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A00673 The supplicacion: that the nobles and comons of Osteryke made lately by their messaungers, vnto kyng Ferdinandus, in the cause of the Christen religion Item. The kynges answere to the same. Vvherpon foloweth the wordes that the messaungers spake vnto the kyng agayne at their departing. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1503-1564. 1542 (1542) STC 10808; ESTC S105580 10,834 48

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gracious and fatherly wise carynge for youre sayde faithful countrees will suffre them to come in to the same estate appoynted in the sayd conclusion of the Perliament and consente vnto vs here in Acordinge to oure most humble supplication which we make vnto your highnesse with continuall sighinge and teares euen from oure hertes for the loue of God and for his worshippe sake And here with most humblye committe we vs vnto your royall Ma in all dewtie of louynge obedience wherbye to the thankfull recompencinge of such a gracious benefite in youre hyghnesse we will bestowe oure selues with our bodies goodes and bloude Geuen At Prage the .xiij. daye of Decembre Anno. M.D.xli YOure Graces most humble subiectes The messaungers of the lower countrees of Osterike Piligram lorde of Bucheym chefe debyte in Osteryke Christofer Baron of Eytzinge Sigismūd Ludwig lorde of Bolham Erasmus lorde of Starhēberg Iohan Vngnad Baron of Suneck chefe captayne of Steir Reinprecht lord of Ebersdorf chefe chamberlayne of Osteryke Otto lord of Lychtensteyn chefe marshall of Kernten Iohn Baron of Vveysprach George Baron of Herbsteyn George of Vvolmirstorf knyght Sigismund Vvexelberger knyght Christofer Rembschussel knyght Abel of Kolneck knyght Erasmus Scheyrer knyght Balthasar Gleyntzer knyght Bonauenture of Eckē knyght George of Berckham Martyn of Vestreych Vvilliam of Bibrach Erenreich of Rynsperg Erasmus Hochelperger George Memmynger Achatz Hohenfelder Vvolfgang Hohenfelder The names of the cities Vienna Gretz Lyntz S. Vitus Steyn Steir Rochelspurg Kornnawenburgh Lawbach Ems Osterike beneth aboue the water Anisus Kernten Krain and the pryncely Erledome of Gortz The answere of the kynges Ma Of the Romaynes Ferdynandus to the messaungers of the lower partes and cities of Osterike WHereas the appoynted messaūgers of the kynges Graces countrees of lower Osterike haue presented vnto him a wrytinge concernynge causes of religiō shewinge and declaringe at large how Allmightie God hath doubtlesse now this longe season suffred all these plages to come vpon his Christen people aswell thorow the Tyrānye of the Turcke as with death and burnynge because subiectes do lyue in no repentaunce despisinge Gods worde and not receauyng it and how that this is the cause why ther coulde hitherto no victory be had agaynst the sayde archenemi of Christendom with other moo articles All the same hath the kynges royall Ma. of the Romaynes oure most gracious Seueraigne lorde considred with their humble sute and supplicacyon ▪ which is that it wolde please his highnesse to suffre them and their affinyte for to come in to the generall peace which at the last Perlyament was made in causes of religion And his Ma hath a gracious hartie compassyon of his sayde obediēt and faythfull subiectes and that no lesse then is expressed by the messaungers in theyr wrytinge because of the sayde greuous plages His highnesse also consydreth lykewise that the same punishmētes do folowe because of the manifold synnes and vyces wherwith Christen people are defyled Wherfore his Ma sens the begynninge of his raigne hither to desyred neuer thinge more effectously nether yet doth then the abolishinge of such manifolde vyces and blasphemies as are crepte in the more pitie amōge many men of hye and lowe estate yea the longer y e more wherbye almightie God doutlesse is moued vnto wrath agaynst his Christen people And therfore as it is openly knowne his Royall Ma. in his graces owne countre hath sent forth ernest cōmaundmentes and proclamacions and geuen ernest iniunctions vpon the same specially vnto all preachers curates that they in most effectuous and diligent wise shall exhorte the people to turne from such synnes vyces vnto a Christen and repētaunt lyfe pleasynge vnto God Now where as such his Ma gracious fatherly monicyon hath not brought forth frute acording to the Christē request of his highnesse his Royal Ma. is the more sorye and the same was the cause that moued his grace now lately at Lintz afore his departinge to renew the sayde proclamaciōs as the messaungers thē selues do knowe right wel Againe his Royall Ma. hath neuer denyed hitherto nether will do hereafter but that the word of God shulde be published acording to the Christen vnderstonding therof and preached as it was of the Apostles doctours which are approued and receaued of the holy Christen church His Royall Ma. also can not remembre that his hyghnesse hath euer caused ought to be