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cause_n king_n lord_n say_a 4,832 5 7.2464 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02997 The order of ceremonies obserued in the annointing and coronation of the most Christian King of France & Nauarre, Henry the IIII. of that name, celebrated in our Lady Church, in the cittie of Chartres vppon Sonday the 27. of February 1594. Faithfully translated out of the French coppy printed at Roan, by commaundement of the said Lord. by E.A.; Ordre des ceremonies du sacre et couronnement du Henry IIII. English. Aggas, Edward. 1594 (1594) STC 13138; ESTC S122430 16,744 32

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came to the Church at thrée of the clocke in the morning to take order for all things necessarie Also the Lord of Chasteau-vieup Captaine of the Scottish guard for the Kings body came soone after to prouide against the disorder and presse of such as sought to get into the Church and vnto the scaffoldes and to place euery one according to the prescribed order or as the best knew the desert of their parsons About sixe of the clocke in the morning the King sent fower young Lords Barrons to the Abbie of S. Peter where was kept the holy Vyall that was brought from Marmoustier to desire the aforenamed Friers of Marmoustier that kept it to bring it into our Lady Church thereout to take of the holy Oyle which was to be imployed vpon the annointing of his Maiestie Which fower Barrons according to the custome obserued about the ceremonie of the holy Vyall in the Church of S. Remy of Rheims did binde them selues to restore it in the said Abbay of S. Peter and to the saide Friers after the end of the annointing As also the Lord of Souur had before bound him selfe to the Abbot and Friers of S. Peter for the restitution thereof These fower Barrons were the Earle of Lausun eldest sonne to the Earle of Lausun of the house of Caument The Earle of Dinan second sonne to the Lord of Pienner Duke of Hallioin The Earle of Cheuerny eldest sonne to the Earle of Cheuerny Chaunceler of Fraunce and the Lord Barron of Termes younger brother to the Lord of Bellegard great Esquire of Fraunce These fower at the Kings commaundement departed from the pallace Royall with their Esquires and Gentlemen each of them hauing borne before him vpon the end of the speare the banner of his armes in perfect coullours leading with them a white Hacnie whereupon should ride the Frier that was to carry and recarry and indéede did carry and recarrie the said holy Vyall with a Canapie of white Dammaske which still should bee carried ouer the saide Frier both going from the Abbay and returning after the end of the annointing Then the said Frier accompanyed with the said fower Barrons departed from the said Abbay with a Cannapie borné ouer him by fower Friers apparelled in white Albes all the stréetes from the said Abbay of S. Pere to the great Church were hanged and the people with great respect and deuotion reuerenced the said holy Vyall Soone after the departure of the fower Barrons departed also from the pallace Royall the six Péeres lay thrée Dukes and thrée Earles apparelled in Tunicles of Cloth of siluer Dammasked with redde leaues comming almost to the midde legge and vpon the same a cloke or short gowne of Cloth Searge dyed Violet vpon Scarlet open vpon the right shoulder with a round coller turned downe with the garnish and turning downe Furred with powdered ermins Euery of the thrée Dukes had vpon his head his Ducall hat of golde and euery Earle his Circle of golde Howbeit in as much as of these thrée Dukes and thrée Counties auncient Péeres lay represented by these sixe fiue of the Payryes are annexed to the Crowne and the Countie of Flaunders is out the French Kings hath since this annexion vouchsafed to represent the six Péeres and Payries by so many Princes and Lords attendant about their parsons And those that at this ceremonie of annointing representing the saide six dignities are these that follow The Prince of Condy representing the Duke of Burgondy Deane of the Péeres The Countie of Soyssais representing the Duke of Normandie The Duke of Montpensier representing the Duke of Aquitaine The Lord of Lupembourg representing the Countie of Tholouze The Duke of Rays Marshall of France representing the Countie of Flaunders The Duke of Vantadon representing the Countie of Champagne The sixe Péeres lay thus apparelled and cloathed came to the Church about seauen of the clocke in the morning and entring into the Quier hauing perfourmed theyr due reuerences came to the high Aultar where was the Archbishop of Rheims accompanyed wyth the other fiue Péeres Ecclesiasticall who were come a little before wyth theyr Myters vppon theyr heades and great Coapes sitting already on the right side of the sayd Aultar vppon the two large seates before mentioned in order following The fiue Péeres Ecclesiasticall alwayes assistant at the kings annoynting or in whose absence or when any of the Seas bée voyd the kinges doo surrogate others as these The Bishop Duke of Laon. The Bishop Duke of Langres The Bishop County of Beauuais The Bishop County of Chaalous The Bishop County of Noyen And because the Bishops of Laon Langres Beauuais and Noyen were not present also that the Bishop of Chaulous who was in the city of Chartres was so sicke that hee could not assist at the sayd ceremony there to take his place The Kings pleasure was that these fiue dignities should bee represented by fiue other Bishops that then were at the Court namely these The Bishop of Nantes representing the Bishop D. of Laon. The Bishop of Digne representing the Bishop D. of Langres The Bishop of Maillesais representing the Bishop County of Beauuais The Bishop of Orleans representing the Bishop County of Chaalons The Bishop of Angiers representing the Bishop County of Noyon The sayd eleuen Péeres béeing thus sett and the sayd Lord Archbishop of Rheims making the twelfth sitting in his chayre with his backe to the Aultar They altogether according to the custome did appoint the Bishops of Nantes and Maillesais representing the Bishop of Laon and Beauuois who with the Relliques of Saintes hanging at their neckes and accompanyed with the Cannons Vicars and Chaplens of the sayd Church the two Crosses the Holy water and the Encensers goyng before them and accompanyed with the sayd Lord of Surenne came processionally into his Maiesties outward chamber In the sayd chamber was prepared a bed wherevppon the king was layed cloathed in a shirt of holland slit before and behind to the end thereby to receiue the holy oyntment and therevppon a dublet of crimson satten for the same cause likewise slit before and behinde and a gowne of cloth of siluer with sléeues comming to the mid legge And when the sayd Lordes Bishops of Laon and Langres came into the sight of his Maiesty the Bishop of Laon sayd the prayer following Oremus Omnipotens sempiterne Deus c. This prayer ended and doone the sayd Lord Bishop of Laon on the right side and hée of Langres on the left side reuerently and kissing theyr handes lifted the king from his bed and processionally brought him to the Church in order following First marched the Lord of Surenne who caused the Archers of the great Prouost to march first Then the Clergy that had accompanied the sayd two Prelats Péeres The Switzers of the kinges guard The Trumpets The Herehaults The Knights of the holy ghost The Vshers of the kinges chamber with their maces The Archers of the Guardes in manner of a hedge The Scottes