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cause_n king_n lord_n say_a 4,832 5 7.2464 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22832 Statutys for the orderi[n]ge of purueyours or achatours for the kynges moost honourable housholde England. King's Household. 1505 (1505) STC 9337; ESTC S118120 2,708 10

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¶ Statutyts for the orderīge of Purueytours or Achatours for the kytnges moost honourable housholde IT is ordeyned anno xith E. iij. that no purueyour nor Achatour shall or may take for the kynge by any Cōmyssion or wythoute any Corne / Hey / bestys / caryages / nor any other goodys of any Archebysshop / bisshop abbotys priours / abessys / pryoressis / ꝑsones / vicairs / or of any other folkes of holy churche agayn their wyll ¶ Anno primo Ricardi scdi ¶ And it is ordeyned if any of the sayde Purueyours / or Achatours so do Than they shall pay treble damages to be recouered in an accyon of Trespas by any of the saide Archebisshops / bysshops / other before named so wronged ¶ Anno xxv E. iij. Ca. xv ¶ It is ordeyned that the sayde Purueyours nor Achatours shall take any Shepe of the people bytwyxt Ester and Mydsomer / nor tyll the tyme of clyppynge be done nomo than shal be necessary for the kynges housholde and so after / and if they do they shal be punysshed as robbers felons ¶ Anno xxiij Henrici sexti Rehersynge the Statutys folowynge ¶ It is ordeyned that accordinge to the Statute made the xxvi yere of kynge Ewarde the thyrde that purueyaunces shal be made for the kynge and the quenys howsholdes / and that redy payement shal be made in hande after the pryces in the markettys aboute And that the heynous names of the Purueyours shulde be chaunged and named achatours ¶ And if they can nat agre with the seller of any vitayll than the pryses whiche shall be for the sayde two howsholdes shall be made by the view wytnessynge and appreysement of the lordes / or theyr baillyfs and constables and iiij ꝓuable men of euery towne / that by endēture to be made bytwyxt the saide achatours / the sayde lordes or baillifs or constables / or the sayde iiij men conteynynge the quantyte of their pryses / and the pryce of the same s●●ppoynted ¶ And that suche pryses shal be takyn and mad● in couenable easy maner without dures thr … manasses / or other velany and that to be don in places where grettest plenty is and shal be and tyme conuenyent ¶ And that no more be taken than shalb● nede●ul in his season ¶ And that the noumbre of Achatour● be made as ●ewe as may be to serue ¶ And that the same Achatours be chosen suffycient to answere to the kynge to his people ¶ And that none of theym shall haue deputee ¶ Also that Cōmyssyons of them shal be ensealed wyth the kynges great seale and euery halfe yere to be restored into the Chauncery and other newe Cōmyssions to be made And that in the sayde Cōmyssions shal be conteyned the maner matyer of their takynge and byinge ¶ Also that no persone shal be boūden to obey the Achatours of any other lordes nor the sayde achatours for the kynge the quene ageyne their wyll but if they make redy payment in hande as before is sayde ¶ Also it is ordeyned that the Pryses and takynges of all maner corne for the sayde two Howsholdes shal be mesured by mesure accordynge to the sayde standard by strykyng● and nat by heape ¶ And that for the caryages of the saide Corne for all other maner of pryses and achatys to be made for the sayde ij housholdes redy payement shal be made in hande ¶ And that no more of Caryage be nat had than shal be nedefull in that behalfe ¶ And if any Achatour make any pryses / achatys or takynge of caryage in other maner than is comprysed in their cōmyssion he or they so doynge shal be aiuged as felons and haue iugement and execucyon accordynge ¶ Also it is ordeyned in the sayde ꝑlyament that no Achatour of vitayll nor taker of caryage take / nor receyue of no maner ꝑsone gift nor charge nor greue any ꝑsone bycause of any suche pryses achatys or caryagys for hatred / enuye / euyll wyll / or ꝓcurement and if he or they so do / and therof be attaynt at the suyte of the partye they shall yelde to the partye treble damages / and shall haue the Inprysonement by the space of two yeres / and shall be raunsoned at the kynges wyll / and after shall abiure the kynges court ¶ And if the partye wyll nat sue who so euer wyl sue for the kynge shall haue the thirde peny for his suyte And neuertheles the sayde Achatours and takers shall haue the penaunce aforesaide in thys present artycle ¶ And that euery achatour vpō his accompt shal make playne declaracyon and seuerally shewe all maner pryses and achates and of euery towne persone ¶ Kynge henry the vj. consyderynge the premysses the sayde xxiij yere o● hys reig●e at his parlyament holden at westm̄ the xxv day of seuerere the same yere hathe ordeyned and cōmaunded by auctoryte of hys sayde parlyament That the sayde statutys afore reherced shal be for euer duely obserued and kepte and put in execucyon And ouer that by the same auctoryte that euery purueyour and Achatour before they haue any cōmyssyon shal be sworne in the Chauncerye that they shall no thynge take of the people contrary to the saide ordynances ¶ And ouer that hathe ordeyned by the auctoryte aforesayde bicause pore folkes be nat of power no dare nat make resystence ageyne the purueyours and achatours / nor dare nat sue theym by the law though they do contrary to the sayde Statutys That the appreysours and also all the towne and Townes aioynynge if nede be shal endeuer them wyth all their power to resyst and withstande the sayde Achatours and Purueyours whych dothe contrary to the sayde Statutys and asmoche as ī theym is to execute the sayde Statutys vpon the sayde Purueyours if they be requyred ¶ And that any persone greued of his goodys cōtrary to the sayde statutys may chose to haue an accōn of dette ageyne the sayde appreysours Towne or Townes euery of theym which do nat ther deuer / or make nat resistence ageyne the sayde purueyours or achatours in fourme aforesayde whan they shall be requyred Or ellys ageyne the sayde purueyours or achatours / and euery of theym to recouer the treble value of his goodys so vnlawfully taken And ouer that his costys / and damages trebled ¶ And if any purueyour or other officer of our souereyne lorde the Kynge make to be troubled / or vexed in marchaise or ellys where any of the peple by any euyll suggestion / cause fayned Imagened or colour vpon theym for and bicause the execucōn of the sayde statutys shall forfet xx li. to be payed to the party greued beyonde his costys and damages in that behalf susteyned and that he may haue an accōn of dette and that euery issue tryable in that accion shal be tryed in the same countye where the saide pryses were made ¶ And that the defendaūtys in that accion / ī all the sayde cases be nat admytted to wage their law ¶ And they shal be put to answere withoute fourchynge and that essoyne / ayde of the kynge nor ꝓteccion to any of theym be allowed ¶ And that the Seriant of the chatery shall satisfye all the damages / dettes / execuciōs which shal be recouered ageyne euery purueyour achatour ●●der hym in all the cases aforesayde In case the Purueyour / or achatour be nat sufficyent to satysfye ¶ And that the plainty playntif shall haue a scire facias to haue execucōn ageyne the saide Seriant in that case ¶ And that the sayde ordynaunces be sent to the Iustyces of peas in euery shyre to ꝓclayme them euery yere and to enfourme the people of the same ¶ Finis R P Richard Pynson O BEATA M MEMEN●