taken in hand agaynst any man that ordreth him selfe after the preachinge afore sayde Morouer his Ma offreth himselfe in most gracious wyse to geue ernest iniunctions vnto the Ordinaries of such spirituall iurisdiction as extendeth thorow out his graces londes to make reformacion among the clergie acordinge to the conclusion of the last Perliament to put downe abuses and to prouyde the desolate parishes with good and lerned curates and soule shepherdes to the intent that his subiectes maye be instructe with the true worde of God in all other Christē ordinaunce beside Likewyse the appoynted messaūgers do knowe well ynough that for the puttinge awaye of contēciōs in the causes of religion and to bring the same to an vnyte the kynges Ma hath taken speciall diligent and ernest paynes and that he hath spared no trauayle ner laboure at eny tyme like as his Royall Ma will likewyse with all benignite dispose himself hencefurth and is allready of a gracious hope that acordynge to the cōclusion of the sayde Perlyament of Regenspurgh this Scysme maye be brought to an vnyte agremēt by one of thes thre waies that is to saye by a generall counsaill bi a counsail prouinciall or els by another comen Perlyament Wherfore the kynges highnesse doth right graciously trust doubteth not but his faithfull comens subiectes of his lōdes of lower Osterike and these appoynted messaungers of the same wyll tarye and wayte obediently for the sayde lyklyode of vnyte in the olde Christē religion and in the meane season not to seke ner medle with any alteration or chaunge but in Religion and in all other thinges toward his Royal Ma. to behaue and ordre thē selues as theyr awncient fore fathers haue done toward God and to his Graces noble progenitours in all obedience and in no wise to stoppe from so doynge ner to take occasion of hinderaunce at that peace made at the Perliament of Regenspurgh consideringe that the same peace was ordeyned onely betwene both the estates of religion the one toward the other and not betwene the estates and their subiectes so that vntyll the nexte counsaill generall nacionall or comen Perlyament which within the space of eyghtene monethes after the date of that conclusion made at the Perlyament of Regensburgh shall in the cause of Religion be proclamed the catholike sorte must kepe the olde religion and the estates of the protestantes must holde them vnto it wherin they were founde at the makyng of the sayde peace Which peace the kynges Ma doth knowlege him selfe bounde to manteyne and therfore
will his hyghnesse in no wyse permytte his subiectes to make anye new alteracyon agaynst the same This hath it pleased the kynges Ma of a gracious mynd to signifie vnto the sayde messaūgers Geuē at Prage the xiij daye of Ianuarij Anno. M. CCCCC xlij ❧ The Conclusion and last sentence of wordes that the messaungers of the countrees and cities of lower Osterike made vnto the answere of kynge Ferdinandus MOst noble and mightie Prynce oure most gracious Soueraigne lorde Where as your royall Ma vpō oure most humble and ernest supplicacyon hath graciously geuen vs a wrytinge touchinge the cause of Religion we haue in most hūble wyse considred the same and pondred it with Christen louynge and feruent myndes And allthough we afore in oure wrytinge haue knowleged as the glory of God requyreth that we euery one of vs haue deserued this present plage yet is it mencioned there also that Almightie God which is the infinite wisdome doth send these sharpe punishmentes not so much for daylie ād corporall synnes which we trust are not so rife in youre Graces londes as in other countrees and Prouincies as for the head synne of ydolatrie and because the true commaundementes of God are turned to the honoure ād filthy lucre of men and for that the word of God is not preached as God hath taught and commaūded it For herof sprange the origenall of all such scourge ād plage of God as it is euydent out of sondry hystories And for asmuch then as there hath bene here now this long season the more pitie great aduersite and losse of victory and so foloweth on more and more oure most hūble supplicacion is acordinge as we haue be sought youre Royall Ma vpon oure knees that youre highnesse will for the loue of God haue respecte vnto this most waightie matter ernestly to manteine the waye of God as he hath ordeyned and commaūded it and to geue iniunctions therein For els verely maye we loke for no prosperite but be sure of decaye Nether do we doubte any thinge at all but youre Ma. doth graciously accepte oure Christen sute in the cause of Religiō as the articles therin are Christenly recyted and acordinge vnto Gods word And yet neuertheles in oure countrees are not the preachers permitted to shew the worde of God purely and syncerely but exyled for it and specially for preachinge the most waightie article of iustification or righteous makyng namely that the remission of synnes commeth thorow the onely merytes and passyon