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A17916 Lachrimæ: or lamentations over the dead wherin is described the earnest zeale of the godly, in mourning for the sins of the people, who are dead in trespasses and sinnes. By Nathanael Cannon, minister and preacher of the word at Hurley, in Berkshire. Cannon, Nathanael, 1581 or 2-1664. 1616 (1616) STC 4577; ESTC S113390 19,337 64

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LACHRIMAE OR LAMENTATIONS OVER THE DEAD WHERIN is described the earnest zeale of the godly in mourning for the sins of the people who are dead in trespasses and sinnes By Nathanael Cannon Minister and Preacher of the Word at Hurley in Berkshire EZECH 9.4 Set a marke vpon the foreheads of those men that mourne for the abominations that are done in the City IEREMY 9.1 O that my head were a well of water and my eyes a fountaine of teares to lament the sinnes of the people AT LONDON Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for William Welby 1616. TO THE VERTVOVS AND WORTHIE Lady the Lady Milwarde wife to the Right Worshipfull Sir ROBERT MILVVARD Knight N. C. wisheth the blessings of this life and the life to come IF externall actions may any way witnesse our internall affections thē verily I haue like a Herald fitly placed your Ladyship amongst the chiefe mourners euen amongst those whose hearts bleed and whose eyes gush out with riuers of teares to see the abominations of these our latter and worser daies Christ wept ouer Hierusalem and often would hee haue gathered her together as a hen doth her chickins but shee would not Matth. 23.37 Good Christians do the like they mourne and melt into teares to heare to see to vnderstand how God is prouoked his holy name blasphemed his word neglected his Sacraments contemned O how sinne raigneth how the diuell rageth neuer was the soule of iust Lot more vexed amongst the Sodomites then are the consciences of Gods children grieued to see Demas forsake God to follow the world to heare the blasphemies of Rabsaketh to obserue the little faith and truth amongst the sonnes of men to marke the open wickednesse and secret practises the lacke of charitie and the height of hypocrisie when men doe sinne and thinke they are not seene These and the like enormities doe cause the holy ones of Israel to open their spiritual sluces and to empty themselues in prayers and teares in grones and lamentations for the sinnes of the people In which number vertuous Lady I haue been bould to reckon you and for such a Principall as that I cannot say who may haue more right vnto mourning weeds then your selfe in this kind For mine owne particular it may grow questionable vpon what acquaintance I haue offered this poore treatise to your protection I answere that in this I am vpon a good ground for the fruits of your religion hath led me forward and I am ready to iustifie this commendation We haue met together often in the house of God where I alwaies noted you feruent in prayer and diligent in hearing You haue with your worthie Knight also giuen testimonie of your loue vnto Gods Ministers and in particular vnto vs who were the Lecturers of the place where you sometimes make your abode Therefore seeing this was deliuered by me in that place and that it was for the good of others to see the light I knew no person or persons so fit in that Auditorie as your selfe to send it vnto Vouchsafe therefore good Madam to take notice of it and let it haue place amongst those tokens of good will that the world hath cause to present vnto you Whilest I betake my selfe to prayer for you and yours with al the rest of your Christian familie whom with your selfe I now recommend vnto the throne of Grace with a desire to be esteemed Your Ladyships in all dutie Nathanael Cannon LACHRIMAE OR LAMENTATIONS OVER THE DEAD PSAL. 119. VERS 136. My eyes gush out with Riuers of waters because men keepe not thy law TThese Canticles for so a man may fitly call the diuided parts of this Psal being considered in the whole doe properly and very liuely present vnto vs the state and condition of the Regenerate man For looke what good affections and motions are to be found in a man newly begotten to the Lord the same shall wee haue collected in the cōpasse of this Psalme Whether it bee Consolation for the fruition of the spirit or recuperation after the absence of the Lord for a season or confirmation which seales vp mercy to our soules or correction which brings vs home to the Lord or resolution which challengeth any thing