_n infect_v do_v beget_v a_o plague_n which_o rage_v through_o the_o autumnal_a heat_n all_o kind_n of_o cattle_n and_o of_o wild_a beast_n die_v the_o grass_n be_v taint_v river_n putrifi'de_v nor_o be_v one_o way_n for_o death_n but_o when_o the_o flame_n with_o burn_a thirst_n through_o feav'rous_a body_n come_v cold_a rheum_n again_o abound_v and_o the_o disease_n their_o feeble_a limb_n consume_v by_o degree_n oft_o sacrifice_n at_o the_o altar_n place_v with_o snowy_a wreath_n and_o flowery_a garland_n grace_v ere_o sacrificer_n can_v dispatch_v fall_v dead_a or_o if_o before_o the_o priest_n one_o slaughter_a the_o bowel_n on_o the_o altar_n will_v not_o burn_v nor_o the_o divine_a answer_n can_v return_v and_o scarce_o their_o knife_n with_o blood_n be_v sprinkle_v over_o and_o the_o top-sand_n be_v stain_v with_o watery_a gore_n then_o the_o fat_a calf_n in_o rich_a pasture_n fall_v and_o his_o sweet_a life_n give_v up_o at_o plenteous_a stall_n hence_o dog_n run_v mad_a and_o sickly_a boar_n perplex_v with_o a_o short_a cough_n and_o with_o swell_a jaw_n be_v vex_v the_o conquer_a steed_n mindeless_a of_o war_n or_o food_n unhappy_a fall_n and_o leave_v the_o cool_a flood_n and_o with_o his_o