A true relation of an apparition expressions and actings of a spirit which infected the house of Andrew Mackie in Ring-Croft of Stocking, in the paroch of Kerrick, in the stewartry of Kirkcudbright, in Scotland / by Mr. Alexander Telfair, minister of that paroch ; and attested by many other persons who were also eye and ear-witnesses.
Telfair, Alexander.
Wing T623; ESTC R33670
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A new confutation of Sadducism being a true narrative of the wonderful expressions and actions of a spirit which infested the house of Andrew Mackie of Ringcroft in the county of Galloway in Scotland, from February to May 1695 : containing, among other things, predictions as to future times in a letter writ with blood, and dropt by the said spirit / writ by Mr. Alexander Telfair.
Telfair, Alexander.
Wing T622; ESTC R2406
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A geographical historie of Africa, written in Arabicke and Italian by Iohn Leo a More, borne in Granada, and brought vp in Barbarie. Wherein he hath at large described, not onely the qualities, situations, and true distances of the regions, cities, townes, mountaines, riuers, and other places throughout all the north and principall partes of Africa; but also the descents and families of their kings ... gathered partly out of his owne diligent obseruations, and partly out of the ancient records and chronicles of the Arabians and Mores. Before which, out of the best ancient and moderne writers, is prefixed a generall description of Africa, and also a particular treatise of all the maine lands and isles vndescribed by Iohn Leo. ... Translated and collected by Iohn Pory, lately of Goneuill and Caius College in Cambridge; Della descrittione dell'Africa. English
Leo, Africanus, ca. 1492-ca. 1550.; Pory, John, 1572-1636.
STC 15481; ESTC S108481
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Thrēnoikos The house of mourning; furnished with directions for preparations to meditations of consolations at the houre of death. Delivered in XLVII. sermons, preached at the funeralls of divers faithfull servants of Christ. By Daniel Featly, Martin Day Richard Sibbs Thomas Taylor Doctors in Divinitie. And other reverend divines.
H. W., fl. 1640.; Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645.
STC 24049; ESTC S114382
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Thrēnoikos the house of mourning furnished with directions for the hour of death ... delivered in LIII sermons preached at the funerals of divers faithfull servants of Christ / by Daniel Featly, Martin Day, John Preston, Ri. Houldsworth, Richard Sibbs, Thomas Taylor, doctors in divinity, Thomas Fuller and other reverend divines.
Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645.
Wing F595; ESTC R30449
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A generall historie of the Netherlands VVith the genealogie and memorable acts of the Earls of Holland, Zeeland, and west-Friseland, from Thierry of Aquitaine the first Earle, successiuely vnto Philip the third King of Spaine: continued vnto this present yeare of our Lord 1608, out of the best authors that haue written of that subiect: by Ed. Grimeston.; Grande chronique. English
Le Petit, Jean François, 1546-ca. 1615.; Grimeston, Edward.; Meteren, Emmanuel van, 1535-1612. Historia Belgica nostri potissimum temporis.; Sichem, Christoffel van, ca. 1546-1624, engraver.
STC 12374; ESTC S120800
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