that would separate vs from Christ Iesus or spirituall passion in a case of conscience or lamentation to behold the sins of the people Whatsoeuer I say may serue to describe the new man who is both sanctified and mortified this Psalme will present it In this Psalme three things are of especiall note First the Title Secondly the Author Thirdly the Matter The Title of this Psalme is of an high straine Huic Psalmo Titulus praeponitur Alta Quia factus est ad laudandum Deum as the learned obserue The author of this Psalme was Dauid as Ierome Ambrose Origen other of the Fathers affirme For it was penned by him out of his particular occasions as from a very cōfluence of matter which still cald vpon to call vpon God The Matter of this Psalme hath diuers obseruations but especially foure that no other Psalme in the whole booke hath besides 1 Dauid is alwaies presented vnto vs in this Psalme speaking as it were with God himselfe without digression 2. His petitions are altogether spirituall in this Psalme and not for temporall causes 3. It is described by the order of the Hebrew Alphabet there being so many parts and euery part entitled according to those seuerall characters 4. That there is not one verse in that Psalme amongst the whole 176. verses but the Law of God is repeated in it although it be per diuersa vocabula either verbum Dei or lex Dei or iudicia dei or testimonia Dei in euery one of them either the law of God or the word of God or the iudgement of God or the testimonies of God The Phrase that my text expresseth is the law of God and the affection or spiritual passion that our Princely Prophet will herein discouer is a case of teares most abundantly shead as appeareth by the Trope or figure heere vsed Whole riuers of teares as it were a very floud to drowne sinne in the deluge thereof In this Dauid stands forth as an excellent patterne of piety whose heart doth lanch forth into a maine Ocean cannot endure that his God should bee openly prouoked zeale hath so wrought vpon him in this case that he is euen consumed therewith as himselfe witnesseth in the 139. verse of this Psalme The parts that wee are generally to consider in the distribution of this text are two Diuision 1. A Lamentation in these words My eyes gush out with riuers of waters 2. A Reason of this lamentation because men keepe not thy law Out of the Lamentation I obserue his zeale It pierceth his heart and goeth through his reines which makes him weepe bitterly and so abundantly that whole riuers of teares are said to streame from him Out of the Reason I obserue the true ground of his
which are to bee vsed for the encrease of our faith and the perfecting of our loue vnto the Almighty Meanes to beget zeale The first is Prayer The second is the Word The third is the Sacraments These are excellent meanes through which God will answere vs and prosper the new birth of the soule vnto vs. 1. For the first is it not the very ioy of the heart is it not the good Samaritan which wil bind vp our wounds and heale our sicknesse is it not the cure of affliction Is any man afflicted let him pray I am chap. 5. vers 13. doth not our prayer interpret vnto vs the mercies of God doth not Iacob preuaile ouer an Angell by his prayer Hos chap. 12. vers 4. Haue not Moses Iosuah Abraham Elias and other of Gods petitioners what they will as it were at the hands of God out of their feruent prayers is there not a heauen vpon earth by the lifting vp of innocent hands is not prayer our greatest comfort in our greatest misery O if it were not for this Satan might trample vpon vs sinne might swallow vs vp affliction might burie vs aliue and our corruptions so farre preuaile against vs that wee might truely crie with the Apostle O wretched men that wee are who shall deliuer vs Obiect It is most true that prayer is very comfortable fit to beget zeale but euery man hath not the gift Answ The holy Ghost taketh away that obiection when hee saith that the spirit of prayer shall helpe our infirmities Rom. chap. 8. vers 26. Now then who will not thus aske that hee may haue and thus seeke that hee might finde the mercies of God in such abundant measure Obiect But I haue often addressed my selfe vnto the Lord in my prayers and haue sought the Lord but had no feeling and that hath made mee to giue ouer Answ It is in heauenly wisdome that God doth somtimes abate our feeling and apprehension of his mercy and that because when wee doe recouer strength wee shall the more cleaue vnto the Lord and thinke more dearly of