of Iesus Christ that we onely of thākfullnesse for this vnout speakeable grace are dett bounde to lyue in true Christen repentaunce as eschuyng of synne and exercysynge of brotherly loue and other good workes Vverfore oure most humble ernest supplicacion is that youre Royall Ma acordinge to youre hye and suppreme offyce wyll haue gracious respecte here vnto that the preachers which do sincerly set forth thes articles the word of God likewise in other thinges maye be suffred For yf the preachers shulde by the rulers be banished or otherwyse vexed by the meanes herof as they be in certayne countrees yf youre Graces faithfull comēs and subiectes shulde be excluded frō the peace of the Empyre and frō the articles conteyned in oure wrytinge or stonde in daūger by the reason therof your highnesse maye graciously ād fatherly cōsidre how tedious it will be to the same youre Graces faithfull subiectes For we proteste before God in the trueth that this oure most humble supplicacion which we make is of no curiosyte ner for anye other intent thē onely for the honoure of God saluacion of oure soules that with all subiection Here with in hope of a right louing answere here after we committe oure selues in most humble wise vnto your Royall Maiesty as to our most gracious doare soueraigne Lorde
❧ The Supplicacion That the nobles and comons of Osteryke made lately by their messaungers vnto kyng Ferdinandus in the cause of the Christen Religion Item The kynges answere to the same Vvherpon foloweth the wordes that the messaungers spake vnto the kyng agayne at their departing Myles C. to the Reader THis last moneth of marche most deare Reader was delyuered vnto me in the hye Almaynes lāguaige a copie of this present supplicaciō in prynt wherof trulye I was right glad Not onely to heare of so many noble men so great a multitude of comen people thus feruently hongring and thirsting after Gods holy worde but also it dyd me good at my hert to reade of the most humble gentle fashions that they vse toward the same For first they rūne not rashly together on head nether take they their clubbes in their handes to bring in Gods trueth by violence but lowly with due subiectiō seke they such cōueniēt meanes as are of Gods ordinaunce knowinge that the cōmen refourmacyon of euery realme coūtre or citie ought to be mynistred by the office of the king prince or ruler of the same and not by anye priuate personne Secondly whā they haue their answere though they can not obteyne their iust sute yet make they no murmuringe ner grudginge but committe their cause vnto God and remayne in their supplicaciō Thirdly though the kinge be of another mynde and willeth them to be as popysh in their beleue as their fathers were afore thē yet in that behalfe they preferre the worde of God aboue all the preceptes of men allbeyt they ceasse not from prayeng for their prynce ner frō ioperding their bodies goodes with him and for him Such holy vertues ensamples gentle reader doth god set forth for our instruccion all to gyde vs in his right waye to moue our hertes vnto ernest repentaunce to make vs honger and thirst after righteousnesse to plāte in vs all louyng obedience peaceable behaueour towarde our heades and rulers to shame those wycked Babilonians sedicious Coraites that disturbe all ordinaunces of God euē those murmurers complayners that had rather sitt in Egypte by the flesh pottes to enioye the pleasures of synne for a season then to be refourmed fed of God in the wildernesse O vnthankfull and flowe bellyes O where is now among vs such feruentnesse towarde Gods glorie such ernest repentaunce amēdment of life as the prophet Ionas describeth in the Niniuites as this present supplcacion declareth planely to be in this people which though thy cā not be suffred to haue Gods trueth syncerely preached among thē excepte it be by stealth yet are they feruent toward his glory thirstie after the water of life wash their chekes with teares for lacke therof vnfayned in their request true faithfull vnto God and their countre euen ready with ten handes as they saye to receaue a right Christē refourmaciō that in al vnite peaceable behaueour Lorde what shall worth of vs then that hauyng such delite in oure old wicked cōuersaciō shame not to refuse all honest amēdmēt of lyuinge Full litle remebre we that the goodnesse of God doth call us to repētaūce And what els do mē procure heape vp vnto thē selues by such obstinate hertes then the wrath of God agaynst the greate daye of his appearinge Now gētle reader that thou mayest take some edifiēg by this present supplicaciō cōsidre thou these poyntes therin First that for all the multytude of dogges which go againe to their vomite the lord ceasseth not yet frō raysing vp some to call vpō his holy name as thou maiest se here in this people whom the lord hath turned as he daylye doth many other moo vnto his trueth Secōdly lerne at their ensāple not onely to desyre wishe for amēdmēt of all abuses