his grace when wee haue it for no man knowes so well what the benefit of health is as hee that hath beene sometime sicke and no man hath so much cause to speake of deliuerance as he that hath bin in greatest dangers for in these men there is not onely a view of the action of mercy gone before but there is also an application which fastens God vnto their soules for euer after Againe it is not thy case onely to want this feeling at some times but euen thy Christ hath in our nature been thus perplexed O God my God saith he why hast thou forsaken me Againe his Church so deare vnto him as that they are the very members of Christ Iesus they haue this cause of complaint sometimes Cant. chap. 3. vers 1. In my bed by night I sought him but I found him not this was not because the Church wanted the knowledge of faith but that sometimes shee wanted the knowledge of experience shee had not alwaies that feeling as sometimes shee had and yet who will doubt of the mercy of God towards his Church Wee see that there may bee fire vnder the ashes although there be no flame so there is faith at all times in the hearts of Gods children although sometimes they want feeling Now then if thou wouldest haue a zealous heart for Gods glory vse this meanes of prayer and vse it often euening and morning at home and abrode it will with Elias make thee cast downe thy loose mantles of pleasures and profits when thou shalt bee taken vp into the heauens as it were in thy feruent prayers The 2. meanes to beget zeale to encrease it in our hearts is the blessed word of God that whereby we are taught Psalm 119. vers 33. That which is a lanthorne vnto our feet and a light vnto our pathes this sets forth the mercies of God and this declares the iudgements of God in both which alphabets when we grow skilfull wee shall loue God we shall feare God yea with Dauid wee shall hunger after the Lord and as the Hart brayeth after the riuers of waters especially when shee hath been hunted so will our soules long after the Lord our God Psal 42. vers 1. If the Scriptures be our studies and our recreations we shall then bee for God indeed and his word will bee sweeter to vs then hony or the hony combe his law will be our delight we will studie his statutes both day and night Now then apply thy selfe vnto this thou that desirest that the Sonne of righteousnesse should shine vpon thy soule and thou shalt finde these meanes are like the steps of Iacobs ladder bringing thee by degrees vnto the knowledge of God and making such loue vnto the Lord in thy prayers and exercises of holy Scripture that it shall appeare thou art both sanctified and mortified that thy desire is to bee with Christ which is best of all Phil. chap. 1. vers 23. The 3. and last meanes is the frequent vse of the blessed Sacraments For the first which is Baptisme thou oughtest to thinke vpon it often and therein as in a glasse to behold thy selfe thou shalt see therein a double condition first what thou wert by nature secondly what thou art by grace thou shalt find that Baptisme is a lauer of regeneration vnto thy soule and it wil teach thee an excellent vse namely newnesse of life for if any man bee in Christ hee must be a new creature 2. Cor. chap. 5. vers 17. The other Sacrament which is the Lords Supper is as a loue-token betwixt God and thy soule The King saith the Spouse hath brought mee into his bed chamber Cant. chap. 1. verse 3. meaning that God had shewed her iewels and rich furniture whereof she should be partaker In this Sacrament the Lord doth shew himselfe vnto vs As often as you receiue this do it in remembrance of me As who should say Remember what I haue done for you my body hath been broken my blood hath beene shead for the remission of your sinnes now then thinke vpon this what ioy may it bring vnto you when as by meanes of faith men may feede vpon Christ how will it satisfie doubts how will it qualifie feare how will it build vp the soule and beget zeale in such measure as that the man that vseth these meanes shall truely stand forth in Gods cause with life with goods with Christian resolution knowing that hee must needs take Gods part and ioyne with the righteous in Gods cause and separate himselfe from Gods enemies yea grow vp to such a heartie zeale as that nothing shall please vs which is displeasing to the Almighty Then may we truly be called the children of God when wee feare him and nothing but him when we hate euill for the feare of the Lord is to hate that which is euill Pro. chap. 8. vers 13. When