but also take some paynes labour thy selfe in helping therto and be content to bestowe thy body and goodes for the same Thirdly make thy first complaynte and sute to Allmightie God and then remembre that in seking this precious perle and iewel of refourmacion at the office of the hyer powers thou forget not the frutes of humanite loue Fourthly though thou canst not haue thy laufull request yet leaue not thy dewtie vndone make no disturbaunce ▪ be peaceable cōmitte the cause to God ād considre that our synfull lyues haue deserued no better that it is euen the heuy indignacion of God that so many Prynces and rulers had rather be disceaued with ypocrites as Achab was with his foure hundreth chaplēs then to haue pitie on their owne soules thē to haue cōpassion on their poore subiectes thē to haue Gods glorie ād his holy word to florish in their countrees thē to be lerned be tymes and to embrace the deare sonne of God whose wrath whā it is kyndled as the .ij. Psalme sayeth then blessed are all they that put their trust in him Amē ❧ The supplicacyon whych the lower countres cyties of Osteryke made by theyr messaungers vnto the Kynges Ma. of the Romaynes Ferdinandus in the cause of the Christen Relygyon MOst noble and mightie Prince oure most gracyous soueraine Lord ●n most hūble wyse besech youre royall Ma. the messaūgers of your true faythfull countre to tendre gracyously their vnfayned and hartie meaninge Supplicatiō and request whych they and their affynyte that haue sent them do with inward sighynge hertes Christē stomakes make continually vnto Allmyghtye God To the intent that he maye be praysed of hys people thorowe true repentaunce thorow assured vndoubted hope thorow the stedfast fayth of his godly worde To the intent also that he maye gracyously fatherly graunt your Royal Ma. a prosperous victory agaynst the sorest enemye of hys Christendome and that he maye lende youre grace youre faythfull countrees a perpetuall peace accordyng to the hartye request of youre sayde faythfull subiectes Thys they most humbly beseche youre Royall Ma. to tendre and considre and in most gracyous and fatherly wyse to accepte it accordyng to the ernest expectacyon of youre sayde subiectes Fyrst the messaūgers of youre sayde faythfull coūtrees do signyfye to youre grace with hartye lamentacyon that for all theyr faythfull contynuall iopardyng of their bodies goodes and bloude the destruction of youre sayde countrees is ones so manifest that yf amendement shuld not folow thorow the mercye of god ther is nothing more certayne then the pyteous waystyng and fynall desolacion therof And euen so must it ensue yf we all from oure whole hertes do not turne vnto hym by true penaunce and vnfayned receauynge of his godly worde Now for as muche as youre graces sayde faithfull subiectes of the very naturall loue that they beare toward youre Royall Ma. are greatly desyrous and well wylling to ioperde and bestow all thier power that the countre maye remayne to your noble Grace and to youre yssue in good vnderstondinge
graces sayde faythfull countre therfore pondryng these thinges knowe none other meane for the delyueraunce of theyr soules bodies then this that Gods worde after Christen vnderstandyng be preached euery where wherby the people may be moued vnto Christen repentaunce and so encouraged to withstonde the Turke The matter then consysteth onely in this that mēs myndes be kepte in ryght vnderstāding to almyghtye God and their rulers in true nourtoure ordynate lyuyng and yet neuerthelesse the more pitie an exceadinge erroure is crepte in touchinge the righte true vnderstondinge of Gods holy worde wherin youre hyghnesse as a Christen kyng hath bene put to sondrye great paynes now these many yeares to bringe the same Scysme to an vnyte The matter also beynge finally so far reset forth in the last assemble that sondrie articles were discussed and a generall peace in the cause of Religion concluded vpō vntill the tyme of farther agrement which doutlesse foloweth here of euē because that manye articles yea and that the principal are come to the right Christen vnderstondinge and also because that as touchinge outwarde behaueoure and abuses crepte in amōge the spiritualte they must in a tyme appoynted be brought to reformacion that by them selues But yf this generall peace in in the articles which ought as Christen poyntes to be kepte do not concerne youre graces sayd faithfull subiectes or yf a man must stōde in ioperdy of losynge body and goodes whan he kepeth the same articles your Royall Ma. maye most graciously considre how tedyous a thing it is and to what inconvenience it will growe Vvherfore the coūtre in most hartye and humble wise prayeth and besecheth youre highnesse to bringe so to passe by the ordynaries and all sprituall offycers that the holy Gospel in true Christen vnderstondinge maye be preached likewyse the hyest article of oure saluaciō namely that we haue forgeuenesse of synnes thorow y e onely merites and death of Iesus Christ and also that the loue of the neghboure and all good workes may be taught as frutes sure declaracyons of the inwarde fayth with the commaundementes of God for a contynuall true amēdement as for the resystynge of euell synfull affeccions or inclynacions to geue thankes for this excellent grace in that we thorowe the onelye merytes of Christ are delyuered frō death hell and become children of eternall saluaciō And also by occasiō therof to rendre all dewties of faithfull obedience to youre Royall Ma. as to the hyer power ordeyned of God and to shew vnto oure neghboures all loue lykewise And so to opteyne the rewarde that necessarely foloweth out of this faith and out of the frutes therof And that the worthy Sacrament of the Altare maye be ministred vnto them that Christenly desyre it acordinge as it was obserued certayne hundred yeares in the begynnyng of Christendome Item that the Ordynaries or spiritualtie acordinge to the determinacion of the last Perliament do put downe all other abuses in the churches and brynge thē in to good Christen ordre prouidinge the parishes with good honest soule shepardes not persecutinge them which preach Gods worde in other places as they haue done hitherto And though the same abuses be so sore rooted that we suppose verely it will be hard to refourme them in a shorte season yet the sayde mynistracion of the sacrament and preachinge of the worde wherin consisteth oure saluacion and that ought to be purely done and vnperuerted maye not therfore ceasse yea necessary is it that all this be most ernestly prynted in to the people that thei maye so be brought from their rude synfull lyuinge and instructed vnto right true repētaūce in the faith of Christ For now the more pitie it is they are come from all knowlege of God And many curates there be which are nothing lesse thē curates or true shepherdes wherbye the comen people are become so vngodlye and rude that it is in maner vnpossible to brydle them And thus commeth it to passe that they dye lyke brute beestes without eny Christen instruction or Sacrament Vvherfore the messaungers of youre Graces sayde coūtrees with whole Christen myndes with sighing he hertes most humbly beseche youre Royall Ma to tendre these thinges in most gracious wise and as a Christen kynge to consente vnto this waightye article acordinge to their expectation in youre hyghnesse whom they also most humbly requyre in no wise to thinke that youre Graces sayde londe wolde herebye seke the more occasion of disobedience or of any carnall libertye For they knowe that we haue forgeuenesse of synnes in the true vnfayned faith only thorow the passion and merites of Iesus Christ and that we than in thankfulnesse for suche excellent grace are detboūd with oure whole hertes to ceasse from all synfull lyuynge to bringe forth all good workes in true repentaunce and also with oure bodies and goodes to declare all wyllinge obedience towarde youre Royall Magestie Considering now that for our delyueraunce ther can be none other meane then to take such a Christen life in hand And seynge it is not possible for anye man with good hert and fre conscience to go agaynst this enemye which is the scourge of God and punishment of vs all vnlesse he first be reconciled to God and sure thorow the certayntie of faith and confidence in his godly promes that he shall be delyuered from such plage and that they shall escape in this hoost which are in daunger eyther thē selues or theyr wifes childern or other frendes thorow youre graces generall proclamaciō lately made commaunded The messaungers therfore of youre Graces sayde londe and the parties that sent them most ernestly with sighinge hertes in most humble wise beseche youre highnesse for the loue of God to accepte this their Christen and reasonable sute most graciously ād to promes a generall peace vnto all such as behaue them selues acordinge to oure forsayde supplicacion and sute And then doutlesse will it come to passe that yf such a Christen life be embraced Allmightye God shall mercifully cause this present plage to ceasse and so shall it folowe also that many well lerned and vertuous men shall take vpon them the worthy office of presthode which then with Christes doctrine shall bringe the people vnto true repentaunce to the feare of God and to all obedice And thus shall euery man with faithfull hert towarde youre royall Ma do his best agaynst this enemye ād declare all louynge obedience with body and goodes in this and all other thinges Where as the sayde articles then beynge much more excellently wayed are comprehended in the conclusion of the last Perliament and seynge it hath pleased God to make vs youre Graces subiectes which therfore do knowlege youre highnesse nexte Allmightie God to be oure owne deare Soueraigne lorde hauynge all expectation of felicite and goodnesse in the same for these causes are we in no maner of doubte but iour royall Ma in most